fruits basket hamefura princess connect nami yo / yesterday (depends on moon) kaguya
It's pretty easy for me to tell when people are present but not really here. Which isn't a wrong thing in itself or anything. But I can't really understand why go to the work of showing up, oranging for timing,
>>837233 and then kinda just tuning out. To me it feels like there isn't really a want to watch, or at least there's more pressing things for your attention and interest.
I'm probably just dragging this out unnecessarily anyway
>That huge house I was under the impression Shigure's house was pretty normal size. Maybe that's just the scale I'm accustomed to.
Who builds a haunted house in a department store.
I thought the rabbit was gonna bring them to a rooftop swimming pool or something. I know some more luxurious Japanese department stores have stuff like that.
I feel they didn't fight as much season 1 they fought but not so much
>26 Gosh They're probably like nine years apart then. That's quite the age gap romance.
>>837246 Well they're also both starting to crush pretty hard on Tohru. I bet they're picking up on those vibes from each other and getting competitive!
It's nice to see the yankee girl do kinda normal things like start crushing on someone. She's kind of an eccentric character that something like that grounds her nicely.
Oh I'd forgotten about that scene with Akito. I guess I'd totally forgotten Kureno's character too though.
I've not actually read this this feels like the kind of thing that will go on forever and never resolve I don't think we'll ever get to see a winner
Nah, this is a really old manga. Like it was finished back when I was in highschool. I'm fairly certain this adaptation intends to fully adapt it, if I remember the press about it when it was announced.
I wonder what the complication is going to be so far it seems like she will avoid her bad ends
My imouto picked up this series on a whim and fell hard in love with it. She's even gone and read the manga adaptation and maybe the LNs? Anyway apparently in the manga her inner mind council grows up with her. Unlike here where they've remained kids. She was a bit put off by that hah hah
It looks like even with Katalina determined to not be a bitch, there's plenty of other girls here happy to step into the role.
This makes the second time she's usurped an event from one of the guys, yeah. If she's not careful she's going to make Maria fall in love with her!
>That's not the kind of "like" I meant though Are you reeeeally sure of that though Catalina
It's kinda funny though. Maria has a lot of Mary Sue aspects to her. Like she's literally the poor, humble peasant girl who's super beautiful and has magic powers far above her status. Who now gets to go to school with literal nobility and enjoy the company of attractive men and women.
If she was a self-insert character into a fanfiction or something she'd totally just be a Mary Sue.
Catalina really took to farming. It's endearing how it started off as her trying to improve her magic but turned into an actual passion of hers.
Well, since it's a VN she's probably more of an empty shell in the game
Yeah, in the game she's probably an actual self-insert for the player to do the romance version of a power trip.
As a secondary character to Catalina it's funny to see how her Heroine status affects things.
Also bringing Keith along could have been dangerous! So far she's been good at getting in the way of the heart scenes but if Keith wasn't an oneecon now she might as well been setting up a new one.
She really did the most work on hijacking Keith's original personality and writing him a new one. In the game he was a playboy but thanks to her he's only really got eyes for Catalina.
Mym ain takeway from this show is alwways just how cute they are
... There's bloody handprints all ove the wall of this hospital.
He went from being a blob of lard to being skin and bones. This show likes to reuse some of its background characters. Those two thieves stuck around for like three episodes.
She's kinda cute.
Oh she's also kinda cute.
Did she go into the slums to just loot stuff from vagabonds.
Oh I see. The reason this series sounds like a sequel to something is because it technically is a sequel. Or more so the mobage it's adapting is a sequel to the original Princess Connect mobage.
This ended on a bit of a gut wrench last episode. For all her rejecting that guy who's been constantly flirting with her, seems like she was comfortable having him as an ace in the pocket.
This brown-haired girl is either an expert in putting on faces or just a total cloudcuckoolander
If radio in other parts of the world did stuff like fake hijacks in the middle of the night to tell a story, I bet more people would still be into it. Especially in North America radio is so dulled down and commercialized that it really deserves to just die.
Wow fact and fiction is kind of in lockstep tonight. Her ex seems to have bad luck with women.
I wonder if his new girl is gonna go through with killing him. And it's gonna get their show in hot water. No such thing as bad publicity after all.
Wild stories are probably going to become her bread-and-butter working in radio. She's gonna have to get a reputation before she starts getting advice mailed in like we saw in the first episode.
Ah well this image doesn't want to upload. I guess I'll just keep -oh there it goes.
I saw someone on /a/ pointed out some weird similarities between it and a scene from Bakemonogatari. They're not even thematically similar scenes they just decided to parody it.
Fujiwara as vice-president would be an amazing thing in all the horrible ways. I feel like Iino's adoration of her is a bit misplaced though. Piano skills does not make someone a good administrator!
Iino's the kind of girl who thinks there should be strict rules like boys and girls can't be in close proximity to each other on school grounds. And things like there being a universally standard uniform without space for alteration or style variants. She's an extremely anal, stick in the mud kind of girl.