>>738856 She's best servant. I've been excited for the movies since they were announced in 2014. It's really exciting that I get to watch 'em now. Just one more year left for the last part to come out.
>>738886 I ran out of tuna and thought about running to the store to get some. Then I remembered there's a natural disaster barreling towards me so that'd have been a pointless endeavor as they're probably out.
The hurricane is being kind of nice. It would have been really unfortunate if it came a few days earlier. Astral Chain will arrive today, and then I'll still have power on Saturday so I can watch the new Kimetsu. Just two days sooner and Dorian would have fucked that all up!
Social interaction sucks. I am going away with my sisters and their partners to some fair and I can't really afford it. They made a food list and I am way too anxious about talking about food.
I just really dislike having to reply on social // facebook since they all use that and have pressure of feeling like i could make the wrong answer. >>738928 like fuck
>>738926 Well this is a good moment to let go of your empassionate build up and stored up feelings and so on
>>738926 If you have monetary problems, why not just speak somewhat truth and make the plans based on that? and or if you have too much issues with financial thingies, then just invent anway to cancel it and cancel your shit
oh no, is hana kana going to fall in a hopeless love again i don't watch or read this
Kirara 🍄
no, kanroji is a girl with 8x the muscle density of nornal people who became the strongest ranking demon slayer because she thought it would be a good way to meet strong people but she's still single (it didn't work out) and the only one that loves her is too shy to say anything also she's super emotional like expressive i mean i love her
i keep requesting refills on my antidepressant online through walgreens even though it's not available im hoping if i keep doing it they'll call the doctor for approval and get it or something but i doubt it this is the third time im trying
>>738955 i had to deal with this in tennessee before too the big issue isn't walgreens making the call, but them getting through for some reason all my doctors places are impossible to get ahold of
back then they kept trying and couldn't get through and eventually did after a few weeks but i had to resubmit it and stuff the first time i ordered it this time, walgreens had the prescription listed under the doctor at the hospital who filled it for me, so when they said they'd call the doctor for approval, they called there to the PHP after they rejected that, for whatever reason, the prescription got reset to show my psychiatrist from saint louis who wrote the scripts now im trying again since it shows the real prescriber and hoping they can call saint louis and get it approved but i have a feeling they might not approve it since im not really a patient there anymore, or havent had an appointment in the last six months
but it's just my antidepressant, so maybe they will
I think very social and politically invovled people are big on being unempathic assholes.
People who make politics their life are so stressful to interact with.
yeah that's always troublesome they'll ask you politically motivated questions and if you're like "uh im not really political" or generally just try to not talk about it they get really huffy about how can you be "not political" that doesn't make any sense etc etc it's your duty, everything is political, what do you live under a rock
everything is physics man why aren't you trying to resolve the nature of the universe huh
There are way too many assumptions at play when you get asked those sort of questions. Assumptions you agree with the political system , assumptions that you are against and for stuff entirely based on a stupid label, people trying to own the other side when you aren't even the otherside. Politics is everywhere I do believe that but conversation about is rarely all emcompassing or representative, its a competitive sport between people who have way too much testosterone
everything is mathematical too that doesn't mean it always has to be discussed in a mathematical systemized scope
i can talk about being gay without wanting to talk about gay rights, or talk about cyber security without it being related to geopolitics likewise i can also favor a political representative for their approach to dealing with the countries who are potential cyber threats to us without having to condone all the other stances they have on other issues
I find it hard sometimes to browse left twitter because it just is tiring. LGBT twitter has amazing activism but it is intense, I don't like how unhealthy it is for vunerable people.
all beaners should be deported desu
I want a chinese but I also don't want to eat too unhealthily. I wish I could lose my appetite like when I was younger. Maybe I should do fast.
>>738970 it's just such a tiring thing i dont like communicating with people who aren't interested in understanding me in the first place
>>738976 Korean takeaway don't really exist in UK, I can imagine if they are they'll be in some rich area like London. I keep hearing about Korean BBQ.
>>738978 I wonder if they are even actually there and it isn't just photoshopped. I can sort of imagine stock transparencies for Real Human (tm) images
>>738980 I' m tempted to order some Japanese from here: https://www.sensedurham.com/menu but god is there website menu horrible
Oh there's a character creation in Astral Chain? I thought they would just give you a male and female option like in the trailers and pre-release footage.
>>739025 you can change hair, eye, and lip color and skin color and there's a number of hairstyles and you can unlock different outfits and color schemes
Well that makes more sense than a radically shifting climate due to the atmospheric make-up of the Earth changing because of certain impactful consequences.
>>739051 I explained how El Niño lowered the number of hurricanes last year and he got wide eyed and was like "el miñow? i aint never heard of that. it's temperature control, dog" i repeated el niño several times but he didn't figure it out
Some people just want to believe.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
The thing about playing AoE against the computer is Even if I win I know it let me win
Kirara 🍄
I finally have a physical Switch cart. It doesn't even taste bad. What the hell.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>739059 it's not great but it's not the worst tihng
>>739059 I've found the ones shipped out by Nintendo first-party games have been actually stronger in flavour.
And I mean it's still like, not the kind of flavour that'll make you retch or anything. But imagine you're a dumbass baby or dog and you put something like that in your mouth. You're probably gonna be more likely to spit it out and not want to do it again. That's the target of the flavour coating after all.
are you going to watch the tournament tilde? it starts in like five hours i got put as a reserve player so im probably just going to fill in for someone missing on the /v/ team in like seven or eight hours from now
people put a lot of work into customizing the team stuff so it's gonna look really neat on stream
>>739155 Aw, that sounds kind of neat now. But I've got to wind down and sleep soon, which means I'll probably miss when it starts. I'll try to remember to check in once I'm awake though.
So you might get hit by a bit of a hurricane come Wednesday morning?
Kirara 🍄
it's gonna wreck us that wall is gonna go up the coast and fuck up the islands the islands are going underwater for sure the hurricane is 200+ miles across so
Kirara 🍄
this is probably the worst case scenario honestly although it might continue to shift east which would save us a lot
Kirara 🍄
there's a storm forming in the gulf and another at cape verde too though
Kirara 🍄
actually the gulf storm might save us from dealing with dorian since it'll push Dorian away
>>739166 Well if Kirara's got you on Discord he can probably let you know next time we're meeting up in Philly to visit Saku. Ice cream deitos are a staple of the occasion.
>>739168 I already invited him. Nien actually lives close to me, though. We go to the same Wawa!
Yeah I've been seeing the reconnecting you two have been making in recent days. It must be nice to have friends that live close to you. I'd settle for the same country at least!
Except not really because I still can't make it over to B.C. hah hah.
I started Astral Chain last night but I was tired. I wasn't too happy with it but I feel better about it now that I slept I'll play more after meditation.
>>739178 Except Ingrid and Felix. They're punching bags.
>>739175 no listen, it's understandable. those children are MY children all of them
except the one I marry, that's my wife
>>739177 Well, Ingrid and every non-GD boy since they didn't want to be adopted.
>>739183 How soon do I start getting outfits and colors and accessories? This is the most important thing to me. Tsubaki needs cat ears!!
>>739184 Make sure you get there early. It's gonna be crazy.
I don't know about accessories but I finished the second episode. After you meet Lappy and finish the episode after you'll probably have the first empty color set for you to configure. I don't remember exactly what unlocked it.
>>739184 >>739167 Yea, just finished packing. Time for 12 hour shifts until corporate recalls us. hopefully they give me a hotel room to myself.****
Yesterday my manly man vet client who is afraid to cry even in private teared up and hugged me because he's discharging and going back home to another state. He's come a long way. I gave him a gift to celebrate and he got all emotional, haha.
He also said I was the coolest counselor, but who cares about that. Not me! I don't have a massive ego that loves to be stroked or anything.
Wait until you meet my lovely Kanroji. She's the same type as Tanjirou. She's a really good girl, too. She's so honest with her feelings. Her values are a little different, though.
Honestly I'm kind of upset that it won't make landfall. Hurricanes are very spiritual experiences for me. But now I will hardly get to experience it. I hope it adjusts to hit us just a little bit. The next update to the model is in about 25 minutes.
Look at some outtake or b-reels from game or show recording and those are stuff the actors know will be recorded for posterity and then imagine their jokes when they aren't recorded
I think there is something fundamentally hilarious about Hun Attila coming to you begging to get spices and other valuable goods from you and you go "how about if I give you crayons instead" and he is "yes, this is a good deal"
So apparently one of the scanlators for monmusume it canonically married to a character in it He moved to japan and went to the author to tell him that he loved this character and he's had several cameos, and recently he snt the author an engagement ring and he showed up again in the comic with his waifu and she's wearing a ring.
Usually the show is dark because all of the fighting is at night or inside buildings, so it's rare that you can admire the lines because they blend in with the darkness of the rest of the show. In the sun like this, you can really see how beautifully drawn this show is.
You should try cleaning it with those lemon-scented antibacterial wipes. The bad smell is probably coming from bacteria that are still on it. If you work hard and kill them, it'll start to smell better.
I've got alcohol things... but I don't think that's good 70% isopropyl by volume alcohol swab most of the smell is gone from cleaning the back with it. It's just the screen now
I offered a client individual meditation instruction on Friday and she accepted, so I'll get to meet with her once a week to work on meditation with her. I asked my boss and he said he thinks me offering meditation instruction to people would be great. I'm really excited.
That's right. So you'd better fall in line! Watch Kimetsu! You watched episode 19, so you only have 20, 21, and 22, and then you'll be all caught up. That's easy! It's only an hour and ten minutes of video! You don't wanna be a loser like Zenitsu, do you?
For every episode you're behind on Kimetsu, Sue will take one additional damage! She'll die, you know! If you don't watch Kimetsu, she'll die in the next session! But maybe you can prevent that! All you need is to give me your credit card information!
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
the roof of my mouth takes #d6+3 (2 + 3 = 5) fire damage
Kirara 🍄
burn baby burn
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
secure that epic gamer victory and save hyrule once and for all
It's becoming less and less likely that the hurricane is even going to touch me. It's really upsetting. What am I supposed to do? We already canceled work for Monday and Tuesday... And school is closed even until Wednesday, so that means I have a five day weekend! But I want to work!
>>739379 Yes. Apparently it's scared of me and now it's not going to even touch us. What a shame! I didn't think it'd be bad but I wanted to get a little bit of it. Hello, Rika.
>>739378 No, playing vidya for five days in a row will make me depressed. That's not a life.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
5 days is more than enough time to create and launch the next big battle royale game
I'll call it MUSHROOM MAYHEM. All of the characters are fungi people and they defeat each other by laying traps and if you fall into a person's trap, you have to fight your way out or die trying! And the winner is awarded the Boletes Bowl.
>>739387 Northeast. Towards SC and NC. It's possible it could adjust to come back towards us, but it's slowing down. The slower it gets, the more likely it is to go north. Right now it's moving at 2mph. So it's likely that NC will get a category four or five hurricane. Err, SC.
>>739392 Yeah. With a little luck, it'll speed up and hit Florida, though. I was looking forward to bundling up and enjoying the sounds of a hurricane outside. But I'm out of luck, it seems. It was originally supposed to hit West Palm (quite south of me) and then go straight up through the state, but that's out the window now.
>>739393 I'm glad it's missing west palm. One my few remaining close relatives of my mother lives there. Well, two Although they both have some serious health issues.
I just want the power to go out for a few days and I want to listen to the sounds of the hurricane ripping the paneling off the outside of my apartment. And all the explosions.
It was really neato when it was thundering here and raining down hard. it was peaceful as heck shame the road nearby is noisy as fuck
Corporate gave me a rental car that i didnt even know about until i git to my hotel. And when i git to my hitel they gave me a suite room all to myself. Ive no idea whats going on.
The other day I bought some chicken quesadillas from Wawa, and Milky Way Midnights were on sale two for one, so I got two and foolishly put them in the same bag. Some of the chicken spilled out of the box into the bag, covering the Milky Ways, partially melting them and leaving the wrappers smelling faintly of chicken. Four days have passed since then and the wrappers still smell of chicken. Which makes the idea of eating them somewhat unappetizing...
Maybe your accident will be the freaky origin story of the new craze, the Midnight Choco-Chicken!
>>739421 So you can't imagine why someone would consider that basic clothing to be ridiculous? They should consider it reasonable because there's a long history of unreasonable clothing in video games?
considering it is supposed to be underwear/garments, does it look like, especially th top part, that it serves a purpose really?
>>739422 It looks like underwear, weird sexy underwear but underwear nonetheless And yes they should consider
Exactly. The default underwear option should be underwear. What she's wearing isn't underwear. It doesn't serve the function of underwear. The male body's underwear is normal, after all.
>>739428 So you really can't imagine why anyone would think that underwear is ridiculous?
>>739430 I mean I can but I don't think its a big deal.
>>739417 she's wearing one of those chuuni eyepatches as a shirt lmao
>>739431 It seems like that person is pretty upset about it, though. Maybe they don't think it's fair for women to be used as eye candy if men don't get the same treatment.
>>739435 You dropped, but I assume you mean secondary sex characteristics. You can't see his pubic hair, so that's not really true. A male's chest isn't a secondary sex characteristic, unlock /// unlike a woman's breasts.
>>739437 Some of hus secondary sex characteristics >>739437 Ehh Lemme think about that Yeah I guess But men have no breast equivalent amongst secondary sex characteristics >>739439 He is in the image
>>739459 I just finished 03. It was a long one! I'm gonna start 04 after I make dinner. I'm getting really into the game! What was the problem with the controls you were having?
>>739461 No, I don't think so. I'm not sure how ratings work yet. The game feels smooth and not too hard, though.
are you getting ratings higher than D?
you just gotta use like everything. fucking everything
I haven't died yet. I'm pretty good at not getting hit but sometimes I just get combo'd hard and can't break out of it. The shield guys like to juggle me.
and not get hit
oh I die a lot. The problem that I was having a while back was trying to do the Gladius training without using my Legion because I thought I'd get more points or something that way.
Haha! That's a little funny. I like the Gladius a lot.
I do a lot of perfect dodge link attacks and spam my astral bind whenever possible. With swordguy, I can bind into link attack with helps, too. I do need to use mini medicine a lot but that's because chain jumping is kind of hard.
don't do it, it's dumb and stupid and far too difficult
Also there's Shizu I want to hang out with Shizu. which would really probably be just us on laptops shitposting on the internet and complaining about the coming apocalypse on twitter \
>>739490 Oh, nice. >>739489 Ah yes, I'm going to get so many parts from this, greasy screw, and these, bent sunglasses. We're not savages scavanging the ruins of civilization, Blue! A torn bag offers nothing for us! We just recycle it.
Ever since the meditation retreat, I feel like I'm always excited for whatever comes next. I first noticed it when I was on the retreat. Knowing that lunch or sleep or whatever was coming up felt really exciting. I thought it was just because meditating is hard and really intense, but it still feels like that. When I think about the fact that I'm going to go to bed in like 30 minutes, I feel really happy about it. But it's not like I'm not happy in this moment. It's weird. I don't know how to explain it yet. Maybe it's like actively being happy to be alive?
>Maybe it's like actively being happy to be alive? Well this is an emotional utterly foreign to me.
>>739516 It's foreign to me, too. I've been feeling good the past six or so months, but this is a different level. When I think about all of the things I get to do, like eat a snack, or go to bed, or wake up, I get a fuwa fuwa feeling in my stomach. It's like all the banal things are lovely. It's really weird! I've never felt this before! And it's been consistent for over a week now! Maybe I'm dying.
>>739517 Have you tried getting psychological help?
no because 2 more anima and I've accomplished what I set out to do with all this grinding
>>739515 this is familiar to me i believe it's related to feelings of acceptance, that the happenings around us and the things around us dont need to be labeled or analyzed or for an opinion or judgment to be placed upon them but just having the next thing be what it is without characterization
>>739527 That's one of the reasons why I love the Astra reveal at the end of the most recent episode. Like way back in episode one when Zack is plotting their course home we see the zig-zagged travel map but all the planets aren't named. But of course readers/watchers are gonna assume the home destination is Earth because that's sensible but FUCKING PSYCHE
I'm dropping Cop Craft. It's really hard to get through the episodes. I watched half of episode 5 today and just shut it off because I can't do it. It has nothing for me. And I don't really know what's going on. The transitions between the storylines are really boring and there's like no exposition. None of the characters are getting developed except for the main two, but I'm supposed to care about these other characters whose names I don't even know. The OP makes the show look fun and exciting, but the show is actually super serious and doesn't even lean into its obvious campiness. The OST is fantastic since it's Taku Iwasaki, who is my favorite anime OST composer, but the music direction is poor so they aren't using him to his fullest potential. I feel really disappointed with Cop Craft overall.
I'm not convinced she doesn't say "late". Though I guess considering the non-ironic irony she sings about, the functionally impossible situation of getting a free ride but you've already paid for it is accurate.
I always thought it was "You've already paid" because it was followed her concept of irony //it followed
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Got the knee sleeves Got the support belt Got the chalk
Could i be any more Tryhard
I bet you don't have your rock climbing Cliff™ brand energy bar.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I do actually. I still have four in the boot of my car for From* when i volunteered for that supplement test
I'm playing an epic prank on everyone at the gym by cosplaying as a competitive power lifter and then just doing 90kg deadlifts.
oh I C
Okay, it's officially wake me up when it ends month.
followed by spooky month
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
But would you say it's TOO spooky?
woo my money bounced back
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Isn't money bouncing usually a bad thing?
it's a bit of a shame bookstores aren't so commonplace anymore
They're almost all big, chain bookstores here. Which, y'know, ain't all bad since it's lovely to walk into a large store just rife with books. But it is a shame that smaller, cozy bookstores are kind of rare. I did walk past one dedicated to mystery fiction the other night though. Was an entertaining surprise.
If it just comes a tad closer, that would be ideal. I'd like maybe cat3 winds. Something exciting to go out in. It looks like it'll reach me during the daytime which is nice, too.
Sensei sent me an email and all that's in it is "temple is obviously closed sunday"
It's about playing mind games >what the fuck >this guy is here to kick my ass but he also brought me a delicious packed lunch >what the hell is this >I'm freaking out
oh here are some messages from work >>739608 haha it's probably fine I mostly get calls and text from work so it's probably more stressful if I got a constant flow of that
Oh, Dorian is up to category 5. What a strong boy! But I won't lose. It looks like it'll just move along the coast, far enough to fuck shit up, but not so close that it'll destroy everything. Paafecto.
Old people die during hurricanes because people leave them in flooded buildings they can't evacuate from themselves. Many times they also die from heatstroke after sitting in 100+ F temperatures for too long because the power is out. Many can't afford generators to keep their oxygen going. Ah, how tragic it is to be old and decrepit. What a way to die.
Yeah that doesn't surprise me A pretty terrible way to die