-- Erai-raws 100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatte Iru Adachi to Shimamura Assault Lily - Bouquet Burn the Witch Episode 1-3 Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka III Enen no Shouboutai Golden Kamuy Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko Episode 2-3 Kamisama ni Natta Hi Kimi to Boku no Saigo no Senjou Arui wa Sekai ga Hajimaru Seisen Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai Episode 2-3 Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei - Raihousha Hen Maoujou de Oyasumi Senyoku no Sigrdrifa Tonikaku Kawaii
--SubsPlease Akudama Drive
-- Team Confidence Great Pretender
-- HorribleSubs Ahiru no Sora Black Clover
I'm good for anything on the list, but I don't yet have Golden Kamuy or Maoujou downloaded. That's probably not a problem for Maoujou since if we were to do it I could have it downloaded before we hit the last show of the night, but if you want to do Golden Kamuy, I do need a show's worth of time to finish it's downloaded. The Internet here is okay but not great.
I get this is supposed to be a comedy bit with this guy stuck kissing up to his president because Japanese salaryman culture. But after how unpleasant a person he's been so far it falls a bit flat with me.
Radiation levels eh. I figured the kid's Adolla might have something to do with nuclear power. Those floating things he summoned look like the radioactive symbol.
>Telling Inca it's too dangerous for her to be somewhere You're supposed to be her maid lady. Don't you know that would only excite her.
I guess everyone's calling a temporary truce to deal with the kid going berserk. But things are going to get messy once its down and they're all in a mad scramble to grab him again.
>who inserts his legendary sword into something Hmmmm
You gotta feel for Vulcan. Dealing with Arthur's brain is a nightmare.
This show is one of those lesser used words like nobledark? it's a lot mroe grim than it seems
We also don't really know too much about the world either. Like the gods are real and come down to have fun with mortals. And there's a tower to heaven that underneath is a sprawling, dangerous dungeon -- but why? That the tower through which all gods come down to the people exists in this city makes sense for why we've spent so much time in this city, but it does mean we barely know what's outside it. There's a bunch of countries or nations out there like where the foxgirl and samurai girl come from, and there's myriad races, but we don't really know wht they've all come here aside from it's where the gods are.
But yeah, it does give off an aura of fun adventure but doesn't shy away from some more grim things like this fanatical racism towards monsters and the stuff with the story arc in the reed -red light district last seasno.
All the Hestia familia have matching red cloaks though, that's kind of cute.
I get the feeling the author of this is a tabletop nerd. Levels in it are a Big Thing, and the power difference between someone like level three and level four is substantial. It's different from the usual JRP/MMO style of you've got to be like level fifty before you're even considered middling-power.
Oh these lizardpeople are kind of similar in appearance to the one who seems to be fighting alongside Bell in the OP. Maybe we're getting close to their appearance.
I get they probably want to keep her innocent or prevent her from getting caught up in an assumed bloodrage. But Wiene is probably pretty strong as a monster. Letting her fight alongside them would help a lot I think.
Destructible wall revealing a secret passage!
Weird that the samurai girl's monster sense didn't pick up on them. Can she not detect sentient monsters or something. Whatever she could do to detect them seems different from the way Bell picked up they were being watched.
Yeah looks like it's an Asripa-side episode. Those are some cute foxes.
Why does this guy know all the backstory though. I guess he knew Asripa's dad at some point, judging from what he said. That was probably established in a previous season and I just forgot it hah hah It's been a while.
So much happened in the first season that I can't remember all the backstory it's really a dense series
>Using morphine as a reward for someone This series really does its period humour pretty well hah hah. That gaunt guy has really been bullied a lot in this series. I think he had a twin at some point and lost him to Sugimoto? And then lost at least one ear, and now a hand.
Fisheyes here is making some good arguments about Sugimoto. He was pretty terrifying when he went berserk. But I don't know if he could take down the IMMORTAL SUGIMOTO just because he's too dangerous to keep alive. Even if he's scary in his own right.
Also here's Lt. Headplate before he lost his brain.
He doesn't have the same aura with his whole brain in there.
Yeah, he seems a bit eccentric still, but in much better condition than he was after the Sino-Russia war. Like he's just insisting this guy knows Russian hah hah. He still has all the cunning we've seen from him in the present with far less of the insanity.
Oh shit that was all a lie from Headplate.
Okay nevermind Lt. Headplate was definitely as crazy even when he had his brain. But maybe a bit less frantically crazy.
Also that was the most alive we've seen Fisheyes ever since he showed up.
And that's where he lost his brain. Tsurumi is a weird man. Half the time he seems reasonable and dependable, other times he's crual and psychotically cunning.
He seems like he was a jerk before losing his brain but i kinda figured he would be
He's a jerk and deceptive, but it sounds like he did work to clear Fisheyes' name and get him off death row. And it sounds like his story was the actually correct one, he just lied to the village and dug up fake bones.
I dunno, I think he always does what he can do for his own desires but he likes loyal and faithful soldiers rather than fearful and despairing ones. He's a good character with a fair amount of complexity, even if he's definitely a villain.
I wonder if running out of MP kills you that was a big spell though
It looks like it drains your ability to move. Kinda like Megumin after she burns all her MP on EXPLOSION Watch the spell not affect the user though hah hah.
Angry princess! Oh looks like she managed to properly fall asleep.
Hah hah hah The bears are stuffed so they can't actually pressure points.
You'd think by now they'd just accept she's got free reign of the castle.
Yeah, I kinda figured he would be inept I wonder if we'll see the hero at all
He's been showing up occasionally throughout the show. It seems like his quest to rescue the princess is only just beginning though. Where as she pretty much has the entire castle under her thumb.
Yeah probably. If this series ever gets axed or the mangaka decides to wrap it up they'll probably just have the princess do some ridiculous antics that makes the Maou return her back to the humans and beg them to never bother the demons again. He seems a bit of a wuss like that.