Well by earlier I mean like four hours. That's a lot of time really. It's still not too late in the night though so waiting a moment isn't too bad though.
It took some convincing but I got my imouto to watch this. She's got a bit of that zoomer cynical streak where anything dramatic has to kinda looked down at. But as I figured when she actually started watching she really got into it hah hah
That weird sound effect that plays right at the end of the ED always kinda throws me off. It doesn't really ciick with the rest of the song.
Momiji sure got distracted from some pretty pressing news. Sasuga short attention span rabbit
Imagine listening to this conversation as someone who doesn't know anything about the Souma family. It must sound really chuuni with them talking about transforming and such.
I assume they're all known as the weird kids. They all dress funny
Yuki and Kyo dress pretty normal!
The Soumas have a fairly large presence in this town though, running the local hospital and the clan being large enough that there's usually like four or five kids in a generation running around together. And they kinda feel obligated to stick together because they all have the mutual secret they have to keep. So yeah they probably do have a reputation of being weird people.
I think it's pretty normal to consider yourself selfish even if other people perceive you as selfless.
Okonomiyaki isn't that carb-heavy I feel. Like you mix everything with a pancake-y batter but that's only a part of it and there's a lot of meat and vegetables that get cooked in it too.
I'd feel any noodle or rice bowl dish would be much heavier on the catbs.
There's a lot of trauma for Yuki that comes from the Souma estate. It probably takes a lot for him to come back, even for a good reason. So much for him only being selfish.
Most of the Souma family is kinda composed of people that feel like they can only be selfish. Or that doing things that are good for themselves is a fundamentally flawed action. I'm pretty sure that's because of the psychological abuse Akito has put them through.
Well Geordo seems to be consistent with the personality he had in the game. But I bet he won't fall for the heroine because he's already charmed by Katarina, which will break from the game. Keith is totally divergent from how he was in the game though hah hah.
First contact!
Catarina is quite happy to talk about how attractive she finds the girls she's friends with.
i wanna grow eggplants it'd be really fun
I still have never had eggplant hah hah. Though a while back I asked and my mother really doesn't like it. Which is why she's never made it for food for me growing up.
Oh I guess this is how Alan differs from how he is in the game. Katarina giving him an outlet for his competitiveness as a kid ironed out that as he grew up. That's kind of a nice thing she unintentionally did.
i made some eggplants on my birthday i really like them
she hits a lot of those neurotic notes well that's the kind of stuff im always worrying about haha
Her fears aren't too unfounded though. I'm pretty sure she's already taken the game off its rails but she still thinks she's in a fight for her life.
It took less than one episode for her to do what her mother told her not to do hah hah Eating food right off the ground.
I guess each of her inner council aside from maybe the judge has a guy they prefer.
>>834831 Instead of being the rival villainess she's kind of become a harem MC Aside from Nicol all of the main cast seems to be completely in love with her. I bet as she spends time with the heroine it'll end up the same way.
Ah it's a wreck I guess that's why it got passed off to them.
i dont know anything about princess connect other than that it has a gacha my roommate was playing it a lot and kept telling me about it last fall
Yeah I don't actually know anything about the game either. The show's pretty much just been lighthearted fantasy stuff.
haha that whispering
Koro koro
That was a cute way Karyl had her hair up for cleaning.
what a bouncy show
The production values are really high. As expected of a Cygames mobage adaptation, they always go all out.
Kokkoro is a sweet girl. She's probably the least baka of the four of them.
i hear at least one of the show by rock voices here there's a similar feel in general too
Yeah the big drills devil girl from last seasno. Season even. I'm pretty sure her and Kokkoro have the same seiyuu.
Oh no a donkey
Cygames has really perfected the art of making cute but varied character design. Like each of these three have cute designs but there's not much design overlap.
>>834856 Yeah I was hesitant of it. Especially since I knew it was a mobage adaptation. Even for a game from Cygames they can get a bit
Uh. What. A giant talking ... llama. Alpaca.
But yeah mobage adaptations are kinda hit-and-miss. But Kirara watched the first episode and was really recommending it.
naisu idiia desu
Do both alpacas and llamas spit or is that just an alpaca thing?
lima the llama >>834860 camels, alpacas, all those things
Yeah I just couldn't tell if she was a llama or alpaca
Ah gosh oh no please no All those legs skittering up bare skin sounds like a nightmare.
The MC really has like an INT stat of 3 though. Even basic communication is difficult for him. It's a good thing he's so clueless because this girl is spoiling a lot of stuff for him hah hah
Pft Talk about lack of foresight
the llama is wearing a bra lol
I think it's kinda like bikini armor. Though she just forgoes the bottom for a skirt.
Oh wow she Uh Okay.
oh ohhhh kay what
she's a lot cuter now
Yeah. Llamas are kinda charming but it's a lot easier to find a human body cute.
What a laidback cat. Very cat-poi
Food is one of those things that has a long-standing tradition of bringing people together. It's kinda nice to see them place that kind of reverence for it here too.
really cute show i like it
Yeah it's been a solid part of the season's roster so far.
They're both pretty wholesome shows too. Makes for some nice soul food.
this one is pretty wholesome too
Haru's bit at the end of the last episode was really nice. She's such a nice girl.
yeah this show is good
Both the kids in this show are crushing on people a good bit older than them. Haru's like final year in high school or just graduated and this guy's second or final year. Both Rikuo and Sensei are a year out of university now so that's like five or six years ahead.
I don't think that's too weird of an age gap for a relationship but it's definitely a bit awkward at this point in their lives.
it's a very feely show i really like it ive got to head out for a bit to get my mom some medicine i'll catch you guys next time
The characters are all really well-rounded. None of them feel particularly trope-y or two-dimensional. That kind of thing is super good at making you empathize with them. It's nice.
I don't think I've seen episode twelve for this come out yet. I know it was coming later in the season than the rest of the season. >>834899 Yeah I think it might be a bundled episode with a manga volume or something.
Pekola running security for her is kinda funny. She doesn't strike me as particularly good for the job.
Yeah really. Killing the daughter of the ruler of Hell is probably war-inciting. That sounds like it would create more problems for Heaven than benefits. I don't think that kind of thing would raise her standing!