Nanatsu no Taizai Boku no Hero Academia Boku no Tonari ni Ankoko Hakaishin ga Imasu Darwin's Game Eizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na! ID INVADED Koisuru Asteroid Kyokou Suiri Magia Record Majutsushi Orphen Hagure Tabi Nanabun no Nyjyuuni Plunderer Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei shitemita Episode 2-5 Show By Rock!! To Aru Kagaku no Railgun T
podisubs are the ones i downloaded a week ago... im a little confused
I was gonna get either them or Judas for episode one then switch to anon for the rest since they're out of /a/ and probably have a bit more passion/English experience than some of these other groups, which I think are second-degree translating into English.
well im really confused these are all the same subs that were low rated before so we can continue to skip it for now or not i dont even know, let's just watch stuff
>>798488 Did you look at the [anon] subs for episode one? Usually these kinds of passion projects out of /a/ tend to be pretty good quality, like there's translators for some manga series that post their stuff directly to /a/, and they tend to be much better than a lot of the major scanlation groups.
>>798492 that's the one i was suggesting almost two weeks ago it had negative comments though
The comments on Nyaa for it seem to tend towards thanks and generally appreciative tones like that.
I was watching this OP earlier and it's really a departure from the previous one. Both in music and visuals. Probably because this is a more laidback arc than the kinda heavy last one.
I guess that's how they'll do it, turn his time back to fix him
It's a fair bit of an unsurprising turn of events, but it still kinda feels like way far off thing. Like the kind of thing we'd only see the results of in the post-series epilogue whenever this series gets wrapped up.
did that last arc get wrapped up?
Yeah. After Deku went full power on Chisaki's ass their fight was pretty much done. Last episode was wrapping up some of the threads and showing Nighteye succumbing to his injuries. And then a bit at the very end where the League of Villains crash Chisaki getting transported to Villain Jail to chop his arms off.
ah okay thanks i think i missed it
Yeah, I think so. I'm pretty sure I remember you popped in Sunday night to say you couldn't watch last week. Because you said it was okay if we did Railgun.
Well they're rushing through the arc fast at least. I think from a narrative point it makes sense though. These kids have seen a lot in the past few days. Like remember the whole Yakuza base invasion happened over a single night. They all went through a lot of really intense fights and moments of action. That kind of thing must both exhaust them and get their minds too frazzled to actually rest though. So they're probably just laying there turning the events of the night over in their head.
Todoroki and his dad still have a pretty awful relationship.
Oh it's the windy guy from the other school. And his classmate.
>>798509 which subs did you grab? judas from xdcc? yeah that's the one i saw too okay i'll use that too for consistency [\][\][\][\][\][\][\][\][\][\][\][/][/][/][/][/][/][/][/][/][/][/]
>>798511 okay let me know how those are then if they're better i'll know next time
I went with the Podisubs one since Kirara was talking about them. Though I think I'll jump over to anon for episode two onwards.
Took me a moment to find it since they put theirs in its own folder and I was looking for it in my large pile of anime episodes in my Downloads folder.
Geez ow.
that's a really weird voice for kaiman it's not totally unfitting but it's weird
they're doing an all right job capturing the raw grit of this landscape though im a bit surprised
Some real gorgeous backdrops here. Reminds me of some of the shows Studio WIT animate that have these amazing backdrops even for like the most elsewise QUALITY shows.
yeah, a whole lot of detail for backdrops that are only on screen for three or four seconds i really appreciate stuff like that
This guy really loves his gyoza. Don't blame him though, gyoza are pretty delicious.
nikaido's gyoza is in a league of its own no other gyoza compares
The studio for this is Studio MAPPA, the folks that in recent time have done Banana Fish, Dororo, and some other stuff I'm blanking on without going to look up. Sometimes their stuff gets a bit QUALITY but they're generally pretty solid.
the soundtracks are actually pretty tasteful so far really moody
Yeah, there's a band doing the soundtrack composition for this adaptation. The same band that did the composition for the soundtrack to Fairy Gone, if you remember anything about that show.
A few years back they did a similar deal for an isekai adaptation. Hai to Sensou no Grimgar, and the music in that show was probably one of the most memorable parts of it. They seem to have a pretty solid knack for setting up atmosphere with their music and they translate it well even to purely instrumental stuff.
What a dweeb. Getting all pissy because a lady called his magic shitty.
it's still pretty decently animated and stuff but it's nowhere near as detailed as Q's original illustrations
the show makes kaiman look really goofy which he is really goofy so that's probably fine but it leaves me longing for a little bit more
Yeah the 3D CGI gets a bit weird at times. It kinda works for Kaiman aside from by necessity smoothing his design down but I'm a bit surprised they've done even characters like Nikaidou in that fashion.
yeah it's very graphic there's a whole lot of non-sexual nudity too if they try to censor it for the show they're gonna have to change quite a bit of stuff
Time for more Biorence
>>798548 Oh yeah I kinda forgot. I'd have figured you'd want to close tonight out on Koisuru. Now I'm more than happy to do Show By Rock regardless but I'm just making sure you didn't just miss over it.
Oh cool she's got a pretty neat power.
>>798552 Seems like she can perceive the environment she can directly see and know the ... information? about it. It was kinda vague on the notion but it seems like she can sorta read all the situational data around her and her power does the computational power to ... I'm forgetting the word but when you project a line of data points past where your data cuts off.
what was the power? i was watching but i was daydreaming
okay i went back and watched it again i see, yeah can basically run future simulations based on the environment
i gotta catch back up now extrapolate
what's the time? thanks
Yeah, extrapolate. Dunno why I was blanking.
440 4:45 4:50
I thought the guy in the skull helmet was dead and turned into a plant zombie but I'm pretty sure he's the big guy who seems to be a part of the MC's party in the OP. So I guess these plant zombies aren't dead-dead.
so they have a gacha in-game for items
Hah hah her power's even called Laplace. What a suitable name.
Oh here they go explaining the concept.
>>798557 Yeah I think that's how the MC got his gun in the first episode. Rolled the gatcha, drew a gun, and then this game's magic delivery squad delivered it to his apartment.
Looks like his Trace On does have a penalty then. Seems to exhaust him as he creates stuff. Was just wondering that him escaping would be pretty easy since he could just copy sheets for a rope. Or clone Rein's grenades for unlimited demolition power.
Hah hah he's got PLANT ARMOR
Phlegm thrower
Oh I guess we get a look at some of the irreguliarities of his situation here. They've done a decent job of seeding some weird things for him that don't line up with other players.
But also on this other hand can this MC be any less LITERALLY SHIROU With all this sword nonsense.
can't he just bring some explosive tip ammo into existence
Up until now it seems he only thought he could Trace On things he'd touched previously. And now with his new power-up it seems he can only tweak things he's copied. Maybe for the next time he'll have the forethought to touch some now.
that blacksmith scene was kinda wonky i dont really know what they were trying for
I'm pretty sure all the parallels this MC has with Fate's Shirou are, if not outright intentional, some strong desire from the author to make a similarly-powered protagonist. Shirou kinda had some similar mental space monologues with himself so if my assumptions are correct that's probably what they were trying for here.
im gonna go take a phone call you can start eizouken i'll jump in >>798573 nah it's okay if you start i'll be like 10 minutes
If this was any other night of the week save maybe Tuesday night I'd be fine with waiting ten minutes but Mondays are early mornings for me so I would prefer things don't run too late hah hah
Things like explosions can be really difficult to animate properly. They're too dependant on the environment around them.
Also who on earth just trusted this girl so idly with a machete.
Yeah they both have a kind of refuge in super-charicatured-while-still-keeping-realistic character designs.
Man they're going all-out with these time-padding easy add-ins. It's kinda neat really.
Man I really feel for Asakusa. The tall girl IS making some very reasonable arguments but as a fellow setting and story geek it really is a shame for those details to get cut. But if you don't have time, you don't have time.
I guess this first project of theirs will probably be a bit of a disappointment for their creators. But that's probably a good thing to get into your mindset early on. Making anime is a lot of work. It's not the kind of time crunch you can really get on top of as amateurs.
That's totally just Flash they're using. Fucking Flash.
okay time? i know i missed most of it sorry
13:15 13:20 13:25
You've probably managed to make it for the meat of the episode. It's mostly been problem after problem so far and we're only starting to come 'round to the resolutions.
Wow their school has some pretty weird niche clubs or at least associations.
Kanamori's a really good figurehead for this kind of situation though. She's so steel-headed that this kind of focused attack doesn't faze her.
ood to see they're doing the boy thing again this time too but once agani these guys are overdesigned compared to the last
I dunno the boyband from the first two seasons were pretty ridiculously overdesigned too. They definitely all parody the J-Pop/J-Rock boybands in Japan.
They seem to pick fights with everyone though. Bandmates, random city thugs, probably would even fight their manager if it wouldn't get them fired.
Is his mother just a floating hand. Most of the adults in this world are usually the little animals.
her drills have light glare nobody else's hair does that
It's an example of how powerful her drills are.
That's a nice top though. Shows off her shoulders. How nice.
Howan's seiyuu does some great goofy voice quirks. Though she's kinda got an overall oblivious nature.
I think all these girls' seiyuus are relative newcomers aside from Delmin's.
that's good i like having new people involved
Himeko is hella gay for Howan.
The blonde guy really does like fighting dirty.
im not too interested in this boy band
Well if the previous iteration is any indication there won't be too much focus on them. Like maybe a B-plot to an episode here or there but nothing in detail.
I really like this ED. It's the perfect amount of pep for me.