We might want to revise tonight's shows a fair bit, there's a pretty good chance Moon won't be around tonight.
I'm sure Moon would tell us to watch whatever but some stuff that would probably be more reasonable to watch with just the two of us, aside from Araburu, would be Arifureta, DanMachi, HenSuki, Isekai Cheat, or Accelerator.
Why don't we do Araburu and HenSuki instead of Enen and Okaa-san at least.
This series seems like it's only running one cour. So we're probably not going to get to when Accelerator doesn't stop acting like a total edgelord. I wonder if it'll even get to the point where he joins up with Tsukimikado or whatever his name was for their secret group.
That temperature is pretty close to absolute zero.
I'd settle for it even catching up to the events of the second Index series. He wasn't that bad in the occasional cameo he had in that.
Combat zombie!
I'm trying to think of what language "Huotou" would be pronounced "Kato" like the necromancer girl is calling her zombie. The fact that her zombie calls her Adonai makes me feel it's a Greek or similar language from that region but I'm not sure.
I wonder how vector manipulation gets him out of a heat trap like that though. The frictional coefficient manipulation probably doesn't mean shit against his powers since he's probably stronger.
He can use wind or soemthing I'm sure. His power is pretty much do whatever.
Yeah, aside from the instant teleportation-style espers his ability pretty much encompasses all other psychic abilities. Like if you can manipulate the vectors on which physics relies on you can do pretty much anything. I guess the catch is he needs the brainpower to arrange those vectors properly, where others that have the ability to do something can just do it naturally. Which is probably why he's stuck just doing directional motion vector manipulation for the most part, since that's a little more straightforward than creating lightning or controlling thermodynamics.
Poor Grey These two are probably exhausting to be stuck around.
There's some really pretty environments in this show. Gorgeous scenery backdrops.
That last one was kind of Red Riding Hood-poi.
... I feel like using Magecraft to encourage people to buy things is kind of ... morally problematic. But I guess morals have never really been a concern of mages.
Oh a whole store full of exquisite pens and notebooks. I'd love to visit a store like that.
Oh the imouto's meido is made of mercury. I guess that explains the floating spheres of her.
Well this is a mystery without our great detective.
I was kinda hoping she went full wrestler on them. Oh she kind of did hah hah. There's a couple kind of obscure Fate series jokes in this series like that.
Yeah really. Grey is in some way related to Arturia. Even if she's poor and not of noble stature like Luvia or the Melloi imouto, she's still pretty impressive in her own right.
Oh I guess next episode is the kick-off of the main plot of this adaptation. A magic train that deals in the sale of powerful magic is a cool plot point.
Well he's cute and tries really hard and has a lot of DREAMS and PASSIONS. It's kind of easy to see why they like him.
Oh those star-shaped candies are nice. Though well they're just sugar and some colouring. They're a simple kind of nice.
>Haruhime-dono Oh I guess she just calls everyone "dono" in the sense she - >Noble birth Okay nevermind my hunch was right. So she's a disgraced noblewoman now serving as a prostitute. That's a little curious.
Yeah I thought he could buy out Haruhime at least. Though that might be a tall order considering their Familia is BANKRUPT
Does Ishtar want to kill Haruhime with this stone? Does it require a renard as sacrifice for its powers? Come on what does this item have to do with Haruhime being a renard.
Oh and Bell's already in even more danger without even really doing anything.
I guess that's why the Ishtar familia has members that are stronger than they report to the god. Haruhime has some kind of ability to buff people up to powers far stronger than they normally seem.
And here's Dangerous Girl no.1. I wonder if all the usual subjects are going to show up and only after that he'll discover the pantsu are missing. Basically rebooting the mystery from the first episode.
Hah hah, thanks to Fujoshi-chan, the girls of this series have acquired some powerful bribery material over him.
eventful ep kinda looks like we have a little after the credits
Yeah. Plus there's still another four episodes at leas t to this anime. So there's no way things are ending this smoothly!
Sounds like she's not done being a danger yeeeett
Some of those lines in the PV are kind of ... interesting. This is such a fun series.
That whole last half of the episode got me really wound up too! I'm gonna have to really wind down hard if I'm gonna get any decent sleep tonight hah hah.