thank >>834539 I would just leave them alone personally not into whatever that is
>>834544 I find Chris-chan and Sonichu to be very amusing, but there is also a lot of gross stuff about them on the wiki.
this old cat is a dick gets mad at the other cats when he's hungry >>834551 I don't get the phenomena of making people embarrass themselves on the internet on a small scale it's kind of funny but it's q a bit much when you have forums and wikis etc if I had a button to destroy kiwifarms I would press it instantly
>>834553 Chris does all sorts of weird shit without being trolled into it. Also kiwifarms isn't the "trolling Illuminati", they're a repository of information about people with commentary. People who don't actually use the website get the idea that its a website where trolling is organized, but organizing trolling campaigns is against there rules and will get you banned.
I never said it was some sort of trolling illuminati I just think it's dumb and a waste of time
>>834559 The trolling Illuminati was said by someone else but your post seemed to imply that you think tolling campaigns are organized there. *trolling
>oh nooooo >I can only dance with one girl >and one of them is really chill and friendly and down to earth >and one is a total bitch who hates my guts >What should I do >which should i pick >doushiooo
The protagonist sucks
see back in my day they weren't called tsundres they were just fucking bitches
did you hear about this story morsh the guy in the porsche who got pulled over and then another guy in a truck had an episode and ended up crashing into the cops crazy stuff
>put through massive crunch >game gets delayed anyway lol Umderstandable
can they get that guy in for Borderlands
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
funny that everyone is saying it's sad that it got leaked get my dude paid if you don't want it leaked
You know what's weird Despite the Uncharted series selling millions, I don't think I've ever actually seen anyone I know mention that they've played it
>>834628 It's kind of sad if you were actually looking forward to the game and you'll inevitably get spoiled on it unless you live under a rock Like obviously fair pay is more important but it sucks if you're actually looking forward to it
apparently the student senate at school hosted a sort of party for my cohort to celebrate us all finishing school but i didnt know about it because i dont really check my school email and nobody told me about it so i missed it oh, it was over zoom
and apparently the student senate delivered gifts to everyone's homes to celebrate but i didnt get one? someone suggested the student senate might not have my address or something but apparently the gift included a bottle of booze? so it's probably for the best that i didnt get it i'm still a little sad about it though
that's kind of lame of them they could even just a follow up saying ah we missed you congrats on finishing etc
yeah i got a text saying "we missed you at the zoom thing!" why didn't anyone make sure i knew about it if you would miss me there
I put water on for tea and filled the pot, but what I totally forgot to do was put new teabags into the pot before putting the water in... Didn't realize until I was pouring my first cup and wondering why the tea was looking so clear.
aaa >go to sleep at bit before 9 >drill-chsn desu this is my 6 hour liiiiiive >coma of 6 hours while enjoying drill-chan live show i do not feel good
cabbage with beef and carrots 1/2 lb ground beef (i used 80/20 ground chuck) ~cup of sliced carrots, steamed, cut into coins, then frozen ~1/4th head of cabbage (use as much as you want, you can stretch the flavor from the beef and sauce quite far) 4oz white wine 2oz soy sauce 2tbsp ground ginger 2 tsp turmeric 2 tsp paprika 3tbsp orange marmalade (if you aren't using a very sweet one, you will want sugar/corn syrup to add to taste) 1tbsp red wine vinegar
skillet or frying pan on med-low heat, crumble the beef into pea-sized bits and add to skillet with frozen carrots, trying to cover the most surface area possible let them be for a little while while they build up a fond, you want them to get rather crispy on the bottom and you don't want them to burn. this stage took about 10 minutes for me, but stoves vary once the fond is pretty decent, stir a bit and let the other sides (previously the top) of the carrots and beef brown a little while you raise the heat after 1-2 mins, place all the cabbage (sliced into shreds, about 1.5cm thin and a pinky's length-ish) on top of the beef and carrots, add the spices and wet ingredients (except the marmalade, hold that!) and leave covered on low heat for about 5 minutes or until the cabbage has softened (but before it gets too floppy, this is a preference thing though so don't worry too much about being exact) then cook uncovered on medium heat, stirring occasionally until the liquid has reduced heavily, almost gone. add the orange marmalade and cook for 1-2 more minutes
serve over white rice or noodles, but with rice let it sit for a few minutes while the sauce seeps in
frozen? gives them crunch?
>>834642 nah, for storage, but i figured i should mention because if you use raw carrots or carrots that aren't cold it wouldn't work if someone followed this recipe
oh also, i'll try this recipe once quarantine is over with more traditional asian ingredients like rice vinegar and mirin limited options at the moment because supplies can be difficult to acquire
Would you be subbing out the white wine and red wine vinegar for the rice vinegar and mirin
>>834645 yeah, and probably using fresh ginger and maybe even a dried chili in a mortar and pestle instead of the ground ginger and paprika
Feels like it starts to have a lot of overlap with Japanese-style curry. Not that it's a bad thing just an observation.
The curry place I visited in Japan had a thing where you could literally get as much cabbage with your order as you wanted. And the basic serving you could already get basically came with a mountain of the stuff too. Shredded cabbage is a pretty good complement to those kinds of dishes.
i should make borsch or cabbage soup i miss my 10l pot
i have a tendency to dislike adhering to traditionalist ideas when i'm cooking i use a lot of methods borrowed from different styles of cooking with pretty much anything i make so like the japanese style of shoyu, mirin, and komezu used in almost everything is kind of like a principle i apply to a lot of dishes except it's more like (wine/alcohol), (vinegar), (salt+glutamate source) i really like combining the mexican pilaf method of making rice (with tomato sauce and spices and onions) to a more curry-style of flavor and ingredients in fact i think doing a pilaf with fried rice ingredients is usually an easy way to make a fried-rice adjecent dish without needing leftover rice on hand or using a lot of oil
>>834641 Would you say cooking the cabbage in with the rest adds something to it overall or would it be fine to keep it aside and serve it relatively uncooked. I kinda like the crispness of raw cabbage.
>>834650 if you want the cabbage to be really crispy and raw, i'd just skip the steaming step you'll definitely want to use a deep frying pan (or even one of those half-woks//// actually i take that back, you'd want a frying pan) instead of a skillet, but i think the flavor of cooked cabbage is a little better and you want the cabbage to really get the sauce in there so maybe reducing the sauce a bit first and then adding the cabbage near the end and skipping the steaming step would get you the best of both worlds i used a skillet and if i didn't steam the cabbage it wouldn't have fit at all but a large frying pan would've been a better choice from the beginning for either method
We've got large frying pans, decently deep skllets, a small-size wok. My mother really likes collecting kitchen utensils. Could add the pre-requisite cabbage to the dish and just keep some on the side to serve raw. Kinda hard to have too much cabbage.
yeah i wasn't sure what to notate for the amount of cabbage because i only used about 1/3 a head of cabbage but i figure more people would want more meat and carrots maybe but you could honestly use more than half a head of cabbage with the same amount of beef and carrots because the cabbage is so good on it's own and the other ingredients are mostly there to lend their flavor to the sauce and therefore to the cabbage and rice
>Morning turnips: 120 Bells >Afternoon turnips: 119 Bells It's only Mondaaaayyyy Sure this can't be the peak of my week on the first day of selling. Surely.
invest the nips wisely buy a church
>Shoot down balloon present >It lands in the ocean >Golden slingshot breaks Talk about a double whammy
>>834655 i saw a vtuber say that but they ended at 49 was a bad week for them
>>834658 The price arc generally follows a pattern, so unless you're feeling REALLY lucky and you'll get an exception to the pattern, you'll usually get your highest prices on like Wednesday or Thursday. Waiting until Saturday trying to hold out for a better price is usually just gonna end in tears. They should have just sold on one of those days and cut their losses, the pattern usually has a sharp decline in prices Friday and Saturday.
I bought the turnips for 110 Bells so I'm still technically in the green, although a nine Bell per turnip profit would be pretty disappointing. But it means the price could still dip a bit and I wouldn't lose much. So I'm comfortable waiting to see how things turn out.
just use turnip prophet
But that takes all the fun out of the risk!
If I didn't want to gamble I'd just keep an eye out for people with good prices that are inviting people over. There's like millions of people playing the game there's got to be on any day of the week at least a few people with prices in like the 500-700 range.
go for maximum profit and keep paying that infinite debt
But I'm already on the final debt. It's only 2.4 or something million Bells. I'll probably want another few million to make sure I've got enough funds for all the relocating and building I'll be doing with my island design but after that, I'm pretty much down to no major expenses.
The day-to-day turnip checking and calculating/hedging bets is a lot of fun for me and honestly a driving motivator for me getting out of bed before noon these days. I don't want to spoil that just because I could more reliably make faster profits.
The delays keep coming and they don't stop coming, eh.
There's been quite a few shows this season that have had delay announcements.
It's nice that the game and animation studios are giving their employees, well, not a break, but the time they need to shift into a work-from-home environment. But I do worry there's gonna be a drought of content in the next few months. I'll shrivel out without content!
>>834665 this is an indie studio I think, but for some reason I just read the >There have certainly been challenges in adapting to game development in a Work From Home environment azx "It is hard to make people crunch at home"
Having spent a bit of time how game studios do production pipelines, learning how even, I'm a bit familiar with the infrastructure. There probably is some time needed to adapt that localized infrastructure into something that can be securely accessed from remote locations.
Also the employees might not have the hardware at home to develop and test the things they're working on at the studio, which means they either need to set up new stations at the employee's home or move the hardware from the studio to the home.
Like I get you like to pick the cynical hypothesis in pretty much every situation but there are very understandable issues of logistics here that would interrupt the work flow.
I got like an hour of sleep after the game last night which kept me functional enough to at least make it through anime. But then when I went to sleep for the night proper I ended up waking less than three hours later. Guess I don't get to be well-rested yet.
I stayed up to around 8.40 went to bed and at about 9 flat DRILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL PARTY up untill 15 or so I don't know what happened in that 6 hours, but I was in the bed the entire time then I slept like 2 hours and woke up with one of the worst headaches ever
also known as british columbia where you leap between the fire rivers dancing along the screaming fields and with your best buddy at your side you'll sing sing sing
I'm a hellman and I'm okay I torture all day and torture all night
I am not sure if I watched wwf/wwe when cena came I stopped watching tv aside news when in the living room with family somewhere around in high school and completely when I moved on my own so that would be 2007 to 10 when did Cena debute?
>>834703 he debuted in 2002 but didn't become popular until 2004 when he won WrestleMania 20
I don't remember seeing him on smackdown or raw tho
he was just on smackdown i think he got more popular later on >>834707 yeah they tried to make him lesnars evil rival but he wasn't really convincing as a bad guy at all he's too goofy i think around 2008 or 2009 is when he became the show running face basically
>>834706 Oh wait yeah that is right when lesnar started to fade, Cena started tor ise but like put Lesner and Cena in the ring and Lesnar just dwarfs him
One thing that I am bothered by now, when I think back to smackdown did triple H and was she actually Vince Macmahon? is that the guy's name?, daughter date? or was it all just for the show
My body's really tensing up this afternoon. It feels like every muscle wants to hunch up or remain taut. It's really uncomfortable but I don't have the broad enough attention to relax every muscle. Kinda like trying to hold too many limes using just your arms and hands. Eventually some fall out.
I just noticed I can't aim proper due to my vision having gone worse, my left eye is stronger now or something so I can't aim down sights proper, without closing my left eye
>>834709 yeah, he won gold in the 96 olympics in freestyle wrestling for America. he won a few other wrestling championships between 92 and 96 as well before retiring and later becoming an actor
i guess who better to act out staged wrestling than an actual wrestler, though
>>834699 he's such a good sport though he's supposedly really fun to work with in acting, extremely professional, and isn't stuck up he's always willing to take doofy roles that make him look dumb and has a fun time with it idk i love seeing him, but never watched his old wrestling career
>>834719 i actually thought you were talking about john cena for a minute haha yeah he's a really great guy, regardless of what his character was, the contemporary wrestlers seem to say he was really nice behind the backstage too
>>834719 his wrestling days were bit different, but then again the wrestlers rarely had that much control over their storylines
Rock was well people's elbow tells you all you need to know he was the Superstar popular kinda character and then he became a kind of like "washed up jealous of the new guys but still popular" guy
like I remember one uhh... royal rumble? king of the ring? match, where he purposefully left the ring, but because the rule is "you get eliminated if you are forcefully ejected" so it didn't count and he was like 1-5 of the 50? people to enter the ring so he joined the announcers on their table until there were 2 guys on the ring
he ended up losing to the final guy, who I think was also the 1st one to enter the ring
what kind of a beer requires you to buy more stuff to make it tasty?
same with tequila >lemon and salt what is with mexicans and lime/lemon anyhow
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>834756 what would possess someone to write such an uneducated post
so how do you drink your quila? the proper way or the lame way
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
in a marg duh
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I've worked out that the best way to get the dog to cooperate when talking is to carry the leash low, so it's more horizontal rather than vertical. He also seems to like moving quickly
Thr biggest downside to this is it looks a lot like I'm doing a Naruto run
monkey shoulder was like $30 last time i bought a 750ml
Has the price gone up or down since then?
probably up
nah it's still the same from total wine and more
oh hey they got a bottle of highland park 25 yr for only $799! what a steal!
looks like you can get a 750ml bottle of glenlivet 12yr single malt scotch for $42 so not really too much more expensive than monkey shoulder
it's all gonna kill you just drink hand sanitizer
Aged whisky/whiskey is really one of those things that rises in price exponentially the longer it's been aged. I don't really have the kind of trained palate to tell the difference but I've got a friend that's a big scotch fan who can.
>>834930 yeah you play as a gopnik who just squats around drinking stoly with his slag sister occasionally leaving their stoop to kill monsters so they can buy more cheap potato vodka
I thought Maccas was more of an Aussie thing Do New Zealanders do it too
>>834933 Maria lived much of his life in Australia.
>>834933 Yeah people here say maccas But also what Rei said. I lived in Australia for ten years. Also people from Wellington, for whatever reason, tend to talk similarly to the way aussies do
>>834936 I've tried that but interacting with Marsh sets off the ptsd so it can't be helped
Yeah but I'd imagine you'd rather scrub the horror of those ten years from your memory.
I'm having a really fun argument right now aababoabout anime character designs in lotgh and its remake I haven't seen either
>>834942 idk I saw her on twitter I'm a simple man with a simple plan. I see booby I right click and save
>>834941 Honestly I reckon I could buy a tonne of fancy cigarettes now, wait for the government to eventually ban them, and then sell them on the black market for a huge profit
>>834942 The girl she's sitting on is pretty cute too
>>834943 Simple Plan is a terrible band. >>834945 Hi hazy Oh wait, for a second I thought I said chick.
>>834943 I've heard from a couple of my smoker friends that there is a really good brand of cigarettes only found in New Zealand.
>>834947 surprised to hear that given the boatload of taxation we have on it
>>834948 One if *of them Described it as something like "smoking one of them makes you feel like you walked up three flights of stairs" Or "feels like yoi *you smoked f a normal pack"
Also it might make thq nordic or whatever it is called and owned by, ressurrect more old thq titles
they did already ressurrect titan quest which was damn incredible
OH seems like people completely forgot about that SpongeBob remaster
wish relic was still owned by thq and not sega of all cancer companies
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>834989 >The original game's dialogue and humor remained intact, though the team enhanced them by updating the character models and cutscenes and introducing motion capture.[7] Instead of rerecording the lines, the team used the audio from the original game and improved its quality for the remake.[8] The game also includes a mission named "Lost Mission of Area 42" that was scrapped for the original game.[9] Black Forest considered developing the remake as a "natural continuation" of their work after finishing the development of Fade to Silence as they learned more about utilizing the technology and designing large, open areas.[10]
yo holy shit gw2 story is drama all these fuckin loops
Which dragon's fault is it this time
none yet I just finished the prologue of the new story We killed Kralk (the lightning one) and now we're just celebrating our victory and suddenly we meet Rytlock's son. and also the mother and then a lot of drama happening and Rytlock punching people in the face
And now, the current leader of the charr is taking a bunch of other charr to go and claim their own elder dragon because they want their own Aurene.
deshou? looks like it's just a questionnaire for a website though so i should be able to do it just js or html
Yesterday I got informed by my parents that over the next month they're gonna be seriously packing up the house and getting it ready to be sold. Which comes with the added detail of us having to be out of it so people can come in to tour it. This isn't a big deal for my parents, since they've pretty much all but made the cottage up north their main home during the pandemic, since my dad can quite easily work remote and there's not really a school system in place at the moment for my mother to be working in. But for me, it kinda throws a lot off kilter. We're supposed to some time this year have condos in the city finished that we can move into but definitely not in the timeframe that my parents have for wanting to clear house. And I really don't want to be up north in the country for however long it would take for them to be ready. I just don't really enjoy being up there.
Thankfully there is a second option. My brother and his girlfriend are much more content to spend time up north -- over the weeks we've already been in shutdown they've all but moved in up there anyway, which means their apartment here in the city is all but being left unused. Apparently they'd be quite fine with me setting up camp there for the interim period we don't have a house in the city ourselves. It's still a good bit of an unnerving notion, since I'd have to be moving and for the first time have to figure out sustaining myself on my own, but on the other hand, I wouldn't have to totally abandon the city. Plus I don't think they need me to cover rent for them? So it sounds like a really good deal.
In the long term though it's a much larger problem though since I thought I had until winter to get set working and have money for rent for living by myself. Now I've got a much smaller timeframe for that, and there isn't exactly a whole lot of work for me to apply for since everything is shut down. If I can't provide rent for myself I'd be stuck in the one of the two city condos my parents are
my boss is surprisingly good at paying me for my work when i was doing 40 hour weeks for no pay he's the one who took the initiative to start paying me i am underpaid though lol
idk if i'll do this for him yet might be a pain
>>835015 keeping for the family (they want to rent the second out), which is a two bedroom apartment. My imouto would probably still be living at home, and apparently she already gets the second bedroom, which would relegate me to a personal space of the condo's den, which probably wouldn't have much than enough space for a sofa or narrow bed and a desk, which sounds pretty awful. I've talked about beign the renter for the second, single-bedroom condo they also bought, but again, no work, no money for rent.
So short term, things are a bit troublesome but probably fine, but this news has really messed up any plans I've had for long-term situations.
>>835015 >>835020 One month is really short notice. Even if it didn't mess with long term planning, that would be really stressful.
If you don't have to cover rent staying in the city, that might be a good idea. But would you be able to afford food and stuff? Living on your own for the first time is pretty weird and scary but I think it's a valuable experience.
especially, you could maybe dish out to someone you know who works in the field
dish it out
>>835022 There's a students benefit as part of the Covid-19 emergency response that I'm pretty sure I'm applicable for, which would be 1250 CAD for four months. That would barely cover rent here but if I don't have to pay for that, it'll easily cover living expenses otherwise. Plus I can probably save the rest and maybe use it as leverage to get my parents to take me on as a renter for the second condo.
>1,2k >barely cover rent okay that is just 800€
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that would cover 3/4 of my rent
that covers 1 and 2/3rds of my rent but I live in the boons
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>835025 That might be a good plan. You have a few days to figure out what you want to do at least, right?
that would cover rent, utilties, groceries, and phone bill for me i live simple life of simple man
>>835026 If I wanted to live in anything more than a studio or single-bedroom apartment it wouldn't even. It also wouldn't even cover if I wanted to live someplace decent. Rent here is expennnnsivvvve
But also probably on a downswing because for the period of the pandemic, landlords have been forbidden from putting up rental places for short-term tenants like AirBnB. So all of a sudden they're panicking pretty hard since all their profitable rent investments don't have suitors and it is flooding the rental market with a bunch of new units. And y'know, basic economics, sudden influx of supply into a market usually drives prices down.
four years ago the cheapest most derelict apartments i could find in this city were $800/mo today they're probably $900 minimum since the rent goes up so much every year
reminder that you yes you can buy a church in finland with a half a hectare plot ofland for the cheap price of huh 24,5k price has gone up
but still cheap
>>835029 I basically agreed to housesitting my brother's apartment the moment I got offered it. Being isolated up north to me is still worse than being isolated by myself down here.
I don't know when my parents want to have this house empty, my mother gave me a tentative deadline of end of May, but everything is nebulous these days. After all, who even knows if there'll be anyone looking to buy in the middle of a pandemic shutdown.
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>835034 i don't think i can go to finland right now unfortunately so it wouldnt do me much good
But I have a plan just develop actual precog, win tomorrow's lottery and then buy it
and then I can move there and live as a rich hermit
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>835035 Yeah, that's a good point. Why is it being sold so soon, anyway?
My parents want to put it up for sale ASAP, probably because they're really banking on the sale providing them with money. They've raised four kids and at least tried to put them all through post-secondary education, on pretty average middle-class incomes. That probably results in quite a bit of debt built up. Over the years this neighbourhood has had quite the large increase in land value, I think when we bought the house as a bungalow it was like 250,000, now with it renovated as a two-story and in the neighbourhood, it should probably easily go for over a million. With a place up north and looking to have two condos owned, plus this house, that starts to be a lot of property my parents are owning. They want to retire up north so they're looking to keep that place for several decades, the condos in the city are interim living spaces until they can retire. By process of elimination this house is of no value if not sold, and they probably want it sold by the end of the year so they can stop paying property tax on it.
So they probably want it sold quick so it stops being a money drain and so they can pay off their debts and retire comfortably within the next five years.
just a weird timing to do it hope they don't have to wait super long to get it sold my father when he sold his last place took around 4 months or so to get it sold
then again it was an unconventional 2 story appartment house in a region that doesn't have the best fame
In any other timeline the house would probably go fast. Like I said, or well, maybe insinuated, this is a pretty hot neighbourhood as far as real estate goes. But it's already been observed here that people aren't exactly looking to do a big move in the middle of the shutdown. So yeah, could just sit empty for a decent while.
Is that tagline under the introduction even neccessary. When is the rent in Queens NOT increasing.
it might go down this month
It is very possible that the answer is *during a pandemic that forces AirBnB slots to rent out to people*
rent too dang high
>>835052 So pretty much what already happened here, hah hah AirBnB got more or less banned and all of a sudden the rental market was flooded with a Totally Inexplicable supply of units.
Yeah, airbnb has actually caused quite a crisis in most of the world. It's lowered the number of apartments and stuff available which has caused prices to skyrocket even more. And because they aren't long-term homes, it's become harder for people to find housing. Airbnb is really a blight on humanity.
and to think it started out as "you individual, make some extra cash, rent your sofa"
It Sounded Like A Good Idea At The Time
I think it doesn't help that the owner doesn't really need to have much of a local presence either. Though this might be entirely incorrect since I don't know how setting yourself up to rent works in it.
A lot of Canadian real estate markets are being used as fortunes holding for people from overseas, which ends up meaning a lot of empty units in condo buildings. It's such an annoying aspect but every time a deterrent is put into place to try and reduce it, the investors just ignore the extra costs and keep doing it.
>>835059 ah, so ... JUST LIKE OIL lmao, i love how rent has simply become a futures market
>>835061 Well I don't! It's not fun okay yeah hah hah
It's been an ever present worry for me since I'll have to be on my own eventually. And that driving housing prices and by extension rent is an additional nightmare.
by love, I mean hate yeah, it's pretty messed up. The only time it was ever funny was when I read the thing saying "All the talk about there being no place to put oil is wrong. There's space. They just can't occupy that space because investors have claimed that space making it far more expensive to store."
whoakun /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
u guys see the riamu song mv lol the songs so bad but the dance is funny :) >>>/watch?v=83Mb6HZhjok theres the original
>>835063 There's an extremely relevant passage from Catch-22 which I'm gonna go and find to copypaste. >His specialty was alfalfa, and he made a good thing out of not growing any. The government paid him well for every bushel of alfalfa he did not grow. The more alfalfa he did not grow, the more money the government gave him, and he spent every penny he didn't earn on new land to increase the amount of alfalfa he did not produce. Major Major's father worked without rest at not growing alfalfa. On long winter evenings he remained indoors and did not mend harness, and he sprang out of bed at the crack of noon every day just to make certain that the chores would not be done. He invested in land wisely and soon was not growing more alfalfa than any other man in the county. Neighbours sought him out for advice on all subjects, for he had made much money and was therefore wise. “As ye sow, so shall ye reap,” he counselled one and all, and everyone said “Amen.” And this book is now almost sixty years old.
>>835068 yeah ive been wanting tokiko sama for a long time :/ voice that is
i think the mv just came out
apparently if u skip riamus scenes she gets mad at you >>>/@canitama/1255016491725934592 i got a tl of this but i dont really wanna copy/paste a wall of text basically shes like ur not an otaku if u skip scenes!!
>>835067 I need to reread it, I never got around to actually finishing it. Err Start reading it again, not "reread" it.
>>835070 let's see how Google lens butchers it wwww >>835073 ah that's much better thanx
I kinda want to hear shark girl get a voice though but that'd probably piss off quite a few fans
whoakun /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nah thats kinda bad ill just paste the text sorry in advance other moes
Ah... So there really are nerds like you, who just skip after 3 lines. You can't seriously expect to get a feel of all the crazy huge emotions spent on making this commu after just reading 6 lines! Enjoying each and every word, taking screenshots, and interpreting it all! That's what it means to be an otaku! Let's find all of these precious things, together!! Ah, you're gonna read it later? Mkay! Be sure to read it! Lots!
whoakun /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh it wasnt as long as i thought
whoakun /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>835072 its a taste of licking one letter of literature
whoakun /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>835073 whoops wrong person >>835072 the top 3 unvoiced are shinobu/nanami/akari last i looked shinobus been in the top for a while i barely even recognized her when i googled it
i dont think shark tooth is very far behind tho tokiko is usually the top passion idol
can I follow him on twitter I always appreciate cute stuff on the tl
whoakun /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nice thats farfin they draw good animes
also he said "tjanks" and that u can follow him on twit thats his twit he posts a lot of ac stuff but he does like 1 drawing a day usually
Take a look at BB (@ggbbggbbbb): this is also a personal fav of mine but I can neva remember the nme
whoakun /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
whoakun /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nice i like the like chalky look farfin and that ggbbggbbbb have
hwos life treatin ya anyway last I remember you weren't too busy
whoakun /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im busy now i got promoted now im in charge of the entire army clinic at the hospital i work at jobs easy tho just busy work' i got asked if i wanted to work with the special forces dudes for a few months tho :o my boss said no cause i have to work here cuz of coronus :(
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
hey so strawberry cheesecake maple bacon highland grog smorey time sinn o bun
>>835118 nice big ronus sucks though I don't like being stuck in one place
whoakun /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ya me neither the government put out a memo ur not allowed to eat off post ur not allowed to go south of the base here ur not allowed to go north of a certain city everythings closed except take out
all deliveries are delayed like i cant get ff7r still because the shipment hasnt made it to my island yet mask everywhere enforced or else u get in trouble
just an inconvenience coronus doesnt even exist open my gyms again wtf i want to work out im tired of body weight
not a ff fan but final fantasy vii r looks really fuckin good
whoakun /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ive only played part of ff13 and ff14 i just wanna play the remake to stare at tifa
yeah similar to maria miss that rascal sugoi feel like pure shit want muh anzac crew back >>835141 ive been here since uhh I wanna say dang was it 2015 or 16
one of those years
oh ok i didnt know more aussies came here now
>>835140 oh ok i havent really payed attention to whos here in a long time i just lift big and post big
yeah it's k i post as anon 99% per cent of the time so unless you're some sort of neet slash detective you wouldn't know what do you bench do you eat big and get big?
whoakun /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i bench TOO MUCH thats it im hacking this site and im gonna make ur name LOSER
FUCK oh shit I swore mb
whoakun /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
thats ok i forgive you i only bench 2 plates unfortunately for 5 reps
i see lots of interesting psychopathology as a psychologist but somehow the degree of delusion i see on twitter always amazes me
>Philip K. Dick belived that he was a Christian from Roman occupied Syria in the year 50 and all the intervening years were lies meant to trick him into giving up his christianity and I'm literally a fae who replaced a human baby in childhood, so I can relate. is something someone just told me unironically
>>835155 >This guy who did a shitload of hallucinogenic drugs throughout his adult life believed some real crazy stuff so it's totally normal for me to as well.
that is at a point where you don't even know where toapproach it from
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
seriously i'm someone with six years of mental health experience who has successfully defended a dissertation for their doctorate in clinical psychology and there's nothing i can respond
>>835164 I think all that can be really said is there is documentation of him being a normal human being before his history of recreational drugs. Or, there's no evidence to prove that people have past lives they can remember living and everything is conjecture. If they're uninterested in believing in normalcy I don't think there's much to do for them though. People will want to think they're unique or special until they come up against the flat rock wall of they aren't.
>>835172 In the end, don't we all live in our own realities
Sure, but there's a difference between living in a reality based off the mundane world around us and living in a reality based off a supernatural fantasy.
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i mean it's fine to live in a supernatural fantasy world if it doesn't get in the way of activities of daily living and your ability to function in society go ahead and believe that you're a fairy if you can still do everything you need to do, i mean, who am i to tell you not to
but most people who have these weird delusions cant even step outside this same person told me that measuring rice with a measuring cup was so stressful for them that trying it would make them break down in tears
That's a level of neurosis I really can't fathom.
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
In a lot of ways I doubt it's possible to reach that level of neurosis and still be able to spend all day on twitter lol idk these people are weird
And I'm someone who insists on measuring out rice by the cup because I need my ratios to be PRECISE
>>835179 i was trying to teach people to make rice in a group chat that im in and i told them that it doesn't need to be 100% perfect with the cup line and they said that it did and trying to make it level caused them to break down in tears lol
korone is still at it she's going to one-shot the game, i'm so proud of her
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what game
>>835176 Honestly, I think believing you're a fae is inherently incompatible with the activities of daily living and to a degree your ability to function in society. Fae are usually creatures of absolute selfish interest and sociopathy to anything that doesn't strike their fancy. If you're an actual sociopath and you earnestly think you're a fae, sure, I guess you picked your crowd accurately. But y'know how a lot of people these days think they can act like an asshole here or there and think "Man I'm such a sociopath". Believing you're a fae is gonna make you want to act like one, but you're not actually acting like a sociopath you're just being an ass. Go too far and I think you'd be acting in a severe detriment to yourself.
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
which might explain this comment about philip k dick >He was clearly a horrible person, but he was also very relatable in a lot of ways.
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>835186 Unfortunately, one part of these types of delusions is "Yes, it's different from everything recorded, but the records are wrong, as evidenced by me, a real life fae." We see this pretty commonly with people who believe they're the devil or Jesus you point out contradictions in their logic and they immediately have an excuse as to why that's not a contradiction
they're delusional they don't want to be the devil, they just believe they are the devil and that they dont have any choice in that matter i've seen others believe they're being forced to join ISIS and shit like that lol
If you want to really get into how ridiculous these delusions can get, check out Three Christs of Ypsilanti A case study of what happens when you put three people who delusionally believe they are Jesus Christ together
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>While initially the three patients quarreled over who was holier and reached the point of physical altercation, they eventually each explained away the other two as being patients with a mental disability in a hospital, or dead and being operated by machines.[5] The graduate students who worked with Rokeach on the project have been strongly critical of the morality of the project because of the amount of dishonesty and manipulation by Rokeach and the amount of distress experienced by the patients.[2] Rokeach added a comment in the final revision of the book that, while the experiment did not cure any of the three Christs, "It did cure me of my godlike delusion that I could manipulate them out of their beliefs."[2]
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
buncha fuckin jesuses having a fist fight to decide who is the most jesus
>dead and being operated by machines How on earth did they figure this to be as feasible as being a patient with a mental disability.
Though the latter is getting hilariously close to ironic selfwareness.
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>The Christs explain one another’s claims to divinity in predictably idiosyncratic ways: Clyde, an elderly gentleman, declares that his companions are, in fact, dead, and that it is the “machines” inside them that produce their false claims, while the other two explain the contradiction by noting that their companions are “crazy” or “duped” or that they don’t really mean what they say.
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\ Here's a good article on it
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>835195 I love the idea of it. It's been hilarious to me for years and it makes so much sense that they'd see it that way but it's so funny
In the end you can't argue someone out of a notion they fully believe in. No matter how polished your rhetoric or solid your evidence. And when they're legitimately delusional about it then its your evidence versus their evidence. People are gonna usually want to side with their own evidence rather than let another replace it.
>>835199 Yeah, it's totally sensible. That's why I don't even try to challenge delusions. It's impossible. All you do is end up wrapped up in the delusion. If I tell you that you're not actually Jesus, then I'm going to end up as a demon, and nothing I can do will be able to help you in the future.
So how do you actually cure delusions speaking of delusions you might find this manga funny
Some psychotic episodes are brief and go away on their own. When the episode ends, the delusions typically stop or can be corrected at that point. Typically, you want to treat delusions with antipsychotics, though. Once the person can think again, you can work with them.
Sometimes delusions spontaneously end as well but that's pretty rare.
Delusional episodes can also occur from sleep deprivation and later develop into a fullblown brief psychotic episode.
>>835202 >But little could she expect that, on her very first day of classes, she would be tackled from behind by another girl who, convinced that she's been reincarnated into the world of an otome game, accuses Reiko of being a wealthy villainess...!
>>835203 yeah the girl is delusional and thinks she is reincarnated into an otomegame as a side character
it is bit of a deconstruction of the otomegame isekai thing as is, but amusing atleast 3 chapters in
the setting itself, the characters and so on all are clearly inspired by this, which is much more straightforward normal story tho a fun read too
>>835206 probably more like an obsessive compulsive personality disorder
on the topic of manga recs
!C0.PerkELE and tho this is manhwa
there's just so much betrayal happening right now
>>835210 Have you had a chance to get into Tower of God's anime yet?
My scalp is really irritated today. Especially along the hairline. >>835213 Yeah that's what English is usually getting at when they talk about a body part being irritated. At least when it's skin-level.
>>835212 irritated translates to "ärsyyntynyt" which in this case would mean like sensitive, sore, etc but not itchy per se
Because there's a degree of inference going on. My scalp is being irritated by something, ergo it is itchy. Itchiness is a symptom of the problem, not the problem itself. Though it is annoying in its own right.
I am bit curious on how did they actually remove them
really illustrates how buildings, atleast here - especially in the 70s and 80s, are just giant lego houses
>>835217 Also you should grab and watch episode three of Kaguya-sama season two. It was the moonviewing chapter this episode and it did Shirogane babbling about the moon and Kaguya short-circuiting for five minutes justice.
I suggested to a classmate that I was a bit disappointed that nobody made sure I knew about that zoom thing the other day because I would have gone, and they just stopped responding to me completely lol
'deed but apparently they finally realised that their whole womble cringe approach to customer service and marketing didn't pay off
"so hey, we have this good program that could easily be marketed to other people than nerd and gamers, who also btw hate our shtick, so how about we drop it and actually behave like a proper company and maybe spread out during this global shut down where communication devices and applications are key"
personally I'd recommend jitsi no need to install anything works on any browser
Zoom also provided the service for free when the pandemic started increasing remote work neccessity. So they seduced a lot of people in with that and then basically rode to stardom on the positive news.
Well jitsi would prolly burn into ashes if it got 100 million users out of the blue or something
needs a large company like zoom to actually tackle the needs Dunno if discord could do it their servers are quite bad already with mainly gamer/etc userbase
I feel that's kind of on them as much as it's on the porting company. Did they just ... not keep communication with the porting company on the state of their game? I think that's kind of irresponsible on their part.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow wow hmm i wanted to play that game mayb ill get it for PC tho
>>835242 It seems like it's a fine Switch port. There's just some weird circumstances around its release that left the developers in the dark of when it was releasing.
I remember it was really hyped and then don't remember people talking about it very much after it came out.
I wish the next cat I get, is a cat that likes to ride on shoulders/head
maybe I should go to russia to laern how to tame cats
I wouldn't want a cat climbing on top of my head. Shoulders are one thing, but claws digging into my scalp as it tries to keep comfortable sounds like a nightmare.
russians/eastern europeans seem to have some trick of getting cats to behave they walk their cats with no leashes etc and they just follow them around
or go outside, and obediantly wait at some point at SET time when the owners come back from work
like this one cat at my father's palce, that pretty much just walks around a parking lot wall *on top of a parking lot wall and then jumps on the owner's head/shoulder, when they come back from work and then they take it back inside
there is some weird trick that the slavs know on how to get their cats to be basically "leashed cats" without the leash
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my cat likes to ride on my shoulder and be carried around in fact lazarus' favorite thing is to hang out on my shoulder while i walk around
Mine haaaates being carried around. She'll be okay with being held some times as long as you're standing still, but the moment you start walking she wants no part of it.
If I can ever get another cat in the future I'm gonna try and get it comfortable with a cat leash. I'd like to let it walk around because I'll probably be cooped up in apartments or condos for the next decade or so and I believe that cats lead more full lives if they can go outside instead of being housecats 24/7.
>>835249 >>835250 i am technically of slavic ancestry since my family came from ukraine
I think it's more Lazarus than me, though. He gets anxiety if he isn't around me. He follows me into whatever room I'm going into, even if I'm only going to be in there for a minute.
I think there's some kind of Canadian Covid-19 charity concert on the television in the living room and I am once again reminded how little I want to be stuck in close proximity to my family for extended periods of time.
>>835263 Yeah. Absolutely and it was made by my childhood friend who comes over every morning to cook for me after my parents died in a mysterious accident
>>835269 actually they are now doing menial jobs in the beginner's town
imagine getting isekaid but instead of going on adventures and collecting a harem you just instantly get sick and die because your immune system isn't experienced with all the new bacteria
>tfw >me PK is forced to play a game on normal and not hard on my first go, because hard is actually that hard
why are my SHARPSHOOTER units armed with carbines?
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Itadakimasu cunts
>>835276 mashu would australians arm their sharpshooters with carbines?
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
No we just use boomerangs
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I'll tell you what m8 this is some fuckin oiishii gohan
I think one of my generals just shot himself
I would like to point out that the creator of Ultimate general series and now Age of Sail no Ultimate Admiral? whatever
was originally a total war modder called Darthmodds who stopped doing mods and went on their own "to make games as they wish them to be" "without bugs" "with consistent rules"
so far each of their games has the player units go Wonk Wonk wonk and the AI plays by their own rules including shooting in melee
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
time to play some wifi hoo boy
>AI has no bonuses >except their shit carbines shoot up to 300 yards >while your shit carbines shoot to 200 yards as is when there are "no bonuses"
jesus why did I even try this at hard?
>>835262 have you tried moving 1000 miles away? worked well for me
by point i mean message yeah what i mean is that the anticapitalist message is easily lost if you dont know anything about the common critiques of capitalism or aren't already aware of class divids
I got 2 10 pounders with 8 guns the amusingly MAXIMUM AMOUNT OF GUNS YOU CAN HAVE cause the 9th gun won't deal 100% dmg it will deal 85% dmg and 10th gun will deal 75% and so on
because logic
and oh uh same does not apply to AI gun batteries just player
what do you want me to remember it for bit for bit it has been like 4 months since I saw it
ah okay yeah nah don't worry I watched it the other week and it was gud
>Using Bluetooth, the app records anyone you get close to who also has the app. The two apps exchange anonymised IDs, which cycle every two hours and are stored encrypted on phones and deleted after 21 days.
If someone is infected with coronavirus, you then in the app consent to upload the list of anonymised IDs for the past 14 days of contact for contact tracing. It uses signal strength and other data then to work out who needs to be contacted.
was anyone in the movie "evil" no the main family was always looking for itself, no matter what the rich family was always looking for itself, no matter what the other familywas alwauys...
so when the Father decided to go full stab stab on RichFather, that was in a way uncalled for Richdad, could not have known, that it was poordad's daughter who was dying
ofc there was also the elitism etc in the game but well, if your "servants" smell bad, why would you keep them that is risking yourself potentionally to diseases if you can afford to switch them why not?
it is like switching bad boots or moving to a better place from a moldy appartment
Only thing that really took me out of the movie was the family's decision to ALL go out and start boozing themselves in the mansion
like what? why would you ever do taht complete lunacy that spellt "PLOT IS HAPPENING" ofc I couldn't predict what was going to happen and how it ended up, which was damn welcome surprise but nonetheless I could predict DRAMA AND FUCKTON
best scene of the movie nonetheless is the monsoon/typhoon storm and how rain and shit keeps draining downwards and how the mainfamily gets the worst of it
but the rich family is all "man this storm sure made the weather good and clear"
I think that line alone tells half of the message the movie tries to tell
and people ask why do we have an employment shortage, and at the same time HUGE youth unemployment levels
>>835322 That's pretty fucked up It's pretty bad here too I have a friend who used Err Got a job at a call center Iirc one of the job requirements was having a bachelor's
for example due to Corona we can't get cheap east asian workforce to pick our berries for us
the plantation owners are going "finns are too lazy, they won't work hard enough"
do you actually believe that
do you actually REALLY BELIEVE THAT
that FINNS Won*T WORK IF THEY ARE PAID WELL ENOUGH? when all stats say otherwise
do you know what the actual truth is?
they don't want finns
finns will want atleast 8€ an hour a taiwanese or ukrainian worker will do the same thing for 4€ an hour
"wait that is illegal" well the plantation owner can go "well they need a place to sleep, so I will ask them 40€ a night (half of their wage) to stay here"
0 testing being like if I heard right >measures 38 degrees fever >takes the measuring tool out of their body >measures again >okay it is 36 not 38, good to go >go pick our asparagus
>>835325 yeah illegals can't or at least think they can't get better a hand than they have got don't like the working conditions? too bad
ICE agents are apparently overpowered in the us when they shouldn't be like they do searches and stuff when they have no authority to do so and people just assume they have authority
>>835334 YYes It sucks They have the illegal immigrants in what are are basically worse prisons.
>>835334 Actually they have a lot of authority for those searches. It's just bullshit that they have those powers.