>>838910 What happened then Didn't they find a similar confirmation for the US? Did it just start simultaneously popping up all over the world if it didn't spread from Wuhan
https://www.google.com/amp/s/abcnews.go.com/amp/International/man-france-countrys-earliest-covid-19-case/story%3fid=70536861 This one's from France back in December
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that's possible, im not sure what all this evidence means in the US our first known cases came from europe i think
january isn't impressive, it was very very very very clearly spreading all over the world at that point September is "before it existed" according to the current narrative
while i'm absolutely not in the "blame china despite evidence" camp the narrative doesn't exactly change if wuhan is just when we found out about it and not the first incident i think the actual origin of the virus is something we need to know to be sure about anything like, actually know for sure
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
right but this calls into question the origin at the very least I don't care where it came from what i care about is how much disinformation there is about the virus nobody wants to talk about the facts it seems
i suppose pondering the origin the mostly an exercise in curiosity though and maybe i'm just a bit too jaded at this point but i think i consider disinformation to be the norm and anything else to be worth noticing what i care about is what we're doing about it which is mostly panic >>838916 sort of maybe much earlier on if we find out something about another vector of transmission that would be really useful to know but what we do know is that people can transmit it to eachother very easily simply via breathing the same air and that they can be completely asymptomatic when doing so, for even days they might not ever even develop symptoms that knowledge means that it's unlikely any other knowledge can raise the level of precaution and care we can and should take to prevent it because it means that level is already pretty damn near the maximum and despite it not being deadly to the majority of people, allowing it to spread unchecked will still cause a lot of deaths, esp. post-transmission deaths that could be mitigated under a less-strained medical system - deaths that might not happen if the spread is slower
i think it's almost inevitable that most people come into contact with the disease at this point though, at least here americans are too stubborn and stupid to follow any kind of rule and politicians/businessmen are too greedy to make any kind of meaningful difference about it
prevention is really just an attempt at making the burn slow enough that less people die unneccesarily, but i think the eventuality that we all will have to develop antibodies at some point is real
Wouldn't knowing the origin and the paths it took from there provide useful information on the way and rate at which the virus can spread
does anyone else feel like communicating/socializing through text channels gives them a lot of anxiety? i think that's a somewhat normal thing, maybe not a lot of anxiety but a little bit. and i just invest myself in those channels more heavily than is ordinary, so i come off as a lot more anxious than i really am online. it's really hard to keep my bearings
im getting the social feedback only on narrow angles of my personality and it makes it harder to connect those two modes i have to run
im not really sure how to explain it but it really puts a barrier between me and people that i dont want to be there this language is really clunky and awkward to use. i don't have tone and expression and sympathetic body language that really defines my interactions with people and without all of that, my communication gets misinterpreted as something out of context
i think talking is more natural but I don't especially feel anxious or anything over text
i am a dumbass and type things as soon as i think about them so i type just how I talk
>>838964 It depends on the specific environment but because I'm personally much more comfortable explaining myself through written communication than verbal I think I generally find it less anxious than speaking. Like with places I'm comfortable with like /moe/ I'm generally not putting much conscious thought into what I'm writing and there's probably about as perfect a route from the brainstew in my head to the words I type out. But having to engage in like an important text or email, or even initiating a pointed post towards a single person on /moe/ or other group conversation text environments, gives me the same kind of anxiety that having to make a phone call or reach out to someone for something important does. That's not really an element of the actual channel though and more something ingrained in my personality.
Overall I don't think text communication makes my social anxiety worse and can usually help make it better, I feel.
>>838964 Sometimes I get anxious when I say things directly to people and don't get a response.
>>838970 I have a question Can't private establishment prohibit bringing in firearms Do they just choose not to prohibit it?
>>838984 >made it illegal to prohibit people from bringing weapons into businesses That sounds stupid
>>838985 Right of course but like In normal non covid situations as well
>>838987 and they got off scott free didn't they No one even followed up with charges of using violence to intimidate or whatever
>>838983 Usually yeah Depends on the jurisdiction I think in Texas they might have made it illegal to prohibit people from bringing weapons into businesses though.
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>838983 yes, but when a mob of armed people who refuse to listen to reason show up you don't really have a choice in the past two weeks there have been at least 6 shootings related to people being asked to wear masks or to obey social distancing
>>838983 man, a militia of heavily armed white lunatics stormed a state capitol building last week and threatened legislators WITH their firearms and the police just calmly stood there and didn't get rid of them or arrest them or anything
>>838987 They should have mobilized the national guard
>>838987 tbf, it might have escalated things too much ibside the building, but yeah they should hzve oicked em up once opportunity showed up
it's now gotten to the point that legislators are hiring their own armed bodyguards and getting involved in community defense and stuff some legislators* they've got to wear bulletproof vests and shit because the president is telling his supporters to kill these people
i told y'all about that client i had who got dropped from treatment early because the military refused to let us finish it and he immediately lost his shit and decided to start a PMC to defend gated communities from coronavirus, right?
>>839001 Err, specialize in bodyguarding Not overhyping tgeir employees
>>839001 You hire from the company that exclusively hires ex and former SWAT and ex special forces
in the sense that miöking rich twats out of tgrir money is domething i appreciate especially when the product/service is actually completely unnecessary
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh, he's not doing it to milk them of their money he legitimately believes that the poors are going to go loot gated communities and that he is going to be the hero that mows them down to protect people
guessed, but my point stands
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
he also boobytrapped his house and dug a trench around it
that is a dedicated crazy prolly damn dangerous too
It's almost funny but the fact that its real and you know him is really fucked up.
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
extremely dangerous he was trained special operations the guy also DISSOCIATES when he's in battle and doesn't even know he's killing people until its over and his squadmates comment on it
>>839016 oh wow the perfect psychpkiller armies do want those
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
he's also got brain damage from a botched jump and can go 0 to 60 in anger if his body gets rocked back and forth like if a car stops a little quickly or if he trips because his brain isn't situated properly and bounces around easily
and absolutely hope they die in combat
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
like this dude is the most terrifying dude i know he was super nice but even when he was in treatment he was crazy he was trying to tell me about how he can control his chakras by using mantras and that when people touch his body he sees colors corresponding to the pleasure/pain he feels? like the dude was totally whacked out and we actually did good with him he was making progress but then the military said they needed him back and he absolutely lost his shit
oh yeah this talk reminded me of Pumpkin Scissors that was a fun anime
>>839022 kinda curious where they needed him usa isn't in any real hot zones atm, so sounds like some clandestine shit
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the us has people in warzones right now running operations and killing people, all the time but they wanted him back at the fort he was stationed at in the US i can't really say what they needed him doing
mm, but they are more like mopping up, "peace jeeping" stuff
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
can't say because i don't know, not because it's secret or anything
yeah bht makese wonder
well it could have just been a raid on domali pirates and they wanted someone "reliable" as in reliable to kill the targets
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nah, he went right home he's active duty but stuck stateside because of his brain damage they won't let him go overseas anymore and he's also got some spinal problems from the botched jump, tons of nerve damage in his legs
>>838970 guess that's why they said mostly armed haha
>>839030 why even keep him? i guess to avoid paying for his psych and health care or something
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>839032 he wasn't so injured that he couldn't do desk duty shit so they kept him although he was being med boarded so they were also evaluating him to release him on disability sometimes they'll get you treatment during a medboard to see if you're capable of "fixing"
fun fact, one of the easy modes here, is to get a perma injury in the army the can~t-work pension is already decent enough, but added army caused it bonus makes it fouble or triple
sure it is boring, painful due to injury kife but atleast financially secure
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
100% disability from military here is about $5320 a month hard to get, though, they'll do whatever they can to deny it but you can manage to get 100% with just PTSD if you have good enough psychs one of the things i do is make sure people get that
the disability money is prolly 1500~ here, and is ofc higher if you have worked more i have no idea, since those are not flat standard sums, but are paid by case ofc added to it is other benefits like state paying for your medicine and treatment and so on
so it could easily be like 10k a month, but 8 of that us purely med bills
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i knew a guy who lost an arm in a bus rollover at a fort on US soil and they claimed it wasn't related to his service because the docs didn't document it properly when it happened immediately so when he tried to claim it they basically said "do you have any evidence this amputation is related to your service?"
i had a friend who was in the border guard - well army friend, met him in army - who got i think discs dislocated in his back or something spinal injury anyhow prolly ended up in some semi disability guy looked so dead in the eyes when he got the papers prolly had wanted to be a border guard for life good pay for an easy job afterall
oh thinking back to army, i wonder if the suicide rates are still at sbout 1-2/per year per barracks my service time had one officer trainee shoot his brains out in thr bathroom good morning vompany indeed
>>839040 they'll spend that money to dronestrike brown people
>>839042 wonder how weird is to operate a drone or a one of those gunships like in cod4:mw
it is so detached killing
>>839035 can you help me get that a lot of shit didn't start until the heatstroke baked my brain at 105 for 30 hours
>>839043 I've heard the ptsd can be even worse than going there and doing it yourself Something about the disconnect from going home at the end of the day
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>839044 if i could do an eval on you, i could help i basically do the evals on people we have in our veterans treatment program and write special reports and coordinate with our medical director to make sure there's enough evidence to get that for example with >>839037, i was able to help him get 70% disability for his PTSD have you already gone through the process for disability through the VA?
>>839045 i can't remember if i ever watched that dovumentary national bird or something
>>839046 no i haven't you've seen how much of a mess i am trying to even deal with doctors on the phone the VA is notoriously bad about pushing people around i dont feel i have the fight left in me to do that in my current state, without any help or without my meds i get anxiety just thinking about it
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>839048 i would recommend getting in contact with someone at the DAV those folks help thousands of folks to get the process started and stay with them through the process i've worked with some folks from a local DAV and they're great, they're usually old folks that served in korea or vietnam and they just volunteer all of their free time to helping younger folks get disability at the very least they might be able to help you get an idea of whether or not it's feasible right now
my psych is the one who said that heatstroke probably swelled my brain and caused some damage, and that's why she put me on stimulant medications but i fucked up by ever going to michigan and now i'll probably never get to see her again im back in the old area now but i don't think i can see her anymore, then the covid on top of it i bet she closed up and retired
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
even if she did retire by law she has to keep her records for 3-5 years before she can get rid of them, so those records would still exist and if not someone else could give you the same determination if we got you going through the process
can i ask your opinion on something?
the facility she works under is really terrible. it's a community practice there. but she's an amazing doctor who had run her own clinic for 30 years and just incorporated under that community facility in about 2013. she doesn't like them either, and we both bitch about them during my visits. if i try to call them to schedule an appointment to see her, they're going to refuse me service since i had an unpaid bill, along with a few other things. (it'll have been over a full year since last visit under her so they'd have to put me as a "new patient" and they're not accepting new patients
do you think there'd be potential if i called her directly to ask about it? because the facility won't let me talk to her directly or dial in to her extension as a patient (i thought patients aren't supposed to be able to contact psychs directly anyway ? do you think it'd be different if -you- called the facility as a mental health person and say you need to talk with her / i should resume treatment?) idk what im asking, sorry.
I don't think it's weird for patients to be able to contact their psychs directly, but some psychs choose not to allow that. If you have her direct line, that suggests to me that you would be free to call them. If I call, they'll most likely ask me what patient this is regarding, and then they wouldn't allow me to talk to the clinician about the patient unless there was a release of information signed for me. But you being the patient, they legally cannot withhold your records from you should you request them. They may provide a summary of your treatment and case conceptualization instead of raw data (which is typical) but by law they must relinquish records if you request them, whether you have an overdue balance or not.
yeah i can get the records, i just feel restricted from resuming treatment if she's not retired she might be doing telehealth or something oof i gotta go though
Oh, I getcha. If she's a partner of the facility and not an employee - and perhaps even if she is an employee - she might be able to waive that unpaid balance for you. Worth a try.
I spilt some tuna juice on my slipper. This probably isn't gonna smell like anything but tuna for a few days.
oh no now your cat's gonna love your shoes even more
She's probably smart enough to know it's not in fact tuna. But probably not smart enough to not think it means tuna is always right around the corner.
then again maybe mine is just weird maybe cats don't usually put their head in people's shoes and sleep there
Well investigating crevices like that is a somewhat instinctual drive for cats. Perfect hiding place for small rodents and all. And once they realize it's a nice dark cozy place. Might as well take a nap!
>>839070 little did he know, that his shoe would be eaten
im taking a nap in a nice dark cozy place it's my closet. i love the closet in my new apartment i feel so safe here with my laptop and a bottle of sweet tea and a big pillow nest and my switchy
Yeah from the photo it looked like a good place. I'd probably opt for a soft light I could read by. Plus I'm a bit worried about my eyes so I don't really like doing screenlight stuff in total darkness.
Whenever I know I'm gonna win a hand on a low-score hand like that I like to lead it with a "..." emote. Let them know I know precisely what I'm doing.
didn't even get the sanankou because the 2 was the pair what a fucking travesty
and obviously the suuankou yakuman, for anyone not familiar with mahjong and wondering what's weird about the screenshot they had a 32,000 point hand on the best waits, a mangan (8,000 points) if it was any other way but this awful quirk of fate made it the lowest possible hand value of 1,000
>>839098 Wait, dawg did you really just get baptized?
Wait no I'm retarded
>>>/watch?v=ZXP08bGSaa8 Looks like the Dorohedoro OVAs'll be a bit more low-effort than the main television episodes. But that aside I kinda really like the style they seem to be doing for them. It kinda has a bit more of a manga-poi feel to it.
>>839101 wow the illustrations look really good though that unfinished storyboard-style of animation doesn't bother me too much at all
Yeah that's what I mean. It's a great style, maybe not something that would really "pass" for a televised series. But for some omake content it fits quite nicely.
I skipped D&D tonight cause I wasn't feeling well and they're about to get tpked. Luckily these are level 1 characters. All of them are dead except for the unconscious woman who will probably be captured and raped by orcs.
Okay, the orcs did end up raping and killing all of them but not in that order.
>>839108 I was actually joking initially, I can't believe the dm actually did it. Well I mean, I can totally believe he'd do it. He's kind of a /d/m I was just a bit surprised.
>>839112 Yeah, I'll bet Baptized all over your face and upper body.
i was baptized once at 8, to become a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints then in my teen years i was baptized a few dozen times in the names of the deceased, to allow their passage to one of the three kingdoms of heaven
My normal response to someone saying that they were raised in a very intense and controlling religious environment is "I'm so sorry".
idk how i feel about "good" i think it's a wonderful way of life for those that fit into it well i could never, though
this sounds like a unbridled hubris from a wretch before the lord, but i don't need to be Commanded to beware Sin i can just like, you know not be a shitlord to me religions are mostly a technology that purposes itself as a vessel for moral codes and compelling reasons to follow them which for some people i suppose is necessary i don't know that it works for me though
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
thou shalt pet dogs
i do think that churches provide strong communities and social networks i actually might foster a bit of jealousy for those willing to take advantage of it even moreso for the faithful it strikes me as fancifully envysome to live that way to have a safety net in that way to see our Journey in such a way it must be nice no, it was nice alas
I have really mixed feelings about organized religion. I do think one advantage that rabbinical (modern) Judaism has over many branches of Christianity and other religions is that there's no massive organization that controls all the synagogues.
worst thing that can happen, is your ass appearing in a local newspaper
>>839132 You can be technically not naked but still suffiently exposed to be considered publicly indecent. It isn't a binary of naked = public indecency or anything.
i rediscovered my old folders recently nah i'm having a good laugh i guess it might not look like it i think >>839169 and >>839168 and >>839166 and >>839163 and >>839164 and >>839162 probably came from legitimately bad places in my head but i still think of them as art in some strange way now when i look at them i think "lol i was a shitlord lmao"
oh ok i thought you were like getting nostalgic or some shit and thats why you were bangposting again lol
It's a miniseries about girls eating bread and all the reviews on MAL were talking about shit like how it was a metaphor for the rise of fascism in Eastern Europe.
So You know the fact that there's trollsubs isn't that shocking
kind of the reason i downloaded it
lol bangposting i forgot about bangposting
What about bagposting
my guildies called me bagbagbag at the beginning of classic cause i was making bags like a madman
hahaha bangbagbang
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
how many bags could a bangbang bag if a bangbang could bag bags?
i have so many bangposting images i have a series of 9 kyoukos meant to be posted sequentially and the girl crying at the desk a lot of them are really dark i was in a dark place for a while, huh
i think i saved this image because im@s posted it but also once said "i never post lewd things" so i needed proof that he did the fact that i remember this over half a decade later is a testament to my willingness to hold a grudge
Is that really something that's necessary to hold a grudge over though.
i have a LOT of lewd boats saved i have a lot of lewd images saved in general i don't save lewd images anymore not for any reason, i just don't care to i guess i used to
this hand offends me. its so close to multiple good things and it gets the least likely, least valuable one
the fact that it even dodges sanankou is impressive normally for souankou tenpai on shanpon (double pair wait), if someone else deals in you still have toi toi sanankou for a mangan at LEAST >>839244 it's somewhat common when you get to the intermediate level where tryhards leave their hand in damaten (tenpai but they don't declare riichi) they win with just pinfu, just tanyao, or just ippeikou like that
i don't think I've ever seen someone score with that few points actually
what hurts me is that it achieves one of the yaku that I aim for a lot despite it being so HARD to grab. it actually feels harder to hit this than to hit other more vluavle hands
i feel so much more at ease now that ive got an apartment i feel like ive been in constant distress for like 12 months straight and downright panicking for the last 5
feels like a huge weight lifted off my mind and i can actually sleep and enjoy things
i have a lot of art on my plate but after watching someone play 999 the other day I thought damn, I really want a Bernadetta doing the Clover "trust me" scene
i was productive today in addition to getting some work done and getting to see sensei for meditation this morning, i wrote up 20 social links for my persona tabletop game
>>839313 The trio in Mitsuboshi are definitely little goblins in addition to being children.
>>839316 nah they're children the only difference between children and goblins is eventually children stop being children
would feral hogs be a fun hunt or is that kinda lame? id really like to go to northern mexico and hunt coues deer or javelina, but the wild hog seems very accessible a friend has some country property like that we could possibly go
im not trying to schedule a real event here, just kind of weighing the possibility and entertaining my daydreams
>>839327 I was thinking from a tree stand. Is that not your vibe? You're more about the tracking and the chase, aren't you?
You know I'm pretty much crippled though. I couldn't do more than maybe a mile of trekking in a day. It's important to conserve energy too. It's very maintainable if you're doing a week/month living off the land to just maintain all your traps/lines/scent trails and then perch up in a tree while you snack on your brined fishes and berries
their meat is kinda trash though, good for sausage and that's about it unless it's a female or juvenile and not so muscly
im just getting those bug out feelings again and wanna go live off the land for a while i just got this apartment though so i guess i can't for at least a year
>>839328 that would work, and keep you a lot safer from those bastards. they are really dangerous here, I've seen some get as tall as my abdomen and they're almost always aggressive bullish creatures. that's part of why they're such a pest to other wildlife, they'll attack and eat pretty much anything they can get. i like tracking, yeah. hunting deer or elk with a bow is a lot of fun and one good kill is worth months of delicious meals, too. >>839329 yeah, they generally don't taste very good, especially any of the larger males. the meat is tough and their random diet means you can't really know what it's gonna taste like for sure. another reason why you can just kill however many you want for any reason, not many people would want to spend their quota on meat that ain't even good.
i think you'd probably enjoy Coues deer hunting then. It's a pretty difficult and arduous hunt, which makes it all the more thrilling.
I really want to get my falconry license and catch desert jackrabbits though it's expensive, a thousand dollars for the license. i might save up and try to get it.
>>839330 those feral pigs go apeshit for truffles and dig everything up to get to them maybe i could trap and tame one and use it to go truffle hunting that's extremely lucrative, especially with all those pigs eating them all up. they're hard to find the good truffles
it seems like covid's screwing my job up anyway. it'd be a good time to start prepping for the wilderness. ive always said i was going to but i guess other people weren't being serious and were just daydreaming that's fine but i'd really be happy out there
you folks could head out into the bayou and try to hunt gator i don't think there's much tracking involved, but you get to ride a hovercraft around
i'll pass on the gator. i can't stand the wetlands ive seen those gators take feral pigs out though it's pretty intense i wouldn't cook up a gator unless i had like three other people to share it with though or it'd sour
>>839331 i enjoy things that are obscenely difficult and draining, for whatever reason that does sound really fun >>839332 I'd like to do that tbh never been to a really dense swamp and gator is damn good
man blade dance somehow gets worse just when you think it can't, it beats your expectations also this BGM sounds almost exactly like the pirates of the caribbean OST but like a couple chords are changed so it's not this is fun
i can't find it but aldnoah has that scene in an early episode where onee-san is eating breakfast at the kitchen table and she's kicking her legs and making a pouty face i have a gif of it somewhere that i seem to have lost
also i just remembered Charlotte, another trainwreck-type show
i can say a lot of things about aldnoah but i don't think i can say that it wasn't a thoroughly enjoyable experience i might have laughed watching it more than i do watching actual comedies
what little respect i had vanishes in a mere instant
the screenshot i posted is from the moment i decided that show is irredeemable the first season showed potential, flawed potential but it was there the second season immediately showed that the only potential was to be horrible
not like the tolerable kind of bad or the fun kind of bad just the bad kind of bad
Its by type moon and not an fgo thing The hollow Ataraxia anime is years away I'll take what I can get when it comes to fsn spin offs
i don't know how far in you are but that show is not meant for type moon fans even a little bit it's an excuse to make softcore loli porn
I finished the third season
Just when I thought I couldn't think less of Rei
>>839541 Unfortunately it both is that and is also pretty steep in Type-Moon stuff fanservice. I mean don't forget Fate has its roots in being an eroge. Sure none of the characters in it >>839548 Would you please let me finish my point before you realize I was going to cover exactly what you're interjecting with,
RIP Miyu Matsuki though
>>839545 It wasn't an eroge It was a vn with sx in it. There's a difference
>>839545 sex doesn't equals bad absolutely not the problem is that prisma ilya
when you said "I mean don't forget Fate has its roots in being an eroge" you make a very strong implication that any of my argument has any sort of sex-shaming nature sex is not a problem, and softcore porn is alright by me, as is shitty anime the problem is that prisma ilya from the ground up is built to satisfy an interest in sexualizing minors
It wasn't going to be sex-shaming, which again, I would have gotten to if I'd been given the chance to. I don't just jump straight to a point if there's groundwork I want to lay down first. Acting like an establishing statement is the point of an argument is
Okay nevermind.
if the establishing statement loses validity before the point is made, the point is weakened further
Ah, I actually would really like another adaptation of the FGO instructional manga. It had a single short, but thats the only FGO manga I actually follow.
Nonetheless, while softcore loliporn is just what it is it is in the end fictional drawings // drawings of fictional characters moving at 24 frames per second
but nope I didn't either watch s2 of ilya the s1 was meh enough, but I did finish it
to someone who would have very much enjoyed a mahou shoujo in the fate universe it still upsets me
it's the kind of thing that makes it difficult to introduce people to type moon stuff because eventually you have some pretty hard questions to answer if the person you recommend some fate stuff too ends up making assumptions after learning it even exists i mean you end up dealing with that issue with a good amount of anime-tangent media because lolicon pandering isn't unique to this scenario, but in a lot of cases it can be dismissed or ignored, and in this case it's pretty straightforward that everything in the show is secondary to that you'd have to be autistic to the point that it's a disability to excuse coasting through the show without realizing what you're watching - the show doesn't make any attempt to obscure its purpose
okay i made up the part about hearing that but if someone bought me a bag of beef jerky i would know that they love me i'm sure anyone would feel the same
>>839603 you're already planning on moving in together?
If that's not something you plan on then I don't think you feel all that amorous about the person. Conversely with how gushing he's been about her I think it's pretty obvious he clears that bar with flying colours.
>>839610 I have been in love with this girl for about three months now and only just acknowledged that maybe we are together after a few dates
>>839612 Wow you're gonna speedrun right to the wedding good stuff
>>839633 just some dude training his new def pure meme pk act honestly not even really weird
for what purpose does one make a def pure tho
probably gonna get 70 def or 80 for barrows and drac and range or mage to keep account level low and still have meme avoidance at like combat level 60 training def first makes training offense easier >>839637 to be fucking annoying
people don't pk in osrs to have fun they just want to be stupid
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>839636 Are you saying that building up a meme pk account isn't autistic?
>>839673 i wonder if they think they can squeeze a better price out of AMC now that theaters are dead due to the pandemic? it seems pretty risky though theaters are on their way out and companies doing direct-to-streaming are making more than the theaters are // were during coronavirus
AMC has been coming back up even before this It's interesting that Amazon would do this though seeing how they HAVE their own streaming setup.
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\Search [iqdb](251 KB, 1500x1500, yuuki.png)
I've been on this koan for like three months now. Kyogen said: "Zen is like a man hanging in a tree by his teeth over a precipice. His hands grasp no branch, his feet rest on no limb, and under the tree another person asks him: 'Why did Bodhidharma come to China from India?'
"If the man in the tree does not answer, he fails; and if he does answer, he falls and loses his life. Now what shall he do?"
I can feel I'm getting closer but this one is really getting me. Sensei says that the ones that challenge someone are usually ones that they need the most in their lives because there's something they just fundamentally aren't getting yet.
>>839678 Maybe by lowering prices, they could make them more popular.
How much do you think, hypothetically, it would cost to run a single movie in a single theater room?
>>839679 I've only ever heard their songs on commercials >>839680 I don't see that happening particularly. Like, they can lower it some but I don't see it being particularly significant (unless they do some Prime shit lmao) There's gotta be another way to monetize that space though ...What about putting out original movies?
I don't know how movie licensing thing works. But I'm just wondering if it would be valuable to cut out the part where you give your movies to theaters and just have your own.
Wait. AMC is probably the biggest movie theater chain, right? So if anyone wants to release a movie, they have to license it with AMC for it to be seen in theaters.
So if Amazon owns the largest theater chain, then that gives them leverage over the giants like Disney who now would be forced to work with Amazon to have their movies screened.
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
It might be more about exerting power than pure financial gain. They might be hoping to get money through licensing rather than ticket sales or use of that space.
It also means they could stifle other companies' profits. Oh, the new star wars movie is coming out? Sorry, we can't let you use our IMAX theaters for that. Unless you're willing to pay a new premium.
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
With the licensing rights of new movies, they could potentially work a way to add in-home streaming for a big profit, too. I imagine a new star wars movie would make even more money if you could watch it in your own home for $15 a pop.
>>839688 i wonder how the economics work out there rhe $15 is low overhead but you don't get to charge per seat but a lot of the viewers at home wouldn't have gone to the theater anywa
the only 'early piece' that i acknowledge is moth.jpg
which I no longer have myself RIPG
i always cherish people's early art it feels so much more precious than once they're experts and can churn something out for a commission without even thinking about it it just embodies something totally different and too ephemeral
There's very few series that can use 3D CGI well and it's usually ones that don't need an attention to human detail too much. Houseki no Kuni and Beastars are the ones I think in recent memory that were fine despite being 3D CGI.
There was a 3D CGI series by the creators of Girls und Panzer about cute girls flying biplanes that was good enough. But the 3D CGI was definitely a shortcoming of the series and not a positive or even neutral feature.
Some studios specialize in 3D CGI rather than 2D. orange, who did Houseki and Beastars, work exclusively in it. Okay no they don't but they work predominantly in it. I'm not entirely sure why The Magnificent Kotobuki has a lot of 3D CGI but the series has a lot of focus on flying the biplanes which is probably overwhelmingly less of a headache to film 3D CGI models rather than animate them. So since they're working in that environment so often might as well use it for the characters as well.
I've got no clue why the Bang Dream production committee chose to go with the 3D CGI studio for seasons two and three though. It certainly wasn't out of a need to save money -- the multimedia franchise the series has become experienced its large growth in popularity between the first and second season so there would have been plenty of revenue to put towards more animation content by the second season.
>>839715 Check out this horrible reply chain. https://archive.li/3F9sh
>>839742 idk why he thinks the cops would listen to him specifically anyway
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>839743 i mean this is a snake oils salesman trying to sue a an actual real life DOCTOR for obeying medical guidelines laid out by multiple organizations to keep people safe he's long lost the plot
>>839740 Yeah I figure that's what it's like for a lot of people. They got to know him how -him after he re-invented himself for a less stupid popularity and then afterwards discovered what he was like beforehand. I barely even know what his whole Filthy Frank character is like I haven't watched anything he put out and I only know the name because my imouto was watching his content. If not for that I wouldn't have known him and Joji were the same guy.
Not that I really know Joji either because I'm not into the K-pop or even western pop scene. It's just dumb to think everyone knows both characters.
>>839752 I don't think people that don't have a bit of a hero complex or a tendency for delusion would say something like "If anyone is arrested, I ask that it only be me". That's the kind of thing you come up with if you've seen one too many dramas about a persecution and think that's how people who think they're righteous in their convictions act in real life. If he really thinks he's the next Rosa Parks then he's got an awful conception of what she was probably like as a person in the first place.
Someone on the news just mentioned Indiana letting barber shops and tattoo parlors open up as long as they practice social distancing. How do you even do that?
a client - who works for nasa - told me today that he wants to get his hair cut but he'll wait until thursday because barbers will be busy today
It's still such a stupid industry to put an emphasis on re-opening. Nothing they can do for you can't be done at a sufficient level by a trusted friend or family member. In the comfort of a private home that you can trust to be clean.
>>839759 I don't trust any of my friends or family to cut my hair. I'm okay with going without a haircut though.
>>839759 Oh, it's mostly about wealthier people. These are the people with perms or who need to get their hair colored because their roots are showing. The kind of people that wear caps when they swim because the chlorine will discolor their hair.
You can colour your hair yourself! My imouto's had coloured hair pretty consistently for like a year or two now and she's done it from home with the help of our mother.
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\Search [iqdb](251 KB, 1500x1500, yuuki.png)
Sure, but you're thinking like a normal person. Imagine you're 40 years old, your household makes 100k a year for you and your spouse, no kids in the house. You're retired early and your spouse works full time. Not once in 40 years have you colored your own hair.
Wouldn't you be reluctant? For someone like that, professional hair coloring is just the natural thing you do. And that's the exact kind of person who has been protesting the lockdowns.
Every time we see these people interviewed about how everything needs to open up again and we actually look into them, we have been finding that they're primarily wealthier business owners. They're the ones driving this!
This "Joji is canceled" thing looks like a lot of free publicity for his new album. It seems it was started by one person and then most of the people who are using the hashtag are just making fun of those handful of kpop fans who tried to push it.
>>839754 Yes that is the point that Elon has a hero/persecution complex and is delusional It doesn't even need to be Rosa Parks I could have drawn the comparison to any civil rights figure
Don't hentai games on Steam need a patch to get to the lewd stuff Why bother if they don't respect their consumers enough to give what they're paying for
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i wouldn't be surprised if he's buying shit on like fakku they charge like $15 for shit i think
>>839787 Yeah but there's absolutely nothing keeping the developers from putting a link to the patch literally on the store page. This isn't really Steam being an asshole it's more just to slip through loopholes that would otherwise making selling pornographic content on their storefront more of a headache in certain parts of the world.