Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo. --Episode 5-6 DanMachi Dr. Stone Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru Enen no Shouboutai Katsute Kami Datta Kemono-tachi e --Episode 3-6 Kimetsu no Yaiba YU-NO Lord El-Melloi II --Episode 5-6 Machikado Mazoku --Episode 4-5 Maou-sama, Retry! Okaa-san Online Tejina-senpai To aru Kagaku no Accelerator --Episode 4-5 Vinland Saga
Oh, yeah, the same head mark. I always figured it was a scar.
Ahhhh that's what this was. This dancer has been in the ED since it's been around and I wondered what the point of it was. But it's been his dad all this time.
ah this was a good twist they pushed their limits and got stronger instead of just losing and needing a training arc
Well that was intense.
It was a spatter of Nezuko's blood on his blade that gave him the extra firepower to get through Spiderman's neck too. So they really did beat him together as a unit.
The full OP for Enen is out too. It's pretty good.
Oh whoops.
moe dropped right at start but i did start
All's well that ends well.
Her nun outfit normally obscures that her hair's cut that short. It looks like it could be long when she's wearing her habit.
it's a pretty cute haircut
i suppose we're getting sister's backstory
She seems associated with that pink-haired lady so -and I bet she's the main antagonist of this arc so I bet we'll get the exposition on how that all fits together.
Their captain's got a real goofy workout routine.
Wow dude don't hurt the little birds like that. They're cute.
Their lieutenant is kind of a dick.
Huh I thought the infoblurb for their lieutenant had him as having no powers in the first episode.
Well she's a little crazy.
>I'll use you to lure the eighth here >They're already on their way anyway
yeah was a lure really necessary they were just talking about going there
>Discount not Arthur's really a hard baka.
is he describing his own power to himself why
Probably lacks the humility to realize how lame he's being.
Arthur has a pretty cool close-quarters way of dodging flames. I guess being a pyrokinetic as well as wearing those fireproof clothes means he can be pretty free around fire though.
my fever's getting a little troublesome this will be my last one sorry tilde if i go quiet
>>730941 it's hot flashes really but fever is easier to communicate im not too febrile right now
>>730940 Look after yourself first man. Sorry you've got a bad fever, that doesn't sound all to nice. Too nice even.
where did we leave off they had gunpowder
They threw their pot of gunpowder at Tsukasa and then bolted. >>730944 I think Taiju and his crush are just running until Senku revives. Neither of them seem to have any interest in planning further ahead. After their poured the acid to break the bit of Senku's stone shell we fell into a flashback.
right, they got out of that pinch but what was their plan next
ah right it left off looking back when he woke up the first time flashback
if it converted to living cells then what about hair and fingernails huh
Yeah it's weird how the stone curse thing works. It was probably crazy being alone like that.
Well he's probably a bit loopy to begin with. Plus he's got a problem to work on so that probably helps keep him distracted from the crushing loneliness.
And when you're all alone in the world you don't have anyone to tell you how much of a clown you're being.
So if the trick to only needing the nitric acid to break your shell is to remain conscious through all those 3,700 years, does that mean Taiju's obsession with Yuzuriha was what saved him. That's kind of romantic.
OP at 9 minutes into the episode what
Yeah I'd forgotten we hadn't heard it yet hah hah. Guess that's a good point to scene break though.
not to be too pedantic but he mentions about the brain using energy and it having to come from somewhere but what about the oxygenation necessary for action potential if he's thinking, that stuff is going on oh well
Maybe the stone is porous enough to let gas pass through. Though that doesn't really eliminate the whole impossibility of the situation.
gotta draw the line somewhere i guess it makes sense where they did it
Tsukasa's a pretty ridiculous character himself too. Oh she's got actual metal it looks like?
Senku's kind of taking a gamble showing up that fast to a spot Tsukasa was at only moments before.
Hah hah I thought he wanted to run a town management simulator But he just wants to run an onsen management simulator.
Guys can still die a virgin!
These cultists really just come out of the woodwork like crazy.
The last demon-y monster Maou fought called itself a Demon Lord in its own right. But this one is just a mid-level demon. Probably not a big deal for him.
I like these protagonists taht are OP and everybnody knows it and nobody cares. It doesn't ruin the story when it's played off like this.
Being OP is just an absurdity in its own right. If you fill the rest of the main cast with also absurd characters it makes the OP-ness just kind of another aspect.
Oh we'll see more of his alt character next week. That'll be fun.
Well there's Western train otaku too. That's something that seems to be a fascination regardless of where you come from. Like I mean they'd be otaku-y about trains where they live too.
Otaku is a term for anyone that's got a fascination with a hobby to the point of putting off normal people anyway.
Hah hah hah. This author girl is kind of adorable to me.
I really like it when the light reflection spots in an eye are the complimentary colour to the colour of the iris. Like with Author-chan there she's got green-ish eyes and a light purple light relection.
Is this old guy a lolicon. OKAY YEAH HE'S DEFINITELY A LOLICON.
This old guy's got some real problems. I guess he's not actually being a ... big problem, but geez. Go to therapy you fucked up old man.
Hah hah hah. I kind of know how it's like for him. I'm pretty perceptive of social things between other people but when they're directed at me I can easily misinterpret them or have them go over my head.