Ahiru no Sora Chihayafuru Infinite Dendrogram Itai no wa Iya nano etc. Kabukicho Sherlock Majutsushi Orphen Hagure Tabi Nanabun no Nijyuuni Pet Plunderer Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei shitemita Episode 2-4
ahiru pet infinite dodecohedrion orphan (or chihaya) itai yo
I think we've been on a reducing trend this season. It seems like there's less than twenty-five shows we've picked up so at five shows five nights a week we're pushing the list down.
There's still the last two episodes of Kono Oto and last two of Psycho-Pass that I've got kept around so I guess we can do those if stuff gets too minimal. Not like a more minimal weekly roster is a bad thing.
hello aninme anime i'm very sleepy tonight but im here if i go dark it means i fell asleep no worries
Hm actually even discounting Dorohedoro since no one reputable has picked it up yet and Nanatsu because Chyuu has AWOL we've still got like twenty-six shows we're watching weekly. Though I guess Rikei is kind of being weird with its release so maybe it's an even twenty-five. Which still shouldn't be reducing the list it should just be keeping it even. Well whatever.
>>797011 Heyo Hope it's good rest if you conk out.
by the way im getting impatient waiting for dorohedoro subs i dont really want to wait on them so im just going to watch the raws
do you two want to compromise to the low quality subs or should i just watch it alone
I haven't looked at any of the amateur groups yet so I don't know how bad they are. One group has been putting out several updated versions so maybe the quality is getting better, but like I said I haven't checked.
It was a show I really did want to watch but I've only read like the first volume of the manga so I would at least like a bit of subtitling to keep things semi-clear.
This guy with the limp-ass hair really has a grating personality. Even if Nao was interested in dating her cousin I don't think she'd go for this guy.
basketball all kind of blends together for me ive missed almost all this show but they're still playing basketball and that's all i really knew about it in the first place
oh yeah did the afro fella end up becoming un-lazy
Pretty much. He still kinda acts the same outside basketball but he's on the ball when it comes to playing and practicing.
well i guess i can wait on dorohedoro then so you have someone to watch it with i want more people to experience it so i suppose i should compromise my selfishness
I think it's fine to be selfish here. I don't even know when decent subs will come out. If I don't see anything about sub works for the show by the time episode three is getting subbed by the amateur groups I'll go check them out. I don't need GOOD subs I just need stuff that gives me a general gist of things.
I would imagine the Netflix binge release will be coming out in like April or something and that's a long wait out.
yeah i might just watch raws if they don't come soon but i'll wait a little longer
>>797024 yeah april is too long to wait you could read the manga in tandem and then just watch raws not gonna tell you how to enjoy things though
They're putting up some good teamwork for this game now. It's nice they're giving one of the Three Stooges some Oh gosh.
They're still doing cuts of the episode for the ED. Maybe it's just a choice then. But usually when they have stuff like that it's either because it's unfinished or because they don't want to spoil something in the visuals.
that's okay though. if i had a problem with weird stuff i wouldn't be hangin around yall in the first place
Oh yeah I forgot about that. This might be a weird show to jump in to in the middle of. But at the same time it is still a weird show for us who've been here from the get-go.
This old asshole seems to be constantly flip flapping between real cigarettes and fakes designed to wean him off smoking. So I guess his attempts to stop are never successful.
I think it's kinda petty and irresponsible to mentally influence someone to break up with their boyfriend just because he made one callous remark.
i think that's taking too much credit and overplaying the powers of persuasion a bit you can't really do stuff like that if there's not some obvious insecurity
oh is it a power he has i see the way it played out as a scene it seemed like he was just sharp with persuasion
Ah no I mean he actually psychically influenced her there, these guys all have powers that do things like that.
Definitely, yeah, but that spikey haired kid has so far been the most insistent on trying to be morally righteous. So I feel it's worse for him to give in to an irresponsible action like that.
holy shit that kid's arms
Yeah wow. I wonder why they were all fucked like that.
they're actual supernatural powers? they're not trying to play it off as mentalism or something showy like that?
It's kinda like supernatural mentalism. Like they defintely do psychic dives into people but there is also a degree of planning what memories they tweak the details of and influencing people in subtle ways like that.
The young one here looks like a final fantasy character.
Oh I guess he's freaked out because he really affected people's lives with it.
If a Final Fantasy character was going around wearing a shopkeep's apron hah hah
Guy just wanted to play baseball so now he goes around playing baseball with people's bodies.
idk that's kinda cool the way they're expositing that back story with // without a lot of turgid narration
i see what you mean about it bein a little weird though
This episode has definitely been more tame too. The first episode threw a lot of the things we've been seeing here but being even more obtuse and inexplicable about things. And the second episode was weird mental dives with a healthy side of Big Gay Energy.
Yeah actually last episode was like an acid trip, it was so crazy
Can't help but feel the black-haired guy is just leading the spikey-haired kid on. Ah yeah he's kind getting a bit at it here. He seems pretty comfortable doing all these morbid and grisly jobs when he's not around his pet.
well this episode was quite a bit more grounded than the others
infinite dodecohedron ok lets start
i didn't really understand everything that was goinng on but i like its storytelling devices and style
I was kinda iffy after the first episode because everything was so garbled and intentionally difficult to understand the episode's narrative arc, but like not in a really satisfying-to-put-together way. Like it just felt messy. But the second episode despite being a weird ride was much more coherent and helped endear me more to the series. It's a neat show that definitely benefited from stuff like the three-episode rule.
This show on the other hand. The first episode was just kinda bland and derivative. I saw some chatter about it in the week since and apparently fans of the novel series are pretty upset at the first episode though. They adapted a lot of the worldbuilding and characterization pretty poorly in their eyes. I dunno if it was really just a lazy adaptation or if the novel fans are just over-selling how amazing they find the novels though.
And yeah this show is meh it's a candidate for droppage
It's the MC's real life brother I think.
The subs say Superior but I keep hearing Sperio and I can't tell if it's just a bad take on the English or an in-game term.
His AI girlfriend sure is haughty.
Talk about fastracking to knighthood through nepotism and money.
Oh hey it's Rook.
Also rather than Guardian it sounds more like they're saying Gardener
Being restricted from being able to play for a full twenty-four hours because you died is pretty rough. Though it's probably best they get some forced breaktime from a VR world.
We were gonna do either Orphen or Chihaya before Itai Iya, right? It might be worth waiting a couple minutes to see but we might've lost Moon to sleep. Did say there was a good chance of it happening so I wouldn't be too surprised. We got three shows through at least. Maybe Moon'll even drift back in for Itai Iya hah hah
I'm good when you are.
Oh yeah Arata confessed after the tournament. I guess she's still having a hard time digesting it.