Oh god >>>/watch?v=XlqSSWXbcOw whoops Didn't copy the link https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1UQ0nzI1-gHHh_mE5N8pGnQZWPluWpD3 >>835399 I was just going to ddo my immediate family and grandparents but I might include aunts and uncles.
oh no a jpg oh no this dog is dead I didn't know that >>835410 >>835410 well the original game file was at least a png or something this file was a png renamed /// was a jpg renamed as a png for some reason
>>835409 It wasn't actually a jpg. JPGs don't support transparency. It was probably a PNG or some esoteric format used for games.
it was neither > According to series brand director Kazutoki Kono, the dog's appearance was actually recorded in a video. Since he was told not to move, the dog sat very still, hence his appearance was mistaken for a static image What a good dog
>>835461 you got a disney son you disney song you wanna sing?
>>835462 No Especially not at 12:52 on a night I *night before I need to get up at 8:40. I'm also in bed without my computer. If I get out of bed and go on my computer I'll definitely be up all night.
the best songs are sang liek that
>>835463 even if you removed all of those excuses you would never sing a thing
I can' t even think of a disney song that I even know or enjoy
>where is this whispering coming from >oh yeah, I put discord volume down. I guess I was in a call before I went to sleep >put the volume up >"they said I'd have to massage the area around my pelvis and uterus" ????????????????????????????????????? It is even worse in context. And by worse, I don't mean lewd I mean awful. damn. life is terrible
Ain't it wonderful to jump in to a conversation with no context.
Something happened during a summer camp as //because some kid pushed her off of something or whatever and she broke her tailbone when she collided with something And no one really believed how bad it was until she went to get it checked
>it hurt to sit and stand up straight >and then we found out later that must suck
The area around the tailbone is usually a part of the body you would probably not get checked out if possible too.
>drug addict aunt >cousin who probably has brain damage posting a bbgun (that ambiguously looks like an assault rifle) onto social media and tells everyone 'don't go to school tomorrow' >body's all fucked up and you can't play sports anymore
Just exit the call
And now, after all of that, they finally got back to the original topic(?) of conversation before I had the volume turned down Animal Crossing and Harvest Moon
Actually I probably should not have posted that. I'm sorry /moe/
Someone showed me their powerpoint presentation about Tetris yesterday. And it made me realize a lot of things about tetris. Like how every seven pieces comes every seven pieces That changes everything. And everything makes sense
>>835553 Yeah that's a really cool detail I hadn't noticed. I've been playing a lot of Tetris 99 recently, it's pretty addictive. High-level Tetris almost mind-bogglingly insane. I can barely comprehend how quickly they can assess and place the pieces.
They call it a "bag" Essentially, the first seven is a combination of all seven pieces. And the next seven (and every seven) is another combination of the same pieces. So the farthest you'll see the same piece is 13 pieces away >>835556 But that's the thing, if you know that every seven is a set, it's not so much that you have to "assess everything", but you can think of your next moves in bag sets. He told me about "openers" where you can make really good clears based on the first 10 pieces you have. Because you know your first seven, you can look at what you're getting in the first five and say "okay, I can build this setup. I have an early O tile so I can go with this rather than the other thing." and you just build that
If you don't know about bags, everything feels random and you don't really know how they're anticipating the pieces that come. But they know because they know it's going to end up coming in a certain bag
I'm not going to tell the whole story because its not appropriate for /moe/, but I've heard that meth amphetamine makes you really good at tetris.
>>835557 The start of the game is pretty whatever, even not knowing about the bags I can pretty consistently set up a four-line clear. But later in the game when the pieces are coming at like a mile a minute, sure, knowing about bags reduces the amount you need to assess but it's still something you need to assess in a really short timespan. And that doesn't factor in for competitive Tetris like 99 where you're getting garbage coming in much more unpredictably.
the setups for openers are actually specifically optimized for competitive tetris like, he demonstrated it in Puyo Puyo Tetris how to send 11 lines with your first 10 pieces it's pretty amazing.
it was like, a double into a T-Spin Double and then into a perfect clear and it just WERKS
T-Spins are a bit beyond me I can't yet fathom fitting shapes that dynamically
like I get it but I'm also really upset ALSO, I SPINS
The name alone sounds like some kind of advanced technical strategy and not something you'd expect to hear coming from Tetris. And then you look into it and you go "Oh wait there are people that are OBSESSED with this game"
If I keep the house's heat on my room gets ridiculously warm but if I keep the heat off my room gets almost uncomfortably for me cold. It's not even a matter of fiddling with the temperature setting my room just keeps heat but also doesn't retain it if there's not a constant input. Makes these annoyingly mild spring days kind of uncomfortable.
We've hit a record now for the longest into a new year without temperatures reaching above 20C in like thirty years or something.
Oh Maeda Jun is gonna be working on a new anime project. We haven't really had a dose of KEY drama since Charlotte. That'll be fun.
God Early Key character designs look so bad. The girls look like aliens with down syndrome.
>Western Provinces Hard Diary >Kill Zulrah >20 minute long tutorial videos. Graphs and charts for positioning >woah this looks HARD >whatever. I'll just wing it. see what happens
Not a big fan of this FGO event They try to use these "raid" mechanics, which don't really work. The bosses just have a lot of health and everything takes longer to load
And if you do stick it out all the rewards the shop sells are complete garbage so there's almost zero incentive
>>835592 Vikings will be fun I bet. Though I'm still a bit miffed they didn't do a Persian setting. Because they could totally round out the geographical region they've been doing with Egypt and Greece by going to Persia. And since they were moving back in time they'd right in the middle of the high point of Persian influence in the region. It just makes SENSE. Augh
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>835594 Yeah, but they already did Persia in the Greece game. There was a DLC that went into all of it and already showed the first assassin and his hidden blade and all of that. So Persia was pretty much crossed off the list unfortunately. I don't really get vikings either, haha. But maybe there will be some fun mountain climbing and stuff.
If I remember what I read from the leaks it'll take place during the Viking raiding of the British Isles. So there'll probably be a lot of the boating around and pillaging up and down the British coast.
Man Image posting being broken always bbums me out. >>835599 Ohayo
CBC titles their coverage of Trudeau's daily Covid-19 briefings as "Special Coverage" but at this point it's literally a daily occurrence. There's hardly anything special about it. Nan ja kore
>>835618 I like the needle in the hay cover more Once in a lifetime has been covered way more Plus the needle in the hay thing isn't official but is still really well produced, the audio and video.
I'm sure everyone has already seen this but the sad Kermit hurt cover is also good >>>/watch?v=BcERe5pd8yI I really like Kermit doing these songs.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Important that the lobster is the cutest girl in wadanohara
>>835622 Have you read the essay consider the lobster?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
no I have not
It's really funny
Its by david foster wallace I don't think I'd be able to convince you to read it But I'll link it because I can think of a few people here that would like it.
It's 10 pages long. But like short pages http://www.gourmet.com.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/magazine/2000s/2004/08/consider_the_lobster.html
Okay I found a pdf of the article scanned from the actual magazine and it's like 6.5~ real pages long.
I'd found the abundance of pleather stuff in New Horizons kinda weird until someone remarked on how it would be if your human villager was running around the island wearing the skins of dead animals around all these sentient, living animals. Nevermind if you started giving them the clothes to wear themselves.
Apparently my class voted me as "most likely to abandon civilization and go live in the woods" or something. It's a little sad that people think I'm really like that.
I don't think I could ever abandon civilization. No matter how unhappy it makes me sometimes, I'm needed.
Let's struggle against this civilization that seeks to consume us together
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dats weird
yea sometimes i fantasize about buildin a bunker in the woods somewhere but in reality i'd get bored real fuckin quick
There has been an almost non-stop whir of a vacuum cleaner running since Monday. I can't wait for my parents to go back up north so I can at least enjoy some QUIET.
His constituents already know it! They're all old people who come to Florida as they wait to die. It's a Florida culture thing. What he said doesn't come off as weird to us for the most part.
DeSantis is a goon, though. He refused to do anything for covid until the president gave him permission. He's trump's lapdog.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
fightin viewers on stream https://twitch.tv/samurailalc
>>835693 I mean sure I can get the literal meaning of it. But what is he trying to say by pointing it out? That since you're all ready to die anyway what point is there in providing pandemic measures and relief?
>>835700 not exactly in europe where it recieved most observation so far it was rampant in elderly populations
apparently coronavirus affects people of different age groups differently??? idk how the fuck it works but people our age start getting strokes and blood clots which older people don't get younger people get this weird toe shit who the fuck knows whats going on anymore
>strokes that's actually way worse than what I thought it was It's so weird that we're only hearing about this stuff now though and not months ago when it was ravaging wuhan
>>835705 Nah I reckon if they were competent enough to cover this up then they would have been competent enough to cover up stuff like all those leaked videos of people being locked and barricaded into their apartments By the time the cat was out of the bag they wouldn't have been able to cover up all these extra symptoms and stuff
>>835699 pretty much my whole ffxiv experience for some reason I play mmos to not interact with people
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>835702 wuhan did not have a large population getting infected (relatively) and it mostly affected the elderly the united states is the first place where the virus has moved through a population almost completely unhindered so it's the first time that people of all ages are getting sick which is teaching us about how different age groups get different symptoms
>>835708 Oh that's true. China itself supposedly only had 80k cases. Even if we give China as little benefit of the doubt as possible and triple that, that's still way short of Americas million cases
>>835711 Yeah even when we give America as much benefit of the doubt as possible and assume their numbers are correct, it's still ridiculously larger than China with as little benefit of the doubt applied as possible. I knew the American governments response was shit but I didn't realise it was this poor relatively speaking until now
You could even eschew benefit of the doubt and say other countries are declaring cases at // Say other countries are also reporting incorrect numbers, regardless of out of secrecy or incompetence. So we can take the Chinese numbers as accurate relative to the numbers other countries are reporting.
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>835709 america most likely has at least 4 million cases
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>835709 the county i live in has 700,000 people in it it also has the capacity to do 500 coronavirus tests perday every other county in florida has the same capacity even the ones with millions of people
>>835712 did they just give every county the same testing capacity regardless of population size?
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>835713 essentially remember, the US has been pretty resistant to doing testing
all across the country it's like that you know, Iowa still hasn't done any type of lockdown whatsoever
>>835714 Have you seen any cases of citizen run lockdowns in small towns? There's been some cases here where people from small towns set up their own checkpoints for cars that were moving through and stuff >148 deaths in Iowa wtf is their
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nah americans can't really set up checkpoints and stuff the cops would stop them
have any of you ever had to do "cognitive testing" as part of a job interview?
I think one Why do you ask? Actually now that I think of it, it mght not have been cognitive testing In fact using cognitive testing as part of hiring might be against the law here. Is it literally an actual IQ test or what?
>>835737 What's the things the test is having you do?
>>835737 Yeah I've done some online tests like that for a job application
>>835759 To be fair it's pretty easy to laugh at what seems like an incorrect prediction in hindsight. Musk has access to quite a variety of competent people, I wouldn't be surprised if their data indicated things wouldn't get this out of hand for the States so quickly. They probably wouldn't have taken the disease's rampant infection rate that has caught EVERYONE off guard and how completely idiotic large swathes of the American people have been in response to the pandemic into account.
>>835764 Not expecting large swathes of American people to idiotic is the real mistake here.
*to be idiotic
Elon also said he was sending ventilators and sent cpap machines. I'm going to laugh at him at my leisure
was it cpap or bipap I'm not sure if that was ever clarified
I think it was both
>>835771 I never said anything about laughing at Elon. I'm just saying the prediction he made could very well have been accurate based on the information available at the time.
>>835847 we have bulk billing for that no need to get desperate to pay bills though if it'll get me an appointment... >>835848 same might watch the latest princess connect later on before bed
Not really something I'm particularly informed on, so I dunno. Might be that both the Britons and the HRE took cultural inspiration from the Roman legionniares.
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>t is Norway and the Dark Ages of England – specifically the ninth century. In terms of England, it is quite a large map. We focus on four major kingdoms of England during this time period: Wessex, Northumbria, East Anglia, and Mercia. So for history buffs, they can look for that. It’s a large part of England, and within that you have three major cities: London, Winchester, and Jórvík (now called York in modern days, but Jórvík back then). And then we have a ton of towns, and of course, we have Norway as well.
Oh they're Saxons. What's the difference between a Briton or a Saxon anyway.
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
In terms RPG and player progression, we wanted a fresh take on it. We wanted something that’s more anchored in the world. So, the way gear works is completely revamped. Every piece of gear you find is unique. You can upgrade each piece of gear. If you wish to carry the same piece of gear to the end of the game, you can. Or if you want to collect everything, that’s up to you. Everything has its own unique value. At a certain point, you can start customizing gear. So it’s a new take on that RPG format in terms of gear.
In terms of abilities and skills, there’s also been a revamping. Players have this (quite large) skill graph that they sort of traverse through the journey of Eivor, picking up new skills, picking up a lot of playstyle elements to fine-tune to kind of Viking you are – whether it’s a more incognito Viking or more “get out there and throw your axes around.” Everything from abilities to skills to weaponry, we have a fresh new take on progression that we feel is anchored in the world and the Viking fantasy we’re trying to achieve.
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
incognito viking
>>835872 Sounds a little less of a headache than the Diablo-poi loot drops of Origins and Odyssey honestly.
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i hope they dont make it impossibly expensive to upgrade equipment i like to find a look and then keep with it so keeping it strong is attractive to me
Well hopefully they have a gameplay trailer at some point around when E3 would normally be running. Ubisoft has pretty consistently leaned on it for promo-ing their new games.
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah for sure maybe there will be a virtual e3 lol
We'll probably see more participants doing what Nintendo has been doing for years now. A pre-filmed demo reel. Maybe they'll try and replicate the kind of zany or magnaminous displays they usually do for the conferences. Could just keep it professional though.
Man I hope Devolver has something up their sleeve though. This feels like the kind of thing that they'd really riff off of.
och det samma på finska och engelska hauskaa vappua happy walburgis
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
one thing that's weird about telehealth is that it's now standard procedure to sign electronic forms for clients as "COVID-19" basically meaning we have no documentation that clients are actually signing things
isn't that potentionally a powder keg of trouble?
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh absolutely all we can do is sign it like that and report that the client approved of the document because if we don't have something that thinks the client signed it then we can't do any work
Turnips went from 145/117 yesterday to 63/62 today hah hah. These are the ones I bought for like 110 Bells.
>>835894 Ah man every fibre of my social anxiety is screaming no But even just a single visit's worth of turnips will make me back what I spend plus change. I could just keep the rest in case prices have a surprise boost before the week's over.
So sure, if they're fine with it, I'll visit.
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my friend has 517 price want me to ask them if they'll share dodo code with you?
https://mega.nz/file/RxgnRbJa#SdZkoomgDWRmuo9UM8vbSVSnq13zgsVuefSEfrvatLs espoo a finnish city
virus don't click
Covid-19 sure developing new vectors of infection.
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>835893 i'll letcha know what they say lol drive for that sweet turnip money beating out social anxiety a little
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh they say their afternoon price went down to 185 still want in tilde?
I probably shouuuuld. Even a single visit , if I sold the rest of my turnips at the price I've got here today, will put me at an inconsequential loss. >>835899 Yeah, I'd like to.
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>835900 he sent his friend code since he can't dodo code right now SW-4100-0451-4651 they*
>boss: hey matt will you take this client? he's super smart nasa scientist and an alcohol he'd be a good fit for you >me: ok >government starts emailing me all of this extra documentation they need for his treatment damn you
allnthat sensitive data pver email sigh
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh they're not asking me to send it to them via email they just are emailing me about what kinds of documentation i will need to do
it's gonna be a pain though i guess the guy must be a big deal if they want all this documentation i've had guys from nasa before but they never needed extra documentation
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
jfc i just hit alt+s while writing clinical notes when i finished a section in this form
I do that with Discord some times hah hah /moe/'s really trained the habit into me.
I know somewhere around here I've got this pretty nice pocket stylus, that's meant for use with phones and tablets. And since the Switch is basically just a souped up tablet it works for that too. Woulc be nice for drawing stuff on message boards. But i can't figure out where it went.
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh, that'd be really cool
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
would a DS stylus work i wonder?
I'm like 95% certain it wouldn't. The DS/3DS touchscreen is a different kind of material to the Switch, which is more alike to phones and tablets. Something about the glass means you can't get reception from the hard DS stylus. The pocket stylus I've got has a soft half-sphere at the point so you can push decently hard with it and not risk etching into your screen.
I know it works for the Switch since I've used it with SMM2. Just need to figure where it fell or whatever.
Apparently a bunch of the forgeries have, in addition to their actual incorrect details indicating they're a fake, spooky stuff like this going on. That's new to New Horizons I think. In previous games the fakes were just fakes and unless you wanted to tank your HHA score for a bit of silliness putting it up in your home, forgeries were pretty much absolute trash. They'll still probably tank your HHA score but at least there's upsides to that now.
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that's mean just because it's fake doesnt mean it isn't pretty in my house!
Yeah. Fortunately it's probably pretty easy to just design a HHA-compliant house to get all the awards and then throw the design out and design how you want. I don't think there's like recurring awards for keeping a high score, but I might be wrong on that.
>Jock rooster villager wants a replacement for his catchphrase "buh-kay" >Me in my infinite wisdom and wit: What about "bulk-kay"
the most difficult client i have is this 16 year old gay kid with ADHD who is smart enough to intellectualize any attempt at giving him coping skills i've seen him for like four months and i only got him to agree to implement something once and then he couldn't do it because of the damn pandemic
Smart enough to intellectualize coping skills, but unable to comprehend the big picture advantage to employing them. I can't really earnestly call him out on that though since I tend to fall into the same boat.
Well, the big problem with being really smart is that it makes it hard for you to understand how you're stupid. For him, he can't even recognize that he's intellectualizing. He honestly believes the coping skills wouldn't work for him for whatever reason.
He does remind me of you, though.
Like 50% of his assignments have been turned in late so far because he gets overwhelmed by lots of small stressors and puts off the assignments - even small ones - because they're stressful. He's just got this wall up that stops him from really coping with that stress. There's always a "Yes, but..."
He really is smart, though. This 16 year old kid is using words like "dissonance" correctly.
"cognitive dissonance" is a term that's been working its way more and more into the common vernacular for a while now i guess it's just becoming more relevant so a lot of people find the need to identify the term
ive had a lot of those troubles too. i ended up needing to finish high school through correspondence, it was the only way i could commit and focus same way for working now. i feel a constant panic unless i'm at a familiar home
I'm gonna have to figure out something soon to full-on Dogeza through email to get in contact with my professors, maybe program administrator. Because I didn't do way too much of my assignments this semester. I was already kind of starting to slip when things went sideways but I was gonna get in contact with professors and talk through the struggles and maybe find some leniency. Then everything shut down and without the physical anchor of the university classes I just went completely adrift. Haven't really done any work in a month. Probably more, really. But even the thought of having to get in communication -- already a challenging activity for me -- combined with the sheer dread of the topic, is making it hard. Even now just thinking of the prospect is making my head go into flight mode.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\Search [iqdb](449 KB, 512x875, CE804.png)
>>835939 Yeah, I've struggled without the physical being in class. I think for people that usually struggle with school, this pandemic is killing us.
i got dropped!! >>835939 my anxiety makes it hard for me to think about things that i need to functionally think about. that's where the barrier of paralysis starts, in the stage where i have to plan it and think about it, nevermind getting to actually doing it for me i mean
if i can meditate or bring my anxiety down in a functional range to where i can think about it without panicking, then i find i can build a bit more momentum to actually doing it i used to need benzos for that due to the direct stressors, but ive been able to get by with just valerian root now that's how i started using valerian root, and why im so obsessed with it. it was the only way i could function ever since high school
im not trying to tell you to use valerian root, but that i commiserate with that feeling and maybe to help you try and isolate those dynamics out so you can break it apart into easier-to-digest amounts if you can bring your anxiety level down to the point of thinking about it without panic, if that means you need to talk it out with another person in detail, im happy to listen and help you do that
i need to do that sometimes, just have another person to think with me so i can stay anchored/grounded
I have a pathologically low level of anxiety which is pretty problematic, too. But my problem is probably easier since it doesn't impact my functioning, only my ability to solve problems and set priorities.
But when I did have anxiety, because my barrier is so strong, I would always get it so high that I couldn't handle it. I used kratom to help with that for a while until I was able to get a handle on it.
But I still avoid things that are stressful sometimes. Like checking my school email.
>>835943 That's kind of why I like to bitch about it on /moe/. I can't really share my worries with my parents because I've seeded this situation with so many lies to them that it sounds like a horrible, horrible idea. If it just sits and stews in my head I don't think it ever takes form and is just an ever present nightmare haunting my brain. So writing it out on /moe/ gives shape to that terror at least.
It's not really ever private stuff so I'm fine with just dumping it on /moe/. Having people respond to it does help me feel like I'm not just shouting to the void though.
>>835945 I know there are unread emails in my inbox from professors trying to get in contact with me earlier in all this. I saw them on my phone's preview list. Which probably makes me feel extra nervous about waiting like two or three weeks to respond, or at least do more contact with them. It's gotten to the point that I'm physically averting my eyes if the email previews on my phone are onscreen for whatever reason. More than stressful it feels like it's become an absolute terror.
Who the fuck's ever been scared of an email inbox.
I hope no one gets killed because of this stupidity. Deaths from the incompetence of handling the pandemic are still awful, of course, but inciting a coup and getting people killed in that is a whole other ... something.
>>835946 >Having people respond to it does help me feel like I'm not just shouting to the void though. i wish this were easier in general. we're all so alienated now i have to go through so much of these kinds of thoughts just through internal dialogue with myself because it's so alienated ive spent so much time building my own fundamentals that are so isolated that nobody can commiserate with me, or really understand what i mean most of the time kinda like niche communities on 4chan that we grew up with, where you have to collect the whole globe just to find the few other people in the world with the same interest as you it's even harder to find similar feelngs, since feelings are more hidden and complex to communicate than hobbies/interests
i used to be very spastic and impatient, but in the last 4 or 5 years ive built up so much patience out of trying to have that discussion entirely internally, slowly, over very long periods but it's limiting that way, and potentially dangerous if i get ungrounded
i have to work so hard to stay grounded all the time it's really a lot of work to do
On the bright side of things these quarantimes -- and probably Animal Crossing -- has done more for me stabilizing my sleep schedule than anything has in like four or five years. I've been pretty consistently waking up around 09:00 pretty much all week. It does have a bit of a kink I need to iron out, I've been napping a lot around nine to midnight and if that normalizes it's gonna make my Sunday nights a bit rough hah hah
>>835952 I'm inherently awful at reaching out to people; even though I have little issue just writing about it on /moe/. So when it's a situation which needs me to rely on people specifically, I don't understand how to function. In this situation specifically the people I could reach out for support to are so caught up in the lies I've told to avoid having additional pressure thrown on me that I can't do that without contradicting what they think has been going on So I'm kinda left to stew it myself, and I lack the mental tools to deal with that myself. I wish I could just talk to people. Or process a moment of stress or anxiety without drowning.
elon musk is using a deus ex icon on twitter now lol
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lol what is goin on w elon now just wants the economy to reopen or what
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>>/@elonmusk/1255380013488189440 yeah he's FREAKING out about it a month ago he said that the trends showed coronavirus would be gone by now (despite how wrong that was) and now he's mad he was wrong so he's just losing his shit he's also now taking to twitter to literally lie and spread misinformation, basically claiming that the government is lying to us about coronavirus rates
All his businesses are luxury, non-essential industries after all. Like there's no argument to say Tesla needs to continue manufacturing cars, or that SpaceX needs to be launching rockets. So with all the States not opening their economies, none of his businesses are working, and are probably putting a dent in his economic status by now. I can see why he'd be starting to get a bit bonkers. Guy should still calm his bosom though.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i got COACHY to join my island
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
and he was already losing money with tesla and space x too i mean, he's not even actually in charge of space x anymore either is he?
I really don't care enough to go look it up. I think it was-yeah. He got booted because he was ... what ever it is when you influence the stock market in order to manipulate it.
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh no he has spaceX still it's tesla he isn't chairman of anymore
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
he broke federal finance laws with that tweet to manipulate the stocks yeah but tesla wanted to kick him out before that too since tesla was hemorrhaging money
right now he's apparently stuck on his ridiculous hyperloop shit and neural interfaces into the brain or something
Musk just wants things to go full cyberpunk because he's confidence he'll be one of the corporate oligarchs that rule over a hellcity when the transformation is complete.
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
did y'all see that he and grimes are naming their kid influenza? god damn i hate elon musk
I thought they broke up?
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they did but they're still gonna name the kid something
I'm sure they'll come up with a different name They already changed their mind once
Although I'm not sure Influenza is worse than Warnymph.
>>835953 >Or process a moment of stress or anxiety without drowning. that's where medication might be necessary if you told a psychiatrist this barrier you're having, i think they'd suggest it i get the feeling you don't tell your doctors everything though, and kind of include them in that group of people around you maybe im wrong about that though, but you should try to be honest with the doctor so they can help you
>>835970 That's the thing though. When I was first doing intake with a counselor and later meeting with the doctor from my university's medical centre, I feel like I was pretty thorough in explaining the way I get swept under all the stress and anxiety. But both times they focused in more on the depression aspects I brought up too. I think in each time I've met with the doctor I've been honest with the problems I'm having at the time, or had recently. If I haven't been sufficiently, I don't really know what else there is for me to do.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
goddamn cello mfing 130k bells why tho
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
twitter drama was super stupid today a black guy made this long thread saying fuck jews and fuck anne frank in particular and jews pointed it out as antisemitism and then people started saying jews dont have the right to respond because the thread author was black and has "generational trauma"
>>835972 I had a grand piano the other day at 260,000 Bells. There's a number of things that can pop up in the stores that have some hefty price tags on them. I think there's like a golden crown that goes for like a million Bells, or ten. I remember when I first saw it in the DS games as a kid and thinking how impossible it felt to save up the money needed to get it.
>twitter drama was super stupid today just today huh
>>835971 well, maybe this felt more like a distant barrier at the time and there was a more immediate focus but it sounds like this is a major issue blocking your development and putting you in mental paralysis when you go see them, in your escapism, you might be eager not to think about it and you feel content not making mention of it
i always write a note while my anxiety peaks of specifically what i want to tell the doctor next visit so that it doesn't get swept aside in my nervousness and elusive, tricky subconscious avoidance
struggles with the situation you've put yourself in, inability // sorry that wording isn't fair struggels struggles you're having with family communication, avoidance, and the anxieties you face, and the inability to think about them without that drowning feeling all are significant, but aren't extremely uncommon. i think a lot of people start to get situations like that. if they know it's a major blockade for you and that the situation has gotten this severe to where you can't function, they might be able to help you.
i know you wanna just see it as your own fault/laziness/whatever but there's a whole field of medicine dealing just with these kinds of problems that people have i waited way too long to try to get the help i needed just because i didn't know how or what to say i didn't even know it was something that could be helped
>>835976 Maybe I should leave myself a reminder. One of the shortcomings of medical health through the university means when the university goes into summer hibernation, so does services like these. Not to mention limited services already because of Covid-19. It might be months before I can see the doctor again.
i really need to try and get to a doctor too i was doing so good a year+ ago i feel like i was dropped off the earth or something, just everything stopped when my care/meds stopped
the only thing keeping me here is the hope that i can eventually get back to treatment this has been one of those "just endure it, it's temporary, just don't think about it and it will be over eventually" periods, and it's been a whole year now i can't cope with the notion that i might never get treatment resumed again, so im in denial everything was just a bad dream and i'll be able to get back to a doctor who can restart treatment soon -- i shouldn't have even been this explicit, it gets me thinking about it sorry
boy there's still a lot to do in a short time i hope something works out
Time both moves at a snail's pace and happens all at once.
And some times you can't tell when which one it is.
michiru actually figured out how to use the gimmick to beat dad noto just ended up using something different to imitate the gimmick
Man that was a moment. There's few things that create as much elation as when you are absolutely drop-dead tired and suddenly the pieces of a eureka click together.
I was thinking earlier I don't know if there will ever be another anime series I looked forward to a much as I looked forward to Carnival Phantasm.
And that's kind of depressing. I can't even think of possible adaptations that I would look forward to as much.
There would be some if Miyu Matsuki hadn't died. But because of that, we'll probably never get a Tsukihime anime or a Melty Blood anime, or a Kagetsu Tohya anime.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>836029 I'm doing good I've been really deep in this modded minecraft paint
>>836034 I generally don't look forward to things week by week, or more accurately I dont' usually watch anime as it airs.
Most accurately you don't usually watch anime
I remember really looking forward to Index And Index s2 and Railgun And Darker Than Black (I wish it would get a second season) And Panty and Stocking With Garterbelt, Code Geass and Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
I feel depressed that I can't even think of any possible adaptations that I would be as excited for.
>>836041 A ciconia action game would be sick though
>>836040 >Geass So did you watch the Resurrection of Lelouche yet The reception for that movie is so weird to me Sunrise announces a Geass followup, everyone loses their shit, then no one else saw it
>>836049 If it turns out that they'll bundle all the episodes together as they come out then I'll get it
Well I can think of a few things but they'll never happen Like I'd definitely be super excited for a 52 episode BLAME! adaptation.
>>836044 Nah I lost my enthusiasm for Code Geass years ago.
A lot of my passion for my hobbies died off after my major depressive episode in 2016
>>836036 Maybe I'll see how they handle the bundling or lackthereof when Episode 2 comes out and make my decision on that.
>>836044 I could potentially see them also do additional chapters as DLC. Like, you have to pay more for the base game since it comes with the sprites and engine and so it's cheaper for them to release new Chapters with fewer new characters and music tracks.
I dunno like I said I'll see what they're doing when Episode 2 comes out.
Oh I guess I'd be really excited for Panty and Stocking s2 And uh New Tenchi Muyo spin offs The original OVA series still gets a new episode every once in a while
Looks like Steam is doing a Golden Week sale for a lot of Japanese-developed games. There's probably some stuff on -in there I'd like to go for but I'm still a bit short on money. And should probably save for the near future.
>>836056 Yeah I saw that Too bad my debit card is still ffrfrozen. I just can't bring myself to male the call to unfreeze it. *make the call
I'd go back and look if I could get the stupid sale page to load on Steam. A decent bunch of my wishlist is showing up on it I bet. But the sale page won't load hah hah
I've kinda wanted to get the Resident Evil 2 remake though. I've already watched some people play through it so I wouldn't exactly be getting it for the story. But the actual game looks pretty fun and kinda rewards you for getting better and better at it. Still I don't think it's quite in my buy window at 50% off at the moment.
I have so many unplayed games though it doesn't really make sense to get more Even though they're SHINY and NEW
>>836085 Nitro+ Blasterz Heroines Even though my current comp can't run it.
Oh And Phantom Brave Which I own on pc and never played I bought it without realizing that it was English voices only *own on ps2
>>836095 I probably own 80 or so physical gmes that I haven't finished Maybe more Then if you count steam ggames It goes to over 200 games I own or "own" that I hhahahaven't finished
someone from work liked my RJ badge I've never had to verbalise that name so I fumbled on ryuujou and nearly said "RJ from kancolle collection" like I jokingly say often
but no really, I'm happy because I reached the line I've been trying to grab for a while. Now I gotta grab the next one that's 6k up. Not today though.
since the state is opening up, they're saying that we gotta start working at the office again soon the number of infected is still rising like crazy every day
>>836160 That sucks. I'm really irritated with the states that are "reopening".
Good news everyone! https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/akw5pg/the-org-domain-will-no-longer-be-sold-to-private-equity-vultures
thanks. it was kinda rough how I managed it but it worked I don't have to do any more staring at it for the day because I pulled it all out.
I'm kinda tired now but i don't really know why. I slept yesterday... but I don't remember how long I slept at all so it's just a mystery to me. >>836166 shut up
this apartment complex is demanding an $850 security deposit brutal i had to take it though
but covid sure made it tough bad timing
Ugh My final paper has really strict rules for what I'm allowed to use as sources For most of the paper I can only use my textbook and my classmates' powerpoints And most of the power points are pretty bad
>>836171 That's a lot yeah, geez. Is the place at least less skeezy than that place you were looking at, I think earlier in the year?
Oh, I just realized I have a P95 mask. I forgot I had one of those. I wonder if I can find more filters for it, they're usually only good for 30-45 days after you start using them or 40 hours which would be quick if I used them everyday at work or something.
Turnips up from 54 Bells this morning to 122. Only a 12 Bell/'nip profit but considering the barrel bottom prices I've been seeing all week I think I'll take it. Sure is nice when patience pays off.
>>836173 i dunno about the neighbors and stuff the apartment itself i am happy with, but the entrance to the building and the common area smell fucking horrid and looks trashy im not going to live on the stairwell though, so that's fine it doesn't smell in the apartment
i think it's the carpets or something, hopefully it's not one of the neighbors
my biggest fear would be if i have any neighbors who have domestic disputes or something like that i can't stand to hear people yelling, it triggers me so bad hopefully everyone is relatively decent and normal
it's not in a good area but it's not a terrible area either im pretty happy with it so far
Any port in a storm might work, but it's always nicer to have a better-quality port.
it's 850 a month even though it's not in a great area kinda rough but when your credit sucks you can't be too picky getting the starting rent + deposit was tricky in the middle of covid pandemic, while all my clients aren't getting any business
probably 1100 after all utilities and insurance and all that stuff it'll feel so good to have it though however humble it may be
Might not be ideal but hopefully'll be a good starting point.
the IRS is screwing me though they won't send my check here they're sending it to michigan instead because they won't process changes of address to change it once it's scheduled im sure everything will work out eventually though i hope
I'm still waiting on the government to get the student benefit part of the Covid-19 relief in place. Since I got let go at the end of January there's no real space to argue I'm out of work because of Covid-19, so I've fallen through the netting catching the people who've become unemployed. But there -should- be a benefit coming for post-secondary students that would normally be using the summer to work, who won't be able to because of the pandemic. I'm hoping I can apply for that.
i need to figure out how to file for unemployment too now that they're adding independent contractors to be eligible i don't think i'll get it though so many people are applying
I've been watching a lot of cooking content on YouTube these days. I don't even cook particularly diversely. My family doesn't really stock the wide pantry stuff like this pulls from too hah hah I guess it's good reference for the future. Being able to cook some of the things I watch would be nice.
i cant wait to move im gonna buy a bunch of mason jars and pickle eggs and squash and stuff and make jams and chutneys and stuff
id like to send people homemade jams for christmas and things but idk about that right now with pandemic
Well Christmas is a long way off hah hah The worst of the pandemic will probably be over by Christmas.
I'll probably be housesitting my brother's apartment for a while come June or so. With everything in the city shut down him and his girlfriend have pretty much moved up north to my family's cottage, since they're much more comfortable cooping up there for long-term than I am. And my parents want to put this house up on the market by the end of May so they want all of us out of it. I was given the choice of joining them all up north or doing the housesitting here. Wasn't really a hard decision to make for me.
I dunno how comfortable I'd be experimenting with cooking in someone else's kitchen with someone else's things, and I'd have to be budgeting food probably anyway, but maybe I'll make a few choices when shopping that lets me try some new things.
>>836216 if you have a ps4 you can actually just straight up plug n play on steam now your ps4 controller wired xbox controllers work the same way i play Central Fiction there's a lot of new players on now because of the sale CF is the only one anyone plays, actually
>The place he wants me to go >Is in Lovecraft country Nice
Oh that's literally the name of the series. Ah yeah I thought I recognized the name, it's adapting a novel.
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the only thing that worries me about it is that jj abrams is involved lol
Honestly he does creepy okay. Just don't let him anywhere near a science fiction property.
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
haha after his work on star wars i'm surprised he's able to get big projects
at least jordan peele is the headliner for this one though i trust peele
Might be that the contract was already signed when Episode IX came out. And while it was pretty poorly panned I'm pretty sure it still made a healthy profit. I could see that getting him a "first strike" warning to his reputation as far as movie companies care.
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>In September 2019, Abrams and his Bad Robot Productions company signed a $250 million five year deal with WarnerMedia, including HBO and Warner Bros. Pictures.[51] oh damn lmao just in the nick of time right before he ruined his name
Also conveniently as bad as Episode IX was. He has a bit of an out in >At least it wasn't as bad as Cats
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>836228 lol so true i still haven't seen cats i gotta do that
>>836233 why do I only hear about Americans doing this Like come on you can go a few weeks without the beach
Other countries have news organizations with better common sense. The news elsewhere are smart enough to know NOT to bring attention to this idiocy.
I know we had a smaller protest like this a week or two ago. It barely got a blip on the news though, like only really enough to know it was a thing that happened.
Americans can't fathom sacrificing something for the good of everyone. The idea that I should go without a haircut just to prevent people from dying is ridiculous. In fact that's the government's response - that people must be sacrificed.
Most other countries have had real times in their histories where they had to make sacrifices, especially during WWII and stuff. That's in their collective history. Americans have never been touched by war. The worst we've had was some moderate rationing in WWII, we've never had to sacrifice. Culturally, Americans refuse to give up anything for the good of other individuals.
There was the civil war, but that is too far away in the past
Civil War wasn't really total war in the way the World Wars were though. A lot of soldiers died in it but as far as civilians went they still lived pretty capably.
Yeah, we didn't really have any civilian casualties or anything during WWII. We were completely removed from it, as we have been from every war we've raged. waged*
Sacrifice to Americans is something other people do, not something that we'd ever have to do.
oh hey there's one in Australia too https://7news.com.au/lifestyle/health-wellbeing/coronavirus-australia-trafalgar-protestors-defy-restrictions-to-rally-against-forced-lockdown-c-999750
>>836236 You don't even have to stay home for selfless reasons though. Like even outside all of that, you don't want to get sick Really wish "young people are immune" didn't get pushed so hard
Right, not infecting people and not getting infected are one in the same. But remember that people can be asymptomatic for two weeks and still be spreading it. If an American doesn't have symptoms, they aren't sick. That's genuinely what we believe. So if these people go out and they see someone coughing, they'll distance from that person. But they'll get close to the people who aren't coughing and stuff. So for them they see absolutely no risk to be around other people.
I may be incorrect on this but I'm pretty sure the States by far had the worst bout of state propaganda outside of maybe China regarding the virus not being as big a deal as somewhere making -some were making it out to be too.
>>836243 Yeah, government officials actively suppressed information on the virus so they could make money off it. And many of them did and haven't been held accountable even though there's evidence showing they did it.
my colleague and i had to do this online training for this new telehealth software and it totally sucked so he and i literally just texted the entire time roasting everyone in the training and watching each other on video try not to laugh
and then a dude named GodsPower Erhunse started talking and i just sent the name to my colleague and he started absolutely losing his shit and both of us were just in this video chat with the vice president of the company trying not to be too obvious in our laughter and then we found out that Godspower is a real fucking name and it absolutely killed us
>>836260 sotto voice is one of my new go-to albums give it a shot
this girl keeps flirting with me but she's married and her husband is here and I cant connect emotionally with people I don't know how to proceed
>>836278 it's a nigerian name i googled the guy and found some watermelon sellers in nigeria that are like that and then when i listened to him talk he was definitely nigerian
I got a job offer from Epic once I think they were mixing me up with one of my parents, but I'm still not sure which one.
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>836322 yeah but that's not because of the triangle
Epic brewing is actually pretty good
>>836326 Oh I didn't know there was an Epic brewing I was thinking of Epic MegaGames and Epic Healthcare The latter being the one that sent me a job offer.
>>836338 i mean, this is just how people live man. Savings accounts have like 0.001 interest He's out here like "might as well put money into the future" Musk is literally the worst part about investing in Tesla and it's hilarious
Also, understand that today was expiration day for a lot of options and it has fucked a lot of people up
like, it would break my heart if I had bought TSLA calls yesterday only for Elon to come out and completely invalidate their value by opening his mouth. at least 16 call categories that were going to execute just fine today expired worthless and all the money that came from it just flushed down the drain
>>836345 Yeah but like Half his savings in one stock I'm sure you know more than me but surely it's smarter to diversify than go all in on Tesla Especially after that one time Elon purposely set his stock price to $420
He probably doesn't know enough about stocks to diversify enough. 4 stocks in tesla right now would be... $2800 and yeah, since it dipped 80 he lost 320 I don't know when he got in, probably a cheaper price than this, but it's one of those things where you're saying 'go with the stuff you know will go up'. Tesla's not "stable" but it's lucrative and constantly doing something good somehow so it's not a bad pick. Consider the fact that at one point in time he was talking about the stock price going to 420 and stopping. Now it's 700
>"I can't relate to lovestruck feelings and don't think I'll ever fall in love" >Proceeds to fall in love
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
there's this girl in sakura wars named anastasia she has white hair and her theme music sounds a little russiany so im inclined to assume she's russian
BUT she's brown??? brown russian girl named Anastasia in 1940s japan?
>>836444 have you checked out smm2 since the new items and features came out? im just seeing it now there's a ton of stuff
probably not with aminal crossing keeping you busy huh
Animal Crossing's been eating a lot of my time yeah, but I've also gotten into Factorio again.
I did watch through the promo video Nintendo did for the update so I'm familiar with what's been added, though I might not know the niche interactions or things people have discovered.
survive and actually prosper are two different terms tho
we get boars here from russia, but they don't survive here, even when not hunted down
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah but them not being able to just thrive in canada and spread like crazy (even though they can do that like 80% of the year) doesn't make them less terrifying
California is fucked that is prolly their ideal territory
but really biggest issue would be them encountering the locla honey bees, who have not developed the "swarm and overheat" tactic the japanese/etc ones have so you'd once again have just couple hornets killing entire nests which can be quite disastrous for honey producers, who already have a ton of issues with keeping their bees safe
>inb4 someone imported the murder hornets to take care of killer bees
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Vespa amino acid mixture is a nutritional supplement consisting of larval saliva sold with the intent of improving endurance during exercise. Several companies in Asia and Europe have begun to manufacture dietary supplements and energy drinks which contain synthetic versions of secretions of the larvae of V. mandarinia, which the adult hornets usually consume. The manufacturers of these products make claims that consuming the larval hornet secretions (marketed as "hornet juice") will enhance human endurance because of the effect it has on adult hornets' performance. During laboratory testing on mice, increased lipolysis (metabolism of fat) was observed in rat adipocytes (fat cells) alongside improved swimming endurance, decreased lactate, and increased glucose concentration in the blood stream. While testing on mice has produced optimistic outcomes, trial tests on humans were inconclusive. Ten trained cyclists were given either an 80 ml serving of the mixture or a sports-drink placebo. Variables tested included the time to complete the 20 km race, peak power, average power, maximum heart rate, and average heart rate. Participants who consumed it had significantly lower maximum heart rates, but no other statistically significant changes were seen.[14]
> In September 2019, the British Columbia Ministry of Agriculture has confirmed the hornets have been found on Vancouver Island in Canada, with a nest having been discovered and subsequently destroyed in the city of Nanaimo
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
did you read the article? when that happened the dude he got rid of them got tore the fuck up stung him through two layers of clothes and a bee suit fuckin crazy
yeah it is a half a cm long stinger and prolly has quite force behind it too
I think the key question with these hornets is how deep the ground freezes they most likely lack good enough antifreeze to truly survive being frozen, but if the grounds don't go into frost deep enough, they can prolly easily winter almost anywhere
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>The hornets can fly up to 100 km (60 mi) in a single day, at speeds up to 40 km/h (25 mph)[23]
I wonder do hornets have a wings that repair or wings that just fail at some point like bees do
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>An inseminated queen begins to create relatively small cells in which she raises around 40 small workers. Workers do not begin to work outside of the hive until July. Queens participate in activities outside the hive until mid-July, when they stay inside the nest and allow workers to do extranidal activities. Early August marks a fully developed nest, containing three combs holding 500 cells and 100 workers. After mid-September, no more eggs are laid and the focus shifts to caring for larvae. The queens die in late October.[14]
hmm so if they're in north america now we probably won't really know the extent for a little while because they're just now starting to build their nests
>>836470 I wonder how well the mid-america would treat them cause there most likely are some "barriers" they won't spread to, simply lacking the environments they like to nest in
afterall, the species does mainly live on the coastline in asia too well relatively coastline
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>. They prefer to live in low mountains and forests, while almost completely avoiding plains and high-altitude climates. if they moved down through california and then east they'd probably be able to spread
This show was really cute, comfy, fun. I enjoyed it a lot The premise is kind of weird though like, why is missing a school year because of illness something to be ashamed of it's not like it was your fault or you failed exams
Even so Good show. 7.5/10.
Things that make you ashamed or anxious don't always make sense to other people. Or even if you're looking back in hindsight you can see you were being unnecessary at the time about it. Plus for Japanese culture there's often a good bit of ostracizing the weird or abnormal. Nails that stick out and hammers after all. I think if you're worried about sticking out, something like being a year off could easily start triggering those anxious "what if" thoughts that gets you ashamed of your state.
Also, doesn't it feel a bit weird beign -being a mid/late-twenties adult starting university around all these eighteen or nineteen year-old kids? Did for me. Still does, really, even though I know there's a lot of mature students in programs there. Imagine that feeling but amplified up because teenagers tend to experience things more intensely because they're dumb hormonal machines.
>>836480 Sure, but you're probably a bit more level-headed than a teen by now. I'd hope.
Costco's Kirkland brand frozen burger patties aren't really as good as some of the others I can get from other grocery stores. Inarguably better value, but normally Kirkland weirdly is both bulk-cheaper and pretty good quality. Still made for some good burger though.
I really like it when the put the "boing" sound in you see that's the cue that a a character has large breasts and they need to put that in because otherwise I wouldn't understand.
i wanna work on a cargo ship idc about low pay deckhand or anything
>>836547 Could be pretty comfy. There are cargo ship "cruises", I've looked into them as a cheap way of transporting stuff from Japan. Since if I ever go I'm sure I'll buy way too much manga to bring back on a plane. Although I doubt I'll ever actually ever get around to going Japan.
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
japan will be underwater by the time pandemic ends
well you're right because i do but no this is bang
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you must ah that was my second guess hello bangu how do you do what's new
i don't know if i should be proud of myself or horrified that i could be mistaken for sugoi
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the deciding factor in me thinking you were sugoi is that i can still imagine sugoi coming to a place like this whereas i picture you as having moved on in your life and grown
bruh i've been posting for weeks now i'm back baby bing bang bongo congo bam
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh that explains why ton has been talking about you
ton is a good boy people who appreciate okayu are good people
if only he wasn't so disgustingly degenerate
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i don't know who okayu is but yeah ton is a good boy
well her clothes are very colorful i like her mostly, though i get the feeling she's not like s-tier powerful or anything she shares a name with she who becomes Izayoi >>836583 hmmmm
this negatively impacts my opinion i give her a 7.2/10
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh her name is actually mirin the filename isn't her actual name
would you take this girl out on a date where would you take her
lol no i would never cheat on my WIFE
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
is your wife okayu
my wife is regret
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
can i see a picture of her
i'm married to my mistakes and misgivings, enamored with my failure and betrothed to my incompetence a husk of a person, with naught left to find but despair - an entitlement to nothing and nothing alone
floop had a weird mental breakdown and became convinced i was the devil, started telling me to kill myself over and over until he finally just left moe and went to tano
>>836646 we're gonna get a little place and we're gonna have a rika, and some bang, and we're gonna have maybe, maybe a sugoi. down in the basement we'll have a little field of hydroponic alfalfa for the floops.