Well there's still the movies to fill in space. There should be at least enough with what's there and what'll be coming out tomorrow to do at least four shows both tonight and tomorrow though. It'll probably be pretty thin next week.
It's pretty awful for adults to be talking about crushing kids that want to try at something they might not succeed in. But I guess this is a Kuzu school.
Everyone's in a particularly foul mood now. Things have been absolutely awful though.
Height is kind of funny in this series. Since the characters are all different types and shapes it's not uncommon for someone short to end up being intimidating compared to someone much larger than them.
Yeah things are getting pretty heavy in this show.
I wonder how he's going to end up not being dead.
This guy's scar is kind of reminscent of the wound their sensei from the past got. He took a giant piece of glass to the face and ended up with a scar kind of like this. And he did undergo the same experiment that made Licht live for three centuries. But I guess it's just a coincidence.
He was strong in the past too. I think it was just Licht, that sword boy, Goateyes, and him that underwent the operation that made them all superpowered. Oh I guess that meek girl did too but she never did combat.
Of all the things to prepare contigencies for, clothes for Jail is a rather silly one.
What's his obsession with Sonohara anyway. Is it supposed to be some kind of twisted crush. He kinda had that vibe in some of his scenes in the past.
Well I guess then by his own admittance he fully knew "The army that doesn't kill" was a load of bullshit in the first place. If the way he acted in the past though was all just a face for that though it still feels kind of weird. They didn't seed him actually being a bastard very well.
Some Vtubers make a cameo in the most recent Kaguya-sama manga chapter. The mangaka does a pretty good job of staying topical. I wonder if the anime ever gets here how long it would be out.
Okay Arte, episode EIGHT (8)
Oh right, she's going on a trip to Venice. Even for a minor noble like herself a trip from Firenze to Venice would probably have been an exceedingly rare ocurrence, unless she married someone like a merchant that had business in both cities. Mobility wasn't really a thing even in the Renaissance.
I'm a little uninformed on how long apprentices stayed with their masters for trades like the arts but I would imagine the maybe half a year to a year she's been working under Leo barely covers the usual time they apprenticed.
Doesn't seem to be married either, despite looking probably in his solid thirties. That's pretty uncommon for the time. Especially for a merchant, who'd want at least one son to inherit the business.
It probably would have been neat to experience Venice when this was the norm for its city infrastructure. These days I do think there's still gondolas but modern boats also get used a lot.
Oh aw she's back in the weird headdress/tied hair style that was commonplace in Renaissance Italy. Though it doesn't look as doofy with her short hair I guess. I think it's still kind of silly though.
She's getting treated as a noble again and doesn't seem to understand how to interface with it.