Abby seems a lot more self-destructive than he is.
I'd say that's because Abby's less of a coward than he is. She aggressively seeks out things kill her while he just taunts and pressure people to do the job for him.
I'm impressed he can fly a plane. Sure you don't really need much of your lower body to fly a plane but I imagine there's a lot of pain that goes with his injury that keeps him in the wheelchair.
Looks like we're not starting in media res this time. Oh maybe it is. Just a little less exciting than the usual manner.
Oh here I thought it was gonna take place in France but with an arc name like "Snow of London" I guess it'll spend some time there. Maybe it'll be more continental Europe.
Things are quite wistful at the top of this arc.
The French really take their cuisine Very Seriously
The arc title is Snow of London so I dunno. There's been a real emphasis on art and culture so far though so maybe they'll move between the two countries.
Everyone's phones have him as Edamame too. Poor guy.
Yeah she's grown her hair out a bit. Looks kind of nice.
They seem to be getting along much better these days.
He's kind of a bit like a turtle. Oh did she recognize him from somewhere.
Makoto really picked a fight with someone way outside his weightclass I guess. I bet that painting's actually really valuable then, if he was that eager to snap it up at the price they were hawking it at.
Oh here's the punch. He really done goofed.
Yup yup Time to steal some artwork! Classic conman job!
James Bond of the art world. She's picking targets while drunk.
From the way she reacted to him I think she's already got a bone to pick with him. This is just a good chance to settle whatever their score is.
When the episode opened up in France I was figuring it might be the arc that focuses on Laurent, considering his ethnicity, like how the second was Abby's and the first, kinda Makoto. But I guess this is Cynthia's arc. She's fun though so that's fine.
I've been a sleepyhead lately. Well I've both had trouble sleeping and been a sleepyhead.
>Because it would be a pain in the ass if I knew what was going on You've proved time and time again -- including NOW -- that yes, it would be a pain in the ass.
>>852361 Yeah I kinda get it. I'm stuck right now between going to sleep normally and having a hard time waking up in the mornings. or taking melatonin before bed that has me waking up like half an hour before my alarm with my body having no intentions of going back to sleep. It's either too much or not enough, always.
They're flakey people. Need someone who can keep them grounded. When they try to pair up they just constantly keep the other aflutter.
Commitment is hard work. It's far too easy to feel the hairs raise on the back of your neck and want to run. I'm not saying that makes it right, or good. But it's often the easiest path to reach.
Ah yeah. Yup. I know these anxieties well.
I was worrying they'd just miss each other. But I guess her bird saved her from making a big mistake.
The occasional total shock faces in this series were good. There were some earlier when Rikuo got visited by his ex and both Haru and Sensei showed up to his apartment while she was crashing there.
That ended real fast. I guess that's as much time as they had though, cramming the full manga into a single season. Everything got tied up super quick.
Yeah it was fast paced. it was pretty good though I liked the character design.
Eleven volumes of manga in twelve episodes. That's a super-dense adaptation. Probably even denser than Tower of God. I know they cut a lot of the minor characters' plots and screen time to help with that.
>>852385 Yeah the characters were definitely a highlight. It's kind of nice when Doga Kobo takes a break from their usual CGDCT shows to do a more serious drama like this. Their attention to quality loans itself well to a more realistic style too.
I guess my problem is adapting a drama-driven series into a fast-paced and dense series is that it makes it hard to get that kind of cathartic satisfaction at the end of it. Like Rikuo had the big scene with the messy confession and then Haru's response. And if it had come at the end of like even two-cours of this tangled personal issues and drama they've had, it would feel much more emphatic. Plus they would have had the time probably to rest on it for a moment instead of moving right on along. I need time to digest moments liks that!
Well now get yourself properly to bed. And enjoy the weekend!