i stumbled on and investigated a conspiracy on twitter where someone is creating tons of fake socialist organization accounts and using them to try to get money to fund an entirely different organization and i briefly mentioned it in a group chat and someone in that chat started talking about it publically and told people to contact me to learn more
>>836767 It's pretty rude to offer someone as a contact without getting their permission first. I guess you could tell the referred people you don't know what they're talking about and then tell off that first person when they get the returning confusion.
I had a really vivid dream that must have lasted hours last night. I remember waking up at like 3:00 and then I went back to bed and the dream started again and I was still having it when I woke up at 6:00.
I remember people were just up and vanishing and nobody remembered the people who vanished, and then I vanished too. And I was in this weird space station-poi area, you know, like that white metal segmented look and all that. And there were people everywhere just sitting in the hallways and stuff waiting to be processed or something but everyone who had been processed seemed pretty happy about being there and didn't remember earth. Somehow I managed to get the power to fight people? And I was basically just fighting until I somehow managed to escape and I was back on Earth, and then more people started vanishing. Then things started vanishing, too, and then glitching out and people would appear again but different from before, before vanishing again. And then towards the end I had to fight the guy controlling the space station place and he kept saying shit like "I needed people to fill my own reality" and "they belong to me now, they're happy" and shit like that but I didnt listen and beat him and then I woke up
>>836769 yeah, super rude i hadn't made it public because i didn't care that much, i just thought it was funny but other people thought it was a really big deal and want it to be public
i'm gonna give my info to one person and then say i'm done with it so they can go do whatever they want with that info without involving me if they care that much
Man i was doing so well at getting my sleep schedule all fixed up
until now. >wake up at 9:30pm
>>836771 "Somehow I managed to get the power to fight people" is one of those humorously weird dream logic things. Like your dreaming brain tells you that you can now fight and you're all "yes I needed your approval"
>>836779 as someone whose dreams repeatedly make it to where me fighting back is painfully futile i can understand the feeling
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my stepdad's sister died the other day and my mom said that stepdad is "doing great" so im thinking she's hiding it from him? but with his dementia who knows
my grandma’s brother died the other day but they havent told her as she’s hella confused from the tumor growing back whew
pu that’s apparently a macross somg? rad >>836785 yeah we knew it wasnt all out but it makes sense since she’d been getting a little weird on us again just the other day my mom called to check on her, then the next day when she called again my grandma didnt remember
That Medieval notion of music having that underlying single-note drone that goes on through the entire piece is actually really, really great. I like how the lute has this slightly off nature to its notes. I'm not quite sure what's causing it but in that intro and outro it makes for some aesthetically-pleasing unsettling sound.
I've got this itchiness at the back of my throat, kinda like when you get a hair stuck in your mouth, but this itchiness is persisting even after a couple cups of water and me using my tongue to try and "itch" the scratch. It's not a problem but it is annoying.
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
did you try looking back there with a flashlight?
Did now, but it pretty much just confirmed my approximate feelings. I think whatever's irritated is behind that part of the roof the uvula connects to.
While I was doing maintenance work on our boat, one thing we had as a task today was washing the tarps? covering the boat the tarp roofs so while removing them, some like dozen spiders came out of them and my pop just joked, soon a huge nest of them pops out too
well luckily it didn't but I did later find in one of the spots the tarp roof was connected a spider nest indeed a small web coccoon filled with 50-100 small tiny spiders
all still alive
would have been fun to toss that on someone, but I just squeezed it
Probably. Yeah I just slept on a mattress on the floor for ages and it actually did some damage to the carpet, because of moisture an' stuff.
So i use a bedframe now and maybe you should too.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
moist her I just met her! >>836978 I suppose so it is a lot to ask of someone though even though I'm not asking or complaining or anything, I was just offered
and I suppose the floor is wood so that might be concerning
step! is a good dance it's the dance that i do to exercise
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh my god he can't here us he has airpods in ooh myy goood
hear i am
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh man i pent all night awak tryna read a paper and also dropping a glass coaster on my foot
who tf uses glass coasters shit SUCKS
anyway this paper is kinda cool but fuck like why do math people write everything backwards yeesh
assume that there are numbers i, j, k, n, m floating in space somewhere and then if i < j and also there exists an object (T, flap, jax) where flap is <it's a hash map really but im gonna go call it an injunctive bijection where things are blahs if k is in the J> and jax = b((bbb(N))) which is a formal way of stating 1+3=46
some shitter was slandering him and jesse won in court against it and a fox news guy was giving him a hard time about it in that clip but jesse shut him down so powerfully
>>837037 oh yeah the i ain't got time to bleed guy
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah him he was off my radar until that clip though so idk what he's been up to
My brain auto-corrected that to Kiwi before I realized my mistake.
i wanna kill myself /moe/ i keep flirting at my female friends who i don't actually want to engage romantically with thinking it'd be harmless but i definitely am cringe everytime and i can't stop
but why
>>837052 are you afraid to flirt with the ones you do want to engage romantically so instead just flirt with the ones you dont so that you won't have to face rejection? that's kinda normal. people like to flirt but they are risk averse so don't flirt with serious intention i think it's fine as long as you don't string 'em along to a point they get invested
i think there are some good anime about that take a gander
>>837055 what do i type into the search bar >>837054 i think i'm afraid those ones will say yes
finally my eyes hve been graced with the weird yandere fanart
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what's the worst that could happen if they say yes?
>>837058 They could date, have a bad break up and one of them could be ostracized by their friend group Or just date, have a bad breakup and ruin their friendship
One of my friends had a fiance who cheated on him with another one of my friends and now pretty much no one in that friend group talked to her after that
... anastasia in sakura wars just spoke greek what the fuck where the fuck is she FROM
>>837071 Greece, maybe? Anastasia isn't a natively Greek name but I bet the Japanese aren't familiar with that. Plus I know a Greek named Anastasia anyway.
anastasia is a greek name tho f form of anastasio, derived from anastasis - ressurrection
being an obviously christian name, jt stuck around in eastern christianity influenced areas, mainly slavics which is why it is more commonly thought as a russian name nowadays
Ah, okay. Makes me feel more confident assuming she's Greek then.
also -ius not -io brainfart in how greek names work
Yeah, I looked up her character design and she's a lot more olive-skinned than I was expecting. Kubo's got a thing for tanned girls so I was figuring she's more like the cat lady from Bleach, but no, it's a lighter complexion.
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
right she's just a bit brown but the last name palma? that's spanish isn't it?
she's also obsessed with armillary spheres which i suppose is a Greek invention? hmm
it js italian too >>837080 and is on flag of portugal
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i associate the armillary sphere with golden age of islam so i was thinking maybe she was somehow Islamic? but nothing else points to that
armillary sphere is most present in portugal's heraldry, due to their exploration fame >>837082 a melting pot if mediterraen
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
she's really suspicious too i asked about her pockets and she got really defensive and gave me a fake love confession to keep me from asking about them
>>837099 get her a lightning sword maybe she can roll #10d20 (11, 3, 11, 12, 8, 10, 18, 19, 3, 13 = 108) too
>>837099 >>837099 closer to 5000 now, aöso they are all psychers who can 1)kill people on accident 2)explode 3)get possessed by a demon 4)a combination of all above
amusingly,. one guy spent like2 or 3 days between borders of finland and russia he had a house in finland, but lived in russia so just beforew e closed borders, he went to russia back home and then drove back on the day we had closed, so he was turned back and amusingly this is when russian day also passed from previous to next and their SHUT DOWN BORDERS came into being so he wasn't allowed to go back so he was stuck Termnial style between the few dozen metres of no-man's zone between the two border stations for a while
Man I just had a hankering for a good shwarma wrap or gyro. Used to be an every other week or so thing I'd get. But now that I don't leave the house I'm not anywhere near a place I can get a good one. I guess some of the places on -in Greektown will probably deliver but man nothing beats it piping fresh over the counter.
>>837108 as for sweden specifically they are the laughing stock they ahve been for past 15 years but they still think they are superior to their nordic brethren
and ofc, for some fucktard reason, many of our politicians still ADMIRE the swedish way of bloating the GNP unnaturally
>>837110 same with kebab roll does keep the heat, due to being wrapped and wrapped in foil and then being inside the box but anything else just is bland by the time they drive it to you even if you get it like 10-15 mins after being cooked
well that doesn't seem fair >>837117 I'll be sure to watermark it as Marsh from doushio.com/moe/
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my psychiatrist is making me go in tomorrow instead of doing telehealth for some reason literally my medication has been stable for 13 years the only changes have been lowering it at my decision
Well you can go in full sanitary kit to protest I guess.
>>837118 I wonder what the point increase is for having it face away from the wall. The HHA grading algorithm works in strange and arcane ways.
did you ask him why you can't telehealth? seems like a weird thing to make you do
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the receptionist said that he only does in-person in the morning and telehealth in the afternoon??? a nd they couldn't reschedule me for the afternoon
well specialist doctor needing the help of another specialist doctor, cause they have the thing they specialise in too is ironic and funny to me, so yes
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they just give me a piece of paper so i can get my medication im not getting therapy or anything haha
oh yeah can doctors self-prescribe? as in medical ones specifically
I had this conversation with a doctor /medical student friend, but I didn't memorise the anwer we more laughed at how in like 3 or so years, he could hook us up with anything "drug" labeled in finland with ease
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
no but they could prescribe to a friend and then just get it from them
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the psychiatrist at work would prescribe me stuff if i asked and had a reasonable need for it like she'd give me antibiotics or sleep meds or whatever if i asked too bad she won't prescribe me ketamine
indeed tho myself, I am always more worried about unrestricted antibiotics tho
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the one time i wanted antibiotics she determined i didn't need them so i wouldn't say unrestricted
id totally destroy my life if she started giving me stuff i would abuse though i have thought about asking for some trazodone for nights i can't sleep but i know 100% im gonna start taking way too much trazodone for literally no reason
>>837156 there is teekkyu and then there are boring shows
>>837157 haha you can see that they didn't use that much money on this show the dulling of colours during "high action" scenes is a definite mark of it
I wonder why they do it, does it really help doing the motions or covering up some mishaps?
one thing that was good, but cheap was uh Takunomi whenever somethign happened on screen taht require more than basic movements or mouth flaps, and everything went DULL TONE
especially whent the short haired blond does her action shot that is the most notable one
it isn't something that is very visible, but it is there in the action shots
I am just wondering does it really help the animation or what?
I think you're mistaking a tonal shift in colour for intentional dulling. Shakunetsu was pretty well-animated. >>837163 For me well-animated includes staying on-model and not playing with Okay nevermind.
cos your tone implied I was being critical of a show just for the fuck of it when I was just going "huh, seems like they used some 'money saving tactics here'"
No I'm saying you're incorrect about it being cheaply animated. Hence "Shakunetsu was pretty well-animated".
So fucking Indiana is "reopening" rigjt *right And they're going to have a big increase in corona patients and overwhelm their hospitals Doesn't sound lke my problem right? Wrong Because when their hspitals fill up They're going to have to start transporting patients to hospitals in other states. So if I or my parents get sick, it migjt be harder for us to get medical care because Illinois hospitals will be taking patients from Indiana. If they end up having to send a large number of patients over here I'm gonna be fucking pissed. I wonder if it would be a good idea for Illinois to sue Indiana if that happened.
>>837179 only lawyers will profit from that lawsuit
>>837180 what in nine hells also isn't that clearly way too large for abortion, tho i don't know exactly how late you are allowed to do it in each state
there was a pic there that read "you miss the 10 seconds ago when you didn't know this was a thing" and yes I do agree
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
imagine the ridiculous amount of pain that would result from suddenly having a six month old fetus teleported into your womb you would probably go into shock and die
>>837180 wait so they teleported into another womb
>>837192 pro life nurse doing abortions, I guess that is possible
>Macbeth, I am no man born from woman >for you see I teleported my way out
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you gotta do what you gotta do
also it reads SURGEON not nurse
so a doctor
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh lmao
so what is she a mutant or one of those new "global gas turned superpower things" they did after they had killed all mutants off but still wanted random super powered teens?
>>837181 Recently judges have started punishing legal teams in lawsuits for doing that. At least for big cases. Not like legal punishments but by changing how much the lawyers get.
Nonetheless, it still will be a long case decades long and that is long term employment for a lot of lawyers
I guess for Star Wars day they announced that Taiki Waiti is going to direct a theatrical Star Wars movie. After the success of Ragnarok he seems to have been A-listed for people wanting to do science fantasy stuff.
Nevermind going outside, I'm going to have to be wearing a mask in this house so I can get a break from breathing in all these cleaning and painting fumes. It's really starting to bother my head.
>>837211 No clue. I guess an absolute deadline of "End of May" like the rest of plan to put the house up for sale. Hopefully it's done before then though.
Temperatures outside here are still only hitting like 10C at best so I can't even really keep my window open for long without getting pretty cold, and my mother wants the heat on anyway, so can't even open it to begin with. I wish I could air my room out.
Actually nevermind fuck this.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea air quality is more important that suxx
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
really 10 ain't bad for at all for leaving the window cracked open
>>837215 10C at best. It's 5C right now, and'll probably drop a few more degrees as the night goes on.
we found them in the bushes when we stopped to eat poor things
Were they making noise?
yeah they were ones I mentioned the other day we only managed to notice them because the noise
If they were makin noise then I guess they didn't have a mama cat around. I'd be a little bit worried I might be kittennapping from a family of strays. That said though, taking them in off the streets is better for them in the long run.
dragon's dogma on hard mode is stupid >bosses giant dragon and a cyclops >y ou can somehow survive blows without insta feeding >aftet rthose fights >one love tap from a bandit and you die from 700 hp
>>837260 we couldn't see any other cats around so I figure it's safe to say they were alone >>837261 we'll see at the moment they're at roomie's parents
>>837365 engineered by the chinese BUT funded by obama
>>837365 >>837368 Nononono it was engineered by the us, stolen by Chinese spies, and then leaked
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Wait where does 5G fit into this
Sends subliminal thoughts out to citizens minds to make them submissive to the government. Covid19 isn't actually real. It's a plot to keep us under control.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>837371 That's actually my fetish so it works out great
>>837372 Love it when the nanny state goes ara ara
>>837370 something about radiation and maybe eating my globalist neighbors
>>837400 i think weirdest brainwashign I have gotten, is how "kneeling down" translates to "korpo" korkea polviasento - high kneeposition literally army term for the pose, seen in the above kneeling proposition pic
>>837441 >>837442 delta is also existential threats it gets into protoculture stuff and ultimately reveals a conspiracy that changes the future of the macrossverse
I should prolly just watch it but the issue is that the male lead and the main female lead I don't like them and the third main lead is barely into my likezone either
that is why say the idols in space akb 0048
just does a lot better, as it is an ensemble cast from the start
I came across (what I guess is) an R-18 book cover called NIGHTINGALE TRUE LOVE The problem is Nightingale (the FGO? character) is on the cover obscuring part of her own name. So it reads NIG___GALE TRUE LOVE
The kind of design concern that probably doesn't get much consideration in Japan, whoops
>>837483 I can't knead there's still no flour in the grocery stores >>837485 once got invaded by NIGHTMAN in dark souls but his name got censored to ***HTMAN he backstabbed me off a cliff while I was laughing
maybe if I ordered at the right time, but every time I've started shopping it's out of stock even on the grocer's website
i got some i can send you i'll put it in an envelope
i got a bunch to make battered eggplants and battered mushrooms i baked a bunch of radishes too but i didn't batter them. they're good
if this goes on much longer I might take you up on that I have a bit of bread flour left but I'm saving that to make some milk bread for my friends birthday they requested shibuya toast and I have no idea what I'm doing it'll turn out great
So because of some of the problems that have emerged because of the pandemic lockdown, Canada recently marked Wednesdays as National Takeout Day, as a bit of a push to get people to eat out to help keep small restaurants afloat. Honestly it's pretty clunky-sounding but I guess it's with good intentions.
But this week, and maybe onwards, a few of those small restaurants are going to be boycotting Uber Eats, instead recommending patrons call the restaurant's own delivery service or come for curbside pick-up. The emergence of food courier services like it has really done a number on the atmosphere and nature of the restaurant business, often meaning around supper times restaurants are serving -are cooking a much higher quantity of food without a properly scaled kitchen staff. Plus the cut Uber Eats takes from the paid order is now as high as 30%, money paid by the orderer that the restaurant sees none of. So a lot of restaurants apparently are realizing how bad of a deal the service has become and are trying to protest that, and the notion of a National Takeout Day basically acting as free advertising for the service in particular is a dealbreaker for them.
Neat. Yeah, UberEats has been treating restaurants really poorly. Places having their own deliverypeople is probably a lot better for everyone in the long run anyways.
Yeah a proxy delivery service like that has always made me feel a little weird. I'd rather contact the restaurant directly for that sort of thing.
The advantage food courer apps have for me is I can order something without having to call in. Smaller, non-chain restaurants won't have online ordering and my phone anxiety generally means I don't want to make a call unless absolutely necessary. I'd probably just cook something at home than call to order something.
That said I haven't installed any food courier apps so I'm not really benefitting from then -them anyway, but as a hypothetical.
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
thats the biggest advantage for me too
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
telehealth is actually helping me neutralize my phone anxiety somehow haha i do so many sessions on phone now
>>837511 That's good, I'm happy for you. I actually know a lot of people (online and off) with telephone anxiety so its nice to hear that someone has begun to get over i. *it
>>837511 Like with a lot of stuff in this area, it's probably something that smoothes out if you just do a lot of it. Having a neccessary prompt like Telehealth is great for that I bet. I didn't really have more than a scant few reasons to call people beforehand, even less now that everything's shut down.
I'm reading an interview with the director of Assassin's Creed Valhalla and they keep referring to Eivor as they. It's a bit confusing to me since the Eivor we saw in the trailer didn't really strike me as non-binary. Maybe it's a transition of Viking culture and how they formed their identities.
But Occam's Razor is telling me it probably just means there'll be a choice of character design a la the twins in Odyssey.
Hopefully there's a choice of character! I don't think there were female vikings but there were shieldmaidens or whatever and then again who knows if the character is Officially a Viking or whatever
>>837525 >The player is invited to take part as a Viking raider and also a leader of a clan from Norway. The general outline of the story is that, at the time period in which we begin, the 870s AD, it's a time of strife in Norway. So after a short time in Norway, this clan, led by Eivor, and other characters who I'll get into later, are eventually driven out of Norway to seek life elsewhere for political reasons, for matter of survival, and for narrative-driven reasons as well.
Honestly a lot of this kinda sounds closely in line with some of the story from Vinland Saga hah hah
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i wonder if they'll be an assassin at the beginning or if they end up getting involved in england
The narrative director is keeping mum about a lo t of the specifics but it sounds like it might start in a similar story arc as Edward's in Black Flag. A neutral third party that gets dragged into the eternal war between the Templars and the Assassins. Though the director also emphasized that it's not going to be a repeat of Black Flag.
As far as narrative goes it's nice that the team from Origins is working on this one.
I'm sure Odin and other Norse figures will eventually tie into the Precursors like all other divinities in the Assassin's Creed games but yeah, this isn't like a God of War game where the gods are real and things are fantastic. 95% of the AC world is mundane reality and dvinities are concepts of faith as much as they're seperate, Precursor entities.
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Honestly, one of my favorite parts of Odyssey were all the mythological beasts we got to fight. I really liked exploring them and seeing how they were linked to the Precursors as well as fighting them although some went down a little too easy. I hope Valhalla has quite a few of those but I can't really imagine what they'd be given the game takes place mostly in England, I think.
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
fuck the WIAT-IV comes out soon i'll have to get my hands on it so i'm not outdated in my assessment ability
an achievement test measures academic achievement i use WIAT-III right now but the IV comes out in a few months
>>837540 I don't know how westward the game's map encompasses but if it goes far enough we'll get to see Wales and the Gaelic regions of the British Isles. There's a lot of rich mythology there. Plus a bit of the game apparently takes place in Norway so we could be in the Norse cultural regions too.
Yeah, might be cool. I'd love to see some real druid shit.
I'm sure you'll gain access to Norway again towards the midpoint or something and be able to explore that.
Honestly the Fae are pretty much Precursors down to their sociopathic tendencies and habit of considering human beings nothing more than pets or curiousities.
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
council of fairies when
Let me axe a Sidhe and I'll leave happy.
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I'm still not sure how to feel about jumping 1000 years into the future It feels like we just learned a LOT about the founding of the assassins and templars and then we're just moving away from that I'd like to learn more about the spread of the proto-assassins It would be more thematically appropriate too although i'm sure i'm missing something and it'll be related somehow
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i mean we went to atlantis last time sort of maybe this time we'll literally go to valhalla
If they're dead set on not making a proper Persian Assassin's Creed game I think a good linking point would have been a game set somewhere in -somewhere else in the Islamic world. Like Islamic Spain or somewhere else on the southern coast of the Mediterranean. We haven't really done much in regards to them since Altair. A story which establishes a linking point between the founding of the Order and the established organization they have at the start of the first game would be neat.
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Hmm, I dunno. Islamic Spain is like 1500 years in the future from where we're leaving off! I think it'd be interesting to move into hmm Now that I really think about it, the only place that we haven't already spent too much time in around the med is Persia But unfortunately they already threw that away with Odyssey!
Everywhere else is basically just Roman archetecture. I guess they could go to Africa more?
Oh, yeah, I guess instead of Islamic Spain I was thinking more of the Maghreb, the Northern coast of Africa that was predominantly islamic culture.
From the ending of Origins around the end of B.C. and the start of the "Common Era" there isn't much in Europe that the Templars would be interested in sticking their nose into that isn't Roman-oriented. I guess they could maybe do a return to Italy and explore the Roman empire at the height of its power.
>>837554 >Present day Iran And AGAIN, we return to the argument for Persia.
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Maybe they could do Roman Judea?
The assassins were technically founded in like 1000 or something by Hassan That'd be in present day Iran
right haha more persia But I think Persia could work if it were in a different time period And ending it on Hassan would be really interesting thematically because the present day assassin girl who is basically re-founding the assassins is also named Hassan and Hassan turned the Hidden Ones into the Assassins So maybe Layla could turn the Assassins into something new
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
It's a shame that they had such // so many games set in Rome. It really made it uninteresting to go to places in the Roman world because the architecture was so standardized in a lot of ways. But Arabic world managed to keep its architecture unique and at least Greece had some beautiful landscapes and mountains to explore
Honestly if we're no longer going from setpiece to setpiece in a narratively linked fashion then I hope they take us to India soon. The Indian subcontinent is full of great places to set a story visuals-wise. And the Hindu mythos has some amazing characters to it that put the weirdness of the Grecco-Roman pantheon to shame.
Yeah, I definitely want to see outside of the western world.
India would be really cool! I'd really like to see some games focusing on Asia. China, India, Japan. Although Japan might not be too interesting because it's so cut off from the world for most of its history with the exception of a few eras. They mostly just get new technology from outsiders occasionally for a while. And there are already so many games about that era.
An Assassin's Creed game set in Sengoku Japan where you're a retainer of Nobunaga and have to fake his assassination would be ridiculously cool to me. But yeah Japan's kind of oversaturated when it comes to games set in it.
Plus, narratively the games are always about stopping whatever villainly the Templars are up to, and they generally don't care about anywhere that's not a widely-reaching seat of power. That's why as much as it sucks it makes sense that they'd hover in Europe for so long. There was always something going on there as far as power struggles go.
But India and China were their own places of large influence and power, and there's a lot of history of them fracturing and recombining and fracturing again. Definitely worth exploring for the games I feel.
Yeah, there's a lot there that doesn't get explored in any western media, too.
I also question the decision to do Norse now when God of War 2 will be coming out sometime in 2020 or 2021, too. I don't think there's a problem with multiple AAA games touching on similar stuff, but two AAA Norse games around the same time seems ill advised to me.
I wish they'd share with us the thought processes that brough them to Valhalla.
The Assassin's Creed games lately seem to alternate development between Ubisoft Montreal and Ubisoft Quebec, Origins from the former and Odyssey the latter. Valhalla will be from Montreal, and since they weren't working on Odyssey I wouldn't be surprised if they started groundwork on Vahalla not long after Origins came out. God of War wouldn't come out for another year, though I guess it was already in the public awareness.
Also the interview I was reading, the narrative director did specify that they're aware of the overlap they've got with God of War, but seems to believe that the fact that Valhalla intends to approach the culture from a more grounded, real approach, as opposed to the mythical fantasy of God of War, plus being more in the historical setting of the Age of Vikings, will help the game stand apart from God of War.
i wonder if we'll be able to find the tomb of king arthur
It is a bit weird. Culturally the game seems to insist on being distinctly Norse but setting-wise takes place predominantly in England. The myths of the region; Arthur, Celtic, even the by-now considerable Christian population, these don't quite align with the Norse image the game portrays. I wonder how they'll handle that kind of cultural hodgepodge.
I wonder if it's related to the present day story. Maybe there wasn't anyone whose DNA they could use from england that was relevant to what they're looking for. But I dunno! Calling it Valhalla and having it take place in England is weird. Valhalla is almost assuredly not going to be in England. I mean, there was historical precedence for Atlantis being in Greece at least.
I hope they'll start releasing information soon.
It's also interesting that there was already an AC game in England albeit way later in time.
>As far as [Valhalla's] story goes, we do continue the story that began in Origins and continued in Odyssey. We take that and we build on it in a big way. We also did a lot of thinking about how to connect all the games, at least the lore of all the games, to make it feel like everything we've done over the past dozen games has little feelers and little entry points into this game. Even if you're a hardcore fan of the series and you start digging below the surface, it might take a year to really get all the small details we brought to life. This quote from the narrative director seems to indicate they want to work threads of the previous games into it. The narrative director worked on Revelations and Black Flag, which maybe explains why Eivor and Edward's initial story beat sounds like they'll echo each other. But it does also sound like they want to ground the other games in this one.
>>837565 That'll be interesting to see things coming together but it's hard to imagine some of the games set in the future will be able to tie in very well, other than maybe Ezio's.
The power of animation is that it has that one degree of separation from reality so it can often be the best format for asking the really confrontational, hard-hitting questions
Don't bully Tae it's not her fault she's a bit autsy.
>>837612 megumiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin >>837613 apparently my mom saw someone on the facebook intentionally sting himself with one of those cazadors
>>837652 This one is great Very inspired design. Love the flat head and shoulders. The way it incorporates the knight themeing into stuff like that thing on the front of its feet is really cool. Sick emblem too. 8/10
the two germans are funny one of them is an adult and a secret weeb she always goes to see kabuki shows and then i trick her into talking about how much she likes japan the other one is a little girl and she's a bitch but she looks like prinz eugen from kancolle
>>837676 This destroys my ssesensensense of immersion.
>>837673 What's that bit on the very top is that supposed to be a German helmet pike
>>837676 Is she using the camera to read from the giant book
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>837677 yeah at first she's sad because her magic was used by her family to torture people for generations and generations but then she decides to just use it for good and starts going all in her power is called LIBROMANCY she gets magic from BOOK
there's this mechanic in this game where you get to decide how much SPIRIT you'll put into something you're saying sometimes it'll be something inspirational, sometimes it'll just be something impactful that you can say but i can never fucking predict what the right amount of spirit is so sometimes i'll go MAX and i just start screaming something like YEAAAAAAH CHRISTMAS SHOW TIME YEAAAAH in a casual conversation and other times i'll go low spirit and be like "u-um... w-would you l-like to g-go to the t-theater with me?" it ends up being funny because i just can't figure out what's going to happen i would think full spirit would be ideal all the time but some people get upset if you're too excited
Obviously they're not GENKI enough!
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
deshou? get hype everyone
>>837691 can you roleplay as someone with no social skills show up to a funeral with maximum genki spirit
yeah there are always responses you can choose that are so bad
and there's a little bit of LA Noire syndrome where you have no idea what you'll actually say for some ofr the choices and sometimes you end up saying some pretty hilarious things although it makes the girls upset
>>837695 does it do that thing where the option doesn't actually include the full text and then your character says something you would never have actually said
>>837697 Hm, I don't know if I agree with the terms set by the chart. Like I don't think the isekai world must be fantasy themed to be a "traditional isekai". And I feel the definition for Structure Rebel is too broad. Like I get that's the point of it but at that point literally any narrative is going to be an isekai. "Any form of estrangement in a setting unfamiliar to the principal characters" is a catchall for way too many narrative plots to really work as a defining category.
Like I would agree with how they've classified Steins;Gate but I feel Hataraku is still a pretty traditional isekai.
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i am in agreement with you i think it's all just a set up for fresh prince though
It's not a very good joke then thoughhhh Like within the terms set yeah, Fresh Prince is a Structural Rebel, Ingredient Rebel Isekai. It's about as ridiculous as calling Harry Potter or Futurama an isekai.
Honestly the real set up should be that Fresh Prince is more true to the isekai form than Harry Potter because Will gets sent to Bel-Air and stays there pretty much the entire series. Where Harry is constantly moving between the Muggle world and wizarding world throughout the series.
While I'm on the train of taking this joke far too seriously a better example for Structural Purist, Ingredient Rebel would probably be Isekai Shokudou since the restaurant exists in a fixed point and it's the isekai world that keeps opening up random entrances into it.
listening to my roommate's gf have a breakdown because she never learned how to use powerpoint for the last four hours it's getting heated in here
I too have never really learned how to use Powerpoint.
it being a thing and it being an option that was // wow hang on I need to go to the living room
>>837711 I'm not saying uts her fault, it is however her highschool's fault for not teaching it to her though.
>friends make silly Pokemon battles with PowerPoint >loading every fucking effect into a PowerPoint >loading a shit ton of gifs into PowerPoint gud memories
>>837754 Ah Doctor Zaeus Doctor Zaeus? From The Planet of the Apes musical. That always makes me think of "I'll kill every ape I see, from Chimpan A to Chimpan Z". Up until taking my ape class I thought of that just about any time I heard the word Chimpanzee for years.
I have a friend planning on building a computer for gaming that just so happens to be optimized for Dwarf Fortress. According to him the best way to speed up dwarf fortress is by having a cpu with a big cache so he's planning on buying some AMD cpu with a massive cache.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i imagine single core performance is key
>>837761 It's a real shame that he didn't write dwarf fortress to be parallelized.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i just recently got a ryzen 5 matisse it's nice maybe i'll trade it up for the 7
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>837762 pretty hard thing to do in C++ when you're all alone and your codebase is decades old
>>837767 If he had started it with parallel programming I mean
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
rewrite (clap) dwarf (clap) fortress (clap) in (clap) rust
>>837769 How is parallel programming in rust anyways? I've only done a little bit of parallel programming and pretty much all of it was array programming. I've also never had to write anything that did asynchronous multitasking but I do know what that is.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>837770 it's p sweet it just works cuz of the type system
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if you want to make something accessible by multiple threads that is the job of your choice of memory-management containers like Arc (atomic reference counting) or you can send any value that is considered Send between threads then there are higher level tools like uhh Rayon? which gives you functional combinators and stuff that parallelize for free
You pretty much lost me after "accessible b multiple threads" *accessible by
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
like if you wanted a shared integer to be accessed by a bunch of threads you could use a Arc<u32> or somethin and then copy the Arc one for each threads then if a thread wants to change the number, they have to get a lock to open up the Arc stuff like that
Okay I sort of get that. I honestly don't remember exactly what a thread is.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
a thread is single-core execution well, an abstraction over single-core execution just, an environment inside which single-threaded code executes normally. it may spawn new sibling threads, and share memory with them. threads are all contained in a process
Wait, so processes aren't contained in threads?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
problem w C++ is you can write single threaded code relatively easy but multi threading requires you to follow like 100 invisible and unenforced rules at all time
a black woman came to buy mango cigarillos >do you have your id? >it's in the car >can you get it for me? >i really don't wanna get it right now >can you get it for me please? >she stomps out, says "ooh i hate white people" >comes back in, throws her id at me >pushes the guy in line out of the way >i tell her to hold on a minute >she immediately slaps the shit on the counter over >picks up the metal banana tray and throws it at me, hitting my shoulder >runs off, grabs a shopping cart, throws that at my coworker >slaps her too >runs out the door and speeds off i love working at seven eleven
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
but did she look 14
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow jesus
>>837801 That's pretty awful yeah. Maybe she was cranky because she needed her mango smokes.
>>837819 i just saw this i think she's lost it she went bananas
So there's a bit of ant problem in the house I'm staying in And I was just in the kitchen and I saw some ants And I got to thinking Ants aren't nocturnal or diurnal I think they have shifts.
>>837855 She's lost it She knows she can peel The bananas lay just beyond the gate
Well these ants seem to anyways There are species of ant that are diurnal and species