It's finny the parallel between her and Baam. Baam just ran at the monster at the drop of a pin but she gets all terrified over it.
She's literally told she has to end his life with her own hands and she's still trying to get other people to kill him.
Amusingly because she was refused advancement because of her injury, which she's been faking. If she'd not faked it she'd be able to go on without having to kill Baam at this point. By this point she'd already made up her mind, no matter how her heart wavers.
And here she has the perfect deceit to fool everyone with.
They all pass, but it's a hollow victory for most.
It's almost pottery, how it turns out. With that one push she gets everything Baam had. All the friends and resources, at least.
That scene with the red-haired girl discovering Baam, I think that's anime-original. This too, I guess. It's been like a decade maybe, but if I remember correctly Baam's condition is kept in mystery for a while after the end of this season.
It's a very, very weird situation. This is funded by Crunchyroll so their prime motivator is how it draws people to their service. By my understanding it's been extremely talked about and had a lot of public interest, including being extremely hyped even before it began. There's also a lot of material to work with, they could probably do another four or five seasons easily even at the rate they've been compressing the material for this adaptation. But I dunno. It's really hard to tell since this isn't a normal case even to begin with. All I can really say is it succeeded in doing what CR wanted it to do probably, and there's plenty of material for them to work with if they want to do more. I'm going to be keeping my ear to the pulse for it though because I REALLY want to see the next few arcs animated. It's really after this point that the world of the Tower opens up massively and the story really kicks off. That might mean future seasons will be slower-paced if they want to establish the worldbuilding but there's a lot of good plot and writing to that.
tl:dr I dunno it's a weird situation but it was successful and there probably are few downsides to them adapting more.
What might have an effect is how well The God of High School does next season. That's also a Korean webtoon-turned-anime and if it maintains interest it might send a message to production companies that there is a clear interest in Korean media continuing to get anime adaptations.
I've played a good bit of it, yeah. It's a fun game but I don't suggest playing on pvp servers it's too much of a job
Yeah I got that feeling. Is it a feasible game to play solo in your own world or is it not really worth doing like that?
Wow they really were all there. For some reason. Also they went the entire twenty-four episodes without ever explaining what was up with her ear-things.
Wow his eyes went sharp there. Also that was a really good subtle foreshadowing that he's more than he seems to be. I totally missed it when the guns first started showing up.
well she can't do that on television and yeah this was a weird series
arte okay lets start
Finale no. trois Kakushigoto and Hachi-nan tte ended last week too. So there'll be absolutely nothing new unless the subbers for BNA or Great Pretender put something out.
Everyone feels a bit of jealousy some times. It's only human.
The first episodes of stuff look like they'll be coming out in eight/nine days. But we'll also be getting the final episodes of Kaguya, Gleipnir, and PriCon on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, respectively. Plus Fruits Basket and Ahiru will air as normal next week.
Honestly the next season is kind of light so it might never really get busy until the season is over and Autumn picks up, providing Autumn isn't thin too. But it looks like there'll be a few shows coming in on that eight/nine days point. Plus maybe an early-airing of a show's first episode in a few days.
I guess Arte will step up and finish the ceiling mural Hah hah there's totally a Leo in that gathering of angels. I guess that pretty typical of Renaissance artists to do sneaky shit like that.
I guess that's why Leo's a master and they're all apprentices. He was out of commission because of the fever for a week plus the ... I dunno, maybe five days she worked on it. But even then it took a whole crowd of apprentices to do the work in five days that he was going to do in twelve or so.
Adding people you know to historical artwork is neat.
Yeah, happened all the time in the art of the Renaissance too. I think Michelangelo added an artist or critic he hated into part of the big mural on the back of ... i think it's St. John's Cathedral? Some church he did the back wall of has a big display of Heaven, the mortal plane, and Hell, and he's got a critic or artist he hated roasting in the fires of Hell. Artists back then did a bunch of stuff like that.
That was a comfy enough show. I liked the setting and charaters. It didn't quite do anything special for me but it was nice.
that was a good show too i liked her clothes better than anthing
We ended up pretty well-blessed with good shows this season despite the stuff that had to go on hiatus because of the shutdown's work issues. I'm not too optimistic for the stuff I'm seeing next season, though there should be some pretty good shows. Plus it'll be nice to get stuff like the cute girls doing fishing things show back, that one was pretty comfy before it got postponed.