Ahiru no Sora Chihayafuru ID INVADED Itai no wa Iya nano de Bougyoryoku ni Kyokufuri Shitai to Omoimasu Majuutsuhi Orphen Hagure Tabi Pet Plunderer
--Fall 2019 Kono Oto Tomare! Episode 23-26 PSYCHO-PASS Episode 7-8
Three new things today. Itai no wa etc. is about a girl playing a VRMMO who doesn't want to get hurt so she specs into all the damage-resisting stats and plays as a super tank with a damage reflect skill. Dunno what else it's about, maybe typical VRMMO antics. Majuutsuhi is a re-adaptation of an old series of fantasy novels about a guy who works odd jobs while hunting down the way to turn his sister back from becoming a dragon. I think. Plunderer is some weird ecchi fantasy I think in this world where everyone gets banished to the Shadow Realm after they fulfil a counter of a unique weird thing,
Itai no wa etc. looks like it might be cute, kinda OP fun like an isekai series or whatnot. Majuutsuhi might be neat but gonna definitely be a lot of fantasy. Plunderer is I'unno.
that's true there hasnt yet been a day that dumps on us
okay lets start
I feel like the new stuff this season has been coming in more of a trickle compared to last season. I think most of the new stuff from last season kinda came all slamming us real fast.
It's pretty nice though. We can digest things easier when they're not being a little overwhelming.
New season, new OP I wonder who this shaggy-haired kid is gonna be. He doesn't really have a punk aura like most of the team does.
It would be pretty subversive if these two really did just dip from the basketball team. While it's obvious they'll come back in the end it would be a nice change of form.
They're so shallow hah hah But I guess a shallow passion is as good a foot in the door as any.
Most serious dedicated sports are. It's why I could understand them coming to accept it's not necessarily something they want to dedicate themselves to. But that's probably too nuanced a message for a shounen sports anime.
The one of the three stooges with a pompadour always throws me off when he drops it. It's the kind of hairstyle that really defines how you look.
>>790902 Turns out it's Guano https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RdYw9d27-LeL1Tl2EgGdzIgETVAijQ7Pzx4tCuI1Kbc/edit I thought it was Kurwa since it says Kurwa at the top but it meant ded Kurwa
Shots from the episode making up a few -a bit of the ED eh. I guess they're either hiding some of it or didn't get it finished in time.
yep im ready >>790910 did it really set anything up in the first episode though
Let's see if this can deliver on what it set up in the first episode.
>>790909 Well there's the weird mental dive thing that team of investigators were using to collect information, that young ... girl? And the old man duo, that's kind of a weird thing. There's also why this murderer was actually going around killing people, you don't go around murdering people by drilling a hole in their head in a murder mystery without a reason for doing on.
maybe you dont
I don't go around killing people period!
Gosh the police got baited into killing one of the victims.
The actual murderer sure has a look to him.
Oh I thought this new guy was flipping them off hah hah
>>790912 well you cant go around critcizing what you don't know
what an ugly shoe
His outfit is pretty weird period. He's got like those jogger shorts with the spandex underneath. And like some kind of cardigan and long coat for a top.
She's pretty steadfast in the face of a crazy guy threatening to drill a hole through her head.
At times this is kind of like a bunch of amateur psychoanalysts all sitting around a case study with imperfect information trying to make a conclusion of what's going on.
What the fuck.
Well we finally got a brief glimpse of this guy in real life.
Okay can we not get a close up of her hanging there.
I guess this girl's death is something personal to him and something that'll get pieced together as he investigates mysteries through the series. For the moment it seems to act as an anchor for him in other people's mental spaces.
there's so many names being thrown out and so many characters introduced im losin track
I'm making it easier for myself by just focusing on who looks like they're the focal characters. Like all these suits are probably less important than their Mei Tantei and the weird rookie girl and her old guy partner. If they're actual characters I can probably rely on them getting fleshed out later.
I was gonna say he seems a lot tetchier in real life. But it looks like he's a criminal himself. No wonder he's on rough odds with law enforcement investigators.
someone gave me this cookie but i'd feel pretty awful actually eating it
Yeah I kinda know how that goes hah hah. I think my brother's girlfriend made us all personalized cookies for Christmas, stockings with our names along the brim. I held off eating it for a bit because it was so nicely made.
I guess their Mei Tantei being a criminal himself kinda fulfils that old concept of mastermind criminals and mastermind detectives being cut from the same cloth.
when are we due for dororohedororo i like her hair
why the hell does netflix have rights to it fuck off netflix
It looks like it airs in a little under 3.5 days. But it also looks like it might be a Netflix release so its fansubs might be contingent on actual sub groups rather than HorribleSubs rips.
>>790967 Yeah I dunno. It's a weird kinda show, but I guess they've been experimenting with weird pick-ups recently. They also had the rights to Beastars from last season. At least that got consistent fansubs though so its promising still for Dorohedoro.
i hope it doesn't get an awful fanbase from being on netflix im sensitive about that stuff
Honestly I think shows being on Netflix is actually better for keeping them under the radar, within a few exceptions. The worst of the worst people don't really watch a lot of Netflix, they stick to services like CrunchyRoll. Like you barely hear people talking about Kakegurui compared to contemporary shows. We're exceptional because we more or less circle in the super-niche group of dedicated anime fans that will watch things regardless of what service licenses them. But most people that watch anime stick to the primarily anime services.
>>790971 Well I don't! Compared to shows that aired around the same time, I see other shows talked about far more often.
it's one of those cases where i would like to see Q get some recognition though she's been really undervalued pretty much the whole way through with just a core niche fanbase and not even a consistent reliable serialization if netflix blew it up and she got royalties i'd be happy for her
what's this next one about? oh yuu just came back nice
>>790984 oh i played one of those in ragnarok a long time ago that's kind of a fun play style tank and white mage roles are always fun
Girl plays a VRMMO but doesn't want to take damage so she maxes out the stats that resist damage and becomes The Tank with a counter-attack reflect skill. Other than that I dunno maybe usual VRMMO antics.
I almost like the approach that one about the elite NEET lady took where she just played a desktop MMO but events in game were depicted as anime events
reflect damage is great! maybe she'll get a tank weapon that procs when attacked and you don't actually have to swing it they just get hit for attacking you
i had a friend like that! it was really annoying they couldn't wait for me so we could never do the same level stuff
Yeah when Path of Exile was first kinda getting popular I had some friends that wanted to play it as a group. But playing with them they didn't care to explore the world or watch the plot cutscenes and kinda just rushed through the stages. Which is drastically different from what I want to do. It kinda killed all the fun for me.
She keeps just flagging down random players to ask them for advice. Even with the relative anonymity of MMOs I can't really ever do stuff like that.
i want // you beat me to it ive always wanted that in a game FF14's promo material promised that but it was a huge letdown
i like crafting, fishing, cooking i'll let someone else do the mining and all that hard stuff though
Yeah I'd dig something like that too. But crafting is always an accessory to MMO classes and jobs and not really a focus. You can't really play satisfyingly by only doing the non-combatant stuff.
gotta get back to work now the neverending grind see yall next time
Yeah I should probably not stay up much later. I've got a couple really early days for this semester and I need to get some practice with ... not sleeping in so hard.