had an amusing moment when practically half a clan of africans, i think from western parts, came to buy fireworks all underaged except one my age who "dealt" them the shit sketchy but legal
>>786307 it's not that guy who a clockwork oranged himself's food truck
Two of my best friends bailed on me for new years plans I say "bailed" even though we didn't have plans because they refused to make plans with me even though they did new years with this guy last year. And I don't go because he's above what I'll tolerate in terms of racism and alt rightness And also because I'm not interested in going to a party where I'm not *where I'm the only person who isn't getting shitfaced.
come to brooklyn im going to a bar with the following on their website > 21-AND-OVER ALL THE TIME, EVERY TIME. (WE HAVE TO TURN AWAY EVEN THE TINIEST, CUTEST, QUIETEST ONES.)
so uh yea...
Anyways they're leaving now and are staying there until the afternoon of the 1st I don't really have anyone to do new year's stuff with. Like there's one guy who I would do stuff with but he lives like 50 miles away and can't get to his place without one of the previously mentioned friends driving.
There's one guy I would do new years with but he has a flight back to tucson early Wednesday. >>786321 He lives in Woodstock Illinois It's closer to Wisconsin than it is to Chicago. Incidentally it's where Groundhog Day was filmed.
Hypothetically if the arcade is doing a special thing where they stay open all night instead of just until 2 i could go there and just get picked up at like 9am or whatever Unfortunately their hours are 11am-2am 365 days a year
Plus my favorite machine was broken last time I went
>>786328 It's the largest arcade in the world and its just outside of the third largest city in the us *largest arcade in the US I don't know if anyone kknows which arcade is the world's largest.
I'm at the meeting spot and my ride is nowhere in sight And also i haven't heard from hm *him RIP
>see a blue mini cooper >it's not him REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>he hasn't left >he hasn't showered >it's well past when he was supposed to show uo Guess I need to pay to get back on the train again and then take the bus home and meet him there You would think he would do the bare minimum favor for a guy who is gonna try to fix his computer but apparently not
Inb4 he forgot where I live again
Also despite knowing that computer science isn't really about computers I still appreciate that I am better with computers than basically anyone I kow who either has or is working towards a cs degree *I know irl
>hey what is that thing, asks english speaking customer >that is (1-to-1-tl-mode-activate) a pot... pan... kettle no no no>BATTERY >yes a battery, shoots many rockets into air
do you need a permit etc to just sell anywhere over there?
Kirara ππ€‘
yeah you do
nowadays it is quite lax rules to start a food stand, if it is on public property, mind you if you don't do it for "main income earning" and only like once a week etc
Well actually i can't tell if they're bougie or I'm just being cheap cause I'm always broke Although just because I'm broke doesn't mean I can't be right about them being bougie
i still remember that burger i had at a foodtruck in the city centre, with my ankle really badly twisted and jyst having been given a free ride by a complete steanger who saw me limping to a bus stop
that was a weird party, well the journey home
i wish i can be tgat guy to someone else someday
hi finn, im estanon
this imageboard is cool
its like irc
yeah idk i literally just came from lainchan from the alternative chans thread yeah im bad too haha mina ka mina olen autist
idk if i should post its literally devolving into irc
actually woudlnt it be neat when the fast paced nature of irc where to be combined with imageboard stuff in a natural way this is it hella cool volatile information moving in a fast paced nature im not posting this though yeah its a mess im afraid
>>786369 Hello. This imageboard seems to be for blogging. Is it? Lainchan... It's just as bad.
no distinction i meant fuck yeah what do u expect from a lainfag
beeep boop im a robot aaaa ssspssst robot noises rbrrrt beep fsaoh fuck i cant delete helph fuck noh sdafi have paranoid schizophrenia and i fuck waddddf help giogd ogd I CANT D ELTE WHY WHYFUCK HELP AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaa
well there's that reddit subreddit simulator i think it would pretty easy to set up such a bot now thanks to all the GPT2 open source stuff out there
>>786439 yea tbh 4chan is just bots at this point haha it would be neat to know the statistics on that and how many posts just come from the same few ips in the same few formats
anon: whats an xbmc file hold on have to search that up Kirara: you're an xbmc file anon: dont go accusing me like that anon: how do i know ur not a .m3u file or god knows what yuu: What's an xbmc file? gluon: like a downloaded file that you installed kirara: well it's not a .m3u, but it contains parts that .m3u doesn't Ryu: is this where the few male users from the katawa subforum are? referrer: Should i go? :P gluon: if i wasnt mistaken it's a .jpeg referrer: YUSU
One of the clients fell in love with another client but that client has a steady boyfriend! It culminated tonight in my guy realizing he loves her and breaking down over her going to stay with her bf for New Year's. I didn't think it would happen so soon but I could see it coming.
>>786519 i luv these >>786520 wow how are you going to accept your waifu irl
SERIOUS DRUG ALERT: There is an extremely dangerous Blue Lego pill in circulation. Seek Medical assistance immediately if you feel unwell - without consequence.
i had to call the cops on a really drunk guy who kept trying to buy more booze to get him to go home before he hurts himself hopefully he managed to stumble back to safety he was super fucked
>>786528 kiss it and you got yourself an indirect kissu
You'll have the great ToN under your wings. Only good things will happen.
Kirara ππ€‘
/moe/ treatment center
The real problem here is academic probation potentially puts me out of financial assistance for university tuition. They already withheld funding once when I was doing poorly - or well because I had done poorly and I had to explain to them how I was going to avoid slipping into probation again. Which clearly has not succeeded.
it'll be great when a remotely stressful situtation happens and I panic in a corner.
>>786550 Which prior to today wasn't a problem since, y'know, I had a job and even if money was tight I could make do. Maybe have a delayed payback to my parents. But now that's not really an option.
>>786555 So now I have no clue if I'll have the money to afford school and on top of the problem of being in academic probation by itself I really don't know what I'm supposed to do and it's kind of suffocating me right now.
that sucks things are quite tough for you right now how are your parents handling it?
I haven't told them yet hah hah I was writing about this on the subway home so I haven't had a chance to tell them about the two weeks notice. And I'm positively terrified to tell them about my academic probation because one, any reason I can give is not going to be good enough, two, I have done quite a bit of lying or at least stretching the truth to avoid them putting pressure on me during the semester, and three, I'm already kind of on a borrowing of money from them to have gone to school this year and if they get news that I've failed this bad I'm worried it's going to be the swing that strikes me out and they'll be done trying to help me out period. Never mind the near pathological lying. I wouldn't blame them for not trusting me after all that.
All the options I've got just all seem impossible or just bad so I don't know how or what I'm supposed to choose and the terror is making my urge to keep running away all the morr stronger but I know that won't help shit but I also can't stop myself because the alternative is just too much
>>786558 have you already had your doctor write you a note to take to the school you're seeing a psych right you should be able to mention the academic probation to them as being related to your mental health and get some help turning over the financial aid situation if you haven't already done that as your last academic probation appeal that is
if they're good and nice parents they'll probably understand
Is it really a matter of understanding when pragmatically it's just not reasonable to continue sinking costs into a failing project. How many times can something not even squeak by the bare minimum of success and just continue to fail and fail before it's more pragmatic to cut it off.
>>786560 Well my doctor is technically from the school. They've got a medical centre focused on mental health issues and the doctor I've been seeing is from there. I don't even know if they're considered a proper psychiatrist or Well I went hunting for their card since I'd assume it would have the details by -but I can't find it. I'm less worried about the school throwing me out for academic probation because I don't think I've fallen below the critical cut-off point they've got and since I did well the semester inbetween the two ones I've fallen into academic probation because of (though mostly because I took advantage of only having a single summer course for it) I'm pretty sure I'm still enrolled. It'll suck because I'll have to get in contact with my program administrator once the school opens after the winter break and talking with them will be rough since they're familiar with my previous failures but at the same time are also aware of my mental health issues so maybe, maybe things will work out. But it doesn't matter if I'm enrolled or not if I can't afford the tuition, which the financial assistance for is handled by the government, separate from the university's bureaucracy. When they previously delayed funding for me because of my academic probation I had to write a letter describing the various things I was going to employ to ensure I improved my -I was going to employ to prevent falling into academic probation again. Which I evidently did not utilize to the best potential and still fell into academic probation. And I'm worried the government is going to be far less tolerant and will be once bitten, twice shy when it comes to approving funding for me. After all, they can't
really tell if I'm a struggling student or just someone looking to take advantage of the funding they provide.
Maybe at least some of this I can get answers for from the university but I can't do that until they open, the earliest of which I think is the sixth. So I've still got a lot of anxious waiting left.
do you want to continue school? it doesn't sound like it's vibing for you anyway i think you'd probably have more gratification and relief from anxiety by working just my assumption thogh
Working what though? Some set of part-time jobs I need to juggle because one alone doesn't pay enough for rent and living in this city? A random skill trade I don't really want to do? There aren't really many jobs I'm able to say I want to do. I'll grant this is certainly in part because I don't know they exist or at least haven't been made aware of their entrance capability, but THAT'S STILL A PROBLEM.
Of the ones I can say I want to do, they expect you to have at least an undergraduate degree to begin with, hence, school. It would be great to do freelance writing or some kind of creative work I could make a living off of but my work ethic and inability to hold myself accountable runs far deeper than just an academic career here. I need to figure out how to not be a useless incompetent human being before I think anything like that is even REMOTELY going to be feasible. Otherwise I'm just going to slack off and continue sticking my head in the sand whenever things get rough. I don't really know what I want to do, even when I say there's things I want to do it's more of a "sure, I guess" then anything passionate or interested. Being able to tell stories and live off it, I can say that's probably the one thing I would really, really want to do, but I'm just currently not someone capable of turning interest into motivation into results. Maybe I'll never be I don't know.
Like this isn't a problem of school not vibing for me it's more that life itself isn't vibing for me. I can't get into anything so everything just goes nowhere. There's almost nothing I can say I want to do and of the things I want to do they're either a shot for the moon that I instead keep shooting myself in the foot with or they're not really things I can base a life off of.
>>786543 hope so he seemed like a nice guy and wasn't being disruptive just really drunk and confused
>>786569 not every job has to be all or nothing and committing your whole life anything that can bring you stability and security now, and also just be a productivity outlet, can help you situate and organize the rest of your life eg the jobs i work aren't where my identity or sense of worth are at. they're gratifying to do and support me to do my own research that i want to do
that research part could be replaced with supplemental training towards the career you do want. you don't have to start at the goal granted i'm literally homeless right now but that's not indicative of my career choices. that's just a shitty landlord doin shit
but if you're on a slope downward atm i'd encourage you to slow the decline down now, especially if you're still able to live at home and stuff like that moving out of the city may have to happen if it has to happen and go somewhere cheaper you can afford
things can always get worse
Well there's one absolute they can't get worse from.
>>786571 You still have things you want to do, and it seems like you can control yourself enough to engage with them. I can't, or at least I haven't, not in any form of consistency that I could say I'm working towards them. I don't know how I'm supposed to try when I can't find the energy or interest or "in the moment" motvation. I just don't have it. Even working for three months I can't even get motivated to do anything but keep telling myself I'll do it later while I go do things which grant shorter term gratification. Like maybe I'm fooling myself and I don't actually want to write or create for a living but if that's the case then as far as I know there's NOTHING I want to do. Which just sounds like such a shitty existence to me. I've barely got the -got motivation to live I'm just fortunate that to be otherwise is even more work I don't have energy to bother with. But if there's really nothing I want to do and just living isn't really doing it for me then I don't know man. What good is it.
Also I get it seems like I'm not suited to school but I enjoy doing it. I like being in lectures, at least when there's not an emphasis on small-group activity, and it's fun to think up good conceptual things for writing and I enjoy learning or getting a lens into things I'd never considered before. It doesn't feel like I'm not doing to work because it's unenjoyable but because like in all things I just run away whenever things get hard and go do what's easier -- at least in the small picture. But that self-accountability and capacity to care about, well, almost anything, I
I dunno man sorry I'm just tired. Even trying to argue this out is too much.
Actually which /moe/s have shot a gun Perkele has actual millitary training and biblical knowledge. He's also an actual Christian though so I dunno if he'll follow through or not I'll take him if I can get a guarantee he'll follow through I'll take you as well since you're trained on how to shoot Whoa is also a current member of the millitary so he's probably fit and armed I'll take him
Kirara ππ€‘
probably half of us have shot guns i learned with da fbi how to shoot moon is a gunner whoa is military etc
>>786638 Congrats, you beat the hardest boss in the game. I made fun of my best friend for having trouble beating him though. I watched ToN beat him in co op a bunch of times so I woupd joke that he was the easiest boss.
the DLC2 bosses are pretty rough customers. one of them in particular is more of an endurance match
My friend's parents are taking us out to dinner tomorrow night. This is the brother of the friend I was complaining about earlier for not making new years plans with me. Apparently he only told two other people who weren't involved in the two day long party which I'm sure will be full of debauchery that he was going and now his parents are irritated with him since he's leaving his brother alone for the last two days he's in tiwn. *town Err, the last two days his brother is in town.
The hardest boss in the game is me rolling off cliffs
GG moon good job
The hardest boss in the game is actually Hosts with Two White Phantoms or sometimes even just One who are No Fun Allowed and won't let me just CHILL IN THEIR WORLD IM NOT DOING ANYTHING
>>786660 nah hardest boss is that fucking dragon that breathes on you in lothric castle
>>786663 hardest boss in dark souls 3 pvp is me stunlocking you with my cestus trick because it is infinite and i hope they havent patched it yet
>>786667 not quite it requires you to have a ton of stamina enough to actually kill someone and the range is piss garbage cause it links off of dw cestus dash attack sometimes it works though and it was glorious
Vs. by Mission of Burma Signals, Calls and Marches by Mission of Burma Songs About Fucking by Big Black The Queen is Dead by The Smiths Blue Sky Mining by Midnight Oil New Traditionalists by Devo McClusky Do Dallas b McLusky *by New Roman Times by Campervan Beethoven Bee Thousand by Guided by Voices Paul's Boutique by The Beastie Boys Double Nickels on the Dime by The Minutemen Flip Your Wig by HΓΌsker DΓΌ Marsh are you even reading these?
>>786683 Do you want more? Also as I am a person who for the most part only listens to entire albums that is what I recommend with these. Do you want more recommendations?
shoegaze is probably more attractive to those depressed suicidal virgin incels like the meme targets i guess
I vaguely remember some joke headline about shoegaze listeners having depression Anyways you're the only person I've ever heard say that Slowdive is better than mbv I have the controversial opinion of thinking that isn't anything is better than their second album I forget the nam
>>786716 Either that or because depressed people look down all the time >>786720 Do you like The Replacements?
>>786716 yeah it comes from the guitarists always looking at their feet for the pedals to vamp and distort generally associated with emo kids though for unrelated reasons
Fuck I wish there were some sort of treatment for it Too bad its not life threatening or simple to fix so there's no impetus for people to research it >>786754 Not 100% sure Probably years of going to concerts without earplugs
>>786750 How'd you get tinnitus? I get it every now and then
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>786746 i compared it to darksouls because that's the other game i was just playing
>>786750 i hate that shit too it makes it so hard to sleep when there isn't a bunch of noise i just hear constant dull ringing every second of every day though no matter what i drown it out with a fan or something
>>786756 I always put music on to go to sslsleep to Right now my playlist is stop making sense followed by speaking in tongues followed by marquee moon followed by my big classical/baroque playlist
>>786760 What songs have you liked sso far? For reference New Roman Times is a concept album about a war between Texas and California (where aliens come and help California)
>>786803 wat ouch owie oof i just may have to cut myself to cope with that diss
i wish new years was cancelled because fires were burning down every place on Earth fucking die die die wow
>>786804 Well in fairness. There's some Real Absurdity to putting on a wild fireworks display while all the surrounding landmass around you is burning to the ground.
girls with bangs deserve special rights they should be allowed to cut to the front of lines at restaurants and stuff and pay less taxes they are a protected class
>>786922 i've long been over it. It's just old high school love classics. You know, sitting with that girl you like and that girl who knows you like her friend and is just waiting for you to both just kiss already. >>786925 It would be difficult to find someone who looks like Shuten you know, she's got those It's just the way they look at me that reminds me. it's like damn please don't give me eye contact I might say something weird like how we should be holding hands right now haha whoops there's the bell I gotta go to chemistry see you
>>786924 Did you fall in love with a girl who looked like shuten doji?
I was happy with the chemistry I learnt from general science maybe
PNAU were very good Peking Duk I have not heard more than three songs but they were fun even though my feet are killing me john farnham was funny other stuff was kind of meh
i hope 2020 brings some relief from this tortured existence
It's hard for me to not characterize this decade as a long, futile battle against depression and falling face-first through the current entirety of my adult life. I know a decade is pretty much an abstract set of an abstract measurement of an abstract time system but it's hard to not hope the next one is much less shit.
>>786935 a year is about as discrete as it comes given our time and place i mean, there'll come a time in the future when solar systems won't exist and would have only been a tiny blip in the early universe it might be pretty abstract then to track time by revolutions around a star
>>786944 They record them, right Though I guess that's not as much fun none of the ATMOSPHERE
Yeah pretty much. They get all silly especially as they approach New Years. Disconnected from knowing it's live is kind of, eh. I don't really have the excitement anymore.
Just because you don't like a post doesn't mean you should delete it.
>>786935 i thought the decade was 2001 to 2010, 2011 to 2020 etc
>>786959 but our method of counting years (AD) started at 1 there was no year 0 AD so each decade therefore should be starting at 1 until the next year ending at 10
>>786962 Arguably there probably wasn't a year one AD either since we didn't just suddenly go "Okay Christ is born time to start the counter all over again". Millenia are celebrated at the turnover from 999 to 1000, centuries are celebrated at the turnover from 99 to 100, it follows logically that decades should follow suit. This is how the modern world uses time, starting at zero and moving onwards. Just because there was no year zero in a time period where the date system it falls under wasn't even conceptualized yet, doesn't mean that the way modern culture views time is wrong or anything.
I mean you're free to disagree but you're still in the
Okay nevermind.
It's below freezing but I think I'm going to get an ice cream sandwich from the 7/11 by my house when I'm walking back from the bus stop.
>>786966 we celebrate the turn of the century at the last year of a century but count them as 1801-1900, 1901-2000 etc as well as there not being a 0th century
i am not in the wrong it's just a technicality
there is only one second of difference between 2010-2020 and 2011-2020 in a way i just was wondering why we celebrate the years ending in zero but categorize the decades differently
Heh I have $69 in checking right now
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Ha! That's the sex number.
>>786972 5 and 11 are both sexy primes And yes thats real mathematical terminology
Motion to rectify 11 as a gay prime since it looks like two guys playing tummy sticks
>>786983 Write an article on it aanand send it in for peer review
77 looks the same but with bigger sticks
ok I'm going to work be nice to each other while you celebrate marsh don't bully your little sister and put that damn fire out already