--Erai-raws Adachi to Shimamura Akudama Drive Episode 2-4 Burn the Witch Episode 1-3 Enen no Shouboutai Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Gou Ikebukuro West Gate Park Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko Episode 2-4 Kamisama ni Natta Hi Episode 2-3 Kimi to Boku no Saigo no Senjou Arui wa Sekai ga Hajimaru Seisen Episode 3-4 Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai Episode 2-4 Ochikobore Fruit Tart Senyoku no Sigrdrifa
--Team Confidence Great Pretender Episode 16-17
Also for once I was able to nap a bit in the evening here so I have a bit more energy.
Time for solo round two I wonder if they'll take him down before the Eighth can get into formation to take on the kid. It would be hard to safely recover him if he's beat before they can.
What a weird way to save the kid. This smoke guy's been a thorough dick but he is telling the kid the words he needs to hear. Kinda.
Yeah, he's kinda been an asshole since he was introduced
Inca stop being so fucking creepy
It's interesting that Charon sees the Pillar/protector relationship in people outside the Evangelist's crew. I wonder who Shinra's protector is supposed to be.
They've REALLY been flirting with this power source stuff for awhile but nothing has really come of it yet
Well the fact that the Amaterasu requires a person, is kind of the big problem. It's the kind of moral arguement that really doesn't havean easy answer. One person's life to save fifteen million is a hard bargain to pass on.
The president doesn't have the dead eyes anymore. I guess even someone as deadbeat and profit-orientated as him can remember wha t it's like to hope.
The thing about the power source is I think the world is a wasteland without it. And like that's a separate problem from the fact that there's all these fire monsters running around. Tokyo is vibrant and able to sustain the population density it does because it's running on Amaterasu. Even if they follow the general shounen story arc of eliminating the threat of the monsters from the world, the world is still uninhabitable. So they need something like the Amaterasu to actually bring life back.
Also that the Adolla Burst girl that's powering the Tokyo one seems to be able to get inside the brains of other Adolla users and harbours quite the grudge towards the city for her situation. And that she looks a LOT like the nun girl in the Eighth.
We've been waiting for things to blow up for awhile. It's taking them awhile to get around to it.
ikeburo okay lets start
Enen is a weekly(?) shounen magazine series though. So it's probably in the slow burn mode to sustain serialization.
We're still two months early for Christmas!
Ikebukuro West Gate Park is an old-ish novel that's pretty well-known in Japan, so this is an adaptation. But it doesn't seem to be a sequel despite updating the series a bit for modern aesthetics. Like the novel was written before YouTube streaming was a thing.
Sometimes they do a good job updating it to fit in the current time I like when they do that
fruits was a bit weird in how dated it was
Especially with following the original plot of Fruits Basket, I feel it would've been a bit weird to have it take place entirely updated to modern times. It's not really a timeless story and has a very late-90s/early-00s shoujo aesthetic to it. If anything I guess I would've rather it just kept the time period it came from hah hah. I've still loved the Fruits Basket adaptation though and am more than happy with it.
The OST in this has a very Tokyo-poi feel to it at times. Maybe it's because it has some tracks that feel like it could be out of TWEWY or Durarara!! And some other series that focus on that Tokyo urban life.
This episode is a flashback so I guess no SMOKING KILLS shirt.
Wow this lady was pretty tough. I dunno how Japan's self-defense laws go but I think it's hard to prosecute someone for pushing someone and it leading to their death when the push was in self-defense.
I saw some theorycrafting stuff on /a/ that focuses on some other subtle details in the Higurashi OP that hints that Rika might be killing Takano in these new arcs and that something else is messing with them.
There's a shot in the OP of blood pooling on the floor of what's presumably the toolshed, and if you look closely at it, there's a colour scheme on the edge of the blood that's pretty much Takano's outfit colours. And I think in the previous arc the way Takano and Tomitake disappeared was a bit different from how they did in the original arc, hinting that they might not have gone rogue like they normally do. Plus there's the weirdness from the last episode where the Irie clinic was being renovated -- which hasn't happened in any arc.
Winning at life isn't just about making a lot of money! It is all chance though. Which as always has been the funniest thing about the Life game.
Killing Takano a bunch of times is something I could see shifting Rika more toward being Bern-like.
Yeah, it's that "taste of meat" that I could see Bern talking about from Umineko. Though in that she accused the Hanyuu character of being at fault for that, so I wonder how that would tie together.
This is some of the pervy stuff that got cut pretty thoroughly from the first adaptation. The original VN had the games club doing all sorts of lewd punishment stuff.
It's the doll! Are we going to go straight into the BAD END for this arc.
I'm impressed about how well the VAs can still do the characters. They sound just like they did.
wow the giant fan gag old school
Which of the twins is Shion and which one is Mion is always confusing. Doubly so since they were switched at birth so Mion is really Shion and Shion is really Mion.
>>887975 I feel like Satoko sounds a bit different but that might just be better sound quality.
That's true, if they'd switched prior to this, Shion would know who he is.
>>887973 I think she didn't quite understand that things are going off the rails and didn't realize Rena was going terminal because she expected Keiichi to be the one that would. Since she'd played this scenario before (or so she thought), she focused on Keiichi. And maybe once Rena died because of her failure she just offed herself to speed up getting to the next fragment.
Like I think this might be Shion pretending to be Mion right now. Since she gets super bashful about Keiichi praising her about the food.
Wow Keiichi what are you doing this is the M/Shion arc not the Rena arc.
>Mii-chan's relatives own a lot of shops around here Yeah because they're the Yakuza!
It's so difficult at times to tell which one it issss I generally assume though that if they're acting a bit psychotic that it's Shion though. Since Mion actually never visibly demonstrates the craziness that the Hinamizawa Syndrome creates. In all the Sh/Mion focused arcs the one that was always going crazy was Shion.
Looks like this show has caught up to where we were at in episode one. From what I saw in some of the chatter about it the original material didn't do things out of order like the show did. But I kinda like when they do in media res.
The big viper was probably a tough harvest. She seems like a skilled harvester but that's probably just because she's a kid working above a kid's power level.
Well she's a bit dramatic but not incorrect about most nobles. It's funny how absolutely irresponsible she wants to be though. It's a real mood.
Probably. You'd think for a magic that runs off of her being able to visualize the magic, she'd need to understand what the mom's illness is though. That might be a bit too complex for a light series like this.
This is an okay middle ground though. She made a good realization that it wasn't a wound or something that was hurting the mom, but a status condition. I still would've rather it be something she needed to investigate.
Everyone always has the same reaction when seeing Yuna for the first time.
Now they all want to give her money for saving their mom.
Yeah it's a comfy isekai. Just an OP bear onesie and the girl inside it.
Chunked away a good bit at the stuff that's been building up this week. Just in time to get flooded over the weekend as usual, hah hah I'll keep tabs on the stuff we're watching and if we don't need to go as hard as we have been the past few days. And let you know if we can ease up if we can. Since I think the both of us could use more sleep!