For a world where magic is an extreme rarity I'm surprised they've got stuff like airships.
>A magic ship won't fall out of the sky >Proceeds to fall out of the sky
I guess this'll be his first real Sasuga moment Taking down a zombie dragon on his own.
He reminds me of that Isekai from a few seasons ago where the guy was a magic genius who could do everything after episode 1
Yeah, Kenja no Mago. I made a similar remark the first night we were watching this series.
Guess dragon bones are worth a pretty penny
Yeah, it's like that show. I forgot the name. I guess he can make a lot of money with how overpowered he is
Just last episode he was brushing elbows with a duke or baron or whatever. Now he's a personal invitee of the king. The dragon did seem like the kind of thing that would be a real menace though. And he took it out without much issue. Sasuga.
Yeah now despite leaving home to intentionally avoid a power dispute with his brother he's ended up becoming a higher noble than his family. I'm sure that'll sit well with how green his older brother seems to be.
I guess like the last mary sue he's going to get assigned like a team
It's sensible at least. They implied in like episode one or two that magic users tend to get a lot of political power. But with how rare they are they'd probably be better put to work using that magic to applicative use rather than just be administrators.
Feudal politics sure are a pain. So much of stepping carefully and avoiding losing face. That's no way to live an easygoing life.
Speaking of pains my A key is getting really unresponsive all of a sudden. This'll make things difficult.
Of course the isekai'd guy gets to making miso. Can't be a proper Japanese person without miso.
Yeah they always bring a little bit of Japan with them
Sometimes a lot of Japan!
For all the world bleeding Main does in Honzuki she at least sticks to no particular cultural affiliation with the things she brings over. Maybe that helps with making it not seem so weird that a seven-year-old kid knows how to make paper.
Yeah, it's amazing she knows how to do stuff like paper I don't know how to do that
ep 5 okay let's start
He shtick before she died was she loved reading and absorbed all sorts of trivial information in doing so. Paper's pretty easy to make, though it is a labourious process without some simple machinery.
>Hohenheim That was the name of the Elric dad in Full Metal Alchemist hah hah
For nobility, marriage is business!
I'm sure he'll get a nic ecute waifu
He's already betrothed to this nun girl.
These guys always geta bunch on the side too
Why is he now a clown.
Oh. Surely they could have considered a less ridiculous disguise.
>>838504 I bet at least one of those girls in his party will start crushing on him. Though it would be nice if they develop something with the other guy.
Either both of them will or one will crush on him and the other on his bro
but I wouldn't be surprised if he ended up with a full sized harem
He's already learned teleportation magic too. That's one of those things that lets you get around most of the problems of living in a low-tech world like this.
Teleportation magic seems to be one of those things all mary sue protagonists learn early.
Oh blue-hair got the right idea quick. They're both pretty excited about the idea of being concubines though.
She's not very good at this.
His to-be wife is much cuter out of the nun habit. She does really feel like she's putting on way too much of a polite face though.
Yeah she's a pretty cute waifu
What a dweeb
If it's crafted with a magic stone though does that make it a magic ring
She's trying to play political chess with him and he's just interested in playing checkers. He's gonna throw her off her game!
He's so strong he doesn't have to be cunning
kashugoto play okay lets start!
Ka Ku Shi Go To !
That's such a kid solution to a situation like that.
Man those authentic red kid's backpacks aren't exactly cheap. There's probably like a few hundred dollars in backpacks in that cupboard.
This is a very SZS bit hah hah
>Mangaka are self-employed Maybe by the literal and legal definition in Japan. But considering pretty much all serial manga gets published by magazines in Japan, their work doesn't really get out there without them being in a contract with a company.
Yeah I figured this person sending Hina backpacks was Hina's maternal grandfather.
>>838521 I think it counts as self imployed because they're funny about definitions and qualifications and whatnot like NEET
Yeah, I know. Like I said it probably fits the literal definition. But practically they're making work for the magazine publishing company.
Gotou is a pretty dashing guy.
Wow. Yeah come on man choose your words better.
This is why it's best to not make up silly lies! They always end up being more trouble to maintain than the actual truth.
Kumeta is really writing what he knows here
I wonder if he's had a kid in recent years. The family parts with Hina and Gotou are actually quite tender.
His work is pretty dumby-bawdy but he seems to have a quite a few female fans.
Hah hah He thinks they're all getting paid to show up here. But they think they're just asking him about their actual jobs.
Wow that's a lot of hamburgers don't feed all that to a kid.
The extreme pessimism is also kumeta writing what he knows
It's good to have a bit of an ego if you're a creative type. If you don't have any pride in your own work you'll probably burn out on it fast. Do the things you take satisfaction in!
Wow that's an awful coincidence/ Good thing there's-yeah A very good excuse for this.
Oh no poor Gotou. His own daughter can't even recognize him in mangaka-wear.
His black haired characters are always so well designed
I wonder if we'll get the delivery on the hanging mystery of these flashforward bits before the season's done. I know the manga's ending some time later this year so there might be an opportunity to tie things up in both the manga and anime.
i just got home ive had another extremely stressful and fatiguing day though sorry i'll try to be here tomorrow
hey moon, faighto faighto good luck!
okay we'll have some of your shows for tomorrow oh yeah maybe monday?
we'll see
anyway we'll have good shows next time we watch!
Tomorrow's Friday though Rika, would you be able to make it? >>838540 Yeah I know right.
Moving is a lot of work. My parents have been shifting everything from this house up to the cottage/new place up north. And getting the house in as shipshape as possible.
I'll probably have to figure what I want to pack to keep in the city and what to let them take up north for storage.
Okay I'm good for Tamayomi.
Like two weeks late, HorribleSubs finally put out a better version than the QUALITY one they had for episode four.
Their advisor seems to have taken pretty enthusiastically to the coachi role.
The quality seems to be quite a bit better this time
The actual releae -release for episode four was the same standard quality the show has kept up. This episode's in that same ballpark too.
They've only really got the bare minimum of players to run a baseball team. I guess with pitcher exhaustion it would be a good idea to have a back-up or two, but even then the pitcher would still be playing a base.
A baseball team is almost too many characters at the bare minmum for a girls show like this they couldn't do it with like alernates and stuff
Honestly while the quality isn't stellar they do get the animation of body motion pretty decently.
There are a few occasions where it's just 3D CGI though.
I was noticing the really obvious CGI too
This is totally not something I've looked up to make sure of but I saw in a thread on /a/ that this is a studio that works primarily in 3D CGI's first time doing a 2D animation. Which might explain why the 3D CGI is pretty crisp and the 2D is, well.
Unlike most sports shows there hasn't been much focus on the actual matches they play. There was that one last episode but they went through a couple this episode barely even showing us them.
Yeah, it's pretty standard cute girls show
okay dropkick 11 okay lets start
There's some cuts from the first season here.
Actually i think this is just a bunch of shots from the two seasons but with a new voiceover.
I feel like Yurine's telling of the events is a bit exaggerated. Sasuga chuuni
>my childhood friend ATM
Well yeah, Medusa is the AKUMA T<something> MEDUSA
Oh we get a rendition of the song she sung last episode but this time she's not in the process of dying.
Yeah, this one is even more like a last episode.
also a ibt low effort since they're reusing scenes
The entire episode aside from Jashin's singing animation and that bit with Yurine's exaggerated telling of how she and Jashin met has been a cut-and-paste of scenes from season one and two. It's kinda funny since they picked shots that match the tone of the new voice lines so they jump from unrelated visual to unrelated visual. But it's definitely lazy.
Honestly this is a really nice song though.
wow it really is like the whole episode
I guess all they could get budget for was ten full episodes and a bit of extra. As I understand this series is kind of a passion project of the studio so maybe they couldn't stand to just have the budget spread thinly to get more episodes andddddddddddddddd What. And instead just chose ot make fewer, more polished episodes. The quality in this series has been extremely clean and consistent, after all.
They even made fun of it basically being recap
Those guys getting subbed at the end of the episode were at the top of it too, and they kinda said the same kinda stuff then. I'd not been reading too closely so I wasn't sure if they concluded it was gonna be a spoofy recap or not in it, but I guess it ended up being so.
Kind of a shame they couldn't do a proper episode for it but getting that insert song was great. I really liked it.