the back of my car there appeared to be a white powder residue on the towing tool that I had left in along with some broken pieces of light from someone else's car
while I don't remember every scratch and ding I don't quite think it was that scratched on the back either way it's not that bad, the damage if any was minimal
>>702856 Sounds like whoever hit your car took a bigger hit than you did. If they didn't stick around to get details I guess they just decided to take the loss.
what are you lmaoing @ mr scorpion >>702865 yeah, I'm not fussed either I'm just glad their was no damage to the light because that's a bit of a bother to fix
They already did some work as a character designer for a recent movie so I guess it goes together well. Man I can't remember which movie though hah hah
it's partially because i know that i'll wake up and go to work when it's time to go to work but if i go to sleep before that i won't be responsible and get out of bed and i'll just go back to sleep until i have to go to work it's part of the crushing lethargy that my depression haunts me with
>I know that I'll wake up and go to work Do you ever delay going to sleep because you know that it's functionally the same as delaying going to work
there have been times in the past that i feared work that much but i generally fear work less if i get enough sleep so there's a certain sweet spot i tend to aim for nowadays
The real sweet spot is being in a perpetual state of fear so you just grow desensitized to it.
There's a really flowery fragrance coming in through my window this morning. Wonder if something my mother's planted recently is blooming.
Somebody's been taking screenshots of Breath of the Wild's land environments and photoshopping Pokemon and trainers into the pictures and man it really makes it stand out how lazy Game Freak are when it comes to making Pokemon games hah hah. >>702942 Yeah, like, imagine this degree of graphical fidelity with Pokemon games. Breath of the Wild has demonstrated it's possible.
>>702940 Well with switch they could do it, but since they have been handheld so far, there were limitations
Yeah that's what I mean. The graphics for Sword/Shield, which IS on the Switch, are by far sub-par compared to the quality of some other Switch games.
Look at the Colosseum series, those had for its time damn good graphics
though were those made by gamefreak or an outside developer?
>>702940 Do you think GF got bored of working on the same franchise They're really pumping these games out There should //// they should consider slowing down
>>702946 I'm pretty sure Colosseum was made by Game Freak. I remember a story of Iwata coming on to the dev team and having to port the entire Red/Blue battle code into something the N64 could run despite the code having zero documentation.
Kirara 🍄
the graphics don't really bother me for SwSh idk pokemon has always been like that i doubt they'd be able to do better without hiring a ton of new staff that they probably don't have the time or funds for they already have to create a million fuckin pokemon models
moon/sun and ultra moon/sun had some of the worst graphics ive ever seen in the modern era and it wasn't because they were limited by the 3ds
They should have just skipped development of the Let's Go games and given their all for sword and shield
Should have just delayed the game by half a year or so
>>702949 >don't have the time or funds for I dunno about funds Pokemon makes tonnes of money
>>702951 So they have it seems. I didn't realise they've done stuff aside from Pokemon recently
>>702947 It's not like they've been only doing Pokemon games. Game Freak does broader game development for other platforms, including that dumb physics game Blue was playing a while back and they've got a game with the working title Town that's coming to the Switch.
>>702949 When they made up the models for the Pokemon in Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon they future proofed them, and in part some of the FPS issues in those games were them trying to force these 3D models of Pokemon into a game -into a handheld that evidently could not handle them. Sword and Shield are re-using those assets because of the future proofing. Pokemon's also something like the fourth most valuable franchise on the planet; even if Game Freak are only getting a third of the revenue from the games they really probably are quite flush for money. There isn't really much reason to believe funding is the chokepoint for improving their development team. Not to mention Nintendo's been arranging studio collaboration for their larger Switch games, like with Breath of the Wild, Nintendo had Monolith Soft, their satellite studio that does the Xenoblade games, come on board because of their experience in making open-world games. If Game Freak by themselves are concerned about being inable to create a quality product they should use their assets to improve their work.
Personally I just think they figure they don't need to care. Pokemon is going to be a financial success regardless of the effort they put in, so why go hard? Maybe Maria's kind of right and if not bored, they've just grown dispassionate because of the history of the franchise.
>nintendo EAD and HAL labs for stadium >EAD for stadium 2 >genius sorority for colosseum
>>702948 yeah if you had the whatever expansion thingie for the controller you could play pkmn red and blue/green in stadium and import your pokemon into the game same in stadium 2 though for gold and silver it was weird to play pkmn on a big tv
>>702951 In the past four years they've done one Pokemon game per year They're probably overworked and dispassionate by that point Like you said, they might just figure it's okay to rush it out because they know it'll make a shitzillion dollars anyway The fanbase will complain about the nationaldex and the lack of postgame content, but even if a significant chunk of them don't buy it, the legions of children and teenagers and casuals who don't keep up with the news still will
>>702958 Saying that they make money but don't have access to funds is just shifting the blame. At the end of the day, someone somewhere in the line of production has the authority to provide the necessary resources but is choosing not to spend them
>>702951 Being wealthy doesn't mean there are funds. We live in a society! They're going to have as few funds to work with as possible. Maybe they can fight for additional funds, but they're not going to get a big blank check.
Anyway, Spectrobes came out in 2007 or something for the NDS and had better graphics than SM or USUM. That's not a one-off thing. That's just GameFreak. Your arguments are true but there's just no realistic way for them to go all out. Pokemon doesn't have the same oversight from Nintendo as other games, I think.
but did sun and moon and their sequels have acting in hollywood?
Kirara 🍄
that was the best side quest thing in bw2
Black/White 2 is the best thing about Pokemon. Those games are a master class in good Pokemon game development. Like fuck just remaster Black/White 2 for Switch and don't cut anything from it and I wouldn't have any complaints.
bw was already a really good pkmn game with really solid story to it even and then bw2 takes that even further bw didn't really have much post-game content, that one champion cynthia? and that is it now bw2 took post game content to a ridiculous stages beating even gold silver at that, which had a second set of gyms and a second champion in red, but nor eal story at that point
>>702966 Remaster both BW and BW2 and sell them as one ultimate game and change it little, that your character in bw1 can eb met in bw2 and you get to fight them
and it'äd be really cool if they actually had your party
Black/White 2 was what primed me for my love relationship with the Fairy type. I caught an Azurill in the early stages of the game and that Pokemon just fit my playthrough so well that I was gunning for another one in X/Y. And then Ralts was catchable in the early parts of X/Y and it was also now part Fairy and between those Pokemon and the pure Fairy type you get early in X/Y I was sold on the Fairy type.
>>702986 .>I wouldn't use the 3DS for anything but pokemon >I wouldn't use the switch for anything but pokemon then why not just buy the cheaper pokemon machine
Sometimes I want to fall in love with Shuten Douji but then I picture us cuddling and her rubbing her head into my chest and then she looks up and Im dead from being horn impaled.
And thats the Horny (get it) Koi post of the day. Thanks for listening.
>>703112 It's about an interdimensional war where the combatants pilot biological mecha shaped like highschool girls. But if the pilots pilot too much especially for extended periods of time their minds become corrupted and they begin to act like highschool girls. No one wants to pilot them because of this so murderers and other serious criminals are given a choice between piloting and death. When they become too corrupted the pilots are executed and dissected. Or if they go rogue with the mecha they are hunted down by tge main character's squad. Also it's like Apocalypse Now/Heart of Darkness.
>>703136 Eh, it's sort of still alive We've got the Ilya magical girl thing.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>703138 just downloaded that. next on the backlog.
>>703139 I downloaded it a while back but I'm a bit hesitant to watch it. Illya's like 12 right? I'm old enough to be her dad so it feels weird to watch
Jesus Christ Windows just auto-generated an album of all my "photos" which was just all the weeb shit I've saved over the last 24 hours put to some generic upbeat music. It was pretty depressing. A cold, hard reflection of my life. >>703150 Please don't forget your keys.
Sounds more like a celebration of a good life lead.
>>703157 I got discharged from PHP today nobody told me I would be until like 5 minutes before the program ended today they apparently knew for a few days
im so pissed off i was just making progress today too
Kirara 🍄
what the fuck, did they give you a reason?
that's when my insurance chose for my duration there that's all medicaid determines how long im there i thought maybe i could just get readmitted to inpatient but they'd just send me back to CMH again
also another member of the group got prescribed adderall because he's also outpatient there medicaid won't let me get a psychiatrist at their outpatient though they mandate that it's CMH, and CMH says im not sick enough to warrant the spot being used on me
wait, you can't do that in volleyball, can you? fucking immersion ruined. 0/10 anime. >>703162 shitsux.
I don't really know the rules of beach volleyball so no clue.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>Recently Updated Rules Contacting the ball with any part of the body below the waist used to be illegal. When the ball hits any part of your body, including the leg or the foot, it constitutes a legal hit
Well there you go Not only is it accurate it's also CUTTING EDGE sasuga
Oh, not too much. I just finished swimming. Now I'm waiting for my dinner to cook.
Oh yeah, it's gotten to the warm season, so you can get your swimtime in now, eh. Is there a semi-private pool in your community or something you use?
My brother's packing stuff for moving into an apartment with his girlfriend and as I'm walking past his room I hear him saying to her "Well they don't spark joy".
If I had something like that on hand I might consider doing something like that too. Dunno though; I'm not really good at exercise that doesn't really get me anywhere. Biking's fun for me because I get to travel a good distance and see a visual chance. Change, even. I get bored looking at the same environment for too long.
Leftover curry sure is great. I'm happy with how this turned out.
Great for transportation too, at least in this city. I could probably get almost anywhere I need to in under thirty minutes; anywhere I'd want to in under an hour.
Do you cook the suteeki in a skillet on the stove, or do you have a grill you can use?
One thing I'm probably gonna miss once i'm no longer living in a house is having a barbeque. I've tried cooking things like steak or hamburgers on a stove before and it's just not the same to me. Maybe I just need to get better at it though.
It's funny when people are facing the consequences of their actions and desperately are trying to escape them but can't.
I am incredibly accommodating to them and do everything I can to help them get through the program as fast as possible for as little money as possible. So why lie to me? This is the second time she's tested positive for cocaine. She's obviously using it socially. I don't care if she does cocaine as long as she waits until after she leaves the program. I can't discharge someone who just tested positive for cocaine. If you're honest with me, it'll be easier for everyone.
Yeah. This woman actually skipped a group session and then the next week is when she came back and tested positive. She was obviously trying to wait out the cocaine because she knew we drug test her every Thursday.
But we can test for 14-22 days with cocaine because our labs have a 10ng/ml cutoff for the metabolite.
we're in the middle of what's probably an 8 hour boss fight or something haha i thought we would be done by like 11:30 when it was 11 but it turned out we weren't even close otherwise i would have gone to bed way earlier
The problem with the idea of "4 players can handle 1 boss" -> "8 players can handle 2 boss" is that that doesn't mean they do so in the same timeframe.
the most important thing imo is the narrative but im a narrative heavy DM encounters are important but they're easy to change up on the fly to increase or decrease the difficulty as necessary to create the desired effects sometimes i buff enemies for dramatic effect for example
>>703235 It means that it could go either way He could be the best or the worst
I think my main issue was you guys weren't really struggling still but the fight was taking forever. So I ended up giving things lots of HP, but that // as an attempt to let them damage you more. But it just turns into a war of attrition rather than an intense battle.
one of the complaints one of the players in the 13th age podcast campaigned I listened to complained that enemies in 13a deal way too much damage at endgame. I think I've taken that to heart in a negative way due to that.
well i think each fight, for me at least, has an intended effect do i want my players to feel like they're desperately struggling and hanging on by a thread? do i want them to feel exhausted? do i want them to get overconfident?
it's not just about my players creating a story with me but i want to weave them into the story so i want them to feel the rises and falls and climaxes of a story
one of the fun things about being DM is taking the chaos that is players and moving them where they need to go by giving them freedom they're a chaotic element being added to an orderly, organized plot and I want them to feel that disorder they represent
/moe/ i know i'm not supposed to put women on a pedestal but i keep meeting girls who are so charming and good at dancing and fun and cool and so likeable its like i mean come on
>>703413 Not even a gundams soul is immune to earths gravity
Maria The real casulaties of earthquakes
Oh wow Netflix EVA doesn't have Fly Me to the Moon It's trash
Oh no, that's a letdown. I guess the rights to the song were too much for them to keep it around.
Yeah I can understand why they wouldn't have it But I don't like it one bit It just isn't the same without it. >says the guy who would always skip the ed anyway
>>703431 It isn't big 1500 words but I need 15 sources. Thats so little to write but so many sources to squeeze in. Can't they have made it a larger word count.
Yeah that's a lot of sources for such a short paper. The research sounds like the most exhaustive part of that project.
It is dumb. Research is a pain but planning how to make use of so many sources is a pain as well. If this was a scientific paper I don't think it'd be tough since you can ref a bunch of sources at once easily Arts and humanities paper on Museums as institutions of culture at 1500 is tough
I have to move out in 2 weeks too. my new place won't be available until the 1st of Aug so I'll be staying at friends
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Museums are a cornerstone for culture, both British and international, in a number of different ways. This paper provides analysis as to the value that these institutions provide, as well as ways in which they could be improved to better serve their purpose. It concludes by offering insight into ways in which museums may be developed into the future. The word museum comes form the Latin word “musa”, meaning to “maintain.” This meaning emphasizes the inherent cultural value that museums have for modern society. Over the past 500 hundred years, there have been rapid shifts throughout political, economic, and cultural landscapes. While this progress has been profoundly beneficial, in order to fully understand the directions in which society has developed, it is crucial to be able to go back and analyze the past.
yesterday the psychiatrist at work asked me if id scheduled a client she referred to me for testing yet and was like "they're a VIP" i can't figure out why they're important though there's a CEO of a company with the same name but im like 99% sure it's not them and there's a famous psychologist by that name but they could get testing done by someone with more than 2 years of experience even though my training is really good
one of the kids im testing is the son of a really successful engineer and a really successful software developer who is responsible for the /// a multi-billion dollar piece of software
it feels weird to be a nobody working with like super successful people
but i can never admit that ive met these people because of hipaa haha
>>703514 That's not an option. I need to be naked while I shitpost.
i can't shitpost unless im naked, it just won't come out otherwise
>>703515 >>703511 these thiings need those gigantic stomachs to ferment the food after they eat it they're too dumb to eat food that's digestible so it just has to sit in their stomach for days until all the fiber ferments and can be digested
That's really some koala-level dumb. It's kind of amazing that despite the natural world's proclivity to make absolute stupidity go extinct, absolute stupidity always seems to find niches in which it can thrive.
even though i said it's dumb, it was actually pretty important they gained access to a resource that was basically untapped and they dominated a good part of the early permian all the pelycosaurs did that stuff they had about 30 million years of good development and influence over the ecosystem until therapsids came along which were also synapsids like pelycosaurs, so it was a prosperous time
but god that thing looks so dumb
Yeah I guess that's a good bit different from koalian stupidity.
You been doing a deep dive on pre-mammalian historical ages?
i read a lot of dinosaur books when i was young i had to hide them though or i'd get yelled at and have a stern talking-to about how these books are all fairy tales because the earth hasn't been around that long but now i can read dino books as much as i want fuck you fam
>>703521 Childhoods like this are always a little bizarre for me to hear. My parents are pretty thoroughly atheist so if anything they were -they would have been enthusiastic about us showing interest in scientific fields like that. I'm pretty sure I read a decent bit about dinosaurs in kids books when I was younger but I didn't really go ham on it. I ended up being drawn more to real fantasies than fake ones hah hah
i wonder sometimes where id have been if i hadn't been held back at every step of the way i had schools asking to skip me ahead in grades and to move me to gifted schools and stuff but it pissed my parents off and they threw that shit in the trash oh well though
yeah i didn't like children's books as much i would daydream even in school and dig out big fucker encyclopedias and get excited about new words i didn't know and stuff i think i just got excited about anything that let me focus on something else besides my real life for a bit
>>703524 that's fucked, dude. What kind of parent doesn't want their child to excel
>>703524 Well if it's any ... consolation?, I was put into gifted programs and my parents were pretty enthusiastic about giving me options and I still turned out into a hopeless, apathy-ridden sack. So just having opportunities doesn't always translate into production.
no it's fine i know that i have tradeoffs that came with it im not really distressed about it but it's just kind of an amusing anecdote about my childhood
i recorded a PBS documentary about planets and stellar formations and stuff and took it to a friend's house and watched it with him and his parents found it and burned it and told me im not allowed in their home anymore lmao they eventually started letting me come over again once i started going to church with them during the wednesday sessions
their church was really hip and modern compared to the southern baptist ones i was used to as a kid i didn't really care much for it, it was just something to do to hang out with my friends at the time
yeah im not fond of that honestly like we had a mahjong thread we'd post a little bit in but it expires every week that ruins it a bit, rather than just keeping that around for a few posts every week
There are two types of Sports in this World Those you play as an Individual and those you play as a Team Among those Sports which you play together there is One where you have a Single partner. Just the two of you together across the Vast Courts of Sand That's why our Partners become Irreplaceable >>703554 I unironically enjoyed it on a number of different levels. >>703551 I like the twins. >>703552 bit more than a dash. Maybe a whole cup full.
i haven't seen it is it actually pretty good i thought since marsh was watching it that it was just pure fanservice
It takes playing beach volleyball pretty seriously. There's a good bit of fanservice because, well, swimsuits, but they don't go overboard by like animating the breast bounce or anything. When they're practicing or playing they'll lay out game strategy and do beach volleyball good justice as a proper sport. Some times it might get a little close to toeing the line but I'd say pretty confidently it doesn't go overboard with fanservice. And there's also some cutesy SOL bits exploring the tropical environment of Okinawa which is also quite nice.
now that i think about it maybe i can reach out and find a referral to a trauma therapist for you one of the EMDR people i know probably know people out there because the EMDR community is really well connected maybe i can find someone that would be willing to accommodate your financial situation
it's easy to find EMDR people it's hard to find actually good ones
don't worry about it right now though lemme see what haps on tuesday
i might end up staying in florida after i graduate i might get a job where im working right now, my second clinic big boss is really hyped up and keeps telling me how im super competent and ive demonstrated great clinical judgment and stuff like that i might see if he'll offer me a job
why aren't you? >>703569 that would be cool it sounds like a neat place i hope you can get it
>>703569 Probably the currently most convenient and straightforward route to go down, eh. And regardless if you ever get too sick of Florida you'll have a great field for transitioning just about anywhere. Definitely seems like a good choice yeah.
ask him if he needs a mathematician for the clinic or if he's already got one
Kirara 🍄
right now i think we're looking for marketing people we might benefit from a financial person but theyd need pretty extensive experience with insurance companies because we take tricare
>>703576 Depends on your perspective. Orlando is much further from the coast than where I live now. I can get to the coast in about 10 minutes from my home, but it'd be 40-50 minutes from Orlando.
I'm pretty sure I'll be able to get a job almost anywhere after graduation, though. The work I'm doing at this clinic is going to look great clinically, but I'm also restructuring entire programs by myself, reducing company expenses, streamlining some processes, and I'll most likely be securing us grant funding. Oh, I'm also reaching out and building collaborative relationships with other community providers.
They've given me so much freedom and influence and power that I can just fix every issue I find.
Yeah. Our psychiatrist thinks I should find and write us a grant. So I will when I have the time. Writing a grant will pretty much get me any internship I want.
implementing a new and improved security protocol would be pretty impressive looking too it sounds like they're kind of slack ive noticed that nobody is good at hipaa compliance, or digital security in general when it comes to health systems
Kirara 🍄
we're good at hipaa compliance for the most part the same as any agency really we just don't have great infrastructure but it's largely the fault of the start-up that bought us last year not knowing what they're doing yet just hipaa compliance isn't enough imo but nobody really cares about going beyond the minimum right now anywhere
i was amazed in group how many people do things without thinking about it like pulling their smartphones out in the PHP area and using them freely, allowing other people to they don't think about that it's a capable recording device for audio and video, that there might be patients who suffer from paranoia in group and are uncomfortable with that (and that having recording devices is compromising patient information anyway)
and everybody just casually signed on to open wifi networks one girl asked for the wifi password and they're like "oh just use one of the open networks, idk what it is but it let me on" i could very easily have set up such a network and done a lot of malicious things if i wanted especially because people have this weird habit of taking pictures of confidential paperwork instead of carrying it around with them
Yeah, I dunno about the paranoia angle but from a digital security perspective having an open network like that is stupid risky. People don't seem to realize just how "open" those unrestricted networks actually are.
But we've never actually taught people consistently about Internet security so I guess it's just gonna happen.
Kirara 🍄
you usually can't carry confidential info well you can but you shouldn't but hipaa doesn't talk about phones when you get trained so people don't realize how unsafe it is it really can't be helped
pretty much everyone is laid back though everywhere you go except for with ethical issues
>>703593 yeah but arguments don't mean anything in the real world there are situations where it's an ethical problem to have poor security but nobody is going to consider taking a picture of a client file an ethical issue
>Surely impermanence and change are contradictory, no? I'm pretty sure the definition of impermanence EXPLICITY requires change.
Kirara 🍄
>oh, you do zen ? but i read an article about it.
>>703595 right???????? i dont understand and how does acceptance negate impermanence or change it's such immature thinking
>>703597 they like it because trans twitter is obsessed with the idea that it is a trans pokemon
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
well at least they have good taste in pokemon
>>703596 Does the article the person linked say anything about that? I'll admit to being severely undereducated on zen concepts but that person didn't seem to make any claims and was just directing you to the article to back up the claims.
>>703596 >new promotional art shown for a new anime or video game character >omg this character is a trans lesbian! I get that it's just head canon and they're just having fun but something about this always bothered me
>>703603 Wow Kirara your entire degree just got cancelled
>>703603 The best retort to that is "Well you're free to choose to believe that".
Kirara 🍄
>>703598 the article makes the same claims i did earlier in the thread about there being a pop mindfulness that's harmful and a real mindfulness based in zen that's helpful
>>703606 Yeah, I kind of want to leave it, but on the other hand, I'm going to start getting money from using twitter effectively. well, i already have before But it'll be more eventually
Kirara 🍄
>>703605 it bothers me too the trans community on twitter is incredibly ill and they've turned it into an echo chamber where they sit around and encourage each other to self-destruct people message me all the time and they want to know how to go out and fight nazis and get away with doing stupid crimes or they brag to me that they got arrested for assault because someone misgendered them
i try to be a good influence because a lot of them seem to look up to me but they're basically a bunch of stupid kids >>>/@jiimbutbanned/1137850016448618497 shit like this even when i scold them for this kind of useless behavior they just keep trying to impress me with more self-destruction
when i criticize people for refusing to learn coping mechanisms or do self-care they start freaking out and saying i am victim blaming and it's not their fault they haven't showered in a week
>>703612 nah im gonna do a really low quality podcast about self-care
>>703611 When you tell people to be gay and do crimes eventually they'lll do crimes >arrested for assault because someone misgendered them Yeah that's increadibly self destructive That's going to go on a criminal record and they'll struggle to find work in the future And they have to explain it too
Showering is a tool used by the capitalists to enforce western standards of cleanliness You bourgeousie
>>703611 didn't me and you talk about doing a podcast one time i remember that but i don't remember what it was gonna be about maybe it was someone else
>>703613 I don't mind if people do some crimes. Some crimes are great to do! Some are neutral. Stealing office supplies from work isn't a big deal. It's something you can do easily and they're probably underpaying you anyways. But you have to be reasonable about it. Don't fuck everyone over with it. Don't be so blatant that you get caught.
But these people don't know how to do anything. They will hit people in front of a bunch of people recording it. They'll shoplift shit in front of employees.
It's not revolutionary. It's stupid and self-destructive.
>>703617 Do you think people like to one up each other? Like "oh my comrade stole some office supplies? Well watch this, I'm going to steal an entire laptop!" Do you ever wonder how people interpret the stuff you say on twitter and how it gets linked to other people Like you might give a fairly reasonable and nuanced take on stealing staplers from your office Then the person reading that takes it as do crimes if you won't be caught Then they talk to their friends and pass it off as "yolodocrimes" And so on and so forth like a game of chinese whispers
>>703617 oh i think it was about voice and disenfranchised communities
>>703618 Yeah, that was happening. That's why I stopped talking about politics so much and became mostly an anime and psychology twitter. People kept telling me they saw my tweets on reddit and people thought I was encouraging them to break the law and stuff. Like last year I did a thread on doing de-arrests; how to prevent people from getting arrested during protests in order to protect people who are being brutalized by cops. I made the thread after someone at a protest in Portland or something got shot in the head by a cop with a stun grenade and almost died. I was saying that if you're going to do anti-fascist actions, there are certain tactics you need to be able to do to protect people. But the thread I got linked to where they were posting screenshots of my tweets was a bunch of people saying I was really cool because I was teaching them how to fight cops and how to go do crimes. But then people were complaining about getting arrested while trying to do de-arrests because they were fucking morons and they tried to do it with like, three people. Like, use your fucking brain.
I remember seeing this tweet recently where they did a "call out" for the translator of netflix eva or someone like that because they had a unch of horny pixiv art and anthromorph tank girls on their twitter And it just made me think "have you met hideki anno"
>>703620 >people were complaining about getting arrested while trying to do de-arrests Gonna drop a hot "lol" here It's like you're trying to herd children and eventually you just give up
I've tried to make a lot of threads about revolution, explaining that revolution doesn't real. It's not going to happen and we need to be realistic about it. I lay out reasonable plans to actually help communities in need by building networks of aid where people are helping each other and providing aid to one another, and how by replacing the functions that people think government does for them with non-governmental functions, we can start to move towards a world without governmental control, which is in line with "anarchist" goals. I explain that this is a non-violent method that has a higher likelihood of actually being decent because revolutions always turn into shit like stalin. And all these fucking children start losing their shit about how violence is necessary and the government is going to kill us if we try to do mutual aid so we have to kill them first with our guns or whatever. They don't actually care about improving the world or increasing the chance of humanity surviving ecological collapse. They're just obsessed with their revenge fantasies where they get to skullfuck a guy in a business suit who had a stock trading app on their phone.
>>703626 Something like setting up a communal farm or volunterring in a way that helps their local community out would take effort The fantasy of getting into a mob and splitting open police skulls is just so much more appealing And there's plenty of villains set up for them to do it to
Everyone is always sobbing about how we're doomed. The world is ending. If climate change doesn't kill us, the cops will! Boohoo. So I make a thread about how we can help mitigate these deaths by learning useful skills right now. I tell people to start learning how to do basic medical procedures, tend to minor wounds, perform CPR. I give people links to where they can obtain such training. But nobody wants to do that. They just want to sit around and bitch.
>>703624 This is a good gif Thank you for sharing it.
Kirara 🍄
>>703629 There is a lot Although many of them have to network enough to get suppliers of organs for transplants and stuff which can be pretty difficult
>>703632 oh, that's a little too pro i don't think i could do that without a real surgical room organs reject so easily i just meant like pullin bullets out of people or somethin i could literally do on the street
The only collective that will just act on its own is the collective of organisms that make up your human body
The only kid who has actually listened to me is this 17 year old jewish kid in Baltimore. He used to get into stupid twitter drama and I'd go and bail him out because he was giving himself panic attacks. I taught him some grounding techniques and stress management techniques and he actually used them and quit twitter because it was stressing him out so much.
The old hairband I was using to keep the cushioning for my headphone's band really stretched over the period of using it. These things normally start at about 4.5cm in diametre and this one has stretched to 9cm. I guess I'm just gonna toss the cushioning at this point it's more of a nuisance than a benefit by now.
>>703637 >panic attacks over twitter drama Bruh just turn your phone off
>>703644 She's here to fuck up anyone who insists manga isn't literature
>>703645 Do something like a speedrun Like you'd be about to break the world record Then you mess up on purpose Then breakdown. Maybe pretend to break something
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
skate punk natsuki is here to bring you your cupcake delivery
i want to do a theatrical twitch stream where i pretend to have panic attacks over really silly stuff in video games like i wanna do a super mario maker thing and start getting really upset and crying over the inability to do high skill tech and have a breakdown
>>703645 one of my old buddies from where i met Pan used to do stuff like this although not streaming we'd be playing left 4 dead or something and i'd just say like "how's your dog steve" or something and he'd just start sobbing and everyone in the games would be really nice and try to comfort him while we were killing zombies it was actually kind of fucked up for us to do that to people but we were in high school
>>703646 It's decayed to the point where the cushion cover is entirely detached from the headphones banding and the whole thing was basically just the foam cushioning sandwiched between the covering and the headphones band, held in place by an old hairtie. I took a photo but my pizza shit phone's battery died as I was opening /moe/ to post it hah hah.
I mean I've got a couple dozen hair ties still I'm not really short for things to hold it in place. But the headphones aren't really that uncomfortable without the cushioning and just removing it entirely is probably less hassle until I have the money to get a new pair.
>>703647 haha yeah im really good at pretending and manufacturing cringe im not sure why, it's such an arbitrary thing i used to mess with people a whole lot on garry's mod servers and stuff, and in gears of war
i would never be hostile to anyone or make anyone uncomfortable with the situation though only second-hand embarrassment type stuff i did it a lot in dota too, but the community is a lot sharper there it's harder to be convincing
>>703652 we used to do a lot of griefing in the Assassins Creed multiplayer we would get together and you had to like hide to escape getting killed by the enemy team for a certain amount of time and then you'd switch teams you know if you sneaked up on the enemy when they were trying to assassinate you, you could stun them
but you can only stun someone once unless someone else stuns them after you it was very poorly designed
so my friend and i would stand close to each other and one of us would bait the enemy into coming after us and then the other one would stun them and we'd shout PUNCH IN THE FAAAAAAAAAAACE in voice chat at them and then we'd just stand there mocking them until they got up and the other one of us would immediate stun them before they could do anything and we'd just repeat the process until they finally got fast enough to kill one of us we usually would stun someone for a full 5 minutes before they got one of us then we'd just laugh and do it again people would get really mad at us but we'd just be like PUNCH IN THE FACE BITCH
>>703651 yeah i don't think hostility is very fun or funny anymore but cringe is really good like making people believe you're so fucked up that it makes them cringe too
>>703653 there was a really good one i did when i was like 45 minutes or an hour into something with a group of people so we were committed to it and someone cursed and i used my andro voice and im like "hey!! please can you guys not be saying curse words and swear words? my mom will yell at me" and then a little bit passed and one of the people was like "guys watch the language, we have a kid on the server" and im just like "who is a kid?" and they all waited around a bit and were like "Uh, you said your mom is gonna get mad" "i'm not a kid im 22"
>>703654 it was horrible in a great way we had so much fun we were so mean and we'd get all these hostile messages on xbox live and shit we had one other friend that would do it with us sometimes and when we had three people, we could keep them stunned for like 10 minutes which was the entire round
although one time my buddy and the other friend were doing it without me and they got into a game with like idk it was a dev or a mod or something, and they did it to them and they both got banned for a week lol it was very unfair the devmod should have just gotten gud
i'll shit-talk bots really hard in games where there are bots too and it starts distressing people or shit-talk my character in the third person and make it really convincing that i think it's someone else
The real question is if it's better to be steadfastly convinced you're shit-talking or complimenting a real person or make it fully clear you know you're doing that to a bot.
i used to mess with people on deviantart a lot too i'd go to the newest creations list and refresh constantly until something new and intriguing came up and go reply to it with really detailed feedback immediately
like i had a template ready and would skim through the fanfics really quickly that were like 20 pages long, pluck out a name or theme near the middle and put it in the template and ask a question about it, then post the response like 15 seconds after they uploaded the story it looked as though i had already read all 20 pages and come up with a critique in that 15 seconds and people would get really confused
>>703677 >Katie I'm so clueless about how bras work please teach me Is that his angle
>Oshiete Katie Sensei!
>Katie I've been such a good ally please just one whiff of tit
Kirara 🍄
it's like a three pronged attack 1. "im sorry you had to write this article. i am sensitive to women's issues, which are,, your issues." 2. "you are very cool and good for doing this! i learned something!" 3. "i already knew how bras work. you can tell i am knowledgeable and experienced with women."
The rest of his twitter's pretty boring tbh He seems so normal The only funny parts are when he retweets video game news like he's having a personal conversation with the comapnies Like Nintendo will tweet "we're announcing animal crossing on switch" and he'll retweet it with "glad to hear it"
Kirara 🍄
yeah he's like a normie reply guy??
Kirara 🍄
>>703687 and he just replies like "cool!" to people
Motherfucker better be glad to hear it. Animal Crossing is love. Animal Crossing is life.
>>703689 Yeah it's so like It feels like looking at a bot post That reply guy comment is such a masterpiece compared to everything else
i wonder if they were together more than a few weeks
I would love to interiew his gf
Kirara 🍄
his likes are full of people talking about their girlfriends and wives
>>>/@TheMoonWizard77/1134155579033870339 I love this qoute retweet Like it's not really wrong or anything like that but He's just a random dude acting like he personally knows this Atwood guy
Kirara 🍄
i want to reply to his ultimate reply guy tweet like "my girlfriend taught me all kinds of stuff about bras. "
>>703713 Make it present tense Implying that you still have one
Kirara 🍄
we can bond over being single but ill do it from my flat earth account
>>703714 >agreed. a very good article. i showed it to my girlfriend and she gave me a demonstration of how a bra works. very informative and a great opportunity to bond with her. i knew a lot about bras before (bc i have a girlfriend) but now i know much more :)
>>703722 how do you think he'd respond if you asked him if he wanted you to teach him
another gas station selling floppy disks WHO are these people buying FLOPPY DISCS
Maybe they're just leftover stock they didn't bother to clean out
maybe the diesel trucks store their logs on floppy disk or something it's low information content so maybe it's handy for storing the log of each manifest
>>703794 yeah that's what I figure but you'd think they check their inventory in at least a decade
Samu 🏔 !KW2DbpWwls
somewhere a fox shouts, ”I don’t need you! I don’t need anyone!” Already getting spammed w/ this... Actually gonna install it rn fuck it
I never jumped on the Autochess bandwagon so I dunno, never played any form of it. Some people seem to like Valve's official mode and others seem to prefer the standalone the people who made the DotA custom came out with.
really? auto chess was designed around mahjong concepts it's chinese afterall i played it for a while but ultimately just went to riichi mahjong
i think you're better off having learned mahjong though it's a more gratifying experience
The fuck is auto chess?
>>703811 Yeah I'm still not particularly inspired to go checkout Valve's official autochess. When I saw the custom game being played once or twice it looks more like to me kind of like a versus mode towerdefense game without the route pathing that's iconic of them.
>>703807 When I figure out how to make a good Lina build probably
Lina/Io offlane and just attackspeed down the poor souls that don't see it coming.
Or just go mid and build Eul's -> Kaya -> Aghs
>>703813 the pool of units is limited per type, and it's global so you can control most of a certain type of unit so others cant kind of like holding on to tiles you think others want so they can't get three of a kind with them you go through rounds of fighting the opponents but that's just seeing the results of the choices none of the game happens there it's about good econ, good unit investment, good reading of the opponents, and good decisions
but the balance is poorer than mahjong so it's ultimately a less gratifying, but easier, experience
Okay, when you put it into that perspective I can see where the influences come from. I never really tried particularly to get informed on it; I think I just had someone, probably Purge, playing a game or two of it playing on the side while I was doing something with the rest of my mental space.
it's more tilting too because there's items for the units which are pure RNG you get neutral creep rounds where they have a chance to drop items and sometimes you don't get any items, sometimes you get only useless items, sometimes you get amazing items
there's a winstreak/loss streak mechanic that gives you more gold based on your streak either way, win or loss so there's econ rounds for some players where they'll plan to lose for the next 5-7 rounds for the extra gold if they had a bad start but basically if someone gets a lucky item early on, they can secure a win streak off the start and have a huge advantage just because they had a vanguard on their frontliner
It's not really DotA aside from some general RTS mechanics that DotA's inherited. It uses the DotA assets because it originated as a custom game for DotA 2 but the mechanics are fairly original.
Samu 🏔 !KW2DbpWwls
i didnt know dota 2 had modding capabilities that’s cool
Yeah they introduced it ... maybe three or so years ago? It's definitely a really neat component, especially considering DotA itself originated as a custom game for Warcraft III. So it's kind of a full circle.
When it first came out people were joking they could just recreate the Warcraft III campaign in DotA to make it a real full circle.
Samu 🏔 !KW2DbpWwls
i’m enjoying the overwatch mods i guess everyone is adding scripting now
There's a lot of game lifetime extension to be found in giving it scripting functionality. A couple people in the DotA community I've seen talk about it explain it like, if more people who have never considered playing DotA get interested in playing autochess and download the DotA 2 client to try it out, then they have everything they need to start playing actual DotA. All they need to do is just press that button to start the queue. The same can go for any custom game for any game with standard game modes.
It does open a can of worms in that it can make bugs and compatibility issues that would never become apparent with the hardcoded mechanics of the standard games rise to the surface. But if your game's dev team can squash those bugs you end up with a more perfect game, so even that that's a positive.
Samu 🏔 !KW2DbpWwls
one does not simply start playing dota 2
No, but you're all the closer if you've already downloaded the client for autochess!
Though I believe Valve's official autochess game is its own standalone client so this is all kind of moot now, hah hah. But there'll always be another custom game that gets super popular, especially now that the success story of autochess is out there.
Samu 🏔 !KW2DbpWwls
guess ill have to git gud at speed chess so i cam have a game w my coworker before he leaves fOREVER
I never have the energy to debate randos online Maybe I have the energy to debate people I know, but that might not be such a good reccomendation for somene as stubborn as moi
Yeah I'm in the same boat. It's easier for me to not care about what -about when people are convinced of themselves when I don't know them in the slightest. But I get way more agitated when the person's someone I care about in some shape or form.
Nah. That's lame. Trying to construct an argument for a view that everyone around you (including yourself) already holds is pretty much just asking to have a massive circlejerk