what the helk is going on here the hands feel really out of place maybe they were just really uncomf with hands so colored over a photograph could actually be the whole image
The hands are also rotated too far inwards towards each other. Like try her pose, your hands are probably going to be a wider angle apart than the almost near-parallel, pointing directly behind her way she's got them if you try to imitate it with natural sensibility. But if you force it to properly imitate it, that's actually a pretty uncomfortable way to hold your hands.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>797693 It looks like hands from another person spliced onto her body
cute girls are singing and dancing on a stage how can I not be having fun
english people why do you call natrium sodium?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
after a quick google I found someone say
"The tl;dr version of this is that German chemists preferred one and English/French chemists preferred another, and they were all too pig-headed to agree."
the cops pulled somebody over and have been here for like over an hour with the lights flashing shit hurts my head i wonder if that's intentional
I CAN FLY >flies max height, runs out of charge and drops to half hp from fall dmg am smart >>797717 yeah, well imagine me going having "find sodium quick" >perform scan >there is only Na(natrium) where the fuck is sodium supposed to be? >.... >oh right, english are retards
you'd have to ask the scientists who made that decision
>>797721 that's the reduction agent the first English chemist used to isolate it.
soda is probably called something else elsewhere or something so there became a language divide between English chemists and speakers of other languages
My friend is in a graduate level robotics class and I had to teach her vectors and trig and then also explain stuff from her complicated textbook to her.
>>797744 Damn I remember that anime. I also remember that its mangaka did something I really liked and i was pretty surprised that they also did Nobunagun.
I had actually forgotten we picked a next anime and was hoping Owl would have agreed to fate/zero and was going to try and do that but he never said anything what a world
>>797782 I mean like Maybe he just wanted to record his wifes last moments? But why the fucking cup Or the flower necklace lmao I love the way the dog looks away from the camera like he's embarrassed to be in the photo
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
"loving these final moments" maybe his wife iis pretending
>>797811 such a good fucking delivery when that happened all those kids laughing at da joker's pain in the theater stopped laughing and i was the only one laughing i probably sounded insane
they thought it was funny when those three dicks were fuckin with him too and stopped laughing when he got them
anyway joker did nothing wrong
I mean that was self defense in any state
>>797726 ium is a Latin suffix used to denote nouns, that's why English chemists usually name elements ending in ium no idea why they chose that specifically though
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well chasing one down to kill isn't self defense but tthe first two totally was
>>797818 defending yourself from him coming back for you later 200 iq
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that probably works in texas tbh
>>797813 me and my dad both cracked up >>797821 shooting someone fleeing from you is automatically murder actually
unless you're a police officer anyways!
>>797816 he'd still get a felony since he didn't legally own the gun i think not totally sure on gun laws in Gotham City but that's usually illegal everywhere
also it was the 50s or 60s pretty sure you could just shoot whoever back then
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
80s but yeah probably true
garbage just keeps piling up
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's us we're the garbage
Then why don't you make like garbage and get taken out
Hey babe are you trash? Because I'd like to take you out
i gotta fix my sleep schedule im still all outta WHACK
wow me 2 I keep trying to sleep early but I just toss and turn until 3am sleep onegaishimasu
I've been napping on Mondays and Wednesdays to recover a bit from the lack of sleep I get the nights before because of my early starts. Which is nice but it's had the additional effect of making me really drowsy around the times I normally go for the naps even on the days I get a nice amount of sleep at night.
>>797862 this was a thought I had the other day cause I sometimes think, forexample whan carrying a back of groceries that what if I punt a kid, a 3-5 year old with it full force
how far away would it fly
and then I realised why "midget tossing" is a thing
An average four year old is still probably around eighteen or so kilograms. I dunno about you but I don't think I could kick anything with that weight particularly far.
I assume Haruhis are far more common than it seems, especially given that Sakura character in what turned out to be closing moments of the series... Well, I'm sure I'll get a finale, someday...
I just realized I'm talking to someone who might have been Ayanami Rei.
>>797865 I'm fairly certain you'd still be disappointed. There's a reason most "Swing with an implement" sports involve hitting a ball, for starters, that's magnitudes lighter than the momentum you're imparting on it. Physically a lumpy, non-spherical/oblular that ways as heavy as a kid does would require far more momentum than you could produce with just a holdable implement and your own muscle strength alone.
most likely not that I'd ever get to test it out on a kid and dwarves most likely weigh a good chunk more than kids even if same sized
people have too much weight division in their form and poor aerodynamics they generally do not fly far unless going head first with a lot of launch velocity or
>>797873 You'd be better kicking it. *better off Although starting with your foot under them and then kicking them would work better. Err, as in if they were to lay down over it. It has to do with how the force transfers.
more of a golf swing in that case which would still be ruined by the kid flailing and gaining significant wind resistance you'd need him to be curled up or something
Catapults are charming, although hard to transport and build.
Shotput toddlers
Honestly shotput would be your best bet for launching a weight like that, unless you wanted to do a discus throw, which is just plain uncomfortably.
>>797887 Swinging them around for a while and then letting go would definitely launch them would have them go farther than either of those.
yeah but this isn't about thinking what is the most effective way to launch a knee high kid into air but rather "what would happen if I now swinged at that kid full force with this bag of groceries (aside propably dead and a screaming mother)?" thatp ops up in my mind oft when I carry groceries and encounter a tiny kid+mother combo walking towards me
midget tossing is a bit easier due to the heavier center of gravity and cause they use proper form when doing it for entertainment
yeah the weight/hammer throw is probably going to give you the best throughput
>>797889 he'd probably just get knocked back some feet and fall down more likely he'd get serious injuries from hitting the ground though
but kids also have softer flexible bones so it is usually harder for them to break things comparatively to mature bones of similar size and density
guess I will need to become a dictator and find out
>>797892 I have some ribs that are flat or a little bit concave. I think its a result of something I did as a kid.
this sure was something to get home to though >>797895 could be, i know poor posture can change bone growth in adolescents and bones can heal in very abnormal ways if they're not supported during regrowth properly
My collarbones also didn't fuse correctly
I will never have good lookimg collarbones like Hei. ;_;
Well it could probably be corrected with surgery but that would be stupid. As far as I know there are no surgical procedures that could fix my ribs though. Although I've thought of a few things that could probably work.
wow they actually managed to restore my lifetime stats in CoD can't wait to see what they break with a normal patch next
>>797901 nah it's gotta be something crazier like maybe a shotgun being a better shotgun than the mk2 carbine rifle
>>797902 a shotgun but if you hold two of it it does way more damage and for some reason shoots 5x as far oh wait....
akimbo shotguns you say?
you know i can already hit someone from halfway across the map and kill them with the double barrel. i think it could be very balanced if i had twice as much damage
the other day someone shot me with a marksman rifle and i didn't die, so i shot them with my shotgun back and he died too bad that only happens 1/2 the time
I must UNTZ
Oh where'd that second U com e from.
ore wa UNTZU desu
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I wanna treat the Mahoy shoutouts like they deserve! Gala fundraisers! No more undignified sneaking around in seedy warehouses
>>797922 I watched a snail UNTZ along the edge of a straight razor. That's my dream. That's my nightmare... Untzing, raving, along the edge of a straight razor and surviving.
A Streetcar Named UNTZ
>>797924 wow same except maybe a different understanding of "surviving"
UNTZ Out The Big LeUNTZsky UNTZ dirt OctoUNTZy
The Princess UNTZ UNTZboy SnowUNTZer
>>797926 We train young men to drop fire on people, but their commanders won't allow them to write "UNTZ" on their airplanes, because it's OBSCENE!
Apocalypse Now is the one where they go down the river in the boat and think about philosophy and then have a quick break to appreciate the smell of napalm and surf in the middle of a war then they all fucking die and everything is so fucked fuck it all the end
woooow I can't tell my vietnam war but antiwar movies apUNTZ
>>797938 you should read Going After Caciatto if you liked apocalypse now big recommend very UNTZ
i fucking love apocalypse now and heart of darkness i will intend to check it out later but probably get drunk and forget thank you sir
wow me UNTZ
>>797939 i always thought FMJ was kind of a weird movie cause the first half is great then the final act tries really hard to be apocalypse now
>start game >first item is rusty key >reset >start game >first item is rusty key okay fine jeez
I had to read Heart of Darkness for a class last year or something. It's a pretty well-written book.
If you liked the book you'd probably like apocalypse now though it's not quite as well written it's close and the direction is extremely good
i'm used to shitting on early game since i play mercenary but this is another level
what if this is the run where i get 3 alien heads
I dont think I've played ror2 since the roboplant was added it's good tho
roboplant and acrid are fucking sick
loader is in the game too idk if he was added after rex or not
they added a bunch of cool stuff in the acrid patch that reduces repetitivity also theres variants of the levels with their own sets of layouts and such
game just keeps getting better gud gam
>>797953 play with me and my sister sometime lets kill
>stage 3 >first three chests i open are glasses, power crystal, glasses this is against the geneva convention
>>797957 ok but I'm gonna play huntress and take all the feathers
not playing waxing quail merc
>>797960 you are an asshole and a degenerate sir i respect you to the highest degree
wish i had a wax quail or three right now >>797959 ok but im going to yoink all the rose bucklers and that rare that does shit if you sprint i cant remember the name of just out of spite
dont forget to SMASH THAT MOTHERFUCKIN JUMP BUTTON my real favorite build is 40x Fuel Cells Xx Gesture of the Drowned and uh hold on Glowing Meteorite
involuntary Radar Scanner build is also a really good time literally never see again as thousands of bright blue radars erupt from your soon to be cadavar in a second
but i can see where ALL THE INTERACTABLES ARE
facts on facts, its worth it
my most retarded build was an engi with like 12 mushrooms and the fuck its calledc "N'kuhana's Opinion"
which sends a homing damaging skull off whenever you heal yourself for 10% of your health
the turrets also did it and they healed themselves for 30% of their health a second
so three skulls per second times two because they're next to each other fucking memes
mushroom engi ignores the game until scaling gets so out of hand you get one shot or you accidentally a Malachite enemy
just stack teddies np
Teddies Four Leaf Clover build op
>>797971 >malachite enemy see this implies that i don't have like 10 syringes but you know i had found a printer and those fags couldn't even get close enough to stop my turrets from healing
i had to end that run because my computer literally could not handle all that bullshit even if i wanted to try and play the game instead of being engineer i couldn't got like 10 fps
>>797979 im just exhausted from another long week i started binge watching mr robot season 4 but i stopped enjoying it a couple episodes ago but i feel like i have to finish it now i wanna go to switzerland
there's never really satisfying payoff for getting invested in these shows writers can just write whatever resolution is convenient it all feels arbitrary i need better call saul to hurry up and return
>>797981 had to google mr robot season 4 to find out what you were talking about but i getcha now somewhere along the line of bleach i did the same thing except it took like 10 years to finally end
i want to go to iceland after playing death stranding so much
i want to hike and camp up there it is so naturally beautiful and unique
it's got really nice cinematography and scene direction there's a lot im really enjoying with the show but sadly the story has been weak all four seasons
im a shitty hiker but camping in iceland sounds fun switzerland has all the good jobs though
it's not a bad watch im regretting binging this season though, weekly would have been better probably if i were to venture to recommend something though it would be better call saul that's the best western show ive seen. new season starts in late february
i feel like i killed the vibe by showing up or something oops
altar of gold on stage 4 time to gamble some godlike rng and drops on being able to kill the super boss let's go boys
>>797992 i haven't played pokemon in 15 years and don't intend to change that
okay, then I'LL play pokemon today and you can all just not
okay i hope you have fun playing pokemon!
how did you like acrid in ror2 btw?
i think i remember you maining him in the first one so i was wondering if you tried the reimagining of the character
I haven't unlocked her in RoR2. it's been a while since I played.
ah okay i feel like it doesn't quite play how i expected, they're a bit more capable of long range combat and more aggressive it's fun to me but a lot different compared to the minor changes the other characters got i think
>>798008 it's much the same game it probably was when you played it last, but they've added a lot of content in the same vein as what they had then
they still haven't added many of the logbook entries though which makes me sad i really like the ones that are already there the stuff is pretty interesting
goddamn game developers focusing on developing their game instead of useless flavor text
i watched my sisters play sword and shield for a bit and seemed like a pretty good game i guess
that "rival" kid hop is a big loser though
>>798014 fucking right what happened to that moon god they dissected and split her parts among the world
>>798013 Hop is just incredibly unfortunate because he chose you, the chosen protagonist, as their rival. But the blood of the New Kid runs in your veins. He couldn't possibly know.
>>798026 From the moment he told his brother he sucks ass but he believes in him right after telling you that you got potential I knew he was a god tier character
Oh I swear this damn cat is getting clever. She knows we never let her inside when we can clearly see she's got a rodent in her mouth so now she brings in HALF the rodent entirely in her mouth where we can't see it. I had to pick it up and hoof it outside and now she's very confused where her meal went.
Temtem isn't a bad game BUt i'm like... at Route 2 in Pokemon let me play what I got
>>798035 >seeing as you're playing pokemon, why aren't you playing temtem that kinda answers itself doesnt it... like if you're playing temtem then you're not playing pokemon
>>798034 smarty cat what'd she do with the other half tho
>>798035 From the gameplay I've seen it looks pretty solid but I'm kinda iffy on the MMO component of it.
>different types of tea this lady is on to something
>>798036 She only brought in the tail end half of it, so she might've just trashed the head half, not wanting to get crunchy with the head. Or, y'know. Good chance she already ate it.
It's kinda sleety raining outside so I don't think she was big on staying outside long.
yeah kitties usually chomp down the head first thing that's the best part and it's usually pretty soft with rodents like they can chomp right through the tops of a rabbit without too much crunch our cat used to just eat the heads then leave the rest all over the place
i honestly never heard of temtem until now seems all right pokemon has lots of cute non-pokemon characters though that i like seeing
he really likes temtem lol
I heard of it about a week ago
I think it's pretty cool how you capture things in cards
They've done a really good job of going "Yeah we're definitely just making our own Pokemon" while also ensuring their game is sufficiently distinct from Pokemon to avoid being called too plagarist or anything like that. Once it's properly released I might give it another close look and decide if I want to play it.
At the very least I do hope it does well because I think Pokemon's kinda stagnating since it doesn't really have much competition in the "Creature catching/raising/batlting" niche it pretty much entirely possesses and it could really use a game that might eat into its playerbase to stop being so lazy and resistant to innovation.
>>798041 Neither did I until a couple weeks back but it seems there's some kind of viral burst or marketing push because I'm seeing a lot more conversation about it now recently.
i have never heard of temtem until just now
i like your bag is this a user-designed main character or is it selected from stock oh you can buy clothes and stuff? aw how cool
yeah, i've already spent money on clothes
I think the bag is the standard one though
>>798048 They put in clothes and fashion in X/Y and it was so well-receieved it's been a game staple in each new mainline game. Even when they were promo-ing the new DLC for Sword/Shield part of each DLC's presenation involved showing off some of the new clothes you'd be able to get in each release.
was it not in Black/White too? but yeah, dress up was the best part of XY
all games should have clothes
>>798052 Nope, before the 3D character models you were always locked to the game's sprite designs. I think in some of the later DS games you'd some times get a fancy outfit for formal presentation minigames in the games but that was still something predetermined rather than selected by you.
oh right, BW was still 2d
>>798053 dressing up your character is the most important feature of any rpg
what even is the point of saving the world and beating the evil mastermind if you dont look super cute doing it
a pokemon camp sounds fun kids today get loads of cool shit we'd just get our pokemon cards confiscated and yelled at by adults for taking them to school
>talk to random person >oh hey, you've had an isekai life before didn't you >here have this eevee
God, I hate Mudbray
Correction: I hate Mudbrays that aren't mine
>>798059 if you get reborn into a different world every time is it really isekai
well, you aren't reborn in Let's Go's instance. You're pulled into the Pokemon world through your TV
couldn't i get pulled into something more fun like bloodborne i wanna get eaten by a werewolf until i am used to it and can kill him
>>798064 that's not more fun that's annoying i'm not trying to run around hueco mundo surviving
>>798065 i for one would like the opportunity to actually fight back in a nightmare
do you get eaten by smaller werewolfs to build up an immunity
nah you just get beast blood injected into you to make you strong and then you're on your own if the werewolf kills you whatever you can restart from the hallucinatory hunter's workshop you return to because you're trapped in a one night window of time forever now
died as i was waiting to tp to obliterate myself after the end of third loop
not sure how but my most damage dealt says 2,556,104 pretty sure i didnt hit for 2.5 million
even with all that obscene luck i still died on 13 how are you supposed to loop to stage 20 hmmmm
maybe i need to play a different characte
koi time
the perfect time to ... rip off part of my keyboard yes
rip your whole keyboard apart destroy your monitor throw your computer tower through the fucking window scream through the hole that electronics no longer own you
>>798109 can't believe rachel cook just hangs around in an android app all day i hope ana de armas is also signed
>>798108 death stranding is such good game it made my mom want to play a game for the first time in ten years
it was tough helping her learn to use a controller when the last console game she played was on the super Nintendo
Samu 🕊 !KW2DbpWwls
>>798111 it almost got me to get a playstation for the first time ever idk i might still get one so i can play da ff remake or just wait for the PC ver
how did she handle there being like 3 times as many buttons as the SNES?
Considering the PS5 will be out by the time the FFVII remake is all out they'll probably just release it for that too. I've been feeling I'll just get a PS5 for all the PS4 games I didn't get to play since they've said there'll be backwards compatibility on it.
Samu 🕊 !KW2DbpWwls
you think the remake will be delayed again?
They've already said it'll be at least two games, I think. The first one encompasses Midgar and the second one the broader game. Maybe there'll be a third too anyway. Or maybe it was two discs? I'unno.
Either way I bet they'll do a PS5 release of the game regardless anyway.
Samu 🕊 !KW2DbpWwls
oh, I see what you mean i bet there will be 3 games i just mean the first remake game out in a few months idk meebs i could get a used ps4 or somethin for that for now
>nintendo explains what the black thing on the bottom of the switch is!! who the hell needed an explanation the articles feed in chrome has gotten so shit for me lately
people get paid to make that garbage isn't it ridiculous
There was some housework being done somewhere in this city and the workers dug up a human skeleton. Cops were called, only for preliminary investigations determining the skeleton was a specimen set. Which still leaves the question of what kind of chucklefuck would bury a specimen set under their house.
My friends being drinking a decent amount of beer tonight and so has made quite a few trips to the washroom but everytime he does he leaves his bar stool way out and it's probably a small nuisance for the staff
>>798150 wish i could make stacks blogging about some random Boku no Hero insta photo like the mongs "contributing" to CB
a texas
a Texas A&M student contacted coronavirus and brought it back to my neck of the woods fuck yes time for another extinction
aw dammit he's in the main branch of the uni near Houston lame
Wow I can't respond to your posts anymore or I'll get infected
don't worry college station is like 150 miles out so it'll be a hot minute until they quarantine me
>>798171 Yeah, that's actually the plot. He fought in the war. I'm 95% sure this book was written for children of Vietnam veterans.
Nvm I wish it were the plot.
>>798178 i wish i had a book to teach me about war related ptsd when i was a kid would have helped me understand my dad probably
>>798180 I'm sure there is one, I wish the berenstain beaes book was actually about it. *bears
Yeah I did some googling. I found a bunch. I wish I had been told about my mom's ptsd when I was a kid though. I just thought she was easily startled and would sneak up on her and scare her pretty frequently.
My dad also encouraged me to do it and I didn't know she had ptsd until I was a teenager. I didn't know there people who had ptsd that weren't soldiers.
>>798182 wow lol my dad still jumps and reaches for the closest thing he can use as a weapon when there's any loud bang or pop
>>798184 My mom gets scared by loyd noises too. *loud Her fear of cats was exacerbated by it too. She's also afraid to drive at night because of the time she was robbed while driving at night at a redlight. (that wasn't what her PTSD was from initially)
>>798190 >>798191 barbacoa is fucking delicious but it gets bad if you chill it because there is quite a bit of fat in cow cheek and it sets up hard and greasy
>>798193 oh also let me get uhhhh 60oz fountain drank
I'm almost broke three days after payday why is food so expensive why did i go shopping when i was hungry
i watched a bit of it but i don't have enough free time to watch a whole game at work haha
mavs are doing pretty good but jazz is still definitely a better team
there were some mavs v raptors games this season that were real exciting
I don't know shit 'bout the NBA teams and who's good or bad but basketball's still a pretty hot fever in this city with the Raptors and all so anytime I'm out at a bar or whatnot if there's basketball on somewhere it's usually on screen. So I end up watching a bit of what's going on.
right now milwaukee, utah, los angeles, miami and of course toronto are the top 5 in no particular order mavericks are pretty high up but not quite championship material, though they have a couple incredible up and comers and their star player luka doncic has consistently outplayed lebron fuckin james this season
As someone who's never really cared for sports but lived in this city which makes it impossible to not at least be slightly in touch with how well we're doing, it feels weird for Toronto to not be barely relevant in sports. Aside from that brief chance the Jays had a run at the World Series a few years back it's been literal decades since any of our sports teams have been considered top-quality. And now the Raptors have fucking exploded.
toronto's been trying really hard and improving dramatically over the last 6 or so years, they used to be barely relevant for sure haha now they're a great team and i respect their effort
luka still runs circles around em on a good day though
they got pretty consistent improvement basically every year until they won the championship which is probably satisfying for their fans
Was definitely kinda hoping they'd go from championship winners to back to being irrelevant one season to the next but I guess if they've been consistently improving in quality then even a bit of a post-championship shake-up isn't likely enough to make them tank that hard.
they're third in their conference and first in their division this season, not quite as stellar as last season but definitely still great
In Australia that's actually considered formal dresswear.
wifebeater, jorts, and flip flops?
damn the meth heads here could pass for big businessmen over there
Methheads probably consider themselves big businessmen to begin with anyway.
good point their perception of reality is a little methed up
>go to shoot someone in the chest >they shoot me right as i pull the trigger >the flinch from getting shot kicks my crosshairs up just enough to headshot them killing them instantly lol
>>798241 Just as planned of course You did it on purpose
>>798266 never had it, though i did have a weird version called ubermonster which was really good and came in the same can google tells me its not the same drink though
>>798266 i generally don't like the 'classic' monster flavor though i usually buy the zero sugar or the rehab tea
>>798270 Cut a bunch of people in half. This is a less frequent D&D thing and is not with the dm I often complain about.
I also had way too much food. My stomach doesn't hurt or anything but I consumed a very large number of calories. I had a 20oz ribeye , two glassws *glasses of coke, mashed potatoes with butter, cheddar and bacon and three limited edition super stuffed Oreos (or whatever they're called) that have 110 calories (or kilocalories for you non Americans) per cookie.
Then a quest Then four more Construction levels Then six Firemaking levels Then 8 more agility levels Then another quest Then Sleep.
It looks like a lot when I write it all out like that
that's because it is a lot get after it
Also I ordered my steak rare but it came medium but I didn't want to wait for them to cook me another steak.
>>798274 you better color that shit or you're out of the clan can't have vanilla graceful scrubs giving us a bad rep
Oh and someone else paid for it.
>>798277 that's usually what i do its always a guessing game anyways sometimes i order medium rare and get medium or rare or rarely, what i actually want
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>798276 apart from the Agility it's all pretty easy
>>798280 I love rare steak If I weren't worried about getting sick I'd just eat raw beef on regular basis. Although I used to do that when I was a kid. But I ate ground beef which is more dangerous to consume raw because of its larger surface area and the fact that it comes into contact with much more stuff during processing.
>>798282 if the meat is properly stored your chances of getting sick from raw steak is pretty low
from ground beef though it's basically guaranteed due to the machinery carrying bacteria
but having worked at a grocery store i would not trust those mother fuckers to actually freeze the meat before it fucking thaws
i like the juices from the fat rendering mixed with the raw flavor and blood so medium rare is what i want
very rarely do i get it i guess it depends on how the chef feels that day
I found a repository of Maoist film reviews. https://www.prisoncensorship.info/archive/etext/movies/long/mulan.txt
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
jan have you seen Swampletics?
everyone that plays osrs has seen swampletics
swamp man good runecraft bad
i watched his old series when he was just settled a normal autistic UIM maxing his stats
They also have reviews of tv shows, like Serial Experiments Lain and All In the Family.
>>798290 then you understand how he is able to do such retarded shit like leveling construction and smithing in morytania only or hunting that rune cbow
And Shrek 2. https://www.prisoncensorship.info/archive/etext/movies/long/shrek2.html
>>798302 rendi spends a whole 24 hours beating the fight caves and takes 20 minutes to show it off settled spends 700 hours smithing and glosses over it in 10 seconds
"yeah i have to walk all the way from one end of the swamp to the other end to smelt my ore then back to a different corner to smith the bars... god i love this game" paraphrased but he said this in one of the videos fuckin legend
My mom thought this was really cool because it likely brought more awareness to asthma and gave kids with asthma a videogame character to uhh not look up to But like, it gave them representation.
>>798335 ooh baby Ready to get blased with some LORE from the fan wiki
Homura's power and gender were unstable (a running gag throughout the series prior to him being winged was when he's about to incinerate himself with his own fire, Tsukiumi would suddenly come out of nowhere to douse the engulfing flames[1]); however, he continues to think and act as a man even after his body started becoming female (called 'feminization' in the manga). For a long time, he lived under the alias 'Kagari', a popular host club entertainer (because he was looking for an Ashikabi although no matter how many women he 'meets' he did not react[2]
Unwilling to let Homura sacrifices himself, Minato winged him, saving his life.[7] However, as Minato is a male, Homura begins to grow breasts and develops more "female" like traits. His gender however is still undecided, as no full transformation has occurred.[8] Homura has the ability to control and manipulate fire, has a habit of smoking when anxious and is quite powerful, as Tsukiumi speculates him to be the strongest unwinged Sekirei prior to being winged by Minato.[5] "Homura" means "flame" literally.
why did they rename wikia to fandom that shit was dumb
>>798337 like dark souls where everything is unisex
you could finally walk down the street and tell from a glance who's a sorcery based build or dex/str
it took me so long to find the stupid teleporter in this ror2 level i am gonna miss my bedtime and lose even more sleep it shouldnt have taken me 30 minutes to complete one stage but here i am
ngl my power saving mode brain read that as arkkknights and was shocked
okay everyone. the important part here is Merry being cute however they gave the worst new game the most erotic outfit and you have to see it >>>/@kirarafantasia/1220994929096306688
its like everyone is cute and suddenly SUDDENLY that
so even though on the surface this show looks like it's just about tits and fighting you know it's also very profound Because sometimes sad piano music starts playing and you get emotional scenes like this What character development
Nah Sekirei is pretty dumb.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
nah dude you just don't get it
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Besides, If the plot was garbage and barely made sense It wouldn't have been animated. Checkmate, atheists.
This guy sees another combatant slapping around his partner and he just looks at the ground and mutters that abuse is wrong What a fucking hero No wonder so many women are smitten with him
did this just happen? wow what happened to the helicopter that caused it to crash wtf
They'll probably look into it but yeah it only crashed like a short while ago. Could just be mechanical failure; there's a lot of moving parts in helicopters that one going wrong makes the entire thing a death machine.
Not close; the cutest thing of all is the human drama and tragedy. Hell, i'm an anthropocentrist, although i don't feel comfortable with that, given our own insignificance, overall.
any update on dorohedoro subs im really getting impatient
Looks like it's been relegated to small-time sub groups. I'll download the Judas subs later on and see if they're inoffensively functional. Rika might hem and haw about having to torrent stuff but she can usually be convinced.
Oh looks like the Anon subs that did episode one as just a .ass have been putting out full video files episode two onwards. People seem to be giving positive feedback on their subs. Yeah I'll look into these.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
his daughter too oh no
Ah oh shit. That's got to be awful for his wife then.