all our groups at work are upstairs but we don't have an elevator one of our clients has a broken knee and it's a huge liability issue to let him hop his way upstairs and a few of us have been trying to do something about it but people aren't paying attention and keep letting it happen
hmm pay 15-20β¬ for a multipurpose power adapter, that could be of use whenever, but is only of use right now for one thing or 40-70β¬ for new headphones and then be set for several years, instead of ? months/years that my current ones have left already being somewhat beatup
>>717435 my current headphones are literally held together with duct tape at the moment i need them for work im looking for something new for the prime day deals
>>717436 hell yeah even coming to see me is a poor decision since our groups are $100 each session and there's another clinic 5 minute drive away that does the same DUI groups for $35 each session
you'd think that's enough but these people are fucking morons this one lady keeps lying to me about doing cocaine like i believe her that she's not going to drink and drive again but i literally cannot discharge her if she is popping positive for cocaine on the fucking drug tests so i tell her that four weeks ago, she has to continue even fuckin longer because she did cocaine "oh boo hoo i didn't do cocaine it must be because i kissed a latino man at the latino club!!" whatever lady just don't do cocaine a few weeks later bam cocaine "oh boo hoo the test is wrong why are you doing this to me you just want my money!!!" bitch i am trying to get rid of you but you won't LET ME
She wants to have her cake and eat her. Eat it, even. Or her cocaine and snuff it.
i have some really expensive medical bags back in saint louis at my sister's home and a lot of other belongings there's no way i can take stuff with me forever though, i have to keep moving and i can't carry everything it's hard to say bye to a lot of that stuff though medical texts, medical bags, my stuffed alligator which was like the only thing i ever had as a kid and i love it still oof
>>717442 The most common test does about 5-7 days. However, we have the /// the lab we use, Captiva, is using a new state of the art test that is 10x more sensitive than the common one, so it can catch cocaine use 14-22 days.
>>717443 Unless we're talking a life-size replica I don't think it would be hard to take a stuffed alligator with you wherever you set up home. I think it's good to not be too clingy about most stuff but there's definitely some things in life that are worth clinging on to.
it's like three and a half feet long and it's got a tilt mechanism in it that makes it rumble/growl when it's moved around not like an electronic thing but just a mechanical thing in it that makes the sound organically i dont know if they still make them anymore or where it even came from
my mom actually spent a lot of money on it and we were poor and it was like the only thing i ever had it kept me safe in that dangerous home
im gonna call her and see if she can send it to me
I think it's good to try yeah. There's a handful of things I'd like to take with me when I move out of here that could probably be easily replaced but I don't want to for sentimental value.
I used to get really attached to objects, but I don't know if I do anymore. I can't really think of any objects I'm particularly attached to now. I mean, of course, I have things I want because they serve some function, but I could live without most of them and I don't think I have much of an emotional attachment to any of it. Just a little bit.
well, im not ashamed at all to have a great amount of attachment to things. i sometimes have to make concessions when it's unreasonable, but because i had such a hostile childhood i naturally am going to have extra strong attachments to some small comforts
there's plenty of times when ive felt hardened to a state where i felt this stuff was superfluous and weighing me down, but like ive said before that's that protector role i have that segmented off so that the part of me that wants those small comforts doesn't have to feel persecuted, so when i finally get the space and mental freedom i lay on my bed and think where's my rumbly lizard at im used to it churning and creaking every time i toss or turn on the bed, and it's essentially a body pillow too the sound alone is a really psychologically comforting thing. it was a well designed plush thing it's a calming sound, not like a scary growl, just some low rumbly vibrations
im not sure how to describe it but i'll see if i can find it somewhere
Being attached to things is normal nothing to be ashamed of
I just don't have many of those attachments anymore I haven't for a few years When I was a kid I couldn't throw anything away, but I don't have that kind of problem anymore. When my cat Yang died, I think this was before /moe/ probably 2010 or early 2011, he died on the way to the vet in my car, and I said "I'll keep this car forever because he died in it" but now I couldn't care less if I got a new car or stuck with this one.
I have to be selective. it becomes superfluous if i keep too much stuff. i took my stuffed pink panther (that i bought myself, not given to me) to a donation drop box and some other things i really was sentimental about stuff that i'd be happy if someone else got and loved but my lizard is like the one thing i need to keep out of sentiment
i don't think i have anything here out of sentiment at the moment i have my kuroneko pureneemo doll but im not so sentimental about it it's more for function but i dont do doll costumes anymore
>>717453 if I have to on my own terms throw something away, i have no issues but if something breaks clearly before its time or something, I always get pissed off not to mention when someone takes something of mine without permission
what's the difference between red and brown switches for mechanical keyboards /moe/? i mean i know the difference is in actuation distance and weight and stuff but in loose terms which does what
>>717458 Brown switches will have a tactile "click" feel on pushing down the key that you will feel, but won't have much of an audible noise relative to other tactile switches like blue switches. Reds are
mister pk id like to think i outplayed this man with the thicc as hell necrozma but please admire this rng
Samu π¨π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
i have reds now theyβre mushy but i guess theyβre fine much quieter still works for FPSes
>>717462 relatively quiet and don't have the tactile click which means you'll smoothly push the key in.
Browns are probably better for typists than reds like I think you're kind of thinking on down below. And if you like the blue switch experience but find them too noisy, browns might be up your alley.
Either way I think the reds are less ideal than those two for what you're looking at.
I've got some imitation blue or brown switches on the keyboard I've got right now and I really like the feeling of typing on it once I get up a real rhythm. I'm more or less just reporting information off this site though so maybe it'll have more information useful to you.
the problem is the things that make them good for games don't always make them good for typing too low of actuation pressure means you can get a lot of accidental keystrokes and that slows one down quite a bit in the long run
blues are nice and clacky which i really like but when i actually have to hear when im typing, i have in the past drowned out the sound im trying to hear in my headphones haha so i have to stop typing in order to hear
>>717465 it turns out SPEED are the only ones on sale, not the browns yeah speed switches don't use a color name but they're still in the same categorization it's like 90 dollars off though i wonder i wonder
>>717473 I dunno we just call them onions and anything else is x-onion
Kirara π
white onion red onion green onion sweet onion yellow onion
im not getting onion switches for my keyboard
ζ here's the thing i REALLY REALLY don't like corsair though! i might be being unfair to them >>717478 i already cry at my computer enuff
I was going to recommend the keyboard I'm using right now since it's pretty much a knock-off of the model Corsair seems to use but apparently it's impossible to get a new model of anymore and all the remaining sellers have jacked the price up. But their keyboards are pretty decent, though this one does kind of seem to give you what you're paying for, hah hah. Still, if the lack of a wrist rest and the fact that it kind of just looks like an aluminium plate with keys on top is fine, it might be good.
>>717483 sure also if youre wondering about that necrozma, its pretty beefy naturally but i built it max hp max defense
>>717484 my last keyboard was aluminium plate. it got very very cold in the winter i tried to warm it up by setting it next to my space heater and it tipped over against the grate and that's how it melted it was also MECHANICAL-LIKE and used plunges instead of switches which had ridiculously high actuation pressure and really fatigued me. i see that these are indeed mech though but i still am not happy with the aluminium at least that frame style i mean
why would you try to set your keyboard on fire
>>717486 You might have a hard time finding a modern mechanical keyboard that isn't aluminium plate though. Even the Corsair one you linked is aluminium, though the wrist rest'll be a kind of plastic that'll keep heat better. But they'll all have a considerable aluminium component that'll act as a heat battery.
you know what i mean the ones that are just a flat aluminum plate with keys sticking out naked i don't like that after the last one i used because it was incredibly cold
there's razer hunstman optical switches keyboard for $90 down from $150 but it's only for black the white and pink ones are still 150
>>717485 thanks now you have my luck enjoy 100% paralysis chance
im just looking at the prime day deals at the moment it's just a handful of products razer, corsair have a few, hyperx have a ton lol it's all stuff i would never normally want to buy, that's probably why it's on sale
hyperx and corsair headphones too but fuck that trash
check out ADX too, I have one on me it has a plastic hand rest and doesn't get that cold, evenw ith my "I have a hole in the wall and it is -25 outside" winter situation
and very easy to clean, removing the buttons is a peace of cake and has survived coffee, beer, vodka and mixed drinks poured on it so far
only problem is, that it is quite loud so if you have a roommate that might be an issue, if you work late/early
>AmazonBasics mechanical keyboard Nani the fuck
haha yeah i dont even know there's one hyperx keyboard for $20 but on the same listing you can click "keyboard + mousepad" and the price shoots up to $59
almost all the deals are on mx speed too i dont want that
>AmazonBasics keyboard >57.39 USD >94.27 CAD If not for the fact that it would cost me thirty two dollars in shipping fees, it would be cheaper to buy it from the US site.
>>717477 All that said though, I used a Corsair headset for a long time and generally found them to be amicable. They honoured the warranty when I had a wire break internally in the cable and customer service was easily handled. If not that my current keyboard was pretty much their model, but cheaper, I probably would have bought one from them when I was shopping around for a mechanical.
Maybe I should check to see if there's a decent mouse on sale or at least cheap. The scroll wheel on mine half-busted like three weeks ago and it's kind of beein -been a pain for me.
hmmmm im looking at this compact mechanical keyboard it's like 11.5 inches across it's so dainty im wondering if a smaller, more compact keyboard would save strain throughout the day because it's less hyperextending or if it's feel cramped because im hitting stuff i dont mean to hit
I've seen plenty of arguments from people for the advantage of tenkeyless keyboards, especially if you play keyboard and mouse games. 11.5 inches seems a bit tighter than that so I don't know if it would be comfortable, but I guess it might be good to look at your hands on the keyboard you have right now and see how they rest on it, and then try to imagine how that would adjust to a keyboard of that size.
Personally I like having the numpad so I'd rather go for a full-size keyboard but that's my comfort.
>>717509 I can imagine "baby oh" going "BURN GOD DAMN BURN"
>>717517 yeah but it's $23 it's got no numpad, but my laptop does and if i was going to need to use it i might just reach over and use the laptop one i think im gonna get it since the price point it so damn low that way i'll get less buyer's remorse and definitely get some use out of it regardless
Yeah, sounds good. A compact mechanical might be kind of nice anyway. Would be easy to go portable with it and annoy the fuck out of everyone at the local cafe with your CLATTA CLATTA as you type!
it doesn't seem like the less space // smaller size seems that useful compared to a less cramped layout but i'll tell you when you're doing 12 or 15 hours you really start to feel every stretch
now i gotta look for headphones i already have corsair and they fucked on me after like six months and have been held together with duct tape since the sound's been slowly fading on it, and the bass, but most importantly it's physically falling apart and cheap
>Try to figure out a solution to not having aluminium foil to wrap burgers my mother sent home with my dad for reheating >Figure I can use the clamshell skillet >Plan goes off without a hitch >Except I set the burner it was on to MAXIMUM HEAT and fill the entire ground floor of the house with smoke
>>717523 That sounds really hard I don't know how to do that for everything all the time. I can really only do one thing effectively at once or a couple things sub-optimally in tandem.
At least the burgers are tasty despite my ineptitude. Sasuga okaa-san.
If I go for a second one tonight too I'll probably not make that mistake a second time too at least.
whenever you're about to do something just think "what could go wrong" that's what i do all the time and im a nervous wreck but i'll tell ya i dont burn stuff or lock myself out of the house
I've been locked out of the house but I've never locked myself out of the house!
Kirara π
i don't stress like that but ive never burned down the house and the only time ive been locked out of a house is when my mom got rid of the key and switched the lock with a pin number and i was fucking wasted
my old work wants me back. I told them I'll pick up a couple of shifts a week. I don't really care about the money, but it fills in gaps in my resume and being able to say you 'managed' anywhere looks good when applying for more serious jobs.
Kirara π
why is nobody doing Fire Force is it netflix? or?
>>717536 Horrible has it by its Japanese name, Enen no Shouboutai
Kirara π
>>717537 oh, sick everything under Fire Force on nyaa is eng dub
'sept they want me to start the bottom again for a few weeks while I relearn stuff. because it's been over a year and they have some new computer system.
>>717539 Maybe instead try and see if you can network with your university program instead and get internships at places that might be good to work at once you graduate. Or form social connections with people in the field that might be looking for fresh graduates. Something like that is probably better than the soul-crushing work of having to fry chicken.
my client intentionally overpaid me today as a bonus for my services over the years really such a blessing as i have tax things coming up and was wondering how i was going to get by this month and all my equipment crapping out
>>717549 I liked the first episode. It's a very Nobunaga-y kind of show. You could totally see him sticking his finger in the barrel of a gun while intimidating its owner.
Kirara π
>>717553 Episode 2 is even better. He's so cool. Who wouldn't want to marry him?
You can't move backwards. No matter how you look at it, you're moving forward. They came to you because they want you back and you're giving them what they want. How is that a bad thing?
i wake up studying ergodic theory every morning and slowly transition over to checking planetary science news and publications and then bit by bit move down the systems chain into ecosystems and watch a few videos of avian or marine biology before i can make my way into the human world and start functioning on human things by breakfast
I get up at 5:30, eat breakfast and watch an episode or two of anime, then I shower, then I meditate, then I go to work or whatever I'm doing that day. I might start exercising before breakfast, though. Since I'm usually totally ready to start my day by 8:00, I have time I can spend. I haven't been exercising for a while because of my knee and foot injuries.
Samu π¨π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
yβall should try staggering out of bed washing your face and walking to the subway with bed hair
>>717575 Up your game boy where's that mad dash to the subway.
As much a s I love ice cream I've been avoiding keeping it (flavors I like anyways) in the house because it would definitely interfere with my half assed weight loss routine.
do you think these headphones are any good /moe/ they're 35 bucks
i kinda wanna get them i know the sound quality is gonna be way worse than if i got a studio headset for editing work, or sennies for music listening but they're cute
My coworker and I were talking about nerve pain today and she said that since she's started suffering from chronic nerve pain, her pain tolerance has gotten really high. I realized that it's the same for me. My pain tolerance is ridiculously high compared to even five years ago. I wonder if it's dealing with the nerve damage from that dog bite that did it.
It's interesting how stuff like that can make you so much stronger.
>start age of wonders 3 >necromancer campaign >new plauyers are adviced to start with elven campaign >necro is EXPERTS ONLY HA
>>717648 yeah nerve pain is crazy i got so many dog bites from that stupid fucker but i had nerve pain before that anyway
in my late teens early 20s i had real bad trigeminal neuralgia and cluster headaches that have disappeared now they were the most insane pain ive ever felt but i just got used to them after a while and now nothin else really is that painful like right now i got a few spots that are hurtin bad but i just go all day without thinking about it
inbefore 30 minutes later >pk comes crying "I looost"
i think i might have a fractured rib actually i have a ball mouse and i set it up on my chest if im browsing laying down like right now but there's a tenderness when i touch my forearm against my rib and it hits a real sharp pain for a moment if i feel around it's been like that for a month or so i could have done that on my way to the hospital i dunno
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
mister kirara if you'd like to see miss Maria Theresa in action here's this >>>/watch?v=z2Ss9kcq6N0 someone got her like today
Well, it's probably hard for him to do it at work and stuff like that. I work like 40 hours a week, you know, but only 20 of those hours are actually spent with clients. The rest is paperwork, program development, managing urine drug screens, and other administrative work. So half of my time at work, I can just have it autoing until there's something I need to focus on completely. I can even have it autoing during team meetings and stuff since I don't need my phone in those.
She reminds me of a girl I knew in high school. I can't remember her name, but she was really into me and I was too stupid to realize it. She was the first girl I actually touched, though. She always wanted me to feel up her abs. I don't know how I didn't realize she was into me, haha. I had no social skills when I got to high school.
>>717677 No, that's nowhere close. I didn't even know a Samantha in high school, I don't think.
yeah, i was pretty oblivious in middle and high school too two girls would always do this thing like "hey guess what my friend likes you" and then the other one would get embarrassed and be like "haha we just said that to make fun of you there's no way i'd like you" so i thought they were really mean bullies but they were just dumb girls being embarrassed
and by high school girls that were into me i was trying so hard to NOT be an awkward creep that i'm like "ok ok don't treat every girl like an object of desire some just want to be friends and that's good" and i treated every girl like that and so i never learned how to tell if girls were into me so i started getting into guys instead shoganai
well, i didn't get social contact until high school since my mom didn't let me do anything and all my friends in grade school betrayed me, and one of my friends in middle school moved pretty early and the other stopped being allowed to talk to me when his mom found out i was jewish and then my mom tricked a doctor into putting me on Seroquel which stunted my social development
>>717681 She was proud of her abs and wanted me to admire them! They were very admirable abs.
The first time, we had just gotten done with a run in HOPE which is what we called PE, it was only PE like twice a month, it was usually health class. Anyway, we got back from a run, and she had lifted up her shirt to fan herself because it was so hot and I guess I complimented her abs or something, and she told me to touch them, and I was like "haha i dunno" so she took my hand and put it on her abs and was like "see? they're super firm" and i agreed and then she'd always just get me to touch her abs
hmmm it's weird, but teenagers are weird and awkward it's definitely not unexpected in a teenage setting i had girls show off their muscles to me because they were proud of being stronger
>>717708 I can do about two minutes if I push myself really hard. I can do like a minute and a half if I push myself a bit. I can do a minute somewhat comfortably.
>>717716 hey kirara how many bugout phones you got there's some bargains im lookin at oh you got rid of your bugout kit fuck jan won't bugout with me any more either i dont think rats
Oh, it's nothing like that. I was still doing dumb and dangerous things and I used burners for that stuff. I got rid of them when I promised Fish I'd stop doing that stuff and that I'd live more safely so I could be a good husband and father.
I should probably set up a bug out bag.
i don't really see you bugging out rei like maybe im wrong and you'd do great at it but you seem kinda fickle as it is
i almost glitterbombed sugoi once i placed the order and everything but found out shortly thereafter that glitter bombs are actually dangerous and not cute and funny so i had it canceled that would have been really bad haha
Kirara π
yeah, they're really fucked up i glitterbombed my boss from the NSPL that really abusive one that sexually harassed my friend and made jew jokes and gaslit us
i guess i could glitterbomb my gaslighter but im sure theyd just cause trouble again no thanx
i was thinking about sending you some pickle popsicles for your birthday though but i thought about the possibility of the package breaking and you opening the container and getting concentrated pickle juice spilled on you like as you're on your way to a therapy appointment that reminded me of the glitterbomb so thats why i brought it up
>>717730 hahaha, you really shouldn't send anything edible to Florida during the summer! Well, not to me at least. They'll put it in a metal parcel box where it'll be subjected to heat hot enough to essentially melt energy bars. Like granola energy bars. It's really bad.
how about some fake eggs that you can throw at people
>>717738 i did odd jobs for the fbi back when I was contracted to do research for them i made friends with some agents and did some information gathering and stuff which ultimately ended when someone attacked me with a brick and bruised the bones in my left knee which was, at the time, my best knee and then i was doing some courier work where i was making like $500 on Saturdays for a few hours of work and i was told i wasn't moving drugs but i later found out i actually was sometimes and i stopped doing that, i also transported someone that was probably a meth chemist or something once those were the biggest ones probably but i did a lot of dumb shit between 2015 and 2017/2018 when i was incredibly self-destructive and blaming myself for teacup and saku's deaths
i also used to steal toner from a job i had where my boss was really abusive and id sell that online
10 men, 10 women and 5 hotdog people walk into a bar
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
touxh me squeexe me
Kirara π
shake it bake it booty quake it
im gonna buy a onesie maybe
gosh there's so much stuff i actually do need but i look at them and spend half an hour shopping options and then decide i don't really need it right now
I think my monitors are 23 inches? The measuring for monitors is the diagonal, so if you know the ratio (I think it's usually 16:9 these days for a "normal" monitor?) you could get the width and height lengths from that.
Kirara π
i have a laptop screen
>>717747 i have one of those too i'd like a second monitor for work efficiency and for leisure
im trying to decide maybe between getting a low-ish 20 inch monitor that's just a normal monitor and would require some extra annoying cordage and would be stationary on my desk or maybe a 13"-15" portable monitor that just slides open and closed and i can sit next to me like on the bed and have two smaller monitors, one being completely portable and i could set up like a stand or pick up and refer to like a piece of paper or tablet
both options are appealing and either one i can do for about 70 dollars im not really looking to spend more than that, although the shopping experience makes it so easy to think "oh this is 110 dollars that's only a little bit more, but i get a lot more monitor for just 40 more dollars!" "well if im at 110, i could get a curved one for 130"
I used a combination of a 23" monitor and a laptop for a few years and aside from some wonkiness with resolution, it was a pretty good experience. I think ideally you should aim for your two screens to be about the same size but that's mostly just to increase simplicity.
>>717748 I have my doubts that a curved monitor is really worth whatever price increase is involved. The benefits I heard talked about curved televisions and monitors really feels like marketing deceit or something that's really such a marginal improvement that it's just not worth it.
>>717749 curved isn't something im going to get, it was just an example
im really indecisive about a 22 inch stationary (or about 22 inch or so) or the portable monitor portable monitor, who knows if it's worthwhile or not i don't know where all my monitors went to but they aren't with me
>>717751 not really but what would you do if I sang out of tune?
>>717751 Maybe not every time I've heard it, but there's songs I've listened to that each time I noticed a different subtle component of the song that I didn't quite catch on previous listen-throughs. I kind of like those songs.
Kirara π
>>717753 stand up and walk out on you id be fuckin out
>>717754 there's this track from twin peaks, Dance of the Dream Man no matter how many times i hear it, it's unrecognizable to me every time it sounds completely different i don't know why my head is doing that
>>717752 Well a good question to ask yourself I think is if you see yourself upgrading to a PC setup in a somewhat soonish timeframe (or at all, even), or if you think the laptop system is going to be your model for a long timeframe. Because the stationary monitor is a good investment for a full PC set-up, but the portable monitor is definitely a better option for a semi-mobile laptop system.
>>717756 if i ever want to play dota again, having a bigger monitor would be helpful there's also the possible this dude stops flaking out and eventually sends me the hand-me-downs he wanted to send me which include a monitor but im not gonna rely on it
i think i'll get a portable one but i'm so indecisive and i always have to shop for a better deal, and in doing so i see things that are a good deal for slightly different items and i wonder "could i use this instead"
i want to get a new gaming monitor after my old one broke but i also know thatβll just end up w me playin OW all day so screw it iβll stick w the crap 60fps tv
oh i know exactly what it is if you're watchful, lots of people put up stuff that's an easy repair but they don't know how to do it so they give up me and my papa have been puttin frankenstein PCs together since i was a wee lassy i know how it do
was it anything in particular that made you so worried? i didn't see him post yesterday or anything. i was talking to him a couple nights ago though, or i guess you could say it was the morning depending on how you look at it
He sent me a few messages on Discord which sparked my worry. In respect to his privacy I won't post it, but don't freak out, it didn't sound like he was giving up or anything like that. Just that he // well, I'll be keeping an eye on him from now on completely.
I understand. You don't have to explain. I just wasn't sure if your concerns had come up since I last spoke with him. He's really upset with me though isn't he.
I wish he could see a little more clearly but I understand why he's distressed I should sit him down for a long talk to ease his mind
Methols were banned here so long ago, I actually kind of miss them. But they did make me start out smoking when I was 14 so maybe a good thing they're banned.
Abolish all big cigarette companies. These days if you really want to smoke something there's far less lethal things legally available.
two ounces will get you a good time five ounces if you wanna get crazy out here all for the low price ofβyou know what i like you, iβll cut you a deal as a first time customer so itβs $873 for 2 or $1822 for 5 limited time only boss
Samu π¨π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
oh no the containment field
Contain your own field nerd.
Samu π¨π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
itβs too late nerd space enters real space
Samu π¨π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
iβve become the cyber
ο½ο½ο½ο½ ο½
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Desu will ruin your life.
muscle milk
Samu π¨π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
Samu π¨π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
Moe you have forgotten the human element. This idol soars with no meaning. Her body is lifted with technology while her spirit lays dormant on the ground.
>>717976 In the threads context, disappearing without leaving any sort of trace, electronically or not.
It has another meaning for me though, which is "going crazy off some drug or mental illness" heh which kind of made me laugh a bit a bug out bag lmao I got one of those I guess
Dumbell is super good. You should watch Enen no Shouboutai. It's by the Soul Eater mangaka. There's also a great Nobunaga historical drama called Kochoki Wakaki Nobunaga. Bem looks like it's gonna be great and it has awesome music direction. Cop Craft is by the FMA author and it looks okay. There's also To Aru Kagaku no Accelerator and we all love Accelerator, says misaka misaka Lord El-Melloi II Case Files is about Waver Velvet solving mysteries in the nasuverse
>>718002 Tah! I'll check these out. That Nobunaga drama looks pretty interestin. I love sengoku jidai drama stuff. Maaan, To aru is doing well as a series. I actually enjoyed the Light Novels. I need to finish them
I don't really like To Aru because I hate the main characters. I like the world and story telling, though.
I love Shokuhou, Accelerator, Meltdowner, etc But Touma and Misaka... If they disappeared, I wouldn't mind.
>>718006 I'm pretty similar, I don't care too much for touma except for him as a concept with how his hand works and how he is a low level character as an esper/magic so as he learns about the world we do sort of plot thing. The world and the other characters, factions they represent and what their powers theoretically could be like at different levels. It is a fun world to read and watch
Kirara π
The novels in Index where Accelerator becomes MC, world war iii arc or whatever, is really good. So I'm glad to aru Accelerator is getting adapted.
Local alligator that was let out into a lake in a park by an asshole pet owner. It was evading capture and somehow got named after a famous rapper from Chicago.
/moe/ which of these entire animals would you eat with nine to fourteen of your friends/relatives?
so I was at the chicken place yesterday struggling a little bit to get the hang of the new computer tills they replaced the old boards with these shitty, cheap touchscreens
and this woman comes up to me and she's like >is this your first day, young man? >don't get discouraged. I think you're doing an excellent job. ...
>>718040 it's my incline pillow it's adustable to four different inclines it's great for laying my back against but occasionally i don't reset it before falling asleep, and if i roll over on my side then my neck becomes angled against the incline which is really bad especially for that long
i had feelings of discomfort all through my dreams and i woke up a bunch of times, but my headache was so intense that i opted out of waking up usually you can sleep off a headache but in this case it just got worse and worse as i slept an extra six hours after first waking up
>>718057 my academic issues were more a result of family interference at the university level
my poor performance in grade school and middle school was a result of dissociative tendencies mostly, which i dont know if that counts as inattentive ADD stuff or not i had incredibly high testing scores though
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
And/Or anxiety.
Kirara π
>>718059 that's because society has conditioned us to live in unhealthy ways that encourage the development of mental health disorders
a 6 year old i was doing an adhd eval on today told me he has a "bad brain" i asked what's bad about it and he said he forgets stuff so i asked him if someone told him he has a bad brain and he says he tells himself that
man shit is fucked up
Kirara π
he can remember all the fort knight dances though this dude does thriller and i asked if he knew where they dance came from and he said fortnite so i told him about Michael Jackson and he just gave me a blank look
Why the fuck are they letting their six year old play fortnite? >telling children about michael jackson You know he's going to get scared if he googles him right?
>>718079 a lot of stuff my general situation, my upcoming fears about where im going to live the stuff jan said to me the other night, jan being unresponsive now other less directed feelings
im worried jan might do something stupid, and even if not, this pattern has become really harmful for my mental health and i feel trapped i don't feel like i can do anything without making stuff worse, and i just have to do nothing and wait for other people to make it worse
Kirara π
>>718080 yeah i saw haha i was gonna tell you that as soon as i saw you actually!
>>718083 i feel like im in a situation where im continually getting hurt by various people, and any action i would take to keep myself from getting hurt more is going to elicit reactions from people that make them want to hurt me more
and im sure im not completely innocent when it comes to everything either so i don't want to do anything that hurts anybody, but i also can't do anything to stop the patterns without causing more upheaval and volatility
i feel like im fighting for my own survival and i dont really know what to do i feel incredibly sick in the nauseated sense and also in the mental wellness sense
it's always my job to mediate other people's behavior. there's a direct correlation between other people's behavior and how much abuse i receive, so it's always been in my best interest to handle other people's distress and do whatever i can to avoid issues. that's what i learned growing up. that, and to hide anything that brings me happiness. if people see that there's something that brings you happiness, they'll scorn you for it for being selfish enough to accept happiness. you have to give that up so other people can have it instead. or you have to hide it. that's just how it works.
focusing on the positives just gives the outward projection that you're content and means it's fine to dump more abuse, guilt, and negativity on you since you're not as burdened with it and can help carry some of it
i can't live like this im already living in hell these months trying to manage extra heavy work loads without meds, without hope or anything that brings me happiness, just enduring through it for the possibility of something to enjoy later on but if im not allowed to have anything then im going to give up im not enduring hell for nothing, and im really distressed and doing my best to keep a positive focus and healthy social demeanor and it's really unfair to label me as selfish or whatever for doing so
i feel like im gonna snap and that im the only one who's not allowed to when i do it's // eh
>>718091 are these images because you want to move on?
>>718093 "i feel like we had a decent conversation last time" >hello >who the fuck are you
oh there were messages prior to that it was just like him asking some stuff about mahjong and i answered them because why not >>718096 that's not really the point of curiosity though. im curious whether it's someone who just looks randomly for people to message out of a highly populated server, which seems raelly unlikely to come across me that way as i don't post in that discord or if it's someone who caught wind of me somewhere else then followed me there looking for a connection to validate the message
i'm not really distressed by it either way, it's kind of just a curiosity to me i have certain senses about me when it comes to the internet and i think im good at recognizing things that are off
>>718093 it kind of feels like they might be creeping on you a bit. Guess you're giving off an attracting aura to their like.
tricare is fucking insane i am jealous of anyone with tricare they're paying us $6000 per month per client on tricare for our IOP which is $3600 a month self-pay and tricare for our PHP program is paying us like $12000 a month when our self-pay PHP price is around half of that on top of that the tricare clients are getting ridiculous amounts of treatment, they're paying all of this money and continuing treatment without any problems so we have clients getting the OK for 3-6 months of treatment at those prices per month it's fucking insane. unbelievable insurance
>>718099 deshou? if he's gone about googling my name and pruning results, he could arrive at /moe/ and keep an eye out for when im posting too he could be watching the boards right now to see if i was talking about him behind his back about the stuff he's saying to me on discord
or he could just be some lonely guy who wanted someone to talk to and really has no predatory motives! you can never tell! that's what makes the internet fun, don't you think?
my guard is super high though ive been dealin with script kiddies and all sorts of countercultures since i was like 10 people don't really get the upper hand on me!
it lights up my curiosity though and kind of intrigues me unfortunately i think it's just someone who's lonely and not that fishy
>>718100 That is the sort of thing that makes me delete accounts of stuff or try hunt down and delete everything about myself. I get super paranoid about stuff unreasonably.
I get randomly talked to sometimes and then never talked to again a lot of the time but sometimes they turn really weird and try and probe for personal information from me.
the clinic i work at wants to put a picture of me and my name and some information about what i do on the website haha it makes me really uncomfortable that's so dangerous for someone like me my clinic is really popular, people fly from other states just to get treatment here, so we'll always be appearing high on searches right now the only thing you can find searching my real name online is research i presented at a conference and that's just my name so it's whatever i use a n alias on social media and stuff but it still makes me nervous so i've been putting it off
>>718102 well, the nice thing is that there's a lot of people on the internet and there's not a lot of malicious reason to look up any individual person if someone's trying to creep on you, it's usually just because they have some initial feelings of attraction and curiosity and want to find something out about you to figure out if you're someone they'd like or not. Honestly everybody does this, whether they want to admit it or not. if they're on facebook and a friend wants to hook you up, you're gonna go look at their profile and see what they're like. that's volunteered information, so it's expected. the line for predation is kind of blurred, but for the most part an arbitrary person isn't likely to be too targeted with impure intentions.
i have to be extra watchful though because of my internet communities and how young i started using the internet. when i was like 14-16 and stuff and being a little bit mischievous on the internet and meeting people, i didn't always know who the people were! there were definitely some communities i interacted with who were russian or north korean groups that probably try to cause problems! i never really know if someone who pops up is just a rando or if it's someone who followed a trace from somewhere
i really didn't trust rika for a long time because i knew another rika from the past that shared some similarities! i was pretty convinced she was somebody else and i acted pretty weird as a result haha
>>718104 I get what you mean but I don't really think // I don't trust that people are interested in talking me a lot of the time, I don't talk a // initiate conversations and I'm pretty bad at small talk. But I'll get comments that out of nowhere if do respond to random adds like *I do respond. they will start asking a lot about what I look like, where I live etc. it is a little scary I go paranoid way too easily though. I go overboard, I haven't got any past pictures of me or any old account information because I've wiped everythign and deleted everything before. I used to be a little more chill about it but I'm pretty insecure. I'm completely not at ease with the idea of facebook and lots of people that know me seeing everything I type and post. It gives me anxiety thinking of facebook and feeling like I could be judged by anyone
one time ToN showed up on facebook as a recommended friend for me lol since i have PAN
that guy said >I think we might enjoy getting to know each other at 8:50 this morning and then since i got on an hour ago, i guess he saw me online and followed up with >Not interested in finding out? lmao
On twitter I can get some DMs asking if i want to go out and sometimes a dick pic or two Its fucking weird seeing real people type stuff like that, it feels fake or scripted
>>718108 it's honestly kind of cute but not at all in the way they intend like im sitting here thinking of all the red flags and whether it's someone from a malicious group following me from a trail somewhere
but realistically it's just some guy who thinks "hey i want to message this person from a list of 10,000 people and try to make friends with them" like it's so oblivious that it's kinda cute
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE why is sony killing themselves
Kirara π
because you're still gonna buy a ps5 so you can play bloodborne 2 whether you can see tits in a game or not
>>718111 I think it depends on their continuing actions if it is cute. I kinda feel it can be scary realising they are so lonely that they resorted to this, like scary in terms of that lonliness like that is a thing and I'm on one end of it
it reminds me of what this girl said at the start of that recent episode about people who see you with expectations of what they want and stuff i had to stop watching it because it got too real for me though
but yeah, this guy sees me with some eyes that i'm even something he wants as a friend he just assumes im not some kind of predator myself, you know? i think people who have untoward intentions have thoughts like that a lot. they act in subterfuge so much that they assume any other person is genuine they're too segmented >>718116 eh, it might not even be that lonely some people are just more social im incredibly not social
Kirara π
Client was engaged with group topic and participated in the activity and discussion. haha that's not what i wanted to paste at all oops
>>718118 I would have thought someone who is aware they are predator would be thinking everyone else could be out to hurt them and they need to hurt others before they get hurt?
I'm not able to engage in getting into social engagements but I think I'm pretty social in the sense that I have people to talk to sometimes. I feel like I get too into my own thoughts if I am alone too long and get weird episodes where I feel depressed while feeling like I desperately need not to feel like that.
>>718118 If you think you can manage I'd recommend finishing the episode. It gets really sweet towards the end.
Alright, done with my notes!! Today was really busy. I had clients from 11-1, and then groups from 1-3, then ADHD testing on a kid from 3-5, wow! Busy day.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
but are you done with your ROTB daily
Kirara π
nah, i'm gonna start that now since i can't do it in the morning
Tomorrow I've got a call with a bigwig from the company that owns my clinic. All part of my plan. He's the guy who runs the app I'm going to be doing. He's big enough that he has a wikipedia page. I I'll do my best so I can make sure to get a job here.
>>718141 Okaa-san Online was so funny. I laughed the entire episode.
>>718126 Did you watch Okaa-san Online afterwards with us?
>>718140 Yeah, I really enjoyed it. The actual isekai-ing bit was a little on the nose, but like I said while watching it, they've covered just about every means of getting isekai'd into a world by this point so it's kind of refreshing to just get to skip past it. And then the rest was a good mix of video game parody and Mamako being pretty adorable.
I'm glad it's fun because I was hoping it would be nice.
>>718140 ive been calling the therapy place, both the direct line to the therapist and the main number, every day besides today (because i woke up too late) and haven't gotten an answer i got a returned voicemail the first day from the therapist leaving me her number, and i left her a return voicemail and text and haven't gotten anything back idk im getting agitated i dont know if i even want the therapy now
>>718145 It's super frustrating, but I don't think just deciding not to get therapy is a good solution. Are you using an office number for them or is it like a personal cell number? Like I have a google voice number I use with clients that they can text, but we also have an office number, you know.
>>718125 dont do this, its a trap i joined a granblue crew ad they're all weebs
i just made my own crew to get some support bonuses it's also for strike time so i don't have to deal with any crew obligations or fuckin weebs or anything
i joined owl's crew because i got tired o trying t solo carry abunch of rank 130+ players
>>718146 right, im calling her personal cell, which she left for me in a voice mail, and ive called the main office number i did that on thursday, friday, monday, and not today because i slept for 14 hours
>>718152 um will that do anything? im going to be working from now until 3pm tomorrow so i won't be able to answer if they call me back unless it's in the 10% window that i have a signal from my room i normally dont have a signal unless i go across the street it makes life unnecessarily difficult
i already texted her saying she can pick any time and let me know and i'll make it it's a 2-hour intake so it's going to be their scheduling issue i just need to know when it is and i can take the time off work to go.
if you'd like to try i can give you the information, but im not going to ask you to
they even bully Bea in her swimsuit fate they make her so dumb that she drops her sword into ice water, puts on a swimsuit, and dives in after it. Then she falls and rolls down a hill.
actually i only know because fish's mom stayed with me at my apartment while fish was in the hospital last year she stayed with me a few days and she taught me about perfume
the top is like the first impression of the perfume so one of the first things you smell is the coffee and shit like that under TOP rhe /// the top notes break down first so those smells are the first to go the middle notes are scents that start to become apparent while the top notes are evaporating, so it's supposed to be wellrounded and a little fruity which allows it to accentuate the strengths of the top notes while they evaporate the base notes are what they're calling LAST, and those are ones that you smell once the top notes are completely evaporated, they accentuate the middle notes until the middle and base notes are fully evaporated
The world of perfumes and me are probably fated to never get to close to each other. Even some more mild perfumes and colognes can give me some muggy head and headaches. And I really don't actually enjoy the scent of sandalwood even on its own.
Eustace is a little cool but he's not exactly exciting.
Kirara π
>hello fish. look. i got you a perfume so you can smell like the character i play as in this phone game
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
yeah there's no graceful way to use this perfume on someone else.
Kirara π
also the bottles are only $50 wow
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
that's not that bad I'm not familiar with perfume prices but that sounds pretty standard for decent stuff, and it would make sense especially for gamer nerd items
It's not really uncommon for perfume to be unconscionably expensive.
Kirara π
$50 for 30ml of perfume is pretty cheap although i assume japan has different standards for perfume than in the US so that may be considered good quality in japan in the US a bottle of decent perfume is at least $100
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>We completely skipped over the event where I'd try to make a soiya soiya soiya reference during the second campaign
i don't really need anything right now the stuff i usually buy doesn't go on sale for prime day
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I looked for surround sound stuff but that's kinda expensive even on sale and I just bought some nerd merch and got a bigger car insurance bill than expected.
I keep looking at the deals and thinking I might want something but i don't have any particular desires. All I see are things have no use for and stuff that if i was rich I might find useful
amazon has been sending me nonstop notifications about this shit but i haven't looked at amazon at all
>>718207 I think I'm good. If I had a job I'd probably be a little more enthusiastic about what I'm interested in picking up. I checked yesterday to see if they do sales on micro SD cards (which they do) since I'm gonna want one for Animal Crossing. But that can wait until Boxing Day sales probably which I'll hopefully have more money for and it's closer to release date anyway.
I ended up getting a new mouse that was 50% off though. It's getting pretty annoying not having a properly functioning scroll wheel.
Samu π¨π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
looking for the best deal of your life? Try Unite Tonight(TM)!
Kirara I'm gonna try and get that extra qildong host gonna grind til I'm purple maybe
>>718212 I was thinking about a new microSD for my phone but then my phone is shit about installing apps on to my sd card anyway but my camera might find SD card useful. but then again I don't know if I can afford to just buy SD cards just for the deal
just kidding i drank it i canβt grow a beard so im being the avatar of envy
Samu π¨π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
guy on the bus complaining to his driver that the bus isnβt air conditioned in true passive aggressive style bwa ha itβs not even hot here ok whatever theyβre just shooting the shit now
Hah hah you've got blokes over there on the west coast that do that too? I aways see the odd regular on a bus route chatting about random shit with the bus driver here.
>>718241 with a heavy ass canadian accent theyβre everywhere
Samu π¨π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
>>718245 Oh here it's always old guys with a heavy Euro-Mediterranean accent. I live in a part of T-dot that has a decent bit of Greek immigrant population so I get a lot of people like that.
Yeah, but it basically as accurate as indo-chinaean accent
I'm also being purposefully evasive because as it is saying what I said actually lets people pinpoint where I live with a little bit of uncomfortable accuracy.
>>718252 Eh, /moe/ is a publically accessible site and I'm a very transparent anonymous poster. I'm comfortable talking about certain things about where I live but I know where I've drawn my lines.
im getting a banana milk shake from steak n shake but the order details just lists it as "Banana", but the whole name for the food items i hope that the person who places the order knows that that's a banana shake im not going to pay four dollars for a banana
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I think it's a safe assumption that you're getting a banana shake
door dash! grub hub is terrible and i abhor their business
since i don't have a usable kitchen here, i can't cook something so i have to order something i need to find someone with a kitchen who wants food made for them you'd think there'd be a lot but there's not!
I see a lot of Foodora couriers when I'm downtown. Their bags are this vibrant pink and it's always kind of endearing to see. Though I don't ever order delivery food.
i have roughly 15 hours of work to do so im not gonna fuss with cooking or even making a frozen meal just gonna hav // have a couple nice things delivered so i can focus
i have to value my work hours pretty high so wasting time is bad >>718277 no i got chili mac deluxe
i thought about getting some chicken tenders but i didn't i got a white truffle burger though or, err, was it a grilled portabella and swiss im not sure it was white truffle
I ate way too much Swiss Chalet oof. Stomach is very full.
Samu π¨π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
Dirty Bird(TM)
open with caution they didn't censor anything for the amazon listing lmao
Samu π¨π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
Uh yeah okay. They've got a bunch of other ... uh, varieties too.
Reminds me of when I was looking for a mousepad on Amazon and I found this seller with a bunch of image mousepads of stuff like old-timey sea maps, mountain ranges, stuff like that. And then one option was just a line of anime girls with large behinds on display. It was kind of weird.
Also Anime body pillows are too small That and some level of shame and having better things to soend my money on are the biggest reasons I haven't bought one.
Samu π¨π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
Neuralink is streaming their brain interface hmmmm might fuck around and implant four electrodes under my scalp
>>718321 Been well, busy with work and stuff. Lots of travel recently, ah well. Not yet, but it's at the back of my mind. You doing well? >>718328 Why do you have to move somewhere new so often?
Ah, so I see.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>718319 I got a short term job with a library for a coupe of weeks. I have been hired to fill their beanbags with beans.
>>718322 I'm facing a lot of volatility as always. I'll try not to fuss about it too much, but I'm looking pretty hard for any opportunity of a settled and stable life. I have to move somewhere new basically every year and keep starting things over, falling further and further behind financially and losing more things I own in the process. It's unfortunate but there's really no way around it right now. >Why ... So I have somewhere to live. I have never really had stable housing, and now isn't an exception. I lived with quarxink in tennessee for a year. That was supposed to be long-term, but he found a girlfriend and wanted to move to phoenix with her. After that I went to rural Missouri where I did caretaking duties (again) for family in their country homes. I didn't like that too much, but when I got them settled I moved to Michigan with a friend, where I am now. He leaves for Japan in March 2020 though, so I have from now until March to figure out where I'm going to go next, though I've basically just settled in.
Stuff like that is kind of taxing organizationally. There's so much freedom to think when you don't have to worry on a daily basis.
I'm a bit lucky to have remote work I can do from anywhere though, in that regard! I try to think of it as it's nice to go wherever I please without compromising my work stuff.
If you happen to find yourself in need of a roommate, maid, or housewife by March don't be shy to let me know
>>718333 Does sound nice not being tied down to a specific location! >If you happen to find yourself in need of a roommate, maid, or housewife by March don't be shy to let me know Ahahaha~ ;_;
No openings here, but best of luck with your search!
oh it ate my carets i had carets at the end of that so it looked more playful oh gosh
Elon: "a monkey was able to control a computer with it's brain" President of Neuralink: "I didn't know we were going to reveal that result today" Monkey's out of the bag, guys.
/moe/ Taihen desu My bench press has plateaued Please send help
What's so good about the number increasing?
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>718351 If i develop enough physical strength maybe i can make up for all my other defects in character.
Is physical strength solely directly tied to the number you can bench press?
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>718353 Not necessarily But it's one of the main upper body lifts
Then why don't you branch out and reach your perfection for other exercises to round things out. Excelling at one thing is rarely as good as being good at a variety of things.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I also need to develop gigantic pecs so i can look like all my favourite heroines from Fate GO
Samu π¨π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
gotta cut and dehydrate for the big shoot
Samu π¨π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
fuckin stick a jumbo clarinet in my loading dock
Samu π¨π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
unf you like sixteenth notes? you like trills and whippy little sections? cram it in me
hook me up with yo loud loud turn it up until it goes beYOND that point where most people (old people i'm lookin at you) go 'ugh that is too loud turn it down' and right into concert venue bass that you can feel vibrating your bones i wanna feel it real
if i can't feel the vibration in my prostate it aint loud enuff