>>798442 Petition to rename the track to "I came here to check vibes and chew bubblegum...but the vibes are all bad and I'm outta bubblegum and I just wanna go home"
Reminder that the guy who voiced Duke Nukem also voiced Big the Cat.
>Speak to the princess a few times, and agree with whatever she says. Then, use the flowers on her. You can buy mixed flowers for 15 coins from the Flower Girl in the marketplace just outside the building from where the king presides. Now, use the Dance emote in her room
>>798480 I've spent the last few days investing into passive income since when Uni starts again I probably won't be playing much. so I've been learning to do the Herb runs getting the battle staffs from the Varrock achievements and now Kingdom management
>>798630 >"The pub was very quick to respond with CPR, and the ambulance rocked up soon, but working on her over half a hour (sic) it didn't look good."
>the ambulance rocked up Amazing way with words
got hardlight afterburner on the first stage as loader big game
holy shit, the new eizouken was amazing. 10/10 episode
Yeah the scene of then showing the short to the student council was an amazing bit. And I got really gleeful how the three of them were instantly into "Okay how do we do it but BETTER next time".
Plus Kanamori being the skullcracker their team needed in the first half was super endearing too. I love how angry-passionate she gets. It's such a satisfying series.
Kirara π οΌδΊΊβ βΏβΏ βδΊΊοΌΌ
>>798646 Right? It's the perfect dynamic. But you can really see an absolute love of animation in every episode.
>>798649 beacause star fleet logo looks like airforce logo
so... if you press "clean data" on mobile firefox, it also 100% cleabs everything in your download folder, regardless was it dled from firefox or not who the fuck approved of this with no warning?
>Marsh, there's so much good, quality anime out there that you haven't seen >why do you keep watching this lowest-common-denominator fanservice Garbage I dunno, man.
I'm only half paying attention to it That's my excuse save the good stuff for when I can give it my full attention span.
Picking up a prescription at the pharmacy and while waiting here there's been one person so far coming up to ask about medical masks. Store's sold out, guess people are panicking/capitalizing on the Coronavirus scare already.
Also my phone's autocorrect already knows how to spell Coronavirus, that's a pretty fast uptake.
>>798659 Are there even any confirmed cases i n your city?
Oh make that two people now.
Oh wow Me2
Number three.
My prescription's taking quite a while today.
Fourth in short succession.
Ruh roh raggy
Well it's certainly not a rush but there is a consistent stream of people coming in to ask about masks. Where the fuck is my prescription.
eventho masks only help others from you lol
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>798666 do you think it's an overreaction or is it a smart thing to do?
so when vomes the 2 billion anticorona vaccine that causes narcolrpsy?
>>798667 It prevents you ffrom inhaling it if yu have the right mask. Although if you are really seriously trying to not catch it you should also wear something to cover your eyes.
>>798668 I think the people that have the time and money to consider buying protective masks have much better options available to them to keep healthy and avoid the virus. Keeping your immune system in tip-top shape and not stressing about getting sick will do these kinds of people much more for staying healthy than a surgical-rated mask.
something must be wrong i fell asleep right after going to bed and woke up 5 minutes before my alarm went off
>>798672 >>798670 you can buy surgical masks and medical grade safety glasses for pretty cheap online it's like 30 bucks for 20 masks and 15-35 for normal operating room glasses
i think most people are probably just buying dust masks though and not sure that's gonna help much
I was in Toronto for all of the SARS panic and didn't die or even get sick I'm sure I can survive a virus named after a shitty beer
>>798697 pretty much the only thing that would guarantee protection is gas mask and hazmat suit imagine how funny everyone walking around like that would look
>>798692 sounds like fun but why not just get high after work
hazmat suits are only $160 guys get your Coronavirus suit while it's still vogue
the concept that my ex might no longer be crazy and is now being a sweet, normal, healthy, independent woman for a new man is bothering me as dumb as that might be
you ever get those moments where you forget your trip
Samu π !KW2DbpWwls
>>798734 forget no more with Trip Uploader! Automatic cloud storage for your tripcodes! privacy and encryption options available at a monthly subscription
i had a weird dream ton and pk and a bunch of my clients?? were at an aquarium and museum and i was sitting next to pk and his dad came up and started talking to pk about something and i ws like "why aren't they speaking finnish* and then his dad walked away and pk said "isn't my dad hot?" and i said "yeah he's pretty hot"
Samu οΌδΊΊβ βΏβΏ βδΊΊοΌΌ
dream eater π
ever realised that hypno doesn't have that despiter being a "dream eating pokemon" >>798762 yeah >>798765 what do I look like in your dreams
pk had muttonchops in my dream lol big sailor vibes
>>798771 hmm idk i just remember thinking he was hot and thinking "my dad is about that hot"
Samu οΌδΊΊβ βΏβΏ βδΊΊοΌΌ
>>798767 two cowboy heroes go round the outside round the outside
Kirara π οΌδΊΊβ βΏβΏ βδΊΊοΌΌ
According to Netflix The Witcher over 76 million households have tuned in to the series since its debut last month. Itβs created a huge new audience for writer Andrzej Sapkowskiβs Witcher novels. But in an interview with Gizmodo, Sapkowski revealed that he didnβt have much input on how the show came together.
βNot very much, on my own request,β stated Sapkowski when asked bout his level of involvement. βI do not like working too hard or too long. By the way, I do not like working at all.β
Kirara π οΌδΊΊβ βΏβΏ βδΊΊοΌΌ
Samu οΌδΊΊβ βΏβΏ βδΊΊοΌΌ
i heard the witcher production engineered like an actual mini tornado or at least wind accelerator for the cursed rat husband scene
I dont really care if people take them or not but alot of people believe everyone should take them until they're "old enough to decide" which is ridiculous to me
how are the people taking them old enough to decide to take them in the first place?
Kirara π οΌδΊΊβ βΏβΏ βδΊΊοΌΌ
>>798795 they block puberty the body fails to go into puberty on them once you get off them you can then go into puberty by taking hormones >>798796 it's a mess if you want to talk about t using them kids aren't old enough to decide either way
well I don't really care about it, but I do hate adults pushing their ideas on kids be it parents, teachers, government or anything
But the sad part is master and commander would most likely have been atleast 2 movies maybe 3 or more but the fucking idiots decided to COMPETE WITH RETURN OF THE KING why?
but I am glad it was made it is my favourite movier, ever
I damn much wanna read the novels
>>798815 I see you decided to stop using proper grammar.
but anyhow rei you should watch this movie dunno if you are a naval enthusiast, especially the "men of iron, boats of wood" age but I have a feeling you'd like the movie
I can give you even a good version of it on mega if you wan
There's a chance we have it on dvd. I'm not really interested in it though.
i got to the stream so early moon hadn't even turned off the bgm
i was makin a fishy sandwich
also thanks for stoppin in im sure mahjong is absolutely riveting to watch
I have 0 clue how mahjong works at all, I'm just watching it while I mindlessly do my WoW dailies
You discard tiles to keep the rest of your tiles so that eventually you make up a hand of four triplets or straights like 1-2-3, 5-6-7, etc. You win when you have those four sets and then get a pair of any other two matching tiles, or have the pair and complete the last set. There's rules for taking tiles the other players discard so you can some times win off other players discarding. That's a very short and sweet explanation.
doom is really oldskool new game it is super high paced game you stop you die you need to go 100+ fov if you want to play it on anything but normal and really learn hitboxes, hitboxes you can't see because of camera (FUCK THAT) and so on
so it isn't a game for everyone really not even the fps crowd
I still need to beat the original.
just like quake 1 and 2 and doom 1 and 2
>>798838 Don't forget and find the yellow key And find the blue key And find the red key
got me out of this shit, but damn it was humiliating and I didn't even actually die
>>798851 Is this whole thing about the peanut guy supposed to be some big overplayed staging for them just retiring the mascot.
I'll kill Mr Peanut myself if I have to
Kirara π οΌδΊΊβ βΏβΏ βδΊΊοΌΌ
>>798854 pretty much they wanted to turn it into a big monthlong thing lmao it's so goofy
If they don't promo their new mascot, Lady Legume, after this there ought to be a riot.
Kirara π οΌδΊΊβ βΏβΏ βδΊΊοΌΌ
placenta peanut
>>798845 I still need to beat Doom 2016, but unfortunately I can only play it on ps4 right now. Also I still need to beat Doom and Doom 2 and the map packs.
>>798861 I have been but I can't play my ps4 very often because our house is tiny and the noise bothers my mom.
>>798861 No The sounds of videogames (particularly Doom) are what bothers her.
just play with headphones on
>>798864 I don't have long enough cables or even the right kind of adpater to do that. Also fuck gaming with headphones I already have enough hearing damage I'm sick of using headphones
Anyways once my sister moves back to her boyfriend's place and we rent storage space we can move a bunch of shit out of the basement and I'll be able to play down there.
Christ I hope we don't move anytime soon. My dad and sister both really want us to move and they want to move out of the area we're in and into the city. My mom wants to move but not out of this area and I want to move at some point but not out of this area. >>798868 I have hearing damage from not using hearing protection at concerts for over a decade and possibly listening to headphones too loud.
>>798869 Oh Well, still We have surround aound *sound I want to use it
I can't handle moving Last time we moved I basically flunked out of school because I didn't have time to finish my final project. My dad went into rehab and my mom is really weak and my sister acts like she's helpless so I had to do almost everything. >>798872 Some of it is my fault but for much of it I was a child or teenager so it was my dad's fault for not getting me hearing protection. I never learned it from him.
>>798867 the concerts speak more loudly to me and your fault
but you blasting loud on stereo will still damage your hearing and give you less "audible audio" compared to headphones anyhow
>>798884 I spent like 25 minutes at riotfest trying to fit one in my right ear. >>798886 It physically goes in but I can't consistently get them to make a proper seal.
you can turn a soft foam earplug into a like 2 millimetre thin rod
and that doesn't fit your ears?
>>798885 it just means that the ones you hve got are of shit all quality
if Euthanazia would have been legal we would have killed my father's father years ago he WANTED TO DIE he TRIED TO DIE aside from suicide being a christian and now he is being kept alive, with 0 memory
i am still trying to wrap my mind around large bould the size of smol bould ah well today was annoying people are being big babies time to get aggressively drunk
well you want to have a fuck off about who is drunk?
i am not chill
i want to have a fucking fight
I can out drunk you
Kirara π
jan can i tell you something
Kirara π
are you sure you're ready for this
no i'm not sure but life never cared if i was ready for shit
Kirara π
ok well you might want to brace yourself
Kirara π
you're my best friend
goddammit i wasnt ready
Kirara π
you stupid fuck
Brace yourself before you case yourself
wtf you only gave me like 5 seconds to brace myself
Kirara π
get bodied
okay hit me again you ninny i can do this all day
Kirara π
alright i love your energy you stupid bitch
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
now kiss.
>>798982 wow thats the nicest thing nobody has ever said to me before!
>>798982 thank you for appreciating my raw stupid bitch energy i love how you are a responsible person who understands what it's like to be a stupid bitch
>>798984 its just two close friends showing their love for one another its not gay shut up you beautiful australian mountain cunt
now i am going to shoot 13 year olds with my crossbow IN A VIDEO GAME, FBI-SAN
what if you meet his dad irl and his dad actually is hot
so what about me was I hot or not?
and it turns out that was a precognitive dream
>>799010 my dad is actually hot he is like way better looking than I am he can still do 100-200 km of hiking easily despite pushing 60
dark hair strong jawline dark eyes
Kirara π οΌδΊΊβ βΏβΏ βδΊΊοΌΌ
>>799011 not really my type i like older guys and fuckbois when it comes to men
and then you realize you have the ability to see the future. except you will forget about it until the future event happens and then you'll remember that you saw this.
>>799014 well I am neither of those I am eternaly young thanks to being me but I am not a fuccboi
>>799016 it's the best superpower except you're just really shit at using it you must train your brain to remember the precog dreams >>799013 >>799014 let's go to finland and spitroast TN's dad n
amusingly my father like got the jackpot in terms of sons >first son is basically ac lone of his >second son is someone with higher potentional if properly disciplined
but fuck if people do that in modern ages and I turned into a loser
all my genius is in remembering 100% of everything legacy of kain and tolkien
i know a bunch of retarded meaningless shit and i am trying to kill enough braincells i forget about them and become happy with mediocrity like everyone else
I GOT THE BEST IDEA I will make channels for moes and tanos and you fuckers will give me your vids and everyone will watch them and I will steal all the profits
>>799049 well that doesnt really work with LoK because the people that didn't finish the series don't really give a shit and the people that DID play all of them incl the original are autistically obsessed and already know
not exactly a huge dark souls vaatividya audience here for this series
>>799065 yea dumb american children, the primary vidya gaem lore video audience love people with european and scandinavian accents
>>799072 I wish more chapters of that would get translated already.
>>799072 yeah and I am targetting people playing a video game from people who were BORN AFTER ITS RELEASE
>>799072 actually let me be honest thats vidya game videos on youtube in general if you got a non-british euro or scandi accent they are like WOW FUNNY VOICE XD smasheslike >>799075 surely we could make LoK into one of those games that show up in the "greatest games you never heard of!" clickbait bullshit articles and vids
>>799079 i mean you make the autism videos and post them after forcing a resurgence in searches for the game spam shit about it everywhere on popular video game channels like "hey have you heard of legacy of kain" or something
then post the lore videos if it starts making people create LoK content
create your own market and capitalize on it with your very specific flavor of autism
>>799095 >>799096 sounds like a lot of work but i think it'd be pretty fun working on that kind of thing i used to enjoy editing clips of games into memey vids that got like 5k views on youtube or some paltry shit
>>799065 yeah what Jan said Weird European accents make you sound more interesting Especially if you're talking about fantasy shit like Tolkien it makes you sound more authentic than a yankee
>>799123 MEN ARE IRON BOATS ARE WOOD and english STUFF the french
>>799124 i love DMC but i would not wish this on anyone
its just so... completely boring. not even bad. not even a little good. even the broken shit in the game is just not fucking fun its like eating white rice
>>799142 wow wtf i don't even remember onc ein a lifetime experience of getting eaten alive by a bear and i don't remember that shit. damn
Kirara π οΌδΊΊβ βΏβΏ βδΊΊοΌΌ
>>799143 yeah we were in that tent and i was looking up bear attacks and suggested we put the beef jerky outside the tent and you were like "it's fine" and i was like "haha okay" because i didn't mind getting killed by a bear with you and then we DID
>>799151 oh phew i always thought there was something wrong with ME! now that i know it's your fault, satan, i can suck as much cock as I want and not be a sinner cause it's not my fault.
see what most people don't know is that this is actually based on a true story. Back during Wold War II fighters on the battlefield frequently had to get each other to orgasm in order to power their alien mech fighter suits.
>>799203 the shirtless guy fucks all of those women
>>799203 why do anime girls never have nipples when they wear the type of clothing the blue girl has
>>799208 well it was actually just benzedrine back then, not quite as strong
being high on a couple of bennies makes it seem like an okay idea to storm a beach with 50+ machine gun bunkers, barbed wire, trenches, and huge amounts of enemy troops in a fucking dinghy with 5 of your buddies
winner will get a prize you have 10 seconds >>799217 damn not a bad guess
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
that thing about the fascist war leader as a loli
is a container a container when its empty
shouldn't it be called a receptacle instead of empty container
it cant be an empty container it has nothin fuckin in it to contain
>>799222 Its purpose is still to contain even if it has not fulfilled that purpose.
no, it has fulfilled the purpose, and now it is no longer containing
Fine its purpose is still to contain even if it is NOT CURRENTLY fulfulling that purpose.
it was a container of something, then is emptied, right? so now it's destined to be recycled hopefull >>799234
we should contact the guy that makes the english language and tell him to divide container and receptacle. a container becomes a receptacle when it stops containing until it receives something to contain and becomes a container again.
>>799214 If I'm gonna die violently I wanna be jacked up while doing it
Kirara π οΌδΊΊβ βΏβΏ βδΊΊοΌΌ
jacked off*
Kirara π οΌδΊΊβ βΏβΏ βδΊΊοΌΌ
okay /moe/ i bid you adieu time to dream of PK's dad
>>799240 Hell yeah that's the way Every sniper needs his spotter
Consider the following: The reason the allies were able to storm the beach at all was because their heart-body synchronization meters had reached 100% and they were able to unlock the full power of love.
>>799256 how about from an entire ocean away daddy i'm bored
>>799257 if you take the entire strip of bennies it's like, you remember that scene from TTGL, where the meter spirals to max and then breaks out of the gauge? 200%, 300%, 400% soldier power, and either they fucking die from the enormous amount of amphetamines or get shot to death, who fucking cares, let's get em boys!!
>>799203 Quit watching these shitty anime and go watch Machikado Mazoku
>>799258 Tactical intercontinental ballistic dildo prepped and ready for firing Targeting solution acquired, locked onto the heat signature of targets prostate
I've felt like buying a shitload of coke quitting my job stealing a car and just driving until i run out of gas and coke and then killing myself But instead of that I just get drunk and that makes me forget about the other stuff
Sure would be nice though!
booze is an okay alternative but it is kind of boring >>799278 wait do the robots have tits
>ran out of stuff to play on folder >next thing is >"long ago.ogg" why?
what do you mean stuff explain
a long, long time ago in a galaxy far away naboo was under an attack and i thought me and qui-gonn jinn could, talk the federation in to maybe cutting them a little slack
>>799347 i mean theres really a lot of cool stuff in the state and i like it generally but there are too many people i know here that do drugs and shit or can get me drugs and it is stressful and uncomfortable to avoid them
>>799360 thanks for sharing it was fun wish i could get /moe/ meetups to fucking go to karaoke i was so close last time we went to philly but then everyone changed their mind at the last second
there is nothing more funny than hanging out and singing amateurly over vocalless songs
>>799361 you think I will be at any of those ever so why stress about them it is like 3000 km to you
my jabread with modern technology
we can sing wordlerssly over a bread you all do while I actually make the bread
I kind of want to install Tinder just to use this as my profile
all you get is hughs I wish
i don't know do you actually want PK hugs they are addictive
I am serious about that
I nearly caused an engagement break
my dad told me he has been looking for the charge cord for the electric trimmer for like weeks
i found it literally 5 seconds after starting looking for it was just on the ground underneath a plastic bag right next to the sink the trimmer sits on lol
my goatee had grown to unacceptable wildness never trust anyone else to find shit for you >>799398 he's asleep he works 5-3
i basically never see my dad even though we live together he works opposite schedule maybe 1-2 hours a day max
I see my dad less than once a month if not even less and less than that
yeah but me and my dad live in the same house though
I know
i wouldn't think it would make a difference if i didn't though i already feel bad that we never interact really but we are both either busy or asleep most of the time
o we do actually, but you tend to forget
and I tend to not care enough
like up untill recently, your shit was classified as mass shit and not "jan shit"
fair enough i have matt shit and miguel shit and rip homie shit
and counter measure even if tyou did know about me
What have I told about me?
the rip homie shit fucks me up
>>799413 do you really think i would have remembered personal details like that
>>799415 I wouldn't actually have told you that kinda info
im pretty sure the most personal thing you posted that i could see was some pics on a trip you said you were going on with your dad or brother or whatever that had no people in it or scrubbed out faces lol
you could always say you are moe-active or something
by now i have learned to just tell doctors the truth and also im not a child who has their parents in the office with them lol
Yeah that's always the weirdest part about being a youth going to the doctor. Thankfully I rarely ever had a reason to go to the doctor and my parents weren't really into regular check-ups.
wel that means you get to hear my singing with no parental blocking
my parents never cared about censoring shit i see thats probably why i am so fucked up and not because of the violent sexual trauma my dad let me play doom 2 when i was like 8 and i always watched him cause that game was sick >>799437 i rarely had to get checked out cause we didn't have health insurance lmao
>>799440 i saw dead bodies and violence when I was 2 or 3
I played doom 1 and quake 1 and wolfenstein 1 when I was 3-6
>>799445 there is no simple reaosn but there is something that nobody even my psychs knew what to say about and i am not going to go down this fucking road tonight im gonna go to bed good night friends i love you
it's on a hill but yeah. There's actually a huge smoke pillar And shit about it on the national news. A few people on the really, really south side of town have been evacuated.
It probably, probably, probably won't make it this far north But no harm in being prepared.
It's probably kind of annoying when you're required to keep them up because of construction regulations and then assholes can just freely come by and knock 'em over.
cant quite see it but someone else has written underneath > useless cops don't give a shit
Well now that's just plain rude.
>>799469 I don't even know what I'd even grab if a fire came my way woah some decent lightning strikes nearby
If you hit a heavy bag like that without gloves you'll split your knuckles open. I can't believe my naked battlesuit mecha space harem would overlook this detail. Immersion ruined
Geez Marsh maybe she WANTS to split her knuckes open.
hit da ice
home stretch babey!!
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
There's no place like home.
there's no place like paying money to live a building
Ok how's this for comedy He was going to take a bath, right So he heads into the bathhouse... EXPECTING TO BE ALONE. only one thing; he's not. and she sees him come in (not knowing she's in there btw) and she gets angry and thinks he's some sort of pervert Even though it's all one big misunderstanding.
>>799506 Oh, I hve those all the time. *have Do you take vitamin D? It helps I mean I'm still depressed but it helps. Although I'm also on anti depressants >>799508 Yeah, I meant actual vitamin D.
Dick wont help unless you mean actual vitamin D in which case, I have a multivitamin
i woke up yesterday with more than enough time to catch my train. hell i wke up before my alarm. and i just sat there and didnt move until aminute after my train left and I sat there a little longer trying to figure ouw wy the fuck i did that.
>>799523 what if you just end up in this world again, but things are slightly off that would be lame like the plot of that recent film where the Beatles don't exist
>>799534 if you move to America and convert your savings to dollar bills you could have a pilr of money. not very impressive, but the irs will never catch you
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>799536 If that was the end goal it would be easier to just go to one of the nearby island countries like Indonesia.