Oh hi sorry time slipped away from me. I'm here now.
Also wasn't 100% we'd be having it tonight too hah hah
Ace of Diamond Ahiru no Sora Black Clover BokuBen Episode 10-12 Chihayafuru Honzuki no Gekokujou Episode 13-14 Kabukicho Sherlock Kono Oto Tomare! Episode 21-25 No Guns Life Ore wo Suki nano wa Omae dake ka yo PSYCHO-PASS Episode 6-8 Shinchou Yuusha Val x Love Episode 11-12
Works out well for me since No Guns Life was the one of those five that downloaded the fast.
Oh yeah we're getting a cyborg ghost story.
I guess in a world where prosthetics seem to be almost universally available, someone who's lost part of a limb and hasn't had it replaced must be a weird sight.
Sounds like her dad's data could have something on Beruhen. They've consistently been the villains of this story so hopefully the data doesn't get crushed in this conflict.
What a handy little fellow.
Looks like Juzo lost an arm in that train collision.
He's leaving his coat with this girl too. This was an expensive case for him to take on.
Nope, it's a two-cour series. Don't know why they had such a finale-esque bit there at the end. Maybe they'll be on break over the new year changeover so they didn't do anything for the next week PV.
RIP Furuya Oh Coach is swapping the whole battery out.
See that's a much more reasonable way to bandage a finger that's been hit like that.
Hah hah I guess even baseball has the same height stigma like basketball. Ah but he swung out.
This whole opposing team is really kind of insufferable though.
It's kind of cute how eager Okamura is now to please Sawamura. He's done a good job of taming that wolf of a boy.
That TVTokyo thing at the start of Black Clover is always so LOUD Louder than all the other ones in other shows. And it's not even on par with the normal sound levels of the show. It's just weirdly LOUD.
Oh yeah things were getting crazy where we left off.
I guess this'll finally tie into this ominous black smiling thing at the end of the OP. I'm feeling this third party probably orchestrated the whole elven genocide and has been lying in wait to do ... something.
I guess this is what they get for messing with forbidden magic.
Well that's a face.
Oh no, an opponent that can counter any magic used to attack him. I wonder what the good guys can do against such power. If only they had someone who could attack without using magic.
Though I guess speaking words into reality is pretty much unbeatable in the right hands.
I wonder where the real Licht has been all this time though. I kinda expected this demon thing to be hiding in the real Licht and when they revived him he'd do the whole "LOL TRICKED" thing then. Having him hiding in some random elf was kind underwhelming.
Okay so Asta has the black grimoire that was formerly Licht's after his despair mutated his grimoire. Which explains why he can pull Licht's sword out of it I guess.
Patry is really moving kinda awkwardly. Like a zombie.
>>785558 Even with Asta's grimoire solved, there's still this mysterious demon or devil in him that gives him the other half of his powers. So there's still Asta mysteries to be solved.
I'm a little more surprised that they've answered a bit of why Yuno's so OP. If his inner elf is the child of Licht and the human princess then it's either too infantile to take over his body, or if it's at a conscious level, the harmony it embodies could sensibly be not as aggressive as the other elves have been, taking over the human bodies.
I think there's at least one more episode though so maybe there'll be some final fight tie-in.
This lady has some real weird swimsuits.
>>785563 I'm feeling we're seeing an Aizen 2.0 moment here. Unimportant mook of the enemy team surprisingly reveals to be the cunning antagonist and escapes to plague future arcs.
Hm looks like Seiya has bailed on the rest of his party. Probably doesn't want them around for this big dangerous final fight.
Yeah, the seiyuu shenanigans..... Is the future version of her the same Seiyuu as well?
He's being such an irresponsible hero, man. I feel like they could have made him like, just a bit more impatient than what should be normal and it still would have been clear he'd been broken by this world. The way he's so hammy in this world is a bit ridiculous.
Yeah, wow. Plus there's still the weird way the Maou of the world Seiya's currently saving seems to know all about the Divine Realm and weird goddess shit, and knows about Seiya being an isekai'd hero. So I'm hoping there's a good reason for that, instead of just something like "So powerful the Maou even possess es omniscience".
I want to see the last ep of shinchou now... okay lets start!
It'll be along next week! Oh wait next Wednesday is January 1st I wonder if the Japanese New Year programming will mess up the schedule hah hah.
Yeah I figured this wouldn't really be a happy ending for Pansy. Her nice quiet library has become a bustling hotspot. And Hose is still blindly crushing on her.
He's too powerful. That sheer positivity he's got is throwing this social scene they've got way off balance.
Oh hah hah I had a feeling something like that might happen. I guess this is Sun-chan's little bit of villainy we saw at the end of the last episode. Though I'm not sure why she did the plot with Sun-chan and not Joro?
I bet it's a double plot she's got cooking yeah. Hurt her a lot to lie like that to him, in more way than one.
Though man, yeah. It's hard to not feel bad for Joro. People are really fucking around with him hard this arc.
I mean, if everyone around you is dumping on you and you're stuck with someone like Hose being so fucking perfect. I can get why it's annoying but like, that situation is a really easy one to dig yourself into an inferiority hole.
This Sasanqua girl is pretty fun I hope she gets some good focus in other arcs. Though I doubt we'll get another season.
As someone who has a lot of experience with quitting, I sympathize pretty well with Joro at least. If anything I really like how they've put Hose into the antagonist role in this arc because it shows just how insufferable the generic positive harem romcom MC can be when he's not the self-insert.
Well in that case it's more he was too dense to notice it. Aside from the reporter girl I guess. He hadn't actually noticed that Cosmos and Himawari had developed proper feelings for him.
I think maybe next season there's gonna be an isekai series which has a similar plot to this. Only it's a girl that gets isekai'd and ends up being the otomege antagonist, kind of like a femme Joro getting in the way of the nice shoujo MC of an otome game. It's either next season or Spring 2020.