Thread #703264
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Hi hi hello again
Fairy Gone Kenja no Mago YU-NO Sarazanmai Carole & Tuesday
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hello, hello Jan tonight?
I really should have mentioned to Kirara to tell him to show up while they were playing their game. Though either way I think the four/five shows we watch are the same either way tonight.
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okay fairy gone yuno sarazara carole and tuesday
works for me
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fairy gone! okay lets start!
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I was half expecting the lead-in to RobiHachi at the start there because both it and this show use the Funimation card.
these buggies lol
I love the design of them. It's so utterly alien a vehicle.
it would be so loud to ride in
Yeah, probably. Though the automated vehicles of real world time period this series is emulating would probably be equally as noisy.
Schwarz Dieze nuts
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swords vs guns
Yeah but they're MAGIC swords.
This is some pretty cool audio/animation combination. Having this guy at the head of these people whistling to the OST playing.
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Swords always win against guns cause swords are cooler.
Also helps when you've got a demonic Persona backing you up.
apparently these guns are horribly inaccurate too
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yuno! okay lets start!
Uh huh, YU-NO what it is Time for the lewd school nurse's arc.
This guy really has an endless font of lewd jokes.
wow he doesn't even hesitate
Yeah he's ridiculously enthusiastic. Is this gonna start reaching into Bible references and bring in Cain and Abel.
Oh she's kind of cute with her hair down like this.
Hah hah oh no. It happened to Ojou-sama again. She keeps walking in on her crush in lewd situations with other women.
The fact that this hypnosis is just "Brain" but backwards is really funny to me.
Hah hah they're both hiding in the locker eh.
>You've changed, Sensei >No YOU
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I miss the last girl.
wow splits in heels while standing
She seems to be quite a bit more than just a school nurse that dresses questionably.
Well ... okay. I guess this is what the nurse meant by the teacher lady disappearing soon.
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sarazara! okay lets start!
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Time for the finale!
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That red outline is cool.
Ikuhara has a great knack for aesthetic design.
all of the scene is pretty cool
Oh no they're surrounded by butts.
This is a cool finale take on the battle scene.
>I am an abstract concept HAh hah hah
Oh shit this transition into Reo and Mabu's theme.
haha wow this is really neat
The musical accompaniement to this finale has been fucking 10/10.
Wow Sara sure dresses interesting as a true kappa.
hmmmm it's 17:02 but it's ED there's some long post-credit stuff coing
Oh no Tooi had to go to prison. I guess with his brother eliminated from existence he probably had the blame of all those murders put on him. Plus he did actually kill someone so there's probably karma there anyway.>>703323 Yeah, I think even for harsh criminals Japanese prisons aren't that horrible. Probably even easier for juveniles.
that prison meal actually doesn't look bad
Yeah where's Tooi supposed to live anyway. The apartment he shared with his brother probably isn't his anymore.
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i think i'll probably rewatch this sometime it's really good but i'm slow to catch things
Yeah, I can understand that. It's definitely been one of the best things this season. That was a pretty satisfying ending too. I still feel I was right predicting it wouldn't overtake Penguindrum as my favourite Ikuhara work but it definitely has been a thoroughly enjoyable watch.
/moe/ i know i'm not supposed to put women on a pedestal but i keep meeting girls who are so charming and good at dancing and fun and cool and so likeable its like i mean come on
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I liked the eccentric girl okay carole and tuesday! lets start
oh sorry wrong thread
haha poor anon-kun>>703328 yeah me too
oh yeah i missed that guy's thing last week
Oh I thought it was going to be some kind of gas that made her mute. I guess scalding her hands so she can't play guitar is even worse though.
Ertegun is such a pretentious fuck hah hah.
i want a durian soda wow he's still going about the udon
I guess he's not a complete ass at least. He could have humiliated them before their performance here and totally threw them off-kilter.
That other guy judge is a pretty good panelist. That was a really good question directed at Carole.
the keyboard piece is... eh.... kind of simple i hope it picks up
Yeah. I'm waiting for them to put some more complexity. They've got some lovely lyrics here and it's kind of making it unbalanced.
Lyrics and vocals I should say. The production for this show got some gorgeous voices for these two.
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i think the finale for this will be really good.
Again, this show is also two-cour. So even if they do a first season climax next week or the one after there's still plenty more!
I guess the piano never really picked up. Makes sense; they were having a hard time putting guitar to it as Carole said. And with how it was a last-minute choice for performance they couldn't exactly refine it.>>703348 Yeah, it'll continue into the summer season.
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Are we getting more of this for the summer season or does it end next week?
Hm, okay. I feel kind of bad for Pyotr. He was able to go all out and was actually a great performer and lost to Carole & Tuesday on a handicap.>>703350 Yeah, I know. But in his shoes even with the benefits I wouldn't be happy taking third/fourth place. I'd want to aim for the top!
pyotr is a social media thing he benefits regardless
Hah hah poor Gus. Got eager and got ahead of themselves.>>703352 Cybelle.
it's that one girl, what was her name the one a little yan for tuesday yeah
I guess Angela's also jumping to conclusions. To be fair her manager also fits the profile of a slender woman.
Man she's more than just a little yandere hah hah.
poor cybelle
Poor Carole. She's obviously had a present she wants to give Tuesday for like three episodes now. But things keep getting in the way.
>If we lose we're back to finding odd jobs That's a bit drastic. Making second place on a planet-wide talent show is no small accomplishment.
Though this is definitely a dramatic cliffhanger for the finale. Man Carole goes hard.
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wow Now I wanna see the next episode really bad.
yeah me too
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hmm, we made really good time but we're basically out of shows.
Well there's Kenja no Mago. And unless you think you'll be around tomorrow for certain we don't need to save anything.
you guys could watch me post on /moe/
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Can'y really promise I'll be around tomorrow so we can watch kenja if you guys like
jokes on you, you just did
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>>703364 im okay for either! im done with that program now so im not on a time limit tonight
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okay then kenja>>703363 >>703365 hi bang okay lets start
He was chewing out his classmates for having lame, chuuni casting incantations and then goes and calls his demon-busting squad the Ultimate Magicians.
oh right they can fly now that's handy for the production budget
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wow magic bandits
>>703371 It's a little weird that the production budget is as cheap as it is. Silver Link isn't exactly an all out studio like KyoAni or Ufotable, but they're not usually this "animation for pennies" that this show seems to be running on.
magic gear solid
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You can use magic gear just like that I guess.
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okay i guess we're done for real now good job clearing out the list! good night yall
List is empty again!
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eah, thanks for anime!
Thanks for emptying the list. Have a nice night you two.