Hi hello Congratulations on getting through Monday
Boku no Tonari ni Ankoku Hakaishin ga Imasu Darwin's Game Eizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na! Hatena Illusion Infinite Dendrogram Kabukicho Sherlock Kyokou Suiri Magia Record Murenase! Seton Gakuen Nanabun no Nijyuuni Pet Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei shitemita Episode 2-4 Show By Rock!! Mashumairsh!!
I wonder if they'll like investigate the people running the game and stop them
I could see it happening eventually. He probably has to find his footing first though.
that would probably be the series climax yeah but who knows where they'll take it
Machine guns really are problematic weapons. Though you'd think a modern one would have less jamming problems.
nah they're pretty much all that way
Oh now he's bumped into informant girl.
I get Shuka's supposed to be a strong fighter in this game but I really have a hard time envisioning how these mooks have survived this long in a death game anyway.
well we saw shuka buy a loss im guessing people with money just pay instead of dying or something unless they actually die
oh i guess that first bear guy was high ranked too
i like the idea that you can get by in a violent game by selling information and staying innocuous
I think another player did remark that the murder panda did have a really good power in his invisibility. Guess she's kinda retreading that too. But I think another another elite player also said the panda was kind of a powerful player wasting his power by just going around joykilling noobs.
oh yeah i hypothesized his sigil was just incredible luck but i guess it's not
Yeah unless he's got TWO (2) Sigils. He's the protagonist it's not impossible.
>>796280 >>796281 I think he could hve a single sigil that is incredible luck, and his gun is a product of that He got it just when he needed it
just lucky quantum fluctuations to produce a gun maybe that's a totally different level than a lucky car hitting that guy though
maybe he materialized the car? no i dont think so hmm
We've seen him Trace On-ing stuff freely though. There was the pen he accidentally cloned in the first episode. And then he made up the stun gun when he was fighting that one boxer last episode.
There's also a visual cue on his hands when he's tracing stuff. It's extremely close in appearance to what Shirou does for his Trace On in Fate which is why I just call it that hah hah.
So unless he's got a two-power Sigil, which is effectively unintelligible from two individual Sigils at the moment, he's just also plain lucky.
the car thing could just have been a reasonable coincidence that's one fault of being invisible i guess
here's a familiar voice
Oh this Florist guy is voiced by Koyasu, yeah. He's got such a great voice.
Fire does indeed work
is he il palazzo
I've never seen Excel Saga so I had to go check but yeah, he is. Takehito Koyasu has a particularly notable voice. He was the merchant the two kids apprentice under in Honzuki last season. I think most notably in recent times he also voiced DIO in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. But I think he usually ends up getting a few roles a year. His voice isn't particularly varied but I guess that consistent tone he's got is pretty popular for all sorts of characters.
that's pretty amazing he sounds exactly the same this many years later
hmm it's hard for them to surprise us after the first series I really think madoka can't do what it did again because of the way they ambushed us so well the first time
yeah I don't think they can do it again okay lets start!
Yup. I've been wondering if they'll go for an echo of Madoka with this episode. It wouldn't really be an ambush or surprise anymore, but if they do it well it would be a neat callback to how things took a turn for the worse at that episode in the original series too.
>>796294 yeah that's a concern i had the immersion setup isnt as good either madoka had really great environments and immersion
the use of the soundtrack in the original really accentuated everything so well
they're reusing some of those tracks here in places that don't really evoke any feeling so it falls a little flat and causes some dissonance
yeah The majority of the impact of the first series was Homura Kyouko had a bit of impact
Wow transformation scenes.
I think people also underestimate the long conversations Madoka had with Kyuubey early in Madoka too. Kyuubey was always the "Don't lie but be as careful with your truths as possible" character so it was pretty clear they were pretty sinister. There hasn't really been nearly as much Kyuubey in this series so all we've got are these infallible humans that don't know what's going on. Er fallible humans.
Oh right this is a bit late into the night but could we put in Eizouken for Murenase or Boku no Tonari. I really want to watch it.
I can kinda appreciate this girl being honest with her awful feelings at least.
Hah hah wow she just smashed another hole in the wall. All for naught too. These two really make a lot of problems for Kanamori.
Woah. That's a pretty futuristic way of having you order your food at the cafeteria. And feels utterly unnecessary hah hah just have it be a manual interface.
Her face is really plastered over everything, yeah.
i don't think i could stand having pictures of me everywhere anonymity in public is really important to me
She comes up with all sorts of neat contained concepts. What a cute lil' tank.
wow it's made
>Schoolgirl fighting a tank with a sword That sounds like it would be some silly fun action.
ive always wanted a backlit table i used to use an LCD monitor laying flat but it didn't quite have the same elegance
Wow Asakusa comes up with some really good solutions to worldbuilding problems. That's pretty cool.
>>796343 I know you don't have much leeway with money for frivolities at the moment but I'm pretty sure there's some decently affordable portable light tables you can buy on places like Amazon. I've seen them from time to time when shopping for drawing tablets.
I love these short story fragments they come up witn -with in this series. They're just full of so much energy.
episode two of this right? time for some chuuni shit
I guess that was start then?
that's what i went with
i miss joshikousei quite a bit i feel a yearning to check in on those characters
They did do/are making a live action for it. >>796356 Hah hah yeah I get that. I didn't expect you to actually want something like that but I thought it would be funny to bring up.
You could see if the manga's still getting translations.
MMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmm i dunno about that maybe maaaaaaaaaaybe
live action would ruin so much of it there's no way real people are as cute and lovably charming as the illustrated characters
Their sensei is pretty mean. He really likes to mess with and trivialize his students.
the pretty girl watched that whole spectacle too hazukashi
It gets played for comedy but it really is unfair how often the MC gets in trouble for all this shit. All the other troublemakers get off scot free but he's in remdial with the teacher all the time.
THOUGH in fairness. He's also a bit of an asshole. He definitely deserves some repremanding but so do all the other problem makers.
She's not going to call you dweeb.
Wow his guy friend in his phone is named Aitsu (That Guy). What a good friend he is.
I like hte first set of characters a lot more though
yeah for sure
Howan's having a real hard time following along with her trains of thought.
i want to go to a city like this
There's parts of Tokyo that are pretty similar. I mean obviously since that's where they probably took design inspiration from. But there's a lot of small shops like the ones they've been wandering in and out of in the hobby parts of Tokyo.
it's like those oversized lollipops at the amusement park
Hah hah she's already getting chewed out for the camping set up. You've got to be secretive about those kinds of set ups in a city like this.
Geez she's positive despite the circumstances.
Wow how romantic.
She's such a sweet country bumpkin.
Oh the dam burst. I can get that. When you're really into something it's hard to adjust the pressure of your enthusiasm. You can either be kinda restrained or all out gushing.
I really like all the single fangs in this show. Fangs are cute.
Oh wow.
it's nice oh shes fluffing her tail
Gosh what are you doing Himeko you can't just molest someone's tail like that.
Howan won herself a place to live with her cooki
Well okay.
Oh I guess this is this series' equivalent of the boyband.
I really like this ED. It's poppy and the riffs are kinda earwormy.