>>703886 Actually true, because people who live in the mountains around here are infamous for cannablising tourists and passerby hiking around. >>703885 what's cheaper than both is loving me
>>703905 How long were you in that program for? There must be something wrong with my brain because I could swear you started it a week anf a half ago at most
Maybe playing a round will rekindle the love
i started the program two tuesdays ago, so yeah like a week and a half i went to the hospital the thursday before that though
are they trying to shame him for that or something
yeah i feel like im missing something
Kirara 🍄
yeah i found the thread they're trying to shame him a bunch of people just sitting around calling this translator a creep >>>/@IndigoBlooper/1142144120837693440 why would this need a content warning
this dude is living his best life what's the problem
An aside but they also used hoofa and i can only hear that in the voice of a content creator i like but also a content creator i feel is a little too safespacey so it makes me feel weird
>>703942 ive been watching that thread with air popcorn, really.
>>703942 this isn't a new conversation it's been a discussion for decades with well thought out judicial rulings and thorough debate nobody takes a look at any of that shit they just say what's on the top of their mind related to nothing but their own experiences
it's no wonder that 4chan math guy wanted to stay anonymous when twitter was freaking out about it i would too if i were them that shit could be career-ruining
>>703951 I'm doing as well as ever. I should be working but I'm already doing 40+ hours mon-fri. I can't give up both my weekend days, too. How are you?
>>703965 Are they priced about the same or do you find you get one for less than the other?
I know that's probably not why it's distressing for you but it's something I noticed the last time I was peanut butter shopping and it stuck in my head.
I think they're normally the same price but in this case there is no price on chunky because they have none
Fate GO question: If you level up an NP, is it stronger by default or is it only stronger if you get the overcharge up to over 100%? >>703965 fucking tragic.
Kirara 🍄
just overcharge
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>703973 so a level 1 NP does the same amount of damage as a level 5 NP unless you get the charge to 500%
Kirara 🍄
>>703974 i haven't played in a few years but that's how it was when i played at least
that's strange i dont think turkey has any business being in curry it sounds good though i like a thai dish called jok though with turkey i mean it's like congee and uses chicken normally, but it works out really well with turkey too i like making it whenever i do have a turkey because there's so freaking much bird to use
It's not really a curry, but the recipe involves some curry seasoning to give the dish a bit of heat. It's predominantly a casserole of rice, celery, turkey, some kind of cream of ... something? I think maybe cauliflower? topped with a layer of corn flakes before it's put in the oven. My mother tends to make it with leftover turkey from whatever holiday or craving reason we have to make turkey and it's a great way to deal with all that leftover meat.
>>704008 what did you think of sarazanmai this week >>704009 marcos sent me another 50% off coupon maybe i should order 40 dollars worth of food for 20 dollars again but i could buy like 180 eggs for that same amount
>>704011 oh okay can you convince your clinic that they need written transcripts of all their goings-on and you know just the person to do it thanks in advance
what kind of goings-on we don't want any records whatsoever of most of what we talk about because if records exist, they can be obtained by insurance companies and used to harm our clients
no i mean like the fishing trips and whitewater rafting activities you do with your colleagues as a group
There was a girl on the subway with a phone case modelled like a spray bottle, complete with spray nozzle. It was kind of cute but also kind of unwieldy-looking.
Kirara 🍄
>>704014 oh i might do yoga with one of my colleagues and meditate
yeah i'll do meditation transcripts no problem
Kirara 🍄
what's your rates for meditation transcripts?
a dollar per idea
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
All ideas are one.
a buddhist monk walks into a sandwich shop he says give me one with everything
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
he pays the man and asks for his change and the server tells him change must come from within
Kirara 🍄
a monk asked joshu how much for a BLT with no mayo joshu replied "mu"
Is joshu a cow?
mu always sounds like a cute anime girl thats tsundere
I'm meeting up with a friend downtown today but I wasn't paying attention to the date and I didn't realize this weekend is the weekend of the Pride parade hah hah The actual parade is tomorrow but the spot I volunteered for a meet-up point is right next to an outdoor performance so it's both crowded and noisy here.
I have no idea where I'm going so I'm just taking any bus to anywhere because there's a train replacement so far it looks like I'm going to Hornsby or Chatswood
holy shit Energy gummy blocks are so expensive that American guy who gave me a whole bunch of them was even nicer than I thought. >>704057 oh, I know. They're a game changer.
Kirara 🍄
>>704056 but they're so fucking good they're the highest fuckin tier
Kirara 🍄
he was not nice he cursed you with knowledge of the energy gummies how can you live without them now
Honestly I think something that I also don't like about this EX-boss is that PAN has a million command seals. Because they're get-out-of-trouble cards like I gave at the end of last campaign except you have a million.
>>704065 clif is really good but there are Gatorade brand ones that are about as good and they're a bit cheaper still expensive and not quite as tasty but they function as effectively
Kirara 🍄
>>704066 we were really excited at first but then bone golem came out and made the fight start dragging on and we started enjoying it a lot less then we all teamed up to fight the golem and it started being great fun again but then bone golem died and turned into another boss at which point we were just kind of groaning we figured wed kill bone golem and then just all immediately go back to our fun battle royale but then there was more bones
You should have revived the bones.
blue no
Not the golem The bones Revive the bones Living bones
The pickle I'm in when thinking about how I could have written it better is If I gave the bone golem less hp and made it trivial it wouldn't have mattered, and if I didn't make Death God Soili a part of the fight I would have not liked it thematically.
What's ironic however is that PK suggested that lorewise a Soili boss was unnecessary, but originally I didn't even want a bone golem and just boss-Soili.
Bone(R) Golem The R means revived
Kirara 🍄
>>704076 well from a writing standpoint, bone golem shouldn't have happened at all because there was never anything in the story to imply or lead to this conclusion that anyone was aware of other than you and pk for everyone else it looks completely random and doesn't fit thematically
I don't think I'd say it's a crisis Like I said before this is your second time DMing and you're still getting into the swing of your own style and figuring out what works It's daijobu
Well I meant it's more of a crisis in that I can't see any changes I could have done in retrospect that wouldn't have left someone feeling unsatisfied/unhappy. But you have a point, though I'd like to have made an error like this literally anywhere besides what I thought was my cool ending.
>>704089 mine is going to use combat narratively there will be some pretty combat heavy parts i intend for there to be non-combat puzzles and bosses though
im gonna have murder mysteries, cooking episodes, all kinds of wild stuff ghost hunter episodes
Kirara 🍄
horror episodes
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Don't mind me I'm going to hide under my umbrella from the ghosts
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Oh by the way, remember those background 'flaws' I thought up a long time ago. I don't expect them in 2.5 but I feel like sharing my 3.0 character's with you.
>>704107 I'm a half hour late, but go ahead. Do whatever you want. Don't ask for my permission well, you don't need to. Still can if you want to.
Tonight was pretty fun. Walking around downtown with a friend hitting up various bars. Pride weekend was in full swing so all sorts of people were out and about making rowdy and having fun.
>>704107 hey thanks for sending me that image i really like it :)
there's a guy dressed as keanu holding a sign that says "you're breathtaking"
>>704116 Points for putting together a good reference cosplay on such short notice. Though maybe he was just planning on doing John Wick to begin with.
I could really use something to wipe this taste of beer from my mouth guh
now do I get my peace walker booklet signed or get a proper print that they supply signed
Is the Peace Walker booklet particularly memorable to you?
>>704152 It's more of I come home and the most comfortable place to be is bed... and bed turns into sleep. If I'm not stimulated enough, I just fall asleep. That happens a lot on the weekend.
But I guess the easy way to explain it is... They have recliners upstairs, which they sit in after work. They're comfy. All I have is a computer chair and my bed. And the computer chair takes more energy than I want to put forth. So I go to my bed... which leads to me getting real comfy meaning laying down... And out like a light I go.
>>704157 A truly reasonable down payment on a house... Not some halfassed idea that would've just been a clusterfuck. Or for enough drugs to just disappear for a while.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
Really, my father encouraged me to go on a trip, like back to Japan or to Europe... And it's like "that costs money, fuck that" I need to get started being an adult. If I wait too long I might never have offspring.
>>704161 I'm the last fucking person who can on one side of my family tree. They fucked up really hard. And now I'm the one that has to bear the consequences.
where even are these places Beecroft Sydney is such a mess
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>704166 That would be a diservice to those in my family who achieved quite some shit. Like my great grandmother surviving a concentration camp. Or my mother being a single parent, raising (albeit poorly) me.
that drinking stuff is for the birds you oughtta get in on the kratom game, notso i take it every day, i don't even want to drink anymore >>704180 clonazepam is good i had/have lorazepam which is faster acting and has a stronger/shorter peak but clonazepam lasts a long time and is really mellow, it's really enjoyable
be careful with those benzos though im sure you know they're dangerous with alcohol and they're very habit-forming imo drinking ruins the benzo feeling try it without drinking, it's really relaxing
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>704179 Nah, I'll stick to what I know. Which has the recent addiciton of my clonazepam.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>704179 I think I took 3 mg and was pretty much on my ass and don't remember half the night. I couldn't even remember taking LV home 30 mins later. So I'm happy with it when I do it. It's also really making drinking easy.
I got called like 16 times from a health and rehab center last night they were calling my work number they left 8 messages
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>704179 The first time, and before I got home this time, I didn't drink. The first time I couldn't remember a god damn thing. This time, I was pretty lucid. So I decided to try the drinky route, but I'm past the peak.
it's weird, benzos are supposed to cause memory loss, but i remember everything that ever happened while i was on them
they remove all the noise, so everything that happens is really crystal clear i guess a lot of background stuff goes unnoticed though >>704183 but why
i wish i hadn't been discharged like that, kinda wish i stayed inpatient over the weekend rn i thought maybe i could get readmitted before i signed the discharge papers, but i realized theyd send me back to CMH so i didn't well i tried but nobody noticed so i decided to just leave and go home and take kratom
>>704184 what are you doing besides drinking every time i took clonazepam i really liked chilling out and watching karl pilkington stuff
Kirara 🍄
my experience, huh? as ambassador
>>704185 i dont know why. none of the messages tell me why.
are you going to try to get back in?
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>704186 Music and derping in general. Earlier it was watching friends play games.
>>704187 maybe, but not right now i need to do some work so i can live and make irs payments
CMH says they won't do a psychiatrist unless a person has like 3 hospitalizations in a year that's really ridiculous medicaid determines that they want CMH to be the care coordinator for mental health issues over Sparrow so i guess i have to waste a bunch of medicaid money getting hospitalized three times in order to see a psychiatrist that would have cost them like 150 dollars instead
Kirara 🍄
>>704189 yeah, you pretty much have to abuse the system until they give you the help you need sometimes it's fucked up most people won't keep trying so it saves them money probably until you start costing them money by doing it more and it's cheaper to help you
>>704190 yeah im penalized for taking good precaution and taking care of myself i went in initially to avoid hurting myself because i probably wouldn't have been able to control it but if i actually had hurt myself then the level of care i would have gotten would have been more thorough and intensive
now i have to hurt myself and get readmitted pretty much it's so stupid i used all my half-off lyft tickets though so i dont really want to take two weeks off work and spend money on transportation again
Actually, psychologists can manipulate insurance companies into extending treatment sometimes by writing notes in a specific way that highlights client difficulties. I'm learning how to do that still. They're teaching me at my newer clinic. I hate that I have to talk about what my clients are doing wrong in treatment or insurance will drop them from treatment.
i didn't get to talk about trauma stuff until my last day the girl who said she informed me of my discharge date didn't, and it's the same girl who never returned my fucking call when i left a voicemail before i first got admitted, back when i was complaining about that
i could have used my last day to process my upcoming discharge with the group and they gave that other guy adderall after he was resistant to other depression treatment, last line after lithium the prescribing guy wouldn't even give me strattera because there wasn't enough time before my discharge even though someone offered it as a possibility just one day prior
Kirara 🍄
that's really poorly handled i dont get how anyone can let stuff like that happen i wonder if there are any other PHPs in your area
the other person was really great, lisa like she helped me so much ashleigh was kind of shit though
i thought they were supposed to be psychologists, the group therapists? they were mostly social workers i think lisa was a psych though then we had some adjunct or something a couple times who was really awful but w/e that's fine
We have a lot of social workers, too. They're certified for counseling so lots of programs use them. Ours are all pretty competent, though. I think we have three or four psychologists including me that regularly run groups, a couple psychology counselors, and a few social worker counselors.
A 6 year old was telling me about the ghosts in his room the other day. He said there are zombies in his room, too. The zombies shine bright lights in his eyes to blind him so they can attack him.
>>704196 on my inpatient intake when i saw the social worker for the biopsychosocial thing she got so hung up on my occupation stuff i'm a mathematician who does other work to support myself and my research people don't see past what makes you money though, so stuff like determining my ability to function is limited to my transcription work
it's very common for math graduates to pursue solo stuff for a while in between schools or after grad school i just fund myself so i can work on my stuff instead of working on anyone else's stuff
yo listen up here's a story About a little koi who lives in a blue world
And all day and all night and everything he sees is just blue Like him, inside and outside Blue his house with a blue little window And a blue Corvette And everything is blue for him And himself and everybody around 'Cause he ain't got nobody to listen
He's blue da ba dee da ba daa Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa
koishi casserole
>>704208 for a minute there i thought you were going for a fresh koi of bel air
>look at support summons >Kirara: Godsworn Alexeil when did that happen
Kirara 🍄
>>704215 one of the "you can roll a ton every day for free" events i went through my summons and i actually have really good ones for all but fire and wind i think
oh kirara if you're looking to beef up your grid, I'd recommend checking out the seraphic weapons page. Although the newer light and dark ones are more annoying to get materials for.
>>704218 oh i've done some of the water one for some reason and earth i guess maybe i thought i'd bolster my worst grids with those but wind is my worst grid so idk why i didn't start that one
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
they don't provide a pure damage up skill until ssr, but the aura they give not only boosts your damage as well, but does so in a way that increases your damage cap, so long as you're fighting on-element/against what's weak to you
>>704228 there's a character who i think will give you some great ideas for sue
Kirara 🍄
a complete and total coward pressured into a position in which he must fight who lives in constant overwhelming fear of death
We did it
Kirara 🍄
im proud of us all
>>704230 Aside from the scumbag womanizing part I really do feel him on a fundamental level.
Kirara 🍄
>>704233 he's a womanizer but i don't know if he's a scumbag womanizer if that makes sense he doesn't have that manipulative quality he's just got no fucking social skills and is all fucked up
He's kind of scummy about it. Because it's him directing his desire to have an excuse to run away on to the women he chases after. And I can't condone that kind of behaviour even if I am also a coward.
Kirara 🍄
oh yeah it's definitely bad he's kind of endearing though
Kirara 🍄
>>704227 yeah usually it's the side characters or the MC's party that's best but tanjirou is just so lovable
the boarguy is also top, but has he appeared in anime yet?
He was the cliffhanger in last weekend's episode so I suspect he gets some good screentime this episode.
Kirara 🍄
>>704238 he's in the newest and previous episode but he doesn't really do much other /// he didn't get as much screentime as i expected
Kirara 🍄
I hope they'll continue the anime after the second cour. at the current pace, they should be able to animate 3-4 more cours before they catch up to the manga.
And is that taking into the account that the manga would be going on ahead as the anime is airing too?
i wish ufotable was doing dorohedoro i wonder who is
>>704230 oh god oh fuck how did things come to this i just want to go home but these guys are just flailing around their swords and it’s fucking terrifying please help wait hold on what are you doing you idiot you swing your sword like THIS now do it right this time anyway aw jeez oh no aw heck please no
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
Good night all you wonderful people.
good nyanderful night
Kirara 🍄
>>704242 nah i mean right now there is enough for 3-4 more cours, easily if the manga continues as it should then there would be even more
Kirara 🍄
>>704244 you should check it out yo ill reward you if you do
someone in the party loses an arm and tanjirou will be like "wow!! you're so strong!!!! you lost an arm but you continued fighting anyways!!!!!!! that's so admirable!"
honestly i have no idea what your party is going to do to people lol pan is basically a deranged stalker with three swords you're you ton is a complete and utter coward
oh gosh i just realized sword and shield comes out this november but the last story update for pokemon reborn is in the works. i wonder if theyll prioritize finishing it or if they’ll want to add the new pokemon first
>>704265 can't get the true end if you don't go good but you can get the good end if you go bad and then go good or the bad end if you go bad after going good there are a lot of opportunities and freedom of choices within the story i think
reading an neurology article called "Sexual differentiation of the human brain in relation to gender identity and sexual orientation" which is a fine enough title, but their running head is just BRAIN SEX and it's too funny for me
me >Without gainful employment, Trans individuals are twice as likely to experience homelessness compared to the general population (Begun & Kattari, 2016; Sausa et al., 2007) dissertation chair's note > Matt if these are empirical studies it would be good to give a brief description of the study. Such as: Begun & Kattari (2016) in their study examining ….. found ????? among their sample of Trans individuals. ).
Kirara 🍄
before i said that they used survey s to get that data and she told me to get rid of that because it was unnecessary
Kirara 🍄
me >Homelessness in general is associated with higher rates of victimization, increased vulnerability to crime, and likelihood of incarceration (Lee & Schreck, 2005). her >Find these citations to support the statements I have written to support a clear cogent argument for your explanation of the correlation between poverty and illicit activities)
there is is this like really the argument she wants us to make, that poverty and illicit activities are correlated it's incarceration and poverty i said are correlated, not illicit activities
Kirara 🍄
>Additionally, as a function of societal stigma, transphobia, prejudices and discrimination targeted at Trans individuals, the perpetration of hate crimes and violence against Trans individuals may subsequently results in further societal ills. (Need the data and citations for this Matt. Please research and include).
most of the stuff she writes makes no sense whatsoever are we now claiming that hate crimes and violence are not social ills but canpotentially lead to social ills???
it's pretty scary i think i'd rather die than be persistently homeless there's gang stuff where they use homeless people for initiation beatings and rapes and stuff
Imagine waking up and the first thing you do is go on the internet
it's what i do i can do it from bed and it's where all my important stuff is
Kirara 🍄
me >). Additionally, many Trans individuals report trauma related to their family of origin (FOO), describing attempts by family members to bully or coerce them into denying their Trans identity chair >[I would delete this b/c it doesn’t necessary connote a traumatic experience, as much as bully strategies that are more abusive in nature. So only in this instance, I would be less inclined to specify here. However, I did place it down below as circumstances contributing to their separation from the family sometimes by withholding financial support]
how is your family threatening you not something that could be traumatic nothing necessarily connotes a traumatic experience because anything can be a traumatic experience i'm literally describing what participants in a study reported as traumatic experiences they had experienced
>>704302 would you like me to lake // take a look at your stuff im not doing much id be happy to
it's hard for me to gauge whether or not self reports are significant for the argument you're making i agree with you that what she says doesnt make sense because it's what they're reporting, but i could imagine some scenarios where it's not significant to include those data
>>704304 unfortunately it's not up for debate whether i include it or not at this point all that's happening now is me addressing her last minute concerns so i can meet her tomorrow evening and send my dissertation to committee for proposal
oh okay good luck i wish i was doing a dissertation i'm sure you'll do fine your stuff is competent
honestly i love doing research but this dissertation is the most frustrating thing ive ever written in my life not even because it's 60 pages long but because my chair is so perfectionistic >>704311 well i never wrote anything for my mom really this is just the most frustrating piece of writing I've done
Wow That sounds pretty frustrating considering the fact its mre frustrating than having to have dealt with your mom.
>>704310 Oh yeah i only read the "most frustrating thing" part Oops
Hrrrrrmmmmm I really want to go over to 7/11 and buy some junk food.
if only it were so easy to get ton to watch anime at least Pan knows what's up
>>704316 Nothing particularly special I'm just craving fruit flavored candy And soda And a popsicle Unfortunately we're out of popsicles If I lived in Florida I'd go through like two boxes of popsicles a week in the summer Maybe more
still haven't figured out what the fuck this was about
>>704319 Not a big fan of it. Also they don't carry it at 7/11 here. Or at least not mine.
Kirara 🍄
im not sure if they have it here either i know they have it at Wawa but they sell the worst one at Wawa, Fruit Punch even though grapefruit is clearly the best??
>>704323 ive never seen it sold without glass bottle
The grocery store by me has it though. They have it in glass bottles too.
>>704322 I've gotten it in big plastic bottles before.
not anymore but i have poe to play so no anime until TONIGHT
Kirara 🍄
>>704325 yeah but he said he'd watch later and you didn't even pretend you'd watch!!
>>704328 hey now you literally dont know that >>704327 what the FUUUUCK did they let you go home early did you see that people who play PU have brain damage
I'm sick of being stiff and sore all the time so today I'm gonna try a yoga class
>>704332 I've heard a story of someone who did stuff like that as a free agent in Los Angelos On a good day they can make some real bank. Though I guess if you're doing it for Disney you're probably getting a paycheck instead of tips and Disney probably pays decent.
Don't enjoy the view. That's super creepy and the girls will get uncomfortable.
>>704344 The biggest concern I've seen with doing it as a free agent is that if a drought hits, there isn't much recompense. But I guess if you're working for Disney you're probably not in too much worry there.
I also remember this video of a guy at Disney who was cosplaying as Gaston from Beauty and the Beast and took on a push-up challenge from some guy who was visiting the park and absolutely demolished him. That seems like a fun part of your job.
sensei did a jedi mind trick on me today at the zendo we were talking in dokusan and he told me he "fucking hates books" and then later he sat down to do the Dharma talk and pulled out a book and I said "you were just telling me how much you hate books!" and he said "imagine that" and just gave me this mischievous look then he read a passage about the /// about a monk and joshu and one of the points of the passage was that words are bullshit and don't mean anything and then he looked at me and grinned and was like "it's almost like i told you to say that"
fuckin lelouch level keikaku there im still in shock
>( Yessss!!!! Matt this is what I am talking about regarding providing brief descriptors of the study so your reader has a clear understanding of the empirical study.) I think this is the only note or comment in my dissertation that's positive about something I'm doing right.
But she's making this comment on a line that she wrote.
Maybe if she's not actually losing her memory she's just exceptionally narcissistic.
All of the old psychologists I know blame their poor memory on "having too many things on their plate" It must be hard to get old.
Here's a helpful note. >(Re-wrote this section with the preceding statements consistent with the following feedback. Hence delete the following A speaker panel was chosen for the study, as it was viewed to convey authority (instructor) support, represented an equal-status form of contact, involved cooperation (discussion) between groups, and promoted a common goal of shared learning. (this is unclear Matthew and worthy of much clear elaboration.)
sometimes my dissertation chair forgets that certain words are considered slurs by transgender people even though ive explained it to her so many times and she just casual puts them in my dissertation
like what
Kirara 🍄
"transgendered" and stuff like that trans people have even told her to her face not to use that and she continues to she thinks it's "grammatically correct" because transgender people have been "transgendered" their gender got transed
I think the actual grammatically correct form would be "transitioned gendered people" since, y'know, transed isn't really an actual word. The "gramatically correct" argument is such a stupid one to use in a situation like this. It's the linguistic "I'm too lazy to discuss a compromise so I'm using an imaginary system to say I'm right".
What form defines the difference between a bag and a purse?
bag is any of the bags purse, satchel, attache, whatever
Fine, yeah, I know that. But then what defines the subset inside the greater bag set that makes up purses?
a purse would be held by the straps in the hand a satchel would go around the shoulder like that, usually across sides like that a pochette has no straps and usually goes inside the purse an attache is like a briefcase so you know what that is i think
it's a little too much high level work i have to write a report and then give feedback to a client's family about her IQ being 73 and how we're not sure our IOP is going work for her
alana IQ testing will probably get canceled because she just got in a bad car accident and idk the results of her CT scan yet but you don't generally get accurate results immediately after a head trauma
the groups are fun and i love doing them but the notes need to be in our system within 24 hours of the group's completion for insurance reasons
i will probably add 2 more hours of testing on thursday though
i'm working like 40 hours a week at a doctorate level for free lol well, i make $10 an hour from 11-4 on wednesday and 6-7 on tuesday
at some point during the week big boss is going to sit down with me and ask me to do graphic design work for an app he's helping develop i might get paid for that though
I don't know if I need it anymore. I don't want to risk stopping when my dissertation is still up in the air, though. But in the morning and at night, when my meds have worn off or before I take them, even though I'm in that post-amphetamine energy rebound, I can control myself really well now. The control I've gained doing zazen is still there. I'm still more impulsive, but it's not so bad as long as I'm aware of myself.
if i had a career in crypto or sysanal i wouldn't need it and also a functional home environment without major access barriers like transportation issues
i only need to take it to do dumb stuff i dont want to do but have to
I've needed it for a long time because I could never control myself with the ADHD. But life is a lot more fun without it. Of course, it's not so bad being on it, either. But I like being more expressive.
i don't have hyperactivity i have just inattentive type ADD it's most likely resultant from shutting off a lot as a child i ignore almost all stimuli and stay in the comfortable recesses of my mind where i process logics and count stuff and think about mathy things
so unless ive got those meds i can't do stuff that requires high focus in the external world really i can drive and do motor tasks and basic function but i can't do any work type stuff because my brain is somewhere else and trained to avoid those stimuli
In Jessica Jones Season 3, they're depicting JJ as developing PTSD after something happens in the first episode or two and the way they depict it is so well done that it's making me uncomfortable haha it's too real
maybe they might realize the gravity of my situation and stop misinterpretting my actions as spiteful i didn't move away because i hate them, i moved away because i had no choice in having a place to live im not quiet and reserved because im angry and spiteful or arrogant, but because im terrified and have paranoia and anxiety
stuff like that idk if im gonna have anywhere to go come march, so idk if theyre maybe going to be supportive for once then maybe i have an option there
and manipulative/abusive or not i still empathize my mom is the type to panic and sulk if i don't let her know im ok every once in a while they still care. they're just really bad at it and i care too idk it's hard
the new jessica jones is really successful in its endeavors to stress me out jessica jones has been my favorite marvel show since the beginning but this is just next level
>>704419 It's the capitalists at it again Stopping us from reusing bottles by selling cans that don't close No one's gonna eat into their profits by filling up a bottle at the tap
Aluminium isn't even all that easier to recycle than plastic bottles. Sure it's a little more straightforward but the energy costs to recycle aluminium are pretty ridiculous. You need a lot of heat to melt down aluminium.
ugh the therapy appointment they set up for me is 11 miles away they couldn't have done one closer? it costs 20 dollars if i take a lyft each way lmao roommate still didn't replace his mirror so i can't use that maybe i can find a lyft coupon
when i was 16 i was making money by playing in scrabble tournaments online and lying that i was 18 but nowadays people be makin millions on youtube before theyre 18
Samu 🏔 !KW2DbpWwls
but scrabble is GAMBLING how can that be legal in Ameristan
i heard an argument that sex should in fact be treated differently between men and women because they are different in the way that sticking your finger in someone's mouth is different to someone sticking their finger in your mouth, and it intrigued me greatly, and i wanted to hear the opinions of my much smarter colleagues at /moe/
>>704459 Err How did they say it should be treated differently? Also men can also be penetrated by women too so ...
then I don't think it's appropriate for here
pls delete now i don't want everyone to see how inconsiderate i am
Samu 🏔 !KW2DbpWwls
>>704459 that analogy doesn’t even work so whatevs
at least until WoW classic comes out anyways that game is literally worse than crack for me i can't stop thinking about it and wishing i was playing it i even had a dream about it lol
august 27 my life is fucking over man its over
A lot of people seem to have pretty serious addiction issues when it comes to classic WoW. I wonder if it's gonna be big enough to have a ripple effect through other communities or real world functions. Would be kind of neat.
there used to be a lot of discourse about video game addiction when vanilla wow and the burning crusade were contemporary games maybe wow classic will revive that i dunno about the whole seriously comparing it to drug addiction angle but the whole constant craving and dreaming about getting more wow is kind of eerily similar to things i've gone through with actual drugs never really felt quite as strongly about a game that wasn't wow
I think it would be interesting maybe if it enters the discourse again if people take another clinical look at it. I mean sure, there's going to be a difference between the chemical-influenced addiction of drugs and the psychological addiction of -to those games but psychological addiction is definitely a thing and a component of some drug addictions anyway, so.
Or maybe most of the Classic players will go back and realize "Oh wait WoW was still shit even back then" and stop playing in like a week.
>>704477 It's shit in a fun way! Though it isn't quite as broken as I wanted They fixed a lot of the enormous class imbalances and my favorite quirk with the Warrior by the patch they're using Before 1.12 you could Execute someone who was below 20% health and deal like 100% of his health in damage, and with Sweeping Strikes active, the enormous Execute damage would cleave to the nearest thing next to it and kill that guy too
The class balance is still fucked up though I just miss that cool trick
I just don't know if that nostalgia fuel is gonna be enough to sustain most people for the long run.
Like one of the funny things about those underground classic WoW servers like the ones Sugoi would always talk about was that they were getting shut down all the time. So people would have to be restarting from zero not too unregularly. Eventually players are going to eat up all the classic WoW content ... and then what? Are they just going to add in new stuff? Slowly reintroduce some of the classic expansions from before some arbitrary point that "it got bad" at?
>>704479 It probably won't be enough to keep a lot of the people that are gonna try it playing, nevermind the people who try it for the first time and think it's shit. But there'll be people who enjoy it for sure, too. Kind of like how Old School Runescape has almost eclipsed the actual game in terms of popularity, there's still a huge base of people who simply like the crap way the game used to play. Plus, maybe people will try it for the first time and find out they're actually having fun. I played with a few people in the stress tests who had never played vanilla before and seemed to be having a great time.
The content thing is kind of interesting to me too, I want to know where they're going to go after they finish patching in the vanilla content. As it stands they're going to roll out the different tiers of vanilla dungeons and raids on a timetable, so people don't just get to 60 and bang out the AQ event and basically skip progressing through MC/BWL then go to Naxx.
The most important thing is though, twinks are back baybey meet me in the 30-39 bracket I'll show you my Pendulum of Doom if you show me your Lumbering Ogre Axe.
have you ever started thinking about something gay
it's auto chess but produced by valve official im sure i told you about auto chess
it's a custom mode where you roll units from a finite pool and fight other people's units you gotta shop for good unit combinations and stuff and pay attention to what units are still in the pool get 3 of a unit and it upgrades, multiple units of the same class have bonuses, etc
>>704495 oh sounds pretty cool i'm not usually good at games that need you to think though
not gonna lie the hero actually named Underlord who i found when googling underlord seems pretty damn cool
Until you realize he has ALL HANDS NO FEET
It's really fucking weird. Like he walks around on balled fists instead of feet like a normal fucking monstrous creature.
he's like a centaur gorilla lol
centaulla gorrilaur gorrentilla
He's loosely based off the Pitlord race from the Warcraft universe. Since DotA begun as a Warcraft III mod a lot of the heroes in it are pretty much just slightly altered models of Warcraft units/heroes.
And then some of the other ones are named after and based on anime characters. Like Lina Inverse Or Luna Inverse Well Technically Luna isn't an anime character because she never shows up on screen.
Oh wait She's just Lina Anyways Lina in DotA 2 is based Lina Inverse from Slayers.
All the Chinese international students love to weeb out in the library
The chick next to me is watching attack on titan
My Chinese roommate in college watched actual chinese cartoons. We would both stay up super late too. I think he played a lot of league Or DotA Can't remember which
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I wonder what actual Chinese cartoons are like I would imagine that companies are kind of restricted as to what they can produce
>>704660 after thinking about it more i think it was a japanese cartoon animated by koreans based off a chinese book
There's been a fair number of shows in recent years that are Chinese creative entities making anime with Japanese studios. The writing comes from the Chinese cooperatives but the shows will have both Chinese and Japanese dubbing. I don't think we've ever watched one in full, and the one we did try >>704677 was pretty underwhelming.
there was one chinese anime about an esports professional which i thought would be neat but the show was about him getting kicked from esports so he started playing an MMORPG and it was just MMO isekai so it was really generic
>>704681 >it was just mmo isekai boy I can just imagine the enthusiasm deflating
Oh I think I remember seeing the summary and some chatter on that as it was coming up.
>>704678 i gotta be honest that show didn't have a single redeeming quality it wasn't even enjoyable as a b-movie kind of entertainment it was just bland as plain porridge
man how many nobunaga anime are there
The Japanese fucking love Nobunaga man he's like their Abraham Lincoln when it comes to being a mythic historical figure. Actually maybe Teddy Roosevelt is a better analogy.
>>704688 I guess. I mean more in the sort of perpetuated fan worship of a historical figure. The actual character gets distorted and it becomes hard to pick apart the myth from the fact. America might not be making a movie or show about Lincoln or Teddy every couple years but their mythic figure still persists in the same fashion as Nobunaga.
idk I think they love him a little bit more than that even I don't see a new Lincoln movie coming out every year But every year it seems like there's a new Nobunaga anime
>>704689 You can still romantacise losers I'm sure the Japanese do it all the time with ww2
>>704687 tbh Nobunagas era of warfare might just be more interesting to watch than musket warfare
Nobunaga didnt even win
>>704688 That's just up to personal interest though. There's a lot of people that will spend hours debating early gun warfare strategy and methods of attack. I'm pretty disinterested in mass war in general so neither era of warfare is of particular interest to me. I like more the stories that come from these kinds of large-scale strifes and both the Civil War and the Sengoku Era are rife with excellent stories and narratives.
mmm here in the US people can get pretty crazy about revolutionary war era warfare there are interesting things about that kind of stuff
>>704690 Early gun nerds are kind of a niche thing though right? I think civil war reenactments are kind of cool though They seem to get really elaborate with the uniforms and the fake guns and the cannons and all that
oh yeah i was just thinking fuck i missed nobunaga concerto that show has an awesome ED too >>704696 no idea you missed out me rook and saku watched it every week when it was airing it is a good memory
>>704698 sometimes I feel like I"m missing out by not watching airing anime but nah I don't give af Marsh has the right idea Let everyone else curate it
>>704700 That's right! No way are you ever going to finish doing everything that's worth doing
Well you're right, you are missing out. But no matter what choice you make, you're going to miss out on something. So it's silly to worry about what you're missing out on if your choices are still enjoyable.
>>704699 you're missing out on some good shit and you're missing out on some bad shit i like all kinda shit so i watch all kinda shit a lot of it is bad and a lot of it is good but it's all usually worth watching at least once
But come watch anime with us again Maria I'm sure there'll be a dumb robot show soon.
>>704702 I'll watch Granblem with you next season If work isn't in the way that is Depends on what time I get home >dumb robot show wow exccuuuuuuuse me but robots punching each other is actually the most intellectual genre of anime
>>704701 Even trash is fun if it's with your buddies!
>>704704 Dad it's not a cartoon DAD IT ISN'T CALLED ANIME IT'S JAPANIMATION
we need more anime watchers if we could have like 5-ish or so regularly it would make things a lot more lively a lively /moe/ is a happy /moe/ and a happy me
>>704703 jokes on you i watch by myself too sometimes i can't watch anime because i'm busy or at work and sometimes everybody else just drops a garbagecan cartoon and i have to finish it by myself
>>704707 mahou shoujo shite was just shite dude it jumped the shark in like episode 1 and everything else was just like yeah whatever girl cuts herself to heal other people and chews tons of xanax? aight
I wanna anime with moe but I've been busy. Once i move into my new place things should settle down.
Now the real question is When's Rail Wars season 2 The people need to be educated on trains
Holding out for the fire fighter anime
>>704710 It jumped into the sharks gaping jaws and that's where all the shows blood is from
>>704712 Waking up on time too! I was up early today, landlord coming to old place for some reason. I need to clean and be here for whenever he arrives. I wish landlords had to tell you why they are coming and the exact time
now y'all know the best part about being inebriated is the weight you feel and you're like, each step is a bit clumsy and that's what it's like to be a big robot every step has so much gravity to it could walk around for ages just doing that and going SCRRRRRECH-BOOM
>>704745 what would you rather I see "anta tachi" ?
"youse" *say I guess that American just has a global cultural hegemony so whatever you say is passed onto us
maria why are you saying y'all
I accidentally said gas station the other day to a drunk guy and he pulled me up on it
>>704744 no the best part of being inebriated is feeling like you don't weigh anything and your body is too strong for this material plane so you lay down on the ground and close your eyes and ascend
no that's not the worst part the worst part is being so drunk that you try to jerk off but it just feels numb and sad and so you collapse on your bed tired and unsatisfied
I blackout almost all the time and I still have the bloodflow to j/o like 3 times in one night lmao
well shit good for yall i guess but i can think of at least 2 times where i was unable to finish
Samu 🏔 !KW2DbpWwls
the best part of being hungover is being so hungover that the normal parts of your brain shut down in agony and the rational part is left suspending you in a zen clarity overlooking the important things in life
>>704760 well i can think of more than a few times i couldnt finish i used to get really easily excited when i was snorting stuff but it just uhh wouldn't wrap up
one time i tried to jack off for three fucking hours straight and chafed my dick
and one was not in solitude
>>704761 i don't think i've had that i only have the "oh good i'm not hungover at all" in the morning and then having it hit me so hard in the afternoon that i vow to never drink again
>>704772 okay bro I'll make it three and half hours
>>704776 wouldn't it be hilarious if someone swatted someone doing that I mean not actually hilarious since swatting is a serious crime but it'd be a little funny Like you're whacking it and suddenly FBI OPEN UP
>>704777 If they can't handle the heat Get outta the frying pan
maria over here bragging about 8 hour jerking sessions
>>704774 stream it or you wont get approved at speeddemosarchive pussy >>704775 i can't understand people who can do it that much
i would feel bad if someone who didn't want to talk about dicks on /moe/ suddenly stumbled in but also it would be hilarious
>>704776 i remember once, i was still in high school and i had the house to myself, maybe a month or two after learning about internet pornography and pulled a marathon but yeah that's not something i care to do ever again in my life thanks
Samu 🏔 !KW2DbpWwls
>>704777 that person is MEEEEEE aaaa what happened to me
oh god what the fuck dick MRSA is not something i wanted to acknowledge as reality >>704778 i think after i found out it makes your dick hurt if you jack off too much i was like uhh maybe i should stop
>>704780 if you let it keep going it would have turned into a pussy dude
>>704780 i can think of a living creature so parasitic they took every last bit of my life from me that was also on my dick at one point fully recovered thankfully
>>704787 he has a nice voice like the sort of video I'd listen to without actually paying any attention to what he's saying While I'm going to sleep
>>704787 i liked some of the vids vaati did but i liked his appearance in Criken's videos way more watching him descend into fucking degeneracy was great >>704790 a guy that plays videogames 1 million years ago i subbed to him cause he was making left 4 dead 1 videos with good tricks and tips for the Hunter and other zombies
>>704803 Also good night Bang have a nice day tomorrow
>>704807 So do you pilot trucks or do you pilot vans
wow I can't believe they don't have that as a hat >>704805 what about big w >>704803 ill remember you when I buy cheap shitty cables or an inflatable pool or sometimes they reduce stuff >>704810 wth rip off