Great Pretender Episode 8-14 Arte Honzuki no Gekokujou Episode 22-26 Nami yo Kiitekure Yesterday wo Utatte Episode 11-12
Though really we're not much pressed for time anymore so it doesn't really matter. I was about to go off and do something that would've taken up my focus for a bit though.
Come next week there'll probably be a good few nights there'll only be Great Pretender and maybe Honzuki left to get to. I think there's only like eight more episodes of stuff out of this season left to come out.
>>851723 Yeah, I can see where we're already starting to run low.
Was that him getting panicked because the ferris wheel got too high? That's a somewhat excessive thing to get all spooked over. Ferris wheels are mostly safe.
Did he shut her down hard last episode too. The guy evidently has
I wonder if the pilot of the brothers knows all the shady shit his brother does to get him to win. I feel like he has to know some of it. But I also think his character is a bit ... less cunning than his scumbag brother. I think he 's been fooled that the pilot who's now in a wheelchair had an earnest malfunction with the engine.
Well I guess he knows at least there's a script to their game then.
Edamura pretty incompetent at everything but smooth talking though. And prep work I guess. He was able to research the stuff he needed to pass as a chemist real fast in the first arc.
Yeah but they've already got Laurent and the red-haired lady who excel at that. Honestly everyone in their little gang seems to be quite silvertongue'd except Abby.
These skits they set up with the extra cast to play up their roles are great.
I guess taking off his usual dressware is more than enough to disguise himself. Though stuffing his gut to look fatter probably helps too.
I guess the wallflower girl has a good comedic knack then. If she's been writing in good segments for this radio show several weeks in a row.
This series does kinda make having a live variety show kind of fun. It must be nice that Japan still has an active radio listenership for stuff like this.
He really is a decent guy. Always patient and kind. Plus he can cook.
Man that sounds like a terrible idea. Oh no Japanese earthquake. What a way to mess with her live show.
Japanese earthquake sounds fun. We don't have many of those around here.
I'd be surprised if you got any Japanese earthquakes 'round there!
The last time I felt an earthquake here was probably almost a decade ago. Even then it was basically just a slight shake. An earthquake that could knock out power would probably be a disaster here. We'd just be not prepared for it.
Yeah her show's kind of be turned into an quickly put together emergency information provider.
This definitely would be neat to experience though. In this part of the world the climate and geographical make-up shields us from pretty much anything in the concept of a natural disaster. Except maybe a blizzard, but even then.
I'd totally love to see the kind of experience you can get out of a big earthquake.
I wonder if Japan has radio shows like this for real I feel like we don't in the states
The closest I guess would be stuff like sports or conservative talk radio. Y'know, the kind of thing you hear only on AM or satellite radio.
We kind of have stuff like this on the CBC radio, our government-funded radio stations. Though I don't think it's ever as dynamic as what Minare's been getting up to. But also knowing what Japan gets up to in their variety shows on television, them being this kind of zany on radio doesn't seem weird really.
That was a fun series, Minare was a really entertaining protagonist to tag along with. Maybe I'll go look into the manga since this doesn't really strike me as a season two kind of adaptation.
This was a very unique show. yesterday 11 okay lets start
Yup yup The first couple seconds of this that auto-played had me go back and check to make sure we'd watched episode ten. Because I didn't remember this development at all.
She's quite the sturdy girl. Turning something probably emotionally unnerving into a play to her advantage.
I could sure go for something with chocolate right now.
I've been giving Rikuo shit for being kind of cowardly and flakey with the girls but Shinako kinda has the same problem. She can't bring herself to disappoint the guys so she's doing stuff like this to make both happy. Eventually she's gonna have to be straight about things. Of course same goes for Rikuo.
It's very hard to be straight with people about stuff like this.
I do think Haru's being a bit reckless since she's like nineteen or twenty, but Japan does have a much better track record of terrible things not happening to people at night than a lot of the world.
Ah see now everyone's just gonna be upset and miserable because no one could just EVER BE STRAIGHT about it. AUGH
Man talking about spoiled people this little dork is probably the worst though. Gets all pissy because his childhood friend won't cook dinner for him anymore.
Ah man REALLY I'm going to go throw a table or something.
That boy that's obsessed with Sensei showed up at the cliffhanger as the MC and Sensei were trying to salvage their clearly incompatible relationship and demanded to know what was going on between them. He's just such a petulant brat I really don't like him hah hah Like I bitch at these characters a lot but that's in part because I do kind of like them. But the boy's just so immature and bratty that I can't. Plus it's the kind of show that's just fun to get angry over. Kind of like a stress punching bag. Helps let steam off the frustrations of real life to get upset over fictional characters.
I guess you're still not getting great sleep then?