BokuBen Episode 12-13 Chihayafuru Enen no Shouboutai Episode 23-24 GranBlue Fantasy Honzuki no Gekokujou Kabukicho Sherlock Episode 11-12 Kono Oto Tomare! Episode 21-25 PSYCHO-PASS Episode 6-8 Val x Love Episode 11-12
I wonder what that chord is anyway. The one that's going dun-dun-dunn here. It's got such a generic ominous tone to it I swear it's in anything trying to be tense hah hah
How does the same Primal get summoned twice at the same time anyway.
This OST track has a real early-KEY sound to it. Like something you'd hear in Kanon or CLANNAD
Oh RIP sword. If I remember correctly this whole fight takes place on a different island after the arc that took place on this one. I guess for episode time contraints they just merged the two together.
I think the Djeeta episode aired earlier in the season. Dunno why they didn't put it in though. Maybe we'll get it after the show's done airing anyway.
this thing is never cute though
That's a pretty crazy nickname Gran's dad has.
I guess they're not revealing that Eugen's her dad yet.
was there any overarching plot things that matter did moriarity do his thing yet
Hm, Moriarty was almost the bad guy. There was a woman friend of Sherlock's that got killed when she was hiding in a place only Sherlock and Watson knew of, but Moriarty was also there too. So Watson got real suspicious of him and tried to confront him but turns out Sherlock was secretly telling Moriarty about it anyway.
And then this glasses detective coerced Watson into stealing that USB key that might have information about Jack on it.
Oh she's the one that got killed. Guess it was all a trick of Sherlock's/
Honestly in pretty much every incarnation of Sherlock and Watson, Sherlock usually does something like that deserving of a good punch. They're really have a pretty uneven relationship.
Time for some more RA KO GO Ah wait shit no I mean Rakugo.
He even gets to roll out the full outfit and intro too.
You'd have to probably be pretty close to someone to get peyote into them. I bet that stick of gum Moriarty gave her was a tracking device or something.
>>787949 hey i sent you a quick email there's no urgency with it though, you don't even need to respond just an update on something
Well emotionally and physically close. The glasses guy is a reasonably smart guy, enough to be a professional detective in the same leagues as Sherlock. But in the past few episodes he has been heads over heals for this apparent Jakku.
It's kind of unsurprising though. All the other women this Jakku hangs out with are either crossdressers or transsexuals. So them also being one is reasonable. I was always kind of confused as to why a normal woman was hanging out with them.
It's quite the Pretty Cute-poi song too. Though Sensei could really do with a bit of smiling for once.
these models really are... well, something japan really loves this stuff takemoto's model looks a little better just by being tan somehow, less saturated
I think the models themselves are pretty nice but the rigging is pretty lazy.
Japan has a hard time making these not look robotic and weird There's a couple 3D series that get it right but I think that they have to be lovingly animate and something is wrong with these models too the shading, perhaps?
Yeah, it could be something like that. I think they were trying to make it look really bright because they do have a big spotlight on stage there. But it made all the girls aside from Uruka look way too bright.
Wow, that outfit must have been on really tight to explode like that
How tightly was that costume on her.
This girl is stretching the truth HARD.
What a cute outfit.
Oh I guess all the costumes got swapped then. This is probably the costume these two guys wanted Sensei to wear. While Sensei got Uruka's costume ... so where's the prince costume?
meowpolean??????? why not nyaapolean....
Localization teams seem to be weirdly insistent on ignoring-
>>787996 Oh did they. Normally yeah, the Japanese would do it nyaa. Weird shake-up.
that wasn't a localization! they said meowpolean too i guess that's a little cuter sounding though
Shinra's really redefining what it means to kill 'em with kindness.
Ah oh no. Looks like he might've run himself right into Sho's blade.
This crazy scientist guy with the poofy hair has kind of been a Speedwagon this whole arc. He's just been off to the side throwing out terrified commentary.
Cavalry to the rescue!
Plasma, electricity, and fire all are kinda similar. Reminds me in The Last Airbender where some of the best Firebenders could manipulate electricity too.
Poor Shinra though. He was so close to getting Sho back.
They're being kinda smart about Shinra's impalement though hah hah. With a stab like that, taking the blade out is probably just gonna make things worse.
Waking up like that with no idea what happened is probably not a good feeling
Especially with how gaunt he is after all that recovery without proper sustenance. He looks more skeleton than human.
That was a real Last Bossu moment from Burns. How kakkoii. He still doesn't really feel proper villain though, so I'm curious to where he stands here. Not with these Evangelist people and not with the mad scientist peoples.
She seems to have a pretty good plan for staying alive
This is again a moment I feel like Main's showing mental complexity way too developed for her age. But I guess her family's distracted from that by the emotional moment of this.
it feels weird to think about the recording studio when they just have a girl in there crying for that long
And imagine if they need multiple takes to get it right.
>>788047 She did wave a lot of money in the old man's face to request the ability to join the church. I can imagine why he'd expect her parents to be well off too.