Is that like obviously a CPAP machine in the second picture or something. I don't see how they're not ventilators, but, I also have never seen a CPAP or ventilator.
It's kinda funny how consistently he fumbles these acts of goodness. A situation comes up and he's all like "Don't worry, I'll be the HERO" And then just does something totally stupid.
patiently waiting for when he calls the person who points out they're not respirators a pedophile
>>825987 Nah, still the 1st here. Now if only the announcement of the Homu banner in MR was a joke. Ripple... >>825990 It just happened within 5 weeks of some other fairly high demand units. >>825991 Yeah >>825992 It's been pretty nice! Just finished the first season.
I'm really enjoying the Bjork songs I come across in my playlist
oh the madonks gacha I still need to watch the new show
>>825992 It was kinda bland early on, took too long highlighting the various gatcha girls of the game. The plot only really kicked in about 75-80% of the way through, aside from sparse threads throughout. Once it remembered to have a plot it did start getting fun though.
>>826005 it's fine just in that moment I was very on edge we don't know two of em were fighting one was mediating or something new dog was attacking one another I personally think the new dog should go but that's imho
>>826007 My friend's roommate got a new cat a few months ago and it fought with the existing two cats at their tiny apartment. She originally said that she would get rid of it if became a problem and then changed her mind. It's not a problem right now because my friend went back to her parent's.
what happened to resolve it? does the bigger house give them a buffer
>>826009 Nothing She's not at her apartment right now Her roommate and ger two cats are at tge apartment by themselves.
The new cat is one of those have asian wildcat things.
>>826050 >>826055 It's like they're acknowledging an idea for something cool then saying "lol it'll never happen"
doesn't take the sting out
I feel that's more your issue than anything else. It's kind of a lack of awareness from your part than them being goofy.
>>826054 It's April second for me too, fancy that. Don't bicker about it "not actually being April 1st for me" you know well enough by now things are gonna be in this timeframe, actual date be damned.
yeah but I also don't pay any attention to dates because time has no meaning when you do the same routine I'll bicker as hard as I please
Man I dunno. Last time I had a McFlurry my stomach really didn't agree with it. Maybe that's still far better than other fast food chains' desserts, I don't really eat that stuff ever. But if it is, they're failing to clear a REALLY low bar.
>>826067 yeah this is my issue I always thought you could do that as a kid >>826068 that's fair hungry bk isn't very good kfc is eh okay
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i get a strong craving to eat KFC maybe once a year i want to taste the juices of colonel sanders famous fried herb
I've abandoned everything I know about colour theory and associate every red store with every disgusting kfc I've been to which is funny because my work uses those colours
>>826080 My stomach's normally pretty good at whatever but something about the modified milk ingredients that go into stuff like McFlurry is just too foul. KFC I just don't eat because it's shitty food.
>>826080 yeah true capitalist nostalgia builds a brand recognition
I can eat kfc but I gotta degrease the chicken first by applying a bunch of paper towels to it or else it's disgusting
scandi dog go bjork bjork bjork
>>826085 yeah the grease always turned me off which why is never liked eating there my mum always insisted it as a treat so I built up an immunity to grease
>>826088 >referring to that shit as a treat Wow that's some gas lighting
it was her idea of a treat I think everyone else liked other places in the family >that one year you choose subway for birthday dinner and everyone makes fun of you that's bullshit the rules are you get to pick birthday dinner
from what I recall Babylon has more missions but the story is relatively straightforward Camelot takes ages because there are so many cut-scenes/dialogue
>6.6million people file for unemployment >Futures markets: ehhh, I don't wanna go into the negatives though... who the fuck are these people are they insane
i'm not going to hold things at close this time. I'm going to directly experiment with my findings tomorrow. and see where it goes today upsets me greatly because I knew the moves and have just been too frustrated to stick to them.
>>826267 Incidentally did you hear about that neonazi guy who got arrested? His name is literally JC Dneton *Denton he didn't even change it well I mean his first name starts with J and his middle name starts with C
>>826273 It was one of the atomwaffen guys I think he got caught for swatting which is kind of embarassing because even 14 year olds know how to get away with that
holy shit i ordered a grilled prime rib sandwhich through doordash and they said they were out of prime rib so i replaced it with a burger but then they found more prime rib so they gave me that AND the burger for no extra cost
Valid complaint. I can't even make money how I like to because all the fish I try to catch are FUCKING EGGS That said I made like a hundred thousand Bells today selling hot item water fountains.
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
100k damn how many is that
Twenty-two. I don't throw anything out so I've got a bunch of crafting materials sitting in storage.
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
damn they sell for a lot
I think iron being in the crafting recipe really boosts the selling value of the item. I had iron garden tables as the hot item like a week ago, six iron apiece. Ten of them sold for 150,000 Bells.
people underestimate how many non-japanese there actually are in the anime industry like there westerners on anime production committees already all over the place
Outsource studios in various East/South-East Asian countries have been contributing to the industry for at least a decade. The notion of anime production being a Japanese-only thing hasn't been true for a long time now.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>826313 more than a decade but that's different than having funi on a production commitee >>826311 there's a difference between destroying and industry and changing an industry to attract people from different demographics
I don't like either of them though
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh shit one of the new characters in p5r is a sexy therapist in a lab coat hell yessss
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>826314 funimation will not have enough influence to change the industry in any noticeable way
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
think about how many powerful japanese people in the anime industry have tried to change the industry and failed funimation has no chance of actually changing the industry at absolute most they will suggest a slightly different interpretation of a scene
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I hope for the best but I'm always worried about the worst in other news the new magic set is fucking awful
>there's no way a HIGH SCHOOLER could have done these things without MENTAL TRAINING......... who helped you strengthen your mental state?! sae please therapy is NOT that big of a deal
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
actually he does have the same glasses as me and my hair would be the same if i didn't comb it
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this is actually really cool therapy in a super popular japanese game
When even "have you tried turning it off and back on again?" is too technologically advanced for them
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think clearing her cache would solve her problem but there's no way i can get her to do that
Yeah both my dad and I have that frustration with my mother's technological illiteracy. Funny thing is she's a pretty competent typist but anything more complicated than that requires either someone else help or an extensive tutorial. She was in a Zoom meeting earlier today with other teachers from her school. They're all getting trained in how to do online education. I feel that's gonna be exhausting.
I was doing some late-night, like three in the morning playing last night, and I was running around a part of my island you can't get to without the pole or ladder. All of a sudden I hear this PAT PAT PAT PAT and it spooks me since there's no way any of my villagers could get here. Walk a bit further and there's this FUCKING BUNNY doing his dumbfuck hop dance.
Wow really It's been so LONG since the first series.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ifkr maybe they're counting on no one left alive by 2022 and they're just making us feel good
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that's a lot of twos
sorry mister sexy therapist but we may be limited on twin peaks viewing as i work tomorrow night too but ill ganbari my masu
guys i bought some drum stands from the facebook marketplace, from what seemed like a well-off pleasant family but now i realize i have no interest for actually playing the drums this was today do you think it would be wrong of me to ask if they'd be willing to do a return they were $50 in total
You could try but I wouldn't blame them if they didn't take them back from you This is a pretty clear case of it being your bad Just say something like "sorry I messed up it turns out this isn't in accordance with my landlords noise policy. Is it possible for me to return these? I understand if I can't "
>>826383 I guess that works if you're not okay with lying but it makes you look like a dumbass "I understand if you don't reply" is good though since it leaves them the room to not even acknowledge it and avoid the awkwardness of saying no. Just put that out and then leave their response up to them
yes i agree what's a goos way for me to word it and acknowledge it
nooooo i can't just lie like that maria come on now how bout "sorry i messed up it turns out i'm not as interested in drums as i thoight. is it possible for me to return these? i understand if you don't reply" i want to leave rom for them to say no without feeling like assholes
>>826381 i think the landlord noise policy thing actually makes me look like a bigger dumbass
>>826381 yes yes yes i am a master at taking pressure off of others
>>826384 Yeah but you can push the blame onto someone else with it Which is what really counts
>>826385 Yeah so long as they don't feel any pressure to respond it should be fine
>>826387 hmmm maybe you're right I guess there's no way around looking like a dumbass here you just gotta grin and bear it
>>826386 i feel like it would be pretty easy for them to see through that lie they'd be like "how would this dumbass not know that he can't play loud ass drums in an apartment or whatever"
>>826386 i've looked like a dumbass my whole life it's no biggie as long as you're endearing about it, people generally are chill
let me explain These are put contracts. This is that thing I said I've been doing where "if the stock price dips, the value goes up." On April 1st, the $20 put was worth a penny. A penny per share that is. So to get a contract (100 shares), you'd have to spend a dollar. That penny/share contract went up to 13.89/share a single dollar would have netted you 1388. And no one just buys a single penny contract. If you're even bothering such a thing, you usually risk like 100 or 200. It's options trading, you usually throw thousands of dollars at a time, so 200 is like play money I can't fucking imagine throwing 200 dollars at something one day, and waking up the next to $277600 the next. that's absolutely bonkers.
>>826510 when it hit 3000 i made this high pitched HOh sound and then when it hit 6000 i just started laughing
>>826511 I saw it hit 1980 and thought "gee that and 2008 were high" Then it just goes WOOOOSH I wanna see the graph in a few months Future economic timegraphs are gonna look so wild
just these big spikes messing with their nice graphs
>>826509 It was this shock dose of ridiculous humour and wholesome heartwarming. Fuckin' Kumeta man. The first episode just knocked it out of the park.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>826512 what future we transcending the graph, baby
>>826514 right? i totally wasn't expecting it to start so strong actually i didn't even know Kumeta had a show this season until i looked at your list in the anime thread
I didn't know either until I was doing a bit of research earlier yesterday, hah hah I'd seen the show on seasonal charts but the visual was too small to catch Kumeta's distinct character design so when it summarized the show about being "an adult manga artist trying to keep his job a secret from his daughter while raising her as a single dad" I was kinda iffy on the show. Especially since the summary kinda poorly and incorrectly made it seem like his manga was adult content and pervy.
>Hey I got something for you. Can you guess what it is? >Hint, it's my old workshirt T-thanks...
Oh it's just an office button-up shirt and tie. That was a bit misleading.
The Bunny Day furniture has been consistently awful all throughout the series hah hah I love chasing balloons though, and at least the rabbit goes away after the first day.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
he was there two days for me at least it's horrible
Weird, I've only seen him on day one. A special Easter DIY bottle did wash up in addition to the usual one yesterday though.
My eyelid's really twitchy today. I can make it less of a bother by keeping the eye closed, but then I have to go around with one eye constantly shut.
RE3 Remake is out. Talk about a very ... suitable? time for it to be released.
It was a lot of fun. Really good blend of SoL cute girls doing cute things and a kind of engaging plot arc. I hope we get more adaptation some day so we can see FALLEN MOMO, VASSAL OF SHAMIKO
A good side bonus of getting way too into Runescape is that I'm smashing through my anime backlog.
If i was playing a fun game Like Sekiro or something It would occupy my full attention.
But smelting 8500 steel bars in the blast furnace while my alt account makes cannon balls That's premium anime time
Sounds positively riveting.
>>826542 i replaced my RuneScape afking with FFXIV afking since crafting in that game requires you to use abilities to raise the chance of getting high quality crafts with better stats while increasing a progress bar towards completing the item, I just set up a bunch of macros to craft stuff for me while I play other games usually people just spend a bunch of money and effort to power level but I've afk maxed half of the crafting classes for pennies basically it's giving me real RuneScape vibes pressing one button every 2 minutes
i've started doing logotherapy groups on nights when i do the three hour long group we ended a little early tonight bc the group was small but it was really good and really intimate we talked a lot about really philosophical stuff its really nice to be able to do something like that, i got to read a few passages from camus and stuff
>>826559 don't worry. i know a bit of bush magic. i just need a cactus apple, your hair, and a sacrificial Buffalo
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that was v awkward i had to convince the person there to give me my clothes but all good hopefully i dont get my airbnb reputation besmirched or go directly to jail
one of my female friends is definitely hanging out with another one of my female friends way too much lately i have no other reason to suspect that they have a forbidden love going on but i do suspect
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they sound like they are plotting to infect people with covid because hanging out is dangerous right now
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hanging out is only ok if you smooch
>>826587 dude yes they shouldn't be doing this right now which is more reason for me to suspect that they're being more than just friends rn
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you have to stop them. for the good of the entire world you have kill them
the bible demands it ////i mean yeah the virus needs to be stopped from spreading
i mean they're definitely breathing each other's air if ya kno wat i men hehehehhehhehee
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well that's not a problem unless one is on CPAP or something
i want to be on cpap
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
no you'll aerosolize the virus
but i snore
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you'll doom us all
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i wanna be on PURE O2
but i'll be well rested my immune system will kill it for all of us
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it'd be cool if we could harvest and sell our immune systems and definitely not at all dystopian
>>826657 It looks like a 20 minute long Fire Emblem cutscene I don't think the cgi is anywhere near unwatchable but the way everything is framed and storyboarded is very basic and dull
Look how small Seijuro looks while saying it They should have focused on him pointing his finger or something Then snap to everyone standing up and running off This is just awful
The launch sequence is super anti hype as well It's the most generic looking hangar and the lighting is super dull and dusty looking. There should be alarms going off. Doesn't even have the courtesy to give them a catapult launch, they just slowly roll out And with the way it's framed they all look so tiny
I used to have Genki I and II in .pdf but I have since lost them I wonder if it's still easy to get them the way I had before, but it's likely I'll end up buying them.
>>826682 Apologies, friend. It has come to my attention that me and Kirara may have taken part in, inadvertently of course, ending humanity. I've come to speak with him
wow there are a lot of possible villagers damn here i was thinking there must be like 30
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
there's 383 so far
that's a lot of villagers!
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
almost 500 across all series jeez
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my island is all jocks i gotta call isabelle
i like when you go into the town hall in the morning and she's doing exercises
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh yea that is cute i took a video
what's new in ur life sir?
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i still havent managed to visit texas or anywhere south in the US other than san diego
tried to go to florida - cancelled due to medical thing tried to go to nola - corona time
still working at target still broke all the time soon i should hopefully have a car
i don't fancy nola very much but that's probably because the bar scene in austin is very good
my last car had a leak in the fuel tank i should have one to use once my brother ships out for basic but that got delayed D:
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
new caaaar! what happened to the old one
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ah rip hope you stuff him into the nearest train headed anywhere
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
so heavy i fell thru the earth
i gotta go to tx someday
grr i wonder if the border will open this summer
texas is honestly pretty whatever but Austin is good most of the state is not much to see Dallas has a lot of cool stuff, Deep Ellum is a neat scene Austin's downtown is an amazing place, really cool nightlife
>>826745 My apartment community has dedicated maintenance folks They're only responding to emergencies right now too Plus the property manager loves me and probably gave me priority haha
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I'm surprised they got a guy to you this fast.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>826744 This music video was directed by the same guy. >>>/watch?v=MJCaFe1yamg He also directed Coraline. >>826744 Good to here. I remember when your fire alarm was busted it took a bit to get it fixed or something.
haha the fire alarm was hell had to keep hitting it to make it stop
they usually help quick for emergencies that time that i got trapped inside my house by the swarm of angry bees, they got me help within like four hours
>>826764 My friend was complaining about that website the other day He was irritated that they didn't have Europa Universalis 4 as a game you could pay them to play with you.
i think the only thing that's worth complaining about is that the UI is terrible the concept of the website is pretty silly, i don't think it can last if it does have any sort of longevity, it's because they'll let it become a boosting site/money launderer which is in their best interest, but against what i presume their mission statement it is
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>826766 My main issue is the short list of games. It would be much better for each girl to have a list of games.
that doesn't particularly matter the list of games is pretty arbitrary you can probably contact your arranged egirl and work out if they have a different game they'd be willing to play many of them are signed up for multiple games in the first place but honestly the majority of purchases i imagine being made involve boosting and money laundering
i did think it was funny that disguised toast di d a stream where he tried to become the #1 egirl (and succeeded)
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>826768 I find the concept of the website to be pretty hilarious.
He'll come around and it's only in my room so he's mostly fine also i found his favorite toy that has been missing for months when i was moving stuff to get the AC in
last of us 2 is getting leaked onto youtube apparently
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>826776 I have that game on ps3 and ps4 both were free I still haven't played it also I don't know if I would consider it a game seems a bit more interactive fictiony
>>826776 Weird. The actual game's gotten delayed because they can't reliably manufacture enough physical copies to meet the demand. Wonder who got mad and leaked it onto YouTube.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>826777 aren't you thinking of the first one? and it's def a game it's pretty good too
not really looking forward to the sequel though
>>826778 I wonder if it's someone who got released after finishing their part or something
flight tomorrow wish i hadn't missed my train maybe i could have done Stuff here
Toronto? Cool. Shame there's nothing to do here right now.
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
'tis! i do want to get to know this city better i spent 5 years in this province for school after all
I've lived here for a quarter of a century and I still don't know the city all too well. Very rarely have I ventured west of University/Spadina. Or spent all that much time in Scarborough. There's a lot of stuff here and I just ... don't do anything.
I think all the Type-Moon series are interconnected too. At least back when Nasu was really going at it. Dunno how it goes with F/GO now.
when you acknowledge a multiverse, everything is canon.
Eh I dunno about that. I mean yeah the potential there's but if you're a particularly controlling author you can shut down stuff and just say "No there's no way that would ever happen".
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
food was a mistake
Were you able to find anything? I know some places are open but a lot are also closed up.
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i got a aloe juice from a convenience store then i got some hot dogs delivered ... 2 hot dogs is not a full meal
>>826798 Connected in a loose sense. Some beings can move between worlds but otherwise the worlds typically aren't connected. >>826800 But yes, Nasu's official stance is that all Nasuverse material should be considered canon.
>>826804 Roughly where you situated? I can see if I know anything decent.
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
fort york
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's very roads and residential deadzoes i will probably hike to the LCBO
Yeah it's a bit out of my usual hunting grounds. Have biked past there in the past going along the waterfront.
There's some pretty decent ramen places closer to Bloor/Yonge but there's no published information about their open state it seems.
The maintenance guy said this portable AC doesn't use much electricity, but I wonder. Since the window has to be open, that lets warm air in, so the AC has to work extra hard.
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>826809 far as i saw all the restaurants are takeout only? idk what the law is are there actually open places
I am irresponsibly bad at keeping up with the details. I mean I guess if you order a food courier you could probably get some of the places I know of.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
here in Florida, you can only get takeout so i assume toronto of all places would be the same
Is this an actual thing fringe weirdoes are chattering about now. Electromagnetic radiation may have extremely minor health concerns for SOME people but it doesn't create viral diseases.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
there are a lot of weird conspiracies about coronavirus
so ofc it ends up overlapping with the radiation conspiracies like how jill stein said wifi was damaging children's brains
5G legitimately has negative consequences for humanity but they just think it's generic malicious evil
>ping times out >traceroute times out after 11 hops REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE well, I don't even remember exactly what traceroute does but I'm pretty sure this is bad
it's like 28c everywhere in my house except for in my room
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
tjere is a big hubbub outside they must be cheering for the workers cowbells and all
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
id cheer for workers
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
He grabs the lever and the printer bursts to bits. The words CRACK, SMACK, CHATTER and TELESCOPE flash on the screen in big, glowing red letters. J.P. Powells
Yeah there's a whole lot over in the west end that's been cheering to celebrate the medical workers who have been working like hell because of Covid-19. Always happens at 7:30 so yeah, right on time.
>>826857 that is nice if they don't gather up in groups larger than 10
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
from apartment balconies
I think it's something that started in European countries. Maybe Spain? I remember hearing a week or two back about a European country that's been cheering and making clamour from their balconies to celebrate medical workers, and maybe the essential workers in general. And then I saw stuff like that popping up here too.
>>826860 i think it was Italy they were singing the national anthem and playing random instruments from balconies in some city there
I just spent 1 hour 50 minutes and earlier 1hour failing the same mission the 1st mission of the 8? supreme commander forged alliance campaign I forgot that each mission can take, especially on hard, practically forever
reminds me how me and my brother once played a 2v3 match for around a week until we finally cracked the enemy lines the famous case of "nukes aren't working, okay mass air assaults, kill them with debree, nope... okay air drop decoy commanders, they are essentially nukes" the game becomes damn silly, when both sides have built insane defensive lines that can't be breached AI can't think outside of the box, so it will just keep bashing the wall while players can atleast try something silly out
I can't sleep. It's too hot. It's 11 degrees hotter than my usual sleeping temperature. The portable AC unit is so loud. And not strong enough to cool my whole room, let alone my apartment.
Lazarus won't sleep with me because the ac scares him ):
My left eyelid's been really twitchy the past two days. It's not painful or anything but it is distracting from anything I'm doing. And kind of concerning I guess.
>>826893 Unlikely, hah hah. That's what was coming to mind yesterday when it was coming up. I've also had a minor twitch in my right thumb on Thursday and Friday that's mostly gone today.
Too bad we don't have any potatoes in the house and looks like my folks took the bananas they bought up north with them.
happy birthday moon
>>826894 happy spawning anniversary fellow human being
>>826920 it starts good and has its moments but later on it kind of gets pointless and bogged down by the lame supporting cast instead of autistic man really mad about little green rapists
>>826934 >you've grown up, tai and then they RUINED it with a remake AAHHH
>>826935 god i hate it when people rape me by making idle conversation why isn't everyone else as miserable and self absorbed as i am? it's making me so oppressed!!
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
remember everyone accusing bernie of being their abusive father because he talks loud lol
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wait it's not a remake it's a total reboot im so hyped now
>>826937 first I've heard of that surprised anyone sees Bernie as intimidating considering how much of a pushover he is as a politician
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
right a bunch of middle aged white women were claiming he was traumatizing him that all stopped when biden rape allegations started
to be fair Biden probably doesn't remember anyone he's raped doubt he even remembers what he ate this morning
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
but he remembers corn pop
anyway the new digimon is amazing that was so hype and the animation was fantastic