Heyo. That reminds me, there is a Yuru Camp short series running this season. I was gonna ask if you wanted to put it on but each episode is also like three or four minutes long and that's a hard sell to me even for something I liked as much as Yuru Camp.
Ace of Diamond Black Clover Chihayafuru ID INVADED Kabukicho Sherlock Pet Somali to Mori no Kamisama
--Fall 2019 Kono Oto Tomare! Episode 22-26 PSYCHO-PASS Episode 7-8
I'm pretty sure this is only running for a full year so this would be the last season of it in that case. It really feels like there hasn't been much that's progressed hah hah There's a lot of slow movement to the series.
I feel the first bit had a lot more movement I think this is stuck in serialization hell
Yeah I could see that being true. Like it's not boring because it's slow, each episode does a decent enough job of giving moments of interest. But like looking at it from a birds-eye view, almost nothing seems to have happened.
>>790476 I did a quick number crunch, assuming the manga volume to anime episode adaptation ratio from the first act remains constant, and assuming all of the first act's anime -first act's manga got adapted into the first act's anime, by the time these fifty-two episodes are up we'll be pretty much neck-to-neck with where the manga volumes are right now. So yeah, good chance they might have the anime rest a bit.
Yeah it's a new season, new OP. This is the first episode it's been in.
Oh looks like the OP hints at the Blue Rose or whatever captain who crushes on Yami comes to her senses too. That or her elf self falls for him too hah hah
it'd be nice to see a day in ordinary life in this world to see what everyone's fighting so hard to protect or maybe it's so crappy that they get bored and just wanna battle all the time
My money would be on the latter.
I guess Asta's gonna have to eat a whole lot of elf this time.
It sounds way more like these voices are saying "Niku niku niku" So it just kinda sounds like they're chanting MEAT MEAT MEAT MEAT
With how things were converging and this being anime-original, I kinda expected it to only be one-cour. But it's a two-cour series. I wonder what they'll do for the second half.
when they tie it in as part of the person's psychosis to make them seem extra weird and creepy it's kind of irresponsible i think
I can kinda understand what you're getting at. But I // But when it comes to depictions of Jack the Ripper in particular you can only do so much without it being exceptionally insane and grotesque. And maybe they didn't need to make this Jack transgender since there wasn't really any inclination of the Jack of fame being anything like that. But with all the gender fluidity of the series we've seen so far, it does kinda fit.
oh yeah i forgot they also have the weird people hosting the detective station too so i guess it's not too polarized anyway that's neither here nor there
>>790524 is that what they were depicting here? i guess i missed that
Yeah, the crazed slashed -slasher was supposed to be a refashioning of Jack the Ripper.
Oh yeah glasses was crushing HARD on the girl/guy who was Jack. That's probably got to fuck with him hard.
Yeah Moriarty is still a kid here. And the son of a politician. I can't imagine he'll be tied up in the legal system for long.
>I know what it feels like when someone kills your daughter Well that's kind of something heavy to drop.
i know i missed a bit, but overall i feel this show hasn't been as captivating as i'd have hoped with the sherlock name even this cat is a little lackluster
Well yeah I'd say it's been a bit disappointing. I think the culmination of them uncovering Jack might've been a little more impactful if you'd been around for some of what you missed. Though it wouldn't have overwritten the way that confrontation scene was a bit much.
I like this cat though.
i wonder how familiar japanese folks are with doyle's original works i wonder whether this is the first foray into it for a lot of them or if they're fairly grounded
I'd imagine the scriptwriters are probably familiar with the translations. Your average Japanese viewer is probably familiar with the concept of Sherlock being a Mei Tantei but might not know the nuances of Sherlock, like how he's a bit of an asshole and struggles with addiction problems. They've probably not read the works, but a lot of them probably have read some of the Japanese classic authors who wrote detective fiction, likely inspired by authors like Doyle.
Well Japanese kids, more than most kids generally it feels, have a real fascination with poop.
Honestly Sherlock does need an assistant. Certainly doesn't probably need to be Watson but when you're short on options you gotta take what you can get.
Poor Sherlock. Irene Adler even in the original story she appears in, is kind of The Woman, to Sherlock. The only one he seemed to ever really have admiration and respect for. Which might say more about his misogyny rather than Irene's qualities, but it's the established relationship between the two.
this one really slipped away from me i was excited for a second season but i think i only saw one episode of it
>>790544 Well if you'd had the grace to give us some attention you'd probably have picked up that there's another whole season of it this season.
>>790545 It's been nice. Some cute fluffy moments between the two main ships and a lot of Koto practicing but not much performance. They picked up a proper Koto teacher along the way. She was kinda evil for a bit but got cured by the way the club's just so dang endearing. That's about the rough of what you missed.
I do kinda like these series that are just an excuse for the artist to be creative with weird designs and cool environments. They're visually pleasing for me.
Having a golem around must be pretty useful. Though having that eye stare you down has got to be unnerving.