Hi hey hello Congratulations on getting through another week
Great Pretender Arte Hachi-nan tte, Sore wa Nai deshou! Honzuki no Gekokujou Episode 22-23 Kakushigoto Shokugeki no Soma S4 Episode 1-12 Tamayomi
I'm not sure what the regularity of Great Pretender's episodes will be, it's a Netflix show that's being released in batches of five so there's only fansubs for it. I'm not entirely clear on what it's about but I think it's something along the lines of con men and heists. I remember catching the PV for it a few months back and it looks pretty flashy.
Iron, sure. But a giant cube like that is probably a real pain to work into anything operable. Even all the rusty armor is better since it's easier to melt down.
I feel a bit bad for his oldest brother. Sure he's a dick, but he's been probably doing his best with what he's got to keep the land sustainable. It's not really his fault he's not the Gary Stu isekai protagonist.
This would look better if they just used the 3d for everthing.
Yeah, their 3D CGI is pretty clean. I think the studio worked fairly predominantly in it previously. I wonder if there's pressure for CGDCT shows to stick to 2D though. 3D has a certain jank to it that might detract from the cuteness.
They've been going a good bit into the strategy of playing baseball though, which is cool. It's kind of similar to what went on in Ace but with a bit lower of a barrier of entry I feel.
I don't think that's a matter of mastering etiquette but more an outright refusal to apply it.
I guess it's suitable for a kid to not name a reason as to why they do something petulant and bratty like pretend to be more feeble than they actually are. But even if they can't name a reason there's bound to always actually be one. Even if the kid themselves can't realize it.
Yeah. At this point Arte's gotten pretty good at taking the way people take her in stride.
It kinda sounds like the brat is throwing a bit of a prolonged temper tantrum against her parents though. She talked about somewhere they used to live, so I wonder if she's mad about that.
Ah okay yeah I'm starting to get the picture here.
At least the two of them are kind of kindred spirits. Arte could at least understand someone trying to engage in a trade unbefitting of her class.