Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo. Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou Bem DanMachi Fruits Basket Episode 22-23 Granbelm HenSuki Joshikousei no Mudazukai Episode 8-10 Lord El-Melloi II Episode 7-10 Machikado Mazoku Tejina-senpai Episode 8-10 To aru Kagaku no Accelerator Episode 8-9 UchiMusume
hmm, does her sister being around mean the dead ones aren't gone?
this is really good
i forgot to make an important phone call so i need to do that now you guys please continue i'll show back up soon
>>744450 Well Kuon's sister wasn't quite killed like she or Anna was. Maybe something about the causality of losing Kuon erased some of the reasons she was comatose. It's kind of a weird situation.
I think /I like braids a lot more than the rest of them. The rest I'm eh on.
Well you know me. I have a hard time disliking characters if they've got depth and personality. All the girls in this show are kind of messed up and I think the series gets at that in a really sympathetic way.
>I feel like it will be okay But will it really.
It's really such a teenager problem to go "I'm in love with my girlfriend but find other girls sexually attractive".
i dont mind sharing my mom got a diagnosis for breast cancer a couple days ago but it's caught at stage 1 so it's in good shape
im just the medical expert of the family so i have to stay on top of it and her rheumatory issues to help guide the treatment process and make sure the doctors are doing their job responsiibly
Is this the second isekai this season where they got a magical humvee wasn't there also one in buinsessman maou
Uh, I don't think so. Pretty sure Maou's still just been travelling around in Luna's gaudy carriage. He was driving in one towards the end of the last episode of Arifureta though. And we only watched that ... laast night I think. Or on Thursday night, so still pretty recently.
like i said, maou is classical era and this is postmodern uchimusume is old world
same universe
The CGI modelling for the monsters in this series is actually pretty well-done. Like they're decently rigged and everything. But zero effort is made in actually integrating them into the animation. So they always stick out like a sore thumb.
i had to restart
Do you need the time?
why do i get dropped so much yes i was trying to ask that but /moe/ is bullying thanks
10:30 10:35 10:40
i feel like the translations are missing out on some awful wordplay
>Kick the dragon in its scaly ass
Oh gosh.
>>744483 Oh gosh. Even Maou and this series both have Dragonborn races.
this and uchi both have beastmen uchi and maou both have a demon lord
Hajime always gives no fucks about the requests of people around him.
We're almost at the intermission for this adaptation. There's going to be a bit of a break after episode twenty-four or so before the second half begins.
You know, it's kind of easy to pass off her wave sensitivity thing as just kooky eccentricity and coincidence. Despite the fact that this series has a whole family of people that turns into animals when touched by the other sex.
At least she's got a caring family. In way too many of these bullying stories the family is always detached or ignorant of the impacts.
Ah goodness here comes Tohru.
they're a pretty cute duo
Yeah, it's really cute to see how well they've jelled since Yankee-chan's flashback.
The tone of voice Tohru's mom's seiyuu uses for her is so ridiculously soothing. I just want to listen to her read me fairytales or something like that.
maybe we should have had that last it left off with a pretty good feeling
barnacles against your boobs seems like it would be painful and awful
Yeah but think of the MONEY you could sell 'em for!
Hah hah Majime is so serious. How cute.
that looks like a lot of fun, swimming after hours
Yeah, an evening swim with a bunch of friends is pretty SEISHUN
Though considering it was just thunderstorming moments before- Wow okay I wasn't expecting that callback to the start of the episode.
haha okay this show
THOUGH THOUGH I did catch that Baka's breasts were way too large when they all jumped into the pool. She's the flattest of the gang according to an eye-catch earlier in the episode after all.
Oh they end up with a sort of U MI DA anyway. Though it's just their loser Sensei.