I like hanging out near the Nookling's shop because the sound of the rain on the sheetmetal roofing is the best.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my balloon present dropped in the river ):
Everyone's first betrayal stings the hardest hah hah A similar thing will happen if the present drops on the ground but the landing tile and the surrounding eight are entirely occupied, even with things like weeds. So it's good to keep where the present will land in mind!
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow thats horrible
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the dark secrets of tom nook revealed villagers die when they clip into too many things
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
US officially has highest number of confirmed c19 cases in the world
it says i caught a football fish but isn't it obviously an angler
Yeah I don't get that localization either.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>The footballfish form a family, Himantolophidae, of globose, deep-sea anglerfishes found in tropical and subtropical waters of the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Ocean. The family contains c. 22 species all in a single genus, Himantolophus (from the Greek imantos, "thong, strap", and lophos, "crest"). wtf
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
haha in the netflix popular searches are Pandemic: How to Prevent an Outbreak, Containment, Outbreak, 2012, and Boss Baby
>>823103 It's a movie that has touched me pretty deeply. It's very poetic with a lot of subtle symbolism.
It's also my favorite Oscar Isaac movie.
>>823104 China actually has done tests and the reported results of their containment measures are in-line with other nations doing the same containment measures, so it's probably somewhat reliable. America has done very few tests because it's literally impossible to get tested unless you're wealthy or a cop or something similar.
I would say China almost certainly downplayed if not fudged the numbers they had early on. But by now the pandemic is common knowledge and everyone knows how dangerous it can be. There is absolutely no benefit anymore to them containing the knowledge.
>>823105 everyone should follow south korea they have dealt with this so well
Many places are dealing with it as well as they can. America is going to be really bad, though. It already is. Nobody is social distancing here. Everyone is acting like nothing's happening.
Millions of people are going to die.
>>823109 It's so bizarre to me that anyone believes you can develop herd immunity to a virus that you cannot develop immunity to.
Yes, there are reinfections. There are people testing negative on tests and then getting it again as early as five days after their symptoms end.
>>823112 Healthy young people are dying from it. I have two friend-of-a-friends that are in the hospital right now coughing up copious amounts of blood because of their C19 infections. One of them is probably going to die.
He's reasonably healthy, has good health benefits from his job (I think) and has a good family structure behind him to care if he catches it. I've got good faith Blue'll be good.
>>823108 our only weakness is lack of general testing, i'd say but it just is impossible to do it with our resources, when even during normal times there is lack of personnel in hospitals
>>823111 I'm not saying it gives immunity, I'm well aware there's greviously ill and dead that are quite young and healthy. But in the big complex picture of surviving, it is likely to influence as a benefit.
I hope those friends are in hospitals that can accomodate them. Even if they're really at risk, at this point that's probably the best place for them to be.
also OFFICIALLY LIVING IN QUARANTINE ZONE not that it affects me
>>823114 If you've recovered and no longer have symptoms and test negative, that typically means you're no longer infected. There are quite a few cases of this and there are other coronaviruses that are like this, most you lose immunity within a month or two. So it's a safe conclusion, unfortunately.
>>823115 Yeah, you're right. It is a good protective factor.
Unfortunately, our local hospital isn't really able to deal with it effectively.
it sure is a good thing where i work at a hospital that is doing drive through covid swabbing
We’re also supposed to be getting some kind of kickass tester that gets results back quicker and tests more at the same time so that will be rad
>R.E.M.'s It's The End Of The World As We Know It comes up in my YouTube recommendations I have not listened to any kind of music even remotely similar to this on YouTube in ages. The fuck, YouTube.
youtube algoryth doesn't really care about your preferences at times it just do what it wants
I shaved off my facial hair after a trimming incident and its actually nice to be able to feel my face again
People are stocking on vitamin C products here now
does it even help?
I just buy those cause they are juice in pills
Vitamin C is pretty importan t to physical health. Deprivation of it is what leads to scurvy. I just always have a glass of apple juice each morning and that covers enoughf -enough for the day.
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
bois what was that underwater FTL like game mentioned the other day
>>823126 these things have like 1000% of the daily need >>823129 man that would be fun to play with friends then again, it is a game you NEED friends to play with for that matter
It really isn't much like FTL but the name is Barotrauma.
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>823128 The amount of Vitamin C your body would need to take in to overdose on it is beyond absurdly huge. Any Vitamin C you don't use just passes through in urine. Is 1000% a lot? Yeah definitely, but it's also not harmful.
>>823132 >Vitamin C contributes to immune defense by supporting various cellular functions of both the innate and adaptive immune system. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29099763 It actually does help with immune system bolstering too, I'd totally forgotten about that.
yup, but it still is one of those things people over rely on during influenza season
Like I mentioned earlier, surviving/recovering from an illness is a big picture, where each of these pieces can help or accelerate recovery. Vitamin C supplements are not terribly expensive so there is no problem with relying on them, as long as it is alongside other important assist factors.
speaking of my anti-china agenda, apparently romania gave some of their research to some "common medicine pool" that anyone can use and then china went "ooh nice, this is mine now" essentially on it damn silly
Still does reveal the sillyness of world politics when the great powers try to secure/monopolize the plausible vaccines
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
It's so weird. Like, what's the point?
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i'm tryin to find a game i saw recently it's probably steam early access kind of like No Man's Sky you're on a planet and you can craft shit in multiplayer co-op build elaborate shit in 3d idk anyone know what i'm referring to?
>>823143 'deed but at the same time having studied history and this shit a lot and played strategy games which give you a similiar mentality, I kinda get the rationale behind it but this is one of those times where the "common good" should outvalue any national gains ie. even if you do cure yourself of the disease, what quarantines do you have, that it doesn't mutate in the countries still ill and pop up back again as deadly if not more?
better to get rid of it alltogether that is the goal of vaccines in the first place
also apparently burn wounds in your forearm aren't as bad as in your fingers/hands
I guess the amount of tissue just present makes the difference wonder if this will scar, tho
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
damn idk what it was it was named like Automatic or somethin
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Oh I read shit as ship in Samu's original post hah hah
Yeah, Satisfactory got sniped by Epic Games and became a timed exclusive for them when it first came out. It's finally been re-announecd for Steam but last I checked there's no stated release date.
>>823154 Honestly don't even blame this on the Chinese stake in Epic. If you look at the language Epic's CEO has talked about stuff like this with he's really just gleefully content to snipe upcoming games and then lie about not doing it again.
Being at home all day, the days feel much slower to me. There was always so much going on at work, I was always so busy.
Maybe I should try and make a thorough day schedule for me. Just plug it into my phone and let it remind me I should focus on something else. My sleeping schedule has actually kind of moved towards consistency so it -so I might be able to stick to a schedule.
Otherwise my brain just hooks on to whatever thing provides enough to interest it and I'm stuck on that for hours.
Not a bad idea I think I should do something like that too but once again I am woed by the inability to actually do anything online during the afternoons and evenings
all my friends are also stuck, but can I play with them no cause everyone is netflixing
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
everyone busy netflixing while i'm stuck here with necrotizing fasciitis
you prolly can't get the eggs, but these share around the same recipe
Oh yeah Kirara we checked out Brand New Animal last night. Asenshi has episode one subbed so there's decent-quality releases now. It gets pretty good, very Trigger. And also has some good OST tracks courtesy of the composer who did Megalo Box's.
>>823169 Today is the first day in a month that I didn't have a coughing fit until I thought I was going to pass out in a pool of my own vomit. Still ocassional coughing.
btw if you do want to watch atticus institute, I can mega it to you it prolly isn't avaialble on the web aside yifu shit
which is why it will be interesting will they astill have olympics 2024 in paris or postpone all olympics by one year, to keep the "once in 4 years" ongoing
Considering bids for upcoming Olympics have already been settled and the countries are probably already preparing for them, I'd expect them to continue on as normal.
the governor of tokyo promised to turn tokyo into anime for the olympics but now it's all ruined coronavirus killed our hopes and dreams of cosplaying tokyo governor-chan and her chance to step up and defeat abe for the spot of prime minister by harnessing the power of otaku
Well Tokyo's just been postponed, not cancelled. There'll still be a chance for Tokyo to be Anime Land come 2021.
i'll run for public office and run out as kamen rider and just start beating the shit out of my opponent it'll 100% get me elected america is so stupid
oh wait she wasn't an MP, but a mayor but nonetheless
>>823195 it's a shame since the opening ceremony would have been sick
It is weird to think, that in democracies you oft go >that politician is too young at times but then at the same time, some of the good rolls on the monarchy die, were absolute rulers at age 15 and did well
People that think politicians are too young are dumb fucks. Consistent evidence has demonstrated that people are just as likely to be poor politicans at age sixty as they are at age thirty.
I still most likely will never vote for someone under 25
>Fossil set for the parasaurolophus, which Blathers describes as having a hollow horn on its head that likely would have produced musical tones >The head piece is the last of the set I'm missing Motherfucker I wanna see this HORN
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
better get searchin
I've got to figure out what I want my town tune to be now that I've go the not-Town Hall The town flag I've already got a rough idea what I want to do for it but I'm still not sure what sound I want for the tune.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow a town hall and a flag
i think i;m getting three new residents tomorrow nook asked me to get a bunch of shit ready for them so i did
They'll come in one per day over the next three days. I was under the impression too at first that they'd all move in on the one day but that wasn't the case.
i am awake. more game
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's actually nice how there's something new every day i wasn't expecting myself to enjoy being told it's okay to just chill until tomorrow but it's nice to just let things be
Animal Crossing has always been really good at giving you little daily surprises. A new visitor or resident, something that catches your eye in the store, a seasonal event. Nintendo seems to be interested in deploying New Horizons with a bit of a Games As A Service vibe too, providing new content and supporting the game for at least a year, and probably more considering its explosive success.
>>823221 That's neat. Does AC usually get DLC or anything? Events?
In previous installments there have been seasonal events for stuff like not-Easter or not-Christmas or not-Halloween that came with the game's release, for the English localization. I know the Japanese games also got some stuff for Japanese celebrations like Hinamatsuri and O-bon. For New Horizons it seems thoss events will release as free content updates as we get close to their dates. Bunny Day, for example, starts on April 1st and runs for two weeks, and was delivered to our systems as part of the 1.1 update the game had the day before launch. Later in April it seems we'll be getting 1.2 which will have Earth Day, not sure if any unrelated content to that though. There's also smaller events your island will host, like bug-catching and fish-catching competitions you can win rewards in.
As for like "proper" DLC, the game for the 3DS a year or two into its release got a major free update which added a decent number of new villagers and furniture pieces, as well as some bits and bobs of quality of life stuff, but didn't really innovate or shake up the game's gameplay in any real way.
So there's a history of giving for free a lot of decent new content and there's already a lot promised over the year. Potentially if there's something major we might see a paid DLC , but I'm also at a loss as to what that would be.
The bit in today's Direct that was about Animal Crossing talked about getting furniture and items from the Egg set, because despite being Bunny Day ... it's really just Easter. But that's not to say there won't be Bunny Ears. I just can't guarantee it hah hah
yeah it's the easter event
There was in New Leaf however, a Bunny Hood (though I feel this might resemble the Bunny Hood from Zelda rather than bunny ears) Honestly who knows how much clothing is in this game and who knows how much they'll add. Splatoon and Animal Crossing share a dev team and whenever Splatoon 2 got a content update they dumped a whole lot of new clothing into the game too. Wouldn't be surprised if we occasionally saw something like that here too.
also apaprently they finally gave the Ai clones their original names and slight appearance changes as in hair pins and in multi vids, they use different outfits
it is bit amusing that one of the non-ais uses the idol outfit when the og AI still does all the idol stuff
it is fun that they still listened to the feedback of the fans
>>823240 I have seen many cocker spaniels in my life and none look like that
my dad was like >have you heard of a "fort" night" >I think it's some sort of game. There was something about it on the news
if only he knew how many chicken dinners you had
Oh yeah PAN did you ever watch Shield Hero
i did not
If you're still itching for more isekai shenanigans it's one of the better ones. Plus the MC spends a lot of it being an edgy dork.
how is the animne of that actually?
I've only read a bit of the manga adaptation but Shield Hero has a pretty good anime I think. It paces pretty well and the quality is, while not fabulous, decent.
>>823388 >I've only read a bit of the manga adaptation Yes, like I said it was
to manga is also an adaption btw
Just don't watch around Tony, PAN. It's got a loli birdgirl character and that feels like a dangerous combination.
I know I read the manga to like ch 50? most likely beyond what the anime went
The anime ended with the island arc where the other two isekai folk and Glass square off with them.
Back when I was reading the scanlations the manga only went up 'till like Filo's hatching so that's as far as I got and then forgot about the series until it started getting kinda popular and more chatter was popping up about it.
i don't have anything I'm watching right now so I might as well grab it at some point
>>823406 Hey ToN How you doing Staying safe in the hospital?
>>823409 Good You're an essential service you know That means you're better and more important than everyone else Do you wash your hands after touching doorknobs?
>>823408 im doing well i interact with few enough people and sanitize/wash hands when appropriate, like after touching common things or before eating, when the urge comes, etc i havent been asked to do much weird stuff yet, but we get screened for fevers and stuff on entry
I havent really had the opportunity but i wonder how rika is doing in all this >>823408 i carry a quick spray sanitizer for that generally but sometimes i wash hands. specifically since where i work most of the time has a bathroom 10 feet away in the same rolm even
Here's a bit of autism: I wanted to make a Skilling pure on osrs meaning that it had high skill stats but no combat levels
But I also needed an item that dropped from a lvl 110 boss that could one-hit my new character and only the person who kills the boss can pick up the item.
So I needed to get my main, and put on recoil rings which deal 10% of damage taken back on the attacker except the recoil damage doesn't count as an attack
So I had to get my level three, do one hit on it then get my main to stand there for like 10 minutes using recoil rings and restoring health
And it took ages to set up and to get both accounts into the back of the cave.
But I did it. It works. Now the new account has Ice Gloves
I losemy morale troops my undead army goes booz Boof
the AI loses their morale units their army goes STRONGER THAN EVER
cause I know I have defeated undead armiesb y killing the generals so howcome there are moments when a fucking army of undead exists post losing ALL OF THEIR NECROMANCERS and it still regenerates HEALTH and MORALE?
also >player retreat from battle: fight same battle but in a different environment, oft an environment that is less likely for you to win >AI retreat: they retreat to a strong point, making the fight a lot harder
why go out of your way to stress yourself in a time of maximum stress anyhow?
What if it's not stress and you get a weird satisfaction from watching it There's a lot of stressful things happening right now, but watching the news is like watching a world wide game of football
>>823466 i am actually pro-depopulation not because of malthusian bullshit but because no matter what we do people will resist anything that could even make progress towards saving the world because they've been conditioned for it humanity gotta start over
i would rather everyone die at once than it be drawn out though
>>823479 and the started over humanity will double down on being shit
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nah they won't have the resources or ability to be that shit for at least 100 years
>>823484 also you are tecnically a tano if I will need ONE more chaos lord do you want to be a warrior or mage? and who are your servants warrior and mage or mage and mage or warrior and warrior and name the names
everyone so far (aside from marsh making a cameo) are named after tanos in my CHAOS campaing
>>823495 damn not bad by pure instinct fire+metal would have been only one purely more powerful in terms of DPS fire+death prolly is best in terms of buff+debuff
>>823517 How useful are dead bodies really though They're rotting Their flesh is falling off Their bones are brittle
>>823514 suzuhara lulu you’ve posted ange before, they’re from the same company, though Nijisanji has an absolute ton of vtubers in their arsenal, like at least 80
>>823512 konlulu what even is her personality type is she a creepy yandere what's the DEAL
asha aha
the game once again faced me with un unwinnable battle a battle I just have to press "later"
>>823525 she’s cute like 90% of the time but she has all these weird quirks that get unsettling it’s heavily theorized that she’s some kind of eldritch abomination or at least some kind of not human from her saying weird things or having unusual stamina for her marathon streams
>>823524 very appropriate contempt for their own audience
like even when she isnt directly talking to an audience apparently before a live concert, one of the other nijisanjis heard her say something like “wow look at all the humans here!” instead of saying people like anyone else would
vtubers like hololives have lots of folks whi tried to get into idol stuff or voice acting but didnt get their chance there and are getting their debut through streaming and stuff it’s neat
>tfw that one Chilean vtubrr broke her Kinect the dream is ded
>>823551 is there a link to this video I wanna know what based Tones has to say
it's fine tomorrow's saturday I don't have to work that day
>>823553 >wold have quarantined people in their homes >would have stopped the sick people boats >would have spent the money necessary Wow why couldn't Tony have been PM in 2020 instead of 2013
>In 2007 Tony Abbott swung Australia into readiness of a global flu virus pandemic, spending $600m on "pandemic preparedness" economically and even predicting "extreme fear" in the community.
He also suggested at the time the Federal Government might consider new powers to quarantine people in their own homes in the event of a flu pandemic.
Mr Abbott was not the prime minister at the time, but the federal health minister, and the flu in question was the avian or bird flu known as H5N1, not COVID-19. what the heck hmm
https://www.skynews.com.au/details/_6144293964001 yeah here it is
three days of perpetual raising and the day that I should have acted, I fell asleep. I was so upset yesterday Could have made a lot more >>823581 >>823583 the collapse is on the way
any of you guys gonna get the ff remake? it looks pretty good
I don't have a PS4, so Maybe if it's one of the games that will be backwards-compatible on the PS5 from the get-go, or if they do a PS5 release.
I would say so also I think a lot of the PS4 games are going to be backwards compatible anyway I mean they say that but whether they deliver....
I tire of that kind of cynicism. They said there'll be PS4 games backwards-compatible from release and they'll be working with developers to get compatibility patches for more games. This fits -does mean some niche games'll not be brought forwards but I think that's less of a concern for most people.
i get // i learn a lot of information through my job that isn't released to the public just because i have so many clients from diverse life paths i just found out that the projections for coronavirus in my county are really bad like they're expecting too many bodies for the morgues to handle
I can never remember which and it's kind of annoying but whichever between Iran or Iraq got hit really hard by Covid-19 has been needing to do mass graves, yeah. It's pretty nightmarish. I wonder how the States would react if that started to become a possible recourse for the growing dead.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
iran they build mass graves that could be seen via satelite
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>823631 some people would be mad, some people would say it's necessary, and the loudest of all would be the people claiming it isn't happening
>>823633 I had group therapy via telepresence this morning. one of the participant's dogs got on her lap and started licking her face in the middle of the session.
What about the ones that would be mad because they say it's necessary.
There's a lot of sun on our back deck these days. The air's still a bit cool but my cat likes to go out there and sun herself.
Oh, Mount & Blade II's release has also been changed because of Covid-19. ... Only it's being moved EARLIER instead of being delayed, hah hah Clever bastards.
Second bamboo island I've come across. Still no normal islands that have non-native fruit though.
Geez FUCK Province just sent out a message using the Emergency Alert System all phones get here. To warn that we're at risk of spreading Covid-19 and to not leave our houses unless necessary. Which is great and all but each emergency alert comes with a BLARING alarm when the message arrives. Spooked the hell outta me
They announced the next Smash fighter will be someone from ARMS so they're giving it a free trial week to help everyone remember what that is. Also maybe who knows they might try to bring back the IP for a new game.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow, wouldnt expect an ARMS chara to make it in
The male default fighter is an assist trophy so I wonder who'll they use.
>Please spruce up our island to help make it prettier. Here, this will help! Put this MANHOLE COVER somewhere nice! o-okay shari >>823650 clown or buttgirl
Yeah I got a manhole cover too from a similar prompt. I could kinda make it work once I can lay down pathing to imitate streets but it's just plain weird before that point.
I get the feeling the first a freebie as a bit of a tease. Once the not-Town Hall opens you'll be able to build more, in addition to slopes/stairs to move up and down levels without the ladder.
>>823653 ton is lying to me he doesn't wanta to be super sexcualised MARS ROBOT
Unlike the rest of your clothes, which get neatly placed or put on some kind of mannequin when you place them in your house, if you put your socks down in your house they just lay flat on the floor. Like you threw them there instead of putting them away, like the FILTHY ANIMAL you are.
>Client calls me to tell me the house manager is on a rampage and yelling and shouting >Tell him to go file a grievance form and we'll investigate >House manager calls me to tell me my client is freaking out and accusing him of singling him out
That sounds really frustrating to have to deal with from a remote distance. Dunno which would be easier to believe, unless the manager doesn't have a history of being difficult, I guess.
Is the house also practicing the social distancing and indoor-isolation too? Or is the standard practice of the place kind of that already anyway.
>>823658 mats wanna join me and ton listening to 40k idols?
>>823659 The house manager is... bad with people who don't have a military/law enforcement mentality. He's not really ideal. We're probably gonna move him to the veterans house, we've had problems with him before.
House manager has a job as a pest control guy as well as managing the house and pest control is considered essential so he's still working every day.
>>823660 No thanks, I have to go back to work soon and I'm making dinner.
>bad with people who don't have a military/law enforcement mentality Yeah, sounds like a real swell guy. What a dreadful mentality to perpetuate.
He's not a bad guy. He's just not the right guy for this house. He does care about the clients and tries to help them. Goes out of his way for them. But he's abrasive and highly structured, bordering on OCD. He communicates poorly. For addicts, it just doesn't work that great.
He'd do better with the veteran house we have. They'd appreciate his structure and his communication style there.
It's been really weird. A lot of Very Animal shows lately but a lot of them are pretty good. Beastars is good, BNA's first episode was fun, that series about the pro wrestler that gets isekai'd and just wants to open a pet shop had some furrybait in it.
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
everyone who was exposed to furdom as a child has a job now they control the medium
greater good has big boobs
>>823666 >now they've had jobs furries are like 50% of the art commission economy
i am very glad because I spent a very long time on it and I learned a lot of things. Reva is worth it though. I want to draw Violette fanart now. Her boss stage is a rhythm game
Yeah but the real thing you learned were the friends you made along the way
The problem with fishing along the ocean too much is the ocean's ambient sound at times sounds a LOT like the wind carrying a balloon present. But every now and then it actually IS a balloon and I'm like "Vindicated motherfucker"
He seems pretty chill. He told me to visit his island so obviously I did. It was kind of boring but maybe that's because I am just not ready for it.
His island's thing is basically a posing and photo-op place for if you have Amiibo/Amiibo cards. You can scan in villagers and other NPCs from them and make little diorama scenes you can snap pictures of. It doesn't have any other real use I believe.
Oh, neat. Maybe I'll have fun with that eventually.
I didn't really get any new tasks today. I got a new villager and unlocked customization. I got my house upgraded too since I paid off the loan. Now it's a little bigger.
Interior design in games is so hard for me for some reason. My rooms are so boring.
In the lead-up to the game's release I was really eating through every scrap of AC-related information I could find. Turns out it's actually really easy to spoof Amiibo. All you need is an Android card that can read/write the specific NFC Amiibos use, the actual NFC which you can get easily on Amazon, and the data to write on them, which probably exists ... somewhere on the Internet. Android phone, even. I think most modern ones would have the tech to do it too.
>>823690 A lot of these tasks have been stuff to ease you into the game, I think. Previous AC games didn't have much of a tutorial, but they also didn't have as much depth in most areas as this one does. I've got a feeling once your island is allowed to take in more villagers you might need to do similar stuff to what you did for the three, but other than that, the game will probably be settling down into its day-to-day activities now.
Every Sunday morning a turnip seller will visit your island to sell them. You don't need to maintain them or anything, but make sure you sell them before the following Sunday morning else they rot and won't go for any price. The seller has a random price each Sunday, so there's a lot of luck involved in getting prices you can buy at which are nice and low, and then getting the Nooklings to buy from you at a nice profit margin. Just like the real life stock market, it's really just all about getting lucky, hah hah. Kind of fun to play though.
Interesting. So I should save up some bells for Sunday.
Pretty much. You can buy a LOT of turnips if you want, the absolute minimum is ten and the max is, well, what you can fit in your inventory at the time, at ten per item slot. But then you can just go dump the lot and go buy more so really you can get however much you want to spend.
Oh, additionally, you don't have to sell turnips at your island's store. Prices are going to differ island to island, so if you know someone who's got a really good selling price, you can grab your 'nips and go sell 'em over there.
Wow, neat. I'm gonna go all in and pay off my loan with turnips!!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I saw someone get like a million bells or something with those things?
You can honestly make a great profit off them, yeah. Buying the turnips is usually around 80-110 Bells per turnip, but I think the actual range can dip much cheaper than that. Their selling price will fluctuate throughout the week, with minimums usually around 40 Bells or so and maximums maybe around 130. But there are rare occasions where the price will shoot through the roof and you can get like 700 Bells per. Even if you bought them at 100 Bells a piece that's still a 7x return so a big purchase will make you a lot of money.
Most of the time you're probably gonna be making maybe a 10-25 Bells profit per turnip though hah hah
i'll win the lottery and pay the nooklings a billion bells for thousands of flimsy axes
For me it's almost always the case that no matter how much of a profit margin I can make off them, because I can literally fish in this game for hours and not even realize, in the days it takes for the prices to get high enough to be worth selling I've made back my turnip purchase and then some. So selling the turnips always feels a little less impressive.
>>823705 yeah fishin is cool are fish seasonal someone on twitter said they only have 6 days left to get a stingray
If you open the critterpedia on your phone and look at a specific critter, you'll see its monthly availability and the time of day it can be caught. With fish in particular, some are available year-round (I'm looking at YOU, Mackerel and Sea Bass), but yeah, most will have months of the year they are unavailable in. As far as the rare catches go this season ... Since you mentioned the anglerfish the only one I would assume you wouldn't have that would be going away is the sturgeon.
I'm pretty sure the stingray is a warm seasons catch, the person who has to catch it by the end of March probably chose a southern hemisphere island whose seasons are changing from summer to autumn come April.
Oh, weird. This person lives in Florida, they're less than an hour from me. I wonder why they chose that.
When you begin chosing your island at the start, the Nooklings recommend you pick one in synch with your seasons, but people are free to do otherwise. Some times it's nice to have a break from what you're experiencing, I guess.
Alternatively I might just be totally wrong and the stingray is available right now, but with the amount of fish I've gone through I would be pretty confident I'd have seen it. Stingrays will have big/biggish shadows and I pretty much always go for those.
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if i catch ONE more sea bass
The devs bumped its sale price from like 200 or 300 Bells in New Leaf to 400 Bells for this game. It's a bit of a forgivance for how unbearably frequent it is, but still. Even as other underwhelming fish come and go throughout the year, the sea bass will always be there to comfort you.
Oh the convenience store near my house had an employee test positive for Covid-19. Good thing I haven't been there since before cases started popping up here anyway. Hopefully rest of the family too.
That's why I checked with my sister to see if she'd been there recently! Seems she's not been there recently either. Parents up at the cottage since my dad can work remote and mom's probably done with the school year at this rate. Basically just have to check every now and then that the two of us haven't burnt the house down.
If either of them had shopped there recently they could probably just bunker down up there, they're fairly close to a regional hospital too just in case.
More or less. Not much to put it towards though. I guess I could spend more time out in the livingroom with the nice TV but I'm just way more comfortable in my desk area. Times like this make it hard to argue with my parents' intentions to downsize our city residence within a year or so.
Thank Jan for this https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/bitumen-wcs-wti-oil-1.5511386 >Albertan oil now worth less in a standard barrel than a barrel of monkeys RIP the Alberta economy
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>823720 sometimes it's nice to feel like you have more space to be comfortable even if there aren't any practical differences
Right? It's really fun. I have super high dex so I'm always spinning and sliding around already. I just have to improve my muscle memory with it. Sometimes you're doing so many things at once, you ki nd of have to learn what to do with your arms and then you add in what you do with your legs later, even though it's all the same move.
>>823749 where'd you get this footage of my next telehealth session
It's cool you can hear the bell chiming the hour even when you're inside buildings in New Horizon. They never did anything like that in the handheld games.
>>823748 i might do it if i get good enough at the dances novel therapies that include behavioral activation components into the therapy are gonna be the next big thing
Daijobu, daijobu. A big part of recovery is addiction replacement. That's why so many AA folks drink so much coffee. They replace their addiction with coffee and cigarettes.
As for me, I replaced my addiction to booze with an addiction to meditation.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
whats the point of cuttin down trees in AC you don't get any resources for it
Aesthetic redesign. This is the first AC game you could eat fruit to move trees, and even then, sometimes you just don't want that tree anywhere. Previous games also had a perfect kind for each fruit that you could bury to make a tree full of perfect fruit, but that tree would slowly wither over time and unless you wanted a town full of dead trees, gotta get to choppin' Finally, some insects will only appear on tree stumps
>house manager calling me at 8:30 pm sorry dude i'm, asleep
Sure was nice back when your day-job wouldn't call you hours after work ended. Though I would figure sober houses even then probably would have late-night calls eh.
Yeah, but ours rarely does. Ours is pretty chill right now, I've got things set up well.
I doubt there are any emergencies or anything. If there were, a client would have contacted me instead of the house manager. If the house manager is the one contacting me, that means he's just mad about something.
All of the real juicy info comes from the clients.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow the ghost gave me flooring
Yeah it's nice. Way down the line when I'm chasing stuff that's missing from my catalogue I hope its "Something you don't have" pulls from that.
>>823807 Oh, hm. That might be -wait no I'm just being dumb and not reading that right.
I already have tatami mats, though. How could I ever use different flooring?
I like some of the hardwood floorings. I've got this one of zig-zagged planks of dark wood that works nice with the lighter-tone wallpapers I've been using. Been keeping an eye out for tatami and a good tiling. Gotta finish my tea room and kitchen.
When you fish as probably irresponsibly as I do, you end up with a LOT of money. Though I'm not particularly grinding out money, I'm just doing things I like and it happens to be really profitable, hah hah. Like I stockpile resources because I'm naturally a hoarder, then yesterday I got a Hot Item at the Nooklings that I could burn through a bit of my stockpile for. Sold twenty Iron Garden Tables to the Nooklings for 150,000 Bells total.
But yeah eventually the home expansions you get from Nook will be room additions rather than largening.
it's been so long since I cared about Facebook what's the etiquette for adding people ? do you just ask people to add you irl or do just look people up and randomly add them
When I meet someone for the first time, sometimes they ask to add me. When I've known someone for a while, usually they just add me. I never really add people because I only use facebook to check on my dad and his wife, or talk to people in my grad school cohort.
Man this wallpaper Wisp gave me makes the room hella shady.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i got a wallpaper that deletes my windows makes it SO dark
Yeah I've seen one or two that does that too. There's at least one that, even better, transforms your square windows into those circular windows you some times see in traditional Japanese architecture.
You'll get different kinds of curtains/blinds depending on the window. I've seen cloth curtains, Venetian blinds, Venetian thick slats of wood. Though I don't think they change what curtains it looks like you have on the windows from the outside of your house.
>>823876 We all sleep in the beds we make, eh. Divine punishment or poetic irony, it feels very disproportionate though. I don't mean to be, well, mean, but I can't say I'd think how she left you is quite worth the possible death of a loved one.
more or less it's not what's keeping me in place but there's no incentive to go out other than I'm completely stagnated here just sitting around doing nothing
>>823912 Maybe sitting around doing nothing for a bit isn't so bad You'll have to do something later anyway
ToN can! He can even see your butt. He has buttvision. PAN has the nicest butt on /moe/ and ToN is in love with him for that reason and that reason alone.