being the yesman I am I took a shift at another store they were like "we've had a sickie, just turn up as soon as you can" these trucks are damn broken to work with
>>>/@touhou_g_mj/1219882707951345664 Courtesy of Blue but, >Legitimate Mahjong game on the Switch with Touhou characters Watch this be the Touhou game they DON'T localize. good place to visit if you pop up here 50€ for a buffet is pricey, but you also pay for the view
and it has a disco or jazz and dinner dang
the next trip im taking hmm i got invited to the sopporo ice festival but i think im gonna be in the field so i dunno if i can go
>>796749 they might have a shot, who knows they're pretty big as far as "Mexican" goes over here there's only 13 taco bells here 9 of which are in qld, 2 in vic and 2 in this state, one opening up 45 minutes from me
I sometimes dream of buying a water tower when they are thinking of decomissioning one turning one into a private mansion would be so neat tho damn expensive
>>796780 when neighbors were asked about local man's condition, they simply said "got em" while throwing their necks back and laughing
this has been the news at almost 11 >>796781 Do you guys have white cheddar popcorn I've been having that mainly, much to my own disappointment minutes later
Next broadcast at whenever 12, you are watching PNN
Because I have bad habit-building skills and a tendency to get too drawn into things when I should be winding down and detaching to get into a sleep mode. And also because I have around a 3.5 hour window Wednesday mornings to get any sleep period so if I'm not gonna be asleep for a good portion of it I gotta commit to going with little or no sleep.
ah I see that sucks
C'est la vie
Kirara 🍄
i don't understand why anyone would put a low priority on sleep
>>796802 I can't really help my classes scheduling me stupid early start times that have me waking up 2.5-3 hours earlier than I'd rather be waking up at. They're only two days a week too so I can't really justify to myself overhauling my entire schedule or causing problems for other people for it. And besides it'll be over in twelve weeks or so.
>>796804 I think you're underestimating the importance of sleep. Even a couple days without solid sleep puts you at the same fuctional level as mild alcohol intoxication.
>>796805 I'm fucking pissed at Biden. I was willing to ignore a lot of his dumb boomer shit but now that he's anti section 230 im completely done.
>>796809 He's physically healthier than bernie and I was willing to give him a chance. I didn't really think Bernie had a good chance until recently.
Kirara 🍄
haha bernie has been the favorite for 4 years biden is not physically healthier either biden has been having problems like his eyes bleeding and shit like that on TV bernie had a minor heart attack and that's it biden's likely got brain degeneration too
i dont even like bernie but it's obvious he's been the favorite
>>796810 I mean you know the answer to that It hasn't really changed in line -like four or five years. Which is in part why it is not really tenable to change now.
Kirara 🍄
>>796813 you can't even skip anime just one night a week? your health is much more important
>>796812 I worry about the system being rigged against Bernie. But yeah I was ignoring a lot of shit about biden , I'll still vote for him if he gets the nomination (which he won't) I'm hoping Bernie gets a good running mate
Kirara 🍄
he should take tom steyer as running mate because i ship them as friends
One thing I do worry about is Bernie cutting the defense budget. I don't think it should be increasing at the rate that it has been but it still should increase every yar. *year
>>796820 I'm fine with that going down. If the government is going to rob me of my money, I'd rather it be used to pay for health care or college than used to kill foreigners.
>>796823 There's a lot of spending that ggoes into stuff that actually defends the US, like advanced mssile defense systems. We can't afford to decrease our military strength.
Using money to defend our people here is one thing. Most of our military spending is used overseas to occupy land or kill people. I don't like my money being used for murder.
If I play arknights I'll remember my first experience with a mobile gacha game which was a trash heap that I threw unhealthy amounts of money at in one sitting because it was also a tower defense
I recently learned that children in the Chicago public school system aren't taught prescriptive grammar. Or at least the underfunded (predominantly black and or hispanic) districts don't teach them that. I'm fucking pissed off, its incredibly unreasonable to forego teaching that, it holds them back academically and practically guarantees that they will do poorly on standardized tests or essays for college admission.
>>796852 basically all pc players are getting an error stating "Your data is corrupt or did not download correctly. You must reset your rank and unlocks to continue." redownloading the game hoping it fixes it i guess
"A prescriptive grammar is a set of rules about language based on how people think language should be used. In a prescriptive grammar there is right and wrong language. It can be compared with a descriptive grammar, which is a set of rules based on how language is actually used." I donj't even know if I was taught this
>>796870 Did you fail any part of the ACT or SAT? In college did you get higher than a C on any of your essays? You were probably taught it and they just didn't call it that.
Oh the currently-running manga by the author of A Silent Voice is getting anime later this year. And it's going to be produced by Masaaki Yuasa and his animation studio. That manga is kind of a weird neat experience and Yuasa getting his hands on it is gonna be FUN I bet.
>>796885 I've never seen an episode of anime in my life.
Wow, what a pitiful experience.
>>796886 oh neat >>796887 yeah buddy that's what they all say. how about you tell it to the judge, you're under arrest for possession of a controlled substance
I chaperoned a field trip for some clients tonight so i had to keep them in line and they started calling me dad haha It was fun except for two got in a fight that almost became physical.
We already call you dad so not much new for you huh
>>796902 I can't really run outside because of all the smoke anyway so I've been using my Dad's exercise machine thingy. And you can rest the phone on the dashboard thing so it actually works out pretty well. >>796903 are you trying to trick me into watching a Minecraft LetsPlay using cute anime girls?
>>796941 The tabs are right next to each other and the psting interface is the same. I also use the same theme
Samu 🔩 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
rolls eyes discreetly but checks to make sure u saw
>>796935 We've never seen if the world of Legend of Zelda is globular and every map in the game has been a horizontal plane ergo their world must also be a flat world.
>>796959 It hasn't affected my daily life. But I don't like the cold.
>>796957 >wearing a skirt in cold weather >not comfy cottony pants Matsumi is doing a pisspoor job here
>>796964 If you're cold on a daily basis and the cold is the result of the weather then isn't the weather affecting your daily life? That's how it reasons out for me with my constant misery about the cold too.
>>796965 To sacrifice for the name of appearance is the female condition. Besides, if you don't wear a skirt you can't stand over a heating vent and quietly warm your undercarriage.
>>796966 When I made that statement I meant more like snow and weater not being an obstacle to everyday life.
It's not like most pants would do you much good in very cold weather. Skirt, leggings, or pants; your legs are probably gonna be cold regardless unless you're wearing some exhasutingly thick pants.
pants aren't fashionable enough for winter, geez
>>796971 I'm no fashion expert but surely there's some sort of fashionable casual winter pants Maybe she just heat pads hidden under the leggings
Samu 🔩 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what if u wore fem Byleth's lacey tights and hot pants what THEN
wearing short bottoms isn't that bad in cold weather if your extremities and core body heat are protected
Samu 🔩 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
and one metal kneepad
>>796975 byleth? bye, leth get this fe shit out of my gaem
The real reason she's wearing a skirt is because that's her school uniform. Recently schools have been offering a pants option to girls, even in Japan, but that change hasn't made it to anime land yet.
looks wam 2 me and she even has spare sleeves in case
no wonder anime was a mistake
Honestly while I appreciate the lacey tights they're also RIDICULOUSLY noisy and distract me from the rest of the design which is a Big Problem.
>>796979 Honestly I forgot that Achiga even has a school uniform considering that Shizuno is always running around in a track jumper thing with no pants
>>796987 >long skirts mixed with short skirts The inconsistency in uniform wearing here
>>796996 Wait are you implying that uhhhh that all those skirts are the same length and the two in the middle are just rolled up really well Because that seems like a lot to roll
I can see that Matsumi is also missing the bow
>>797002 I assumed that there was just a summer and winter skirt and that Matsumi is wearing the winter skirt I mean if those really are rolled then that's a lot of rolling they're like one third of the length of the right skirt But hey whatever you gotta do to be fashionable I guess
or just wear it like a corset at that point look how long it normally is compared to their upper bodies
>>796998 yes Why would the school have different skirt options available?
School uniforms are all the same, that's the point. Girls roll their skirts up to get that short skirt look. Anime girls can roll them up even more since anime magic protects you from flashing everyone all the time.
Unless flashing is a part of the show's appeal in which the show will take full advantage of the risky short skirts
>>796996 Tucked shirts are way more dressy than unrolled skirts.
>>797002 I don't like it in anime when there is a lot of panty flashing but I dislike it even more when its covered by mysterious beams of light.
>>797008 It's best when they get creative Like her skirt flys up while she flies through the air, but she goes past a stop sign that blocks the viewers view
There is a biosafety level 4 lab in the area where that virus first appeared.
>>797135 3.5 and 3e have boef which is third party, a lot of people actually do use some stuff from it though. Particularly the cross species breeding chart. I think really old (like 1e AD&D) D&D might have had rules for it. At the very least Err BoEF has rules for a ton of pregnancy related stuff that is actually potentially very useful like rules about what happens when someone pregnant magically changes sexes (there is a canonical D&D item that does this) or what happens to a fetus when the mother polymorphs.
I actually read the book a while back becausey pervert DM uses shit from it but I was actually able to create an interesting character using one of the prestige classes from ut *it The only one that wasn't sex related But this character was specifically created for a one shot thing where we all played horrible criminals. The only reason I picked the class was because it gave you claws and proficiency with improvised weapons (that can be very useful).
all things considered my first try of frostpunk, aka englishmen in finland, is going quite well though I wish I could recruit some of the citizens into comissars to persuade people to work harder kinda annoying when people are all >we don't have heating well harvest some metal? >we don't want to work more than 10 hours then just fucking DIE
Frostpunk's real fun, though I wish the base game had more replayability. With only one campaign map once you perfect your plan each game will more or less turn out the same way. So there's only really a divide between if you want to go with Faith or Order.
That said though the campaign is actually REALLY intense before it's over. There's a few games I've played where getting through their tensest part has had me audible and actively sigh with relief and Frostpunk is one of them.
>>797141 what if there was an rpg where you're a sperm trying to get to an egg And like the sperm has its own agility stat
BoEF also has useful spells Like magical contraception
Oh I'm an idiot I'm so used to using abbreviations for D&D books BoEF stands for book of erotic fantasy. It's actually pretty serious tone wise. Especially compared to other RPG books on the subject (Nymphology/Blue Magic).
Boef also has a hair removal spell which arguably should be in 1st party D&D because Wizards are lazy and love saving effort by doing things with magic.
>>797132 this reminds me of the time Owl told me his DM advised him not to play a girl in their campaign because of the likelihood theyd be assaulted by orcs or so
>>797147 I'm far less bothered by this. Maybe the DM's still kind of a creep to want to roleplay orcs in their full nature but they're also making fully clear the risks of playing beforehand. That's the kind of thing a player can go "Okay, I understand" or figure such a campaign isn't for their tastes and not invest in playing.
>>797147 The first time I ever played my own D&D character one of the party members tricked my character into getting drunk, sacrificed my character to a demon for a bonus to dexterity for a few days And also accused my character of raping her and so when I was revived that player's other character cast a spell on me that let him control me. I have never forgiven that player for that and he is my dm now.
Also because of this I have paranoia about being falsely accused of rape.
Like I just dont think that, even if you want to have that as a confirmed part of your setting that that’s really necessary unless youre all wanting to play some kind of porn rpg together
>>797152 You're thinking of FATAL. The rape orc was a reoccurring joke though. Honestly in mainline D&D (not sure about 5e) its heavily implied that half orcs are the product of rape. This has been a thing for a while.
yeah it's much better to have your boss eat ceiling dicks
The fact that humans hate orcs and orcs prey on humans is an established part of D&D (or has been, not sure about 5e) and the fact that half orcs exist is what implies it. Some people like grittier fantasy than others.
>>797162 Because he wouldn't shut up about it. One of them had a sort of decent lore explanation for it but there's no fucking way he didn't come up with it after the fact. And uhh I'm gonna go get a number from him. Because there are anthro (furry) "people" in his current setting and some of them are hyenas and female hyenas have pseudopenises. I fucking blame my friend who recently became a furry for this though.
>>797163 I started taht new mobile game, Arknights. I dunno if I'll stick with it though, the gacha seems like it's not very generous.
just be a vtuber and whale on it
>>797169 Yeah This is actual biological fact, female hyenas are also larger than male hyenas The pseudopenis's function is to prevent vaginal penetration when is it engorged. It allows the female hyena to decide which male they let inseminate them. Also that's going to come up in an anime this season.
>>797167 Oh, i started that, too. The gacha seems fine to me. Lots of guaranteed 5* units. I've got like four 5*s and one 6*.
Oh I forgot to mention the pseudopenis is just large clitoris. *a large clitoris
Do you play jeopardy in the evenings and get a lot of answers right while yelling at the screen
>>797173 YYeYeaYeah I actually beat Watson while playing at home That reminds me, when the character I previously mentioned was turned into a lycanthrope (err, my character tthat used a ckass from boef) he (the dm) was originally going to make her a werehyena but changed his mind when he read about the pseudopenis thing.
That reminds me, there was a witch doctor character that offers people in the party bizarre magical medicines (that the dm randomly comes up with on the spot half the time) and he was trying to sell a penis growing potion to the female characters.
Oh and for reference he changed his mind because he did not want this character in particular to have the penis. Because in her original (and later reconned) back story she was a serial rapist. Since for that campaign we were all playing criminals with life sentences.
Who picks that particular backstory for your character
Even I just pick plain old mass murder but mass rapist come on have some standards
>>797186 Me >>797188 The point was to make the edgiest character possible. And like everyone else was a mass murderer or terrorist.
>>797186 I would never allow this dm to make my backstory Everyone else who does that (literally everyone else) has gotten fucked over b the backstories he writes. *by
The way the campaign setting works is thst different dms/gms have control over different regions and I just have my characters come from a region I control. Only three of us have any control though, although another one of our friends claims that he controls one island. And no one else will ever be allowed to have a region in this setting. I originally started doing this because the continent on which most of this dm's campaigns takes place on was cursed so that no one born there can be ressurected. Well, excluding one spell that revives you instantly but lore wise it has to do with bringing souls back from the afterlife and in D&D whem you die it takes six seconds for the soul to leave the body. But that specific spell (revivify) only works on someone who died less than six seconds ago.
i didn't say giving them one at all, just one that's understandable like Alack's backstory was that he was a soldier then became a priest to a dice god after the wars why? i dont fucking know it was funny lee's backstory was that a dying alien race stored their souls inside a final construct and shipped him off why who knows it never mattere
naw I ment, it would be amusing to have that as the backstory as itself amnesiac or whatever
>>797195 I had that once This was with a GM, Iwas too lazy to learn the new system so he made my character but as a punishment he gave my character a bunch of disadvantages (in GURPS disadvantages give you more points) like amnesia, epilepsy some other shit. But in the end I had the last life because he didn't actually roll all the stuff he needed to do for those medical conditions because he was lazy.
>>797171 I have one 6 star and a handful of 5s, but not really that many!
also then there is the other extrmee >your characters backstory ends up spawning a campaign itself
>>797192 I only ever have vague backstories for mmy characters In fact i only recently decided the last name of three of my characters. (They are sisters)
character names are easy alack's was an anagram Lee's was a joke about Leoman because his first revision before PUNCH MAN GOOD GO was being a grappler with animal ears noto's i honestly fucking forgot >>797201 that has never stopped me Alack Inlets Berth, last of his kind
Iron Silver would be a damn good mercenary band name, now that I think about it
Ashiya Michiru comes from a mythic rival of Abe no Seimei, the most famous onmyoji in Japanese folklore. The rival in question was named Ashiya Doman in the folklore, but a Kabuki play about his life names him as Ashiya Michitaru. Since Michitaru isn't a very female-y Japanese name I just tweaked it a bit to get something more feminine.
Tsu Kareta is in fact a pun Drake actually is because of his relationship with dragons
Kirara 🍄
gyaru is from ashigaru
hawthorne you say does that mean it's time for ZA SPEEDO
>>797237 yeah just wait til spider's parlor rank 2 also ive been considering possibilities for ritual casting swords
Are you ready for a relaxing beach episode
where tsu gets raped
beach episode is the perfect time to begin ritual casting my swords ritual cast Mizukiri the Water Element Ceremonial Sword to perform Water-Breathing Techniques
>>797248 He could There is an idol character Although canonically one of m characters invented affordable recorded music so she owes her existence to him. *my
>>797246 just make sure you’re aware neither gm would let you get away with that
>>797244 i forget about half my swords like i have "chipped sword" and "disrespected sword" which was rusted and broken apart so they're basically the same Ritual cast the [REDACTED] sword to M A D E N H A N C E M E N T
>>797283 that would actually be quite deadly considering the rotational speed
>>797286 "i ritual cast gun" "noto wait" cordell walks out and fires twice "where the fuck am i" >>797287 yeah exactly the raw power of the One Way Road Sword Style is immense >>797289 man so lost he's just on every planet we go to in 3.0
im super bullshitting my session review because i only vaguely remember the encounter with kurisu
chased her down inari spooked her unconscious and we did not tie her up, despite it being the obvious thing to do
she likes kaisei i like kaisei we all like kaisei
that's the part i was bullshitting because my notes were just "Kaisei is daddy"
I currently just have the interaction as Archibald suggested she perhaps had something to do with Kaisei. This caused Tsu to annouce what has always been on her mind. "Kaisei is daddy." Through some freak chain reaction, this awoke the girl who voiced her agreement. because it's funny
FGO gave out 30 Quatz as part of the promotional campaign for the anime Instantly blew them all trying to get alt Jeanne again. Didn't work. Sad times. >>797393 Offline meetup: Foodcourt edition
how many whip characters does smash have now
Quatz sounds exactly like what an Australian would call quartz.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>797400 let’s see melee shiek belmonts beresu ivysaur
>>797399 i would try to get her for you but i gotta save for anastasia
Mewtwo i wouldn’t really call Ridley’s tail a whip
>>797399 can't believe he confused roomate for you and also recited the darth plagueis copypasta >>797401 oi m8 quatz!! I bet there's bloody opals here!
I can't wait for the TOuhou Mahjong OST It is turning out to be really good.
oh shit Mia dat sum DAFT PUNK circa mid last decade
Okay ton, I have an imprecise number of female characters with penises in his campaign setting Over 200 but less than 2000.
The fucking pervert.
have you ever seen lorraine
>plug the toilet by dumping food into it >clear it with caustic soda >it powders a lil >breath in a lil aaa no wonder they used this shit as an artillery shell when even a tiny micro amount feels bad
also note to self wear some face protection when handling this shit
there were only like 5 red haired girls in campaign 1 despite my own DESIREs
>>797416 That's not what thats for. It's generally recommended by plumbers to not use stuff like that on clogged toilets. It's dangerous for the plumber if it doesn't clear it and you have to call a plumber.
>>797434 No It'll make te kitchen reek of coffee, plus it gets back into the Uh fuck I forgot the word Maybe biomass Anyways it gets back ibto the environment (in a good way) faster if you get it into the sewer.
anyhow this thing had solified into a solid chunk, which i only noticed when i had flushed it down and it obviously got stuck even hot water would have unplugged it eventually but i wanted to speed up the process
fuck it put it in the compost
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
This is why I miss my garberator the best way to dispose of organic matter turning it into a fine mist of carbons and hydrogens
>puts food in the toilet >surprised that it's blocked What's the Finnish word for Retard?
>>797441 You could've just gotten a wire hanger and bent it and stuck it in there That wouldn't have neccesarily gotten it but thats a good thing to try.
> Perkele (Finnish: [ˈperkele] (About this soundlisten)) means evil spirit in Finnish and is a popular Finnish profanity Oh so that's what it actually means
actually is a name of some ancient deity or somethinh the root word is lost to time perkunas for example in older times
but in modern usage it is a swear word and a name for the devil
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
What does it mean in its profanity context
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
common combo is vittu perkele saatana cunt devil satan
is it just like damnit oic
>>797460 yes and no for god damnit, there is "jumalauta" or more accurately, jumal auta, god help (me)
been a while since I've seen a good Holmes last one I watched was uhh kyoto no holmes which wasn't very good
I enjoyed the Kyoto Holmes show but my bar for enjoyment tends to be pretty low. Kabukicho Sherlock has some neat broad story arcs but some of the smaller details can be a bit iffy at times. The characters are nice though.
I thought ppl only went to McDicks to get a junior chicken or $5 McPicks combo
did you just make those up ive never heard of either of those and mcchicken is already like a dollar and tiny why do they need a junior chicken
Have you heard of micky dees before
wait nvm ignore that
Moon have you had a chance to play the new chaos wall mode on majsoul It's fun there's three dora active every round and they have this thing where they randomly pick one player who gets to win three times their normal point value if they win a hand But if you deal in you pay three times and it shifts every five discards
no i haven't checked it out sounds different maybe i'll look this weekend
>>797644 I just wish that you could do friendlies with these special rulesets and they didn't immediately remove them after events
>>797640 Remember when McDonalds had those supposedly Australian chips with cheese Those looked so rank
>>797646 I don't know how any of these were meant to represent their country The Canadian burger looks like a regular chicken burger >literally every burger place besides mcd has something like that on the menu You know I don't think I've actually seen anyone order something like that Either we don't have it or no one likes it Yeah the Austrian one looks alright Weird thing is I don't remember EVER seeing anyone order the cheese and fries in Australia
uhhh idk what made that australian it sounds like a pretty basic menu item
it's just fries with bacon bits and cheese? literally every burger place besides mcd already has something like that on the menu
some places have chili cheese fries, some have like bacon cheddar potato wedges which are basically fries i don't usually order potato sides at all though since i just have potatoes at home wendys has whole baked potatoes of various types, one being bacon cheddar i think
it just doesnt make sense for mcd to bring it on as a special promotional menu item. it's a generic item. but moreover they did it as a worldwide cultural thing? doesnt make sense
i heard good things about that strusswafel or whatever it was called though