I wonder if this week is going to be as packed as last week I got tomorrow's morning shift moved to the afternoon which usually means I'll working a bit more and if I get asked to stay back it'll definitely add up
But when I talk about good days and bad days I'm not thinking about external events. Good days are where I have the INNER STRENGTH to get up and do all the things I should be doing. And bad days are when I don't.
>>744080 I've started saying it's satisfying vs unsatisfying. Whenever I'm having a bad day, I try to think about what makes it bad. All I can really find are things I don't like about it good and bad are hard to conceptualize for me
Also when you say you're having a bad day and I say every day is a good day, I'm really just being an asshole lol
That's one advantage to doing a lot of Stupid Shit. It's easy to instantly improve things by just Not Doing it.
Yeah but just Not Doing It is often easier said than done. Stupid Shit has a tendency to be really easy to habitualize.
My workplace in particular can have a lot of bad things happen, so I've always liked categorizing my days as "nothing went horribly wrong." vs. "something went horribly wrong."
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>744086 That's why I need to Hype myself up by posting on real-time anime message boards that the day is going to be a good one.
>>744116 yeah but it's like the rank 1 spot of nice things said to me in Q3 2019
The diao ye zong cover art book is great and they did something in the back of the book that I wanted to do a while ago
Which is ? ? ?
ah my phone is dead so I can't snap a photo right now but they drew Kokoro dressed as all the characters in Shinkirou well, all the characters mentioned in their song "Shinkirou" which just so happens to only lack Koishi.
but for reasons, i guess
>tsutae yes yes yes here we are
ahhhhh there's a full image with all of them in here >koi hand on the side I knew it. representation
gonna catch these koi hands
shit, this is one of the scans in tsutae i want it
how have i not seen this, i feel like it would've been in there
>koishi album all the way at the end i can still hear the ringing...
I don't really like the song on it that much but at the same time it's got a strong feeling to it that I like It's got two songs actually, the first one is incredibly hectic. the second one is nice and peaceful. And they sorta go together.
>>744194 sou i was under the impression it was torture and not die for each human like she even said she was sure they wouldnt die because theyre a big strong demon
>>744197 she tells her she has to reincarnate specifically
Master level Anja sure is tough. I can't wait to have my equipment up to par again.
Yeah, the jumps up to G/Master Rank are always something that needs adjusting to. The higher-level weapons and new armor combinations is a blast though.
Yeah. If I can kill an Master level Anja, I can upgrade my fire bow. The Anja Bow III's upgrade has 420 fire damage (blaze it) and 264 attack. It's really good. It'll serve me well in killing all these ice bastards!
But I might have to go kill the Jyura first to get a better water bow. I think I have the best water bow I can get right now, though. 360 water, 276 atk, a 3-slot, and +35 def. So I might go kill Jyura to get some water atk skill armor. The problem with my current bow is that I need free ele for it.
That's how MonHun works! Gotta get A armor to make hunting X monster easier so I can get parts for B weapon that I want to kill Y monster. It's such a rewarding game loop. MonHun is so fun.
poor jyura i massacred him for those jyura hatchets III
>>744227 But if I want to kill Jyura, I should kill Tobi-Kadachi first, but then I should...
I've never been all that good at the rabbit hole side of it, hah hah. Once I see which monster I want parts from for an armor or weapon I usually just commit to banging my head against it. It's made me pretty comfortable fighting certain species at least.
The bow takes a lot of work to make happen since it relies so much on elemental damage, but it's nice that I don't need to worry about armor quality, usually. I can just worry about skills. And thanks to layered armor, I don't have to skip skills to avoid ruining my fashion hunter.
Yeah, I like that they've introduced that. It's a thing in GU on the Switch too. Anyone should be free to look as clowny as they want without compromising a good skill synergy.
Oh shit then get some Dual Blades weapon and BE INOSUKE.
One thing that's a little disappointing is that the Viper Tobi-Kadachi, which uses poison and paralysis on you, yields weapons which are dragon element...
Yeah that's a little odd. Though the weapons would have to either be poison or paralysis since they don't give you dual-attribute weapons like that. I guess they don't have enough monster variety yet and want to ensure players have available dragon element dispersed through the weapons available in that game period.
>looking for tobi-kadachi quests to join because i need one mat and don't wanna spend 30 minutes killing it on my own >the only one that shows up is a tempered master level
lmaaaaaoooooo people trying to come into the US must have computer and internet access and log into a certain government website to do the things you gotta do to get into this country
are you trying to get in
I'm trying to help my dad's wife get into the country been trying for about 2 years now
>>744276 How much have you spent on gran blue in the past month?
One of my steam friends who plays it a lot refuses to play with me because I play it at maximum speed and she plays it at normal speed, she thinks it looks "too cartoonish" at max speed.
that thing looked at me and i instantly knew i was in for trouble that must be the bezel-adjacent monster i've never seen it before i'm not even in a story quest
I do know that the Velkhana is the flagship monster of the DLC. So it'll probably be a focal point of the story quest at some point.
I haven't even faced it yet. The PC content release schedule is staggered about the same length it came out on the consoles on. Maybe even more delayed, I'm not sure. Either way it made some of those later add-ins kind of late additions.
It really sucks. It takes ridiculous party coordination. It just runs around dropping meteors on you and stuff. It's super hard.
Kirara 🍄
Like, you need a dedicated tank to pull agro, and shit like that.
Sounds like they were trying to create the authentic MMO experience within Monster Hunter. Not that it's something that necessarily translates well, but hey, props for effort.
Normally, but I've been off my amphetamines since the meditation retreat, and I had to take them today to do some work, so I won't be able to sleep until at least midnight. I'll be sacrificing my sleep but it can't be helped, you know. I also haven't eaten in roughly 18 hours, but I'm not hungry, for the same reasons.
Tomorrow will be a long Tuesday. I'm covering a three hour group from 5-8 with that shady new guy I'm also training the intern in the morning. And it's my group day! So I have my mindfulness, habits of wellness, and creative healing groups.
Well hopefully you get to sleep like a baby tomorrow night. Tuesdays are an off day for me this semester. All my classes are three-hour block lectures, which does get a bit tiresome. I've got six hours straight of lecture on Wednesday and that's probably going to be pretty draining on me. Wait Thursday not Wednesday.
>>744359 I've got a class on 20th century literature and culture, one on the Romanticism movement, a class on creative writing techniques and topics, and an introduction to modern philopsophy, which looks like it focuses on Decartes, Humes, and Kant. A lot of it is stuff I'm decently interested in, there's some weird stuff in the 20th century class and the professor for the creative writing one runs the university's practicum on writing fiction so it seems it'll probably be a good course for improving my writing skills. And I'm looking forwards to reading some more philosophy that wasn't written two millenia ago.
>>744361 decartes is the biggest fuckin nerd i honestly hate that guy Sounds like a pretty cognitively exhausting courseload, though.
It'll be the third course I've taken in this degree that discusses his Meditations, hah hah. I get why he gets focused on so much since (for the most part) his writings were a precursor to the full on Rationalism movement and still echo a lot through western culture today. It's like what I came to learn about what the professor that taught Plato to me was trying to get at. You might disagree with the conclusions Plato tries to make but it's pretty inarguable how the ramifications of his writings are still deeply woven into the culture that surrounds us. And understanding those foundations can make you a more informed person. Still I hope it's the last time Descartes' writings come up as anything more than reference. I've never really read Humes or Kant though so I'm hoping that'll be interesting.
Kant is a huge fucking narcissist and it super shows. He's always writing about how he's the savior of western philosophy and shit like that. His work is actually decent but he's a prick. It's also incredibly dense, I haven't finished any of his major works.
I'll also be reading a bit of Jean-Jacques Rosseau for the class on Romanticism. Though not the works he's usually reknowned for, The Social Contract, but instead his work on walking and it as a vehicle for formulating thought. Reveries of the Solitary Walker.
if you get the chance when you get to hume you should talk to sugoi about that he's really smart on that stuff he doesn't pop up too often though
I'll keep that in mind if he comes 'round again. The course segment on Hume isn't until late-October/eary-November but I might remember to read through the assigned Hume reading on reading week before that.
fuck i got dropped kant is kinda dense but it's not particularly difficult the world has already built that movement into our structure so we already sort of think that way so it ends up seeming excessively wordy to get points that seem obvious now
heidegger is even worse about that
There's unfortunately less fiction in the stuff I'kk -I'll be reading this semester than I would have hoped. Romanticism has Frankenstein but I've already read that, but I guess that's an advantage too. Oh it's also got Byron's Manfred, and I guess I don't know if Confessions of an English Opium-Eater is fiction or non-fiction. They're all kind of short though! The stuff I'm reading from 20th century is kind of snippety and really weird and not really stuff I just sink into a good story with. Some of it's definitely interesting from the way the professor sells it, but it also feels a bit out of my reading comfort zone, hah hah. Though I guess I'll also be reading Catch-22 for it, and as far as I can tell that's pretty traditionally novel-y.
I remember liking Hume a lot but can't recall any of it.
I haven't read it yet! It's been on my periphery for a good while but it's never been something I felt I should read. I'll be getting into it in the upcoming weeks.
Maybe I should reread it when you read it. It would be fun to discuss it. /moe/ bookclub
Yeah that might be kind of fun. I can get a lot of enjoyment out of discussing literature. When I missed the class in my Modernism class that we really got into Kafka's Metamorphosis I felt pretty let down with myself. Well I was already kind of in a perpetual state of being let down with myself but it was pretty sore on that particular. I found it a pretty engaging read and that makes me excited to talk about it.
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
i would be down, i need to read that and brave new world and a number of other classics
>>744385 If I'm being honest I didn't even have name recognition for him, hah hah. Like I knew of Moby Dick but if you'd asked before who the author was I wouldn't have been able to tell you.
moby dick is one of my most prized hard copy books, along with gray's anatomy i lost both of them though in the move all my books actually i had a lot
It's hard for me to leave books behind, let alone ones I hold precious. I'm worried about moving since that'll be happening in a little more than a year at latest and I know I'm not going to want to leave most of them behind.
yeah im still really heartbroken over it a lot of medical texts too, and a lot of my own journals and notebooks i hag a big maths portfolio that i collected everything i worked on in for years and years and it got rained on and destroyed in 2014 because i left my car window down like an idiot it's all still up here though so it's fine
i have still a few reference texts on botany and a chinese herb index gray's anatomy is probably at my sister's house i dont think she'd have thrown it away
>>744389 Well if I could select the right post gosh.
>>744390 Well if it hasn't been thrown away there's always the potential to pick it back up in the future. Unless you're hard committed to never seeing your sister again and I don't believe I've sensed that from you. A house is probably better interim storage for books anyway.
if i could select the right posh ghost
i dont really need it for anything it's a little sentimental i guess but i honestly just want to keep digital collections anyway im a minimalist so hard copy books are a huge problem for the exact reason that i had to leave them all behind before hundreds of pounds of books in boxes and nowhere to take em no thanks
>>744397 I like my things! My whole family is a bit of a pack-rat and we tend to keep things other people might replace or throwaway. I gave up a bunch of my books a couple years back, but only because they were, like, the simple novels I read when I was getting through grade school and there was really no chance of me revisiting them as an adult in their twenties. But even that was an uncomfortable experience for me because of the notion of having to discard it from my possession.
i have to wait around for the mailman again because it's COD i have to work today too it's gonna be so annoying
my bones hurt so fuckin bad i can't sleep though so i just gotta wait i can't sit still i still have valerian root as a sedative but it doesn't help the pain at all and i can't sedate when i gotta stay up anyway
A true samurai dies every moment. You must harness death and when the time comes, you will enter shigurui and realize your death in the flesh of your foes. To become powerful, you must die a billion times. How else can you serve the shogun?
I'm TIRED. So I'm gonna eat LUNCH. And THEN I'm gonna take a NAP.
Because I'm so good at my job that all my clients have been reduced to a lower level of care and we didn't get any new clients last week so I don't have any groups today.
it's always really fast for me there might be associated relievers of anxiety in knowing ive done something to address the situation so i can let it leave my mind though
anybody wanna play that free kirby game
i played it on 3ds once its kinda eh im also at Work
this morning, Intern-chan comes in and she sits at her desk near mine, and she goes "do you like granola bars?" So I said "Uhh, depends what's in them" and she got excited and said "Great, because I brought a ton of them!" never elaborated
Well, be prepared for ALL the granola bars over the next few days!
I got excited and started rereading Catch-22 already. It's such a good book. Every line and paragraph is just drenched in existential irony.
I'll be getting to it soon. Just need to re-read Descartes' Meditations and get through Rossueau's book. Though I kind of want to find a copy of Borges' Labyrinths to read through too. I don't need to have read all of it for the required readings but the concept of it has kind of piqued my interest.
>>744759 You had class all day today, right? How was that
It's Thursday which has my six-hour block of lectures. Tuesdays are my off day!
Last Thursday it wasn't so bad because first days are always kind of cut short or lighter, y'know. So I'm going to see how much it takes out of me this week, hah hah.
>>744792 I don't play that aggressively unless I've got other people pulling me along. So while I haven't ever stopped for a long period like that, I don't end up clocking all that much time, relatively, into it.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>744793 How many hours have you dropped into it, moon?
yeeeah im not sure about that when people start tryin hard it goes up to 7 honba sometimes (dealer repeats) usually because exhaustive draws ive definitely had games take over an hour and still be in the east round
it's not common but i still wouldn't start a match up unless i have at least 40 minutes free
Well it's not a problem you have to worry about in the Silver rooms! Only the longest of South Round games I've played have broken the twenty-minute mark. And the best record for honba I've seen is only four, I think.
it was like that all day here it only actually rained for a few minutes in a very heavy downpour then stopped almost right away but it's had that rainy smell all day long
I like it. The smell of rain and sound of it are pretty soothing to me. Especially before it starts to get chilly, that warm time of the summer when things are wet just has such a relaxing scent to it. I love it.
should probably check out that noise in my car sounds like something is rubbing against the tires though I wouldn't mind just getting a different car entirely with all problems that are starting to arise
The only Halo I ever played was on the couch at friends' houses. There is no measurable metric to quantify it for myself.
you either had no childhood/teen years or must have bee a chad or something
Unfortunately neither. I just had other interests and a preference for single-player games.
this real time thing is kind of creepy
what kind of single player games
Back then? A lot of the Nintendo franchises, Harvest Moon games, city-builder genre games on the PC. I discovered Oblivion and Fallout 3 eventually but the PC I had at home was pretty garbage and couldn't really run them. It took saving up for a laptop in my later teenage years to really get into PC gaming.
never really played much nintendo games myself only single player games i remember playing is stuff like red alert 2 or stronghold series
>back then how old are you
I'm twenty-six, nearing twenty-seven.
23 myself. **i still havent played oblivion**
I would argue it hasn't aged well. Bethesda games don't really age well ever.
skyrim is kind of nice though
There's a lot it lacks, and on a visual and complexity level it pales in comparison to modern open-world games. Fortunately Bethesda games do have an incredibly enthusiastic modding community which helps a lot for keeping games afloat, Skyrim included. The overall infrastructure for the game is really awful though and despite all that modded content it just feels so hokey. I'm hoping they overall the way they approach making games soon, especially before TES VI.
>>744957 It's not all that bad once you get used to it
>>744967 my keyboard is messed up i don't want people to see my fuck up easy to spell stuff
you're not doing so bad from what I can see and anyone accustomed to liveboards doesn't care all that much about spelling, grammar etc. as long as they can parse what is being said
iv'e never met or been to a circle jerk where all the people are nice and welcoming to new peeps this is very weird also iv'e never into liveboards
>>744966 yeah, most Bethesda games are often quite incomplete without their mods
>>744970 well, while not all newcomers have the same experience, I think we're definitely more relaxed compared to the imageboard(s) we drew inspiration from
>>744970 I've never quite understood why people are so quick to assign the category of circlejerk to social communities that are familiar with each other after extended time getting to know each other. I guess as a newcomer it's easy to assume that we don't know each other all that well, but in reality many of us have spent years in communication with each other.
And yeah, /moe/ is ideally a relaxed place to talk with each other. If people mesh well with that philosophy, why not be welcoming to them?