Hi hey hello Happy ... hump day? Does this even matter anymore?
Dorohedoro Eizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na! Itai no wa Iya nano de etc. Kyokou Suiri Magia Record Pet Plunderer Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei shitamita Episode 10-12 Show By Rock!! To aru Kagaku no Railgun
we're running out of good shows to watch without moon.
plunderer brand new animal 1 pet railgun rikei ep 10
Railgun is probably fine.
There's like two or three shows off this week too since it's kind of the between-seasons week. A few things that continues into next season aren't running.
They still haven't explained the guns and modern-reality tech.
Relief over. For the moment at least.
Licht and that kouhai girl seem to come from a Japanese-style culture if not Earth's Japan. But this world is much more like an FMA-style fantasy world though without firearm technology.
The culture and the technology is really just all over the place.
Yeah but there's a clear divide between the weird culture/tech mash of this setting and the modern-Japan-style setting Licht and the girl come from. Something's going on I feel.
This lady has to be one of the Aces. Well I guess we're seeing it. All throughout the last episode she was infodumping stuff that was very in-depth
The protagonist is okay the lady from before was too furry
I guess she just showed up at a weird time. For a moment I was wondering if that was some weird greeting the city rolls out for new refugees.
Trigger really likes their big, imposing skyscraper. Kill la Kill kinda had one in the centre of the high school. There was a very prominant one in Promare too.
Oh that screen had Inferno Cop playing on it hah hah
Beastars is already pretty violent hah hah The first season cut off right as things start to get intense. I'm hoping we cover more of that in season two.
Seeing a deer in primal rage really doesn't have the same intensity as a lion.
Oh geez ow.
Hah hah hah That was really an unabashed *teleports behind you*
Trigger's generally solid at putting out an interesting setting and plot start. They do also get a bit wobbly towards the end of a story though hah hah
Big fish
Geez they don't fuck around.
Katsuragi really does get bullied around by all these psychics though. He's like the only main character that can't use the same tricks the rest can. Still he's really a total ass so it's hard to feel bad about it.
That's happening a lot lately. Mean cliffhangers....
okay railgun is it ep 8?
that didn't seem right but i guess it is
okay lets start!
Yeah this show's been weirdly plagued with delays. In terms of episode count it's way behind the rest of the season. And it's going to be two-cour too so we've still got a lot of it to go.
Kuroko doesn't even need her memories to know how to handle cleaning up Misaka's mess.
Oh is Shokudou not really full evil. It's been so long since I read this arc I'm really kinda fuzzy on it.
yeah she's just extremely keikaku doori and a bit of a bitch
All the girls in the Level Five roster are kind of bitchy, at least. Misaka's the best of them but she still can be a bit of one. Mugino is really the worst of the lot.
Kuroko can't resist the Biribiri
I keep forgetting Misaka's the third-ranked Level 5. Accelerator and Kakine are both kind of monsters but she's not far behind.
Messing with the Sisters is really one of Misaka's berserk buttons. You'd think eventually people would learn it's not a good idea. But I guess ego and scientific pursuit often go hand in hand.
I'm pretty sure we've seen Kihara Gensei before, either in Index or Railgun. That liver spot on his scalp is familiar.
I think we saw him in Index. Index lately is running so many characters though it's hard to remember them
I'm pretty certain he would have been in one of the first two seasons.at least. He kinda hovers around Misaka and stuff to do with the Sisters and there wasn't much of that in seasno three.
She's such a biiiiiiiitch Practically revels in it.
Hah hah ha Queen Bee's got one pretty heavy fault.
Pft wow
I think Shokuhou just wants a friend she can't mind control.
These people really waste their scientific talent when you think about it.
Well at least kouhai-chan is probably pursuing normal research. I bet the loli-sempai is probably also doing normal stuff too. It's really the rest of these dorks that are doing weird shit.
Yeepp These sure are words.
Their Sensei gave a good question though. If you just pursue some kind of research for the sake of researching it, it's kind of hollow. Knowing why you're trying to find something is just as important as finding it.
On the other hand though man that was a brutal start to this conference.
Ah geez
Oh this is stuff I'm vaguely familiar with. Like vaguest of vague.
This scarred guy is kind of facetious. Not everything -needs- to be put towards the betterment of society. It's okay to pursue something weird and niche.
This girl is T H I R S T Y
Ah RIP At least he brought her out of that really bad case of stage fright.
I bet this is going to make problems until the end of the season though.
He gets to be a pretty good sempai for a bit at least.
Yeah see the example she's using is a bit weird, but her actual research is pretty widely-applicable. Being able to calculate the shortest path between destinations where the time it takes to arrive there is variable would be useful in a lot of things.
Oh yeah I really get this old man. Getting fired up in a debate is pretty fun.