>>821722 10cst >>821723 yes im essential bro without me society would c I'm // com pletely collapse and my phone is being gay I'm basically Sam Bridges
I need tto fix my sleep schedule I'm either going to take my sleeping meds really early or stay up all night and get up at 9 and have an energy dink. *drink
>>822148 It's really nothing like FTL You and whoever are playing pilot
pilot a submarine deep under the crust of ... Titan? I don't remember which moon. Only not only do you need to handle the necessarily machinations of a submarine you also have to deal with strange, Eldritch creatures that live in those alien waters.
>>822153 I really don't remember in the slightest so could be hah hah
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
isn't it io
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah io is the one with water
Wait Why was my post removed *why were my posts removed
or maybe twitter i know a lot of self-destructive assholes on twitter
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Might make a Twitter just for uploading Switch photos Instead of just cluttering up mine by dumping an inordinate number of Animal Crossing snapshots onto it. ... Not that I USE my Twitter for anything so I don't really know why. But I guess it might lessen the load for the like six people who follow me.
i'd watch CATS
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hell yes i knew i could count on you i wonder if rook would watch CATS
town up here this shit is actually creeping me out for some reason
The PSA messaging for this really should be cautioning against taking unnecessary trips and maintaining a decent space between you and other people, but in the same breath remind people that going out and being active is a NECESSARY ACTIVITY
we're gonna turn all of America into turbo NEETs
every day i feel like the death stranding comparison is less of a joke
It's kind of like how The Onion and similar satirical news sources have become a whole lot less of a joke and unnervingly close to reality.
>>822180 The Onion is also a lot tamer than it used to be.
The Hard Times is still good though.
>>822179 time to get hired by amazon and get a baby
finally home my coworker bought me a beer i shall savor this kindness
>>822186 I have a friend who is friends with the founder. I really regret not applying to write articles for them. But I got really nervous and never finished the application.
>>822187 i bet i could write for them i mean i already joked that Trump would make it illegal to leave America and everyone was gonna get forced into their homes and it came true! well, not really, but a funny facsimile
>>822188 https://sco.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fitbaw Scottish dialect Wikipedia is so funny.
limmy's show is actually hilarious even outside of the adventure phone skit everyone knows it's kind of hard to find episodes with good audio quality though so can be a challenge to understand sometimes if you're not fluent in that wacky fucking Scottish lang
fitbaw sounds like a training regimen for sheep
>it was football
I've watched a bunch of foreign comedy shows and so far they've all been really fun Japanese comedy was probably the strangest compared to American comedy i guess
Unfortunately the amazing coochie tshirt got delisted from the website it was on. Luckily I found it on another site. My friend said she's going to buy it.
I accidentally worked like three or so hours overtime nobody thought to ask me when I was supposed to finish and bc I was working at the bottleshop next door they just let keep on keepin on
it's a summoning let's see how Google lens handles it
>>822269 >30 things to do during guarantine >make a fursuit and a fursona
by the end of the article, one point began with a >start a kitchen lab and I expected it to go "and start making meth"
other fun ones were >bored moments can be dedicated for sex too. Try making your own lube >if you are a dog owner, you can try knitting yourself mittens or socks from the fur of your dog
>>822357 in dorf game a pale woman who had made a painting of blood on a canvas of human/elven skin got upset when I burnt said painting ressed the whole village and decided to use the party as new paint and canvas
my dissertation chair who took two weeks to reply to my defense date and then started immediately rushing me and acting like it was my fault things weren't moving decided that we should do it in two weeks because i can't do it this week i gave a date next week that worked for everyone but she doesn't want that she wants two weeks now
the fuck is wrong with her?
Are the other people it works for the panel you'll be defending it to? Might see if they can convince her to not be so fussy
Honestly, I'm at the point where I'm so overwhelmed with so many major stressors that I have no control over, that I don't think I have the mental capacity to do anything about this. I'm pretty sure that no matter how I struggle, it'll get worse, so all I can do is sit there and let it happen. I'm just trying to survive day by day right now.
meanwhile my other classes have become completely self-driven without any actual training, just book learning very cool and good for me, a stressed out addict with ptsd and adhd
Nothing like directionless education to help an easily-distracted mind kick into overdrive
>read chapter 1 and write a two-page response to it >chapter 1 of this book (from 1993, the year i was born) is just an overview of the rest of the book
I got stressed out and told my professors that I have a fever... So they'd leave me alone a little bit. I feel a little bad about it but if I'm social distancing, I guess they won't find out either.
And I still have my cough from sinusitis so when I go to the video class today at 2 i'll still look sick
Victory over hardship through any means neccessary!
a whole part of this chapter is about how we need to have professional wills because we can die at any moment especially while we're doing therapy which is illustrated by a story about someone getting held hostage and knifed by a client and i'm here stressed about dying from the plague i almost want to just skip the assigment but i should at least try
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
and a section about how therapists should be totally logical and "know how to avoid logical fallacies" ugh
That's such a dumb thing to call it. Professional wills? What's so professional about being okay with being killed? What exactly is so professional about being okay with dying? Like fuck, what is a professional will anyway. I'm pretty sure they're not talking about a legal one.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
They're saying I should basically have a list of clients and who will "inherit" them if I die. As if a client is some object that can just be handed down. As if I'm going to constantly keep a document saying all of that shit.
you can understand it from an organisational pov, but still
At the same time, there was a whole section about how great competition is when you're in training and when you're practicing. w
It's hard for me to get into shit like this because my ethics are actually based on principles that can be observed to motivate behavior that helps people rather than on random shit Locke said 300 fucking years ago sitting in his professor chair
hasn't lot of what locke said been disproven?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
in some ways but the american government is 100% based in locke's ideas so all of his philosophy has been codified as Real Life in american culture, even today
reminds me how current economic theory was something like new neo classical theory or new neo smithian theory either or
Everybody gets stuck whereever they start when it comes to philosophy informing a system. Even though ideas progress, the system gets stuck on the ideas it started with and refuses to grow.
or was it something like neo new post-classical theory it was super fucking sill y
>>822382 institutions by nature are anti-change for good and bad
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well, they resist change in specific directions they are always willing to go even deeper and more extreme into the founding ideology of it they always resist moving away from it with every ounce of power they have
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
from a list of "cognitive strategies people use to excuse unethical behavior" >It's not unethical as long as we know that legal, ethical, and professional standards were made up by people who don't understand the hard realities of psychological practice. i mean this one is absolutely true sometimes sure you can use it for unethical behavior, but come on
>>822386 i would say it is unethical, even if it is "legally ethical"
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
right? the people making the ethics rules are falliable they are constantly doing things that might be legal and "ethically allowable" but the rules were made by people and that means they're not always right harbouring jews would have been seen
is like using say death row people as test subjects it might be "ethical" in the sense that society and laws allow it but it is still highly unethical towards the individuals and their human rights
>>822389 for real half of this shit is like "make sure you listen to the ethical review board!" newsflash the APA had psychologists literally TORTURING people not even 20 years ago
>>822388 'deed not to mention that some laws or edicts might just be ment for X, but can at the same time make Y possible later on, when times change or X being able to be read in a way, that allows what is basically unethical behaviour, because the people at the time didn't even consider the possibility >>822390 reminds me of the dark but twisted documentary series I watched some time ago how usa for example tested ... what was it well injected knowingly some disease into citizens, because it wasn't banned etc
or that horrible stuttering experiment
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the US government did shit like inject herpes and syphilis into rural populations just to see what would happen like obviously that's not ethical
lots of govs have dirt under them, but usa being a large country, but "open" in the sense they actually kept the documentation around and that people can later sue, allows us to witness the dark past
wonder how much less free and open socities have lying around locked folders or as ashes?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it blows my mind that they actually keep that documentation if i were going to run an evil diabolical organization that was awkwardly somewhat accountable to the public i would not keep the files around
>>822394 this was the fun part about the third reich the german efficiency required everything to be documented and they many times didn't have enough times to erase them when shit hit the fan >>822395 yup I think they told it was a vaccination or some special treatment for something else
Even soviets were amusingly good with paper work of their horrible and weird shit, not that russia has unveiled all of them considering the impact of releasing just SOME of the shit during Gorbatchov and Jeltsin
>>822394 I think that keeping everything running as if it is normal, is part of the weird illusion that allows people to justify to themselves to keep doing whatever they are doing even if it is systematic murder in some cases ofc, you could do all the procedures and then burn the proof as part of the process, but especially when you are not even thinking that it is "illegal" or "wrong", why would you hide it? or go beyond just hiding and blackpenning it
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>822401 and sometimes they wanted to keep those files because they were proud of it i'm sure
also in the case of USA, I think many of the files were essentially part of larger storages etc while no one uninvolved could read them or access them, but if someone goes around erasing documentary, people will start to ask questions
but who actually cares about some dusty files, if they don't even know they exist?
like does nobody think it's weird that the CIA had files sitting around documenting their extensive attemps to kill people by blowing up their heads using their minds if i were a CIA big wig i'd be like "no, erase this shit. nobody will take us seriously. its too stupud" >>822405 yeah true
man the psychic arms race was DAMn amusing part of cold war how come there isn't more fiction out of that atleast in vidya or movie format
My expectations of that scenario is that no CIA bigwig knew it had been filed away. Like it was a failed ... experiment, so everyone just figured the stuff would get tossed. Then some procedural paperwork employee threw it in the filing cabinet and it got forgotten about until it was fished up decades later.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>822407 because of CIA psychic mind control dampening people's desire to do it
there is one quite decent found footage mocumentary horror flick about demon possessed woman being experimented and used by CIA would recommend just because of the "semi realism" of it
it is quite inline with the other questionable research of the cold war era
locked out of my uni web account so I can't download the pdf with the assignment in it. I emailed the sysadmin to get my account unlocked and my prof to get the pdf.
when it comes to the found footage genre, mocumentaries and such are an interesting way to do them it does remove some tension, for example anyone being post interviewed of some case, obviously survives the flick but at the same time it does give it a weird reality
best case of course is the poughkeepsie tapes that is a very interesting movie to watch
i'd like to do a found footage story about something that seems really ominous and scary but it never really shows exactly what's happening until the end when you realize that it was something completely innocuous and a waste of your emotional investment
So Cloverfield meets Firewatch?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hell yeah
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
i don't think i can do this assignment there's fucking nothing to respond to
>>822422 well the shamalamalalalalala movie visit kinda fits
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>lectronic devices should only be used during class time to assist with participation and not be disruptive to instructor/colleagues. this is in the syllabus for this online class
But I think horror movies as a genre have a lot of room to expand to internet and indie games have already proven that
what I don't get is, why do indie horror movies also tend to fall to they "safe" tropes or formats
you don't have the studio to tie you into those, so why not do something different of some do try this and fail >>822433 might be also there is an issue of turning a good idea into a 90 minute movie which is why short film anthologies like VHS 1 and 2 or ABCS of Death are incredible
but what I mean by format, is how say you have a B or even hollywood monster movie and then some pasta inspired monster movie
both pretty much have identical acts 1, 2 and 3 so why when you are an indie team, would you go with the safe but, stale approach?
>>822430 Ergo when you're out of class time NO ELECTRONIC DEVICES ALLOWED
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>822431 i think part of it is culture people who make indie movies are usually inspired by creepypasta when it comes to horror sometimes the games are too but the games have more room to play with viewer expectations which helps them avoid some of the tropes sometimes
There's a condo developer here that wants to build a new building on a certain site, but the land is currently home to a heritage building that's both protected by the provincial Heritage Act and by people that won't take bribes from the developer. So in a strange and totally unrelated turn of events, that heritage building has caught fire TWICE in the past three or four days.
I should prolly expand to bollywood horror or something
thai, tagalog etc horror and chinese horror movies of modern times seem to copy j-horror bit too much tho >>822439 amusing how this is prolly dream time release slot for video games, but absolute horror for anything else
maybe e-books also work well, but I think most books are still mostly expected to sell physical copies more
>>822450 if there is no harm to anyone due to it, I don't think so if the fallacy leads to mistreatment of a patient etc then I would argue "maybe" but at the same time it isn't willful? mistreatment just what is the word called I guess malpractice and you have insurance for that
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
right? this book is like "if you aren't trained in logic, you might dismiss someone who offers you a critique with an ad hominum" like who the fuck cares
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
the paper length was shortened by three to four pages
>>822450 I would say I think being flawlessly logical and ethically good are fundamentally incompatible.
>>822453 unless you are in an actual logical argument or in a situation that calls to rely on logic, then I get that point but otherwise, if just someone randomly pops you with some critique, does it really matter how you respond on the spot? tpo tpo
>>822456 and even then I wouldn't say it is unethical to commit a logical fallacy, it just is bad argumentation from your part or purposefully trying to dismiss your "opponent" with the easy methods
massive pear dividends today thank yee do you just sell fruit right away
I've just been letting them sit there. Even a full stack of ten fruit is only like 5,000 Bells. I can catch fish worth more than that!
Honestly I'm just lazy and don't want to shake all the trees.
or just be a famous streamer, turn your island into a feet fetish brothel and make 2 M
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
jesus christ
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hey what do i do with duplicate fossils
Keep 'em if you want. I think if you talk to villagers if you've got furniture items in your inventory you might be able to give them the fossil and they'll set it up in their house. Haven't tried though. Otherwise you can just sell 'em.
seems like we can hold the funeral for my grandfather with no issues there being just around 10 people attending anyhow, since it is just us, his children and grand children and no one else
weird to think that those limitations (no gatherings beyond 10 people) also, atleast technically, affect private gatherings too not that they can really enforce that
Oh there was going to be another North American screening of Promare with some prequel film material in April. But guess what's delayed because all the theatres are closed?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>822486 Still good to be mindful of that stuff. When is the funeral gonna be? For Jews it's always within like 2 days of the death.
my first cremation too bit weird, I would bet he would have wanted to be buried, but maybe my pop and uncle decided on cremation it is a lot simplier funeral afterall especially during the quarantine period
>>822492 while playing dorf gaem, I ran into a butchered village one elf was completely skinned into a skeleton and in the midst of it there was a painting made out of blood, with the canvas made out of elven skin
then when I torched the painting, this lass appeared all pissed off and reanimated all the dead in the village
I was very disappointed that I couldn't just switch ovet to Älfir game at that point I want to play a game where I go around spreading a corrupt undead land and butchering people instead of saving them tho killing thousands of orcs is fun
god damnit I have lose control looping in my head
maybe I must rewatch robot yuri
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
gonna just sit here and play games under my camera in class while the professor desperately tries to figure out how to make it work
The need for a lot of tech-iliterate people to learn how to do stuff like video conferencing is going to make things interesting.
>>822502 do they give any advice to otherwise sick people on what to do? my brother who has pneumonia was told to self-quarantine and avoid all contact with people if possible, since he is really vulnerable to other diseases now
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah pretty much anyone sick is supposed to quarantine i was supposed to with my sinusitis but couldn't until now lol
well corona supposedly isn't airborne, but still weakened tissue in nasal cavity doesn t help anyhow
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
corona is airborne aerosol particles can survive for up to 4 hours
airborne in the sense the splatter infects but I don't think you can breath it in, is what I mean
>>822507 is a common mistake since both transmission methods happen through droplets, but it basically comes down to I guess viral density and how much of it is required to infect you or something
I think only tuberculosis of the common diseases is airborne, with almost everything else being droplet infecting requiring basically you to touch a droplet and then yourself somewhere to gain access
of course someone can still just cough in your face
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
one of my colleagues has their camera just pointed at their breasts in this tele-class
in this class the professor asked us how we were all doing and then she said that i should just lie down so i said that it's good for me to actually talk to other people and i'm fine to listen in because not talking to people is depressing and she's like "that brings up an interesting point... how directive do we be with clients about social distancing?"
>>822528 Keep bothering him he'll wake up eventually
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i talked to him at least 20 times he lifted his head like he was waking up but then just put it down i assume i have to wait until tomorrow or something
Is he dressed in a sailor's uniform? Or at least a vague semblance of one
>>822533 I heard about that but I also remember reading that they didn't have a very large sample size either.
He -really- should wake up after enough pesterance. Ignoring him will probably have him disappear overnight. He's not a one-time thing or anything so doesn't really matter
>>822533 Hm, well I'm still uncertain if I want kids or not but I definitely don't want a disease making that decision for me.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I've been meaning to get my sperm frozen but I don't know how much it costs to store it.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>822538 becasue if I have kids there's already a high risk of them having autism as I get older that chance increases there's also other issues that become more likely with an older father and I'm probably not having kids for a long time
wonder how many and to how many centres you'd have to go shoot to become the next genkhis
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>822542 I literally am not allowed to donate sperm and it has more to do with how good your "specs" are than total amount available.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
well I could lie, people do that there was a schizophrenic guy who donated a bunch of sperm and lied about a ton of stuff the sperm bank was sued by women who had children by him
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
a futon just fell out of a tree
>>822544 do they really let you choose that much, aside from having it be "healthy gunk"? I mean, I guess you could understand some factors skin colour atleast
>>822545 Yeah, it doesn't make much sense if you think about it
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>822546 yeah the point of these banks is to be able to choose "quality" seed
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>822546 absolutely hair color, height, race, I think IQ to a certain extent as well
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
also whether or not your Jewish there's a high demand for Jewish eggs and sperm
after i get my doctorate conferred i might donate because it's good money
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
but donating eggs can fuck you up it pays way better though
all you get here is compensation of income loss + food and transport costs no money in donating stuff in finland
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>822552 Can you? I thought they didn't allow people with ADHD?
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>822554 technically you donate the sperm and they pay you for your time
yeah well here you get exactly "what you lost in earning income" + "compensation for travel costs" and then food and drinks that much I did once research just out of curiosity since I know in other countries they compensate you quite well
Christ I have no idea how I ever did schoolwork that I wasn't interested in before or this is this least interesting class I've ever taken.
Etobicoke has a bit of an industrial sector still
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
there's also locust epidemic in africa and middle east strange days
Gas prices here are at a thirty-year low. Shame no one has anywhere to go.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i made a joke about the government taxing the money they are saying they will give us (basically nothing) and a bunch of people started taking it seriously and now there's outrage about it on twitter...
>>822587 it was lower before 9/11 here but lowest since 2004 easily
if I have my computer on I call my phone with fb Messenger
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>>/@yokarebing/1242431078616326146 a story in nine parts. Yugioh might be an unplayable mess but it's still neat how they tell card lore with just images since there's no flavor text 99% of the time
>>822587 Get a big tight bucket and fill it up Buy a years supply of gas while it's cheap And if we go full on mad max apocalypse you can be a gas baron
I don't wanna be a baron. Plus have no real use for gasoline either.
>>822605 #Die4TheDow and #GeneralStrike were the top trends yesterday on twitter so twitter started hiding them
The balloon gods have granted me a shiny electric scooter. Can't actually ride it though it's just decoration ;_;
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they gave me a mountaineer jacket!
Yeah a lot of my fashion come from the balloons. The clothes store is a bit of a ways off and the travelling saleshedgehog only comes on weekend.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im halfway to payin off my house loan ♥️
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Who would have thought that everything being closed would cause some inconveniences to daily life
>>822611 In previous Animal Crossing games paying off my house loan was in of itself a kind of reward. In this game my drive to upgrade my house is fuelled by my ever-growing hunger for new clothes and furniture and the storage space I need for them.
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>New York City Is Running Out Of Dogs To Adopt
one of my villagers is wearing the shirt I sent him true tomodachi
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
rook! do i have you friended
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i dont have rook either idt
nah jan is the only moe I've got on switch >>822620 I definitely posted my friend code like a year ago when I got my switch, I think it was just at an odd time and no one saw it hang on I'll get a pic of it
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>822614 >supermarkets find innovative solutions to meat shortages
Turnips were selling in my store for 145 Bells a 'nip this afternoon. I'd sold them all in the morning at 124 a piece though since that was the highest I'd seen them and didn't want to risk a dip. I'll take more risks as I chart the prices and see if there's semi-random patterns.
Just draw it on a pattern and stick it on your face if you have a mirror of any kind.
I can see everyone waving at me hah hah
my island is largely undeveloped
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
time to chart the raw savannah
But clean! I still haven't really touched the weeds beyond the starting accessible area in mine. But I also kinda like how they aesthetically clutter the place.
wherever I am, I must mash Y
Also make me best friend for like a minute or so I can't plant my gift
If you close gates while people are still there they get booted back to their island in the state they left their island with.
arigatou byebye
I kept trying to leave Rook a bamboo tree for a present but Samu kept uprooting them ;_;
he's a bamboo FIEND
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
It's okay I can probably mail shoots on the next harvest.
neato I have pear and cherry trees if any of you need them
I'm just missing peaches and some mystery fruit I don't know. Can't remember what the last of the five starter fruit was. Cherry, Orange, Peach, Apple, ... >>822691 Was it? I really can't remember at all.
I'm not sure honestly
no wait it's oranges
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
grape tree
>Something popular from where I'm from ... an unfinished puzzle Fauna please
The sky above your island will have jet streams streaking across it if you've travelled to/had someone travel to an island. It's a nice look.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
one more iron nugget and i can finish the shop
be sure you have some extra to rebuild the good tools I had my fishing rod break right after turning them in
It's only a nugget a piece to craft 'em though, so even if you just have one or two spare you can easily skip over to a Tour island and get more.
why do i only find coconuts and cherries on mystery islands is it just luck or can i not find other fruits
Purportedly you can find other fruits, but I have not seen one for myself yet. The overwhelmingly predominant turn-out is your native fruit and coconuts. Some islands will only have coconuts because they have some other special feature but they're pretty rare too.
I've discovered myself one special island where I got bamboo from, and another one which was definitely unique. There is also an island which it is perma-raining on, which is useful for catching specific kinds of fish. These are most certainly exceptions though and not the norm. Unfortunately the best use for the Islands is really to collect DIY recipes (they seem to appear in bottles on the shore pretty consistently) and collect resources.
>>822718 I lack a clapping GIF so instead have this whacking GIF
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>822718 wow you were over 200? omedetou on slimming down
>>822708 I can't believe it my understanding of savory snack crackers hs been turned upside down
>>822708 I wonder why they're so determined to not tell this story Like did the modern-day Nabisco look back on the naming of them and go "Holy FUCK we make a dumb joke with this name let's never tell anyone about it"
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i caught a koi!!
They're really nice aren't they. I kinda wish we could get a large-scale terrarium furniture piece or something. That you could interact with and put a fish (within humane reason) or bug into. I'd totally deck out my house with that.
Ah you can only get the Hot Item sale bonus if you sell an item directly to the Nooklings. Putting it in the overnight box doesn't do anything.
>>822725 that would be really cool, I'd definitely dedicate a room to something like that I wish we could have pets too, I got a cat tower but it seems weird to keep it with no cat I guess all the villagers being animals could make that kinda weird though
Yeah. I mean I guess it would be also kinda weird to have pet actual cats with cat villagers running about. But you can catch octopus and there's at least one octopus villager so.
Though from reading chatter from players who have their seasons flipped because hemisphere I do know there's something you can catch in a different time of the year which can be placed like any other catch but it doesn't have a cage/tank.
>>822734 Cause I don't want to go to a hospital right now for non life threatening medical issues.
Oh I thought you literally couldn't for some reason haha
>>822721 i dont think i was 200 wen any of you saw me. it happened recently around winter time. think its because of that weird stomach grumbly thing. made me think I was hungry but then I realized it was completely unrelated. so i ate less and now im good also ring fit which is beating my ass rgght now
>>822737 You were just bulking for the winter tapsnoggin
yeah thats it
Now's the perfect time to start training your hot summer bod!
>>822740 I was going to try out my friend's gym but then corona happened. Thanks Trump
man I'm suddenly remembering how much I used to like lasers as a kid and I would read any book I could find on them at the school library they are pretty cool I guess >>822785 yeah was not in my list of predictions for 2020
>>822828 I had never heard or read the word chyron before.
My friend mentioned earlier that there have been a bunch of posts on this subreddit with girlfriends bitching about shit their boyfriends are doing in Animal Crossing. https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/foxcdd/aita_for_not_letting_my_boyfriend_pick_out_a/
Fuck I was so close to falling asleep earlier but I just couldn't. I made all the right choices. I took my sleeping meds and then got off my phone aand tthen laid down with my eyes closed fkr over an hour. I even went like 36 hours or so without sleeping because I couldn't fall asleep last night. It just remains out if reach for me. *out if *out of Jesus Christ im apparently too tired to type properly but not too *not tired enough to sleep. Thanks Trump
>>822869 II'm not ththethere but probably in the 70's at least
I can never remember if you're in Chicago or Forida or wherever Florida
>>822869 Weather.com says 69° Noice https://weather.com/weather/hourbyhour/l/3fc853689da2679a81f1922d3e61c5f06da5c234acf86c9910fe25d45d08d2b9 I'm not sure how they figure out what the temperature of such a llage area is though.
noice >>822874 I wonder how they do "feels like" temperature
>>822873 If I lived in Florida I would complain a lot more and probably would've finished college by now because their state schools are so cheap.
>>822876 I said I wonder but its probably some sort of average based on a large sample size of weather stations acriss the state.
Oh you sajd feels lke Uhhh Might just be windchill Or the opposite of windchill Still air warm
you could use that meme format, you know they're the uptight autists upset about "good" anime and I'm the brainlet drooling all over myself >hahaha. anime girls
you're enjoying yourself and that's all that matters
>>822929 Not really That song just happens to have lightsabre in it. It's modern hardcore Or something hardcore, anyways the band is really good. I almost got the album that song was on on orange colored vinyl but I couldn't justify spending $50 on a single album. That is one of my biggest regrets wen it comes to missed purchases. The album is called McLusky Does Dallas.
I have this compilation somewhere. >>>/watch?v=qbAoZYA96Fo It's notable for coming in a one disc version and a two disc version. Err Sorry It's notable for the ffact that tge one disc version was given an 8 or 9 by Pitchfork and tge three disc version getting a 5 or 6. Which I find bizarre because its a compilation not an album, so coming with more stuff should be better. Anyways they have catchy songs with catchy names and good album names too.
Unfortunately they broke up in the early 2000's because they got in a huge fight during their only US tour after all their instruments were stolen.
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Me: Large, please Saharah: Ah, my favorite size!
Oh yeah, do you know Stan Rogers? Apparently he recorded a song about programmers and I think its the oldest example of a recorded song about programming or programmers. Its a parody of hollers which are a type of song sung by prison workers during work. Specifically old chain gangs. >>>/watch?v=rsDkmVo2fg4 Lv said he would do some research to see if he could find an older one.
>>822931 *3 disk version >>822936 He was a prominent Canadian folk singer in the 70's and early 80's. He died in 1983 in a plane fire. I thought you might've heard of him because in a national poll asking Canadians what song would be the best new national anthem one of his songs won.
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i'm sure i've heard the name a long time ago but i don't know anythin
>>822938 I only know about him because my best friend has been playing a ssea shanties and irish drinking songs pandora station and stan Rogers stuff cones on a lot. *comes
I don't really have a good sense for what Canadian musicians I consider to be obscure are well known in Canada.
Did you end up applying for that job at Pornhub?
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lol nope i don't know what openings (wink) they have let's take a look
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ugh PHP fuck dat shi
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Daily breakfast >Flex time and summer hour schedule wacky!
>>822953 so there's this interesting minor glitch I see sometimes while I load a page on /moe/ briefly posts with "FormerRei@mobile" in the namefield will say [email protected] in red text before the page has finished loading. I was wondering if you have any idea why. (No pressure)
>>822957 Did you know that in earlier versions (like 70's and 80's) of the email protocol email addresses could have stuff like ! and * in them? I think other crazy shit too.
>>822958 yeah the "according to spec" email regexes are wild but i don't use dat shi in prod just something reasonable
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>822961 no one should iirc it comes from the old ietf (or someone like that) "be conservative when sending things but be liberal when you accept things" guidelines in network protocols
Nintendo just fucking dropping unannounced a whole twenty-five minute Direct.
hrrrmmm I'm so free now because no school maybe I should get back into programming
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
holy shit new smash no spoilz
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
too bad I left my python book and SICP at home
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
and K&R well I should get on that when I'm done with the only two assignments in my primate course.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
god these animals are so boring the teacher makes it so interesting
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
pog cathrine full body on switch
Xenoblade's English dubs are always so utterly corny in these trailers. I can't imagine the actual games are much better. At least I think they keep the Japanese audio track optionally.
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
damn ring fit adventure looks low key fun as hell
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I always forget Bioshock's produced by 2K Was expecting one of them to be Borderlands but Bioshock was a surprise.
big pro AC tip, customizing your tools resets their durability to max
Yeah, though that still only reduces your crafting time from two actions per good tool to one since you need to visit a DIY to customize. And I dunno if the 600 Bells per customization resource is worth the crafting ingredients. Maybe with the next tier of tools, though you would probably still want to keep count of uses to not waste customization boxes.
but now I can just carry a stack of customization packs instead of a stack of sticks and iron and sometimes wood to make new tools a hole extra pocket slot
whole* even
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
just carry a diy with you!!
Oh shit Clubhouse Games is returning for the Switch. And this time it's got Riichi Mahjong
Yeah hah hah In earlier AC games they didn't have the hammer space storage so any furniture that could conceivably hold stuff would hold anything. I guess since everything fits into hammerspace now they had to give storage furniture some purpose/
>>822985 BEEN MJ ON THE GO Or i can finally just do Mahjong soul like everyone else
Hah hah I've gotten really good at my wasp-catching game.
Another funny thing is if you're being chased by wasps and you hop up onto something you can sit on the wasps will just buzz around you angrily forever.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
a miserable existence to be sure
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this asshole potential resident wants a cherry lamp and a cherry speaker that's 20 cherries
Eh, if you're shaking them from the trees that's only seven shakes and 2000 Bells lost. Most of the functional furniture can get a bit pricey at times.
maybe i should growit long it is an annoying increase in hair care budget tho and i imagine makes you hotter during summer too
tho i already know it won't fit me i once had shoulder lenght hair
The Ring Fit scalpers here have dropped their prices from like 350-400 CAD to around 250. Still a giant rip off of the like 110 CAD retail price but I guess they're running out of people to exploit.
>>823037 but then how are you supposed to know who wants the cock?
Trudeau gave his daily briefing for the pandemic today and 'ho boy he is pissssed. People told to go straight home and stay home after coming back from travelling abroad and they're not listening.
So this is gonna so crazy but there are birds slamming themselves into my window and it's freakin me out. The skylight.
>>823041 People really don't understand. There's too much misinformation from the media and nobody trusts governments.
Yeah well they don't have a choice anymore now. Anyone returning after spending time abroad are now legally-required to engage in two weeks of self-quarantine.
I have a client who just finished two weeks of quarantine when he came back from overseas. The military is super pissed at him, he has some charges lol war crimes nothing serious, so they basically threw him in jail to quarantine for two weeks.
time to watch this webinar on coping with coronavirus by the APA
>>823050 Did you talk with Celeste last night when we were all at Rook's? She shows up on nights when there's meteor showers in the night sky and will talk about the stuff you need to make one. It seems to be similar in use to the tool ring, though it also stores the outfits so the clothes don't clutter up your inventory, i think.
>Oh, you're all stressed about your classes being online? But did you know this will be good for you later because you'll know how to do online classes?
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
pog https://www.ebay.com/itm/For-Nintendo-Switch-Fitness-Ring-Fit-Adventure-Fitness-Healthy-Exercise-BEST-CA/372944251374 100% markup doe
Most of the stuff they're saying is "there's no answer to that, just do your best" This is all shit that I already talk about with clients. I don't see why they needed to get two "stress management" experts for this. If this is the level a stress management expert operates on, then I might as well be a stress management expert.
These submitted questions are stupid, too! "Is it okay to feel not okay and unmotivated?" For fucks sake, you're a psychologist. You should know the answer to this.
Haha this sucks. Like, this is all shit therapists should know... Maybe it was intended for people in like, their first year of grad school.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
"Is it possible to build resiliance in this situation especially if you weren't resiliant in the first place" >Yes, but I think you're more resiliant than you think i'm sure that was a helpful answer
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lmao this person's question is just "how do i cope with loneliness"
>Just because you're alone, doesn't mean you have to be lonely. I live alone so I'm just reaching out more, having dinner virtually with my loved ones, stuff like that!
>People need a lot of different coping skills. The analogy I like to use... is a toolbox :) did you get that from a textbook that's the most generic shit so generic that every day at work we call things tools without even registering it as an "analogy"
>Think of all the good things. They're saying that with everyone inside, air quality is improving, pollution is going down. ok but it's gonna go back up once people stop hiding in their homes 24/7...
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
literally cannot enjoy higher quality air if i cannot go outside
Focusing on the positives always feels so hollow to me. Like what, are you just supposed to not think of the downsides? How?
It is hollow. Positive psychology is bunk. It only works to encourage a little bit of reframing. Positive thoughts don't actually help people.
Telling someone to think of the positives is the most dismissive shit and so many people have been told to think positively for so long that they dismiss their own problems like that. I've heard so many clients say "it could be worse, I shouldn't complain, it's not that bad" and I always tell them to fuck off
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>A new report indicates that false negatives in C19 tests may be frequent cool
Well I guess that means no worrying about not being able to get tested.