Should b e the most recent one, episode eleven, I believe.
The temperature really dropped steeply tonight. It was reasonable in here when I was drifting off in bed just an hour or two ago and now it's positively frigid.
Yeah this one is kinda weird, out of place with the others.
I saw a volume cover for this series from what I think is a bit later down the line. Looks like Hajime eventually gets a new eye for the one he lost, since he doesn't have the eyepatch in the illustration anymore.
I guess this is where this series jumps on the daughter bandwagon we've been seeing in Maou-sama and UchiMusume. Though Hahime needs to soften up a good bit more first.
Hah, they think they can trade off the merkid for Shea. I don't think that's a good idea for them.
The four of them are really on a rampage through the city.
I feel kind of bad for the normal people in town that aren't involved in this slave trade. It must have been a really rough day for them.
I get that the last episode was an arc finale anyway but it's a bit hard to get engaged in something like this when the story set-up is as jarring as that.
This show ended up being a pretty surprisingly engaging show. When it started out I didn't expect to be this excited for the finale.
it has about the same vibes i picked up from the start well, it looked like it had potential i guess i should say and i think it carried it out ok in meeting that potential
Yeah, that's fair. I've seen plenty of shows that feel potentially engaging to me at first that end up falling flat. That might temper my expectations for stuff. But I'm always glad to see when a show ends up delivering on what it sets up.
it stays within its internally constructed logic too it had appropriate dynamics between worldbuilding and exploration of new concepts that would form the conflict/resolution logic
madoka, on the other hand, spends a fair chunk of the show exploring and defining a consistent logic structure of conflict and buildup just to have a climax and resolution lie outside of that construction, which is a big sin imo it's fake and gay to do that
Man Aoi Yuuki is really blowing it out of the water in these final episodes as Suishou.
>>750922 I think there's an argument for why the only resolution for Madoka lay outside its constructed systems and logic. But that's an argument that's a bit hard for me to put together and watch anime at the same time though, hah hah.
I do agree that this series has kept within its structure even as it brings in new revelations like Mangetsu being a doll. It's always really nice to see that for me, as a long-time fantasy nerd.
that's reall a // really a fun character to play, i bet it's really impressive
Shingetsu 's got a pretty new outfit. Though the collar-thing she's got going on looks pretty unwieldly.
>>750925 the sin is in the conflict and climax, not the resolution the buildupfor the first eight episodes invests you in a story which gets baited and switched for a different story's conflict and they play it like a twist but it's not a twist it's nonseq
OP callbacks are always fun
Yeah, especially for the climactic fight.
Oh ow that's got to hurt.
That shakey pseudocamera on Suishou was real cool.
i want to make a highlight reel of her voice lines it's really cool
Aoi Yuuki's such a powerful seiyuu, given a good character like this she really pushes them beyond what the basic material given to her establishes.
this was really satisfyingly self-contained though like in a nice little package it would be fun to rewatch with some people even like in the winter time
Maybe we can get Kirara to jump in on it with us. I think he started it but dropped off because the mecha were a bit too SD for what he was expecting. But especially with how it wraps up story-wise, I think he'd be really able to appreciate that.
it didn't get too haughty and full of itself either nice little show, i liked it a lot
It's one of the rare anime-original shows that is both refreshing because it's not just an adaptation and can easily tell its own story and actually delivers on the story in a satisfying way. It was also visually and audibly a really, really solid show too. A lot of these anime-originals can suffer from QUALITY or issues of time constraints and so while they've got an interesting story, they're often rough to watch a bit. This show rarely had those issues though.
>>750943 we didn't get some four-episode lecture on what it MEANS to get rid of magic and having some deep epiphany around it all she wanted to get rid of magic and she did consequences and all
Even if one of the consequences are that magic finds its way to worm back into the world. At least judging from the flowers she made bloom in the epilogue. She fought her hardest to achieve what she wanted and did achieve it.
bridges foundation
Every bridge needs a firm foundation!
annie's a really cute character
>The rich must carry the responsibility of the rich What responsibility? They're not the nobility, they don't have a noblesse oblige.
>>750949 I feel like out of the three of them she's the one that's developed the most along their dream to become human. Bem's still kind of stiff and cautious and the littl
Hey what the fuck you stupid ninja robot.
As far as drinking goes, not being able to taste it isn't always bad. Depending on your intent though.
But I'd also believe these three wouldn't be able to get drunk anyway either so that's a moot point.
Time seems to be jumping around a lot this episode. Like I don't think these conversations they've been having have been over a single night before this one. But that robo-ninja attacking the little guy seems contemporary.
She's kind of a diva even if she seems polite. Cancelling just because you don't like the song is a bit much. At least work to get the music to a point you can like it.
That's really not the face of someone that's fine.
Aw that's endearing.
Oh that's a cute dress Tuesday has for the occasion.
Poor Gus'll never be able to resolve his rivalry with Dahlia.
The vocals are nice but it's a bit of a different sound from what Carole & Tuesday normally use.
That was a heavy moment to end on.
still two more right
At least, I'd expect. Twenty-three came out earlier today. It could end as early as twenty-four but could also potentially run to, ah, well they did a recap episode earlier in the show si -so I guess it could potentially run to twenty-five.