not bad I guess got the nail ingrown nail removed and I think the pain has subsided the procedure was pretty good compared to when I got it fixed and the anesthesia just didn't work at all this procedure is supposed to be permanent though so hopefully that's the case
so they just removed the whole nail? glad that's cleared up though that can be hell so i hear
about a 15mm slice, but yeah it should clear up
feels weird trying to wind down to sleep for work tomorrow when i usually don't sleep until like noon idk what hours i am even supposed to be working anymore people keep getting hired and quitting
Yeah sounds annoying. Life's a lot easier when you don't have randoms coming in and making an upset of things.
can they hire me idk if i have a job anymore
as far as i'm aware they'll hire basically anybody
>>701914 Private landlord. >>701915 I think it'll go well, I have all the documentation ready just gotta meet at 6pm and sign stuff. make sure everything is correct, because I don't want to sign a crappy rent agreement.
Oh I think that might be the famous omurice guy. There's some place in Japan that charges you like 50,000yen for a plate of omurice. Apparently it's ridiculously good omurice though.
Oh wait hah hah hah. I probably got mixed up. It was something like 5,000yen. Which is still an absurd amount for a single plate of omurice but less absurd.
yeah, but say that restaurants plate yeah I might pay 20-30€ for that dish, served like that but I doubt it is that expensive place considering how they serve over the counter, that leads to kitchen etc
>>701933 yes the shot was the moment i realized i was wrong i had thought it was 50 dollars 500 is a lot
>>701935 The video I saw of the place I know had the master chef making that omurice -was- actually an open kitchen, bar table-style restaurant like that. I think it's a place in Tokyo somewhere.
>>701934 oh then my original thought of “this is ok as a novelty” is fine
Oh right city skylines is limited to 9 squars on default jesus the game is made by a finnish studio, how are they this retarded... Must be from tampere
>>701945 there are retarded folk all around the world don't discriminate
>>701954 yeah but now he wants me to come in for a different shift later TBA >>701955 i've been waiting for this game for so long i forgot it was coming out installing it now watch it be lame compared to The Messenger >>701956 I've seen a few episodes, why?
>>701957 ill be a little down if its lame but it has been so long it almost feels like a free game
there's this one lady that's way too hyper and uses active listening (right, mmhmm, yeah, uh-huh, exactly, etc) even though she's not the one being talked to it's really annoying i didn't take the effexor today so i was extra irritable i almost chastised her for it i took it now though so i'll stop complaining about things shortly
well it's a visually nice game at least not sure why the options go from "low" to "medium" to "high" to "epic" to "cinematic" though what happened to "ultra"
Yeees move in to my CITY >>701950 >>701953 I really just designed the main roads and forgot all about how low the "buildable sectors" are so then I just went "AAAAH MAXIMUM SPACE USAGE WITH MINIMUM ROAD OVERLAP and thath appened
There was too much superfluous speech, commentary, laughter and joking etc when I (and others presumably) are in distressed and sensitive moods so I uncontrollably turned the noise off and started zoning out then i couldn't focus on group discussion
there was no time for digestion of ideas any moment following a question or idea was immediately snapped up by meth girl and followed up on by pity witch lady and those two would just veer off topic loudly and laugh a lot and i hate them both
>>701970 maybe? i dunno only cutscenes i've seen so far were just powerpoints of artwork and one of those "talking head" dialogue things
for some reason you can attack at an angle downwards (but not upwards)
>>701972 Pity witch, hah hah. I find a lot of conversations I'm in tend to go that way. I'm not a particularly aggressive speaker so when a handful of the group are commandeering it I'm pretty good at stepping back a bit and just listening. But I guess that's not conducive to a therapy session, eh.
they just tell a bunch of selfishly one-sided stories about how their friend did them wrong by not supporting them or something you can do that with your friends and family, get people to take your side and stuff but it's clear you're bringing a lot of trouble on yourself by being histrionic use therapy time to talk about the actual problems, not gossipy shit
>>701979 protection stones, tarot, healing energy don't get me wrong i think tarot is cool and i think it can be meditative and reflective of subconscious stuff that you didn't know you were feeling but she's into it too much she talked a disproportionate amount and invariably brought stuff other people said back to victimizing herself instead of supporting people and meth girl was jusst // just so excited regardless that she had to chime in with a paragraph or so of racing thoughts and they were being overly bond-y for their first day
it took me days to build a relationship with the group, so when i confide something difficult with the group it's a little unsettling to have a couple people i don't really know to throw out "we believe in you" and "we're here to support you" and "i know you're strong" i don't want that
>>701977 I find it pretty easy to mistrust people who say things like that to strangers. Maybe I just don't trust easily but it comes off as facetious unles I actually know the person is someone I can expect to be an emotional support for me. That's in part what makes me cautious about using language like that, which makes me feel like I might come off as cold or distant to people some times.
>>701982 the group knows ive been pretty closed off about stuff too so finally opening up a bit after a week was somewhat sensitive but these girls on their first day just butt into my stuff and i dont like it now im closed back off
>>701985 then i'm in my natural element you speak to the soldier who has spent almost 20 hours in-game in one spot killing level 12 minotaurs i have not left the room with the minotaurs in over a WEEK
there's three people from the original group there right now two got moved to inpatient and im not sure where they're at (so five, but without those two, three others besides me) one is really going through a hard time and left yesterday when she opened up because she got too distressed she and i have similar issues so i wanted to bond with her a little bit about that stuff but didn't get to since she left yesterday and today just seemed awful for it
one girl i was really close with got discharged yesterday so she was there when i opened up at least, that was helpful but she's not there anymore
>>701992 She don't lie, she don't lie, she don't lie Moraine
>get level map >notice room i missed >go back to investigate >obviously can't get to that room without double jump yep this is a castlevastle game alright
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Day Man AhhhhhhAAAA fighter of the Night Man AhhhhhhAAAA
Would instantly cause myself to faint or go into a coma because that shit is a waste of ny valuable precious time, complimenting me and shit, fuck no. Would rather get toxic in a video game for another 20 years of my waking existence
My elo is too high for my current shitty mousepad, mouse, keyboard, desk, monitor, entire setup I die ALL THE TIME NOW Imma complain about it more here if shit happens
I was walking to the bus stop and something felt off but I couldn't quite place it. Ends up I forgot to put my glasses on before leaving the house, hah hah It's a good thing they're not a do or die thing for me. I don't really want to go back to get them and miss catching the bus.
It's also such a warm and sunny afternoon today, gosh. How lovely.
I have a prescription but I haven't worn my contacts or glasses in like 4 years. I only really see bluriness from far away text, like business signs and whatnot. I also fucking can't see some stars and celestial objects, which is the WORST. People saying, "you see that light bouncing around up there" and I see NOTHING
yeah im nearsighted too i have to wear them to drive but honestly i dont see very well even with them i need a new prescription, this one is really old or new prescription lenses, whatever
Well, they could have worn down. If I put on my old glasses it gets a little bit too zoomed in, makes me feel like my field of view is getting ripped from me. they're also metal intricate frames that bend easily so that was pretty unfortunate of me. Might bet some armani exchange or prada glasses next just so they don't get damaged easily
Yeah, my problem is with stuff far off too. It's not a big deal when I'm at home so I rarely wear them there. And since I don't drive and just take the transit, it's not a big deal for me if I don't have them on. But it does make
>>702026 What's good >>702027 My insurance covers the entire lenses cost and $300 of frame cost Might as well use this shit sometime soon hehe >>702029 Yeah I would wear the glasses all the time if I truly thought I needed them Might need to watch out for traffic, weirdos and small anomalies in the environment to keep fully safe. I'm good how I am right now, hope you'll be.
>>702025 me anxious to have such blurry vision; it makes me feel unsafe.
I saw the movie Mandy last night. Was pretty good. Reminded me of what I would do if I saw someone I love get tortured and killed in front of me. I would fucking kill everyone responsible. Painfully.
I'm just telling them I won't discharge them without the session, although I'm offering them the chance to do two sessions next week so they can discharge on schedule.
She had to do two weeks jail time for a reckless driving charge about halfway through our therapy. It totally broke it. She came back an entirely different person.
If she violates probation and they push it, she could get like 3 months.
honestly the idea of coming home to someone who isnt mom these days and getting to eat home cooked food while sharing bill costs sounds pretty dang nice these days
Whoo easy final. I'll probably be off academic probation for the autumn semester too. How nice.
One of the girls at work might come do zazen with me on Sundays. She seems pretty interested in meditation.
>>702059 Yeah, I don't get vibes like that from her. She is super into yoga and stuff so it's not like she's taking a new interest in that sort of thing, although she doesn't meditate.
sure she is just interest ind the zazen?
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>702056 cook for two and have the leftovers for dinner tomorrow
i thought you were talking about the joke where you said i should marry pan so you can call him dad i didn't know he was really genuinely asking i thought it was joke setup and then it got awkward but then i made a scene and now i have to explain it it's very distressing
ive been a christmas cake for five years if nobody wants to eat the christmas cake on christmas day who's gonna want it five years past its expiry
>>702090 Yeah I did, I think the chunks of cinnamon and apple distract from the smooth texture of the cheesecake. Makes it taste tangy, but inconsistent. >>702093 murk yourself >>702115 I prefer the living, breathing version
Speaking of breathing I always kinda found it funny how in buffyverse "vampires don't breath" but watch as the actors were out of breath Angelw as admn good show didnt' actually ever watch buffy that much
There's a really low chance of that, just because I really can't set aside 30 or 120 minutes to do anything, like even watch a show. I am constantly needed here. To do what the other fucking idiots can't. Good luck, with getting his menace face to show up for anime tell him i think he's a menace heh
Jan's shift got cancelled but he was potentially on call to come in later. So maybe he'll be working, maybe he'll be here, maybe he'll be sleeping.
It must be annoying to deal with unpredictable shifts like that.
>>702131 "we might call you tomorrow" nothing fucking worse
"oh so that means I will have to stay at a minutes ready to get going your way so I can work on the day I wasn't ment to, gee thanks" wish you could say that...
the us tax system sometimes seems to be designed to screw over the normal folk
>>702138 those inflatable exercise balls, you know that people stretch with they make thicker material chairs it's good for your back and stuff and less pressure on the tailbone/lumbar
yeah those are quite comfy
yeah i hope that can help my back while i work though i might not have a job anymore lol but with a comfy setup i still have options
Plenty of money to be made out there on the World Wide Web.
a bunch of my co-workers want me to IQ test them haha im going to do IQ tests for two of them at least they want MMPIs too but i think big boss is against that
he would probably just think im saying he's going to heaven or something haha he's pretty religious sometimes he'll do a prayer for us at our treatment team meetings
>>702146 well if you ever take an MMPI i will interpret it for you for free
IQ is actually useful reference data for yourself if you have a real test done the WAIS gives you scores for verbal comprehension, perceptual abilities, working memory, and processing speed so knowing about where your strengths or weaknesses are can be useful for reference because it can inform how you do things but Full Scale IQ, which is what we usually mean when we say IQ, is not very useful outside of say, sub-80 scores
We're starting a self-esteem group at my clinic tomorrow. I'm supposed to cover it because I'm covering all the groups tommorow, but I found out today we don't have any materials ready for it. So I'll have to come up with an intervention for it tomorrow morning.
hmm maybe i'm not working tonight either guy at dispatch said the next delivery isn't until friday? guess i'll have a drink and nap or something
>>702148 They seem to be kind of throwing a lot on you at this place. Guess it looks like you can handle it but make sure they're not overworking you.
>>701753 (OP) is the girl in the picture calling someone a bitch or being called a bitch
>>702150 Haha, I think it'll be fine. It's not too worky. I have a lot of control over what I do. Actually, I have complete control over what I do. I don't have any obligation to do anything, really. I'm just stepping up when I can. I'm putting a lot on my own plate, haha. I feel okay about it because the control I have means I can take days off to recuperate if I need to and because I cover everyone else's groups so often, I should be able to get my own groups covered if I need them.
>>702154 >>702155 Yeah, I'll get guillotined for saying we shouldn't just kill everyone.
You don't want to kill everyone? You must be part of the bourgeoise!
>>702153 more likely just starvation, disease or random violence or for the fact that you speak english and not france and they will kill you for the anglishman they think you are
okay i set up an installment agreement with the IRS for $135/month but they have a condition that all taxes during this period must be paid on time so somehow i have to save up for next year's taxes while still paying this 135/month and 2018's taxes aren't even being factored in yet. i still owe those so idk how that works at all if i dont pay everything when due, they'll levy all my accounts (i only have one, paypal) and seize my property (no property, but they'd issue orders for my contractee to pay them directly)
the dreadful weight of the upcoming deadline is off my back now but i still probably don't have a job anymore
>>702179 idk man had to work so hard to help my mom's situation, then had to try to survive on my own i couldn't afford to pay taxes because i was making only enough to survive
i need to find somewhere new to live in march, which means a big expense (security deposit, cable setup etc, first two months rent) then have to pay taxes in april right afterwards
hopefully this desk and chair work for me so i can get work done i can probably do this
>>>/watch?v=MElLEireGcQ Stick and move Sharpen up the knife Keep it tight Stay between the lines
You know if you had a discord exchange with someone you liked, but noticed you haven't talked to them in weeks you can right click their name and "add as friend" it would be good for you prob
I don't, but I changed my tag. had to evade all the people I posted that shit to, in other realms could change // will change it back to Datura tonight tho
last time i re-added you, you said it wouldn't happen again i'll add you back but i don't like this pattern it hurts me and im not willing to continually do it after this time
>>702184 maybe be less passive-aggressive about it
Yeah, I get this way too much. It's a pathetic pattern. How I think I have nobody in my life who is a friend and I just throw their tags away like it was nothing to me. I just need to have substance stick to me and a whole lot of other things. But it can be remedied. Sorry for removing you too, pk
>>702186 >evading people why not just apologize for your transgressions >>702191 looks like it, guy at the DC said there isn't any delivery until like friday
>>702194 i know things have been rough im sorry i snipped at you a bit and told you not to post that stuff here, but i do think it's important we be responsible about that stuff
ive had an adjustment of meds and my thoughts aren't racing so much and so laced with irritation is there anything i can do to help help your mood or anything else
>>702192 I kinda wanna see her slide backwards and spin and go YAUUUU
>>702195 it's water under the bridge by now i don't really like whining that much since i don't even try to get help with anything i was just really drunk those feelings are leashed again and everything is fine now
>>702196 and then badadatsum tsum annie are you okay
>>702197 well if i can help at all, let me know if you want to watch a show that won't get saved or something, i'll save it and we can watch it together im not sure what else i could do really
>>702201 thanks for the offer but I really don't care if shows get watched without me despite whatever rika seems to think if something airs and i really want to watch it i will eventually get to it usually
usually means i rewatch episodes because you guys saved it for me now and then but again it isn't a big deal to me >>702204 i do i watch whatever it is rika decided to queue up when i show up anime would survive without me though i've gone months without watching with them before and it still lives
go along with it anime block is important i want it to survive if it means watching a show you really don't care about that we saved for you, just roll with it you can close out of it and do something else if you want but i want the ritual to stick
>>702226 uhhhh fucking tons of companies CO2 is widely available in compressed liquid form in canisters and used in beverages worldwide
>>702234 if it is compressed in liquid form, it ain't gonna be good for you...
>>702235 it's not good for you lol inhaling carbon dioxide can cause respiratory depression and death and swallowing it in pure compressed form will also kill you
cast a spell and summon them then surely they won't ignore you or not reply for an hour like I do half the time >>702256 well yeah but the song I linked you is about a guy who is miserable! you just reminded me of it because you said misery! >>702258 >>702259 whoa, maybe I really am finnish
>>702262 pfft, as if any pittance of spare funds I have goes into booze and smokes and video games I can't buy one of those fancy DNA thingies >>702260 i don't think so! i thought maybe she could be summoned at least guess not >>702263 makes sense she ignores me almost all the time even in anime threads
it was damn amusing, but then I realised it was way too much even for me I mean, I do like being mean and doing pranks, but I dislike ruining other people's joy actually
>>702268 Yeah I think it was everyone present being all "damn, okay let's do it again, sorry .... and so on" and then I was all "shiit man is just me PK being a dick, go on"
it's kind of fun to watch anime you have read the manga for with people who havent read it like ive been watching jojo with them recently seeing the reactions and such is fun >>702276 whoa thats great that game was BULLSHIT though fun bullshit but still, can't see a lot of what you're clambering over, because it's in fucking first person at least it looked nice while you fell to your death a hundred times
btw fun trivia >>702261 this song as instrumental was an elevator song in MIrror's Edge fucking killed me when I noticed it, since it is a song about suicide and you end up jumping to your death way too many times in that game
>>702275 I think it was quite easy once you caught up to the logick of the game though playing it without the "red hilight" is just impossible, unless you have remembered each level through it wasn't that well thought out in terms of pathing planning
shit AI sounds boring. even if you can up the difficulty so yeah don't waste yout time then also, listen to that violin song from the Annihilation OST thanks
Jeremy Soule a fucking god k im in queue so im going to die and cry see u later
Don't cry Have a cookie
btw total annihilation when you had the original soudntrack enabled had it with "reactionary" thing 6 of the 12 songs were labeled battle and the other 6 build if therew as no battle ongoing, and a lull it started a "build" track with there even being one build track specified for "rebuilding" an one build track specified for "you just got fucked, so we rebuilding from ashes" and then whenever a battle started it began a battle track and if you started doing battle preparations it might start one of the latter battle songs 4-6 as they had a build up to the "action"
Oh, dynamic soundtrack ish. The atmosphere they create is so memorable, it never leaves you. It's like me with Halo Wars or more like the new deus ex's with stealth and fighting tracks and whatnot. Might pirate TA later then thanks
But seriously Total Annihilation universe beats even WH40k when it coems to versus a single commander can build ANYTHING from nothing and is near indestructible, can dematerialize anything and when killed explodes in a fucking super nuclear explosion
Core and Arm infinitely cloned digitalised minds piloting robots vs infinitely cloneds humans piloting mechas fighting a war that lasted for eternity untill nothing was left
core literally meaning "core galaxy" and arm meaning "arms of galaxy" makes clone wars seem like a playground shuffle or even horus heresy seem like a playful ruffle
war in heavens in wh40k is only thing that surpasses it
BEcause that war was insane I mean, prewar necrontyr had built a super weapon that while also being a map of the galaxy, but if you took the "erase tool" and erased a star from the map... well that star just at that exact moment went supernova even if it wasn't a star big enough to do that and that was pre-war tech
and their opponents were beings that actually could die and reincarnate as they wished and had mastered completely how to seed and manipulate life as they wished and how to instantly travel between any point in the galaxy
and then there were the actual star gods...
You know how WH40k is a shitsack universe well thati /that is 100% because of war in the heavens the death toll, the end result and so on of the war was just so bad that the spirit realm turned into literal hell afterwards
if you aren't packing your tortilla so full it just EXPLODES you aren't doing it rite
>installing rollerCoaster Tycoon should mr bones
also jesus fucking christ GOG why do I need a client to install your games?
well I guess it does make piracy of gog games, a thing that is anyhow easy as fug, because gog is such a good platform but atleast that LITTLE bit o making it harder is a factor
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Fahhhhhrrk I'm pretty suresure i failed my test on sql
>>702366 well normally i get a double layer of the corn tortillas so it doesnt asplode in my hands but i had a lot of meat and only two tortillas left and there was NO WAY to fit it all in one
>>702402 >free doritos taco what the fuck when i could've gotten free lunch? >>702405 well the dorito tacos aren't too bad definitely worth the cost of zero dollars for free taco the only thing i would ever get from taco bell otherwise is their steak soft taco with that avocado sauce and the chips with queso its impossible to make bad chips and queso
Zohn is a very unique strat game faction they have 3 buildings 4 2 resource gathering a defence structure and a healing structure anything else on their tech tree is a unit
need more units -> build a unit that builds more units need more advanced units -> have unit that builds units build a more advanced builder and so on a very mobile horde force and my absolute favourite in the game especially since their Lord is a flyer, and damn hard to kill so you can be basically killed escape snipe few resource spots get some mana and restart all over again it is truly a faction where "as long as our lord is alive we are alive"
/moe/ i thought the homework and exam were due at midnight, not 4pm so i'm losing a very signifcant portion of my grade here and failing this class means starting my program over but that also will mean that i'll have to do some program prerequisites over because i did them roighly 5 years ago, which is the limit to how old your credits can be to count for getting you into the program and at that point i may as well just get a god damn construction job
>>702438 also due to just being able to fly, their lord is most powerful lord in terms of combat ability
Oh yeah did I remember to say that total annihilation had different wind spees, that varied moment by moment, map by map and GRAVITY that all affected the PROJECTILES that the units launched
and there were wind power plants that were directly related to how much wind therw as on them ap, whether they were 100% garbage or damn good
But to not make it imbalanced they ofc gave this faction THE MOST POWERFUL STATIC DEFENSE IN THE GAME and units with longest and most damaging range in the game too
>>702484 Well, that's no good. Why are you dying in casual? I thought you played this game for like, thousands of hours? Got some bad luck tonight maybe? >>702498 Ching chong bing bong ding dong ping pong BANANA PHONE
i was a BIG MEANIE to someone and spent the last hour or so apologizing and trying to cheer him up over it oops sometimes i forget being an abrasive asshole can come off as being an abrasive asshole >>702517 maybe you're tired or something? sometimes working out helps me be good at video games weird as that sounds
I've been using this saline rinse thing for your nose supposed to be healthier to deal with congestion but I'll be damned if this isn't the most uncomfortable sensation not painful but feels... weird
fun story: I went to see a doctor in India and he gave my ears a good ol' scooping out with some metal tools. Didn't even ask for it. was there for other stuff.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>702564 i'm pretty sure they're supposed to be used by women for uhh birth control
>>702564 they are for applying ointments and creams to small wounds or burns, cleaning such minute injuries, or cleaning small parts of machines and such
>>702563 can't believe i had to move to a whole different country to try a burger done medium
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
i wonder how much irl asmr costs five hundo?
well apparently shits free in India
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
no i mean like a thot getting a bottle of pills right in your face and tip tip tappin it with her acrylic nails
>>702573 I'm sure you could convince any fine lady of the night to do it for like a hundred bucks an hour i bet they'd be more than happy to do it for their going rate
I was trying to give out free ASMR the other day you know, to be nice but the security guard was all >sir, we've received reports that you're running around the mall blowing in peoples' ear >we're going to have to ask you to leave
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
[ASMR] punching you in the jaw + blunt leg trauma [HEADPHONES]
Oh, they updated the Code Geass stuff in GBF time to be serenaded by fukujun's sweet voice once again i want to hear lelouch cry out in fear as his sister is put in danger
I don't consider myself to be someone who enjoys cruelty, but when Lelouch does something like order someone to bang their head against a wall forever, it really makes my heart flutter.
well i only roll the gatcha when i play which is like three or four times a year at most so it's natural that i'd have a higher chance of getting something new than you!
i unlocked it in class yesterday so i couldn't listen to all the SOIYA but i thought it was so funny when the muscle trio showed up and it was hard not to start laughing in class haha i should put the muscle trio in my campaign
ahh, when lelouch starts talking gently like to nunnally, it's so nice, too lelouch really makes my heart flutter so does CC
CC was my first waifu she still is sort of my waifu
if i had a waifu, it'd be CC if that makes sense
>>702597 The National Council on Problem Gambling operates the National Problem Gambling Helpline Network (1-800-522-4700). The network is a single national access point to local resources for those seeking help for a gambling problem. The network consists of 28 call centers which provide resources and referrals for all 50 states, Canada and the US Virgin Islands. Help is available 24/7 and is 100% confidential.
>>702586 if i was Lelouche there would be a lot of people jumping off of bridges and stabbing propane tanks with a lit match in their hand i tell you hwat
>>702601 it's just not the same lelouch's ability to be cruel is what makes my heart flutter!
just think about it this man is going to bang his head against a wall forever until he dies eventually rhe geass gets weaker, you know, but he's not going to eat or drink or anything as he succumbs to dehydration, he's going to be still banging his head against the wall it's such a long, drawn out way to die and he's killing himself like that all of his friends will try to stop him but they won't be able to it's so cruel
If I was Lelouche, the anime and video game industries would be fixed
>>702602 there's a lot of funnier stuff you could do with the geass too you could make someone only eat fire ants or watch code geass
The cruelty just isn't the same! It's the coldness of Lelouch's cruelty that makes my heart flutter. The way he is so nonchalant about ordering someone to die in such a cruel way.
command someone to make balloon animals they would be the world's saddest clown
what if the geass worked through people's phones you could put out a YouTube ad commanding random people to do something >>702608 did he? hmm
either way it could be like The Ring
>sit down to watch some YouTube bullshit >get commanded to remove your skin with a potato peeler goddamn geassrolled again
The fucked up thing about this GranBlue Fantasy Code Geass collab is that if the story were canon to the mainline Code Geass story, a lot of lives probably would have been saved and Lelouch would have been a lot more successful.
Kirara 🍄
>>702606 i thought it worked through live TV didn't lelouch do that once maybe i'm misremembering
there was a dude in one of the code geass games who had lelocuh's geass only it worked through hearing the person's voice instead of eye contact i bet his would have worked via phone
>threeway wait on 12 different tiles for dealer mangan >not one of them comes through bleeergh
>>702606 Imagine if we sold geasses to youtube advertisers
>>702606 >Send a video response to a Gamer >lelouch vi britannia commands you... never use a slur again! >Gamer falls into despair and dies
>>702610 truly the most epic gamer moment possible >>702609 if the billionaires had geass we would be so much more fucked than imaginable even considering the current state of fucking imagine if Elon Musk had a geass
>>702610 truly and utterly pwned, as the gamers would say
>>702611 >imagine if Elon Musk had a geass You had me worried up until you specified Musk. He'd waste his Geass on something really dumb Like he'd waste it on a meme
>I command you to sell me your stocks for $420 each! He'd unironically command the government to give him funding for genetically engineered catgirls, the guy's a manchild I'd still take him over someone like Jeff Bezos getting it
if i had geass i would be the strongest i would do really roundabout things instead of just using my geass to head straight for the top
well i guess it depends on what geass you get you could get a fucked up geass like rolo's
but a lot of them are pretty useful mao's might suck
i would definitely use mine for cheap laughs whenever possible
>>702612 he would literally have the power to make his retarded meme ideas like single capacity underground smart car tunnels the primary method of transportation
but beyond even whatever insipid crap he dreams up, Trump would have one, most of the people that would be able to afford it would be destroying the world and each other
Kirara 🍄
holy shit this collab just did pretty Code Geass ridiculous twist lmao
a oops there's a geass user that reads minds that's not mao who has the antidote to a virus nunnally is infected with and lelouch is trying to get it but there's also someone else who is a villain that lelouch has to get rid of. so he tricked the geass user into shooting him /// well, it showed the geass user killing lelouch and taking nunnally and bringing her to the other villain and then the other villain was like "that's not nunnally!! wtf!!" and then suddenly LELOUCH VI BRITANNIA COMMANDS YOU... SHINE! and the villain kills herself and the geass user is like WHAT'S GOING ON and nunnally stands up and turns into lelouch because lelouch used his geass to trick the other geass user into thinking he was nunnally lmao it's such a code geass story
Kirara 🍄
wait the lelouch that got shot was actually me, kirara, under the influence of lelouch's geass?!
>There were two mistakes that led to your defeat! The first was having too much faith in your own Geass and choosing to fight alone... The second mistake was making enemies out of us. lelouch is so dramatic
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
if i ever got a geass, well say goodbye to street parking
Kirara 🍄
>>702624 you could park in the reserved for CEO spots!
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
i meant like for everyone no more cars now just trams
Kirara 🍄
ohhh we could use geass to get public transit funding!
Kirara 🍄
it's genius
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
build a city built on top of tunnels where freight is moved underground in a tunnel network fully parallel to the streets walking and bicycling and all only on the ground level i need... robots
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
time to die a little death see you on the flip side
They're supposedly American but they speak Japanese even just among themselves. Fucking weeaboos. >>702669 >kiwi
>>702670 Well there's probably a lot of people in Okinawa that identify as American but have been born and raised in the Japanese-Oceanic culture of Okinawa. So they might be more comfortable with the Japanese language than English.
If you asked for 36 square meters of plastic wrap, it might come in a big ol' sheet. then you wouldn't be able to use it to tie down the victim and cover all the furniture an' stuff.
It's rice but you throw it in the rice cooker without rinsing it first because you just don't have the time to do that while juggling the rest of the food prep.
>>702732 It's quite tasty. Green Thai curry is delish. I probably could have cooled it a bit on the amount of extra spices I added, hah hah, it's quite hot. And on my like third bite I kind of inhaled some vaporized spice or something and it's made the back of my throat kind of stingy.
>>702736 The jarred curry sauce is already seasoned a fair bit; going hard with additional spices is quite intense.
>>702735 its never enough until you're in the millions of scovilles
Freud the crime you pay for.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Hey Maria What's the secret cheat passcode to jump to the front of the centerlink phone queue
>>702740 uhhhhhhhhhh lemme think for one sec Try calling another government agency with shorter que times and ask them to transfer you since they'll have priority Just say that you rang the wrong number initially or something or that it must have glitched Like usually when someone calls work and income here it'll take them ten minutes to get through, but if I transfer a call to them, it takes a minute
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
nvm. I don't mind being on hold they're playing all my favourite jams
It's not so bad. They just want to take a little bit out of my FREE MONEY paychecks
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
so I'm essentially paying them back with their own money.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
It's a flawless system.
>>702752 How much are they taking out? Over here we can lower it to $5 per week and I don't think you have to pay it back if you stop receiving the benefit Pretend that you're in financial hardship and can't eat and they'll probably lower the deduction rate
wow. now I feel cheated. I have to pay back FIFTEEN DOLLARYDOOS a fortnight and I do need to pay the balance when I get off bennies
>>702756 >I do need to pay the balance when I get off bennies rip Do you guys have course related costs over there? The thousand dollars you can take out for student stuff once a year? Could try taking that out and then just paying off the benny debt with that, then just leave it on the student loan since you've got more time to pay that off
Kirara 🍄
happy juneteenth y'all
15 dollars a month wtf i have to pay 135 a month until my taxes are paid off and im not allowed to be late on any tax amounts until the installments are done or else they'll seize everything i have (nothing) that's gonna be nearly impossible especially since i gotta find somewhere else to live in march and taxes are due in april and i probably don't have a job anymore
>>702763 Yeah, it's a manga from the mangaka of Soul Eater, so that'll probably be fun.
There isn't too much aside from that which have particularly stood out to me. A lot of isekai shows.
The bigger highlights for me are the two-cour shows from this season that'll be continuing. Carole & Tuesday, Kimetsu no Yaiba, Fruits Basket; even other stuff like YU-NO will be fun. I like longer form stories than what a twelve or thirteen episode run can tell at times.
fire fighting anime sounds neat
Kirara 🍄
next season is still like a month away ill probably take a look at what's airing the first week new stuff comes out
something feels off about that one im not sure what maybe it's the sleeve
Kevin Feige is apparently in talks for how to best get Keanu into the MCU.
Kirara 🍄
i dont know if i want that unless it's like a cameo or something keanu is pure i dont know if im ready for superhero movie keanu although maybe a one-off villain role would be fun
He could maybe do a good Magneto.
Kirara 🍄
just put a keanu cameo in every marvel movie
Kirara 🍄
he needs to play someone who is reluctantly doing evil and kind of depressed about it but they're going to go hard because they believe the evil has to be done like getting rid of large swaths of the population to combat climate change not literally that but as an example someone doing what he thinks he has to do and believes he will be punished for it
>Masato thought he was part of a random survey, but when he gets involved in a secret government scheme, he winds up trapped in the game world. Even more surprising—his mother's there, too! hmmmm that's a synopsis all right
there's a nobunaga historical thing but it's done by DEEN
and a musclegirls show?? might be okay star twinkle is 4-cour? wow lucky me >granbelm is this related to granblue somehow
>>702785 yeah i know it's not quite musclegirls it looks like one girl is a bit more on the muscle side but it looks like they probably all have different builds and will talk about that in the show lean muscle, core strength, cardio, etc
Musclegirls show?
Oh Dumbbell Nan Kiro motteru? It's not exactly muscle girls More like fit girls
Maybe this anime will get me to work out Heh
I really hope the Konosuba movie comes to a theater near me.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>702785 I've read a chunk of the manga It's pretty great
>>702771 yeah I think the sleeve is defying gravity it should sink down more >>702787 they ever aired anything similar? I've only ever noticed a no game no life movie in cinemas
>>702790 There's a local arthouse theater that showed the rebuild movies, te madoka movies, kizu iirc and i think also heavens feel.
Not seeing 3.0 in theaters is one of my biggest regrers. *regrets.
>>702790 You like manga much? Like how into it are you?