Thread #736988
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Man you're really late tonight. I guess the weekend's been keeping you busy?
Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo.Episode 7-8 Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou Bem DanMachi Dr. Stone Enen no Shouboutai Fruits Basket Granbelm Isekai Cheat MagicianEpisode 6-7 Joshikousei no Mudazukai Kimetsu no Yaiba Lord El-Melloi IIEpisode 6-8 Machikado Mazoku Okaa-san Online Tejina-senpaiEpisode 6-8 To aru Kagaku no AcceleratorEpisode 6-7 UchiMusume Vinland Saga
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hmm yeah
Hmm okay
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haha sorry Was distracted! Have you seen moon?
Not recently, no. If you can put out a ping it might help.
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no need im here
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ah Sorry for the delay okay bem vinland kimetsu dr.stone okaa-san
I'm good when y'all are.
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bem plau okau lets start!
Wow this guy really wants to clean up crime.
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i like the op and ed in this a lot
Yeah they both quite nice. The composers for the OP also did this OST for the show and they've both got a good brassy sound.
Wow this kid's gone full VENGEANCE seeing his dad die.
that sounds like bang's voice actor from opm
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That bald guy looks like such a mook.
He's been a mook so far. This talk the superintendant is giving about the report being slovenly is entirely on his hubris.
I get the feeling this guy doesn't want A vacuum cleaner, he wants to BE the vacuum cleaner.
cleaning feels good
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ah what to,e are we at? time I accidentally tapped the bar oh okay i found it back easily
12:20 12:25 12:30
Man they couldn't pull one over her for a moment. She knew right away that guy was shady as fuck.
haha this is so silly
Yeah the evil people parts are always really corny. The show kind of flip-flaps between a noir thriller and a goofy action show. It's rather unique.
The horking sound this cleaner guy keeps doing is really unpleasant to me.
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That monster is especially ugly.
What a pleasant guy.
This is a really pretty shot of the girl too. With the wing of fire out of her shoulder.
what's the ed called
Iruimo, by JUNNA. I'm not quite sure how that would translate into English. You might have better luck looking for it by its Katakana.
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vinland this has been good lately okay lets start
yeah vinland has been really fun
The plot's probably gonna really kick off some time soon too.
Otakara Otakara Otakara HOI
That one on the far left.
she's kinda cute
A bit spacey it looks like. Not that that's a particular problem.
i like spacy
I wonder how hard Askeladd will hand Thorfinn's ass to him this time.
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He's strong now. But killing his boss isn't a good idea despite everything he's been kind to him
I'm pretty sure he's not Askeladd-strong yet though. Askeladd was able to go toe-to-toe with Thors for a good while after all, and I really doubt Thorfinn's at his dad's level yet.
Wow now he's playing the psychological warfare.
anger blinds
Yeah that was some really smooth anger inciting from Askeladd. Thorfinn just doesn't ahve -have the experience to beat him fairly.
Oh Thorfinn's been out in the cold too long. He's starting to lose his mind.
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Ah, maybe he'll get a girlfriend this time.
My magic eight ball is telling me the outcome is Not Likely.
she's cute for a slave
She was a noblewoman from the sounds of it, not too long ago. Probably hasn't been a slave long enough to lose her beauty.
being a noblewoman doesnt sound too fun either
Harald is a vaguely familiar name to me. I guess that could be some foreshadowing for the fate of this Camute fella.
wow he's batty
Oh that went by fast.
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L O N D O N That's kinda the big leagues for a band of vikings though, even if it is before it gets super strong.
Well I don't think Askeladd's band of mercenaries are involved yet. The forces attacking London are probably the armies of the Danish king.
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kimetsu okay lets start!
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i don't know geopolitical history at all history is my weak spot
The current arc kind of wound down last week.
>>737056 I know some snippets here and there. There's some fun stories to be found in the narratives of history.
Oh no someone's gonna break the RURUS
He didn't really look like Michael Jackson much at this point.
It's hard to tell how much of him was a monster before he got turned or how much came after.
Tanjirou is such a kind boy.
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I guess he has a lot more mercy than a lot of the others.
Oh hah hah hah This guy only just remembered Tanjirou.
butterfly girl yay
Yeah but she's on the HUNT for Nezuko.
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Everybody got so beaten up
are tapioca and butterfly gonna fight
Maybe. They don't really seem to like each other in the first place so it's probably a good excuse for them to get their greviances out.
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He really is a good guy, sticking his neck out like that.
Oh she just ran away. How sensible.
oh who is this
Looks like a protege of Lady Butterfly.
HAHA that was good
Hah hah oh gosh. Tiny Nezuko!
Wow this OST. Sasuga Kajiura.
Man these two REALLY don't like each other. It's kind of adorable.
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She seems like she's having fun. I think they get along in a way where they don't get along that well.
Yeah exactly. It's that kind of spite you have for someone that gets weirdly close to companionship.
Looks like some upper brass at the Demon Corps saved them from this though.
Aw poor Boarguy. He's really disheartened.
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Yeah, I guess they're special. His friends had a bad time too.
this protege has a cute outfit
Yeah, she's got some cute style.
Oh this is a really nice closing moment for this arc. The long night is finally over.
That was some real majestic music at the end there.
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dr. stone okay lets start
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Sutoun uorudo
Oh he's admitting the antibiotic might not even be useful here. But yeah worth a shot.
i wonder if bacteriophages would be an option
Could you reliably manufacture them with Stone Age technology though?
Hah hah hah He has to start from the basics of basics of what's known these days.
yeah sure you just let them populate
the stars moved over 3700 years too
Yeah I was thinking that too. Over a few thousand years stars might even move enough to account for that discrepancy.
Well that's kind of cute. Weird, but cute.
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Even science guy is ripped.
I think ripped guys are the only guys Boichi knows how to draw.
Oh wow I was just thinking how they know how to make Momotaro references. But that's actually a plot point. Cool/
Wow Senku don't say you're interested in a -in your girlfriend's sister.
Why not use charcoal to increase the temperature efficiency of your fuel?
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Living in the past is hard.
Chrome and Senku are pretty closely on the same wavelength.
that's a handy technology
Suika really gets everywhere as a suika.
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Suddenly lots of new characters.
Oh Senku's gonna win the village over with FOOD.
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Food is science!
Food's all sorts of things! Science, art, culture, history, civilization! Arguably you could call everything about humans food!
Oh this is getting me kind of hungry now.
>Talking about colonization >Acting like the villain Sounds about right.
he even made a little ramen stand haha food is a good tactic it's already three! yall can do okaa-san but i gotta stop here thank you for shows
For how late we started we made decent pace.
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Yeah. Sorry for running is late! I'm okay with stopping here oh wait let's do abaru instead since moon is dipping thanks for anime moon araburu 7 okay we're ready lets start!
Yeah I was thinking that too. Episode seven,
She's a real weird adorable.
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haha, she thought he was going for it
Milo-sensei really has it rough. A girl like this one is a dangerous thing to navigate as a teacher.
This pigtails girl is hella gay.
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Pigtails is probably the cutest of the bunch.
Author-chan is pretty endearing to me. Hah hah she really is not into guys, eh.
Their president's really fallen into otome-mode now that she's got a boyfriend.
Kazuza's really been focused on Suguwara's oppai.
It's probably good to confront her over this but maybe wait until Kazuza's not all fuzzed over from the bath.
... She's still going on about oppai.
That's kind of a stalker-y legend.
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Yeah, that was quite a monologue about boobs.
He really goes off at the slightest reference to trains.
Well that was cute.
Oh no presidennnnnnnt ;_; Her boyfriend really has it rough.
Oh this creepy pedophile is still going around educating kids eh.
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Wow he called his student boring.
Okay things are getting a little weird.
This guy is a dangerous person in more than one way.
>Fucking really? It's nice to see subs that sort of translate the gravity of a line like that instead of just flatly using a "Don't mess with me" or something.>>737143 Yeah exactly! You'd expect a teenager to cuss like that with a tone like she was using.
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Stuff like that is hard to get right but they are teenagers haha>>737141 He has really sharp eyes!
And he's pushing Suguwara to get in between Kazusa and her crush! He's a danger to the peace!
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Yeah, people who like interesting things are dangerous. okay, thanks for anime and good night!
Yup yup, thanks. Good night.