Thread #718299
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Ace of Diamond Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou --Episode 1-2 Black Clover DanMachi Enen no Shouboutai --Episode 1-2 Fruits Basket --Episode 14-15 HenSuki JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Kochoki - Wakaki Nobunaga YU-NO Katsute Kami Datta Kemono-tachi e Lord El-Melloi II Nakanohito Genome [Jikkouychuu] Tejina-senpai Vinland Saga
Also I think Moon is burdened down with work tonight and won't be free to join us.
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Ah, I see. Well, what do you want to watch?
It's probably fine to watch the shounen shows. Aside from Tejina-sempai and Fruits Basket, anything on the list is probably good to watch without Moon.
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Sounds good black clover ace of diamond danmachi melloi lets do thi
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black clover okay lets start
Kuso Kuroba
The Wizard King always reminds me of that little shit younger brother of the guy with the portal magic. The one that went full DARKNESS.
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gomen, im swamped please have fun without me
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vangeance is really fishy
They're playing the "See? We showed you his real face there's no way he's the bad guy" card but he's still obviously tied to this.
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Yeah he's still just so suspicious despite that.
This episode's title is also something like "Wizard King vs. Leader Of The Midnight Sun" too so all this preamble is, well. Ah here he is.
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Ah, there it is.
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I guess the wizard king may job here.
It's either that or hand over the magic stones peacefully. And I can't see that happening.
People with the power to control time really shouldn't ever lose a face-to-face batti. Battle, even. It always requires some asspullery to overcome.
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eah somebody jobbed but i was wrong about who.
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tually it looks like the fight continues. Maybe light boy will find a way to make it work. okay ace of diamond okay lets start!
Okay good my Internet's stable again.
Nice trickery. That's some good mindgames to be able to play the pitcher with.
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Sawamura is also a flawless bunter.
Too bad the rest of his team can't bunt like him.
Guess they couldn't make anything off of Sawamura's swing. But it looks like he's getting more chances to shine on the mound.
Well there goes that tournament run though.
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okay dam,acho! danmachi too okay lets start!
I don't know if I can watch more than one show at once Rika! You gotta pick one or the other!
Maybe I should have looked into the recap episode zero. I vaguely remember the red-haired guy but this other girl is a total stranger to me hah hah. Though I also can't even remember if I actually finished the first DanMachi series.
People still like to bully Bell though eh.
Oh I guess the shitheads had some actual muscle for back-up.
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The author really likes these fancy clothes.
Might be the tastes of the illustrator. Durara!! also had some pretty stylish outfits from time to time.
Apollo having a crown of laurels is a nice touch.
Gods and goddesses sure seem exhausting to be around.
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Yeah, they're a pain in the butt. Looks like Bell is having a nice night though.
At least Hermes seems like a decent guy. A bit of a nuisance but a nuisance with good intentions.
A lot of people are sticking their neck out for Bell, hah hah.
Well that was kind of sweet for a while. I guess Apollo's going to throw his tantrum now though.
Oh, looks like the Hestia Familia gets a new place to crash this season. Guess it's nice to finally get to move out of that church basement.
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They really needed one. okay melloi okay lets start!
Seigi no Mikata!
Oh this seems like a traditional mystery. That might be fun. I like mysteries.
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Something like this is so fate.
If it's likely that Modern Magecraft is at cause for the weird set up of the body parts, wouldn't it be reasonable to suspect the woman, who studied Modern Magecraft under Waver.
Hah hah, the howdunnit and whydunnit. It's like I'm reading Umineko all over again.
Unless his suicide was a part of his ploy to reach the Root. Such a thing doesn't seem too bizarre for a Magu.
Magus even.
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a murder mystery!
Yeah, it was a murder mystery from the beginning, probably. This whole episode just had that feel from the beginning for me though.
Hah hah he's even fully embracing the role of the detective here.
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It turned from a murder mystery to a boss battle.
Oh Gray's a Seibaclone too. According to Kirara there's a reason for that but we won't see it for a while.
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Ah she's basically a saber clone.
This is some silly English though.
Hm, did Waver ever end up seeing Saber in his Holy Grail War. I don't remember if he did but I kind of feel he didn't really? Like maybe see her from a distance but never really confront him. Confront her even.
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I don't know if he ever saw her at all.
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Maybe when the three kings met. I think Waver was there for that.
I think Iskandar might've also crashed a fight Saber and Gil were having early in on the series, driving his chariot. And Waver was along for the ride. If I'm remembering that correct then he probably would have at least seen her face. It's really been so long since I watched Fate/Zero though.
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Yeah, same here. okay thanks for anime!
Yup yup, thanks