Ace of Diamond Black Clover Chihayafuru Hatena Illusion Infinite Dendrogram Kabukicho Sherlock Kyokou Suiri Majutsushi Orphen Hagure Tabi Murenase! Seton Gakuen Nanabun no Nijyuuni Pet Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei shitemita Episode 2-4
Chyuu hasn't put out a Nanatsu episode since last month. They're two episodes unsubbed now, I hope they're still subbing.
nanatsu left off at a place where I really want to see what happens next, too. I've been watching out for the subs but they haven't come.
Ace Black Clover Hatena
gnn hmm which of these are comfy
Rikei was the show about the two science nerds in love. Murenase! is the one about the animal school. Rikei more than Murenase maybe but those are kinda in the comfy sphere of things I'd say.
Also I'd be interested in doing more of Kyokou Suiri.
Yeah, it follows that America would win. Bigger talent pool.
Also college players versus high school players. I guess it's not much of a difference but it is another three or seven years of practice and experience,.
Oh yeah HorribleSubs has been softsubs for a few years now haven't they. The subs call it a "Colour Illustration" But the end cards are always monochrome!
I imagine we'll be transitioning into a new season/arc soon They're being a bit slow finishing this plot line up but I kinda expect it to finish up soon.
Well they've still gotta either beat or draw with the Devil in the present after this flashback is wrapped up. I guess the revived Wizard King will help fend him off and then disintegrate or something.
Well there's her little horns. Oh now they're gone. Too bad they're kinda cute.
A lot of the plot hooks this series has laid out from the beginning have kind of been resolved in this arc but it looks like the mystery of Asta's anti-magic is still left unsolved. Even the Devil seems confused by it.
Honestly conceptual magic like Secre's magic of "Opening and closing things" feels obviously like something that has way more potential than even something like Yuno whose magic is just WIND.
Oh gosh Yami and the elf'd rose lady are all squeezed together. How romantic.
I guess this is where all the elves become unelf'd.
Okay yeah I had a pretty good feeling it wasn't over with just that. It would have been pretty lackluster to have it end that quickly.
hey okay im ready i can't remember what this show was by the name
oh yeah it was the magician dad's harem thing
Oh Inoue Taku did the composition for this OP. No wonder it felt so familiar to me. He's a regular at MOGRA.
Even if it was a burglar dude what are you going to do about it with a little illusionist's wand. Like maybe it's actually magical but from the look of it he only thinks it's a stage trinket.
I guess that's how they moralize them being phantom thieves. Is it really stealing when you're just stealing back your original property that got stolen.
these speaking animations are pretty doofy
Yeah I saw some people talking about how this episode especially is a considerable quality drop from the first episode. And to me the first episode wasn't exactly amazing but I guess compared to this it was at least good.
Oh he's just gonna get lost again isn't it. Oh nevermind the meido's also a student.
I wonder if the concept of an all-girls or all-boys school changing into both genders is a common thing in real life. I've seen it quite a few times in manga and anime now. And sure it works as a good excuse for why there's so many girls at a school but when it comes up that often enough I wonder if it's reflecting real life.
it probably happens with changes in administration
single-gender schools come with complications of their own and probably gets changed up sometimes when it's not sustainable
Cute sentient scarf though.
She's real bad at being secretive hah hah At least the MC salvaged it.
Some of the tricks he pulls off do feel pretty much like real magic. I wonder if he just thinks the wand is helping him perform the tricks and it's just filling in the causality needed for them to work.
I've seen a lot of people comparing her visually to the little girl from that WWI isekai world. The one where the Japanese salaryman taunts God so hard he gets reincarnated as a little girl.
>I have a boyfriend I don't know if he's agreed to that yet.
Well at least he's being pretty nice to her.
smooth animations i like the small details
What a socially awkward giant snake. It's kind of cute almost.
listen to this melody i love it
It's a bit emotionally dissonant from the subject matter of the scene though hah hah
is it? the snake's mostly upset that his drinking water is contaminated their whole world is a bit detached from these human affairs
Well it's probably youkai and ayakashi like this one which is why they all need someone like her acting as their goddess of wisdom. They seem to have a hard time figuring these things out themselves. Which makes sense, of course. You wouldn't imagine a supernatural creature to understand the thoughts of a mundane human.
i like that show, it's got nice aesthetics in design and audio
ready for muranase
No need to act like a bunch of ANIMALS
Oh, right. Emphasis on the naked in naked mole rat.
I feel there's kind of an ethical concern with a sapient animal girl going around catching fish and eating them.
i dont like these things, in realy life or in this show the show doesn't make them cute or anything. i dont think it even tries they're almost Minions tier bad
Wow he's getting abducted by lions.
Hah hah wow they just took her too.
>>796687 I find naked mole rats kinda funny. Definitely not enough to say I like them or anything, but when I used to go to the zoo every few seasons or so I liked checking in on the mole rat colony they had there.
i wonder if there will be a camel girl
oh i gotta take off a little early gomen thanks for anime! have a good night you two
I like how consistent the animals are in this series to the logic they would follow if they were normal animals.
>>796691 Ah RIP Thanks for being around Moon. Take it easy.