>>787184 on a rock covered in a gas envelope hurtling around a star yes
Isn't technically just the rock floating, since we are not the rock (exceptions aside) aren't we just standing on a rock.
Actually I don't think we Nevermind Also India is officially a superpower now. Congrats India!
Samu 🕊 !KW2DbpWwls
if you define things that way then yes! otherwise no!
Samu 🕊 !KW2DbpWwls
>>>/watch?v=A7FEENQd6UI i see the reference cool this seems like chill apres-neue-year listening
Samu 🕊 !KW2DbpWwls
im takin it easy and watching vinny play AI dungeon https://www.twitch.tv/vinesauce
I'm going at Hollow Knight's secret boss. Pretty much the rest of the game I've already beat, aside from some DLC content. But this secret boss is a good challenge.
Less try and more is there even a need? Like is there someone who watches Twitch that needs some selling on what Coke's got to sell. I think by that point you've already made up your mind on whether you want to or not drink something Coke sells.
>>787199 coke distributes monster energy so i don't really get why they want to get their other product lines to appeal to the market they already dominate either
>>787201 i think you can definitely sell brand loyalty by being a supporter of a demographic's interests but you've got like mountain dew's game fuel, monster and red bull and the energy drinks and more fruity/sweet beverages
having just plain coke sit there seems like it's really out of place, i dunno maybe they have some plans to do some more niche products to fill that space
boss wants me to work till midnight idk maybe i will
oh baby right side
mr blue sky please tell us why you had to hide away for sooo looong
>>787203 they already own the most popular energy drink in America though can't imagine there's much room for them to try a Coke branded energy thing last time they tried niche drinks the diet Coke fruit flavors flopped hard too though i thought the ginger lime one was damn good
when it comes to Coke and marketing they are so big that they just spend to stay in the public consciousness it doesn't matter where they advertise as lonn as they get a hit on everyone every once in a while
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
>>787208 neat! didn't know that a directly overhead sun could even happen in hawaii
I'd say this is the song of the decade >>>/watch?v=8GW6sLrK40k Describes it well Lot of nostalgia and looking in the past, hopefully a good future can be created from it
Feelings are complicated things. I don't like to presume but I'm pretty sure yours aren't particularly fun right now, and I want to at least let you know I acknowledge that.
Today was a good day. My sessions all went really well. One of my clients finally gave up on keeping his walls up and became vulnerable. And then I meditated with cancer-kun and we talked about his love for another client and letting go and stuff like that. It turned his day around and he gained a lot of insight. It was nice.
Considering what he's got to deal with that does sound wonderful. If nothing else I wish that he can live out what he has fulfilled and happy. Not the easiest thing I'd imagine but you're there to help him with that. Good luck to both of you in keeping that going.
As expected for me not a whole lot has gone on today . We went out to eat a little bit ago but I wasn't super hungry so my leftovers are in the fridge. It's good stuff though. The most interesting thing for me is just doing some granblue tinkering to see how I can work with Rat since my dark is so min-maxed. In doing so I made this kind of magic happen which was really fun for me.
I believe in him. I think he's gonna live. He's too strong to die.
He told me that me being there for him has changed everything for him recently. He said he considers me a friend. It felt good.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh in that case I should apologize for being relatively pessimistic, my bad. if that's how he feels more power to him. I didn't exactly deal with cancer so I don't quite know how // the feeling of what he'd have to go through. But go him
Well, they did tell him six months. But they're going to try to operate on the tumors they said were inoperable. And then they'll try to kill whatever they can't get out with chemo.
He's doing everything he can to hold on to his future. I'll support him all the way.
It's kind of chilly outside tonight. Funny, we had mild temperatures all through Christmas, the one time of year I'm happy for it to be cold, and as soon as it's done with I'm ready for warm weather again. Though January and February are pretty consistently the coldest months 'round here so I don't really know what I was expecting.
>>787291 Is he well off financially, or does he have sufficient insurance for the procedures? It sounds like he's really been through a lot.
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
the shortcut to flip post is alt-F
Man there's a weird crick in my ankle all of a sudden. I've been moving about all afternoon fine, but I start walking to get to the transit and all of a sudden each step with it hurts. I guess at this level it's only a minor irritation but I might have a walk home later tonight. Hope it doesn't get worse.
>Implying Rackham's not the wife in the relationship
>>787297 My data speeds are in slow-mode right now so as it was loading top to bottom I was thinking "Since when did they put Accelerator in GranBlue?" I'd completely forgotten about Noa.
sou sou and you're working the 16th right? if so I might spend a day in seattle before taking the train out to wenatchee
Kirara 🍄🤡
17th is when im working 8-4:30 interview all day i get into spokane around 11am on 16th and it's 2.5 hour drive to Wenatchee
Kirara 🍄🤡
yeah it's kind of fucked up haha 18th i"m totally free it's a rural town with like 20k people or something not much to do there probably
Jesus fucking Christ this is hectic
hmmm still considering whether or not I should go I mean I got no job but also WA seems like it'd be nice to see
Kirara 🍄🤡
well if i get the internship there i'd move there in july and id have a place to live that we could use to explore Washington and if i don't we could go anyway i got a connection out there with an eccentric millionaire outdoorsman who skis up mountains or something well im not connected with him yet my buddy is gonna introduce us but he's got rooms of gear we could potentially borrow for fun
Merry 2020 All fo you buy Dead by Daylight when it's 70% off thanks so I can help you the way I walways wanted to, from a serial killer with horrific intentions
do you think it's guide dog rules where you can't pat the drug sniffer dogs
>>787380 oh god waht do you have 100 tattoos covering your body and face and buck teeth too damn that guy look like something else lol really nice in person tho
>>787384 >>787382 maybe it's just the hair I don't have any of that
Well I managed to not pass out drunk at this year's party. Turns out sleeping more than 1.5 hours in the thirty or so hours before New Year's helps a lot with keeping you awakw.
did kirara start playing gbf again >>787402 oh that's great >>787389 how are you liking gbf >>787402 i dont watch much animoo anymore like 1-3 series max
I think Tony and PAN dragged him in again.
Also come watch anime again with us in the new year nerd we miss you.
>>787401 I dunno man if we know what you're watching it's easy for us to keep it around for like a single day of the week.
>>787392 it looks fu cking delicious i want seafood dang `>>787393 idk its personal preference i think he looks horrible lol but from what i heard and the like 10 minutes i talked to him i get the impression hes a really awesome fella
>>787418 do you wanna play super smash brothers melee for the nintendo gamecube online through the internet using whatever weird dolphin build is current on smashladder or should i look for randoms to play with
>>787418 wooow just drive a stake through my heart with no remorse huh after i've missed you for so long huh okay no problem maybe we can play again together some othe rtime
>>787418 i was enjoying it more when i didnt have some dumb ugly rat and some dumb ugly idiot with a pacifier in my list of characters
i wish that fucking game actually worked for me and didnt throw errors every two or three turns making me restart every battle forever i thought it was pretty fun
it's time to start respecting women
>>787423 i got new noa like 3 times ive gotten some decent new ssrs here and there but really nothing i want
>>787435 yeah im super upset with his flb because it only made subpar improvments on the two buttons he didnt and still doesnt press never have to look at the 5* art if you just use S.Ayer skin
ONE DOWN IG ew caps, anyway, I'm "solly" which came from "solari" which doesn't matter anymore since over a hundred people call me Ari now. so, call me Ari
>>787462 i won a handful of times maybe won 1/3rd of the games at best he thintks i would do better sober but really im shti drunk or not
>>787461 isn't it new years eve naturally people are up at four am >>787463 maybe i dunno shit about melee tho >>787465 SHOULD HAVE the key words here 12am is responsible hours for normies
left one was my fault tbh i severed a couple tendons but rights one wasnt there shouldn have been a live circuit there with no ground and its shocked the fuckin shit off me
>>787469 spilled my drink on and then touched the mainn power cable that feeds into the breaker at work for a couple seconds prob lucky i didnt fuckign die
idk how many i didnt go to the doc i butterfly clamped it mysefl and did a shit job not usre it wouldve mattered anyway
this intake lady at the ER is extremely cute probably not the best time to flirt with her though since i just brought cancer-kun here and he's shitting blood
pffft ”hey how are you doing today” as he slowly leaks onto the floor
>>787555 Maybe you'll get lucky and she won't be too busy after he's been in-taken
Kirara 🍄🤡
He's been taken back haha but she's kind of busy and some colleagues and another client are on their way here It might look kind of bad haha Especially since my guy might be dying
Fair enough. Maybe some time later down the year you can find your own emergency to swing back around with.
>>787573 maybe this is just going to make him seem even cooler when his cancer goes into remission
after playing with the 'best' sniper rifle for a while i have come to the conclusion sniper rifles are for retards that cant aim and cant use the k98k
Kirara 🍄🤡
>>787577 i hope so i will cry a lot if he dies today I thought it would be slower
>>787579 it's hard to tell with cancer i guess i think i'd probably prefer a quick death than a prolonged suffering if i had to die though
either way its terrible but wasting away sounds a lot worse to me
Kirara 🍄🤡
i want him to beat it i believe in him
Kirara 🍄🤡
at least die around a more convenient time for me come on
one time my coworker who's an old italian lady asked for a day off to go to a funeral and my boss said "ah jeez couldn't they have died on your day off" no joke
Kirara 🍄🤡
What a nice boss.
he also got mad at me for being so lethargic the day my dog died of cancer and told me i need to improve myself
he's generally a good boss but sometimes he says some straight up psycho shit idk why
>>787586 >>787588 >>787585 just remember he also let me keep my job when i took a week vacation with no notice in advance at all except telling him the day i was flying out lol
Hey don't call me a nihilistic degenerate You're the master of nihilistic degeneracy You deserve a phd in it
>>787603 The cutoff date is totally arbitray You're only like three years older than me
>>787605 You know you always see boomers complaining about sexual degeneracy but I'm pretty sure that's statistically trending downwards Zoomers aren't degens old people just like complaining about younger generations
good point
i just read some thing that was categorizing cohorts and it said zoomers were nihilist degens
..I can see what Kirara meant by Laughing at some of the enemy designs
>>787604 also i wasn't even a fucking millenial but then they went and changed their mind and made the new zoomer tier and idk all this age gap bullshit is just boomer bullshit
Remember when we were supposed to be the i generation
>>787608 I never got the millenial term Is it meant to be people born around the turn of the century or people who were turning into adults around then
back before it cool to make hitpieces about millenials they used to call us gen y
It's people that were still in a formative period around the turn of the century. So that's why you can still get people born in like the mid/early-80s still considered millenials, along with people like mosto -most of us, born in the late-90s.
>>787610 it used to be kids born around 2000 but now its kids who were adolescent in early 2000s or something they changed it for some reason
Honestly it makes more sense to refer to adolescents or young adults in that time period. We were the ones that were sort of on the front lines of social media and the information era really fucking up everything people assumed was normal. The kids born around 2000 grew up with that fuckery already in place.
generation why
>>787614 we as a generation fucked the way for future generations to fuck harder and faster
You fought in the world war? I fought in the world wide web
>>787622 You were in a prison camp during the Korean war? That's nice and all but did you even survive rainfurrest 2015
Vietnam? Yeah that was a pretty big tragedy but have you heard of DashCon?
My imouto has this weird problem with food edges. Like it's not even really a crust problem or anything; she'll eat pies or pizza fine. But given a cake or even something like a pan of brownie or fruit crisp, she'll always make a point of cutting into the dish in a way that avoids her getting any of the parts that touch the edge of the pan. Which is really annoying when we then have to cut around her cut arounds.
>>787621 internet historian is the only history class i need, old man. your physical achievements are meaningless now we have the internet
>>787621 The Axis vs the Allied Powers was a heated battle for sure, but have you seen the carnage of the crinklies vs the alcoholics?
Your house got bombed by the nazis?
>>787631 your house got bombed? Well I got doxxed and sent pizzas
Germans used your town to test aerial bombardment and destroyed over 3/4ths of the city and civilians? Pfft, yeah that sucks but get this, my Habbo Hotel room got raided by /b/.
i think i've reached a new low in post content today
Kirara 🍄🤡
looks like my guy is gonna live
>>787635 Pass some congratulations on to him. He's great for toughing it out.
>>787654 To be fair TLJ and TFA were dripping with sexual tension between the pair But like Kylo Ren is a mass murderer The first thing the guy does onscreen is order a massacre She's kissing literally Hitler
maybe it's just because i think kylo is an ugly pathetic loser so i just can't possibly imagine him going near a naked girl
>okay we're gonna set Kylo up as the main villain for the third movie >sike
i hate that character probably my least favorite character in star wars he's more annoying to me than jar jar binks
all they had to do was have him keep the helmet on and be a faster less beefy vader and it would have been alright instead they turned him into not only a discount vader but also a whiny douche with daddy issues wtf man
i am not a big star wars fan though maybe in the extended universe they explain how he isnt a fucking cum guzzler i've only seen the movies and played the kotor games
Kirara 🍄🤡
nah he's just a fascist loser
>>787663 The expanded universe is n longer canon *no They threw i t all out And are digging through it and bringing stuff back
Kirara 🍄🤡
wrong extended universe now refers to canon non-movie material old stuff is Legends
That reminds me, I still need to talk with moon about that. The other day I replied to post >>786666 → With hail satan and they deleted it. And got pi >>787670 It wasn't a productive conversation you mongoloid I said still need to talk with moon about it because it wasn't resolved.
You already talked to Moon about that you halfwit.
Although the joke is that in this comic many of tge customers are actually gods.
>>787678 What the hell is that moveset it's like Havel's Great Tooth 1h Zweihander 2h and i don't even know, dancer's blades weapon art but with a bigass hammer? looks weird as hell >>787682 i hate when zeus comes into my store last time i didn't have his chicken tenders fresh and ready he destroyed my register with a lightning bolt asshole
>>787683 What a dick. The Greek gods are such assholes.
Kirara 🍄🤡
i cant wait ffor the Emiya Gohan switch game
I wonder if it'll get localization. Fate's popular enough but it's a bit of a niche game. It's based off that 4-koma that got adapted into shorts by ufotable in 2018 too so it's got a really nice style.
>>787685 Wait what Is this the spiritual sequel to cooking mama
Have any of you played the dark souls boardgame or te Bloodborne card gam *game? I highly recommend the Bloodborne card game. The Dark Souls boardgame is good but costs like $100 and requires a couple of additional people. I think the card gme can be played b yourself.
I think I played the Bloodborne CG in tabletop simulator once. Not sure because I was drinking heavily during my time playing tabletop simulator but it feels like I did at some point.
I saw this at my FLGS the other day. I'm thinking about getting it.
I hope it gets a bunch of the Fate cast involved. There were some super comfy moments from the anime with all of them gathered in Shirou's place for dinner.
>>787694 regardless of race, gender, age, creed, or geographical location, customers always think they're hot shit when they're in someone else's place of business what a strange phenomena
>>787703 Okay. Come rob me when I'm at work and shoot me in the forehead with your love bullet. I'll turn off the cameras so nobody has video evidence to use!
>>787719 So I want to continue the discussion we were having the other day. I don't think that post was inappropriate for /moe/ and I'm kind of irked that you removed it. I was also irritated with how you cut te conversation short, I don't remember exactly what you said but it felt pretty rrude. *cut the conversation
i told you to shut the fuck up because you were being excessively facetious i think it's inappropriate and unpleasant i cleaned it up the once, but if you want to keep shitting where you eat, im not gonna follow you around and delete every one of them you're welcome to continue to post it and i won't delete it. i thought doing it the once would communicate a warning, but it seemed to cause more confusion
>>787721 I wasn't being facetious. It didn't violate any of the rules and its nt your job to remove posts you find unpleasant. Its your job to remove posts with inappropriate images, spam, posts where people accidentally give out their personal information and posts with malicious harassment. And I'm far from being the only person here who shitposts.
Rei did nothing wrong
I don't think it's unpleasant. It's mildly amusing.
I'm not trying to project any hostility i'm just not sure what's left to be done here, so if anyone has an unsettled issue about it then that's fine to go ahead with it
i'll apologize for telling you to shut the fuck up, that wasn't proper regardless of my patience or what i'm dealing with >>787730 it bothers me that you immediately posted the exact thing i deleted immediately upon me explaining why i deleted it it feels like you were trying to be inflammatory for some reason and to get under my skin i understand if you were trying to defend rei and such but that escalated things unnecessarily as well
does anyone else have some thoughts on this matter?
You could apologize to Rei for saying rude things to him unprovoked. I did it before too.
>>787729 I wanted to see if you'd delete my post too. Sorry if it seemed inflammatory! I still don't understand what about it bothers you but that's all said and done already.
So we're clear though, I thought it was funny you deleted his post at first. Doing things like that is why they demodded me on tano though. Except I did a lot worse haha
>>787734 I had already decided upon the deletion of the initial post that I'd do it once and only once, as a gesture and not as a rule. I wouldn't have deleted it whether you or rei or anyone posted it a bunch of times. There's some purpose behind it but I don't want to drag this out any further.
I think it's excessive shitposting when it happens every time repeatedly, and i think it falls under the same reasoning as deleting the negative imagery and ideology from other visitors we get. We have a substantial christian population on /moe/ too and i think it's disrespectful if done unironically. I think it's still disrespectful if done ironically as it's borderline mockery.
i think continued stuff like that is going to push a lot of posters away, even if just temporarily to decrease posting activity, and it runs the same risk as the other negative imagery of putting out ideology that isn't representative of this board to potential oncomers -- mind you, we're still getting strays from meguca and stuff once in a while who are looking for new imageboards to crash on who share their ideology.
i think it also happens a lot when it's an inappropriate tone. sometimes there's somewhat serious discussion going on and it'll still get quoted just to do a shitpost like that because it happens to have dubs or 666. i think that's really disrespectful too.
the shitposting itself isn't a very big issue but i think it comes at a cost that rei may not be aware of a little slap on the wrist and to tell him people don't want to see that should have been enough to suggest it's not appreciated, but i guess i was wrong you and maria like it so have at it i guess
>>787736 That all seems a bit much for an innocuous quip like that. It's no worse than the thousands of posts on this board that consist of merely "wowme2". That kind of gibberish would confuse visiting users who don't know it's an in-joke as well.
I'm not sure where the substantial christian population on /moe/ is though. Rika? I am not aware.
Either way it could engender posters to the site or interest them as well as drive them away. Those weird posts can sometimes pique interest or at least make you wonder what everyone is doing here.
I don't think it's necessarily bad though it is a worthless shitty post regardless of if it's made during meaningful discussion or bullshit banter.
I think Kirara might have been expecting something that would offend someone given the context we were given as outsiders.
Kirara 🍄🤡
i don't know, i figured it was something super shitposty or spammy
>>787736 A /moe/ where I can't post hail satan is not a /moe/ I would want to post on If anything would push posters away it'd be a stuffy atmosphere where people are tripping over their toes and no one can make some innocuous quip
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Holy shit are you guys still talking about this
>>787756 I think its been a very productive conversation about moderation policies.
The other day this old lady's order rang up as $6.66. When I told her the total she was like, "Oh no!" I said, "What, you don't like that number? What's wrong with Hailing Satan?" Then threw up the horns and chuckled. She told me, "I just don't like it! I feel like it's gonna give me bad luck!" So I said "Okay want a banana for 70 cents"
and that's the end of the story she bought a banana and thanked me and smiled as she left.
>>787791 >>787789 That would be metal as fuck but I don't want to scare the poor gal.
I usually say Hail Satan when someone manages to ring up to $6.66 Not even joking. Sometimes they think it's worth a giggle sometimes they're like "Oh no, I can't hail satan!" sometimes they say it back to me too.
But I have never, ever had anyone get angry or offended about it.
>>787782 I really wnted to make that argument but didn't because it would've been to shitposty and we were having a serious conversation. *too shitposty
>>787823 I'm pretty sure a walkabout only counts as walkabout if you're an indigenous australian engaging in their traditional nomadic rites in australia.
It just got adopted as a term people use for unexplained or unplanned trips in english.
Kirara 🍄🤡
it's so funny
I think it's fine to slap someone on the hand or arm if they're being persistent about not letting go of you.
>>787828 Well I ws being facetious but I think technically it could apply for a non aboriginie engaging in te practice. Like as ling a tey were i te bush. *as long a s they were in the bush Jesus Am I having a stroke
>>787833 Money. Accurate headlines are pretty bad for getting clicks and reads, or having people tune in to the televised segment.
>>787834 Maybe this is why nobody buys newspapers anymore i wouldnt pay for this crap lol
>>787836 I think it's the other way around. When people bought newspapers because it was the only source of persistent news (as opposed to the radio or television), they didn't have to worry about the money they need to keep the doors open. Once people stopped buying them, they had to start resorting to cheaper means of bringing in revenue.
I feel like newspapers probably always had clickbaity titles It's just that it's changed format and it's more convenient and doesn't cost a dollar. The headlining articles were always written with intriguing wording and big bold text to generate more sales in news kiosks and such where the headline would be displayed on the side of the thing.
BREAKING NEWS: news breaks windows at police station
Clickbait was always pretty bad even when newspapers were a thing but it's definitely worse now Before you only had to compete with like, 4-5 available newspapers for sale. Now you have to compete with every news site on the web and they can all be shared instantly with anyone. Before there wasn't a twitter or a facebook where your readers could share your bait with a few hundred people at the click of a button
I usually read the local paper every day cause I get a few minutes of break time most days at work and we got it there. I don't read news online because I don't really give a shit what's going on Probably not a good thing haha
>>787838 You can write with intriguing wording and aesthetic design to attract interest without it being inherently clickbaity. The two are not mutually inclusive.
I was a bit disgusted and also sort of intrigued for a second there. Like I was thinking "what horrible monstrosity has h e n fighting been" *has he been fighting
Kirara 🍄🤡
the worst monstrosity of all the self
>>787851 I was gonna say your mm, *mom But that works too.
>>787843 You know what news doesn't suck? The Hard Times.
It's like The Onion except back when it was still funny.
They're based in Chicago. I actually know a guy who is friends with one of the founders. >>787856 Ligma
Kirara 🍄🤡
know what else is funny?
>>787816 speaking of clickbaity shit you mentioned that the new york times is hateclick bullshit and not that I ever pay any mind to that news site but
She isn't very well read (despite having gone to a top 20 school).
>>787773 i delete stuff when people post images with nazi regalia all the time it's not focused on any specific group
>>787882 To me at least, those aren't the same. At least not in the level of offensiveness. I don't really wnt to get into another lng discussion about this.
well i'll talk about it and you don't have to respond when new threads are made with images like that, regardless of what anybody here feels about being offended, it's on the front page where >>787885 the point is something totally different, please be patient
-- it's on the front page where it's immediate exposure for anyone passing through. we do actually get a fair amount of stray traffic. Sam scolded PK for making that thread once saying how it gives wrong impressions about our board for passersby and can attract sentiment that we don't want here. it might seem like that's too far detached from us to come across that way, but the other liveboards that grew adjacent to us have attracted a lot of extremism. following the incident with meguca being worldwide news, two things happened. their population dissipated and looked for new homes, and investigative journalists snooped around looking for a scoop. we don't really want that sentiment to come here and take // make any influence here, and we also don't want to catch publicity somehow for other places' dumb shit. this place can and has been tied into some of our personal lives too, and the archive captures a lot of stuff. i don't just mean our archive which is deletable, but the web archive too has a lot of our site (even some of the old site) permanently catalogued.
your hail satan post was sitting around at a slow time where it could be seen for a few hours, too and if you think im being paranoid, we have had some visits from people doing uncomfortable digging in the past trying to find out information for various reasons
even if it's ironic or silly, it just looks bad hanging around the front page. publicity can be spun a ton of different ways. so those are two issues, attracting the wrong breed of visitors who we don't want here (we've been pretty good at deterring them in civil ways so good job) and just giving a potentially really bad impression of the place
if it was something more substantive i wou
Satan never corralled christians into concentration camps and gassed them to death en masse. They are not the same at all. Please do not compare them.
Satan didn't provably murder anyone in the past 100 years so there you go One is an abstract concept the other is something that represents human evil
>>787884 would have given it more pause, but since it was just a pretty unsubstantive shitpost i didn't think it was going to be missed and i suppose i was wrong about that i do think it's distasteful and i'm going to find it annoying as a community member if you do it every time the counter hits 666, but i won't do anything about it there's a lot of stuff i find annoying and that's ok that's just how things work
i'd like it if we can be done done with this though if we could not keep it as a lingering issue that would be preferable.
So how's 2020 treating everyone? any resolutions you'd like to share?
one resolution i have is to get into a better career, whatever that may be, and to find some stability in my life
It's hard for me to come up with resolutions because I don't know the routes I need to take to accomplish anything. So anything I can think up is way too abstract and the thing about resolutions or goals or whatever is the more abstract they are, the harder it is to accomplish them. So I dunno. goals are hard for me.
Like I can say I need to hold myself accountable or stop hiding from the things that are hard, but I mean, that's something I don't really know how I'm supposed to do. So it's a pretty cruddy resolution as far as things go.
>>787890 Well I was really hungover today but I've been off work and playing video games with my sister's boyfriend and having a pretty good time. He got CoD for free with his laptop apparently so we're playing that and probably smash bros later, they'll be on a team vs me.
I don't make resolutions, I think that stuff is nonsense. Will be continuing my attempts to curb and eventually cease drinking alcohol so I can finally be 100% sober and clean again.
Not to say anyone's new years resolutions are stupid or whatever but I never seem to be able to think of something good to resolve to do that I haven't already thought of and resolved to do before new years. So anything I'd be making my resolution would be some after thought forced goal I don't really care much about.
i used to feel resolutions were kind of lame and still do sometimes, but it's kind of just an opportunity to articulate the resolutions you already have but might not be fully aware of. it's just a chance to frame it as a question to yourself to identify what really matters at the moment given the hectic clusterfuck we're always engaged in and that kind of clarity is a scarcity. it has some utility.
good luck with curbing and stopping. im having bad cravings tonight and it's being exacerbated by being around other people who'd like to see me fail. ive been having cravings all through december really. it was such a shitty month.
i was at the grocery store about an hour ago and spent a good 10 minutes in front of the bourbon thinking about it but i didn't so i just came back to this place and i'm still aggravated
>>787897 It's hard for me to deal with the alcohol cravings. Way harder than avoiding cocaine or marijuana or even cigarettes. I still see people I used to buy drugs from around town and at the store and don't get but a tiny nag in the back of my mind at the most. But it's so easy to just say "Ah, what's one drink once or twice a week" and then "Well one drink a night isn't that bad" etc etc. Maybe there's some mental thing separating it from the other stuff to avoid that makes me think it's not as bad, but it's still really bad for me.
That and I literally have to be around alcohol all day because we sell it so it's always in my mind every day I guess. But I'll give it my best I guess.
>>787905 Weird thing about coke vs alcohol though I get dreams where I'm doing cocaine or just about to take some and then startle awake sometimes. Never had anything like tha // that happen with alcohol though.
AnnoSearch [iqdb](1s, 234 KB, 1280x720, 1539329228049.webm)Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I'm watching marriage story, this shit is brutal would recommend
People seem to really like a particular scene with Adam Driver and Scarlett Johannson from that. Though I can't remember if it's because it's so bad it's good or so good it's good. I also haven't actually watched the scene myself I just know people were talking about it.
well so far it's very uncomfortable in a pretty satisfying way
oh that's neat, they're lending out lit up headphones connected to a dj set abs and different radio stations there's also a little area to vibe out with the other headphone person
hmm maybe alright next time you come with me and kirara can give you the lines through moe and you can read them to me to say I'd trust your delivery flawless plan
Disenchantment is an alright show it's definitely no Futurama, the jokes are a bit hit or miss, but the voice casting is decent and it's enjoyable enough
or course there's a lot of carryover voices from Futurama eg John DiMaggio