Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo. Cop Craft DanMachi Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru Fruits Basket Granbelm HenSuki Joshikousei no Mudazukai YU-NO Lord El-Melloi Case Files --Episode 5-6 Machikado Mazoku --Episode 4-5 Okaa-san Online Tejina-senpai To aru Kagaku no Accelerator --Episode 4-5 Vinland Saga
it's kind of early for a recap... there's not even that much that happened
Yeah, that seems to be the consensus from what I've seen. The quality for the series has been, well, consistent, but not particularly exceptional. So maybe they realized they couldn't put out a new episode at that consistency this week.
machikado 4 right im always confused if the digits are above or below
They're always below the episode. I'll probably tinker with how I put together the list because you're not the only person that's been confused by that anyway.
im always confused
use a caret instead of an em dash
So like,
Machikado Mazoku Episode 4-5
Oh yeah that makes things tiny on /moe/. Actually that looks kind of nice
he gets over things pretty fast it's not even been a day and he's over the car
>>731327 yeah! i really like it i take so many screenshots from this show
Well he only had it for like a night anyway. At least that's what I gathered. Got it from the police captain, drove it all night, and then the next day had their operation to catch the porn smugglers.
Guess he'll get another beater again by next episode. Doesn't feel right having a rough and tough detective in such a sleek car like that one.
Her demon ancestor sure has gotta lazy in the meantime.
Hah hah oh no. I had a feeling the switch was going to let her ancestor hijack her body.
She's probably going to be similarly underwhelming though.
Hah hah Shamisen
this has a lot of cute characters
Yeah they're cute.
I'm pretty sure this is a Kirara Manga Time manga and they usually have pretty adorable characters. Stuff like Hidamari Sketch, New Game, probably Gochuumon.
I wonder if this weird spell on Nene will be lefted before -lifted before this show is over.
That's some pretty cruel things to say to your daughter. But it does seem like her mom's trying to look out for her.
Wow she's kind of developing a bit of a bloodlust. She doesn't even have a particular goal to win the fight she just wants to BATTORU.
wow why's she so mean
Probably because she's been a schemer this entire time. Though Anna's also kind of been a bitch in general to pretty much everyone. So it probably feels kind of nice to be able to be mean back.
a lot less robit stuff this episode actual story is happening
Lots of character drama yeah. This family really has a lot of problematic secrets in its closets.
where'd she even get that axe
Probably in the basement she was locked in. Or well locked herself in according to her little sister. These old mage-y families always have medieval weaponry squirrelled away in basements for whatever reason. We did get that shot of the basement door getting smashed apart so it looks like she was already on her rampage.
lots of crazy lately somebody's gonna completely lose it before this show is over
I'm betting Anna's going to steal that super magic stone she was ta-
Oh yeah this is why I knew the fujo was gonna be a fujo before it got revealed. This has been in the OP since it was first playing, in the shot that zooms in close on her eye.
aww that's cute oh haha
she's pretty sweet, if a little weird
Hah hah The stalker girl and the MC have a pretty good rapport between each other.
Oh no he's stuck alone with one of the more troublesome girls.
>>731390 yeah haha i think there's an openness there that makes it easy to talk about stuff
Wow she ran so fast she snapped the tripwire.
Is someone STILL hiding in that locker. Like that's apparently where his Cinderella was hiding when he picked up her note and pantsu. But I guess someone still likes to stay locked up in it.
Hah hah hah he's getting his hopes all up when it's just his mom.
Oh he'd already seen through it. I guess the relationship between him and his mom has gotten good enough that he can do corny acts like that with his mom.
that's always good it's fun when your mom is also your friend and gets you
Hah hah hah Okay good the video game gags are back.
Medhimama's tryin' to start a catfight here but Mamako's too wholesome to be affected like that.
Seems like Medhi's real personality is going to be a good bit darker than the nice girl she has to present under her mom's thumb.