
Thread #791224

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Kirara πŸ„
cry for me
Kirara πŸ„
i feel like passin out
What's got you feeling like that?
Kirara πŸ„
i'm sick and sleep deprived
didn't sleep at all at the monastery
the rooms they were supposed to have didn't exist so we were supposed to sleep in the zendo
24 people sharing a room, coed
three men including me and the rest women
and the men other than me snored so impossibly loud that i could hear them through my earplugs
sounded like a damn jet
they also couldn't turn all the lights off so it was still lit up a bit
i think not sleeping is why i got sick
That's pretty dumb. They shouldn't claim rooms they don't have.
The first night I spent at our new cottage I realized having my bedroom near everyone else's is a horrible idea because a lot of my family snores like chainsaws hah hah
All that snoring makes it real hard to sleep for me too.
Kirara πŸ„
the monastery was also a tourist attraction and there were tourists there during the sesshin lol
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That sounds rough

also isn't >>791230 this kinda killing the point of it bering a monastery for relaxation
atleast have the parts be separated
atleast the ones in use etc
or have the tourist hours be open when it isn't in use, it isn't like churches or monasteries or temples need to always be open to the greater public

we don't do that atleast.
Kirara πŸ„
apparently the whole thing is paid for by the Vietnamese government too

the grounds were beautiful but still

also some of the women left their fuckin phones on and they kept ringing throughout the night

it's a Vietnamese Buddhist monastery

Snoring is so annoying
Wait, why the Vietnamese government?
Where is this again?
Kirara πŸ„
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I hate snorers
I usually go kick them
Kirara πŸ„
there were too many
probably 5 or 6 snorers
although the men were the worst offenders
i wore earplugs and buried my head and it still wasn't enough to help me sleep

if you know you snore and you're sleeping in a common sleeping area, bring a fucking CPAP or something
god damn
Or go do some weight loss.
Obviously doesn't apply to everyone but people with extra pounds usually end up being more awful snorers.
>bring a fucking cpap
Yeah, nah
Fuck buying one of those without insurance.
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these are fucken cool
giant bats carrying undead pirates with guns
there are cheaper anti-snore stuff too
not to mention just some prep work you can do to avoid it

just doing nothing is damn selfish
Kirara πŸ„
then don't fuckin go

almost everyone there has insurance anyway
one of the snorers is a wealthy engineer who invented train safety tech and the other is a wealthy carpenter who works for some firm
Yeah but don't you need to be diagnosed with sleep apnea to get it?
I snore and don't have sleep apnea.
No one has ever complained to me about my snoring.
My dad is the worst snorer in my family though.
Kirara πŸ„
no, you just need a prescription
Kirara πŸ„
even psychiatrists can write prescriptions for them too
Well I don't think my snoring is bad enough to warrant it anyways so its a non issue.
None of my roommates ever complained about it.
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let’s be some variation of sick buddies
I'm pretty much all over the flu I had earlier in the week but I send my commiserations.
Glad you're feeling better.
Kirara πŸ„
i probably caught whatever cancer-kun had last week when i took him to the hospital
when he was shitting blood
He send you tthe picture from his brain case opening?
Well thankfully you probably have an immune system that'll keep you from ending up in that predicament.
Kirara πŸ„
idk i am not touching anything related to work until sunday
Ah, good idea.
Anyways I'm looking forward to seeing it.
Did they remove the dead tumor?
Kirara πŸ„
yeah they sucked it out
it was apparently basically mush
To this very day I occasionally wonder just what was in ToN's tumor.
Kirara πŸ„
i wonder if my tumor will ever just die
I am very glad I have not seen what my tumor looked like
what if there is as a cute girl inside it
I mean, of any type of tumor, the kind ToN is the closest you can get to having that.
*the kind ToN had
Kirara πŸ„
gacha where girls come out of tumors
What if Tsu ate the tumor
Go on Wikipedia and read the article on teratomas
Or parasitic twins
Gacha where girls grow out of your body like tumors then you cut them off and separate them from you
Kirara πŸ„
Surgery Cysters
That reminds me of a chapter of Franken Fran.
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Kirara would you like to hear something work related that is kind of shitty and sad
I was hoping you were going to say funny.
Kirara πŸ„
related to your work or mine
my work
maybe what you got from cancwer-kun is a tumour killing flu?
Kirara πŸ„
ok tell me
will do
Actually there was a study where the injected flu virus into a tumor and then the patient's immune system attacked tthe tumor.
Kirara πŸ„
what if you had a tumor that you hollowed out and animals lived inside
That reminds me of a Junji Ito manga.
Kirara πŸ„
remember that naruto guy with bugs inside him
Sarcasm is the lowest form of tumor
Remember that Fate/Zero guy with bugs in him?
Kirara πŸ„
remember that real person with bugs in them
Kirara πŸ„
it's YOU
remember that fate girl with worms inside her
Kirara πŸ„
okay bye for now
Hope you feel better.
hope things look up
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>the Ai is corner camping me
hope the rest of your stay is better
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Samu !KW2DbpWwls
fire emblem: three houses speedrun next on GDQ
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
good luck in the monastery
I think he left bc he was sick and the sleeping arrangements were bad
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
more like moan-a-story
wait what the fuck
no man's sky is arounda nd it keeps getting patched?
Yeah, the devs have really gone a long way with the game.
I think if the basic concept of explore, resource gather, and base-build doesn't appeal to you the game still won't be something you're interested in.
But as far as depth in those departments, they've been pretty aggressively expanding on them.
I'm still wishy-washy on it but every time it goes on a deep sale I'm always tempted to give it a spin.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
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Did you see the Historian video?
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
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aw mate
>these translations
C'mon man wouldn't you want to be a grumpy old ass in a stable full of young mares?
if it was cheaper I might get it
shaun guided me to the coffee table as he guids his team
Well keep your eyes on it, I've seen it as low as 60 or 66% off before.
>if you get what I'm neighing
It doesn't even make sense
I think it makes fine sense even if it's dumb.
Neighing is a horse's verbal projection, like saying is a human's.
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hmm there's a 5km run tomorrow at 8am and I have to work at 9am
it's tempting to give it a go
Do you run habitually?
I think I'll just take a look at the course and see how many people turn up
it took me about 45mins on my last run so it doesn't give me a lot of time to spare anyway
I can just run 5kms by myself too also
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
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it's like a greenhouse in here
I'd trade with any of you Cold Bois
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
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I mean,
unless you're doing it competitively
does it really make a difference if you're taking part in an event or not
5ks is 5ks
anime >>791311 β†’
can you still see the yello hell tint
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hi moe
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I can do it next week anyway no biggie
sup bang
if you could beep and also boop would you beep or would you boop
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
These are the kinds of questions that keep me up at night.
I think I'll take beep
It's kinda droning and annoying and suits me better
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
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it's still pretty hazy out but at least it's grey and not yellow
that's an improvement I guess
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
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Things would be even better if everything wasn't on fire though.
Australia is pretty much the "Everything is fire" dog right now.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
This is fine.
His name is Question Hound.
I mean y'know
every smoke stack has a silver lining
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Man, this comic was so good.
I'm said it ended. For anyone interested its called Gun Show.
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neverending summmer
I wish.
move to Australia for 20c winter
Yeah but that would require moving to Australia and I don't wish THAT hard.
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she'll be right, just jump on a plane
I like crying. Too bad i can never get all the tears out.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
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Yeah. It fucking sucks
But at least it's only four hours
I reread all of Maid Dragon.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
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how are dragons maid?

no wait come back
I can already tell I won't be able to sleep anytime soon.
Very carefully
More like nearly four decades so far.
Which Fate would you Grand Order?
I almost want to stay up all night but that would really fuck me up.
do it cunt don't be a pussy I double dog dare yah
I'd say I'd do it for a game on steam but I'm pretty sure you can't gift people in othrr regions stuff anymore.
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not a good time to have no ac in the car
I like a good cry
too bad I can't do it on demand or I'd do it all the time
something about YOUR legs seems weird
something about YOUR thighs seems weird
I can gift games to people in other regions but only specific ones
And it doesn't say which ones so you have to keep trying diferent games until one FINALLY goes through
Yeah, shits so dumb.
Like fucking seriously Valve
I'd be fucking buying more games so I could gift them to my foreign friends
something about this girls legs and thighs seems weird

yeah I hate it
>He hates it
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
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since when?
Well it's only some games
See >>791391
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It's been that way for a few years
For me at least
It has to do with how they're moving countries to purchasing games in their own currency.
Since games aren't consistently priced from region to region it's pretty easy to pay off someone in another country to get you a game on the cheap.
It was different when everyone just paid US dollars for the games converted by their bank to their regional currency.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
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i have a lot of games from my American friends
It's probably set so that you can only gift a certain game to someone whose regional price for the game is the same as yours or lower.
You never answered my question.
oh i guess astolfo is also obligatory
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
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A complex strategy game like FGO requires you to be dynamic.
Therefore, there are different Fates that I would Grand Order in different situations.
Huh, she looks older than I expected given your tastes.
which Fate wouldn't I Grand Order
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I like cute adults too
Image related
Hopefully Fou
she's surprisingly human too
Does she transform into a bird?
Also I'm not saying she couldn't be an adult, but she could definitely be under 18

no but she has silver hair and is russian so
>one of her noble phantasms is just having gae bolgs for eyes
I meant the red head but okay.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
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she has a mature voice and i thought would be tall but then
>147 cm
she combines like two different sides of things i like and it’s the most bizarre thing

also Ange is an alchemist and not a bird
Animorphs definitely created a lot of furries.
Are you implying that birds can't be alchemists?
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birds dont HAVE HANDS
Maybe she is a reverse animorph.
also Ange is 26
She looks young.
Do you not have work tomorrow?
Or is it like an evening shift?
Or are you on sick leave?
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I am at work right now
Ive got my old schedule of one day two nights back

Ange’s voice kind of helps paint the picture of an adult
She actually was surprised when people first asked if she was a boy or a girl
That makes sense
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
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Did you ever read Gunshow Comic?
do you think the Japanese have a similar meme to this but instead of your vs you're it's は vs が
I wish people would also mix up yore with your and you're.
It would really shake things up.
Oh yeah
The guy who performed some of the schoolhouse rock stuff died earlier this week.
Hrrm, since its Oceania hours now you guys probably haven't heard of it. But so schoolhouse rock was an educational cartoon series that started in the mid seventies. The original concept was developed by an ad executive when he realized that his son that was having trouble in school had memorized the lyrics to a bnch of rock and pop songs. So the show consisted of songs and accompanying cartoons that explained various subjects such a conjugation *such as
Or how bills become laws in the US.
These were shown a lot to children in schools through the mid 2000s.
oh yeah i remember hearing about that
Attempting sleep again.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
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I like some of the DLC nep characters but using them makes the game too easy
Sounds a bit like some of the cameo characters in Disgaea games.
in revirth 1 plutia is just inmediately compa but better
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Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
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Now my Japanese is far from perfect
But I'm pretty sure "Chuuu!~"
doesn't translate into "sonofabitch"
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look Japanese is a complicated language
Kirara πŸ„
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Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
There's no I in Me
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Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
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Kirara πŸ„
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a best girl
Kirara πŸ„
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Kirara πŸ„
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Did you curse me? I woke myself up snoring twice last night.
Kirara πŸ„
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That's right! Snorers get no mercy!
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Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
if you were asleep then how do you know you were snoring?
i can access the highs i can access the lows i can bing dong dicky dicky ding dong doh
right on brother
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do you think they'd have soup NOW?
It's almost 11 in like a minute
soup should be ready now, right?

Shops generally are cooking the menu for stuff like that before they even open though
So it would be kinda weird for them to not have it.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
It rained for about 10 minutes then stopped again
What a fucking cock tease
Cause I remember hearing a snore and then being awake.
oh yeah no-paim imba build got an anime too
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
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Kono lolicon
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I don't care about the character design
Her NP is one of the the highest single target damage dealers in the game
Oh, cool
Samu πŸ”© !KW2DbpWwls
DMG not pedo
i think the grossest thing about people getting off to jack is that iirc she's the amalgamation of like thousands of aborted fetuses
Samu πŸ”© !KW2DbpWwls
oh gosh
Samu πŸ”© !KW2DbpWwls
>people are shipping the popes from Two Popes
>tumblr users*
Given any two (or more) characters and X amount of time, the Internet will inevitably find some excuse to ship them together.
Samu πŸ”© !KW2DbpWwls
they must be stopped
I think every C function should be made into a cute anime girl
Err, standard C function.
Samu πŸ”© !KW2DbpWwls
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Kirara πŸ„
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nanda kore ya
Don't eat poison dragons.
>Characters in movies being based off real people ever being a reason to stop shipping
This person obviously does not understand.
Kirara πŸ„
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If your only available weapon is your teeth, then your teeth shall you use.
Samu πŸ”© !KW2DbpWwls
very wise
very tautological
considering the buffs she got from that
>don't do it
I shall
>they are figures of authority
even sexier
>who ban homosexual love
>two religious figures
forbidden love3
>real people
Kirara πŸ„
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I'd mash Himeko if you noamsayin'.
Kirara πŸ„
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But Himeko is me!
Oh yeah you should check out Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun if you haven't yet.
It's pretty good.
Kirara πŸ„
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I've got it to watch but I'm holding off on watching everything since I'll be spending a lot of time on flights next week.
Oh that's a good call, yeah.
Whenever I try to do stuff on planes like read or play games I almost inevitably end up dozing off.
Whatever it is that makes people too worried to relax on airplanes I just don't get, so the gentle motions of the plane adjusting in the air kind of rocks me to sleep.
Kirara πŸ„
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I've only fallen asleep once on a plane. It was a midnight flight that landed at like 6am in Orlando, and I was high as shit on lean.
Although that was the only time I've tried to sleep.
I only doze off when extremely sleep deprived or when I want to sleep.

I usually read on flights and I'll probably do some of that, too.

I'm pretty particular about being comfortable on flights. But I feel somewhat safe on them because flights are pretty uncommon as targets for things because most people don't want to die.

I usually try to be inconspicuous, though. If there are people sitting next to me who seem nosy, I usually won't watch or play anything.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>not eating dragons and gaining their strength to make yourself more like a dragon
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I'd join
the fuck happened to kuutei dragons
> The series will stream exclusively on Netflix.
Kirara πŸ„
Well Netflix series generally get fansubs these days.
Carole & Tuesday, HisoMaso, Beastars.
Probably some more I'm not immediately remembering.

Though Dorohedoro is also streaming through Netflix so that might tie up the interested parties.
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and turns out it is cgi
well that doesn't necessarily mean bad nowadays
there was that movie and the gemgirls
Beastars was last season and they did some really unusual character design.
wonder are those availabel here
I ain't paying for a vpn
Kirara πŸ„
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Outside of Japan, anime is only released on Netflix as full cours, unfortunately.
Yeah but the completed shows they've picked up the localization rights are probably up there.
And the advantage here to them being shows only Netflix has the localization rights to means there isn't some other company blocking them from putting them on certain regions' Netflix.
fuck region blocks
I should get a discount for each show that is not availabel in my region, but that is in netflix ...
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I bet if there are blocks in finland, they are some EU level blockades by france or germany
those do a lot of anime, dubbed ofc
So netflix most likely treats whole eurozone as one zone to simplify their end
Not a bad decision, anyhow, but annoying one, since finland has barely any anime licensed here
and even the few, say Eva or FMA/B are still on flix anyhow, since the tv studios that showed them have long since gave up on the broadcasting rights.
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And broadcast streaming most likely would require some other paper work et al, so they most liekly just do it in USA/NA and then once the show is "over" they make it available to other regions.
Kirara πŸ„
They don't do any broadcast streaming in North America.
What I'm saying is any show that is "Produced in association with Netflix" is not going to be blocked.
Because that's in part what Neflix is paying for by being associated with it, exclusive rights to air it.

Because Netflix is not responsible for them not running shows on their list in your region. You should be issuing your complaints to the original rights owners of the shows, eg. the broadcast corporations or licensing companies that produced or bought rights to these shows.
Netflix turns its best profit when they can run as many shows as possible, they personally have zero reason to block shows unless legally required to.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Make sure to get plenty of sleep
don't see it on flix here, but maybe it isn't even on flxi anywhere yet?
Kirara πŸ„
See what?
kuutei dragon
Kirara πŸ„
Right. Because it's only available on Japanese Netflix until the show has completed airing.
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yaeh if it had a normal broadcast, episode one would have aired like
Honestly it might not even be on Japanese Netflix yet either.
It is running in a television slot.
Ah, roger doger.

Either way the first episode came out on the eighth.
Kirara πŸ„
They always are.
Netflix anime are published weekly in Japan on Netflix in addition to having TV spots.
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japs are weirdly always ahead and behind in technology and times
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I wonder if they are seeing how much hype there would be for camping s2 with the heya camp
or they had enough time on their hands to do it
so I guess it is just extra content in the meanwhile

guess it was super poplar in japan too
They've already greenlit a movie and season two.
Kirara πŸ„
Right. They announced the short, movie, and S2 at the same time.
So it'll be nice.
The short series has the benefit of keeping the series in the public consciousness.
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Cause it is a still dead manga in terms of scans, which is weird

>kirara scantasia
I blame you krrr
Kirara πŸ„
Yuru Camp is constantly releasing new collabs with camping gear companies.
I've picked up a few things, like a stuff bag.
Oh right
they stopped doing it when it got an official english release
they have 7 volumes done already

I kinda want them
Have you already stuffed your stuff bag
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Those 3 volumes of yuru camp I own are comfortably sitting on my shelf
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I wonder how much manga I would own, if I didn't have to buy it for extortion prices.
Kirara πŸ„
Studies in Japanese markets show that reducing the prices of goods doesn't result in a significantly large increase in sales and typically lowers profits
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Well same doesn't apply here, though
I pay your price +1-5€ in € for each volume of manga
so say a book is 10 dollars
it is 13€ for me
that would be like 15-17 dollars
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Oh yeah
I stopped using finnish big bookstores for a good reason
their netsites are cancer
Kirara πŸ„
Search [iqdb] (474 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Show By Rock!! (…).jpg)
The same is probably true anywhere.
Weeb shit isn't as shameful anymore, but it's still extremely niche outside of the major shonen series.
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Finnish manga is cheap, but it is quite limited to main stream stuff, and the translations are usually
good finnish writing and knowing japanese don't go hand in hand
Search [iqdb] (20 KB, 145x133, Poisongirl (529).png)
and for some reason, the big stores kinda stopped dealing in manga
I guess it wasn't profitable enough

I used to buy entire series basically from one or the other two big bookstores here
but then they just stopped doing basically "order through us from the original publisher" stuff and
well, no more affirdable manga
there havn't been translations since a year ago since it got official
is my point
last translated chapter is vol 3
Want me to check if its on madokami?
Madokami has English ebook rips, baka.
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I don't pirate manga
But anime and videogames are okay?
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and if anime was properly localised here and aired on services or sold in stores for a reasonable price
I wouldn't pirate them

I only pirate games I wanna try before buying
or that are priced like 300€ to buy fully
like warhammer 2
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Didn't you say you didn't want to pay extortion prices for manga
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Which is why I read fantls
Well, it's your decision.
Kirara πŸ„
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PK wants to buy manga, but he wants to buy it at a reasonable price.
I don't see what's weird about that.
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Whole of 42 volumes of dragonball cost me like
and were excellently actually FINNISHED
translated to spoken finnish
with >>791620
Buy ebooks
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Nothing too weird but I thought it was funny to see the "I don't pirate manga" part followed by "I'm fine with pirating anime since I can't buy it for a reasonable price"
Kirara πŸ„
If I were buying manga, I sure wouldn't buy it digitally.
Well, I do buy manga, and never buy it digitally.
It's affordable bro
I don't either
It's a scam
I bought one manga ebook once for a comic I really wanted to read and didn't want to pay like $20 for shipping from japan.
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I might buy a LN e-book
but not a manga
LNs I btw do pirate, like youjo senki
but that doesn't mean I won't buy them eventually when I can afford them with no issues
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Generally speaking at some point in life, I will buy every book and movie I have liked that I don't legally own

just as a principle collector
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Y'all should make some shitposts and get people to make cool mixes with them.
IT seems to work out really well
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also at the moment I can buy maybe 50 books and then I need a new bookshelf
maybe less
and I don't have wallspace really for more bookshelves
I think I had 10 boxes of just books and movies and cds at this point
Eventually by like retirement ages, I will have one appartment for living and one for my books
Kirara πŸ„
Search [iqdb] (495 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Show By Rock!! (…).jpg)
I've turned my phone on maybe five times in the past two days because I've been leaving it off, and every single time, I get notifications for like five new emails from work and three texts from people at work, asking me questions as if I'd answer them. None of them know I went home sick. The only people in the world who know I'm not at that monastery are y'all, a delivery guy, and some folks on twitter.
Why've they gotta be trying to send me shit when they should know I can't answer? It's shit they want answers for, like, today. Good luck with that.
Probably an instilled notion of "If I'm connected to my workspace through email and my phone 24/7, everyone else is too".
They might know you're not available and if they stopped to think about it, it would make sense to not send off the message.
But by this point it's more automatic to send it off than to not.

Also alternatively if they do it immediately they don't have to risk forgetting to send it off once you're back.
Samu πŸ”© !KW2DbpWwls
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>one of the warmest and least snow winters in the south
>most snow ever measured in the north
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You always notice how much it actually rains here during winter, when it all comes as rain

so did you go home to get better from your flu?
and how is that mats?
Kirara πŸ„
Search [iqdb] (503 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Show By Rock!! (…).jpg)
Someone even texted me, asking if I would cover a group for them.
I sent a companywide email telling everyone I wouldn't be answering any emails, calls, or texts from 8th-12th! And I reminded everyone in the work groupchat, too!
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Considering your future, if you don't get a work phone
you might want to get a work contract and a private contract
hell with modern phones you can have two sims in one phone, if you don't want two phones

most of my IT relatives do that, since they have 0% interest in answering their work shit off time
Kirara πŸ„
Search [iqdb] (544 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Show By Rock!! (…).jpg)
Well, it's a little complicated because my colleagues at work are also friends.
So I can't regulate them to a work phone.
I do have a work number for clients, though.
It's the one that ends with IDOL.
delicious peasoup

now I need to just reduce it
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when does OSO get an anime?
Samu πŸ”© !KW2DbpWwls
The Idol At Work Who's Indispensable Took A Vacation And Now I Have To Make Decisions On My Own, Kyaa!
a hit manga from mangat ime kirara
Kirara πŸ„
Search [iqdb] (432 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Heya Camp - 01 (…).jpg)
I was worried about how my clients would do without me but they all actually listened to me and haven't tried to reach me!
I did a lot of prep work to make sure everything would run smoothly without me - spent extra hours on Tuesday preparing everything I usually do on Friday so that people could easily finish it. But it's my colleagues who can't function without me!

I like to think so. I work really hard for them if I see they're working hard.
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Your clients clearly respect you a lot
a good thing
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So how is your cancer killing flu going
puking blood?
Kirara πŸ„
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Luckily I have the best anti-nausea medication in the world so no more vomiting.
But still feeling ill. Headaches, weakness, etc.
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Samu πŸ”© !KW2DbpWwls
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eat this deli sanwich or die trying
what medicine is that
that is too much meat
it will be so dry
and that bread looks dry as fuck too
Kirara πŸ„
Search [iqdb] (504 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Show By Rock!! (…).jpg)
The thing I'm looking forward to most next week about traveling is trying local food.
Small rural towns always have great places to eat.

Zofran, yo
that couldnt possibly be multiple pickles in front of you is it those are like cucumbers
Samu πŸ”© !KW2DbpWwls
it's too fatty to be dry
quite fresh really
Samu πŸ”© !KW2DbpWwls
yea dill pickles and a kosher pickle
this is from a few days ago
we also ordered latkes
overall it was a delicious mistake and we had to leave half behind
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make sure you are well enough or drugged enough for the flight
tho it prolly isn't that long a flight anyhow

it always makes me think a moment about US domestic flights
since they can be as long as flying from here to say portugal
just barely lift off before landing
im crying
Kirara πŸ„
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It's the best.

I think my longest flight is 6 hours. Only like 4 hours of flight time, though.
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I have actually flown domestic twice
from helsinki to oulu and helsinki to rovaniemi
you barely have tiem to get comfortable before you land

I mean it is 1000 kms give or take, but still
it gets cleared instantly in the air

my longest has been to said portugal which is
that was to the winnipeg or whatever?
Kirara πŸ„
Search [iqdb] (526 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Show By Rock!! (…).jpg)
I'm flying Orlando -> Wichita, then Wichita -> Spokane, then Spokane -> Orlando.

They're all rather long flights, unfortunately.
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that is a lot of jumping
I have no idea where spokane is
and what it is like
but based on the name I'd like to live there
Samu πŸ”© !KW2DbpWwls
taste the happy tears michael
oh wow
it is in the actual washington
you sure are flying far
Kirara πŸ„
Search [iqdb] (482 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Show By Rock!! (…).jpg)
I'm headed to Wenatachee, Washington.
The middle of nowhere of Washington!
I was like "wichita, that is somewehre in midwest I think"
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Washington would prolly be nice to live
it has low popualtion with lots of forests I think

Kirara πŸ„
Search [iqdb] (541 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Show By Rock!! (…).jpg)
Washington will be my first time actually being surrounded by snow unless you count the top of Pike's Peak.

Probably not.
Not unless I decide to go to Seattle, and that's a big city, so I probably won't.
do you get to see pacific?
5~ hours helsinki-lissabon in modern times
I think it was 6 hours when I was a kid when we flew there

it is bit weird how good flyers me and my brother were as kids
Samu πŸ”© !KW2DbpWwls
sea AT tle
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I wish I was surrounded by snow

today was a white day
all the rain from earlier got frozen overnight for the day due to dip into -10
and it looked like someone hadu sed some ice magic skill on the land
but it started raining already

we went from like -10 to +10 by tomorrow

this is a weird winter
but atleast it isn't slippery as fuck, so I am not annoyed that much
and it isn't muddy, it is too cold for mud to form, so that is a bonus too

Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I should obtain melatonin to increase my sleep powers
Kirara πŸ„
Search [iqdb] (533 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Show By Rock!! (…).jpg)
I just hope there won't be ice on the roads because I've never driven on ice.

Melatonin helps with more than just resetting circadian rhythm!

People with medical problems are the ones who benefit from it most.
And psychological problems.
It helps me sleep despite my PTSD and stuff.

I take 20-30mg.
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I don't personally see anymore point to melatonin, unless you need to fight jetlag due to travel or jetlag due to fucked up sleep rythms

i do know it works, but I have passed the need for it apparently, due to having so good sleeping situation
all hail canopy bed with blinds
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oh yeah ton still prolly has some meds going on

but god everyone should have blinds or curtains to make their sleeping area completely dark
either total black out curtains on the window
or blinds/curtains surrounding their bed

I don't really mind sunlight that much, but LIGHT POLLUTION is a bitch at times

especially since I have a light post right outside my window

but in general I sleep a lot better because I have such a good mattress now
I slept a week or so on my old bed, and noticed a clear downspike in my sleep quality
Kirara πŸ„
Search [iqdb] (351 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Koisuru Asteroi(…).jpg)
I have to wear a sleeping mask because I can't put up blackout curtains and my blinds are super cheap.
i go to sleep watching videos so light doesnt bother me
Kirara πŸ„
i mean, it still fucks with your sleep even if you can go to sleep
idk i always feel fine maybe i am master sleeper
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Well does the monitor/phone go off eventually when you fall asleep?
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should set it up so
just to test it out
Well we tried last time we were in Philly but the weather was being LAME.
Samu πŸ”© !KW2DbpWwls
i been using chess videos as ASMR to drift off to
Samu πŸ”© !KW2DbpWwls
weird winter here too
super mild
so far at least
I actually unironically quite oft fall asleep to japanese ear cleaning asmr
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due to ice sea and scandinavian range, finland is basically 2 weather fronts, so shit can get weird here
I think great lake region has some similiar shit there
Yeah been pretty warm here too.
Got a bit of snow dumped on us earlier in the week but it's all melted now.
I really like the picture of average January or so temperatures across North America, and as you would expect there's a pretty consistent gradiation as you move northwards from the equator with temperatures getting colder and colder.
But then there's this huge BLOB around the Great Lakes of noticeably warmer temperatures.
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Well there has been like
5 good(ish) winters in a row
I think next 5 will be shitty

that is how I have noticed the overall pattern to be
Kirara πŸ„
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Winter's been way colder than normal this year here.
It's been nice!
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But I have noticed, when I sometimes have myhead full of shit
easiest way to sleep is open up some long video game thing
strategy game usually
with some guy who treats them as a kind of half podcast too, so minimal editing or memes etc

and then just have that on your phone
and start watching
eventually your brain just passivates and you drone out to sleep
just have to at some point get a proper sleeping position or you can wake up with painfully blood derived arm or cranky neck a few hours later
Such is water

which is why I do consider, if weather is clear enough and there isn't insane wind
the cape near me, porkkalanniemi, as a good winter camp site
since it never gets colder than the sea, unless the sea is fully frozen
Kirara πŸ„
Search [iqdb] (466 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Heya Camp - 01 (…).jpg)
It'll be -1c when I'm in Washington.
That's the coldest weather I've ever been in!

Can I just wear my jeans in that? Do I need long underwear?
Samu πŸ”© !KW2DbpWwls
yup that's me w chess or like strategy games like Oxygen Not Included
Eh, you'll be fine.
Like maybe since you're skinny/lean you might find your legs'll get a bit cool but jeans are more than enough for that kind of weather.
Just the act of walking from place to place is good for keeping legs warm.
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my go to is either lowko's starctaft casts
or arch warhammers whatever strat game
both have a voice that even if they get mad or excited never kinda alarms you
Samu πŸ”© !KW2DbpWwls
he is a funny guy
been listening to eric rosen for ASMR purposes tho
where is agadmator actually from
some eastern european
Jeans are fine in that
Just wear jeans and a jumper
Samu πŸ”© !KW2DbpWwls
i would guess russia
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I would actually guess balkans
or ukraine

but I damn much like some of the slavic tubers
they just have a fun perspective on life and ererything
like the gods gift from soviet union
Kirara πŸ„
Search [iqdb] (432 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Heya Camp - 01 (…).jpg)
I thought as much!
Samu πŸ”© !KW2DbpWwls
if you have thin walled skinny jeans you may prefer to wear long underwear, otherwise the gas envelope will be sufficient
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if you want to be comfy put on long underwear
but make sure they are the type that doesn't get nasty in-doors

I would recommend having bit too much on always
than too little

I put on long pants quite oft when it gets 0
just because I find them comfty
but like >>791707, I can do like -10 to 20 with just boxers and jeans/linen/whatever straight pants if I want to
but I do always dress for the weather, if I know I am going to spend or possibly spend more than few moments outside

even a +/-0 with just boxers and jeans, can become damn annoyingly cold when it is windy

and if you are in motion and your socks aren't long enough, it will actually let the breeze get into your calves and ankles through the ... sleev?
of the pants

socks are important
I go around in like -10C weather with fairly thin linen pants and I don't notice I'm cold until I'm standing still.
Cold isn't really all that cold as long as you're dry and in motion.
Though to be fair flying from Florida to that weather might throw you off a bit.
Kirara πŸ„
Search [iqdb] (441 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Magia Record - (…).jpg)
I wonder if there will be wind.

Oh, it'll be -8C one of the days I'm there.
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if you have the time
tfw waiting for Magia Record episode 2
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no cotton socks btw
Don't listen to him cotton socks are FINE.
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they get sweaty and then get cold
and never dry up
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when lindy here says the army part he is right
we had nothing cotton save for t-shirts in the army gear
and the tovels
the anti-dry towels
the towels with 0% sucking ability, but once they somehow got wet
they never dried
Kirara πŸ„
Search [iqdb] (437 KB, 1280x720, [FFF] Sekai Seifuku ~Bouryaku (…).jpg)
It's generally a mistake to use cotton socks for hiking or anything like that regardless of the temperature.

Most of my socks are actually silk. The ones I wear regularly.
But those aren't going to keep me warm.
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Hiking tips are good for cold tips too
they share the same principle and you ahve hiking experience, tho not in cold temperatures that much.
well if you don't have time or energy to get wool socks
silk on bottom, cotton on top works too
depends really on how much you spend outside

the bigger issue is simply how much time you spend outside
have you never worn marino wool socks
or proper hiking socks?

they are all wool
Wool is the worst for socks.
All that scratchy wool is way too much for how sensitive my feet are.
Kirara πŸ„
Search [iqdb] (489 KB, 1280x720, [FFF] Sekai Seifuku ~Bouryaku (…).jpg)
I have wool socks that are pretty comfy.
They're noticeably thicker than my usual socks but I've never struggled with them.
They're the socks I hiked in when I was in Utah with Jan.
Why would I buy proper hiking socks when I've never had any problems with the generic socks I own?

Merino wool is relatively uncommon and again, generic socks have served me fine.
When I talk about wool for clothes fabrics I'm pretty obviously talking about sheep's wool, since that's the standard source of the wool.
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cause you go on 10-20 km walks or more?
I have easily walked that comfortably in generic socks.
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But yeah I do have finnish bias
our stuff is geared towards us, and we like wool

hell 85% of our male population has been trained in winter hiking survival
and taking military outside of it, we have like 40% of population as "beeni in scouts for several years or is still in scouts"

I don't always realise how much our militaristic society influences my thinking
I mean I come from a family big on country hiking and did five or six years of our pre-Scouts organization.
Don't have patience for the military culture part of it but I'm more than familiar with how to not immediately die in the winter environment.
should serve you fine
but if you ever do start to feel chill in your toes
and can notice by wiggling them around that they are sweaty and/or the socks are wet
try to get into warm immediately

you might not notice it, but that will start to chill you damn much, tho risk of any actual frost bite etc is nill
but just chilly toes can lead into a flu, atleast in my experience, if you don't then properly get warmed up later
well to be fair, regular stuff does work
have used it myself in the past a lot too

but as I started getting older and bought my own shit, I started to listen to my father, who is a hiking expert - fucker actually became a "licensed hiking guide" or something during one summer - and my military leaders, and have noticed that wool is indeed best foot wear
ofc if your feet don't agree with wool, then they don't agree with wool, and then you can try the synthetic stuff, silk and so on

I generally don't recommend cotton
I oneday will want to remove all cotton from my clothing.
It just gets wet from even tiniest amount of sweat
Kirara πŸ„
Search [iqdb] (554 KB, 1280x720, [FFF] Sekai Seifuku ~Bouryaku (…).jpg)
Everything I know about hiking and survival, I had to learn on my own.
But I think I'm pretty good at survival overall.
The funny thing about thicker socks in general for me though, is that I actually wear through them faster.
Since I've got a habit of grinding my heel into the sole of whatever I'm wearing.
Something about the material of thicker socks wears through much faster than cotton.
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not gonna be arrogant here, since I am a general noob level, but don't go trying arctic survival before learning about it, tho
frostbites aren't fun
It's okay Kirara's played The Long Dark he's pretty much an expert.
Kirara πŸ„
Search [iqdb] (461 KB, 1280x720, [FFF] Sekai Seifuku ~Bouryaku (…).jpg)
Oh, I'm not going to do anything crazy.
I'm probably not even going to do hiking.
I'm just going to do some minor exploring and try to get a feel for moving around in snow and how snow affects me.
When I do some snow hiking or camping, I won't do it alone for the first time. I'll take someone experienced with me.
that game actually does teach you a lot
It does but it also makes very clear as it's loading that it's NOT EDUCATIONAL MATERIAL hah hah
I'm just being silly.
Conceptually it has some good survival lessons though, yeah.
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wool socks do wear quickly
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but those have prolly done maybe
since they are most likely more than 5 year old socks
if not more
Have you done any tobogganing ever?
That's a fun part of winter to experience a few times even as an adult.
Especially if you've never done it before.
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just remember what I said about "cold toes"
even I forget it at times and then get annoyed about it later when I get the repercussions
Kirara πŸ„
Search [iqdb] (28 KB, 374x380, [HorribleSubs] Boku no Hero Ac(…).jpg)
This will be my first time in a snowy landscape other than Pike's Peak which is on the tip top of a mountain and that was only for an hour or two.
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Sledding is the best
>carmageddon style sledding on the big wheeled tripod ones down a fucking huge hill
>no one got injured
There's a good hill for tobogganing at our new cottage you should come by in the winter and try it out.
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sportscars of kids

or then when you found a giant carton billboard
and then use it to slide down a hill with 10 people
Eh you try them like two or three times and then you go back to the plastic sleds or carpets.

I don't want to ram I want to go FAST
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Well we want to go fast and ram someone
you lost if you just got down first with 0 kills
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and then someone started bleeding and we all escorted them back to home
and that was the end of that sledding

good ol days

finnish kids are weird
sledding is damn good exercise tho
you go down in like
well say it is a 100 metre hill, 30 seconds odd
but you then climb it up 2-5 mins
and then you repeat that like 20-50 times

no wonder child obesity levels here were like 0, atleast during my youth
Well it's the same with alpine snowboarding.
I guess alpine skiing too but skiing is a workout regardless.
But you go down the hill with your snowboard and then you have to buckle out a boot and sorta limp your way around the base of the ski hill to get to the lift again.
I swear I got more of a workout doing that than any winter activity I've done before or after.

Honestly one of the lesser reasons I wanna do it again.
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also, i ain't saying there weren't fat kids, just that here weren't obese kids

I can't wait for the muscle pains on the parts of my legs I havn't used in a year if I get to do it this year
rich dad, pls arrange a week long trip to some northern site for once

I don't think we will get any of the southern centres open this winter
they are all going 100% panic mode, since all of them are bleeding red due to 0 open hours so far
Kirara πŸ„
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I'm really more of an explorey kind of person than a sporty person.
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>walk up the hill with alpine skii/snowboard
u wot
ski-lifts man

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I hate sports in general, but I love winter sports
then you lack skill
you clearly need to get and keep momentum all the way to the lift
and then do a stop

I never liked idea of snowboarding

and whenever I have to see a snowboarder do the weird shuffle to the lift, I am like "hahaa I have sticks to skii with"

alpine skiis aren't the best to regular skii with, but they do work
>sorta limp your way around the base of the ski hill
>to get to the lift again
>the lift again
>the lift
exploration bestploration
I've never liked the idea of skiing so it's fair.

If I always follow the ski trails to the lifts it severely limits the choice of trails I can pick from. Hills branch out trails pretty extensively here and I can end up hitting the base of the hill quite far from the lift I started from.
Some times I'll try to chain from lift to lift but again, that limits the choice of trails I can pick from, and some times I also just want to impulsively turn down a trail I see come up halfway down the hill and see where it goes.

The shuffle's not so bad anyway, plus it's fun to build up a bit of speed and coast.
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I was basically born with skiis on
my mother took us cross country skii-ing when I was like
2 or 3
and it was a damn good family activity
she got exercise while keeping an eye on the kids

I still love cross country skii-ing the most
but ofc alpine is damn more exciting
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I used to do custom routes younger, but few bad runs later - I am damn stupid at times and doesn't help when you combine it with an equally stupid, but more reckless aniki alongside, and the end result was pain - so I don't do them nowadays

I do still do stupid shit
like trying to imitate olympic alpine skii-ers on a slope that is too steep to do that kinda shit, and is 100% frozen over due to sun melting it and then it freezing over again, so there is no friction or grip to slow yourself down
I go rolling down

atleast I am good at falling

only have gotten injured once, and it was a thumb for some reason
I think even with alpine skiing and snowboarding, it can be a pretty fun explorative activity than a sporty one.
Like there's the big, wide trails to go down which are more sport-oriented.
But ski hills will have a lot of smaller, snakier trails that weave through the forests on the mountainside, or will outright be glade skiing, barely a detectable trail, just a lot of narrow, person-wide spaces between the trees that you have to curve agily through.
One of the coolest experiences I had was a lift that took me pretty much to the mountain's peak and then a trail that went through a sparse forest that had been absolutely blasted with ice and snow so all the trees were these white pillars with spines.
Despite the nuisance of getting up there I did that route like three or four times because of how cool it was.
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Weirdest part is, I don't even remember how I got hurt
I think I fell, andm y thumb got stuck in some hole, right hand thumb
and soemhow twisted

I nor my pop thought it was bad enough to get a doctor to see it, but I was unable to write with that hand proper for a week or so

had it bandaged over, so I didn't even accidentally move it, since it was strained or something

found a way to stuck a pencil in the bandage so I could still write, tho
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>tfw I could live in a 2-3x bigger appartment for the same or less price at a literal walking distance away from some 500m-1km long slopes if I moved northern
maybe I will
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>tfw my brain translates "5km to a shop" was walking distance now
now it actually is rebotherting me that I can't remember the exact details of the thumb injury
I have so good near crystal clear memory of most of my life, especially when I start thinking about some particular thing
but that one is a damn blur

I remember that I was skii-ing
and then it is me with a bandage on my right arm, that I wrapped around it myself to keep the thumb in one spot

I don't have any memory of showing it to any doctor or nurse
not even school nurse
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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skyrim is a hell of a drug
have you tried the free fanmade total conversion mod?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
of what
of skyrim
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
what's being converted
Kirara πŸ„
sometimes steam can get derpessing when you look at a random game "the fuck is this"
"3 friends have played it"
2 of them are dead

no wonder mats doesn't like steam
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh you mean enderal?
I tried it a long time ago and didn't like it
Kirara πŸ„
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Yeah, that's my problem with Steam.
when you asked me the question I didn't answer it since it was obvious and yeah
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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yeah that
one of my friends recommended the shit out of it
>long time ago
it came out last year on februrary
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
that's when likie a full release was or so
on steam right?
I played it back when you coudl download it as a mod
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well it prolly got a better from that

I might actually move my skyrim to my laptop once I upgrade the SSD
load times are cancer

or maybe i will finish my playthrough
30 hours or so and it shouldb e done + crashes and loadtimes
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the legendary difficulty is still so stupid unless you really mod the shit out of it
>one spell on you
happens way too many times
I think the AI also gets some of the stupid master buffs that I have
the 200% dmg on next spell cast
and then addi n the legendary what
200% boost to that and well

what u gonna do?

maybe I should amke some item with 50% + magic resistance

I wish I could autism enchant+alchemy+smith the shit out of the game lik you could in vanilla

good old +infinity swords
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and I do mean that
I spent 2 real life hours
going from alchemy+enchanting+smithing
to get like 1% enchanting buff, 1% alchemy buff, 1% smithing buff higher
untill it stopped improving like every 10 rotations

and then I had gear that had higher buffs than the devs imagined you could have
mods man
Kirara πŸ„
i am surprised people are still playing skyrim
the game is like 10+ years old and is not very good
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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it is not a particularly great game but it can be very entertaining.
mod creators do help
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it is a damn solid time sink at times

and you tend tog et attached to your character
ton is so attached he brings them to his 13th age campaigns
Kirara πŸ„
i don't remember a single skyrim character i made
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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other way around PK
Charlotte existed way before I put her in skyrim
the only thing i remember about any of my skyrim characters is that no matter how they start they always turn into stealth archer
There also hasn't really been a new fantasy life game like Skyrim since, well, Skyrim.
Sure it's a buggy mess with stiff interfaces, but no other game since it fills that niche of a personalized fantasy world you can live in.
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I always end up double wielding swords
just ends up that way

and using summoning and destruction

I sometimes try to go out of my way to use alteration, illusion etc in combat
butn ah
lightning and soul steal
and necromancy
lots of lovely skeletons
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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meat gave me a fantasy game I probably should be playing instead but
I started making this soup like
3 hours ago
worth it
Hand to hand combat in the game is one of the most un-fun parts of Skyrim.
No wonder everyone ends up shifting to stealth archery.
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All I really ask, is that it crashed a lot less

sure you could do that by opening one of the script editors and deleting some double issues etc
btu that is like
easily several hours worth of work
not to metnion knowing which one to remove and which not

and you'd still have the game crash, because it doesn't handle memory that well

mods just make the memory issues more blatant
with the mods I have rn
it makes it damn fun to side step, slow mod dodge and do 0 dmg parries when dualwielding

but yeah, basegame the melee in skyrim and oblivioun too
is fucking cancer
Kirara πŸ„
Todd is still in charge somehow, right?
Of Bethesda in general, yeah, I think so.
But I doubt they've even broken ground on ESVI since they're working on Starfield.
Maybe he'll get chased out for fumbling that.
Todd is Godd
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Doesn't he also own a chunk of the company?
also doesn't bethesda own/publish some other studios
for example Doom16 and coming Doom eternity are going to be big profits for them
Bethesda as a production company and Bethesda as a development studio aren't quite the same thing.
I'm not sure where Todd stands in the production hierarchy, but I think he's the overall lead for the development studio.
Kirara πŸ„
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With all of Bethesda's recent mediocre releases, I don't think Todd can possibly be gotten rid of or he would have already. He's shown himself more-or-less incapable of running the company.
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But he is basically Steve Jobs of Bethesda
even if it would make sense to remove him, do they dare to?

maybe they will give him a one more try

tha fallout 76 was a big plunder tho
I mean your analogy is kinda faulty because Apple DID remove Jobs.
Samu πŸ”© !KW2DbpWwls
i still havent played skyrim

i got the VR edition but it's a buggy mess at least on my machine

i did try playing the witcher recently and it's like throwing way too many fetch quests and shit at me so i stopped
I just mean how much of bethesda's image is tied to the single man
just like when apple actually became big
it was tied to steve jobbs
and I mean the phone era

not the..late 80s when they booted jobs
Kirara πŸ„
any reasonably company would have ousted him for fallout 76
but they allow him to continue making a mess of it time and time again
and allow him to continue failing
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I think they simply said are too afraid to kick the public head of the company out
even if it makes sense.
Or that is my 5 cents
I was hoping I could get home with my pizza before this rain started but I've still got the whole walk home.
Kirara πŸ„
i doubt most people who play games actually know who todd is
unlike steve jobs who has been a household name for some time
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I don't know
Bethesda games are more gamer culture dipped
than say CoD etc

and well of course all the public relation people,. namely the journalists etc, know and make fun of and also sometimes still love good old Deceiver Todd
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Well gamer culture maybe isn't the right word?
internet culture is more apt maybe
Todd's done a really good job of protecting his pubb
public image.
Like despite spearheading some really awful design choices for Bethesda, he always comes across as an affable, kinda doofu guy just making games, always ready with a clean, wordy-but-meaningless statement to give to the press.
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Todd isn't bad, but he is there alongside molyneux and what is that Pixels are Life I know actress
quantum dream guy?
the guy behind Become Human and the other "movie games"

not bad as a head of projects, but at the same time they always just try to do way more than they and their team are capable of and also tell the public their "ambitions" without actually saying those are ambitions and not features.

The No Man's Sky guy fell into this trap, but actually delivered
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isn't he also quite young
like 40?
and he clearly is a gamer who became the head of a gaming studio
ofc, he is older gen than us, but still
that is relatable to the people who follow the studios and their doings
also the fact that he is "todd"
to everyone
not Todd Howard
or Howard

so we are all first name basis with him
He's Todd Howard to me
Todd Coward
odd Howard (born 1969 or 1970)[
Kirara πŸ„
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Fraud Coward.

He sold his soul for power and influence.
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Maybe the people spending money on Fallout 76 just deserve to get fleeced
Like it's a lesson on spending choices

I don't think Trudeau is really that popular anymore

Can you imagine being a whale for Fallout 76
Like one of those people who not only bought the game at launch, but continue to spend money on it
It's one thing to get feleced at the start, but to then continue spending money in spite of everything

oh okay
I'll take the Canadians word for it
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also the guy has the same thing as that
candian prime minister

he is decent and friendly looking enough, that people don't get that mad at him just on that basis.
Kirara πŸ„
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I mean, if you trusted Todd and bought 76, it's not a problem of spending choices, it's a problem of poor judgement.
Here's a man who has consistently sold a false bill of goods, and he offers you a gold pocketwatch and you buy it without realizing, once again, it's plastic.
But you get what i mean, right?
Trudeau is still plenty popular, it's just most people aren't voting for him just because he's hot and young anymore.
Which is an improvement in my opinion.
I would say his gold watches were like
85% gold for oblivion
50% gold for skyrim
25% gold for fall out 4
and 0% gold, but atleast still made out of brass/fool's gold
Kirara πŸ„
>Several promotional facets of Fallout 76 failed to meet original expectations, further marring the game's reception. As part of the game's premium physical content, the promotional canvas bag and an alcoholic beverage bottle were found to not match the original product descriptions as shipped, with Bethesda having to take post-release steps to resolve the matter,[501][502] while thousands of Fallout-themed helmets were recalled due to containing dangerous levels of mold.[503][504]
wait, mold? lmao i didn't hear that one
i thought they were just really low quality
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Remember there was that glitch with buying Fallout First where other players could steal from your inventory.
Paying for a bigger inventory just to have others steal all your items lol.

That's even worse
Fallout 76 has so many bugs I'm probably mixing two of them up

I'd wager it's probably the animators. Some of them don't even meet min wage and they work stupidly long hours.
Kirara πŸ„
i thought it was that if you put stuff in the premium storage, it just disappeared completely
from the game
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I have a feeling that many bethesda employes who could actuall do shit
left the company

or were laid off, since this is the fucking video game industry
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between japanimators and video game developers, you have to wonder who has it worst

video game developers atleast have high wages, even if they are underpaid for their actual given hours
but that does get them nowhere, when most studios are based in FUCKING EXPENSIVE SILICON VALLEY
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yeah gotta agree

game devs atleast get good wages on average, there are shti cases ofc, but the shit cases of animators are even worse

shit job, but good wage does afterall give you a good chunk of money
but shit job, shit wage, gives you just stress related early aging
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How steady is the average Japanese animators job security anyway?
Kirara πŸ„
It's reliable work but it's seriously underpaid.
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there are only few decent studios and even they don't properly compensate them, if you would say give them the same salary as the average salaryman
Samu πŸ”© !KW2DbpWwls
i don't think most studios are in silicon valley, not game ones
it's way too expensive of a job market and not enough talent is available
game stydios are in other big cities and like suburbs all over
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I don't actually know
the finnish game studios are in relatively expensive business parks atleast

but I am too lazy to actually check up, since it would require you to look up their branch offices
since their HQ might bei n silicon valley, but that might just be the higher ups
Kirara πŸ„
i miss the days when video games were designed in some bucktooth pocketprotector nerd's mom's garage
Montreal's a popular place to set up development studios.
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many studios have "analyzed" their product to a fine degree
and now are producing a tasty paste of what they think their fans want
Well a lot of indie games come out of some random bloke's office or bedroom.
Kirara πŸ„
i should start saying bloke
it's a fine word
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it is a damn solid word
I do like lad/lass more, tho
that's Australian cultural appropriation thank you
originated from england tho
Kirara πŸ„
oi, my grandparents lived in england for years my grandmother is descended from wales and also they went to australia at least three times
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Any action taken against the British is good though
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I wanna visit wales
I hear they have a ton of castles in good shape there still
You're part whale?
Yeah man haven't you seen his mobage obsession.
why do you think he played gbf, kancolle and so on
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
someday I will be this strong
Kirara doesn't spend that much on mobage does he
He probably hasn't even broken $100
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He did when he had the time
but I don't think he ever spent money, tho
but time he did
Kirara πŸ„
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No I never spent too much money.
Maybe $100 in the last 8 years? $200 at the absolute most?

And most of the time when I make purchases in mobage, I used google credits from play gift cards that I couldn't do shit else with.
Yeah, of course.
He's only part-Whale after all.
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biggest whale of /moe/ is prolly ton
ton or marsh
probably ton
like 99% ton
How much does ToN actually spend I thought he cut way back

>gift cards
all that wasted cardboard and plastic

god bless
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
absolutely ton
he spends kirara's total monthly
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
that's not true at least
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But I do remember you blowing some 200 dollaroos at once
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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300 actually.
theres a tornado coming toward my city
Kirara πŸ„
well technically it was like gift card codes

is it big?
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I think in €s
Are you gonna chase it>
wow you could own a switch right now if not for that
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Why is € the world's most "valuable" currency anyhow?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
but I do own a switch
but he owns a switch?
Kirara πŸ„
yeah he owns a switch
well you could own another Switch
i dunno
behind british pound
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
shit you're right I could have a homebrew switch and pirate pokemon
Kirara πŸ„
are you safe
have you heard of the latest system they ported skyrim to
are you gonna fight it
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btw here is a fun fact about spending money needlessly
I was gonna buy ton a christmas gift on steam
but he had no wishlist
not sure yet
i think so
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
which one bluester
with what
my panache
suplex that bitch
Kirara πŸ„
are you scared?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh right I saw that
thank you for the sick rts
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
here PK for all your villain takahiro sakurai needs
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One of the characters in chinacampaign is basically voiced by takahiro sakurai

I am actually depating with myself to add a
>voiced by:
to each of the npcs
good morning everybody
and a healthy dose of whim and foppery right
Kirara πŸ„
it''s 7pm
Kirara πŸ„
what if it sucks you up and you land on someone's beach
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who would voice Owari?
or Kaise?
ill kill them
Kirara πŸ„
what if it was my beach
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What if you eat the tornado?
i might have to kill you
i dont want to be stranded on the beach
Good morning Blue.
Watch Eizouken
Kirara πŸ„
owari was written with Hiroya Ishimaru has VA in mind

we can go back home together
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I don't think I ever had a voice for inari in mind
Kirara πŸ„
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I've been having weird dreams lately.
There's a big metal structure that I'm climbing. It's always the same structure even though the dreams are all different.
It's got a lot of, like, grated walkways.
And I don't know why I'm climbing it, but it's difficult to climb, I have to do a lot of jumps and puzzle solving to get up.
I think most amusing would be for someone like this guy voicing inari
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if it was me, I'd prolly just go like "fuck this, wake up time"
and then go to asleep again and switch scenes
Kirara πŸ„
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Even if I wake up and go back to sleep, I'm still climbing it.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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must be nice being able to lucid dream
Catherine vibes
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most useful skill I have picked up is that indeed
being able to just go "nope, wake up and resleep"
I can do it at will whenever I feel like nowadays
well that is good
looks like its gonna go north of me probably
Kirara πŸ„
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Only because of the climbing.
Everyone else I see in the dreams looks normal, and if I fall, I'm usually okay. I only go down one or two floors. Nothing's chasing me. It's not nightmarish at all.
I just have to climb, so I climb.
its so you can place a zip-line
Kirara πŸ„
my network of ziplines is soooo big
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who the fucka ctually knows about dreams
and usually if someone says they do, they lie
Kirara πŸ„
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I am actually trained in dream analysis and have been paid to do dream analysis.
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I think I just today glanced through an article with headline
>scientist still don't really understand dreams
but I never read the scientist part of it, so it might have been the you know brain analysists
and not your field
nothing is as satisfying as finally being able to zipline up to the first prepper
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I still need to give kirara some dreams
you ever start enjoying your nightmares
I love them

my nightmares are so wild
make the horror moviesp eople produce seem mild

ofc my nightmares rarely have anything to do with my own issues
and if they do, I have my alt+f4 to wake up to escape them
Every nightmare I've had over the last two weeks has been system shock themed it's awesome

you should start writing them down after you wake up
Kirara πŸ„
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Most of the nightmares I have are either of Cecilia dying or of me being in the house I grew up in and there's something outside trying to get in and I'm trying to get prepared for it.
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I tried few times
don't end up anything good with brain still being wonked out

I usually have proper nightmares only when feverish anyhow
Kirara πŸ„
have you made it all the way west yet
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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The bad dreams I have are usually weird in that it seems I've already been through the events that are happening previously and know what's going to happen next.
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If I have an uncomfortable dream, I just wake up from it when I start to dislike it
not like in the "cold sweat damn that was bad dream"
but just
"huh, time to go backt o sleep"
and then I am instantly back to sleep

I really am thankful that i somehow mastered this skill, has gotten me out of nasty dream situations so many times
not yet
i am gonna go to the geologist and paleontologist

i went to the westmost part of central and found some spooky jellyfish
Kirara πŸ„
i wonder if you can make it all the way west before i do next week
i am 110 hours in to the game lol
Kirara πŸ„
i wish i could play games like that haha
i loved death stranding but i'm so story focused i struggle to do all the optional stuff unless it's really interesting
i can't do anything unless i'm doing everything
its impossible
Search [iqdb] (20 KB, 145x133, Poisongirl (529).png)
I have a similiarissue, but only like maybe
75% into the game
after that I just go "time to finish this and do rest later"
Kirara πŸ„
thats why we're the perfect team
Kirara πŸ„
>In the "one-of-a-kind samurai-general-reincarnated-as-a-canine comedy," Nobunaga perishes at Honnouji as in history, and reincarnates in modern-day Japan as a dog named Shinamon. Other Warring States era warlords such as Takeda Shingen eventually join him, also as dogs.
>full series, not shorts
why do you think the latter is
is it because you're always prepping ahead of time for disasters

sounds good to me tbh
Kirara πŸ„
Search [iqdb] (399 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Magia Record - (…).jpg)
I'm not prepping for disasters, I'm always prepping for everything.

But the dreams are likely related to the fact that when I lived there, I was always basically caged. If I did anything, I had to make sure I didn't leave any traces. I had conceal whatever I was doing or did from my mom. So if she ever came home, I had to rush to get everything ready. Even if it was something like me eating a snack, I had to get rid of it and make it look like I had spent the whole time in my room.
Samu πŸ”© !KW2DbpWwls
I'm samurai

but I'm not kono samurai
every time you talk about your mum there's somehow another reason to dislike her even more
Kirara πŸ„
Search [iqdb] (498 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Magia Record - (…).jpg)
She's the monster in my nightmares.
Search [iqdb] (123 KB, 488x362, Poisongirl (702).png)
your "home" life sure was weird
well your mother is something that usually is reserved for fictious horrible step parents
Kirara πŸ„
Search [iqdb] (504 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Magia Record - (…).jpg)
It's not like in stories. She wasn't really outright abusive, usually.
She just refused me any freedom whatsoever. Anything I did, she had to know about. She'd interrogate me and wouldn't leave me alone if she felt I had left any detail out.
Search [iqdb] (69 KB, 247x293, Poisongirl (412).png)
I think that is outright in a way worse than being outright abusive
Kirara πŸ„
Search [iqdb] (441 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Magia Record - (…).jpg)
She's still like that but I can keep her at some distance since I live without her now.
She still tries to do everything she can to control me, though.

The other day, I got mad about it and later she's like "oh, you hate me, don't me? you hate me so much" and obviously i had to say "no ofc not" and she asked why i got mad and i said "i need control over my own life and i react poorly to anyone trying to infringe on that" and she said "i'm the same way!"
so i clarified "i don't need control over anyone else's business but my own" and she said "me neither. i guess that's why we butt heads sometimes!"
and i said "ahaha guess so" and left
I kinda wanna meet her at some point
Samu πŸ”© !KW2DbpWwls
shout out to /r/raisedbynarcissists
this storm is spook
Kirara πŸ„
Search [iqdb] (446 KB, 1280x720, [FFF] Sekai Seifuku ~Bouryaku (…).jpg)
My mother is one of those people with really low charisma but high manipulative ability.
But she's weak to anyone that knows she's manipulative, so if people catch on to her, she immediately turns on them and does everything she can to get rid of them.
She recently destroyed the Orlando chapter of a women's NRA group because its leader failed to show her proper gratitude for something after my mom manipulated her.
Not quite.
She is the leader of another chapter of that group and now she's gaining Orlando's members.
I guess even in her insanity she can some times do good.
Samu πŸ”© !KW2DbpWwls
my business is my own, guess why we butt heads

guess that's*

bigThonk Kappa
Ah oh no
Kirara πŸ„
Search [iqdb] (508 KB, 1280x720, [FFF] Sekai Seifuku ~Bouryaku (…).jpg)
Yeah. She's deeply dangerous and political.
She's like an animal that can only desperately pursue what it wants or needs, but she's smart enough that she doesn't see it in herself and can use manipulation to get it.
She's able to manipulate so easily because she believes all the lies she makes up to justify her behavior towards others.

Probably the reason I'm so good at influencing people is because I had to learn to manipulate so I could out-manipulate her or avoid being manipulated at least.

Right? She completely refused to see the pointed comments I made.

Search [iqdb] (169 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Youjo Senki - 0(…).jpg)
I feel like I would either instantly hate her
or weirdly enough get along with her
Kirara πŸ„
Search [iqdb] (364 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Honzuki no Geko(…).jpg)
I don't think anyone can get along with her for an extended period of time.
She doesn't realize what she's doing even though she's doing it intentionally.
Even if you can respect her ability to manipulate, she'd immediately start trying to manipulate you.

Besides, nobody who knows me well can ever be allowed to meet her without tons of prep work.
I have to brief people on what facts my mom knows about me, the half-truths she knows, and the lies she believes about me. It's a lot of trouble but it's too dangerous to risk her learning anything substantial about me.
mr finnish man i would like you to explain hobby horse competition to me
Search [iqdb] (187 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Youjo Senki - 0(…).jpg)
Search [iqdb] (196 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Youjo Senki - 0(…).jpg)
Oh Oh oh
you mean the stick horses
stick ponies
yes what is up with that
wait a second
I will call PK in peru for this
well it's kind of funny i guess
like hurdles but with horse on stick
Kirara πŸ„
Search [iqdb] (403 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Assassins Pride(…).jpg)
does she know about /moe/
Kirara πŸ„
Search [iqdb] (334 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Assassins Pride(…).jpg)
I've never visited /moe/ on any device she has had access to.
Samu πŸ”© !KW2DbpWwls

Kirara πŸ„
Samu πŸ”© !KW2DbpWwls
*stock anime skewering SFX*
one day you're gonna go on a tinder date and it'll be your mum in a wig asking you weird questions
How cute.
Samu πŸ”© !KW2DbpWwls
Kirara πŸ„
Search [iqdb] (481 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Watashi, Nouryo(…).jpg)
So perfect.

So many normies are fucking bizarre about family anyways.
They'll be like "oh, if you don't like your mom, you're clearly a piece of shit"
wait there is a live action now?
it isn't even normies
or am I a normie?

most just don't roll that badly as you do on the family quality
Kirara πŸ„
no, i'm saying that they believe that anyone who doesn't get along with their mother must be a bad person
Search [iqdb] (183 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Youjo Senki - 0(…).jpg)
Yeah I mean it is weird if they hear your stories and then go "you are a shitter for not liking your mom"
but I wouldn't say it is a "normie" thing per se, but more likely a lack of experience
they just havn't met people who have complicated and more so relations with their family
i guess so
Kirara πŸ„
that's a cosplayer haha
Yeah my first assumption was a cosplayer doing a parody bit.
Kirara πŸ„
> Laid-Back Camp's TV drama adaptation airs from Jan. 9.
Kirara πŸ„
> Yuru Camp [Dorama] - 01 [WEB-DL][1080p][6FD9DCC7].mkv
hope my japanese is good enough for this
Oh huh.
How interesting.
most normies don't have your frame of reference
my moe crashed and all i saw was "so many normies are fucking bizarre" and was about to be like yup
Search [iqdb] (174 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Youjo Senki - 0(…).jpg)
see it was too high quality, but shit quality enough
to be a jap drama
but yeah there's this weird idea that you owe your parents on the basis of them being your parents
Like you should love someone who never loved you just because
Kirara πŸ„
people think the family you're born into matters
like i had a fuckin choice
Well it definitely matters.
Just not always in a good way.
Kirara πŸ„
i mean it has consequences but it doesn't actually matter
Samu πŸ”© !KW2DbpWwls

"family's the most important thing"
Search [iqdb] (130 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Youjo Senki - 0(…).jpg)
well to generalise again
usually, atleast here
the family sticks together and helps eachother
so it is similiar to a group of thight friends, but tied by rng and blood
and you are aware that you might not be the "bestest of friends" but that you are related and might in the end be the only ones that can help eachother when shit really hits the fan
Kirara πŸ„
Search [iqdb] (471 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Kabukicho Sherl(…).jpg)
yeah it is
but i chose my family
i wasn't born into my real family
Samu πŸ”© !KW2DbpWwls
yea i don't believe that in theory or practice
hence why i havent lived at home willingly for a long ti
wait wut
commentators curse
Kirara πŸ„
Search [iqdb] (290 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Assassins Pride(…).jpg)
my real family is the people i chose to be with
people like jan and rook and ton and others are my family
Samu πŸ”© !KW2DbpWwls
Samu πŸ”© !KW2DbpWwls
Kirara πŸ„
Search [iqdb] (313 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Assassins Pride(…).jpg)
Not too long ago, I realized that all my life, the reason I never felt connected to people was because I wasn't open to it. I'd had so much struggle with others that the first time I actually opened up was with Teacup and /moe/. And after she died, I closed off again and couldn't connect to anyone anymore.
I always felt there was something wrong with me and I just couldn't connect, but in the past month or two, I've started opening up to connections with people and it's been really great.

Ironically, my zen practice opened me up and I ended up with more attachments than when I started zen.
Search [iqdb] (1.4 MB, 1920x1080, wa ha ha...png)
yay i didnt die
i mean dammit
Samu πŸ”© !KW2DbpWwls
Kirara πŸ„
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara πŸ„
Search [iqdb] (495 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Show By Rock!! (…).jpg)
Don't get the wrong idea or anything
Search [iqdb] (153 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Youjo Senki - 0(…).jpg)
it would be way cooler if i died in a badass tornado
Search [iqdb] (131 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Youjo Senki - 0(…).jpg)
eatign the tornado
Kirara πŸ„
Search [iqdb] (522 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Show By Rock!! (…).jpg)
No, next week is important for my future. You need to wait until a more convienient time to die in a natural disaster so I can fall apart properly.
Search [iqdb] (179 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Youjo Senki - 0(…).jpg)
or spite him
out live krrrr
and then die when he is dead
then he has to be dead
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (94 KB, 768x1024, 1f8f6808a23ed87cf0cfa759ee3b25bb.jpg)
I'm weak to feeling loved
okay i'll try to reschedule and think of a time that works for all parties tornado included
Search [iqdb] (211 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Youjo Senki - 0(…).jpg)
Quick everyone
love ton
Kirara πŸ„
Search [iqdb] (544 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Show By Rock!! (…).jpg)
Yeah, that would be best.
Something like that ought to be scheduled at least three weeks in advance.
Doing it spontaneously is just too inconvient.

I only included you so you wouldn't feel left out, so don't get the wrong idea or anything, baka.
You're right, tornadoes are very busy usually though so it may not be until Q2 or Q3 when we can arrange a badass natural disaster death again, I'll keep you in the memo though
think of all the people he excluded
he knew those wouldn't mind
Samu πŸ”© !KW2DbpWwls
i like you too ton
Kirara πŸ„
Search [iqdb] (526 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Show By Rock!! (…).jpg)
If the plan is tornado, then ideally you need to be somewhere like a mall, I think.
So you can step out of the building and see the tornado bearing down on you.
Kirara πŸ„
Search [iqdb] (509 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Itai no wa Iya (…).jpg)
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
my face hurts from smiling too much at this CAT and this DOG
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
thanks jan
I like you too
Samu πŸ”© !KW2DbpWwls
the chad bankei and the virgin bodhisatva
tons gay
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Samu πŸ”© !KW2DbpWwls

the game and watcc only rises
Samu πŸ”© !KW2DbpWwls
ALSO rises
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
wtf she didn't get her hat back
Samu πŸ”© !KW2DbpWwls
> In the late summer of that year we lived in a house in a village that looked across the river and the plain to the mountains. In the bed of the river there were pebbles and boulders, dry and white in the sun, and the water was clear and swiftly moving and blue in the channels.
Samu πŸ”© !KW2DbpWwls
imagine starting your novel like a PC text adventure game, 200 years too early
Search [iqdb] (132 KB, 600x523, Frederica.Bernkastel.600.267890.jpg)
>in the bed of the river there were pebbles
Thanks for letting me know I didn't know what a river looks like

You pizza shit
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I ate it
Samu πŸ”© !KW2DbpWwls
by 200 i mean 90

im a exaggerative FIEND
Samu πŸ”© !KW2DbpWwls
pizza butt??
teacher's pet
Go north
Enter river
Kirara πŸ„
stand in river
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
this dog...
Samu πŸ”© !KW2DbpWwls
Kirara πŸ„
open inventory
Samu πŸ”© !KW2DbpWwls
Search [iqdb] (166 KB, 1125x1035, 1435A9FC-54E3-40BA-939E-4A9FBD8E50C3.jpeg)
Kirara πŸ„
curse the heavens for its cruelty
Samu πŸ”© !KW2DbpWwls
Search [iqdb] (668 KB, 1125x2152, C4F840FA-4395-4662-A433-2B074C94AC21.jpeg)
Kirara πŸ„
>looks twenty but she's still beautiful despite that
Samu πŸ”© !KW2DbpWwls
Search [iqdb] (372 KB, 1125x1265, 2827FA33-6E16-40EE-BEB5-94C4FE90377F.jpeg)
the AI wants what it wants

it is a flawed entiy

warped by the Redddt of Mann
when my sisters bf was visiting i challenged him to smash and beat him using only game and watch's side b
Samu πŸ”© !KW2DbpWwls

use game and watch side b on kirara
Kirara πŸ„
no stop
kill jester
Samu πŸ”© !KW2DbpWwls
You turn on the game and
watch Kirara's side-B. It
shows her being attacked by
orcs. She tries to fight them
off, but fails miserably due
to her youth and

She cries out in agony as she
falls down dead.
Samu πŸ”© !KW2DbpWwls
i dont like it
Use phoenix down on Kirara
Kirara πŸ„
wow jan killed me
Search [iqdb] (21 KB, 321x689, oh boy.png)
it is time
Kirara πŸ„
what is that? that gogle thing?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
AI dungeon?
Samu πŸ”© !KW2DbpWwls
yea AI dungeon

You turn on the game and
watch Kirara's side-B. It
shows her being attacked by
orcs. She tries to fight them
off, but fails miserably due
to her youth and

She cries out in agony as she
falls down dead.
Search [iqdb] (222 KB, 1920x1080, firefox_2020_01_06_01_29_20.jpg)
>tons of enemies surrounding big guy
>I can lure ll the enemies by tossing them with ceramic shards
why does this work
Samu πŸ”© !KW2DbpWwls
i'm in some minda deqth loop
some kinda
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (55 KB, 600x600, 1329211136317.jpg)
[x] put banan in microwav
Search [iqdb] (94 KB, 129x296, firefox_2020_01_06_02_25_53.png)
also I dislike how you have a
>buy this to be more stealthy
but whenever you do a sneak skill the guy doesn't resume sneaking
Samu πŸ”© !KW2DbpWwls
Search [iqdb] (552 KB, 1125x1645, EB35A6A8-86E6-4522-B577-DE14C82FA3A8.jpeg)
why does this keep trying to make me kill women lol
Kirara πŸ„
Search [iqdb] (319 KB, 809x1406, Screenshot_20200110-214646_AIDungeon.jpg)
Samu πŸ”© !KW2DbpWwls
You turn on the game and
watch Kirara's side-B. It
shows her running through the
forest. You see elves hiding
behind trees, but they seem
to be oblivious to your
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
hey at least it kinda changed the past
Search [iqdb] (57 KB, 265x255, sustomer cervice.png)
i yelled at it "DON'T KILL" and now somehow i went home with one of the women and she's my girlfriend and i'm making her dinner
what the fuck is this post apocalypse
Kirara πŸ„
Search [iqdb] (308 KB, 810x1522, Screenshot_20200110-215034_AIDungeon.jpg)
hahaha im in danger
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I'm tired
Well i guess a big fat guy has a 500% larger palm than he actually has

makes sense
Samu πŸ”© !KW2DbpWwls
omg the elvesss
Samu πŸ”© !KW2DbpWwls
Search [iqdb] (283 KB, 1125x798, E3FAFE9C-813A-4935-A39B-E2D39EB8BBD9.jpeg)
Search [iqdb] (97 KB, 1385x881, oh no.png)
Kirara πŸ„
Search [iqdb] (71 KB, 1080x495, Screenshot_20200110-215914_AIDungeon.jpg)
im dying
Samu πŸ”© !KW2DbpWwls


But then who was phone?
this but to>>792081
> Question Sanity
>"Who are you" you ask
>"May name is Donna." She replies
oh my god
Samu πŸ”© !KW2DbpWwls
Search [iqdb] (597 KB, 1125x1748, 6F0C84D9-FB1C-4AC4-9AF0-35D46C0C32D3.jpeg)
maclanky is love
maclanky is life
i have somehow ended up killing a girl's husband, getting stalked by her, calling the cops, telling the cops that he deserved it and then they were like ok sounds fair and arrested the woman who is now a widow

then the wife wanted to invite the cops to dinner for some reason and this is all like a fever dream

what a great game
Search [iqdb] (55 KB, 1185x511, delivery.png)
I'm training this bot to create Death Stranding
Kirara πŸ„
Search [iqdb] (181 KB, 1080x967, Screenshot_20200110-222126_AIDungeon.jpg)
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
wow she seems like a cool girl
Kirara πŸ„
Search [iqdb] (213 KB, 810x1222, Screenshot_20200110-222555_AIDungeon.jpg)
Search [iqdb] (2.4 MB, 1970x4160, IMG20200111130236.jpg)
>fuck 2018 leave it in the past forgotten
>I hope 2019 is better
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
should have been more specific
Kirara πŸ„
Search [iqdb] (213 KB, 1080x872, Screenshot_20200110-222816_AIDungeon.jpg)
oh no
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
you got in character too much huh
Search [iqdb] (31 KB, 1003x287, rip.png)
Search [iqdb] (267 KB, 1047x1475, IMG_20200111_021544.jpg)
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh shit it hiei
Search [iqdb] (2.3 MB, 640x480, asdf.webm)
Search [iqdb] (101 KB, 1920x1080, Sakura - Gendou (dark).jpg)
I suppose it works
Search [iqdb] (581 KB, 1920x1080, Sakura - yup.jpg)
I think I will need to actually get some vid editing software if I want to make a demongun shot of every shot
Kirara πŸ„
Search [iqdb] (407 KB, 810x1873, Screenshot_20200110-223403_AIDungeon.jpg)
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I like this one
Kirara πŸ„
Search [iqdb] (169 KB, 1080x1038, Screenshot_20200110-223910_AIDungeon.jpg)
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
wasn't your sister dead
Kirara πŸ„
Search [iqdb] (195 KB, 1080x1109, Screenshot_20200110-224016_AIDungeon.jpg)
what the hell

brought her back by killing mr clean with time magic
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I guess that's a slap if you think of her as slapping the wall
Search [iqdb] (37 KB, 1761x323, keep on keepin on.png)
the ai thinks my character doesn't die when killed now
Marsh, you around?
he knows you
Search [iqdb] (292 KB, 1920x1917, Sakura - thinking.jpg)
Max Def could use a better tl than HS

seriously, how would a newcomer read all that chat shit?

I know already what it reads from manga

Samu πŸ”© !KW2DbpWwls
should I just keep chasing pavements?
Samu πŸ”© !KW2DbpWwls

oh no

sometimes the AI gives up on life and becomes too familiar with auffering
wiiiiiiiiiin gashan
ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta
pasha pasha pasha pasha pasha
Search [iqdb] (131 KB, 1813x833, delivery.png)
I literally taught the AI how Death Stranding works
oh yes
this ai dungeon is preventing me from living my life
The tall girl has quickly become a fan favourite.
what are you guys talking about?
Search [iqdb] (643 KB, 1005x699, eizouken.PNG)
Yuasa has a new anime out this season.
It's about girls that want to make anime.
Has a really nice combination of his ability to GET people and some absolutely gorgeous animation and environmental design.
10/10 first episode would recommend
You wot mate?
Search [iqdb] (477 KB, 903x596, thats how it works.PNG)
The washing machine can use the n-word now.
This makes perfect sense.
Wait, no
I thought those were called n-word passes?
Are you actually watching anime again?
If so I'm proud of you.
you had me at yuasa
>what's an imageboard
my ai dungeon had me 'die' but actualyl // actually im a skeleton now trying to reclaim my Humanity
Search [iqdb] (565 KB, 1184x714, Imageboard.PNG)
look at those dead eyes
no wonder the internet loves her
Gonna kill that lord of cinder or what
she's in everything for the cash
i got possessed trying to restore it through a ritual
a girl in black named lilith gave me the run down and told me trying to resist would get me possessed for sure so i didnt
i got possessed anyway
but i managed to free myself and awaken
she was then in the real world standing over me and offered to return my humanity
foolishly i accepted her offer
Search [iqdb] (155 KB, 1920x1080, Sakura (3).jpg)

time to try and overpower her first
nvm that was easy i ignited her with the ritual candles and stabbed her in the chest
but now a voice in my head speaks to me
how tf did this happen this adventure started with a quest to kill a dragon and i DID
i did a dark souls prompt and there were fucking vampires everywhere
but then i found a normal undead knight and he helped me kill them and we found the forbidden woods
gwyn was sitting on the top of a tree there and he was like well done my son
and then i tried to kill him but he burned me alive with a wall of fire
it went straight through my great magic barrier

then he picked me up and TOOK ME TO FUCKING UNDEAD ASYLUM
The thingiest thing about the AI dungeon is how much of a story it writes from such little prompt from the player.
Like who needs authors when you can just auto-gen yourself a whole narrative.
Now I got out of undead asylum and found some coffins with skeletons inside which had red eyes
i got in a coffin and heard rattling
then a young girls' voice
then a tall man woke me up!
i found papa nito!
Geez you're meeting all your Dark Souls dads.
My favorite is that everytime it introduces an animal, the animal instantly starts talking
>Do you want to join the Gravelords?
no that would be wrong
>Then why did you bring me here?
ok i'll think about it
>He smiles at you and walks back into his coffin
[x] hug papa nito
>You embrace him tightly and kiss him on the cheek. He looks at you for a moment then turns to leave.
>As he leaves, you suddenly feel very sad.
I miss papa nito
Search [iqdb] (79 KB, 1785x733, gravelord adventures.png)
He let me join!
Poor John.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>not only was vortex still downloading mods to my main smaller drive, but there were just 12 gigs of maps for my gps hanging out on there too
fuck off programs that don't prompt you first holy shit
ask me where I want shit to be
I have successfully killed every human on the planet with my army of gravelords and Papa Nito is very very happy
Everyone is undead now and nobody can die
What's the value in ruling over a dead plane-oh right they're just zombies
We are all glorious skellingtons and/or Gravelords
God Bless
This ends up being a long brick joke "And then John was a zombie"
>In the end, you've won. The world is safe once more.
Revel in my victory
>You revel in victory. You take your greatsword and slice open the sky. The sun rises up from the ground, and you celebrate your victory over mankind.

I'm going to call this an absolute win
But why was the sun in the ground?
That's a good question

they never mentioned it was in the fucking ground
Papa Nito asked me if I was happy and I said yes
he said okay then that's good enough for me

Then I went and killed Gwyn easily this time
Put the First Flame out and became the Dark Lord ruling over a barren planet for centuries
happy ending
Happy in a sense, I guess.
I'd rather a vibrant and lively planet than a barren one.
Search [iqdb] (572 KB, 1920x1080, [AK-Submarines] GIRLS und PANZ(…).jpg)
Search [iqdb] (364 KB, 1920x1080, [FFF] Love Live! - 12 [BD][108(…).jpg)

once again
MonHun recently got its first DLC expansion released for PC.
So there's a glut of new content there.
Search [iqdb] (205 KB, 1280x720, [gg]_Joshiraku_-_13_[D8667F4D](…).jpg)
something that was
separately bought
in january
Search [iqdb] (392 KB, 1280x720, [Coalgirls]_Ookami-san_to_Shic(…).jpg)
I like all herring
staph just coming at me
because I eat mustard herring

my past favourite

I already bought sekiro tho
oh fuck it sekiro then
I wish I could have asked you directly
I like Sekiro more than world anyway
Search [iqdb] (283 KB, 1280x720, [Commie] One-Punch Man - 10 [D(…).jpg)
it is good
and it is a good game

I am not really that sort

I mean
I can do thart sort
The new-age MonHun games still need a few years to catch up to the classic versions in terms of broadness and aesthetical quality.
World kinda sucks in the weapons department, they all look kind of the same.
Search [iqdb] (710 KB, 1920x1080, [FFF] Love Live! - 12 [BD][108(…).jpg)
how many hours have you spent on monhun?
i don't get mad at video game
i get very excitable and shout sometimes though
world sucks in terms of amount of content and weapon/armor design but the gameplay feels really tight

the hitboxes for some few monsters need some work though
do you mean world or like, in total
i have 800 hours in ps4 world and like 100 on pc world
I get mad
when I get hit by something
that is miles away from me
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Search [iqdb] (194 KB, 1920x1080, [AnimeFreak] Bokutachi wa Benk(…).jpg)
I was trying to play Monster Hunter world again just yesterday
I really want to like it.

I just can't get into it.
It's probably too active a grind for your Runescape dulled mind.
Not counting all the hours pumped into previous games hah hah

Yeah World has a great foundation they just need the time to expand in content and tweak their design aesthetic to be a little more fanciful.
I don't knock them for it, the classic games have like fifteen years of time to model and release monsters.
both are good
i think i have around 3500 hours between all games in the series with p3rd having my most hours
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Search [iqdb] (132 KB, 1920x1080, Anima Yell! - 12 (1920x1080 HE(…).jpg)

Nep Rebirth 1,2 and 3 are grindy as fuck and I'm having a blast with those ones.
that doesn't matter
since your souls games numbers

would be the same
I mean
you most likely have
100+ hours on sekiro
you underestimate my sweatiness
how many runs?
up to NG+4 on one and one NG run with the bell demon active
I still need to do a run where I unlock the True Owl fight.
Sekiro is a game that deserves what's as close to a 100% run and I can't do that in my original run because I missed the chance.
I like the amount

in one
or two
Search [iqdb] (222 KB, 1280x720, [Commie] Yuyushiki - 02 [BD 72(…).jpg)

All I need is
The Form
The Truth
and the Regret
of the game

and then I can complete it
Now that I've got a Switch Pro controller I wanna go back to the games I've slept on or was stuck playing mouse/keyboard with.
MonHun, Sekiro, Dark Souls, Bloodstained.
Even playing through Hollow Knight with a controller has been a fun and kinda less handpain-inducing experience.

Though I still think Sekiro is more than playable with a mouse/keyboard and MonHun on PC -can- benefit from it if you're playing a ranged class.
But melee weapons are still probably much more bearable on a controller.
I can't stand playing sekiro with M/KB but MonHun works good on PC with it I think
Still don't want to play it cause if I get an attack jewel on PC before I get even one single drop on PS4 I'm going to Super Amped Charge Slash my fucking wrists
I did a lot of finnegaling with the controls for Sekiro which helped me a lot.
It was kind of weird at times since a lot of it involved me mapping things to buttons on my mouse, like even using the scroll wheel's actual button for something, though I don't remember what.
But I had the grappling hook mapped to one of my thumb buttons and that was actually really satisfying for timing the slinging around the map. I'm definitely mapping more maneuvering tools to that button in future games.
Search [iqdb] (401 KB, 1280x720, [FFF] Non Non Biyori - 01 [578(…).jpg)
yet we still grasp at the form
I usually gravitate toward controller mode in most games that aren't shooters though honestly so my opinion should be taken with a grain of salt
I even play FFXIV with a controller on PC despite a lot of people thinking I'm a little retarded for it
Search [iqdb] (863 KB, 1416x786, __fairy_jun_you_ryuusei_tenzan(…).jpg)
and we know the form of ours
Search [iqdb] (162 KB, 1000x1412, __arpeggio_el_lalena_gate_jiei(…).jpg)
so how is it jan
is it this much
or less
i want to drink but i was sick and i don't want to drink
Search [iqdb] (178 KB, 960x720, [anon] Ayakashi - Bakeneko 01 (…).jpg)
the best boy
Search [iqdb] (159 KB, 960x720, [anon] Ayakashi - Bakeneko 01 (…).jpg)
I recommend it

he recommends it
wait what mononoke?
the bakeneko episode of ayakashi

or any episode duo of mononoke


and reveal to him

Search [iqdb] (156 KB, 960x720, [anon] Ayakashi - Bakeneko 01 (…).jpg)
So tell me
its Form
and Regret
form of... a shape
shape of... a form!
Search [iqdb] (352 KB, 649x900, __himekawa_yuki_idolmaster_and(…).jpg)
your form speaks of regret
calm down medicine seller i just wanted to buy some opium, goddamn
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Search [iqdb] (523 KB, 1924x1075, Walletcrusher nep.jpg)
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 991x1771, __hakurei_reimu_touhou_drawn_b(…).png)
not that our problems matter to him

he just wants to stab ghosts
i can sympathize with nep, i too am a fucking idiot
Search [iqdb] (177 KB, 960x720, [anon] Ayakashi - Bakeneko 01 (…).jpg)
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Search [iqdb] (45 KB, 720x720, 1487923186984.jpg)
Yeah but i don't have six friends.
there's a guy on my friends list in death stranding who's completed 424 unique deliveries on hard with an s rank
that's almost or rather like 80% of every mission in the game
fucking mad lad
you got a friend in me
Search [iqdb] (153 KB, 960x720, [anon] Ayakashi - Bakeneko 02 (…).jpg)
check this out
Samu πŸ”© !KW2DbpWwls
At night I think of youu
>fogger modding community
this is gonna be a great video I'm feeling it


i had a frogger game for gba like this one
it was also brutally hard
Search [iqdb] (148 KB, 960x720, [anon] Ayakashi - Bakeneko 02 (…).jpg)
However gentlemen

you havn't told me the
Samu πŸ”© !KW2DbpWwls
Turn arouuund
every now and the
Search [iqdb] (47 KB, 1280x720, [Asenshi] Heya Camp - 01 [7408(…).jpg)
as it is
is motive behind its grudge

Something happened and for whatever reasong
the spirit bears a grudge
We will need to find out
of the CAT
damn that is one well made modding tool
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Search [iqdb] (615 KB, 1487x424, lick.png)
i haven't been on 4chan for a while but I'm assuming this is still pretty accurate.
Samu πŸ”© !KW2DbpWwls
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Search [iqdb] (54 KB, 650x369, 57a06a67f333d_pp_009.jpg)
Search [iqdb] (867 KB, 984x707, __kotone_mei_and_touko_pokemon(…).jpg)
you got magica?
Search [iqdb] (430 KB, 1756x1810, __mei_and_touko_pokemon_game_a(…).jpg)
and if not
add me as a friend
Samu πŸ”© !KW2DbpWwls
u wanna make a contract??
Search [iqdb] (71 KB, 1920x1080, [Coalgirls]_Magical_Girl_Madok(…).jpg)
Samu πŸ”© /人◕ β€Ώβ€Ώ β—•δΊΊοΌΌ
does this still work
Search [iqdb] (73 KB, 1920x1080, [Coalgirls]_Magical_Girl_Madok(…).jpg)
Samu πŸ”© /人◕ β€Ώβ€Ώ β—•δΊΊοΌΌ
oh no what havr i do
Search [iqdb] (104 KB, 1920x1080, [Coalgirls]_Magical_Girl_Madok(…).jpg)
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Search [iqdb] (41 KB, 612x716, 1543768244055.jpg)
the game with wizards?
Search [iqdb] (97 KB, 1920x1080, [Coalgirls]_Magical_Girl_Madok(…).jpg)
Samu πŸ”© /人◕ β€Ώβ€Ώ β—•δΊΊοΌΌ
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Search [iqdb] (495 KB, 849x1200, 58533455_p0_master1200.jpg)
I beat it with MDF
back when he posted here.

Although iirc I just let him do most of the work and got carried
Search [iqdb] (110 KB, 1920x1080, [Coalgirls]_Magical_Girl_Madok(…).jpg)
you lied
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
did i?
Search [iqdb] (102 KB, 1920x1080, [Coalgirls]_Magical_Girl_Madok(…).jpg)
Samu πŸ”© /人◕ β€Ώβ€Ώ β—•δΊΊοΌΌ
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Search [iqdb] (105 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Dumbbell Nan Ki(…).jpg)
hey I'm wrong a lot but I don't tell lies
Search [iqdb] (55 KB, 1920x1080, [Coalgirls]_Magical_Girl_Madok(…).jpg)
and how many kilos

can you actually magical record?
Samu πŸ”© /人◕ β€Ώβ€Ώ β—•δΊΊοΌΌ
how many donks
could a madonka donk
before she

Samu πŸ”© /人◕ β€Ώβ€Ώ β—•δΊΊοΌΌ
sorry, i got it wrong

it's an exacting technical term.

Search [iqdb] (147 KB, 1920x1080, [Coalgirls]_Magical_Girl_Madok(…).jpg)
So what are you all doing?

why am I here all again?

a new episode
to see where it will go
where it shall be
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (94 KB, 768x1024, 1f8f6808a23ed87cf0cfa759ee3b25bb.jpg)
you're here because you are blasted out of your mind
Search [iqdb] (192 KB, 1920x1080, [Coalgirls]_Magical_Girl_Madok(…).jpg)
that is you my dear
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Search [iqdb] (β™«, 30s, 3.8 MB, 852x480, the night man cometh.webm)
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I ain't touched the hibiki whiskey near me since I tasted it months ago
Search [iqdb] (65 KB, 1920x1080, [Meguca]_Puella_Magi_Madoka_Ma(…).jpg)
Search [iqdb] (99 KB, 1920x1080, [Meguca]_Puella_Magi_Madoka_Ma(…).jpg)

Search [iqdb] (99 KB, 1920x1080, [Meguca]_Puella_Magi_Madoka_Ma(…).jpg)
it is for me
Search [iqdb] (133 KB, 1920x1080, [Meguca]_Puella_Magi_Madoka_Ma(…).jpg)
and very soon
I will ahve seen the episode too

why did you try to prevent me?
Search [iqdb] (58 KB, 1920x1080, [Meguca]_Puella_Magi_Madoka_Ma(…).jpg)
Search [iqdb] (195 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Magia Record - (…).jpg)

When you awaken in a
how much do I let you sleep
luck let you win #d5 (3)

Search [iqdb] (89 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Magia Record - (…).jpg)
Search [iqdb] (88 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Magia Record - (…).jpg)
Search [iqdb] (85 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Araburu Kisetsu(…).jpg)
i haven't gotten enough sleep in a long time
im so fatigued
that sounds damn bad
how is your living situation right now ?
I am sotty o
sorry to be that inquisitive but

you are so early

who are you to be expectinctng
Search [iqdb] (84 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Araburu Kisetsu(…).jpg)
im not expecting anyone

and it's okay, i appreciate you asking, thanks
i haven't really gotten to talk about it
ive got a stable living arrangement now, but i might change it in a few months
i spent most of december struggling though and it's still left me pretty distressed

im working three jobs at the moment
ive been really isolated and haven't had time to do anything
Search [iqdb] (45 KB, 1920x1080, [Coalgirls]_Magical_Girl_Madok(…).jpg)
well if you don't mind me my friend
I am here for you

talk on

I can actually

do infinite


in terms of stuff


three jobs and it is 2020?
that is you know divided by 3!



you stop when I stop

I was gonna make it good for you
i dont know what that means
Search [iqdb] (116 KB, 1920x1080, [Coalgirls]_Magical_Girl_Madok(…).jpg)
it makes zero sense

and so did all of that shit

funny part is
how there is no actual part
at this point

well have a good night pk
why do you hate me moon?=
i dont hate you at all
im wishing you a good night because im fatigued and going to try to sleep
you're generally a good person here
I know
I have been many many times
insensitiver to your DEAD stuff

but is that a thing noe here?
I hid my gut reply
so how are you
very exhausted
there's a lot going on
lack of sleep yes and a lot of stuff
i'll tell you about it when im more rested up though
sorry i can't stay and keep you company tonight
lack of sleep?
you are homeless and unrested
i am homed right now
things are going better
but im depleted of all my mental faculties
good luck summoning blue
yeah just sleep
whatever you can'
I can't help you
>>792294 β†’
>>792294 β†’
>>792294 β†’
