the high schools here are gonna hold in person graduations fuck flattening the curve that's for pussies we believe in exponents
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
everyone thinks we already flattened the curve so we're all good now lol
there are more people dying here every day but they decided to open everything up more now more people are dying faster so that's just not a problem our chief lawmonkey believes work is more important than death literally said "some things are worse than dying" referring to the unemployment rate due to quarantine and said "did anyone ask if the elderly minded dying?" haha
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the stonk line demands sacrifices
who cares if a bunch of people are dead? if they weren't making money, are they really even people drinksjimbeamfromanillegalimmigrantsskull
open the borders Bob, get the fresh blood and tequila flowin again!
Wait but for English the Æ character is more of a smushed-together "ah + eh" sound, not the long "i" it is in other languages. More so it's not even Elvish! Heeeeeeeeuughhhh
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
elvish isn't real
There's a pretty comprehensive language created by Tolkien that I think most people would accept as a "real" Elvish. It doesn't really have a speaker base but there's enough dead languages out there in the world that I don't think that's a qualification of being a language.
alright I did it now to find where to keep 50lbs of bread flour
What does that even mean though
>>837952 Keep it in the bag it came in, put it in a plastic bag you can tie off the top of. Tupperware works fine too. I think we've had a bag of bread flour in the plastic bag in our pantry for years now. It'll keep a good time if kept somewhere dark and dry.
>>837990 You don't want to place too much trust on my judgement, mate
>>837992 while i don't think you'd enjoy all the things i enjoy, i do have a tendency to enjoy most of the anime you enjoy if this is because you are a simple man, then i am insulting you, but note that i respect you regardless
get fucked cunt I'm not simple I'm a complex, multi-layered enigma.
Who also watches a lot of moeshit
>>837991 i like to focus on the idea that other people have thoughts just like that one, and that i'm not the only one - an assumption i'm safe to make thanks to the representation of my emotions through media
>>837994 well i like moeshit also i included "if" there just incase you weren't a simple man with simple tastes as i still suspect you are
because sometimes i DO enjoy grappling with complex ideas
well maybe you should do things you're good at how about you come grapple with this dick instead
>>838002 why, you ask because you lack the enlightment the snail has already attained there need not be a reason to pace serenely among its favoured leaf why not, it reasons there need not be a purpose to all actions
i'm playing stellaris and i modded my people to be a race of nekomimi girls all of my leaders and population are anime catgirls and UMP9 from girls frontline is my system announcer
>>838056 osrs question: How much of a pain is it to try and find a +5 stew for construction is it better to just use the tea and crystal saw for a +6, which is a sure thing instead of spending ages messing around and experimenting That means I'd need 85 construction instead of 83 though which is like 4 extra mil doushio
yeah i absolutely do not have an answer for you i don't know enough about construction my construction is currently..... 7?
>>838064 stick a straw in a hot pocket sluuuuuuurp
Straws aren't really a good choice for sipping hot liquids.
straws arent really a good choice for eating hot pockets
Hot pockets aren't even really a good choice for eating hot pockets.
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
a pocket of hot
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
with enough blending, everything can be eaten with a straw
It's less about can and more about should. The plastic used in making straws is not particularly suited to hot temperatures, and will leak plastics into the liquid.
oh right I forgot nintendo of america and by extension canada?, is really bad at supplying stores >>838080 how so
No would you listen to me I get Nintendo tends to undersupply but this is a global problem with Switch units. They're not gonna produce a lot of them three years into the system's lifespan, there's not really any reason to expect a sudden rush to purchase new Switch consoles at that point. But then the two-hit combo of Covid-19 and the unforseen superfad of Animal Crossing both created that unexpected rush as well as crippled Nintendo's means of ordering more production since the factories that make the components aren't working because of the shutdown.
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>838081 they buy up properties raising the costs of living and ultimately living off the labor of other people who are being held hostage for usually 80% of their income
what if the landlord say bought hteir own appartment, married and didn't sell the old one to keep it as extra income, possible house for their kids in future or as backup in case they get a divorce and need a place to live at?
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they're still sucking someone else's blood they're profiting off someone else's labor why should someone take 120% of my paycheck every month just so i have access to a basic necessity?
what did they do to earn that money? they certainly aren't providing $1200 of services every month
I would say "make a profit" out of it, as in say make more money than it costs to keep the appartment running or to have it as an extra source of income besides your job or to boost your retirement
but yeah, asking say 1200 dollaroos, for krrrs place is ripping it off
my first landlord was this kinda guy too, raked the price of a shitty 50 square flat from 750 to 850 after our first year there way higher than the value of the appartment was or how you are supposed to price your place
which is why we immediately started looking for a new place
>as in say make more money than it costs to keep the appartment running No you see that is precisely the making a profit off it that I'm arguing against. It should not be a thing that people can make money off.
>>838094 So I buy a house for say 200k and then I no longer need it
I don't want to sell it, as property is valuable in every possible way as a back up place as a place for say my kids and so on
so I decide to keep it however, it costs around 300€ to keep it each month due to flat expenses, including housing company fees etc
so should I just rent it out for 300€ to people, who will use it and thus lower its value
when I could say rent it out for 500€ which is still reasonable, gives me some solid amount of income and some funds to keep the place in a decent condition
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if it's a drain on you, sell it nobody should own homes they don't use anyway not while homelessness exists
>>838096 Yeah I agree ideally with Kirara. But if you're going to absolutely refuse that, then yes, you should rent it out for only whatever the upkeep cost is and not more, because again, the universally agreed upon HUMAN RIGHT to housing should not be a system for people to make profit off of.
The part of me that sees the good in everything can conceptualize how a landlord can work but the part that acknowledges the bad in everything has come to understand the exploitation and whatnot.
>>838104 every day I come to appreciate our world's artistic value more and more
>dig button lol it used to be a skill pressing front and back in the right order to dig kids these days
>>838107 Regardless of good or bad, landlords are an entirely unnecessary role. Like what does a landlord do for a tenant that the tenant can't do themselves, aside from hold the house hostage?
our rent might be a third of what Kirara has to deal with but my mom has been trying to get a new roof for years since this one leaks during heavy rains >>838111 probably nothing they cant do, but if they provide services like upkeep, utilities, and assistance, i can get behind that
>>838112 They don't need to provide utlities though, that's something the tenant could obtain themselves. Water, power, digital connection; these aren't things the landlord make or anything. >>838115 If an unnecessary portion of your money wasn't being taken by rent you could have probably afforded a new one anyway.
I meant like the refrigerator, washing machine, dryer whenever the fridge we had before died our landlord did get us a new one
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah but i could get a new fridge for the money of my rent for a month or two
>>838111 if you have proper legislation in place, the landlord is obligated by law to use first from the deposit, and when you move out refund it to the deposit anyhow, and then from their own pocket to keep the place intact as agreed on the conditions of the contract say the place has an oven, a fridge and a washing machine and those are agreed conditions on the contract the landlord has to replace any and all of those if htey break down
there are some things a landlord can refuse to do, as they might not be essential fixes but ie. leaks, mold, broken appliances etc all are covered over landlord-tenant legislation, atleast here
it simply is just having the time and effort to make a system that doesn't allow for abusement
and sure A tenant could do the fixes or replacements themselves, and since they would prolly have that extra 200€ a month from just paying the necessities of keeping the place running vs paying rent, they might be able to take care of those expenses too when necessary
But here is the other issue how does someone making say 1000€ a month even come to own a house?
save first 10-20 years of their life, from earliest working age say 15 to move out compared to being able to move out at say 20, because it only costs them 500€ a month, and not when they are 30 to 40?
the money being taken by rent is otherwise money going towards the loan for owning the home key difference being you eventually own the home which //
im not really trying to defend much here
Loans for owning the home just means the bank's your landlord which isn't any better.
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
as much as i love hating on landlords i gotta sleep oyasuminasai
>>838117 ofc you could just side step this with loans, but then everyone is anyhow paying someone else for the loan they required to buy the place
not that different from the current situation anyhow, though but there are people still in many places of the world, who can buy their places with no bank loans involved
not everywhere is a big city with bloated real estate markets
>>838118 it really is a choose your poison difference just is, that being a tenant allows you to move much easier than having a house of your own
dunno bout murrica, here you can sell an appartment that you havn't fully paid the house loan out of you simply also sell the loan too, heh
as for landlord companies, which include my current landlord, so far my experience with them has been decent fridge broke, got a new one asap, the only issue was the store they bought it from fucking the order up, which resulted in the company buying a more expensive fridge to actually get me one
late on payment, called them and easily negotiated a pay back plan
and there is no fear of the landlord calling you and going "okay I will need you to move out in 2 months cause my kids will be using the place now" since that got me homeless last time
landlord companies, especially investment companies, can be real pain in the ass to deal with, but at the very least the staff they have on hand are PAID to deal with you so they have an inherent motivation to service you
which means they are a lot easier to reach and talk with compared to a private person, who might be doing god knows what
well, even here tenants do get screwed over, meself having had that experience with my first landlord. but even that kinda fell down on me not knowing the rights of a tenant and just not wanting to fight over a quite large, but in the end not that big of a sum of money was it 100€ less or shit from me and my roomie back from the deposit. sure it was money, but going full court mode over it would drag it on for months and cost you until it was over way more than 100€
so are landlords necessary especially in an ideal world
hell no
but are they convenient in terms of getting ouy of your parents' place earlier yes
are they convenient in terms of not being tied down to a single location yes
but before we have some sort of "one party owns all houses and rents them at just maintenance cost", you simply said can't really not have atleast a slight profit base lend-lease system on real estate as simply said building everyone a cheap and affordable house is not viable, yet.
and if you ask me, I don't want to live in a "one party owns all houses and rents them at just maintenance cost" world either
Generally I can tell when I've let my grooming slip for too long when finally taking care of it makes me think "Oh yeah, that's what my jawline looks like".
>>838136 What surprises me is always how much better people treat you
Well I never liet -let it get this bad when I have to be out and doing things. Things definitely got carried away with having no obligation to leave the house.
nah but there's a difference between a nice, well-groomed beard and one that just grows because of a halt on general maintenance.
>>838143 I know that feel, I went a while without shaving until I shaved today. My fingernails are also a bit long and my toenails have gotten grody too.
weird how my facial hair won't even go more than a 1/5th of an inch might as well keep chopping it off WAIT that's what I've been doign for the past 2 years damn
I admire people who are good with numbers but i am not one of them
>>838219 What about math that isn't about numbers?
Also the idea that there are people who just can't understand math and those who can isn't accurate disregarding things like learning disabilities anyways. It also doesn't help that tth way mathematics is taught to children also teaches them to dislike math.
Whats the most advanced math course you've passed?
I agree. I'm not trying to argue that it's an inherent condition. I could probably pick stuff up again if I tried. When I was much younger in primary school Maths used to be my best subject.
she's a girl who got reincarnated as the villain in her favorite otome game and tried to reverse fate by ruining the story before it can happen and accidentally makes all of the game characters fall for her but she's too stupid to realize it
my pharmacy didnt have enough to fill my adhd med prescription and won't until possibly saturday so i have to go a few days without my meds including today and it fucking sucks feel like i can't do anything
>>838313 Manganiello is super cool. He did a guest apperance in the D&D series I follow's first campaign. Recently being really into tabletop like that has gotten normal and kind of seen in a positive light so it's great that celebrities get to go "Yeah I've been into this for decades what's up?"
Yeah, it's really nice. It used to be such a shameful thing to be associated with haha It's nice that it's become accepted so suddenly
>>838315 Back when I first got into D&D I thought I wanted it to become but now that it's become popular I feel like something has been stolen from me. *I thought I wanted it to become mainstream
Same with anime to a certain extent
It especially bothers me with RPGs because now that there are a large number of new fans Wizards of the Coast caters towards them instead of their old fans.
It feels like that anyways And I could go on for pages with my complaints about how magic the gathering has changed since it became more mainstream.
Did that happen earlier today or something? Or did they private the video from a while back for some reason or another.
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
It was a live stream today and it was badly received so they made the video private apparently. I watched a few minutes of the IGN stream of it after it ended and the IGN people were saying that the Xbox stream was pretty bad, the trailers didn't actually show anything for most of the games.
Oh yeah I'm seeing some of this stuff now. The AC trailer in particular called itself a gameplay trailer but showed like no mechanical demonstration of gameplay.
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Haha, right? It was just a video of Eivor killing some dudes.
>>>/watch?v=8_6-PDDA2o0 This looks like it could be fun though. A Lovecraftian-inspired puzzle-story game.
there was another one called Scorn or something that looked weird but they didn't show anything of it except for like lumps of flesh and some desicated folks
Yeah Scorn was some weird-ass shit. A lot of phallic and genital imagery in it too.
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Almost felt like it was just trying really hard to be disturbing.
The thing about being disturbing is that it's -really- easy to accomplish. Like you don't need to do much to generate revulsion and unpleasant reactions in viewers/players. And piling more and more on top of that doesn't really make it less disturbing, but after a point it just gets too heavy with the disturbing imagery to make staying engrossed feel worth it.
I've not played them personally but having watched the Outlast games, particularly the first, they could get like that at times. Like there's a whole scene where you're strapped in by an insane doctor who gives you a lecture and then proceeds to hedgeclipper off some of your fingers. It's disturbing, of course, it's never really fun to get a first-person experience like that. But it's unpleasant overkill. It doesn't make me feel more horrified by the setting and just serves as goreporn.
>Scorn is an upcoming first-person shooter horror game developed by Ebb Software and published by Humble Bundle for Microsoft Windows. The game is directly inspired by the works of H. R. Giger and Zdzisław Beksiński.[7]
>The player controls a strange skinless humanoid, lost in a nightmarish world filled with odd creatures and macabre tapestry, resembling a living techno-organic structure composed of steel, flesh, and bone. The player will explore different interconnected regions in a non-linear fashion, searching for answers that will explain more about the game's world. >The game, thus far, presents two main weapons: a pistol and a shotgun. The player starts with the pistol, a 6-shot weapon dealing mild damage to the in-game enemies. It appears to be completely organic, beginning with the mouth-looking base for the weapon which can be opened to let the pistol itself be removed and exchanged for the shotgun. The shotgun is a 3-shot weapon that deals considerable damage to enemies close-up, but the damage drops at long distances. The shotgun is composed of the same materials as the pistol, appearing to be made from organic matter.
>The developers have claimed to design the game around the idea of "being thrown into the world", and as such, very little context is given about the game's setting. The developers have explained that they want the unsettling environment to be a character in itself.
>The game was first announced on the 12th of November 2014, with a trailer showing pre-alpha footage, followed by an unsuccessful campaign on Kickstarter in December 2014, but despite this, the game remained in development with a planned two-part release. In January 2015, Scorn received private funding from an investor and began into full production in February 2015. The game was planned to be released in two parts,[8] the first is called Dasein (German pronunciation: [ˈdaːzaɪn]), a German word that means "being there" in vernacular German (German: da "there"; sein "being"), and "being-in-the-world" in Martin Heidegger's philosophy. Later, the production team announced to launch the game as a whole, instead of parts, although the release date was yet unannounced.[9] The game will be available on Steam and Humble Bundle.
yeah this is gonna be bad
>>838331 100% agree with horror less is usually more
That one with the composer from Silent Hill doing work for it could be okay though. It was more of a strange horror than gorror at least.
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>>/watch?v=6fu7yc9JntE I don't get how people aren't bored of this already. All of this FPS games are basically rehashing the gameplay that's dominated FPS games for 10+ years with only minor improvements.
I think Bright Memory is a bit notable in that it's like one guy's lifelong solo passion project. But a lot of the stuff in it does feel like it would work better in a third-person environment. As Elder Scrolls has consistently shown, it's pretty hard to make sword mechanics fun in a first-person perspective, and with high-dynamic movement like this has with the wall-running and grappling, being stuck in a first-person camera can often end up with the player running into frustration without the broader camera letting them know where movement options are available.
This can be mitigated with environmental design like in Mirror's Edge or Portal, which are really good at providing clear directions on where to keep moving. But in a game like this that's more of a "natural" design, I feel like the player's just gonna be stuck running into walls or getting disorientated when they grapple forward and have to figure out where in the stage they are now.
That's sort of my feeling, too. It would be really easy to get stuck and it looks like the game thrives solely on momentum so losing momentum would really ruin everything.
Also, unrelated, but trailers like that are kind ot why I don't like trailers that are "pure gameplay". Like I'm not saying the trend towards trailers selling the game on cinematic or setting-establishing content purely is good, but it at least lets me know why I'm doing things. Bright Memory has a bunch of flashy stuff, like the zipping around and grappling and then having a sword and having to fight some anachronistic knight and then getting in a car to speed away through a bamboo forest. It's all pretty stylish but it's all style, no substance. Feels like just a hodgepodge of what the developer thinks is cool thrown into a game and doesn't give any reason for why it's there.
>>838337 thall wall running and sliding look so clunky though that* titanfall 2 already made it fun to move around just copy that
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sekiro has the most fun movement
That's why I say we don't need what's necessarily a Sekiro sequel, but a spiritual sequel to its mechanics. It's such a well-made game mechanics wise it would be a shame to just can it after one game.
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lmao sakurai taisen gets so campy sometimes >i betrayed my friends... you'll fulfill your promise to me now, yes? >haha yes. i shall reunite you with your family *unzips katana*
i don't think so it's someone i'm in a group chat with but have never actually talked to a lot of people think that me being a therapist means they can come to me with their problems the other day i woke up and checked my DMs and some fucking rando was talking about killing themselves and feeling hopeless and whatever
The "U KNOW you've been to my room" feels like they're confusing you with someone else though.
Tell them that crying over a toy while a pandemic is hitting the postal service isn't a great look
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
as a psychologist i know that they are probably not crying over a toy they are probably crying over a lot of things and the toy is the straw that broke the camels back but i am not gonna help some rando unwravel that shit for free
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
did u no that human is the only primate that cries
A real prime ape don't need no tears
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's because humans are WEAK
If you aren't willing to throw your own shit at someone then you're a weakling
>>838337 tbh this doesn't even look that much more graphically impressive than anything on the ps4 Like it's clearly better but the jump doesn't scream out next gen
i talked to gilbert for the first time in a while we talked about coronavirus and he was telling me that the nazis created it in a lab after project paperclip and that they want to connect everything with 5g so they can control us
>>838398 I randomly watched some vids on tube and bitchute that doubt the covid narrative, and while some of them were actually legitimate, more concenred on the quarantine measurs never leaving, but the comments on all of them were 100% >>838398
seems like those vids have a very specific audience
there's not even a good cap of my character in here
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
are you half angle
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
man it's been like a year since I've touched that, iirc they've added like all the original content now
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i thought imagine was dead
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>838413 reImagine is a private server people have been working on reviving
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh i'm surprised you dont play it still
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>838415 I grinded it a bit and could have continued but I was mostly just soloing the same dungeon over and over to earn the cash shop currency that's no longer a cash shop
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow fun
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>838417 it's how you get the good items, so if you, say, have people to play with, you can clear dungeons to get the stuff to make yourself stronger and continue that sort of thing
also the demon apples are good shit because you can grind levels quickly if you use them with an exp incense, and the 2010% EXP incenses are in the cash shop for super cheap
(you get demon apples just from clearing dungeons too)
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
like the quality of life in ReImagine is already so much better that I maxed out Demolition Dash which I didn't even get close to in the original it's rad
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>838394 my airbnb host pitched a bunch of conspiracy theories to us like, starting from covid as a means of control, to bill gates and the clintons wanting to inject everybody with microchips and other anti vaxxer stuff
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i should start telling people that the murder hornets implant 5g chips into people
>>838422 well to be fair, quite many govs are trying to seize more power rn good example being hungary which finally got a president for life
>>838425 Hungary is not a good example of anything You need better citation for an absurd claim like that than the one country who's leader has been trying to become a dictator for like a decade.
>>838422 Why is it always Bill Gates He warned everyone we were under prepared and no one listened
>>838426 'deed he just got a shortcut now but I am just the cynic who doesn't trust the people in power to let go of all of their new toys once this passes >>838427 he rich and has lot of foundations
>>838427 Gates in his younger years REALLY didn't do much favour to his name. Microsoft under his leadership was by far at their most draconian and aggressive in their dismantling the competition in the PC business. They stole shit from Xerox, basically drowned Netscape, refused for the longest time to allow third-party versions of things like the Office software.
I don't blame people for assuming he's only interested in what he can gain from a situation.
personally I think gates had the "Nobel" moment he looked at all he had done and thought "huh how will people remember me" and then decided to change it
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>838429 And Windows still has so many problems, and considering the Windows surveillance controversies, it's no surprise it's easy to claim Gates wants to create a panopticon.
>>838430 I think he does earnestly want to improve the world, regardless of the intention being vanity or otherwise. That's not to say he's doing the best job he can or putting his money always to the best means. He's definitely a bit of a rich dolt who can't see the world from a poor person's perspective. But he's doing it earnestly, I believe.
>>838431 also a billionnaire who are always sketchy no matter what >>838432 same applied for nobel, but it was a shocker for him, the "merchant of death dies" when they thought he had died and ran the story ofc same wouldn't apply to gates ofc, but i bet he had a similiar experience at some point in life and decided to turn a new leaf
besides, who would really want to leave behind a fortune of tens of billions for your kids to fight over?
>>838429 Yeah I don't think he's a person with a good history at all But there's loads of rich people with shady backgrounds they could have pinned conspiracies to
My favorite local arcade hasn't gone out of business. I just checked their social media. I was really worried about them.
>>838434 gates is just well connected with lots of foundations he "owns" or funds as main sponsor
More than just having al -a lot of them they're also very international. Gates has fingers in just about every part of the world experiencing economic or infrastructural development problems. Like Bezos is very clearly more of a Lex Luthor who wants to rule the world from the shadows but he doesn't really do shit besides own Amazon. Musk is too much of a shitposter to actually be a conspiratorial threat. Other western oligarchs generally just stick to domination within their own nation. Gates is kind of an exception.
Soros is soros on the otherhand
My phone has a "yall" autocorrect for "ya'll" but not "y'all" I'm dead, DEAD certain I've never typed it out that way before. The fuck is this algorithm thinking.
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what the fuck
you been chunderstruck
JaPAN this fucking legend here
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
haha but why you can just torrent your anime
jan why the fuck Ode To The Mets sound like it was made in Moonbase Alpha
aeiouaeiouaeiou john MADDEN
>>838444 seems like it was just a pet project for some reason >>838445 because it was recorded from the bottom crust of mars and sent through interplanetary satellite relays to the recording station
i had to pack, load, and unload an entire 2-bedroom apartment all by myself, furniture and all, up a set of stairs over two days i didn't get to sleep at all during it i think ive permanently hurt my back even more than it was already but at least it's done
i got a washer and dryer for 200 bucks what they didn't tell me was that it was a washer-dryer combo unit that was the second-hardest thing to move due to the weight and size
im just really stressed out
At least you don't have anything else physically strenuous for the foreseble future, right
this was the worst thing, an elliptical it weighs roughly 300 pounds, and is too front-heavy and awkward to manage properly >>838451 yeah i wouldn't want that i have a figure and reputation to uphold plus i already have a herniated disc in my lumbar from the army 10 years ago
im limping really bad today well i always limp really bad but it hurts a lot today
>>838449 idk about that probably a lot, but i cleared the hump i guess
>>838448 You're gonna get so swole moving heavy things like that, be careful!
uu novel updates has a random button
>>838450 how did you get that up even a flight of stairs?
>>838453 very stressfully my uncle was going to help me with this stuff but all he did was piss me off and get in the way i put ropes around the sturdy beam in the front on each side and pulled it up the stairs using another strap attached to a support beam at the top of the stairs to grip and pull myself forward probably the sheer aggravation of everyone else's uselessness gave me adrenaline i guess
good thinking tho
was just thinking, if you could set up a deployable pulley wheel for moving stuff up and down stairs, but I bet it would exist if it was doable
a hoist to lift it to the balcony would have been nice but such tools aren't available to me the stairway was very narrow and tight and required turning once which was a pain
my uncle stood there thinking about it for like 30 minutes and trying to figure out a way to make it work and he wasn't making any sense but also he didn't try at all so i just told him to get the fuck out of the way if he's not going to help and i just did it myself
the washer/dryer is a piece of shit too, it's leaking and idk what to do about it i didn't even want it every time people try to "help" they just make things worse. you ever feel that way?
>>838456 not really, since I rarely accept help out of hand, and when I do, I request it and specify exactly what I need so, maybe in the past I did and which is why I reject on instinct most of time now
>>838458 if it were me id decline the help too but it's my mom's stuff. i got an apartment with 2 bedrooms to move her into with me so i can take care of her so her brother insisted on helping with her stuff and he made everything worse and just made my mom really upset with negativity and being a jerk.
and i ended up having to pay him for his ""help"" too, and for the washer/dryer which is leaking and i didn't want well, i dont have to pay him for the washer/dryer if i dont keep it, which i probably won't but i dont want to move it again
my back is already injured so i wanted to hire professional movers so i didn't have to hurt myself but of course i ended up having to do it myself anyway my mom's brother put a couple boxes in the truck and drove the truck but that's basically it he was hungover the whole time too
I think a sad plausible future is, where he claims that it worked and you broke it moving it there etc
well hope you'll settle in the new place well
no, he wouldn't claim that his standards are different though. he's been a maintenance worker most of his early life (he's old now so of course he can't do too much physical labor) to him it works perfectly fine and those inconveniences like leaking and not having a dryer vent are easily fixable with his tools and equipment and knowledge
but i dont have any of that stuff so it's a problem to me. i could ask him to come fix it probably, but idk if i will
>>838461 the leak might be something simple, ie faulty seal or something not plugged thight enough I have had similiar issues with old machines too
dunno anything about the dryed part, tho
i think it's a problem with the seal where the water tubes plug into it but i have no way of figuring out if that's the case or fixing it
i'll just keep a bucket under the tube when i use it for now the dryer part means i just need to go get a dryer vent from the hardware store but i can use it in the meantime by putting nylon over it to catch any dust stuff, but it will still blow warm air out into the room
or hangdry in the mean time if you have the space but yeah, if you lack tools it is hard to do even simple fixes am lucky I have gathered a quite good toolboxo ver years
>>838464 an alternate quick fix is to when it is running see where water is leaking and just adding some silicone sealant to it
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
there are owls in the moe house
>>>/watch?v=Vt_Gi5ocXVo pet owl would be a neat idea, but prolly a damn complicated pet to keep
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you can't trust owls
>>838465 yeah i like to handwash and spin dry then hang dry
this girl i got breakfast with once and had an awful experience with has been DMing me on discord for a literal year and i haven't responded once but she still just keeps trying Jack43211/23/2019 So are you doing anything for Thanksgiving week? Jack43211/23/2019 Hello? Evening? Jack43211/28/2019 Happy Indigenous day Jack43212/16/2019 Hi, are you awake? Jack43204/15/2020 You doing okay? Jack43205/02/2020 Hi there it's me, Jaque Jacque
it is the too many authors issue since he was so poplar, everyone took a shot with him and since there was very little movie canon of him, he was an easy character to play around with
still my favourit thing from EU def is Fel Empire not only was it basically more of a constitutional monarchy, they had an imperial force using order of basically "grey jedi", the emperor/empress was always a force user and one of the main duties aside from protecting the emperor was also killing them if they ever fell to the dark side
such a cool concept
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i wish grey jedi were more of a thing the jedi and sith both absolutely suck
yup well jedi were better under luke, tho but he had basically taken everything that caused them to fall and tossed it aside to form a very different order compared to the old republic jedi order especially during the final days
sith kinda vary from time to time I think rule of two is the best incarnation of their order, but even then it kinda fails so oft for example even Palpatine, despite being so powerful, drugged his master before killing him not killing him in open combat after surpassing him, as was intended by Bane originally
also if I remember right, the imperial knights had gauntlets that were light saber immune and even shut down a light saber that struck them for a few minutes afterwards not chopping off their hands
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah, they disregulated the power reversed the polarity or something
ye I remember one vader comic, i think EU, that had vader face off like a dozen jedi if not more and one of them had a cortosis blade and she is all "hahaaa, I fucked your light saber" and vadeir is just "force pull, break neck, thank you for the blade"
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah vader went hard fallen order is really the only game that shows how hard he goes
fallen order and rogue one are the only "animated" version of vader being actually vader the rebels series has few cool moments too, but plot armour ofc
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
have you watched the new clone wars season? i hear it's fucking amazing i havent watched it yet though
also they had vader and darth maul in the same location and didn't have them fight >>838672 not yet I think last episode just came out or something
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think last episode comes out tonight or tomorrow
huh so it is 13 I thought 12 was last
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's all about asohka which is nice because she's so neglected and they fucking killed her off offscreen for rise of thr skywalker
lel even when they painstackingly brought her back in rebels
rebels was a eh, show it has its moments, but it has way too much weird shit like the inquisitors flying and the rebels just have too much plot armour it wastes characters like Vader and Tarkin and motherfucking Thrawn
and ofc the main character ezra is 100% unlikable annoying twat if instead the main characters had been the twilek captain shindula? and the jedi whos his face it would have been much better
an interesting couple with interesting pasts, both scarred and ptsd'd by the clone wars
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
after the jedi lost his vision in the fight with maul he learned "force vision" but it was completely different from the force vision of the EU which bothered me
a good example of just fucking a good story, was having ezra at all in the final maul vs obiwan encounter why not just have that episode be them two in the desert why even have ezra there
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
because ezra is powerful force user who can time travel or whatever
so many of the storylines would have just been much better if the actual characters of focus had been there without ezra
maybe if they had given him interesting development like actually falling to the dark side while with maul for a while or anything but nope he never even really went anywhere
also the fucking whole show just ends with a deus ex machina of space whales from nowhere
it really just shows that the writers didn't really know how to use Thrawn they knew how to write him, that was evident but they didn't know how to have him and not have him just go "I win, because Thrawn"
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they are talking about adding another season to it too even though the really interesting characters are dead
Imagine if they had not gone idiot with some moves in the sequel trilogy and say had had thrawn come back in ep8 to lead the navy against the republic, now crippled due to losing their capital and parts of their fleet
but going back to clone wars why did they fuck grievous so much in it?
sure the samurai jack clone wars grievous was way too over the top powerful, but why turn grievous into the villain ball holder who never wins anything
he should have still remained an actual threat whenever he was on screen
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah he became a joke even though he should have had some of the best lightsaber fights in the show
and they should have illustrated his strenghts like in a fight, he should have always had the upper hand, untill the enemy can muster their focus and use force against grievous at which point grievous would either play underhanded or flee depending on the enemy and actually have him get kills
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah he was supposed to be a ridiculously strong enemy i mean he did pretty good against obiwan, one of the best lightsaber duelists in history
and even in the show he did defeat, while not kill Kit Fisto and so on but he went on way too many humiliation gongas as a general and as a warrior for those few things to matter he should have been like a terminator or nemesis
whenever maul, dooku, savage, ventress appeared on screen something big was gonna happen something bad was gonna happen and usually the heroes wouldn't get a complete win, or really had to go beyond their limits to achieve it
but grievous most of the time you just went "kay how will he get humiliated this time"
like take maul for example when he takes over mandalore and kills obiwan's on-off lover
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
maul is really the best villain in prequel star wars the only one that they consistently put so much work into, any time he showed up he was driven, strong, had actual character arcs
and was a tragic character in the end and his final death was so good too
hell a canon comic taking place after his capture by sidious is damn tragic too for him he escapes with the help of his still loyal mandalorians goes back to dathomere and forms a plan with his mother and whatever minions he still has left to capture dooku and then after killing him and ressing talzin, killing sidious too
and what happens it was all sidious' plan to finally and permanently kill talzin and ofc maul well maul escapes in the end, but all his actions accomplished was the end of his criminal underworld empire and the final downfall of the night sisters and brothers
But it still shows how well maul did for himself that sidious himself had to personally twice move against him
and ironic part being maul still had some form of loyalty, if out of fear from years of cruel training and treatment, towards sidious when he came to take him down on mandalore
there prolly were only handful of jedi in the galaxy, who could have taken on maul during his peak in clone wars dunno how good he was after years of exile in the rebels era
he prolly was a wiser combatant at that point, but his arrogance and ferocity still bit him
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah he was able to take on kanen and asohka at once and hold them off in rebels although he probably would have lost if the battle had prolonged or if he hadn't accidentally blinded kanen
still kinda ironic, that he got first split in half horizontally by kenobi and then vertically the rebels ofc didn't show him getting split, bt if you follow the arc of the blow, he got split in half from shoulder to crotch essentially
also the fight is still kinda amusign, how it basically was over before it started as obiwan goaded maul into using the same attack on him that killed his master, guigon all those years ago and that basically was his plan
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i wonder if they'll include maul in the obiwan series
dnno would be kinda hard unless they retcon rebels atleast having obiwan and maul share a scene that is
also as maul did spend like 10 years + in the sith world, so already his Solo appearance is weird as fuck
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah they never even really tied his solo appearance in to anything
fanservice using logic of "he was a criminal boss, rite" forgetting that by that time his criminal empire had been shattered
also considerign he was one of the top priotities for vader and inquisitors, there is now ay he could have started a crime syndicate while being hunterd by them
it is like a jedi founding a resistance movement or trying to rebuild the order the inquisitors and vader would appear instantly
But I do wonder will the kenobi movie/series actually get made then again, that is something that will get people interested, no matter how badly disney has been treating the franchise on the big screen
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they've started production i believe it got delayed because they had to rewrite it, saying it was too similar to mando
but that is the thing before a project starts filming, it can just be in production hell to garner interest quite many studios have done similiar PR stunts before
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
true apparently obiwan is only approved for 6 episodes though i'd think they'd say more if they were just doing PR
but I really do wonder if KK has some dirt on bob iger
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they've all got dirt on each other tbh
well yeah it is god damn hollywood
Got an A in my primate class. Got a 100% oon my final paper.
you can't go to the beach why the beach is a deadly virus hiw 'bout i do it anyway~
how is modern star wars disney content faring there's even a tv series now? the mandalorian? is this stuff still good or is it getting trashed out by disney?
i haven't paid attention to any of it. there's a lot of stuff
>>838740 The Mandalorian is excellent, it really harkens back to that space western vibe the original trilogy embodied at times, and does a great job of showcasing the mundane side of the galaxy, opposed to the flashy, fates-deciding stuff with Jedi and empires and the lot. I've not watched the new Clone Wars as I never watched the original but I've heard nothing but high praise for it.
The movies are a much more spotty reputation and can be pretty divisive. Depending on who you ask the new trilogy is either a fine addition, inconsistent in quality, or an outright travesty to the Star Wars cinematic storyline. For the movies that aren't tied to a trilogy and are just one-off stories instead people generally seem to enjoy watching them but a combination of weird production issues and lackluster marketing generally have them performing poorly and not up to that "Star Wars" ideal of quality.
Mandalorian is pretty decent, yeah. I'm a little concerned about it, though, since they're already starting production on season 3 before 2 has even been released... If they milk it, the quality is definitely going to go down.
As for the movies, I think Last Jedi is really good. Rise is really bad, and Force Awakens is just okay. Solo was hard for me to watch, I didn't even find it engaging. Rogue One is alright.
I haven't even watched Rise hah hah The Last Jedi was fantastic for me so honestly I might be happy just ending the main narrative on it. Luke seeing the binary suns of Tatooine one last time is a better bookend for me anyway.
Plus I know more or less what happens in Rise so I'm not in the dark of what happens.
milking ruins so much stuff ive seen so many series' that i was really invested in fall apart from lack of restraint
a little restraint goes a long way with productions like these and i really am skeptical to get invested in things based on that principle i get so attached to series that it's kinda embarrassing
better call saul is the only western production that i think really embodies that sense of restraint but i haven't watched many western series in the last decade so i can't really say that for sure
It's particularly deflating since it's so easy to compare Star Wars to the MCU since they've both similar properties given similar creative freedom under the Disney monolith. But where the MCU has managed to stay mostly on top of its overglut of content in a way that weaves it all together and generally maintains a consistent level of good quality, Star Wars has been much less consistent and even from trilogy movie to trilogy movie has a hard time establishing a clear message and character personalities.
It's a frustrating look at what has worked and what hasn't.
Yeah, for real. Star Wars under Disney has failed to implement long term planning and effective coordination between projects and even just basic continuous storylines.
As much as I love the message of Last Jedi, it feels invalidated by the next movie. Disney keeps releasing background information for Rise to try to justify stuff or explain stuff that got cut out that was necessary to understand the story, but that's just such bad writing and editing. The need for movies to be 3 hours long is a shame, but with such a long movie, how do you fail to include the important narrative segments! That narration which facilitates the story should be the absolute priority when telling any story.
>>838748 I'm probably much more likely to give milking stuf way more leniency than others I think. Because having spent so much time in fantasy worlds I get what it's like for a creative to keep coming up with new developments and ways to bring stuff left unexplored to light. Of course there's an executives suits angle which encourages new productions but I think it's a drastically short-sighted view of the situation to just solely assume profit is the only reason here. People that make stories LIKE making stories. They're gonna want to keep doing more if they get the chance.
It's easy to say Star Wars is getting milked to death while the MCU has been carefully developed and explored, to again use the lowest hanging fruit, but they're both being "milked", so to say. Narrative consumers just give the action a more tolerant pass when it's working than when it isn't.
Cultivate and nurture your narrative investments let them grow just because you can do something doesnt mean you should
reminds me of one of my favorite companies getting run into the ground because they hired a new president who milked everything he could to inflate quarterly projections short-term then sell the company off, knowing he killed any future the company had
stuff like that really ticks me off. please exercise restraint and protect the things that have value
Does this statement read clearly? Is it clear what the statement is trying to assert? Or does the language feel vacuous and indistinct?
>Life and intelligence is a property of any system that achieves sufficient complexity. >Biology is simply the system from which we arose, so we recognize life as a biological system, rather than biology as one arbitrary life system.
thank you for your time
>>838759 I think it reads clearly. It's arguing that the presumption that life and inteliigence can only develop in biological systems is not necessarily correct, yes. It comes off positing it a bit philisophically and not evidently to me, personally. That might tie in to last question you asked about it, but I think with dialogue about theoretical systems it's hard to ground it in objective evidence.
As a minor note are "Life and intelligence" being considered one united aspect in the first sentence? Listing them like that has them feel like a plurality which makes my brain kinda trip over itself when "is a property" immediately follows and assumes them to be a united thing.
>>838759 i understood both phrases after reading them a second time but shouldn't >life and intelligence is a property of be >life and intelligence are propterties of
properties pls don't ban me
hey /moe/ should I buy terraria or try to get into newschool runescape apparently my runescape account was banned, and i have no desire to go through low level osrs again
grabble valentine's have shipped from cygames looking forward to them reaching the proxy mailing service
>>838764 Terraria has a lot of content to it, if that kind of crafting/progression game is interesting to you I think it's a fine game to pick up. It's set to get a final large content expansion in like ten days too. I dunno if that means it'll go on sale some time soon but it's like ten dollars even at normal price. For the amount of content in the game that's a really good deal.
>>838762 yeah that makes sense i guess semantically that's better. im kind of thinking of it as two descriptors for the same concept. i probably need to be more clear there and figure that out thanks, i didn't even realize that.
>>838764 i think everyone vouches for the old runescape. i think that's what marsh and jan play terraria doesn't really do anything for me personally. i liked starbound a whole lot but it's certainly not the same.
>>838760 yeah, same thing, it was meant singularly. putting intelligent life would have gave the wrong impression. life and intelligence are two pointers to an emergence which im referring to, which doesn't particularly have a name that i know of, and is going to vary in scope based on the system in question. i'd say in a general sense that life can be considered an intelligent organization
as for the statement itself, it's arbitrary. im just trying to label an idea, not assert some truth about reality. it's just one perspective or framework that can be worked from so there's not really universal truth to it. it's about a perspective from which a model can be built
the student just has to define an informatic system with that qualification. there are infinitely many so the choice is theirs. then choose any other arbitrary statement, specifically here an alternative perspective on the same subject, define that system, and then quantify the commutability between the two systems i just needed a meaty enough example that's somewhat interesting
from there we can then determine the natural encryption and the work cost of communication
>>838769 Comparatively, this is a statement where I understand all of the words used on their own, but I've got no clue really what you're trying to say, sorry. I can parse each fragment well enough but I can't understand what it means when they all come together.
yeah that's why the exercises become necessary just like in math textbooks, it takes a period of time and individual steps before the larger conceptual intuition comes into focus
I don't get why barbers and salons are put on such high priority. Like I get having your hair maintained is a creature comfort, but by and far there is zero additional risk to your wellbeing in having longer hair aside from an extremely few exceptions. More so if having long hair is such a travesty, most people probably know at least ONE person who would be okay with giving a slight trim. You don't need to have your hair done up fancily by a salon that's just vanity.
>>838768 tell me about starbound yes i could google/youtube search it but i wanna talk to my internet pals
>>838779 that's it m8 people are vain, but ALSO people are not used to seeing themselves in different looks. This is why you get disgusted when you take a selfie, and then the image gets suddenly flipped depending on the camera/app you use. This goes double for men who don't have long hair
I understand the technical nature of cameras, thank you. I get why -people- want to have the shops and salons open. I don't get why the legal administration kotows to that.
>>838782 oooooohhhhhhh hmmm yeah that is strange isnt it now hi / now how about GYMs reopening?
From a sanitary point gyms are far worse than salons and barbers. And while someone might not be able to do their full GET HUEG routine without access to a gym, it's still extremely easy to keep fit and maintain an active lifestyle without any exercise equipment available. Gyms are about as irresponsible to open as salons and barber shops.
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>838782 because they don't care about human lives and want to pretend that this isn't happening
>>838780 on the surface it's like a newer/more aesthetic terraria with a lot of variation in different planets that have different terrain seeds, fauna, and weather conditions i never play games like those more than the surface level design/exploration elements, so i can't really speak to the endgame material but i believe that terraria has more stuff to do with the boss fights and item crafting, and starbound doesn't have as much depth in those aspects. i think that's the difference, but im a noob so i dont really know
i know BANG plays the shit out of those games though he'll probably chime in sooner or later
>>838787 That's more or less accurate, Starbound is kinda like a 2D No Man's Sky where the emphasis is on exploration and seeing the unique sights of a procedurally-generated world, and carving out a comfy niche in that big galaxy for yourself. Later updates to Starbound did add a broader social dimension to it, adding NPC points of interest that can issue/be the target of bounties, and small settlements with sentient species that can some times be social or hostile to the player. The combat in it is a bit more technical than Terraria, having special moves you can equip and activate, as well as giving general mobility features like dashing or being able to turn into a Metroid-style morph ball. Terraria in comparison is a much more straightforward combat system which generally revolves around avoiding touching enemy hitboxes/projectiles while swinging your weapon or firing ranged ones to deal damage. Personally I kinda found Starbound Starbound's combat to be a bit too involved; Terraria's combat might be a bit more boring but because there isn't as much to keep track of it means you're generally not gonna mess up the stuff like avoiding hitboxes.
Starbound's the kind of game that tries to put a LOT in, like the devs went "Everything we think is cool, we want to put into the game and make it a big draw for people wanting to play it", which I think structure-wise makes it a bit hard to decide on a long-term objective for the game. Terraria has a much simpler game progression and while it has a lot of similar content to that stuff the Starbound devs put in to the game, in Terraria it doesn't really ever overshadow the central progression to end-game and is more like sidequest or flavour content.
i'm running group right now and i'm like "alright we'll take a 15 minute break and then come back at 6:20" and then instead of being productive i watch this shit >>838791
I always love my friday night group so much logotherapy is such a joy to run
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I've got a killer headache though
I guess your only choice is to kill it back
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\Search [iqdb](449 KB, 512x875, CE804.png)
i should make gyudon fajitas
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
holy shit a john wick video game
Broke: Playing as someone with Keanu Reeves hanging around in their brain hardware Woke: Playing as Keanu Reeves
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>To the player, the actions of John Wick and visible enemies are shown on a timeline similar to those used in video editing software, with actions taking different amounts of time. The player loads commands for John Wick to follow into this timeline, and the game will pause if the player has not added further actions into the timeline.[2] These actions may be about gaining a better position to fire from, taking a better stance that improves John Wick's chances to hit, or to take defensive actions and improved cover from foes.
>Initially the level is covered by a type of fog of war which becomes unveiled as the player moves John Wick further in the level. The game has been described as a combination of tactics games such as X-COM mixed with fast-paced decision making of Superhot.[4] At the completion of a level, the game can play back a replay of the movements, without waiting for any user input, mimicking some of the fluidity of the action scenes from the John Wick films.[5]
one of my clients texted me this morning that he relapsed on booze and coke and i was working on getting him to stay in our program longer and i // he was saying he relapsed because his girlfriend cheated on him, so i said "Do you think you might need a little more time in the program" and he replied "Need to get rid of that woman!!" and everytime i think about it i can't stop laugh
>>838834 I actually didn't clear the story up to that point, I'm actually at the start of babylonia. but I did the last event enough to get the materials to fully limit break ana
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
how can you say you love her if you don't max her Ascension
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>838836 but that's what I did I've even started palingenesis
all i can think about is going home so i can talk to her what is wrong with me
>>838853 Sounds like you've come down with a terminal case of perfectly normal happiness.
>>838853 sounds like she makes you happy good for you man
>>838853 im so sorry for you you've become a square
>>838854 oh no doc how long do i have >>838855 i haven't been this happy in years thank you you never replied to my discord message, how'd the move go? >>838856 it was an accident forgive me sensei
I can always tell when my roommate is home bc his podcast is playing incredibly loud
Same thing we do every night
watch animes and shitpost
月 too big for /moe/ pretty cool that catbox goes up to 200MB... i can do full episodes if they're encoded im guessing that's against da rurus though