Her e hello Er hey hello even Phone please How did this weekend go for you?
Appare-Ranman! Episode 2-3 Arte Fugou Keiji Balance - Unlimited Gleipnir Hamefura Honzuki no Gekokujou Episode 16-18 Jashin-chan Dropkick' Episode 6-11 Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai Listeners Nami yo Kiitekure Episode 2-4 Plunderer Yesterday wo Utatte
Oh Black Clover is joining the ranks of shows that'll be getting Covid-19 delays. There'll be an episode this week but not the following and onwards until ... well when things go back to normal I guess.
brand new animal plunderer gleipnir listeners kaguya
Funnily enough the production for Jashin-chan having wrapped before the season began and Brand New Animal having at least the first half of the show done before it started airing probably means we'll consistently get those shows. Dunno what the production pipeline for anything else airing looks like though.
They really don't waste time making it clear Anima City really isn't the paradise it's cracked up to be. If anything it kinda comes off as a dystopic hellcity masquerading as a utopia.
Gosh Michiru don't be such a dweeb. It's rude to interrupt people like that.
can't they all disguise themselves, isn't that normal?
Sounds like she was born and raised in the city. It seems like the city's government controls the flow of information and it seems like her dad might be particularly controlling of her. She might honestly not know what it's like to look like a normal human bean.
Poor Michiru. Even looking human now she's still traumatized from being hunted.
They've been using the ED for a leitmotif this episode.
Ah she screwed that up fast. Oh maybe these kids are beastmen sympathizers.
>>834471 Yeah I can't really tell hah hah. From the way she's talking it seems honest but I have a hard time trusting people at face value with something like this.
I'm starting to get the feeling it's not a trap but they're treating Nina like she's a pet or curiousity, not a fellow human being. It's still a kind of discrimination to treat people like that!
Yeah like this is harm born not of malice but stupidity. Because the human people couldn't consider her as a human.
Oh I guess Shiro is properly an immortal freak of nature.
Ah Well that was a bit of an emotional sucker punch. It must be an awful time for Michiru's parents. Their daughter just up and vanished from their perspective. I've read a lot of real life accounts of missing or abducted children and it's always a harrowing experience for the parents and family.
I still refuse to accept their ears unless I'm explicitly shown. Like you can even see bits of ear pink behind them.
But there's still no explanation of what it is hah hah.
i dont think it works that way
I still don't trust Monocle-kun one bit. He has been consistently, not really benevolent, but acting in a kind of good faith. But something has to go wrong at some point and he seemed a good bit more crazy in the present time.
for a military outfit they really have no discipline or safety protocols
or any procedure at all for that matter
This guy's goat eyes still don't make any sense. Everyone else has normal eyes. Makes about as much sense as the girl's not-ears.
is it supposed to be subbed as rihito? or are the subs just wonky >>834491 okay i guess, but it sounds exactly the same
He started going by Licht at some point between this past three hundred years ago and the present time. In this not-Japan or whatnot he was known a Rihito.
>>834490 It's pronounced almost precisely identically. There might be a subtle hard double-T in the pronounciation for Licht, Rihito's remarked that the MC's way of calling him Licht is a bit different from how everyone calls him Rihito. So same syllables but a slightly different enunciation for Licht.
Oh yeah Moon did you see the Saki collab announcement for Mahjong Soul
oh no what happens now >>834502 i heard about it but i didn't see the announcement or any details firsthand
Hah hah Clair looks so silly in the big bulky suit with her head poking out.
>>834503 I don't know too much about it but Maria was posting about it. Got all excited but then almost immediately had his hopes dashed when the English Twitter posted the collab content would only be available in English for North American users.
I wonder if the meat body still works I guess it is working with her, all that meat would be hard to move
Seems like she can still move it as easily as she could before. We saw when they first gattai'd that Shuichi could relinquish total control so I bet it's a similar situation right now since he's fucking dead.
Did she actually throw the other one away? I thought she was still keeping it.
If I'm remembering it correctly that means she's got two now. For all it's worth.
The meat has to still be working I couldn't move all that mead meat
I'm sure she can just stick the head back on and it will be okay
Yeah but what happens when he tries to revert back to being a person. If the head's not properly attached would it just fall off as soon as it was skin and flesh?
Well those are some sound effects.
He's quite upfront about being an alien. I was kind of expecting a little more evasion about it.
I think this show would honestly be better if it were a bit more mundane. The best thing it has going is the interaction between the protagonist.
It would be better as a traumatized girl meets boy in a more mundane setting.
MC seems to stepped up his confidence now.
>>834530 The weirdness is probably the mangaka's personal tastes mixing in. Though I'd bet their editor probably is also encouraging it a bit since weirdness gets people talking.
I think the notion of them having to cooperate to fight is actually really cool, even if the way they acheive that is totally bizarre. There's a kind of morbid fascination that I think the series leans on.
There's also kind of a glut of plot threads going on too. Or not plot threads but concept pieces. Like you've got the body horror of turning into a sentient mascot suit that can literally be climbed into. There's the battle action that they kinda promised with the first fight between the duo and that girl. There's a kinda science fantasy thread with the alien and his coin-which-are-his-friends'-consciences collecting. And there's the interpersonal stuff like the onee-chan being yandere for the MC and Clair's trauma and revenge obsession. They've kind of set a lot in the first story arc.
My torrents stalled before they finished downloading Listeners so I needed to do a reboot to get my PC downloading again. Do either of you have the time?
The neck probably is the best place for a plug i guess the brain is an okay place but like your brain is there and you'd have to remove part probably
Yeah that's a prime situation for drug overdose. Just falling into a huge pool of it.
>>834566 Mu's is on her hip, that's probably the ideal location for one. It's not really too weird a spot for it and it doesn't get in the way of them trying to move.
Wow, how dense. I get Nir was kind of androgynous but it was still pretty clear she was a girl.
It's kinda neat how they're kinda hop-skotching from person to person trying to uncover the mystery of Jimi. Though I think it would be cooler if each person had kinda like a contradicting story that shows him to be multifacted or something.
Okay I'm good for Kaguya.
>>834572 My problem with the brain jack is, well, just look how long the plug is on that hah hah. Imagine something like that plunging deep into the centre of your brain. Nevermind the parts that would have to be taken out to make space for it.
He's really taken a liking to the fan Kaguya got him.
Kaguya's an expert schemer when she's not getting flustered.
Wow he's a real moon nerd.
Hah hah his love for space is making him impervious to getting flustered. It's all getting turned back on Kaguya.
Apparently all the characters of the student council have names that relate to Kaguya-hime's story.
Kaguya is obvious but the student council's names derive from aspects of the story too. I can't remember the particulars though, it's some Kanji wordplay.
Hah hah he actually kinda broke her. She's completely lost her composure here.
That was a really cute and wholesome bit though. Kaguya is super adorable when she gets flustered.
I wonder if the series was at like a risk point in the manga during this chapter. It kinda has a bit of a finale vibe to it. Though it could have not been at all and just the mangaka baiting the readership. From what I've gathered that's definitely something he'd do.
Shirogane looks kinda naked without that cord on his collar.
Chika as council president would be a chaotic nightmare. Would be fun though.
The balloons lifting Chika up had the letters S L T on them. I wonder whatever it was insinuating.
>We can't be selfish We can absolutely be selfish! Human beings need to be selfish!
Hah hah she's already planning on replacing Chika. What a monster.
There's been a lot of Kaguya having to be the giver in their exchanges this episode. Like she outright lost in this one!
The war called love has been a lot less of a war recently
They're kinda like the pair from Rikei last season. After a while the stuff they do just kinda ends up being flirty or mutual appreciation stuff and the whole notion of there being a winner or loser in love falls to the wayside. ALMOST AS IF IT WAS NEVER LIKE THAT TO BEGIN WITH