Ahiru no Sora Assassin's Pride Boku no Hero Academia BokuBen Choyoyu Episode 3-4 Chuubyou Gekihatsu Boy Episode 3-4 Dr. Stone Enen no Shouboutai GranBlue Fantasy Honzuki no Gekokujou Houkago Saikoro Club Kabukicho Sherlock Kono Oto Tomare! Episode 14-17 Mairimashita! Iruma-kun Episode 2-3 No Guns Life Rifle is Beautiful Val x Love Vinland Sage Beastars
>>763282 I think in Senku's time he's trying to find the root of the event. In the more recent chapters of the manga I think there's been some progress towards it but no definite success.
putting beatles and mozart on the same pedestal is a bit ambitious...
It's kind of a very millennial thing to do though eh.
Senku and his dad aren't even related? I guess that's how the editors avoid people complaining about him and Kohaku being related though. Even though after three thousand years it doesn't really matter anymore.
It's not quite as hard as the first OP. Which is good by me since that first one was a bit much for me. Plus this is MAN WITH A MISSION so I'm kind of biased to liking it.
i liked the first one it was kinda silly with the screaming but i liked it
They're really swerving hard into how vicious and cruel Askeladd and his crew can be.
Oh no.
Here comes Toorukeru~
I wonder if the Danish king even ever hit Canute.
Walking waist-high into water like that in the middle of winter is just asking for hypothermia.
well the water's not frozen it seems the snow is probably leftover im sure they're used to it
Askeladd's. He's run pretty much halfway across England with Thorkell on his tail always escaping at the very last moment. But it's really feeling like this time he won't be able to escape the force of nature that is Thorkell.
Yeah. In the first episode it's what allowed him to control that robot with the mask-face. Looks like he was able to used it to hijack Juuzo's body too.
Looks like he's learning how naive his view of the world is though hah hah Though you can't blame him, if he's spent his conscious life as a human experiment in some underground facility.
There's a lot of people with either amputated limbs or prosthetics in this series. Like even beyond abnormal constructs like this one. Like every other person seems to be missing a limb or has an artificial replacement.
She's really heavily modified. Even her face color is a bit unnatural.
Oh it's normal when she's in human mode.
He's still wearing that dumb bag hah hah I guess it's good for Juuzo though. He's got a pretty distinctive head so having something to mask it is probably useful.
That sounds pretty plausible, though. Female muscle is actually inherently different and less fibrous than male muscle, female muscle will pretty much always be less strong. It makes sense that it's a little less affected by involuntary twitching, if you take that into account.
sweet time to blame my unsteady hands on genetics
I like the finesse in the scope mechanics they've got in this show. It's about the only thing that's kind of reminscent of actual rifles to me. The beam rifles are kind of an immersion breaker to me.
Sixty shots really is a decent amount of time to hold your form though. If they try to weight the beam rifles to be approximate to an actual rifle then it's probably pretty exhausting to keep it steady that long.
shooting is a pretty enjoyable hobby there's lots to appreciate there
i haven't done it in a long time though
I've never really shot anything more than something along the lines of what they're using in this series here. Probably even lighter than them since they've got rifles.
it can be pretty peaceful, pacing your breathing and all it's a lot of bother since you have to clean up all your brass and wait for all the other people to start/stop at designated times
aaanyway thanks for anime yall
It's not really anything I've ever felt driven to try out.
But yeah thanks for anime. Good luck with the week~
yeah good luck with the work week rika and tilde too now!