still bit of a stretch to make that jojo I wonder what will be the most stretch of a name to turn into a jojo when the series is finally done
Kirara 🍄
>>737665 for real when that piano hits, it hits HARD
>>737666 It's far more reasonable than Diamond Is Not Crash's Higashikata Josuke. In which you can technically pronounce the last kanji (first?) in Higashikata as "Jo". Where the katakana for Gio is exactly the same as "Jo" so especially with the actually Joestar JoJos, his name is more in line with them than Jotaro and Josuke.
so does it ever make you wonder, the AC intro pop upå "game made by diverse team..." etc how actually diverse their team is? to me it just begs the question
about as diverse as moe
Kirara 🍄
oh ma n i just got a great idea for a 2.5 encounter
The best part is that they love my bullying! My aidoru aura is so strong. I'm bullying this one client a lot right now because she's super honest and super earnest and it makes my heart sing. I want to see her shine brightly.
All I do is ask her questions that are hard for her to answer and she gets really flustered and starts laughing. Today, she was like "You're the only one that asks questions I don't know the answers to" I push her really hard but she's so earnest that she appreciates it. That's the best kind of client.
One of my other clients told some people that I'm his favorite counselor. He's discharging on Saturday, but we're going to try to keep in touch. He's moving back home out of state. He's a good guy. They're all good people, really. I love my clients so much.
I taught some people to do origami today. A client and the new intern. The client was unskilled but is definitely capable of becoming skilled because she can cognitively see what needs to be done and is able to replicate the movements. She just lacks precision.
The new intern was so utterly incompetent that she couldn't even envision the folds when I showed her how to do them directly multiple times from different angles.
This intern's really not started off particularly in your good books, eh.
Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
>>737717 did you open thw recaptcha interface? maybe that succed up all the metadata
>>737725 Haha, not really. She said her reason for being late was because of the train, but she was 30 minutes late... I don't mind if she's late, but she should have texted me to update me if she was going to be that late. But she's only 23. She's aware that she's not very put together because she said she's as put together as I am when she's 26.
I think I can train her up into someone competent. She seems eager to start working.
i hope they don't break they're expensive to replace
Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
oh phew they got submerged in salt water
Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
but then i fixed them using an electric eel
oh no #d4 (4) electric damage to my wedding ring
Kirara 🍄
whats your ring made of
Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
it’s made of topaz and very very small pixies holding hands
Kirara 🍄
the pixies devour the electric damage and become four times their normal size obese pixies
Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
aaaAAAaahh how are we all gonna fit inside this smart car dexterity check for the car door handle #d20-8 (10 - 8 = 2)
Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
okay i managed to open it and all the inflated pixies and eels and salt water tumbled out but oh noooo now we’re lying on the asphalt of interstate route 5
>>737797 Most of the time I do it in real life is at D&D, my dm has had some Jojo references in it but I go out of my way to never ask that for actual JoJo references. It dives him mad. *drives Also I'm almost done listening to mouth moods.
Oh and there are NPCs with stands but he won't let any of the player characters have them.
>>737810 haha yea imagine if a gigabyte of software was constrained to a physical object and not simply endlessly accessible and copyable in its entire perfection wouldn't that be like craaaazy
chrome crash shutting down my opinion >>737802 I kind of like it get it if you want though want it though or whatever don't need a bunch of nobodies on a forum to tell you what to do
>>737812 Maybe, but I would rather not double or triple dip on buying a game! I'm a stingy motherfucker!
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
but yea i got it back had to take smash out to do so this is simply an absurd state of affairs
melvin melvin brother of the joker i am melvin brother of the joker
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
what the fuck is this cutscene
I swear they use the same
fuck OFF public wifi use the same deaf lady for all this charities ventures I'm like an hour and a bit from where I last saw her how did she find me out here
Moe is one I like for traditional look. I like Mawaru and Ashita
I just realised that social niceties are actually clever predetermined phrases to avoid awkwardness. like rich people just get trained with all these mannerisms and acceptable replies but infact they are just instilled with confidence by giving them control in conversations.
>>738002 IS -Is the offer more a matter of open space or a shortage of players? That's not to say I'm disinterested in playing but more I'll be facing some business as the semester begins to spin up and if I'm not particularly needed or beneficial then I don't mind being skipped over. Er busy-ness? Not really business. I also would need the material for 13th Age since I've never perused it before.
>>738003 Also I'm in class until 18:00 on Thursdays so it's probably likely I'd be getting home at best around 19:30 if I don't dally on my way out talking with the professor and whatnot. So if you'd want me on board there's some accommodation involved there.
>>738007 It's less about not having the time and more about I can't be certain I will have it. If you're okay with me being a potential flake on some weeks and that I'd either have to be showing up late or you all accommodating my inability to get home much earlier than 19:15, then I'd be okay. I'm just aware that things might be wonky for me as the semester begins and I don't want to just say yes without that all being clear to you.
Primarily open space. Jan, Pk, ToN, Pan, and moon were going to play but we're down to Pk, ToN, and Pan. Three is enough people, but four is a good party size. It's fine if you don't have time, though.
>>738006 I'm fine with accommodating so if playing is something you want to do, I can run it by the others and make sure it works for them. But if you aren't super interested, I don't want you to feel pressured to join or anything.
>>738013 Cool! I sent you an invite to our Discord. There a resources channel that includes the stuff you'll need. And we can go over some character creation stuff at the beginning, too.
>>738016 Oh, good point. That might work for me well too because then I can do a meditation instruction class at work.
>>738017 It is alright. I'm nien, btw, from 🍅girl. Maybe you remember me, maybe you don't. I come by here anytime I think about Saku/Hyp. It's his birthday just about.
>>738018 Oh, Nien! It's been a long time. I was a little hesitant because I didn't recognize you, haha. I live and work in Melbourne, too. We should get lunch or something sometime.
>>738019 Fair, enough. I honestly should've introduced myself earlier instead of looking creepy like that. But yea, I'd be down for that at some point.
Work's a bit hectic right now thanks to the hurricane.
>>738017 Okay, I'll get through the 13th Age material as quickly as I can. Are you still looking to start tomorrow?
>>738020 It wasn't that creepy since lots of people know where I live, or the general area or so, but because of that, you never really know, haha.
What do you do? I work as a psychologist, so the hurricane doesn't affect me too much. I'm like a substance abuse counselor now.
>>738021 I'm planning a combat tutorial since moon was going to be in it so don't concern yourself too much with the mechanics yet. We can teach you that as we go. Yeah, looking at tomorrow. I know that's pretty soon.
>>738022 That's pretty cool. I remember my last interaction with you was you were going to come up to Cocoa for an internship for some dispatch center and wanted to see if I wanted to hang out sometime. I always kinda wondered what you were up to after that.
I work as a network technician. I study a lot these days.
>>738023 Haha, wow. That's right, that was almost five years ago. Or maybe four. I have my master's degree now and I'm working on my Psy.D. I'm only like a year and a half away from it.
Sounds like good work. Do you have Discord? You should add me if you do, then we can get lunch or something once things settle down a little.
this guy popped up to reply to a year old reply in my mentions from when he ranted about how self-care is bourgeois or something lol "i have aquired numerous shovels" is hilarious to me
When observed the shovels collapse into any number of shovels
Shrodinger's Shovel
Kirara 🍄
wow he replied "okay later" to how many shovels rude
>>738038 You touched on his sore point. His feelings of inadequacy about the number of shovels he owns
I bet he never had any shovels to begin with!
Kirara 🍄
i would be heartbroken to know that the skootch lied to me about the shovels
>>738041 How dare you cast aspersions as to his shovel having capacity
I wanted to reverse image to check if it was serious. and not just a grabbed image but lol I am honestly amused that he was away actually counting and preparing his shovels for a photo.
skootch is fuckin wild we were dunkin on him in November until he started putting himself in danger by talking about how he's gonna overthrow the government and posting pictures of his gun collection lol He randomly just popped back in to reply to someone's tweet from November
also >indian musical instruments is that racist
>>738054 I have no idea how google automatically comes up titles like that. I'm guessing it saw sitars instead of spades?
>>738058 I prune my twitter a bit a while ago because I ended up with some much American politics *so that it kinda was depressing. >>738059 Wow
>Yeah I do actually so I don't eat things I enjoy or are frivolities. I gave up beer and then diet Pepsi. I'm considering going on a liquid diet. I work out a lot to be able to ko fascists and run 6 miles in ar500 plates. We all have priorities I guess.
Though Grimnir is actually an easy fight, you just need corporealize to summon the demon possessing him to reality to kill him the whole boss fight is 4 thunderbolts or 2 if you make it rain and thend o them or 1 black hole though black hole can bug the fight at times
clownpiss.jpg >i used to think my life was a tragedy. now i see, it's a comedy
that was why I hadn't made that city >in 4 turns I get a building that requires every city to have X >make a new city >can't complete it untill that city has X well that killed my motivation to continue
>>738163 i would agree if he hadn't taken like 45 minutes out of his day to arrange 21 shovels against his truck for a photo because we accused him of lying about "acquiring numerous shovels"
>>738164 What makes you think it took him 45 minutes to do that?
Also I would totally do that ironically.
Kirara 🍄
yeah but you're also regularly seeing mental health professionals which is something this guy should do whether he did it ironically or not i think your autism is different from this guy's though
No, there's someone with a locked account in tge thead though so their tweets show as not available
ah I forgot that was a thing.
Speaking of tweets not being available, wulf was talking the other day about being blocked by a bunch of people on Twitter He alleges that he followed someone he shouldn't have and that he ended up on some sort kf massive gamer gate block list.
>>738177 >>738188 Thanks Rei for showing me that shovel tweet, had to get that bout of shitposting out. Twitter is just too easy at times. Hope everyone's doing good over here~
Kirara 🍄
hello mr LV
>>738191 Heyo, Kirara-kun. You prepared for that hurricane?
Kirara 🍄
>>738192 it's only gonna be like cat 3 there's nothing to prepare for i got a camping stove and water purifier
>>738193 Yeah, I'm seeing a bunch of transplants on twitter freaking out about it, buying up all the milk, bread, and bottled water at big box stores. Then again, the government already declared it a national emergency. My guess is the insurance companies told him to do it. BETTER BOARD UP YER WINDOWS NOW~ :)
...I can't do my smiley face with a carrot nose? sad!
>>738195 Mah man, prepper people are the best peeps.
As for your comment on twitter about Dr. Amp being the best character in season 3, he's... well, he's in my top 5, but my absolute favorite was good ol Dougie Jones.
Speaking of hidden features Does the wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww thing still work Apparently not Ohhhhhh TEST WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Ahh. This same dilemma Someone struggling to bench with really shitty form If i help them Is that friendly Or super condescending
Kirara 🍄
>>738196 yeah dougie was hilarious when he drew on the insurance docs haha genius
>>738201 Dude, that entire las vegas area plot point was 11/10. That said, the absolute peak of the season was Gordon Cole saying "IT DOESN'T GET ANY BLUER THAN THIS!" as the tint got progressively bluer. KINO
>>738204 Testing it with request desktop site WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
>>738200 I'd help them out. It's better to look like a jackass and make sure they don't get hurt than not saying anything and potentially watching them injure themselves.
@tilde registration submissions for the inter-board tournament are about to close if you wanted to try to apply (not everyone who applies will make it), go to the /mjg/ general on vg and check out the info in the next 30 minutes
I'll keep it in mind for future tournaments but I think I'll pass on this one.
There was a book series I was reading when I was a teenager that had a title design like that. There's a term for things like that, which can be read whether you're looking at it right side up or upside down.
oh yeah tilde i may have forgotten to tell you but the idea behind the playable characters is that you're all basically chosen to guard a relic of great power and also you're in space japan
Okay, yeah, I've been keeping an eye on the talking y'all've been doing about the campaign here so I was up to date with a bit of that.
sorry for bein blotchy and flaky with campaign and anime and stuff im tryin real hard to not be homeless in a couple days i dont really wanna whine in the anime thread about it it's really overbearing and i think rika's tired of me emailing her all my problems
it's not like im losing interest or dont like a few of the shows, i just got a lot of stuff i really feel bad for ditching out on kirara's game too i hope you can have fun with it if you take over
It's fine, there no exceptional extra pressure on me, aside from being a bit impromptu, hah hah. I'm pretty good at having fun with stuff so I'm not worried about it being a drag. But yeah, I understand the priorities of affording rent and the feelings you've got to deal with from all the stressors might make fun seem unenticing or a poor use of time. Just make sure you're in as good a place as you can get to.
one of these night dwvil fights opens up with you being double slashed and a third of your hp just removed from existence. two thirds actually.
>>738397 it's not even that it's unenticing or a poor use of time i just need to try to constrain my mood because i have to do a LOT of work in the next couple days freelancing in order to get paid in time to cover rent without my meds, my mood gets really obsessive over small worries and it escalates, like getting upset about not having my meds or how the doctors managed the situations or stuff like that whether or not it's reasonable to be upset about those things, those feelings are so intrusive that i cannot focus on work or do anything else if they begin to seep in and it becomes cyclical and overwhelming in an anxiety echochamber
since i dont have my meds to control panic attacks, those are dangerous situations to be in and they happen consistently enough that im unlikely to maintain productivity without large breaks of emotional maintenance and procrastination and since i also dont have my antidepressants, im feeling really miserable about myself a lot and don't feel im worth the concerns i cause others or the burdens i place on them with my overbearing neediness people will say it's fine, but it's not to me. it's dictated the interpersonal dynamics that my relationships with people have and it's left me feeling like im unable to get the things i most desire from my friendships, whatever that is not that i'm disappointed in them, but it leaves me still hungry for more so i become overbearing on people and demanding of attention and easily hurt by the distance that forms as all friendships grow apart in time
About how large were the maps you'd make? Did you have an idea grid-wise or did you just eyeball it? I'm an eyeball it kind of person and it's not a problem for me if things end up too big or too small while I'm starting with r20 but still.
>>738413 my big maps were 50 by 50 towns are generally anywhere from 20 by 20 and 25 by 25 or so, but it can vary
i think i may have had some that were 75 or so but if you make those oretty it can be harsh on some folks loading
Flaking out is normal. It's nothing to be ashamed of. You have way more important things going on in your life right now. You should focus on those priorities!
Oh yeah, he told me he traded three boiled eggs for your cream of tomato.
>>738431 yeah it was an experience i was legit gojng to put the whole thing in my mouth and then pan and blue were like “wait he really doesnt know how boiled eggs work” and stopped me
oh yall saw blue? that sounds fun i wanna cook eggs with blue
Sam is a very special person. He feels like he's got his own pace and nothing interferes with it. It's really admirable. He's just always himself. He's shining brightly. It's super cool.
Anyway, Sam is really special. But then again, everyone on /moe/ is pretty special. Jan and Blue are good at keeping pace with other people in their own way. Rook has the same kind of own-pace-ness that Sam has, but Rook matches pace, too.
Tilde is good at keeping his own pace while matching other people's pace, too. Tilde has a really unique curiosity aura around him that most of the other /moe/s don't have.
a lot of my me gets bottlenecked over the internet i think stuff just doesn't come through i think my humor gets mistaken for serious stuff and my serious thoughts get mistaken as jokes a lot
and even my most optimistic, curious thoughts feel negative from context
but yeah like when we were at that restaurant in the ghost town in vegas and i was acting like a foolish caricature and saying dumb stuff but the waiter just thought i was a really serious person
that makes me wonder how many retarded things ive done that made you and jan just think im actually retarded
I'm not gonna lie, after I took all that lean, I only remember general facts about that day so I can't remember what you did lol I remember the dude in the general store wanted to tell us about his dad because of Fallout NV and I think we listened to johnny cash or something?
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>738439 Would you could you On a box? Would you could you With a fox?
>>738452 i will not say notice me senpai i will not go to exhentai i do not want your filthy smut i do not want it, Sam the Slut!
>>738451 remember that other shop we went to owned by that guy with the cute daughter who was making a sign DONT PEE ON THE FLOOR
>>738453 Could you with a girl half cat? Could you Would you With a trap?
his daughter knew mandarin so she was making the sign in english and chinese because all the chinese people come on tour buses and stop there a bus stopped there while we were there even and it filled up he was sayin how the chinese tourists head to the bathroom and just pee on the floor
Kirara 🍄
ohhhhh yeah that was outside the gran canyon haha
we should play scrabble in person
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
- Hi And welcome back to cooking with Marsh-chan Today we will be doing Rice and Beans
>>738466 I've got half a tank but that's enough for me since work is only like 10-15 minutes from my apartment. And it's not like I'd evacuate for a cat3.
>>738471 Rook pops up infrequently and Jan is sort of on hiatus from /moe/ while he gets his life going in the direction he wants it to. They're still around from time to time!
i get this fluttery feeling and i suddenly get hit with pangs of bitterness i can't control my mood at all without my meds it's so frustrating little thoughts seep in and are so intrusive that i can't stop being affected by them
it's more the discontinuation of my meds than simply not being on them i guess
i think it's the general stress there's been so much crap ive had to deal with lately that i don't have much untainted thoughtspace that redirects back
*back to the cyclical flow of aggravation at the healthcare situation, or interpersonal distress and feelings of being transgressed or stuff and since it's intrusive and I dont have my panic meds, I get caught in the past a lot and flashing back to stuff, or just thinking about difficult developmental struggles i had and noticing what an unfair impact stuff has had on my life i really hate to victimize myself and talk about stuff being unfair but it kind of lingers
>>738477 i agree, it'd be nice if you stuck around don't let my serious-sounding discussion crowd the atmosphere. they're just stray thoughts since nothing else is happening at the moment
>>738483 You seem fine. I've been wanting to come by here for years now. But my anxiety from interacting with anyone connected with Saku has been preventing me.
I mean, I'd come by here in years past to make birthday threads, but this year really is the real I had the balls to say something and interact with any of you.
>>738484 Anxiety is definitely something I can relate to. That makes sense. even if it's a little bit anxious, I hope doing so also helps that anxious energy subside a bit along with easing that associated pain a bit.
>>738488 I'll get Hosukai's probably. I wanted a pinched Tanjiro charm for my phone but it doesn't seem like they're making one any time soon. >>738485 You boil your water before you put the rice in?
>>738491 I learned to make really good rice from here I don't know how to make rice without boiling it with the water
I spent the night streaming all of Yuyushiki with a core group of people I stream with every year at the end of August. Had a bit too much rum, but it was fun. Now to put the rum away for the rest of the year.
>>738504 I just realized I meant, "coming down from". Welp.
>>738505 that sounds like a fun way to spend a wednesday night
I almost just texted a friend I haven't seen in a while "we should get breakfast after the hurricane" But luckily I stopped myself from sending that massive death flag.
>>738512 >>738513 Oh yeah? I'll have to check it out. There's a place called Backwater in downtown mlb that has really good breakfast. They have griddle tables and you can make your own pancakes.
>>738519 Oh, that's seriously just a solid minute away from Kekes. Just a little ways more East down 192.
I sometimes go down to the Wawa at the end there, right before you get onto the bridge, during the middle of the night. If I need something to snack on, or get away from work for a bit.
why would you want your browser to not remember anything
>>738559 so your shit isn't saved there privacy, that is why
>>738559 I don't really use history and I figured it'd save a little space and speed things up. plus it doesn't affect me other than coming here and my name falling off a lot.
Your saved passwords and browser info are on your computer you know, and likely encrypted >>738567 ok whatever
>saving passwords lol no
I tell it not to remove my passwords because I auto-generate them and have no idea what they are tbh.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>738561 that actually would do the opposite history and cache let the browser go faster, not slower.
>>738569 I haven't really noticed a difference but it doesn't bother me, I think also it makes websites more default for me, I noticed when I had cookies everywhere the content would be drastically different and weird.
I'm making pizza btw homemade pizza. rolled out the base and put onions and tomato on it and now it's in the oven. Basic pizza but it smells so good!
>>738556 Dangerous? It's only gonna make landfall at lower cat3. It's babby mode hurricane. Upper cat3+ might be concerning I guess. Cat 4 is where it gets dangerous. That's how it is in Florida, at least. Those would be dangerous elsewhere.
how tf is Overwat h supposed to be ported to the switch all those shields and VFX everywhere in teamfights, crazy amounts of overdraw i guess if fortnite can perform ok...
unicode is fun programming unicode is doubleplus Fun(TM)
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
rather than being their own dedicated codepoints, the family emojis are amalgamates of dad/mom/child emojis but shoddily implemented text editing destroys this abstraction
Kirara 🍄
holy shit
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
there is a squirrel eating some tree stuff directly above me and i am getting fuckin RAINED on
The squirrels that inhabit the tree outside my bedroom window will some time start this chucking and whirring noise when they're being territorial or my cat is making them nervous. It's a really annoying noise.
i think i am officially about to bite off more than duhduh chew with this curry stay tuned
/moe/ i havent socialized all day this would be acceptable if it werent for the fact that I lose all social skills after about ~3 hours of not ssocializing now i'm a weird loser
I wish I streamed this part. Just so I can record how upset I am. With myself
I think there is nothing more amusing than making a password like Ubisoft, you suck a bick fat cock
>>738662 Happy birthday saku I wish it didn't end this way I would love to have the chance to know you I can see the good you did from all the moes who knew you
Min gott I though there was a mission in ac4 that you had to do with perfect stealth and it was soa nnoying to do but turns out after the chase period you don't need to be stealthy anymore
man makes it suddenly su much more funy
>>738705 Left: the girls telling me to stop showing my wares if the stranger has coin
it's nice to have a haircut that wasn't completely uncomfortable the whole time